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17772270 No.17772270 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best edition?

>> No.17772361

So I guess these "editors" are just French to English translators (French is the language "Shakespeare's" works were originally written in)?

>> No.17772368


>> No.17772422

Kys disgusting frog

>> No.17772449

it's a students edition. if you need it for a course or dissertation on shakespeare, it beats buying the texts individually. but the text size and layout doesnt provide a great amount of enjoyment while reading.

>> No.17772535
File: 1.83 MB, 1030x1292, norton shakespeare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Norton Shakespeare (hardcover)

>> No.17772580

I got this for £2 at a charity shop when I joined my parents on a caravanning trip to a cathedral town. What a steal

>> No.17772590

Excellent edition, either this or the Riverside Shakespeare are what you're looking for.

>> No.17772920
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*mogs you*

>> No.17773064
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Out of my way knave

>> No.17773083

French... ‘language’..?

>> No.17773755

It doesn't have a page marker and the binding kind of sucks.

>> No.17773798

It doesn't even have notes

>> No.17774287

>second edition
What, did Willy boy write another play?

>> No.17774304
File: 985 KB, 1969x2560, 1614684066361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, but this one seems good.

>> No.17774464

No. Too much of it is academics playing games. They name the plays by the original quarto/folio titles rather than their commonly known names (e.g. "The First Part of the Contention" rather than 2 Henry VI). In a pointless quest to present the plays as they were originally performed they do stuff like switch Falstaff's name to Oldcastle in his original appearance in 1 Henry IV, and move various Hamlet sections to an appendix. Then they go completely against that by doing stuff like changing "ancient" to "ensign" in Othello to convey the meaning, even though that's against what they said about presenting the plays as originally performed. They co-credit various co-writers on spurious evidence (where are all these Thomas Middleton fanboys coming from?) They also include two versions of King Lear rather than just doing one version like everyone else, and for Pericles they crib from a contemporaneous story by George Wilkins under the assumption that he was a cowriter of the play.

The second edition gets even worse with the academic games. It adds more cowriter credits (e.g. George Peele gets equal blame for Titus Andronicus), includes the whole text of Sir Thomas More (first edition just had excerpts), and adds the play Edward III.

>> No.17775290

So then what's the best one? Something with little academic circlejerk and good fidelity with the original

>> No.17775970

Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.17776826


>> No.17777366

I have this but I'm afraid to use it in case I get it dirty

>> No.17777925

Arden shakespeare is quite accepted as far as I know.

>> No.17777957
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Complete editions all suck, you want individual plays. Also as for publishers in my experience it goes
Arden (top tier)
Folgers (high tier)
Norton (ok tier)
Oxford (dogshit)

t. has been rereading Shakespeare for half my life now

>> No.17777965

No, the four volume Norton set is the best edition of the complete works of Shakespeare

>> No.17778022

Which has an anti-Stratfordian notes apparatus?

>> No.17778057


>> No.17778677

What do I need to read before reading Shakespeare?

>> No.17778705

Which edition would you suggest for an ESL that is not the no fear Shakespeare?
I would one with extenesive anotations and good introductions to get more of the context since I didn't really study much of English jistory or lit in school.