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File: 62 KB, 354x500, fullgrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17775531 No.17775531 [Reply] [Original]

This one book alone in it's franchise deserves to be discussed here.

>> No.17775555
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I was actually just about to read this one.

>> No.17775560
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I have to finish this first, though.

>> No.17775623

It was pretty good, little bit dorian gray, little bit reads like an easton ellis, liked the description of the monsters and combat on the planet called murder, the soho/montmartre styled hall of remembrancers and the eidelon/lucious interactions. I still like horus rising and false gods the most though.

>> No.17776313

okay. Done with the Ass Goblins. On to the Palatine Phoenix!

>> No.17776321

>ywn on a Pleasure Planet that moderately worships Slaanesh without falling into total chaos
I suffer

>> No.17776338

I've read it a few years ago but I honestly can't remember much of what is in the book.

>> No.17776606

There is not good writing in ANY wh40k book.
Written by manchildren to appease their kin.
Predictable to their end, shallow as a deflating kiddie pool, and boring as any children's literature post 1950s might be.

>> No.17776694

>There is not good writing in ANY wh40k book.

>> No.17776809

Also Gaunt's Ghosts, Helsreach, anything by ADB and Josh Renoylds.

Don't fall for bait.

>> No.17777070

The first 7 of the horus heresy are on the same level as anything written by a woman- trash not worthy of wiping your ass with.
Haven't tried any of the adb or jr novels, but I'll try them in some weeks; still have a bitter taste in my mouth.

>> No.17777081

Oh I'll be the first to admit there's a lot of shitapples in there. I can't stand most of the HH either.

>> No.17777106

From what I've seen, every wh40k abides by less than 1-2 series, or no more than 20 novels, saying 'you can skip the rest', given that overlap is small, and that over 200 novels written over 40y exist, wanting to get into the universe and not finding any entrypoint is frustratingly annoying.

>> No.17777111

Sturgeon's Law.

>> No.17777138

Brian Craig is pretty good too. Try _Pawns of Chaos_

>> No.17777156

Eye of Terror by Barrington J Bailey is also a great standalone.

>> No.17777168
File: 55 KB, 600x715, Inquisition_Recruitment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one story in the WH40k universe worth reading.

>> No.17778163

Okay half done with The Palatine Phoenix now. It's quite good.

>> No.17778627

Okay. Done with The Palatine Phoenix. It was an excellent novel, if a bit predictable. Fine character development, foreshadowing, well-managed plot threads, and clean language.

>> No.17778667

Is Forges of Mars good?

>> No.17778673

What this >>17776606 guy said. I don't mean to sound contrarian but McNeil is not only a terrible writer, he almost made me drop the Horus Heresy series because of how poorly-written his books were.
This guy has a vocabulary of 2000 words which he will use over and over on a 500pg work. Count how many times he uses shit like 'extremities' in Fulgrim. Very tiring.
Just compare books dealing with the same subject like 1000 Sons and Prospero Burns. Prospero Burns is so much in every single aspect. The only reason anyone would be compelled to pick up one of his books and view it in a positive light is because the subject material itself is interesting, but the presentation is pretty damn awful.

>> No.17778945
File: 21 KB, 122x996, 2021-03-14-11-47-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking the novels, I delimited all words (including contractions), lowercased them and here's how many unique words there are in each.

13270 - 1000 son
8825 - fulgim primarchs
12924 - prospero burns
11725 - fulgrim other
10387 - blood meridian

Regarding 1000 sons, there's like 20 ones starting withe gene-, andother 10 with gold, over 40 with over, it's a shitshow..