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File: 531 KB, 2100x1575, 00-promo-cultsummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17774730 No.17774730 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start a self-sufficient community based on a philosophy which mixes Roman values with a little bit of Nietzsche and Evola. It would emphasize self-discipline, self-overcoming, the traditional family, physical and mental fitness, industriousness, frugalness etc.
I want to do this because it's the only way to protect my future children from the materialistic degeneracy of the modern world.

>> No.17774743

L Ron has your back

>> No.17774752

orrrrrrrrrrrr now this is a crazy idea, but, you could be a good parent and teach good values to your children without trying to create a cult

>> No.17774786

I can only do so much, having them hang around with normies will inevitably contaminate them. I want a cult of a select few because only a small minority of people will ever be capable of cultivating excellence

>> No.17774801
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You’d be deposed as leader and the new leader would fuck your wife and daughter regularly

>> No.17774813

Unironically read something like MK

>> No.17774838

What does MK stand for anon?

>> No.17774856

you need to be socially smart to be able to run a cult

not some incel loser on 4chan

>> No.17774858

Mein Kampf. Any book by a dictator/charismatic leader works but I prefer this one because it's very candid and has some chapters on propaganda, influence, etc. Just apply the concepts to a smaller scale.

>> No.17774859


>> No.17774873

Oh I read the first 200-300 pages, but God damn Onkel Addi is a bad writer

>> No.17774897

Absolute normie tier take on cults

>> No.17774909

Only genuinely charismatic people can start a cult. You come here asking how to start a cult based on a /pol/ack's understanding of Nietzsche, Evola, and traditional values. It is not a huge leap to assume you are a bitter and unlikable wretch and probably autistic, depressed, or both. You should consider yourself lucky to find a friend group not populated entirely by the similarly tormented dregs of the Internet Age. It is highly unlikely that you will ever attract a following because you are not a leader. You are not a Hitler but a Goebbels, at best.

>> No.17774910

Nah it's very uneven, some parts very good others very boring, but it's not bad. The theoretical parts in the second half were what I was talking about though.

>> No.17774933

Yeah I'll give it another try

Neither Nietzsche nor Roman virtues are not inherently related to /pol/, as far as I can tell most /pol/cels hate Nietzsche because muh kike on a stick

>> No.17774937
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You're not even able to get friends or a woman to sleep with you, but yeah, bro, you're gonna convince hundreds of people to throw away everything and live with you and your rules.

>> No.17774940
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>> No.17774955

Do liberals really?

>> No.17774969

At least they're not in a cult.

>> No.17774978

how so?

>> No.17774983

I read your title as books on starting a cunt which would be interesting.

>> No.17774998
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>At least they're not in a cult.

Its the standard normie representation of cults as something which purely exists to extract cash from its stupid members

>> No.17775027

This is the truth. If you're asking for advice here there's no way you have the charisma OP, give it up.

>> No.17775056
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>there's no way you have the charisma OP, give it up.

>> No.17775090
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this but unironically

>> No.17775099

Das Kapital

>> No.17775118

Stop larping

>> No.17775162

First thing you'll notice about all the big cults is that at the core, there is a guy with a large property. To start, you absolutely need a large enough private property that allows for privacy from prying eyes. Then you need a common enemy to unite people against, either real or imaginary depending on how gullible your flock is.

Once you have these, you write some fluff around it. But make sure you're at the top of the hierarchy without a line of succession so you don't get challenged by potential leaders. Once you get a few followers, you use the most loyal ones to exact pressure on anyone having doubts or wanting to leave. Isolating people from their family and loved ones is essential if they are not part of the flock.

Now at this point most people fuck up their cult and go full retard, either forcing government intervention or worse yet - killing themselves. Don't go full retard (Jonestown as an example of failure after success), look at the great and successful cults of the past and present such as Scientology.

If you're not charismatic or rich then don't bother.

>> No.17775183

Nobody cares about that dumb roman shit desu. Your cult would fail because of this.

>> No.17775281

What do you dislike about the Roman virtues?

>> No.17775346

That was the CIA cleaning up their mess and trying to pin it on crazy commies.

>> No.17775583

It sounds like you want to start the Movimento Tradizionalista Romano.

>> No.17775600

People like you are so terrible at this stuff. Your cults won't last long or get many members and you'll probably attract people more insane than yourself and what >>17774801 said well end up happening to you. If you want to found a religion, NEVER start with the "values". Never start with the excuse for which you're making it. Always start with some answer to something deeper, like theology, soteriology, cosmology, metaphysics, etc. It helps a lot to be really good at exegesis of some existing religion, and to be good at philosophy. Then you'll be able to establish a religion that can last a long time and get smart apologists and theologians to defend it generations later. Otherwise you're just starting an obvious joke religion and the only people who join will be psychos.

>> No.17775791

Have you ever seen the movie Captain Fantastic? It might be interesting to you, it's about a man trying to raise his children to be philosopher-kings, set against the excesses of modernity. Their commune is opposed to modernity from a more Bookchin-ish, leftist perspective, but nonetheless you would see something of your ideas on parenting reflected there.

>> No.17775796

It's propaganda to ensure people don't try and escape the system, anon

>> No.17775870

To an extent, yes, but it definitely shows some things worth thinking about. An Evolan reading of the film, as OP might give, would probably say that resisting the modern world will always fall with no higher initiatory character to their community. Perhaps a rightist commune would fare better than theirs when it comes to riding the tiger.

>> No.17775911

Fair enough
>Perhaps a rightist commune would fare better than theirs when it comes to riding the tiger.
Yes, the film did show the inherent flaws with leftist escapism/utopianism I guess.

>> No.17775939
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>> No.17776068

>I can only do so much, having them hang around with normies will inevitably contaminate them
Then you arent a very good parent.

>> No.17776081

Romans fucked dogs and had slave orgies.

>> No.17776098

OP made this thread on /x/ as well, wouldnt be surprised if pol and r9k also.
If you have to ask...

>> No.17776227

I'm looking for something more specific

>> No.17776259

How to start YOUR cult, by (You)

>> No.17776304

This guy is right.

I once started an internet cult myself by sheer accident founded on nothing, but me giving advice and doing some psionic mumbo jumbo, but my followers were only ever literal retards and crazy people. So crazy and scary that I realized I was out of my depth and had to jump ship.

>> No.17776595


>> No.17776734

Read the Quran and about Muhammed in general. Guy was genius about creating cults.

>> No.17776869

I want to start a Christian socialist commune to get away from the modern world, but I'm terrified of some Cluster B hijacking it and turning it into a destructive cult.

>> No.17777532

perttty sure ya gotta be a sociopath,
full of self denial, a great communicator/motivator
like a coach.
be a solution looking for a problem
like a Democrat politician in the US.
gotta be able to create a villain out of
very little substance. Your the savior from
the villain.
villain could be a person, interest group,
virus, country.

Read books from bleeding heart liberals
and or NEOCONs
religious texts
watch sister wives on TLC

>> No.17778476

But I want the community to be an actually good place. I'm not a sociopath. I guess I could have some psychological screening process for people who join.

>> No.17778501

Step one: make a discord server

>> No.17778540

The Romans who did this obviously didn't live according to Roman virtues you absolute mongloid

>> No.17778546

WTF that movie sounds exactly like what I'm trying to do, I'm gonna check it out

>> No.17778690

Start with a book club OP.

>> No.17778973

Not sure what to elaborate on, cause it's a long story.

I had founded myself a very small cult that hung on everything I said, by sheer accident.

This all started with me fucking around on occult forums and ircs. I was mainly just in them to fuck with people, but I'm the kind of person who loses sight of what he's doing real quick so the trolling became a bizarre rp type deal where instead of just fucking with schizos, I would perpetually keep up this character.

I'd pretend to be this super psychic charismatic dude who never really boasted ever, but would always step up with answers to just about any problem(Even to shit he knew nothing about).

I'd mainly sit on the benches and wait till new users came in and chat with them out in the open for a bit, before segueing into pms. I'd also target unpopular users as well. These were my first 'recruits'.

I realized since most of these people were fueled on some hardcore escapism, that I could never up front challenge their fantasies, but instead would like, implant myself into their fantasies.

There was never really one method of doing this. I'd mainly just feed into their fantasies with my own styled narrative.

If I'm being honest, the cult primarily made itself. It took a couple months to get around a handful of people, but once I had them, they'd basically begun to build my reputation for me as this mystic guruman.

Suddenly these people would just bring their friends and other users to me for whatever kind of psychic intervention or advice they needed

I don't want my post to go on for too long, so I'll just say that I jumped ship after nearly unknowingly cucking some dude who wanted to kill me, before the unknowing cucking got underway. These two weird girls were also talking about my etheric children or some shit being borne into them willingly. Shit was getting too weird.

>> No.17778996

>girls on the internet
Had me going until that.

>> No.17779021

They were primarily all ugly schizos(Many were over weight).

These shenanigans were also moving into an irl phase when I had decided it was a good idea to try to sleep with one of them and gave them my address.

Thank fuck I moved almost immediately after I did that.

>> No.17779060

Sounds like you attracted a lot of subhumans, you should have introduced human sacrifice of members before leaving the cult

>> No.17779067

>want to do this because it's the only way to protect my future children from the materialistic degeneracy
Spirit is never stronger than flesh. Eventually, you are going to die, they'll be move away from you ideologically, and you won't have control over your children anymore. I would just teach them to be frugal, humble, de-empathize social media, and teach them how to be self reliant. That's all you really can do, but even that isn't a guarantee. I feel like, even more so, your suggestion is utopian because its been tried - what do you think Buddhists and Christians were attempting to do, and we've seen how that hasn't worked out.

>> No.17779110

You don’t need a large property yourself, you can start smaller with a radical book club or a fraternal organisation and once you get a rich member with property build them up as you number 2.

>> No.17779144

>Buddhists and Christians were attempting to do, and we've seen how that hasn't worked out.
Nigga have you never heard about Buddhist temples or the amish?

>> No.17779200

Nigga, have you read a history book? Buddhists have been envious, murderous, rapists, greedy et cetera. Exceptions don't make the rule.
>You never heard about Buddhist temples

>> No.17779266

Not really. The Aum cult in japan was started by some hobo and it only got rich as the cult progressed.

>> No.17779308

You are talking about the average Joe, who isn't very dedicated to his own religion. I'm talking about creating a small devoted group of followers. Very different thing, you can compare the unwashed masses with an elite group

>> No.17779749
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>Spirit is never stronger than flesh.
Maybe yours isn't

>> No.17780165 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17780219

Ysis Papers lays out how white peoples formed their cult of white supremacy.
It’s obviously what you get when you affirmative action an unqualified black woman all the up to a phD, but people buy what she’s selling, so something about it is effective.

>> No.17780258
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4chan already exists and you're here forever

>> No.17780601

Before anything else, you need to be a charismatic leader and if you need to go to such a board looking for help you will NGMI. Sorry anon.

>> No.17780615

>which mixes Roman values with a little bit of Nietzsche and Evola

>> No.17781192

Do you honestly believe there's a difference between the sycophant demfags and the sycophant Trumpers?

>> No.17781297

your cult is fucking gay

>> No.17781347

And your point is...?

>> No.17781593

I've also fantasised about this. Additionally, I feel a love of nature and high culture are essential.

A question for you though. Even if you do manage to raise an ubermensch - do you feel they'll be constrained or powerless to exercise their excellence in the world? Is your end goal to ultimately have an effect in the world or is it to isolate from it entirely?

>> No.17781613

Off topic Evola question: an accelerationist anon on /pol/ referenced the phrase "fill the pit" as something from Evola, do you know which book its from?
>tell me what to do to fill the pit (as evola says) a little faster, to push a little more quickly the coming of kalki to end this age
>Evola talks about needing material to fill the pit to build the new world out of. Vishnu doesn’t send the kalki avatar until it’s really dark.

>> No.17781659

>the traditional family
What is traditional family? I guess this is the extended clan-based family from the prehistory? Might work in your cult tbf.

>> No.17781676

most people don't have the charisma for it to be fair.

>> No.17782927

>do you feel they'll be constrained or powerless to exercise their excellence in the world?
To an extend yes, they wouldn't have the same ressources that let's say a billionaire is born with, so naturally they'll be constrained to some extend when it comes to making their mark on the world
>Is your end goal to ultimately have an effect in the world or is it to isolate from it entirely?
Yes, I want to have an effect on the world. Best case scenario would be that the commune works so well that normies realize they have been wrong all along and they change their hedonistic ways.... Obviously that's never going to happen, so I assume raising a nation of warrior philosophers who'll take over the country by force once our numbers are in the millions a few hundred years down the road would be the second best option

>> No.17782977

If you know for a fact what you're starting is a cult and not a legitimate expression of faith, and you're uncharismatic enough to post begging for cult leader advice on 4channel, you are guaranteed to fail.
I'm an avowed White nationalist and even I can tell that this founding premise is deeply retarded.

>> No.17783014

I shouldn't have called it a cult in the OP, because what I'm actually aiming for is more like a brotherhood or something along those lines

>> No.17783039
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Well, of course you shouldnt call it a cult.
You should look into books on the Aum cult in Japan, people only remember them from their gas attacks in the 90s of the Tokyo Subway, but they did far more crazy shit.
>Had about 1 billion dollars in funds by the end
>Cult leader claimed he was the incarnation of Jesus, Shiva, and Hitler
>Purchased weapons and weapons manufacturing machinery from several vendors, including the Russian Special forces
>They had enough sarin to kill 4 million people
>Started their own nuclear enrichment program in Australia
The leader also was a blind nobody who got rejected from college

>> No.17783050

No, what you're aiming for is a cult. You would've thought your original post through much more thoroughly if you actually intended to do any of this rather than just virtue-signal to other extremely online but deeply noncommittal White nationalists/fascists/etc about your supposed ideological strength.

>> No.17783062

Join a frat. It'll be fun and they use cult techniques. After that the most socially acceptable way to start a cult is to start a business, hire young impressionable people and be charismatic. I dont know other methods but I've seen these work to some extent. Good luck anon.

>> No.17783066

To successfully start a cult you’ll need to be a narcissist at the very least. Sociopath will make it easier. Next you’ll need to be charismatic and be able to public speak. Next you’ll need an audience. Only people at their lowest and most vulnerable usually allow themselves to be fully subservient to another. If you can put it all together and convince them you are their leader then you’re set

>> No.17783118

Meds. Take them.

>> No.17783357

If you let this thread be archived while I sleep your mom will die very painfully

>> No.17783414

You mean all the rich people? The plebs also lived like shit.
Your fantasy view of Rome does not exist.

>> No.17784429
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this is the only answer

>> No.17784766

Where do I start with Evola?

>> No.17785929 [DELETED] 

Holy shit you're a fucking retard mate, at no I point did I ever claim that every single Roman lived like that all the time. Do Christian values also not exist because some priest rape kids? Use your fucking brain dumbass

>> No.17785945
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Holy shit you're a fucking retard mate, at no I point did I ever claim that all Roman's lived according to those virtues at all times. I'm well aware that it's only a minority. Still those virtues were considered Roman and the people who lived according to them (like Cato) were revered in Roman society. I can't believe I even have to explain this to you

>> No.17785948

By dropping him in the trashcan, turning 360 degrees, and walking away.

>> No.17786736

But if you were to turn 360, youd be facing the same direction

>> No.17787282

You fell for the bait!!! Trololololo

>> No.17787380

Hahahaha no YOU fell for the reverse bait hahahaha

>> No.17787405

It's all about personal charisma
Schizos, relitards, and insecure loser like OP will swallow anything as long as it is presented with absolute self-assuredness and enough nonsensical woo woo

Look at Wim Hof

>> No.17787476
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>> No.17787482

Wim Hof is a retard, but the breathing method still works
Obviously he just stole it from Yoga though

>> No.17787821
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>> No.17787835

you´re fucking gay

>> No.17788318
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I'm so fucking tired of you stupid trolls calling traps gay. It's not gay to be attracted to the feminine, gender is more than just genitals

>> No.17788326

Dibs on being the Leader!

>> No.17788394

>little bit of Nietzsche, self-overcoming
>frugalness, industriousness, family values

whats the point of pulling Nietzsche into this when youre just adopting the exact stagnant christian moral values he was rebelling against, but with added pagan LARPing

>> No.17788659
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>whats the point of pulling Nietzsche into this when youre just adopting the exact stagnant christian moral values he was rebelling against, but with added pagan LARPing

>> No.17788786

Instead of starting a cult, just go the Hitler route and instead join a small party or movement and then turn it into a cult.

>> No.17788800

Gender doesn’t exist. Only sex does. You are attracted to your same sex, you are homosexual, you are gay. Just because a man goes through a freak dystopian medical practice to look feminine doesn’t mean that the man stops being a man.

>> No.17789006

You can't reduce gender and sexuality to genitals, it's more complex than that

>> No.17789898


>> No.17790169

join a cult and learn from the experience there, then branch out/leave to found your own. Or you can just create a small community with likeminded individuals somewhere remote without having to do the religious stuff, kind of like the mormons, but again, without the religion stuff

>> No.17790378

You cant really leave a cult all that easily. Its better to join a pseudo-cult and transform it

>> No.17791804

Having that many wives is NOT worth it, just bang some hookers.

>> No.17792661

You should unironically read occult books that teach you how to manipulate your aura.