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17775487 No.17775487 [Reply] [Original]

Please just tell me which book I need to read to stop jacking off

>> No.17775498

The bible.

>> No.17775502

Ephesians & Luke

>> No.17775511
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>> No.17775516

I don't know myself, but someone had said "The Coiled Serpent" would help with this

>> No.17775519

maybe some of jordan peterson's pre-fame writing and lectures

>> No.17775542
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>tfw currently combatting erectile dysfunction
>can no longer get fully hard
>can't get hard at all except watching porn I find disgusting and demoralizing (cuck shit, gore shit, beastiality shit,...and worse)
Even after not jacking off for a while it isn't coming back it seems. I'm only a few days in mind you and have constant intrusive thoughts. My advice? Keep busy, do something else. Hanging out all day on the internet is basically agreeing to fail after pretending to try.

Is a good place to start.

I'm in a lot of pain right, emotional, spiritual, and even physical discomfort. I tell myself this is praxis, the process to undoing some of what I've done. It took years to become like this, change won't happen overnight, and it won't be pleasant either, long slow torment is the only path to redemption.

Good luck anon.

>> No.17775547
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Seems you got a lot of troll answers, but picrel helped me a bunch. Very much a no bullshit, no religious shilling look at addiction and why we coom and how to stop. It also has interviews with various coomers who’ve turned their life around

>> No.17775549

Don't, just become a vanillachad

>> No.17775558

a method of addiction management is to refute all of the excuses you make for yourself when you're doing the thing you're trying to quit. so try doing that

>> No.17775562
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Keep at it man. I remember when I went cold turkey and the side effects really unexpectedly knocked me for six. I was so irritable, headache prone and found it difficult to sleep. Though once I got a good 2 weeks into nofap it was so worth it for how good I felt. I just had to trade gap time for exercise time, so I had some kind of physical release. I believe in you man, keep on keeping on

>> No.17775580
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>My advice? Keep busy, do something else. Hanging out all day on the internet is basically agreeing to fail after pretending to try.
This cannot be overstated. Your brain is very good at tricking you to feel you're addressing a problem while also indulging it. Pic related.

>> No.17775602
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I just want my dick to work, I'm still in my 20s but have never had sex. I'd rather die than continue like this. I'm keeping busy by reading anything and everything I'm unfamiliar with, I've found a lot of value in Oriental writings and stories I would have never otherwise picked up. The stories themselves feel different.

>> No.17775609
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it made me a better person

>> No.17775630

I was in a similar boat with the dick thing; found it hard to keep my bird hard during sex sometimes. Couple of weeks porn and fap free though my dick was like a baby’s arm holding an apple. It’s crazy how much jacking it fucks the nerves up, but it can/will heal itself and you’ll be more game for your first fuck. It’s good you’re reading stuff, but I think trying to find a nice girl would help you even more, something to not fap for, I mean. Easier said than done, I know.
As an aside Lao Tzu is very based.

>> No.17775641

Your encouragement is valued, thank you.

>> No.17775798

I suffered from PIED when I started having sex, even on the first time. For my 25-year-old (at the time) incel-brain it was pretty brutal. Took a couple weeks with a *very* patient partner before I could actually fuck. During that time, I had stopped using porn.
I'm still fighting porn addiction, but I used to be a lot worse. I had a 2TB drive dedicated to porn, would load up multiple windows, and would fap while also taking combinations of stimulating drugs. I was a high-effort coomer. This is obvious retarded in retrospect, and it was the most degenerate time in my life. Deleted all my saved shit years ago, but I still fall into the trap by seeing sexy photos on Instagram and searching for more.
Started reading EasyPeasy so I hope I can finally get over this shit forever.
Posting this just to say that the slippery slope is real, but that it *is* possible to recover from the bad effects. Good luck.

>> No.17775850

lmfao, you were like the russell brand of jerking off

>> No.17776412

The coiled serpent by Van Vliet

>> No.17776451

Fuck. You sound like me.

I've been wrestling over whether or not to delete my 1 T drive(Purged multiple times in the past), but every time I do I start rationalizing why it would be a bad idea.

I hate masturbating, but when I'm in the coomzone I'm a monster. Multiple tabs, audio, simulating certain physical sensations. It's not pretty.

I've pretty much wasted a large portion of my life due to it, and am afraid I'll end up shooting myself eventually.

>> No.17776481

read a nice mango


>> No.17776495

Something that makes you angry. If you are part of the third world it's very easy to pick up a history book and get angry.

>> No.17776500
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You joke but I unironically stopped fapping to lolis after reading this

>> No.17776518

>and worse
what worse fren?

>> No.17776522

based glowie

>> No.17776528

Why? Looks pretty nice

>> No.17776543

Using myself as an example here:
-"El Jute" by Luis Garcia
-"Análisis Crítico de las Condiciones Técnicas de los Ferrocarriles de la Standard Fruit Co." by Díaz Chavez

Currently reading "Alzamiento Popular de 1954 y el PCH" by Tomás Erazo Peña

Will read:
"Hegemonía de los Estados Unidos en Honduras" by Marvin Barahona

Titles in spanish as they are just in case someone is interested

>> No.17776546

What is it with the simp epidemic on /lit/?

>> No.17776680

>based glowie
im no glowie im a frien just like you lets be frens

>> No.17776784

This is quite good. Too bad it gets repetitive after a while

>> No.17777007

Books can't help you now. You have to really want to stop.

>> No.17777042

You're not going to change your mind rationally; you need some sort of emotional or moral reasoning to change.

>> No.17777181

https://easypeasymethod.org the only one you need, best of wishes to all struggling against coomerism

>> No.17777189

i'm in a similar boat, but i think i'm getting close to the end here
i used to be a "edge for hours a day for literally fucking WEEKS" and i think it actually damaged my body. since then i have pretty much completely removed all sexuality from my identity, i am no longer scared of it or interested in it, it is merely a burden to me that i hope to be free of soon. i have fully realized and come to understand that i do not actually enjoy sex, i have never enjoyed sex, it was always just what essentially amounts to drug use and beyond the "first few" i was either chasing a high that i never quite got (edging for weeks) or just doing it to make the urges go away and feel normal (jacking off 3x a day). it never actually felt good, it only ever made me stop feeling bad, but the whole reason it made me feel so bad in the first place was because i kept doing it
all that's left for me is to make the final decision of when i am finally going to leave this behind me and endure the weeks of physiological discomfort before i can get back to normal without jacking off, and then to commit to it

>> No.17777201

What do you mean? Could you expand on that?

>> No.17777209

read easypeasy like I linked above, he outlines your exact same thought process the way you do but by the end you will be able to stop using porn immediately with little to no physiological discomfort, you will, in fact, immediately rejoice and feel free. its difficult to believe but it works, I was pretty similar to you and that book helped me stop immediately

>> No.17777258

12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
Wired for Intimacy - William M. Struthers
Your Brain on porn - Gary Wilson
The Holy Bible - ???
Hope these help. Godspeed anons.

>> No.17777265


>> No.17777279

Do like did in Ted 2 and throw the thing in the lake. Delete any porn you have saved. Get a website blocker (I use Stay Focused but you can use any) and block all the websites (on everybody and device you have) that make you want to fap. Burn all porn or fap magazines.

>> No.17777287

I don't want to click the link, what happens in it?

>> No.17777331

Holy Bible

>> No.17777379

vanilla sex and impregnation

>> No.17777417

If I do this then there must be no going back.

I've purged my porn before, but the withdrawal and backlash has been several times worse than just keeping it. I know that's weak willed to say, but my only option really is to go all in for good or else I'm in for the worst.

>> No.17777451

Pornography should be illegal.

>> No.17777477

There should be a detox hospital for porn addicts. Like. Out in the woods where they can't access WiFi and there's no phones, like some kind of camp where they can concentrate on overcoming their problem.

>> No.17777549

>like some kind of camp where they can concentrate on overcoming their problem
Like a concentration camp?

>> No.17777560


>I realized that quitting is what smokers try to do, while simply not smoking is something (not) done by by billions of weak-willed people every day. I decided that smoking wasn't my kind of thing anymore... I wasn't that kind of guy. Once I accepted that as a fact, it became one. Thanks again.

>The solution to your problem-- and of course only 0.3% of you are true sex addicts, so I am now talking to those who feel a little ashamed at how much porn they use or about the ringwraiths they've bedded-- is not to refrain-- you can't resist your desires forever. You must practice a new skill, you must become the kind of person who wouldn't turn to porn when they are: lonely; horny; boredy. If you practice a new skill enough times, it will become first nature, and you will be a different person. Please note that it is that last part, not the giving up of porn, that makes the change difficult. Giving up porn is easy squeezy. Becoming the kind of person who doesn't need to use porn on Thursdays at 11:30p because that's when you have a few hours free is hard.
>But the practical thing people do wrong with porn is put it in the Matrix: pretend to themselves it's bad, pretend it's not something they do, yet spend tons of time on it. So it drags on for hours. Accept it and lock it down to a specific length of time. You won't feel nearly as ashamed.

>> No.17777594


>> No.17777614

More from

>When you characterize porn as an addiction it tells you that it is hard to break free, that it is a struggle, that relapse is inevitable-- all things that have nothing to do with porn. But when you characterize online porn as junk food, the solution is obvious: don't eat it.

>Easier said than done, I know, but the thing I find helps most people is to understand that you can't refrain from doing something you like. You can, however, change the person you are into the kind of person who doesn't even like that stuff. Sugar Smacks still taste the same as they did under Carter, but I don't know anybody who still eats them. Do the same for soda.

>In medical school a lot of the guys (who went into ortho) went to the gym and would discuss with euphoria how much canned tuna they ate. "There's 15g of protein and zero fat!" they'd whisper to each other, and they'd sooner eat salamander eyes than lick a Dorito. That was the kind of guys they were.

>This may not be a reassuring solution to some, but I can promise you that it is the only solution: you have to decide you're not the kind of person who wastes time on that. Condemning it, banning it, hiding from it-- all will lead to failure. Lust isn't the trigger, boredom is, idle hands are something or other, so the sooner you get a default activity, the better. When your wife walks in on you in the midst of an overhand tug and she moans, "you are pathetic!" she's really a vowel off, apathetic is more accurate and considerably more amenable to improvement.

What's TLP's tagline? "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." Wittgenstein adds: "You cannot draw the seed up out of the earth. All you can do is give it warmth and moisture and light; then it must grow."

Unsatisfactory, but the reality is that it just "has to happen," and hopefully this can be the trigger. You can make it so.

>> No.17777721

a heavy one you need two hands to hold.

>> No.17778269

Yesterday I was waiting for the rain to stop so I could bike over to the grocery store to get food for the week. I was so bored that I considered jacking off even though I had already done so the past two days in a row. I tried taking a nap, but I wasn't tired, so instead I started reading Red Rising, which a buddy of mine has been shilling to me for years. It's really fuckin' good.

>> No.17778275

The bible.

>> No.17778506

i haven't jacked off in two weeks and idk why. probably wont for a while either but i kind of like this feel.

>> No.17778530

If you had "fucked your nerves up" two weeks wouldn't have fixed anything. What a shitty broscience thread.

>> No.17778534

Hideo Okuda - Lala Pipo

>> No.17779246

Stop jacking off completely or quit pornography? Completely stopping is bad, it's just the other end of the "spectrum".
Suppose we have a coomer who does nothing but watch pornography and coom all day every day, and on the other end someone who tries his best to abstain from sexual release entirely. On the face of it, complete opposites. However, the person denying himself sexual release (assuming he does not have a partner) will inevitably find himself craving it and being consumed by the thoughts of sexual release. Unless that person has hormone imbalances or other conditions. At any rate, now the two are nearly the same - one does indulge in his cravings whilst the other one ends up frustrated and consumed by those desires, but at the end of the day they're both coombrains.
tl;dr stop watching porn and jerk off 1-2 times a week

>> No.17779343

I honestly don't understand how masturbation can affect you guys so much, I do it everyday and I don't feel like it's destroying my life. For me it's something that I usually do at night before bed for fun, nothing more.

You guys sound like hardcore meth addicts, and it's just so unfathomable that masturbation has affected your life to this point.

>> No.17779413

>you sound like a bunch of addicts
>I do this drug every day and it doesn't bother me
Try quitting lol

>> No.17779432

literally use your imagination and everything will fix itself

>> No.17779441

You don't need to masturbate at all. Your body has a built-in system for absorbing surplus sperm and triggering orgasms from dreams which is strangely almost as erotically satisfying as sex. By masturbating you're exploiting a bio-hack. By looking at pornography you're just amping that bio-hack up to a ridiculous level. Quit doing that and either go monk mode and get wet dreams or get a wife. Masturbating is a waste of time and energy you should be putting into spiritual or intellectual or financial pursuits or courtship.

>> No.17779446

PS using your imagination is healthier than looking at porn. That stuff is spiritual poison.

>> No.17779506

I've done nofap for a month and I didn't feel any different, the first week was kinda annoying at night since I usually got an erection which made it a bit harder to fall asleep, but even that went away.

>> No.17779523

>Accept it and lock it down to a specific length of time. You won't feel nearly as ashamed.


>> No.17779549

But you had more free time, right?

>> No.17779635

I had the same amount of free time, it's just that a part of that free time I previously spent on masturbating I instead spent on something else. I can see the value in not masturbating if you want to dedicate 100% of all your time into something, but I'm not that kind of person. Sometimes I just like to relax and do nothing, and masturbation is perfect for those times.

I think the difference between me and anons here is that for them masturbation is an urge that they have to feed and impedes them from doing the things they really want to do, while for me it's something I actually enjoy and do for fun.

>> No.17779756

He doesn’t mean your literal nerves, but your neuroticisms.

>> No.17779805

This, I think the real problem is the outlets and people's excessive enthusiasm for sexual shit.
Shame is a healthy emotion to a degree because it acts as a natural confinement barrier for this stuff. The key is always balance, sexuality is part of mankind, it cannot be repressed but like many things it can go sour if left unchecked. Sadly humanity's greatest problem is the complete lack of moderation. I think this is also why it's better to err on the conservative side because it's better to have someone slip and repent than having an unabashed degenerate with no self-control or reasons to have any.
But then again I'm not that degenerate a degenerate compared to the really degenerate degenerates.

>> No.17779812

What about masturbating but retaining semen by using your muscles or hand, making it stay in your body?

>> No.17779910

Don’t do that shit. It’ll go backwards and widen up the passage. Don’t screw up your ejaculatory ducts

>> No.17779938

Is there proof on that? I couldn't find any scientific evidence, no side-effects and it's been done for decades, apparently.
And if it does, widen then, what's the problem? Less pressure?

>> No.17780439

I keep seeing men talking about all these benefits they get when they haven't cum in 30 days or whatever, but all those benefits I experience every day and still cum twice per week to porn. What gives?

>> No.17780492

beyond 3 days it makes no difference

>> No.17780495
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This, both volumes, and the third when it comes out this summer; but you probably won't understand as long as you keep cooming. Sorry.

>> No.17780542

Depends. Studies show a peak of testosterone on the 7th day, but it goes back down on the 8th. It is assumed it could be useful for maximizing muscle growth and strength training, but there's no conclusive proof.
Everything else seems like people that were coomers instead of jacking now and then like it's been done since around 3000BC (at least that we know of). If you only do it now and then you can still have plenty of time and energy for other things. Plus, if I don't do it my mind is always going for sexual thoughts every time I see a mildly attractive woman, even if only the face is showing.

>> No.17780548

Easy Peasy Method dot Org

>> No.17780579

>even if only the face is showing.
only subhumans get aroused by pictures of beavers

>> No.17780593

What do you mean? I'm not into animals.

>> No.17781148


>> No.17781170

hrt unless you're agp, then it'll probably make you hornier lol

>> No.17781233

I don't think autogynophiles would like that because real life sex changes don't make you attractive (whether or not you consider them genuine sex changes) especially if you are ugly originally

>> No.17781252

why are all trannies just the worst and most vile coomers imaginable

>> No.17781427

If you need a book to stop cooming, youre a oost cause.

>> No.17781429

Transformation mastery

>> No.17781441

What a disgusting thread.

>> No.17781481
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Just jacked, came buckets, felt pretty good, did weekly meal prep, trained shoulders and about to read some greek philosophy. Just go according to the call of nature.

>> No.17781556

it is the natural progression after years of pornography.

>> No.17782298
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>What a disgusting thread.

>> No.17782427

All of them

>> No.17782449

some people's brains are wired differently. 90% of people have gotten drunk at some point, right? so why do only a small percentage become alcoholics? they have genetically fucked up dopamine receptors

>> No.17782519

Same here, but I only do it usually on my days off, saturday and sunday, 1 time each. I do it because I have a constant boner which I want to stop and it stops/eases the sexual thoughts during weekdays, allowing me to concentrate more at work and reading. Sometimes 2 or 3 weeks go by and then I remember I haven't jacked in awhile. Keeping yourself in slightly colder rooms also doesn't make you pop a boner.

>> No.17782528

I can smell the cum on you through the network connection.

>> No.17783099

Fundamental Verses of the Middle Way

>> No.17783887

You're trying too hard, glowie.

>> No.17784064

You're not supposed to engage in onanism on the Lord's day.

>> No.17784082

WHy do u need a book? Lmao just dont touch your dick stupid!

>> No.17784173
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in just tryna be cute n somewhat funne

>> No.17784373

are people who have fap addictions more likely to have high testosterone or is that BS?

>> No.17784477

it's true, being low T will make you much less horny and dreaming about sexual stuff

>> No.17785143

Women are much nicer and more understanding than you think. Give it a shot, you may surprise yourself. And if not, you at least have more information but are otherwise in the same boat as before—thinking your dick won’t work that is. I don’t often venture to message boards anymore, but the problem I always see is all thought and no action. Overthinking is not conducive to an erection anyways, regardless of what your problem is!

>> No.17785257

Women are too nice

>> No.17785529

Only lift, read, maybe meditate for 7 days straight? No talking to people, music, even looking at your own art in your room? And the kicker: Doing nothing also not allowed.

Sounds like an unreasonable goal if there ever was one.

>> No.17786381

>Women are much nicer and more understanding than you think
It's all a façade you naive boy

>> No.17786396


>> No.17786418

The holy Bible.

>> No.17786440

Any book big enough to need two hands to hold

>> No.17786452


>> No.17786459

Nice try, mom. I'm going to find a good woman and break away from your influence.

>> No.17787208

you shoot it out with less force, I guess. Do it a couple of times, you’ll feel terrible.

>> No.17787562

Do it now, your brain is resisting because it depends on porn as a crutch

Nuke the drive while you have clarity and never look back

>> No.17787655

The one that makes you so depressed that you no longer have an appetite or libido. Worked for me.

>> No.17787709
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You have already completed the first step: the realization that masturbation is actually bad for you. Now, your next step will be learning how to persevere.
I read the Bible: www.bibletranslation.ws /trans /john.pdf
But if you're afraid of Jesus, feel free to read the best worldly book there is to offer: https:// easypeasymethod.org/ easypeasy.pdf

>> No.17787721
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>to quit porn, learn why porn is bad
he knows it's bad
>Jesus bad
orange man bad

>> No.17788768
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tfw overcame anti fap brainwashing

>> No.17789839

I am the Lord, therefore I do as I please.
I did. Had an energy rush for 10 minutes, dick stayed hard and had no orgasm. Tried it 4 times and all the same. I'll just let it out. I don't even have post nut clarity any more because instead of regretting it I just embrace it as part of nature's will.
ayy, christians confirmed trannies