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17767391 No.17767391 [Reply] [Original]

since Vtubers are becoming more popular on the Internet, i think this book should get a proper update, analyzing the parasocial relationship that exists between anime vtubers and the young male audience who watches it, the whole aspect of "beauty fighting girl" i think is now redundant since weebs don´t care if her girl has masculine qualities or not, since with the Internet they can engage on a social (but artificial) level with said Anime Girl

>> No.17767920

The only book-length essay on anime I've read before was about the appeal of Yaoi to fujoshi. Was interesting and illuminatory. Read it about a decade ago.

>> No.17767937

That also sounds interesting, If you ever remember the title pls drop a link!

>> No.17767938

Hopefully soon.

>> No.17768091


>> No.17768199

>If you ever remember the title pls drop a link!
Can't for the life of me and I've been trying.
The gist was that females like to self-insert as someone who could have power in a relationship with a male, since, at the time, females were still considered helpless and at the mercy of the dominant male. Yaoi places love partners on more or less equal footing, which is in essence what a lot of women (think) they want in their own relationships.

If I remembered the name I'd drop it. I'll look one more time though.

>> No.17768330

So it was my mistake. It wasn't book-length after all. Not sure how I misremembered that.

Still, here's the article:
>"‘Boys love' in anime and manga: Japanese subcultural production and its end users", by Aleardo Zanghellini
>Pages 279-294 | Published online: 10 Jun 2009

Women typically enjoy romances, so yaoi is not so far removed from their tastes. Though both males, the protagonists generally assume the male/female dynamic; and because of the complexity of their relationship, yaoi often has the potential to be quite more entertaining than hetero-sexual romances.

There are also psychological reasons for why women adore yaoi so much. As said, typically in yaoi, one of the males assumes the masculine role, while the other assumes the feminine role. The more masculine character tends to have more of a personality than the feminine one—in fact, the intention seems that the feminine character is to be little more than a face, having almost no distinguishing thing about himself.
Being so blank allows the women reading to project themselves unto him, and through him, experience the relationship with the masculine character. Thus, women are able to have a piece of romance that might have been missing in their own lives. Reading yaoi, women can fulfill their romantic desires.

However, they are also able to fulfill their sexual desires through yaoi. In addition to the situation of “blankness,” and the ability of women to project themselves upon the feminine character to experience romance, there is the simple satisfaction derived from watching so-called “hot sex.”
As Aleardo Zanghellini states in his own article exploring yaoi’s curious popularity,
>If the fans are well aware that one of the points of the genre is eye-candy (the sensuous gratification derived from gazing at [beautiful boys]), it seems only a short step to the recognition that ‘gratuitous’ male sex may be quite at home in yaoi/BL anime or manga” (Zanghellini 2009 288)
Watching sex is stimulating in any case, but when the partners are beautiful boys—the objects of many females’ desires—women cannot help but enjoy it.

>> No.17768419

Ty anon, I appreciate your search

>> No.17769138

Different anon, but this is very interesting. thank you anon.

>> No.17769154
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I was writing something kind of related but I am too retard to finish it

>> No.17769292


ate em
how long will they last

>> No.17769417

They're here to stay forever. Even the ugliest whore on the planet with meth teeth, feral alcohol syndrome, and cigarette voice can just turn on a virtual avatar and rake in all the disgusting incels on streaming platforms and normal thots can't even compete.

>> No.17769457

>normal thots can't even compete.
and that its absolutely based

>> No.17769546

Don't know why this dude suddenly stopped writing books ten years ago. Guess he retired. Also that book was talking about otaku specifically and the phenomenon in the context of japan. Weebs are a different thing and a huge portion of them are ironical since anime still has the flair of novelty int he west and is embedded in meme culture, not to mention our sensibilities towards 'reality'. Though the beautiful fighting girl archetype has definitely become prevalent with people watching anime as kids being influenced (see all the recent adolescent action female protags in CN/Disney/Nickelodean shows). He kind of jumped the gun evaluating the west as a whole.

>> No.17769557

As for vtubers I don't remember exactly but didn't he touch ont hat at some point? Something about an early experimental prototype or something that resembles current vtubers? Somehow he said it didn't have the same dynamic.

>> No.17770620

Any good anime book.

>> No.17770989

I am indifferent towards vtubers but I like how they will probably overtake 3DPD streamers market in near future. Should produce a lot of seethe

>> No.17771009

>3DPD streamers market in near future. Should produce a lot of seethe
Many of the 3DPD are turning into vtubers just to survive. They're already seething. Along with their simps.

>> No.17771026
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>> No.17771052

Never thought I’ll see the day that they would debased themselves for money


>> No.17771213

Great read

>> No.17771244

Isnt it kinda dated right now? I mean think about how much changed in 20 years

>> No.17771468

>a huge portion of them are ironical since anime still has the flair of novelty

they´re ironic but at the same time they´re really sensitive people, any hint of criticism it´s met with aggression,disdain or another negative emotion

>> No.17771705

Some of his insights are useful if not cutting edge. He notes that anime fans consume aspects of characters rather than the whole, if he'd been a little further ahead of the curve he would have predicted boorus

>> No.17771936

>consume aspects of characters rather than the whole
what is he referring to here? Self-inserting but ignoring the traits that you dont like/have?

>> No.17772489

is this platonism?

>> No.17772547
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About that and ZUN being the modern, public Henry Darger

>> No.17772568
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I like ZUN but he can't compete with this
The west wins again baby

>> No.17772576

why does /lit/ get one or two new schizoposters every month

this vtuber guy is going ham, is this a prelude to his breakdown?

>> No.17772605
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>someone writes without using buzzwords and hoes, even using sources
>gets called schizoposting

>> No.17772681

Is this good? I’m really put off by critical theory analysis of media but the topic seems interesting so I want to read it if it doesn’t turn out to be a pretty typical critical theory book.

>> No.17772688

Eternal summer brought a lot more people here, including weebs

>> No.17772724

>eternal summer brought weebs
Do you realize where you are? If anything decade long summer brought a ton of non-weebs, including (you)

>> No.17772728

That's how the word is used these days.

>> No.17772738

Can you put yourself any harder...?

>> No.17773204

no, the author made a lacanian analysis in the final chapter of the book

>> No.17773219

yes, it helps if you know Lacan (i didn´t), he also discusses the history of anime (girls) in media and even compares how different anime and comics are

>> No.17773341

critical theory is good