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1777926 No.1777926 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading the first "book" of Plato's The Republic and it's not what I was expecting.

>> No.1777930

what were you expecting

>> No.1777934

The discussion of the 'republic' is later on. They're still trying to work out what justice is.

>> No.1777940

I'm not sure, but it just seems like there are too many logical fallacies. He may be setting them up to refute them later on, but the conclusions he reaches don't seem to make sense.

>> No.1777948

You didn't read the introduction to its structure and contents of each book? Shame on you. Don't go unprepared for something like The Republic.

>> No.1777950

That's hw philosophy was done back then yo

>> No.1777956

You caught me there. I read the wikipedia on it, and started with the introduction, but I was just too excited to get into the meat and potatoes.

>> No.1777965

The argument in Republic is a kind of complicated one and you really have to pay attention and track what people are saying across the whole book. It's not a tract or an essay, it's a 10-book dialogue - you have to accept and work with the dialogue form.

Also actually reading it would help.

>> No.1777972
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>reading ancient philosophy when you can just read summaries and gain an equal understanding

>> No.1777979

When you guys read books like Plato's Republic, do you take notes? If you do, do you write them down in the margins, on post-its, on scratch paper, etc.? I only ever read fiction so I don't know how to approach books that deal with philosophy and stuff.

I'm not OP btw.

>> No.1777987

If you don't take notes when reading fiction then.. you suck

>> No.1777997

>logical fallacies

Thats why you don't read Plato, low tier philosophy.

You read Aristotle, the first intellectual.

>> No.1777998

Well, I have only been reading 'for pleasure' for about ten months now and I have read mostly classics. I don't think I've come across a book that was so complex that it required me to make note of things.

>> No.1777994

I'm not taking notes as I read through it.

I actually like the dialogue form when reading philosophy. It tends to make more sense to me that way.

>> No.1778008

Then be aware that you're missing a whole ton of a lot of shit in those books I hope you know that

>> No.1778016

I felt the same way, OP. It was just really dated and felt like it had no place in modern philosophy.

>> No.1778024

I had a feeling I was missing out on shit. I don't know how to take notes whilst reading, though.

>> No.1778029

Should I even bother finishing it? I'll probably read a few more of the books to give it a decent shot, but I'm just not sure if it's worth it.

>> No.1778039
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Reading any books when you can just watch the movie and get an equal understanding.

>> No.1778043
File: 19 KB, 320x292, rface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching a movie when you can just download the information to your brain and continue doing stupid shit
Future is going to fuck you up the ass. Lube up now.

>> No.1778054
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>using lube

>> No.1778055

Whats the point of taking notes when reading fiction? Thats just silly.

>> No.1778067

beacause i started smoking dope in the late 90's and left vast sections of my memory faculty in the early 2000's

>> No.1778086


In that case, I doubt writing shit down will help you to memorize key parts of the lit you're reading.