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17768758 No.17768758 [Reply] [Original]

>Nihilistic hedonism is bad
>Under Capitalism we have been reduced to being spectators and consumers
>Low birthrates are bad
>Capitalism desacrilizes culture

Holy shit. I had no idea Marxism was based.

>> No.17768806

>There is widespread cultural sterility
>Postmodernism is bad

It just keeps getting better.

>> No.17768824
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism bad
>I know, we'll pop culture our way out!

>> No.17768830


>> No.17768926

> views the entire world in economic terms
> believed(believes) in revolutionary materialist gospel
> complains that everyone is reduced to market actors and everything is commodified

>> No.17768953

Why can't you just stop coveting other people's property?

>> No.17769069

I suggest for all dissident anti capitalist thinkers to acquaint themselves intimately with Hegel's works. From there delve into Marx and 20th century continental thought if you wish, but at least be familiar with Hegel's philosophical concepts. Hegel gives us a guide for developing new ideas and addressing pressing matters through dialectical reasoning. A more mature use of the speculative modes of Hegel's philosophy allows for a fundamental shift of focus and orientation in the way of understanding the neoliberal condition which will pave the way for modernized revolutionary progressive sociopolitical projects.

>> No.17769105

Daily reminder that if you are an accelerationist you should be EMBRACING postmodernism.

Right wing tards need to finally understand postmodernism is our ally.

>> No.17769130

>>Low (((interracial))) birthrates are bad
>replacing with immigration good

>> No.17769149

As a leftist I am glad your "comrades" are retarded

>> No.17769152

This is why lgbtqia is retarded

This is an important and valid criticism

>> No.17769514

Marxists hate this criticism more than anything.

>> No.17769537

They see the world in terms of modes of production, not in terms of capitalistic commodities.

>> No.17769669 [DELETED] 

>pave the way for modernized revolutionary progressive sociopolitical projects
Like what?

>> No.17769677

Production as a commodity

>> No.17769680

>modernized revolutionary progressive sociopolitical projects

Like what?

>> No.17769725

What if I told you the two are mutually complementary

>> No.17769737


>> No.17769922

love how the only argument people like you can make is that we are envious
like nah, when I see someone hoarding, I think it's gross and disgusting, I don't secretly want to fill my house up with trash.
Same thing with hoarded wealth.

>> No.17769954

Read Hegel and use the dialectic method to figure it out

>> No.17769972

marx was hegel for literal illiterate peasants

>> No.17770026
File: 72 KB, 500x379, camatte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They see the world in terms of rackets, not in terms of gemeinwesen.

>> No.17770049

Which Camatte essay is this from, Camatte-anon? I just got the world we must leave in the mail

>> No.17770262

>Instead of the gestural, spectacular politics around (noble) causes like Palestine, it’s time that teaching unions got far more immanent, and take the opportunity opened up by the crisis to begin to rid public services of business ontology.

Um... guys... does this sound a little problematic to you?

>> No.17770311

>thinks that marxist materialism is an ontological proposition.

>> No.17770588

you're retarded

>> No.17770622

Shut up.

>> No.17770663
File: 42 KB, 819x431, Fix B. - Rethinking economic growth theory (1) (2015).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They see the world in terms of modes of production
Which is retarded

>> No.17770698
File: 172 KB, 739x925, Fix B. - Economic Development and the Death of the Free Market (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modes of production
Production is undefinable. Embrace hierarchical power.

>> No.17770703
File: 130 KB, 867x843, Fix B. - Stocks are up, Wages are down. What does it Mean (2020) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17771355

ahahahahah based

>> No.17771557

>I just got the world we must leave in the mail
From where?

>> No.17771965

>rightoids and 4channelers criticisms of leftist thinkers stem from them not having the faintest clue about said leftist thinkers actual ideas and literary content
imagine my shock!
of course the hierarchies are the reason for increased energy use, which of course is also good, so hierarchies must be good. its not like the historical process which enables higher energy use, industrialisation, modernisation and marketisation of society requires unjust hierarchies to be set up. pseud.

>> No.17772008

gee it's almost like leftists aren't /pol/ strawmen whose political goals are killing whitey for some nefarious reason