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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_France.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17779147 No.17779147 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like there is a lot of french here. Everytime there is a thread like "post your shelf" I see a lot of book in french.

I'm not surprised because we are a country of lit.

How many of us are we?

>> No.17779154


>> No.17779169

literature enthusiasts are probably more likely to learn french seeing as it's an especially literary language.

>> No.17779197

A few days back a nationality poll was done of course it wouldn't be entirely accurate but there was basically no French responses. I reckon since french is pretty much second to english for /lit/ most people here know it, but aren't French themselves.

>> No.17779202

Le nombre de français présent ici importe peu.

>> No.17779205

I don’t think that poll was accurate at all desu

>> No.17779208

Might it be your time zone?

also, can you answer this question for me? How many people in France did Foucault give his AIDS to?
Because here in the US the number is very high...

>> No.17779209

On est là frero

>> No.17779227

Et j'suis posé dans l'club
J'lève mon verre à tous ceux qui sortent pas

>> No.17779232

si si, ça Lit quoi ?

>> No.17779237

peut-être est-ce un tout petit plus confortable si on peut parler de lit française en français tout en gardant l'ambiance et l'esprit d'ici ?

>> No.17779238
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>> No.17779245

might be!

I don't have any idea, I don't know anything about this BDSM pedo fag.

>> No.17779395
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>> No.17779802

j'ai remarqué la même chose! mais on doit être à peu près 8 à poster sur le board régulièrement

>> No.17779811

je serai d’ailleurs assez chaud d’essayer de commencer des threads en français

>> No.17779834
File: 2.02 MB, 2048x2496, Commence avec les Grecs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J'en avais fait à l'époque, j'avais même fait des charts en français, mais ça marche rarement bien.

>> No.17779839

Présent messieurs.
Histoires Insolites de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Une ordure et une imposture, comme tous ceux qui font leur vie des médias.

>> No.17779845

Pas français mais oui présent. D'ailleurs en visitant le wiki, j'ai été agréablement surpris de voir des recommandations de livre en français pour les Grecs (j'ai acheté "la cité antique").

>> No.17779872

spinoza et le problème de l’expression

>> No.17780000

Des filles sur Paris?

>> No.17780024
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>> No.17780034
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>> No.17780087

Vous écoutez france culture

>> No.17780098

Yes i am french. Baguette wee wee

>> No.17780107
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The French have never produced a single author of substance, rather you are breeders of depravity and dissimulation, you are a cancerous blight upon the earth.

>> No.17780125

Oui tout en surveillant mes privilèges d'homme blanc cishet

>> No.17780146

Vous écoutez radio courtoisie

>> No.17780160
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>I don't know any good French author because I am a dumb faggot, therefore I will keep being a dumb faggot.

>> No.17780189

Like other anons mentioned, a lot of us are learning French as a second or third language. But there is a good amount of French anons here.

>> No.17780373
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Je lis du Terry Pratchett.

>> No.17780377

>Crétin de Troyes
>Jean Froussard
>François Vilain
>Baise mon cul
so this is the power of french literature

>> No.17780386

/lit/ est une colonie française dorénavant.

ouai y'en a des mignonnes

>> No.17780412

je les aime beaucoup tes fiches, ânon
Comment tu les fait? Tu as lu tout ça? Tu es un universitaire ou un autodidacte?

>> No.17780460

C'est l'école des cadavres ce fil

>> No.17780476

I'm not french (indian), but I really like some French authors - camus, dumas and also les liaisons dangereuses by choderlos de laclos. Gonna read candide by Voltaire sometime.

>> No.17780506

>Comment tu les fait?
Sur keynote, mais j'ai perdu les fichiers originaux, ce que je regrette parce qu'il y a des grosses erreurs dans les textes et j'aimerais faire quelques changements mineurs.
>Tu as lu tout ça?
A l'époque j'avais pas encore tout lu pour la partie Moyen Age, mais ouais j'ai tout lu et même beaucoup plus que ce que j'ai mis en chart (ce qui me permet de recommander quelques trucs qui n'étaient pas sur les charts anglophones ou qui sont moins connus).
>Tu es un universitaire ou un autodidacte?
Je suis en école de commerce ^^.

>> No.17780516

je suis omelette du fromage

>> No.17780529

ahahah mais putin c'est à chier
ça en dit long cmb sur les meufs qui l'idôlatraient

btw vous savez s'il y a des éditions de référence du théâtre de Marlowe ? en fr apparemment non, en angl chépa s'il y a l'équivalent des Arden/Norton/Oxford etc

>> No.17780560
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Am I mistaken in assuming the Fr*nch are more into art and culture than the rest of the Europeans and especially the Ang*s?

>> No.17780573

Basé et Matzneff-pillulé

>> No.17780645

Yeah it's because there is a socialist law where art is tax deducible, so al the bourgeois, rightwing or leftwing, hoard lots of art and hype it.

>> No.17780702

Tu es stupide et mon jouer est ta mere, tu es un petit femme.

>> No.17780846

C clair que c'est un pédo.
Le kybalion. Franchement ça déchire.

>> No.17780853

sacre bleur !

>> No.17780906

Of course there is even more mediocre than the french in philosophy: The Anglos.
Our philosophers are so-so, yours are just plain wrong. See Hobbes.

>> No.17781080

Hobbes is right about practically everything and so is Hume

>> No.17781086

Je parle un peu de français, mais je suis peruvien

>> No.17781343


>> No.17781374

Merchant philosophy.

>> No.17781397

*accurate philosophy
No surprise it upsets Frogs whose main use for philosophy is obfuscatory peacocking and delusional wish-fulfillment.

>> No.17781405

Go back selling some commodity, Anglo. That's the only thing you are good at.

>> No.17781419

The British have contributed an enormous amount to all sorts of arts and sciences. There is of course an ethnicity who could be described as a merchant people for whom 'selling commodities' is a kind of natural instinct, but I've noticed an odd tendency to omit mention of this particular people and instead project their traits onto the English.

>> No.17781424

Je ne suis pas français mais ta littérature est la meilleur de l'Europe continental. Mais il y a trop des vauches espagnoles ici, éspecialement les sudacas.

Not sure if I have some errors here. I find speaking and writing French easy, but listening comprehension is super hard compared to Spanish and Italian.

>> No.17781454

where should I start with physiocrats?

>> No.17781469

Salut je suis français, issou la chancla

>> No.17781489

>The British have contributed an enormous amount to all sorts of arts and sciences. There is of course an ethnicity who could be described as a merchant people for whom 'selling commodities' is a kind of natural instinct, but I've noticed an odd tendency to omit mention of this particular people and instead project their traits onto the English.
> "What is the City of London Corporation?"
> "When was it founded?"

>> No.17781499




>> No.17781512

Je voudrais améliorer mon français. Est-ce que vous pourriez me recommended des livres qui peuvent m'aider ?
Mon niveau se trouve entre B2 et C1, j'espère.

>> No.17781525

I'm well aware of British 'innovations' in finance, my point is that there is much more to the people(s) and their culture than that, and if you were going to present an actual merchant people it is obviously not them.

>> No.17781550

C'est vrai on est surreprésenté avec les espagnols.

Don't know what this means tho
*spécialement, or rather "particulièrement" in this context, it's a translation trap.
It's funny because when french speaker learn english they often use "specialy" when they're looking for "especially"

>> No.17781567

Typical cope. You are commodity second in command, Anglo. Second to the money worshiping chosen people. And your culture is a derivative of the merchandise. Your culture is basically an advertisement.

>> No.17781597

This is just an admission that you know nothing of English history, its culture, thought, art, etc. No learned Frenchman of the past would be this reductive about England even if they disliked it. I mean to characterize the nation with reference to commodity and advertisement is on its face idiotic considering the date at which these things became widespread and relevant compared to the date when the English nation was born, and even after that development you would have to apply the same considerations to France, Germany, etc. which followed closely behind in their development of these things.

>> No.17781601

He's just coping anon, don't waste your time.

>> No.17781636

I keep thinking about Chilé and peru

>> No.17781652

i wish i was french

>> No.17781673

This is coming from an Anglophone and it is bound to offend someone, but I have to ask: how real is the idea that English will replace French/German/etc. within EU countries? Even after Brexit, the EU seems to be heading in a monolingually English direction.

>> No.17781686

Within no way, most people don't speak english. It will certainly be the language of communication between EU countries however.

>> No.17781691

semi real

>> No.17781695

just watch videos here and pick the book for which you understand the reading.


>> No.17781701

why are you all pedos?

>> No.17781704

Ah, I meant "vache." Thanks for pointing out the false friend. A French girl taught me that expression, "tu parles comme une vache espagnole." I've lost a lot of my spoken French (especially grammatical gender) from lack of practice but I still read it fairly well. A lot of my hipster friends were Francophiles but now that I am married to an English rose I have my doubts I will ever regain my older fluency which was far from perfect to begin with. Still, it's nice to be able to read French literature and only needing to look up the odd word.

Generally French and English literature have been the most influential. Hispanics on this board like to go muh Cervantes as if the English and the French didn't develop the realist novel and America, England, and France weren't the center of literary modernism. Hispanic countries were just riding our coat-tails. There are certainly great Hispanic novelists, poets, painters, film directors, etc. but the Anglo-Saxons and Franks were innovate pioneers. The Hispanic posters are just blind chauvinists.

>> No.17781706

>The French have never produced a single author of substance, rather you are breeders of depravity and dissimulation, you are a cancerous blight upon the earth.

Anglosaxon projection

>> No.17781712

descartes. tu ne connais pas ta histoire propre

>> No.17781713

Not all of us think like that. I'm Anglo-Saxon and definitely a Francophile. I believe France is the center of continental Europe ever since Charlemagne.

>> No.17781733


>> No.17781750

unfortunately theres no such thing as a “people” who are into art, art is appreciated by relatively few, it’s not democratic. The closes thing would be national taste, like the Japanese. Maybe the French have it too.

>> No.17781773

bien je suis belge, et surtout flamand, mais c'est evident que je parles francais. VLAANDEREN DE LEEUW!

>> No.17781784

sacre blue, je parle*

>> No.17781790

au moins cest evident que tu l’ecris

>> No.17781798

oui, comme nous disons en flamand: je parle francais comme les cheveux

>> No.17781801

I don't think that's uncommon at all. In fact, I'd say Francophilia is almost a representative question of the critical divide in English culture between the international elite and the Anglo-Saxon yeoman (Latinate vs. Germanic words, operas vs. oratorios etc.).

>> No.17781825

peut etre mieux comme des chevaux que comme les francais

>> No.17781848

mere de dieu, un autre erreur. je m'excuse. c'est parler francais avec les cheveux. mais, t'as raison, dans quelques ans les francais parleraient comme les singes

>> No.17781883

I'm a Canadian who recently moved to Paris, if that counts for anything. I've been writing about my experiences and observations while abroad. If you're interested, I just dropped my most recent post:


Consider subscribing if you like it, I want to grow the newsletter. I post weekly.

>> No.17781918
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American here, but I read in French daily. For every one book in English on my shelf, I have five in French. This is how I keep my tastes refined.

>> No.17781969

I'm aware of this debate and the sides, but my position is more nuanced. The idea of the French as a Latinate culture is a bit off the mark. There was an immense Gaulish and Frankish influence on the Northern French. Occitans are the true Latins in France.

The notion of ancient Anglo-Saxon liberty is a myth, but a myth that did more good than harm.

>> No.17781977
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>> No.17782007

Sancte Remigie et Sancta Clotilda, ora pro nobis.

>> No.17782012

why does this thread get to stay up but the german one is deleted?

>> No.17782031

Was talking about the use of Latinate language as status markers in English rather than the authenticity of the French as Romans.

>> No.17782033

Because no one cares about German literature. Es ist im dem Authaus belongen.

>> No.17782050

French is just gay Spanish, change my mind

>> No.17782081

Я нe фpaнцyз, нo изyчaю язык.

>> No.17782160

Oui bien sûr je connais Descartes. Mais bon les allemands sont quand même en général plus balaise. (Fichte Hegel, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Marx, Stirner Heidegger, Nietschze etc...
C'était surtout pour rabaisser cet anglo-centré.

>> No.17782178

>even after that development you would have to apply the same considerations to France, Germany, etc. which followed closely behind in their development of these things.
True, but america is still the commodity leadership. And contrary to france, it doesn't even have class struggle to save the honor.
>English nation
Monkey island.

>> No.17782206

It's a jewish conspiracy.
I don't know, Jimmy Saviie.

>> No.17782244

est-ce que quelqu'un recherche des correspondants ici? je veux ameliorer mon francais et peut-etre discuter de la literature

>> No.17782261

Is there a guenon chart in french?

>> No.17782271

>And contrary to france, it doesn't even have class struggle
Your struggle for most of your history has had you in a position ten times poorer than the average American. They always end in farce

>> No.17782274
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>French is just gay Spanish
English is just gay French. French is just gay Spanish. Spanish is just gay Italian. And Italian is just gay Latin. What's your point? As far as I can tell, gay languages are pretty based. Languages typically considered masculine such as Russian are for dogs, not men.

>> No.17782277


>> No.17782280

Latin is just gay proto italic, proto italic is just gay proto indo european, proto indo european is whatever ooga booga speech came before it

>> No.17782282


>> No.17782295

>shitting on based Russian

opinion disregarded

>> No.17782296

Russian is truly a disgusting language. I am glad Dosto isn't being shilled on this board anymore.

>> No.17782307

There is another way:


>> No.17782314

Says nigger shittard who produce nothing worthy except Don Quixote
Yea - really dog language for south american monkeys and retarded ugga-booga music

>> No.17782318

normalfags are too dumb to learn Latin

>> No.17782328

Language is not only about how it sounding

>> No.17782329

At least some french are sometimes trying. You anglos don't even try. I remember during occupy wallstreet, at the first signs of repression from the police, everybody gave up immediately.

>> No.17782330

Quelle sombre merde.

>> No.17782337

considering that most french speakers here are neo nazis obsessed w céline and catholicism, i'd say that most of them are french indeed

>> No.17782343

That's because success breed complacency. But yes I respect your refusal to let corporations take away your way of life, we don't have anything like that here. Our "peoples party" is all about racial distraction

>> No.17782356


>> No.17782359

"J'aurais sucé sa poitine de petit garçon jusqu'à un improbable goût de lait."

>> No.17782441

The French are unironically the most based Europeans. They really don't have much competitions except maybe other Latinate peoples.

>> No.17782457

France will literally be a colony of Middle Eastern and African Muslims by the end of the century. Not only have they given up they can't even conceive of the correct enemy because they have been brainwashed to think doing so makes them evil.

>> No.17782464

Le Céline d'Henri Godard. Très illuminant. Je viens aussi de finir sa trilogie allemande, j'ai adoré, bien que Nord soit un peu lent.

>> No.17782469
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I'm a northern european who is studying French, and I read that for classical education, a thing that was particularly favoured by Samuel Johnson, was translating texts from Latin to English and then back to Latin again, sometimes adding in French or Italian aswell.

What are some easy texts I could try translating from French to Swedish/Norwegian back to French?

>> No.17782476

Macron has been railing against islamism and woke-American cultural imperialism for the past year or so retard.

>> No.17782491

on est là nez gros tkt

Je finis un livre sur les portugais en Inde et j'enchaîne par une histoire médiévale-renaissance de la ville de Florence

>> No.17782494

Wrong. French will be the first people to BTFO Muslims/Africans. You underestimate their autism. The Fourth Reich will happen in France.

>> No.17782530

>Not only have they given up they can't even conceive of the correct enemy
Let me guess, the jew?

>> No.17782533

Spanish is the ugliest-sounding out of all the Romance languages.

>> No.17782545

It's just a pre-election gambit. He'll drop any right-wing pretense if he wins a second term.

France has been going downhill since 1789. Republican values are not worth defending. Bring the monarchy back.

>> No.17782640

No the mass immigration itself. I don't think it's right to consider the immigrants as enemy combatants, they are largely just people who want a better life, but the effect is still that of an invasion, for a people with a below replacement fertility rate. Of course someone is determining this policy, but it's not possible to be entirely certain who is calling the shots.

>> No.17782649

>No the mass immigration itself.
Most French I talk to online and in person are anti-immigration at this point. I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.17782652

>muslim immigrants decapitating, shooting, stabbing, running over civilians and soldiers
>I don't think it's right to consider the immigrants as enemy combatants

>> No.17782656

>Bring the monarchy back.
Things evolve, they don't go backwards.
>No the mass immigration itself.
I wonder what the cause of that is. Could it be... Capitalism? No. That can't be.

>> No.17782672
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> direction brain amerimutt thinks he can evaluate such complex thoughts.

>> No.17782683

only in france could someone be pretentious about being an establishment puppet. Well thats not true sow as Obama

>> No.17782685

The majority of Muslims don't do any of that, but they are way too reluctant to condemn it. The problem is simply importing huge amounts of a foreign population, it is hardly better if it's the Chinese who commit almost no crime at all.
>could it be capitalism
Vague, reductive, thought-killing. Has the use of this word 'capitalism' ever clarified anything in a conversation, I don't think so.

>> No.17782686

>Bring the monarchy back.
Which one? Last I checked there were 3 pretend ants to the Throne of France (although one was pretty fucking old and it was a while ago).

>> No.17782919

Let me explain an other time. Labor price is an important price of the global price of production. Increase the number of workers on the labor market, by importing cheap browns, decrease the price of labor (basic supply and demand mechanics). Profit.

>> No.17783116

Why did the German equivalent of this thread get deleted immediately but this one is still up? Do mods hate krauts?

>> No.17783126
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Yes, only Frenchmen are allowed to be racists.

>> No.17783135

The Bonapartist head is fairly young, though they aren't really much of an ancien family.

>> No.17783152
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>A lot of french here?

>> No.17783160

>Macron wrote his thesis on Machiavelli and Hegel
based philosophy major BTFOing brainlet journalists

>> No.17783219
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> Anglos will never transcend reality thanks to the gentle touch of the Philosopher-King.

>> No.17783310

meauladets tauvariche

>> No.17783507


>> No.17784103

Stay mad

>> No.17784157

Je suis hispanique pas francophone

>> No.17784272

Frenchfag here, I sometime hop on this board to see if a good thread is going on. Most of times it's just an other occasion to observe americans shitty taste in literature. By the way, everything that has been posted here is bad advice and you should never start with the Greex or latin authors. -> Most of the ones posting them didn't even read those. You should start with something that resonates with yourself. If you're into music, fine, start with some poetry, try Baudelaire, Char, Reverdy. If you're more into narratives and storylines start with some breathtaking novels by Dumas. I mean, you shouldn't start with something that is so alien to you (because of historic distance) that you cannot understand it. You should start with authors that are doing something meaningful to you, then you'll be able to appreciate more classic literature -> Especially the greek and latin ones.

>> No.17784287

Shut the fuck up arab.

>> No.17784291

We used to be. Sadly our culture doesn't mean much nowadays.

>> No.17784328

We can still produce great art.

>> No.17784383


>> No.17784405

fuck, i didn´t vote

>> No.17784520

By the way nice work putting your argumentation into words here.

>> No.17784534
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>> No.17784539

french confirmed plebs

>> No.17784883

As a Brit, I have always wanted an excuse to learn another language, but everyone from every country speaks mine already. Latin would be very cool as a Euro universal, and it has maximum RETVRN value, but it is basically dead and not standardised, As the article points out.
90% of what the EU has been doing was already in English, so it's turning around a huge ship without real practicality. If they do go full retard and chisel out some full tilt Neo-Latin system I would chuckle and learn it.

English right now has already begun the process of becoming a global standard.

>> No.17785303

>>Macron has been railing against islamism and woke-American cultural imperialism for the past year or so retard.
yeah in speeches, not in acts lol

>> No.17785309
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>> No.17785434

But girls speaking Russian make me hard.

>> No.17785444

This but it's French.

>> No.17785555

Read a lot of Proust earlier in the year, loved it. Might be reading some Stendhal soon. Also just finished A Savage War of Peace about the Algerian War, real sad affair all around. Would love to visit France someday.

t. broke Amerimutt

>> No.17785612

france is funny. they have their own books, their own movies, their own comic books. they even have some gay french version of top gun

>> No.17785776


>> No.17785872

>and it has maximum RETVRN value
hehe, comedy!

>> No.17786013
File: 88 KB, 838x645, 838_louis_ferdinand_celine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite author. What's the reception to his work, especially later one, in France right now? Is he widely read?

>> No.17786087

>they even have some gay french version of top gun
i dont think so

>> No.17786128

Massive pseud. Don't post here anymore.

>> No.17786389


>> No.17786511
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He meant the BASED french version of Top Gun

>> No.17786543
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>they don't know about Buck Danny

>> No.17787314


>> No.17787334

C'est un porc.

>> No.17787602

widely spat on more like

>> No.17787605

He's probaly the most overhyped french writer, him smelling sulfur only adds to this and allows midwits to embroid over the genius-monster (he was neither).

>> No.17787628
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Well, I am a little because you're also a country of not-knowing-english-very-well.

>> No.17787772
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Des frérots lecteurs de Maurice Blanchot pourraient essayer de m'éclairer sur ce qu'il vient foutre dans ce poème de René Char?

>> No.17787904

>you're also a country of not-knowing-english-very-well.


>> No.17787990

He is the best French writer.

>> No.17787996

je l'ai pas vu lui

>> No.17788835

ok mec

>> No.17788841

Pas folichonne cette liste.

>> No.17788858

>"Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
god what a ridiculous language

>> No.17788861

Start with Sully.
Proceed with Mirabeau (L'ami des hommes).

>> No.17788875

Faudrait faire une version améliorée de ça, c'est un peu fouillis.

>> No.17788879

Where can I submit my writings?

>> No.17788899

Fables de La Fontaine, or maybe some Racine, it will be hard but the vocabulary, while being complex, is very épuré and classic so I think it will make you understand the structures well.

>> No.17788908

Oui je suis francais
J'aime les negres
Je veux plus d'eux dans mon pays

>> No.17789025

donne-moi des recommandations alors kop1

>> No.17789257
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Lisez Cizia Zyke les amis

>> No.17789309
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>> No.17790280

Where to start with him?

>> No.17790298

c'est un jeu sur blanc et chaud

du comique, du comique !

seriously ?

>> No.17790345
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Gaulois d'outre-mer. Canadiens-français prêt au chantier !

>> No.17791307

Je te fais un copié-collé, j'avais critiqué cette liste dans un vieux fil mais il avait disparu.

L'anon (probablement étranger) qui a fait ceci a eu une intention honorable, mais s'y est pris un peu bancalement, à mon humble avis.

Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas d'ordre chronologique ?
Pourquoi des livres centrés sur l'histoire de France pour mettre des œuvres étrangères (alors qu'on a déjà assez de matière en français) ?
Pourquoi pas d'introduction au vieux français ?
Pourquoi l'Imitation, qui est tardive comparé au reste (~1400, représentative de la devotio moderna) ? Ludolphe le Chartreux aurait été bien mieux. Et pourquoi un tel ouvrage (et celui de Suso) dans la philosophie ? N'y aurait-il pas plutôt fallu diviser cette section en "ouvrages de piété" d'un côté, et "philosophie/théologie" à proprement parler de l'autre (en ne prenant pas 4 cases avec saint Thomas, il y en avait d'autres à caser, saint Augustin et Duns Scot, par exemple) ?
Sans parler de la section histoire qui est malheureusement peu "variée" (Le Goff qui domine, avec 3 énormes pavés de 1500 pages).

Il y avait du potentiel, mais le travail a été un peu bâclé, probablement parce que la période n'est pas vraiment connue et qu'on y a fourré ce qu'on trouvait.

>> No.17791358

German literature is unironically too patrician for il/lit/erates

>> No.17791374

I know the French tend to be really frivolous in their literature, but anglo literature is way more mediocre than the French, let's be honest in here.

>> No.17791413


>> No.17791432

Yes. All of those except for Shakespeare and maybe Milton are mediocre.

>> No.17791535

Read Le Petit Prince

>> No.17791552

You're aware that none except anglo hacks read anything written by anglos except Blake, sHACKespeare, and Milton, right? No serious reader I mean.

>> No.17791627

They're all on the level of the very best French writers, Shakespeare and Milton are on a tier to which Frogs cannot pretend

>> No.17791632

Being unafraid of frivolity is partly what makes French and Anglo literature better than German. Everything starts to degrade outside the Hajnal line.
Don't forget Pope and Sterne.

>> No.17791659
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Too complex for us indeed. The most based philosopher-banker-king.

>> No.17791671

We have 10 times more good authors than you in the Middle-Ages alone.

>> No.17791677


>> No.17791697

Comparisons before the advent of distinct national literature don't really make much sense desu, especially as the same international aristocracy was split across what is now France and England.

>> No.17791712

check out Ballade sur le trépas de Bertrand Du Guesclin, distinct national literature is old

>> No.17791723
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Québecois heritage. Hardly speak it but trying to learn.
(I have English books too)

>> No.17791738

Fucking chose square photo option specifically so it wouldn’t go sideways on upload. tf is w this board?

>> No.17791743

>Being unafraid of frivolity is partly what makes French and Anglo literature better than German. Everything starts to degrade outside the Hajnal line.
Do /lit/tards actually believe this? Goethe, Schiller, Holderlin, and Novalis alone mog anything from A*glos and Fr*gs.

>> No.17791762

Exactly. As early as 1410 Christine de Pizan wrote Lamentations on the ills of France, about the civil war.
And our literature literally begins with a national epic, La Chanson de Roland.

>> No.17791889

It's not really national literature in the modern understanding though, especially the Matter of Britain/Matter of France stuff (like Roland). A lot of Arthurian literature was written by French writers, for example, and the language of the elite in England was French for most of the Middle Ages. Culture was more dependent on the relationships of elites than a broad national feeling. Appropriate you mention a poem about the Hundred Years War as this was of course a key point of divergence for France and England, though one still mediated by aristocratic disputes.

>> No.17792128

>les Grecs
>pas Pindare

>> No.17792704

Better than Proust.

>> No.17793057 [DELETED] 

Quels poètes modernes auriez-vous à conseiller, par modernes j'entends écrivant toujours en 2021
Poésie préférablement dense, pas trois mots par page
Respectant les règles de la prosodie: je ne saurais l'espérer

You're not entirely wrong, as for example Blaise Cendrars (greatest french novelist) and Joseph de Maistre (greatest french philosopher) were swiss, Apollinaire (greatest french poet) was polish

Brasseurs de vent reconnaissent brasseurs de vent
Blanchot, Bataille, Char et cie., les mots n'existent pas qui pourraient correctement décrire la prétention de leurs néants respectifs partageant tous une même passion pour un verbiage stérile et pompeux
Pompeux pompeux chargés à pleine capacité
Les décharger sur ces plumitifs pédés

>> No.17793071

Quels poètes modernes auriez-vous à conseiller, par modernes j'entends écrivant toujours en 2021
Poésie préférablement dense, pas trois mots par page
Respectant les règles de la prosodie: je ne saurais l'espérer

You're not entirely wrong, as for example Blaise Cendrars (greatest french novelist) and Joseph de Maistre (greatest french philosopher) were swiss, Apollinaire (greatest french poet) was polish

Brasseurs de vent reconnaissent brasseurs de vent
Blanchot, Bataille, Char et cie., les mots n'existent pas qui pourraient correctement décrire la prétention de leurs néants respectifs partageant tous la même passion d'un verbiage stérile et pompeux
Pompeux pompeux chargés à pleine capacité
Les décharger sur ces plumitifs pédés

>> No.17793130

I'm quebecois

>> No.17793251

Where do I get a dual-language edition of Swann's Way and which edition do you have?

>> No.17793381

Jésus Marie Josette, un Canadien français, ça nous change des têtes carrées qui hantent ces lieux.
> Ireland isn't yellow
French are often mediocre at speaking english, not at reading it. I suspect however that every country comes to /lit/ at specific hours.

>> No.17793403

Pas mal du tout, même s'il manque des choses intéressantes (les lyriques par exemple). Dans un autre thread (qui est toujours dans la catalogue) on cherche des éditions en français pas chères des grecs les plus important, tu aurait des suggestions ?

>> No.17793416

>laughs in Pascal, Montaigne, Corneille, Racine, Agrippa d'Aubigné, Flaubert, Proust, Balzac, Stendhal, Zola...

>> No.17793423

The Italians understand plastic arts better, but for culture in general the French are the most well-rounded.

>> No.17793507

Not really, Hugo and Gautier alone outweigh most of the English romantics in both quantity and quality.

>> No.17793638
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Nous sommes plusieurs à hanter /lit/.

>> No.17793698

Canadien présent, quoi de neuf mes nègres?

>> No.17793741

He said substance, not meaningless drivel.

>> No.17793769

Making good baits require work anon.

Aristophane (Les Oiseaux présentement). Je viens de finir Impressions d'Afrique, c'était...étrange, mais fort comfortable.

>> No.17793777

Allo mon chum !

>> No.17793803

Le mythe du sexe démesuré des Noirs.
> C'est réel.

>> No.17794063

Je viens de voir le résumé, ça m'a l'air honnête. J'ai toujours trouvé la fixette collective sur la taille du chibre des noirs un peu débile (cette histoire de taille en elle-même peut-être statistiquement vérifiée ou non, mais tout le pataquès social et biologique qu'on en fait derrière, ça me fatigue).

>> No.17794153
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If you like novels, Mademoiselle de Maupin. If you like poetry, Émaux et Camées.

>> No.17794994

>Quels poètes modernes auriez-vous à conseiller, par modernes j'entends écrivant toujours en 2021
Essaye Christian Bobin.
>les mots n'existent pas qui pourraient correctement décrire la prétention de leurs néants respectifs partageant tous la même passion d'un verbiage stérile et pompeux
Au fond quand on a dit ça, on a rien dit.
>Impressions d'Afrique
Je partage tout à fait ton impression ahah. J'ai eu beaucoup de mal à m'accrocher jusqu'à la fin de la première partie. J'ai les (nouvelles) impressions d'Afrique sur ma liste de lecture depuis mais je n'ose pas attaquer la bête.

>> No.17795046

Quelque chose qui me fascine toujours sur ce site de misère c'est l'impossibilité de trouver des français qui parle normalement, sans faire 3000 fautes par phrases, et qui ne sont pas des crétins antisémites.

>> No.17795048

Je viens de commander les œuvres de Simone Weil aux éditions Quarto, hâte de recevoir ça cette semaine.

>> No.17795050

Il n'y a que des livres pas chers dans la liste, à part peut-être la Cyropédie, mais c'est la seule édition disponible.

>> No.17795053

Les Impressions d'Afrique on finit par rentrer dedans même si ça prend du temps. Les Nouvelles Impressions...apparemment c'est arrangé en parenthèses imbriqués, ce qui fait qu'il faut soit avoir une super mémoire, soitlire en commençant par les extrêmités et aller vers le centre. Dans tous les cas c'est une expérience j'imagine.
D'ailleurs Roussel lui-même disait que chaque vers lui avait pris quinze heure de travail. Sous ses airs de comique absurde il plaisantait pas le sagouin.

>> No.17795061

C'est l'effet clavier, on pense suivant un discours oral, puis on le transcrit tant bien que mal à l'écrit, sans l'aspect tactile-visuel du crayon par lequel on corrige naturellement nos fautes quand on écrit à la main.

Je me suis rendu compte de ça quand j'ai commencé à vraiment penser de manière fluide en anglais, tout-à-coup je me suis mis à faire des fautes que j'avais toujours trouvé absurde jusque là -genre "your" au lieu de "you're". Parce que j'avais un discours oral dans la tête. Pas pour rien que les natifs font ce genre de fautes plus que nous, ils sont pas plus bêtes, il ont juste un rapport naturellement oral à la langue.

>> No.17795065

Sauvegardé et archivé. Merci l'ami.

>> No.17795078

>ils sont pas plus bêtes

>> No.17795092

Lol, tu vois ce que je veux dire, ils sont peut-être bêtes mais ce genre d'erreurs est aussi plus naturel pour eux.

>> No.17795099

Pas faux, j'avoue qu'en anglais à l'oral je dis "like" toutes les 35 secondes, comme quoi les béquilles linguistiques des californiens sont arrivées jusqu'à Paris, et c'est vrai que les rares fois où j'écris en anglais ici j'imagine qu'on a moins de scrupules à faire de fautes qu'en français.

>> No.17795132

Il n'y a pas de traduction pas chère en français.

>> No.17795137

>crétins antisémites.
oxymore mon cher

>> No.17795366


>> No.17795404

stay monkey

>> No.17795524

Le livre semble très honnête. L'auteur est lui-même noir. Il explore beaucoup plus le rôle du mythe de la queue énorme des noirs, ses effets historiques, la fixation des Blancs (et Blanches) Euro, qu'à savoir si c'est averé ou pas.
Par contre ce qui me trouble c'est que c'est une belle métisse au travail qui m'a offert le bouquin et je suis pas sur de comprendre...

>> No.17795673

C'est les femmes qui et perpétuent ça puisque tout se rapporte au sexe pour elles et en plus les hommes les croient. Et puis elles aiment les grosses et se ventent de savoir les prendre.

>> No.17795681


>> No.17795715
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Hello, french frens.
What do you guys think about this chart?
oui ou non?

>> No.17795734

Le mythe remonte aux Grecques anciens.

>> No.17795748


>> No.17796396

C'est notre plan qui importe, anon

>> No.17796404

Moi je suis fronssais, honhonhon

>> No.17796412

balance des 06, anon, ou bien dis-nous où les rencontrer; je cherche une goth gf

>> No.17796423

Un type d'école de commerce qui a lu toute la Somme théologique? ben voyons

>> No.17796432


>> No.17796439

Très basé
Par contre, le dictionnaire infernal de Colin de Plancy, très riche au demeurant, c'est une blague d'incroyant plutôt qu'une somme chrétienne

>> No.17796462

aweille ma gang de nordiques

>> No.17796475

Dan Cooper aussi, moins connu

>> No.17796487

Je suis français, anon, mais Gautier, vraiment? Il est loin d'être au niveau de Keats, Shelley ou Coleridge; c'est du sous-Southey, si l'on veut

>> No.17796492

C'est assez random, but that gives it individualité, I guess

>> No.17796502

Euh, source?

>> No.17796535

et pourtant

>> No.17796582

Faudrait que je fouilles, maid je me rappelle une section d'un vieux traité de médecine où la taille de la queue des noirs est présentée comme preuve du fait qu'ils sont plus "animaux" que les grecques.
Remarque il y avait aussi un passage mentionnant que leur sperme est noir comme du pétrole...

>> No.17796611

soutien à mon frérot d'école de commerce qui doit subir l'indifférence de ses pairs et le mépris sourd des séides de l'enseignement littéraire

>> No.17796616

Tu oublies les hommes sans têtes, ceux avec des têtes de chiens et aussi les serpents volants.

>> No.17796640

mouais, la médecine grecque c'est pas mon fort, mais ça me semble louche

>> No.17796650

tu confonds l'ethnographie (en partie fabuleuse) et la médecine, camarade

>> No.17796767

merci kop1, toi tu comprends ma douleur

>> No.17796780

et pourtant, on peut venir faire semblant sur /lit/... je comprends, compère pseud

>> No.17796828
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>> No.17796885

Les Anciens étaient forts avancés sur plusieurs sujets, des mathématiques à l'esthétique, en passant même par la mécanique, mais leur médecine était complėtement attardé.
> sweat lodges can fix everything!
> well, if sweating didn't fix it, drilling a hole in the head surely will!
> women in Egypt put crocodile dung in their pussy to avoid pregnancy, we should start exporting croc dung! (Hilariously, studies nowadays tend to suggest it might actually increase fertility)
> Big dicks are a sign of a naturally unbalanced organism, after all, you get swollen when hurt or during action, not otherwise!
Et pour une raisin ou une autre je greentext en Anglo... beurk.

>> No.17796947

Il y a des éléments cocasses, c'est certain; faut dire qu'ils ne se souciaient guère de la méthode expérimentale dans ce domaine, et que, outre des remèdes traditionnels sans doute legit, ils avaient facilement recours à des procédés sanctionnés par la rumeur publique, ou l'aura exotique (alien wisdom comme qui dirait).
En attendant, nous autres, on s'est persuadé qu'il y avait la peste noire parce que la grippe a tué un peu plus de vieux et qu'on est noyé dans un déluge d'informations anxiogène et manipulateur

>> No.17798130

Présent, mais Belge.

>> No.17798181

Salut les popotes. Communiquer en français sur /lit/, c'est probablement l'ultime filtre aux prolos. Ça fait du bien pour une fois de participer à un fil qui est hermétique au cacaposting.

>> No.17798186

Vivre la France, la Belgique ainsi que le Quebec libre.

>> No.17798382


>> No.17799449

Je lis ce thread depuis le début, et je tenais à dire que vous êtes tous une belle bande de faggots

>> No.17799457

i should learn french huh

>> No.17799510

Oohh Grand Merci, Ô notre bien-aimé noble Roi Pédé XIII Le Gentil