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/lit/ - Literature

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17780068 No.17780068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>embrace hyperreality, it's inevitable anyway
Are accelerationists the only sincere people? Sure feels like it.

>> No.17780083

No, don't advertise your defeatism as the pinnacle of sincerity. Go fuck yourself dishonest cunt.

>> No.17780086

Yeah, cope harder.

>> No.17780091

Nice buzzwords.

>> No.17780093

>Look mom I am so edgy because I am on the side of Capital, this new Joker movie totally makes sense lol
Fuck off

>> No.17780097

>being autistic on purpose
You're not interesting
>being on the side of anything
You can continue screeching about muh capitalism or you can deal with it. But since you're a limp wristed pseud you'll choose the former

>> No.17780104

>accfag thread
To >>>/bant/rdt/ it should go.

>> No.17780112

Shut your mouth you dumb roach

>> No.17780119

>accelerationism literally makes /lit/ seethe and desperately cope harder than anything else
Yup, I'm starting to think they're on to something.

>> No.17780130

Seethe harder you armchair toddler and keep playing with your pseudo academic shinny toys.

>> No.17780140

>a meme from 2014 makes /lit/ seethe in 2021
t. hyperreal retard

>> No.17780142

The only one seething here is you, just reread the thread kid. The mere mention of accelerationism sends you into a tard rage lmfao

>> No.17780150

No one cares. The shilling is just annoying

>> No.17780151

It's you who should reread your own OP and cringe for how dumb you are

>> No.17780153

You're hyperreal too whether you like it or not pseud

>> No.17780161

t. pseud

>> No.17780173
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People have been brainwashed by hero stories. They believe that if they just think hard enough and have the right opinions, they can contribute to actually saving the day, because that's what's supposed to happen. In reality, we're a bunch of big hairless suicidal monkeys, and there's no guarantee the suicidal monkeys will always pull it out in the end. Reality, truth, logic, and any idea of a consistent 'human experience' are rapidly dying, and our ability to solve problems at a collective level are going with it.

At this point it's adapt or die, and all the copefags in denial are firmly sticking with death, lest they have to actually acknowledge that things aren't how they'd prefer them to be and maybe never will be.

>> No.17780188


/lit/ abandoned this mode of thinking two years ago, after seeing land on twitter being nothing more than a fearful old boomer. give it up

>> No.17780195

>/lit/ is a bunch of trend whores
Yeah I know but that's not what I asked

>> No.17780198

>/lit/ abandoned this mode of thinking
It was always a larp, buddy

>> No.17780211

>t. 9year olds in grown up bodies
Discourse on every board has devolved into spamming “cope” and “seethe”

>> No.17780213

You're the larper for thinking it can be a larp

>> No.17780222

if you had any logical thinking in you, you'd check up on the founders of accelerationism to see if they're still "sincere" or not
everything on this board is a larp, but some larps are more truthful than others

>> No.17780231

No one takes accelerationism seriously except a few gay hipsters who need to feel edgy

Delete your thread and never come back

>> No.17780236

>everything on this board is a larp
Accelerationism is a larp in general, not only on this board. Sage, btw.

>> No.17780273

kek imagine raging this hard at accfags
are you a christcuck?

>> No.17780280

sincerely stupid

>> No.17780295

>everyone ITT saying accelerationism is dumb
>don't bother substantiating this statement
Why is it dumb? explain

>> No.17780312

So what happens when things actually accelerate?

>> No.17780322

Because every kind of fatalism is dumb. You're alive to make your own life and the life of people you love better.

>> No.17780321

Civilizations peak or fall.

>> No.17780323
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Look out your window.

>> No.17780327

That's all? Lol

>> No.17780331

You literally live worse.

>> No.17780349

History is cyclic. Accelerationists side with Capital rather than critiquing it. It has tons of meme potential aesthetics so that's chan schizo meme the shit out of it while sitting on their arm chairs.
Just a political extension of pessimism.

>> No.17780361

What is hyper reality

>> No.17780367

>Accelerationists side with Capital rather than critiquing it.
More like they recognize the Capital's uncomprehensible dominion over human behavior. It's literally bigger than life, and it should be obvious if you have your eyes open. Trying to control the Capital is arrogance of the highest order.

>> No.17780371

>Sure feels like it

>> No.17780376

Replace Capital with consciousness and I agree with you.

>> No.17780388

Capital is still bigger than consciousness, because it creates and controls the "hyperreality", that is, the realm in which consciousness resides.
You could also say that the consciousness is the slave of the Capital.

>> No.17780390

>It has tons of meme potential aesthetics
It does?

>> No.17780404

What's left for Capital to consume? What about Entropy?

>> No.17780410

Yes bro.
Checkout old accelerationist threads in the archive.

>> No.17780414
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Stuff like this?

>> No.17780419

Capital uses human consciousness as a slave to process and store information. The excess entropy is shit out into the human world where we clean it up (we do it for free). This way the Capital counters the thermodynamic arrow of time, it's the same idea that is put forth in Schroedinger's "What is Life", but applied to something bigger than life even.

>> No.17780427

this is coping through larp assthetics

>> No.17780438

Not just this
But it's always a delight to read the threads when acc schizos talk about multidisciplinary theories.

>> No.17780465

if you were a marxist then Joker should have made sense to you

>> No.17780470

What the actual fuck?
Capital is also pulling the strings of entropy?

>> No.17780490
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>Eternal Y2K Cultural Time-Trap Forever
Yes, please.

>> No.17780496

>strings of entropy
Entropy is a law of physics. I don't really understand what you mean.

>> No.17780501
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These are always kino

>> No.17780510
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>> No.17780522

Like the strings of a puppet. Ligotti views humans as puppets and Schopenhauerian Will use human race for it's own mysterious goal by giving them a sense of self.

>> No.17780535

>pajeet technocracy
>boring shit
My sides.

>> No.17780538
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>> No.17780541

>Schopenhauerian Will use human race for it's own mysterious goal by giving them a sense of self.
This, pretty much.