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17772790 No.17772790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it because he's a jew?
Is it because he's allegedly married to an asian?
Every time I read Moldbug, it seems that his analysis of Hitler, despite being well-read on him, is slightly off. Does anyone else feel this way?

>> No.17772794
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Most recent article:
>One of the ironies of the Third Reich is that while most Nazis were quite submodern, Hitler himself was remarkably postmodern. Anyone reading the Table Talk, really the pons asinorum of Hitler Studies, will be struck by the echo of the 4chan nerd—who in real life is typically an underachieving, overbright, undereducated, maladjusted misfit. Like Hitler. But the thing is: there are no panzer divisions of 4chan nerds.

how do we acquire panzer divisions? Are autonomous killer drones /ourkililngmachine/??

>> No.17772847

Moldbug has never been able to understand Hitler because Hitler's genius was primarily spiritual, while Moldbug, who is quite smart, is a thoroughly base materialist

>> No.17772864

that's a good way to put it mothman

>> No.17772880


>> No.17772905
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>> No.17772908

Um um um um um well actually modernism is pretty great, me & Nick Land agree modernism is actually very based... um the postmodernists are uhhh um um.. they are like Hitler.

>> No.17772912

What's the TL:DR today?

>> No.17772915

dunno didn't read lol

>> No.17772931


>> No.17772932

Hitler wasn't spiritual at all. He wanted to replace religion with his own national socialism.
If you want to understand nazis, look at the fact that the SS were cuckolds

>> No.17772971
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You have no understanding of German idealism. A strong leader representing the volk spiritually is a key component of his appeal to intellectuals at the time. Materialists will never understand this as anon above mentioned.

>> No.17772975

>Hitler wasn't spiritual at all. He wanted to replace religion with his own national socialism
You're obviously a low effort troll but you can be extremely spiritual without following any religion, and you can have an ideology in place of religion.

>> No.17772977

Hitler wasn't interested in German idealism or 'Volk spirituality'. He dismissed both Himmler and Rosenberg as cultish nonsense.

>> No.17773034

Social darwinism isn't a spirituality

>> No.17773042

I like some of Moldbug, but he's such a shmoozer. I think half the reason he came back is to correct the record after ten years of being appropriated by provincial nerds, which I suspect aggravates his self-perception (how many times has he told us he went to Brown?). That's why he needs his whole 'mirror for princes' gimmick now, so there's no doubt he's writing for those eminences in the private box of the Princesse de Guermantes and not 'neorectionary' bloggers who compile lists called Great Books of the Aristocracy containing a bunch of novels from the last two hundred years, scientific works about racial differences in intelligence, and libertarian economic theory.

>> No.17773069

Yes it's because he's Jewish. It's hard to get anyone to be honest about the failings of their people, but with Jews it's practically impossible, the whole Jewish MO, their whole gameplan and reason for their astounding success, is their ability to coordinate with each other, their tribal love for their people, which severely distorts how they view each other relative to other people. That's the reason they have been around for 3000 years or whatever, the reason they can survive as a minority in other peoples countries seemingly eternally without assimilating, and gain wealth and influence. The Ashkenazi have developed high IQ on top of this so it is pretty much over for the other races.

>> No.17773086
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>it is pretty much over for the other races
not so fast shlomo, it aint over till it's over.

>> No.17773092

>Table Talks
This is THE problem. The Table Talks are completely fake, there's no evidence what so ever of their authenticity.

>> No.17773108

>the pons asinorum of Hitler Studies
>it's fake!
ngmi senpai

>> No.17773115

>pons asinorum of Hitler Studies
The academics are very biased people, I don't care what they have to say.

>> No.17773131
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Kek, even pol would find himmler and Rosenberg retarded. However, the opinion that Hitler was just a power hungry materialist hasn't been taken seriously since the 50s.

>> No.17773133

you simply have not gone far enough in your hitler studies anon. read books by those who were around Hitler and knew him. you will realize that they are similar to what he says in Table Talks.

>> No.17773139

The Nazis are a good example of a gentile race trying to act like Jews, failing miserably, and overshooting into genocidal madness. The Jew's tribal feeling is so powerful that his people remain a nation no matter where they go and how they are dispersed, the Nazi can only envision a People by physically excising all foreign ethnic elements from the nation, by making the nation-state, a political entity, try to force the human material into a tribe. The German kin-feeling was and is of course real, and it can be roused to Nationalism, but it is dependent on large scales on large-scale propaganda and political structures, while world Jewry is an organic distributed system of coordination, not a top-down conspiracy, not even in the age of Israel.

>> No.17773151

>hitler studies
Even this term is so fucking pretentious.

>> No.17773163

Might be a DeLillo reference.

>> No.17773171
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Hitler is the new Moses
those who scream 'Table Talks was fake!' are peak midwits. no offense.
read the people hitler read, and you'll see that Table Talks is him regurgitating the same shit of other people:

>> No.17773209

That Jung quote is a cope if you're using it in the context we're talking about here. It may well have greater potential in other senses.

>> No.17773224
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>Asian wife
>Mongrel children
Of course he doesn't

>> No.17773273

do you have any insights into what life circumstances are causing Yarvin to be so paranoid about covid? he moved to some rural western town, etc?

>> No.17773289

not really, I've lived in SF before and it was probably just the final straw for him. the place truly sucks and I cannot imagine raising children there.
he's in idaho or some shit now

>> No.17773326

Yes, but they're also terribly inbred.

>> No.17773885

who is this

>> No.17773929

Did Savitri Devi diddle herself to this picture?

>> No.17773986

>Is it because he's a jew?
Yes. You should listen to his appearance on Hyperpodcastism, it's genuinely interesting but when it gets to Hitler/nazis he becomes absolutely neurotic and starts spouting nonsense.
Since when have you been reading Savitri Devi?

>> No.17774027

Based batesian mimic

>> No.17774055

>You should listen to his appearance on Hyperpodcastism
I find his mix of silvertongued intellectual exhibitionism and weird awkwardness very entertaining. For all his wit with anecdotes and historical knowledge, he just makes these awkward blunders when he's challenged that make the situation more tense, like when Borzoi made some point about Holocaust historiography and his response began with 'Well, because I'm not a beta...' which of course is a bizarre unforced insult to Borzoi.

>> No.17774823

fuck he got us bros.

>> No.17774841

Devi and Miguel Serrano had tantric sex to the pic

>> No.17774886

Yes, he was very assive agressive but I think it had to do with him being on "enemy territory". He's obviously an intelligent, witty guy who's good with words but when challenged from that particular perspective his lizard brain takes over and he starts lashing out.

>> No.17774908



>> No.17774924

Has to be dumbest pen name in history.

>> No.17774961

Ask me how I know you're jewish.

>> No.17774962

Whatever happened to Mena, btw?

>> No.17775005

>puts Himmler in charge of the SS
>puts Rosenberg in charge of the Foreign Affairs office and gives him authority to police German culture

Hitler had a very strange way of dismissing people.

>> No.17775023

A lot of sociopaths are moving from CA to ID. He's probably not concerned about COVID at all.

>> No.17775189
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>Anyone reading the Table Talk

>read books by those who were around Hitler and knew him. you will realize that they are similar to what he says in Table Talks.
It is precisely the core of the problem.

That's pretty normal considering the fact that the Table Talks contain a mishmash of things said by all the people who were assisting to such talks, not only Hitler words, but also because Bormann himself edited the text to make it more suitable to his own thought.
It is also normal because people who were close to Hitler often integrated things said in Mein Kampf that were factually false in their own memory. Jetzinger shows that especially well in his -still highly relevant yet too ignored- Hitler's youth. The same process happened with the Table Talks due to the high credit given to them, because the Mémoires of such actors were usually published 5, 10 (or more, for example Speer's) years after the publication of the Table Talks.
A last thing is the fact that people can modify things to make it fit their own agenda. Traces of such things obviously exist.

Nilsson was not even mentioned once in the thread when his work explains in depth. It is probably the most groundbreaking when it comes to the analysis of these sources.

>> No.17775208

Both were with him in 1923.
Rosenberg's post was not even important culturally speaking (and it was not at all a vessel for Rosenberg's own thought), there were other culture groups, for example Goebbels', far more important.

>> No.17775250

good post

>> No.17775284

>Moldbug does not fundamentally understand
this is correct

>> No.17775302

>The Indian Legion is a joke. There are Indians that can't kill a louse, and would prefer to allow themselves to be devoured. They certainly aren't going to kill any Englishmen... I imagine that if one were to use the Indians to turn prayer wheels or something like that they would be the most indefatigable soldiers in the world. But it would be ridiculous to commit them to a real blood struggle.
March 23, 1945
What did Hitler mean by this ?

>> No.17775312

He was the most accomplished international figure since Napoleon. Wtf is this dumb jew talking about?

>> No.17775616

You know, Hitler was gay and stuff

>> No.17776117

His wife isn't asian anon

>> No.17776165

Presumably he was describing Hitler before his rise to power.

>> No.17776173

In that case that goes for any figure before his rise to power and therefore says nothing

>> No.17777281
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>wot u fkn sed m8? i'll rekt u i sware on me marm

>> No.17778150

Look at that kike beak Jesus Christ.

>> No.17778172

and national socialism is a lot more than social darwinism? in fact it tries quite extensively to catch people who fall between the cracks of society or were in danger of doing so.

>> No.17778191

>Hitler was spiritual but not religious
Kek, hippies btfo

>> No.17778463

He was obviously Christian. Ryback noted that one of the books he most likely constantly read from the mid 30s to the end was a compilation of words of Christ from the Gospels. Also had a hundred or so books about spirituality and especially Christian one.

>> No.17778666

hitler was a big old loser who shot himself because he was too scared to face the consequences of his stupidity
that's my analysis

>> No.17778684

Huh. Never knew Satan was trans.
Makes sense when you think about it.