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17766947 No.17766947 [Reply] [Original]

Fantasy Edition
Previous Thread: >>17751175

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Never going to be created.

>> No.17767233

Coldhands is the offspring of the Night Queen and the Lord Commander, yes? It would be the only thing that would make sense of his origin if he doesn't wind up turning out to be Benjen which probably won't be true.

>> No.17767245

stop using anime as OP pics, it's disgusting and this is not a fucking anime thread. use real sff art fool

>> No.17767488
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>The story broke a few days ago, and is now all over the internet: I am developing a new series for HBO, a science fiction show based on ROADMARKS, a novel by the late great Roger Zelazny. And what do you know — the story is actually true.
What the fuck is this hack's problem?

>> No.17767514

I bet he folds his pizza slices in half so the hot juicy grease funnels directly into his gullet. Then he dips the slice in thick, creamy ranch dressing before devouring the entire pie in one sitting. At the end, he belches pleasurably, and proceeds to stick his hard pink mast lustily into the nearest pile of spicy buffalo wings.

>> No.17767556

What are some sword and sorcery stories other than Conan and Elric? Are there any decent modern examples too? I'm currently reading through those two but would like some more. Thanks.

>> No.17767568

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

>> No.17767575

eye of argon is a classic

>> No.17767594
File: 50 KB, 400x197, princeofnothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these covers are fine, get these

>> No.17767608

What kind of savage makes a greasy pizza?

>> No.17767610

do they exist for the second series?

non-burger detected

>> No.17767659

If I order pizza and it shows up greasy, I send it back. That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.17767747
File: 286 KB, 999x1487, 81DJSnvFtLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. although the great ordeal and the unholy consult just have the original covers cropped inbetween the black bars. kinda lazy but its still consistent i guess

>> No.17767768

>Among the greatest... a plot and subplot that is like the climactic movement of a symphony.

>> No.17768340

How do I in2 Conan

>> No.17768371
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i want to go back

>> No.17768420

should i read a deepness in the sky? i liked a fire upon the deep but i'm always a bit suspicious of prequels in general
also, behead vtubers and their simpathizers

>> No.17768485

uh, read the stories?

>> No.17768514

>George mentioned writing A Dream of Spring in his new blog post

Dare I say is he nearly done with TWOW? I think we'll get some sort of announcement end of this month or next with a late summer release.

>> No.17768565

Yeah but is there a good collection or something

>> No.17768579

>behead vtubers and their simpathizers
Get with the times, you fucking faggot.

>> No.17768609
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The three volumes put out by Del Rey

>> No.17768634
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I'm reading it right now and I'm at about the halfway point. It's infinitely better than the first one. It doesn't have any of the pacing issues or dull chapters the first one suffered from. The connection to A Fire Upon the Deep is very loose. It takes place tens of thousands of years in the past and focuses on the Qeng Ho making first contact with intelligent alien life. If it stays as good as it has been for the full 800 pages, I can see why it's considered one of the SF greats by many.

>> No.17768790
File: 266 KB, 907x1360, 81M89dz2xqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this pop up on my amazon recommended list and am intrigued. Honestly I'm thinking of buying it just because the cover is neat. Anyone know if it's good?

>> No.17768805

any good scifi/fantasy based around piracy?

>> No.17768850
File: 67 KB, 488x488, GUEST_9669daad-1257-404d-9ad7-ad8cc2151baf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to start pic related. What am in for?

>> No.17768893

Whores. Only women read Bakker and they're all mentally ill autists.

>> No.17768901

"the slog of slogs"

>> No.17768903

Angst written by a teenager who read some Neitziche and completely missed the point.

>> No.17768909

>making this post

>> No.17768976

a prelude to the actual plot

>> No.17768979
File: 797 KB, 1543x2037, 6D6071E4-924C-4950-9953-FF222D11478F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Men had bound him, pierced his flesh with nails, but their terror so overmatched their hatred, they were gentle, and so left no memory of their indignity. They shout and laugh. Papa… A walnut tree stands upon the rising pasture beyond them, great with age and solitude, dark with interior shadow. Please, Papa…


>A woman who has outlived her teeth scourges him with thistles. Her arms are frantic with hatred and heartbreak, her knobbed knuckles shake, but her eyes remain slack with incredulity… eyes that were once daring and mercurial, grown stagnant at the bottom of crinkled pockets. For the first time he realizes he has never understood Men, the way they toil against the yoke of dwindling years. The way they do not so much fail as are betrayed.

>The Horns rear golden, so high as to hook the woolen sky. The Host of the Nine Mansions groans.

>They raise him upon a pole, pile sheaves of bracken about his feet. He has wondered whether death would be beautiful. He has wondered how the end of memory would appear at memory’s end. He has wondered what it means to so outrun glory as to become blind to disgrace. It seems proper that these screeching animals show him.

>> No.17768985


>> No.17768993

What was the point?

>> No.17768994
File: 180 KB, 945x945, 1587146237343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that so much modern fantasy feels the need to resort to edgy cringelord garbage with ridiculously purple prose?

>> No.17769014

That in a world without god it's up to people to create our own meaning and the best way to do that is through self improvement, and producing art and beauty. That in the absence of a caring god it's up to us to become it. Neitzsche wasn't a doomer, he was just an autist.

>> No.17769065

nothing special, mostly worldbuilding
book two is where shit get sgood

>> No.17769081

on third reread, realizing the prologue sums up the whole series basically— it’s masterfully done

>> No.17769143

Name 5

>> No.17769172

Okay, why would you think Bakker references Neitzsche if they apparently are so at odds?

>> No.17769175

The one I was responding to, Three more here >>17767594, whatever the fuck that series by Brent Weeks would be called.

>> No.17769215
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I dont see it

>> No.17769234

I meant leweth and the nonman

>> No.17769238
File: 32 KB, 252x395, TheYearsOfRiceAndSalt(1stEdUK) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am i in for ?

>> No.17769246

No one.

He just announced he is doing to do a new book of Duncan the tall before Dream of spring and after that a new book of the Targaryen family

>> No.17769295

bags of rice and salt

>> No.17769387
File: 55 KB, 577x382, 1607626793141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has /sffg/ always been the Science Fiction and Baker general?

>> No.17769392

No, it's just reddit shilling/potentially the author himself spamming.

>> No.17769428
File: 7 KB, 212x216, imgres-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, /sffg/ belongs to the Wolfepack

>> No.17769503

Am I the only one who thought the A plot of Fire Upon the Deep was dogshit, and only continuing reading because of how cool the Tines were?
The books are set in the same universe but other than that, aren't really related. Each is a good stand-alone story that doesn't require you to read the other.

>> No.17769578

to be honest, i liked the worldbuilding of AFUtD much more than the story. it was kind of cool, le scary evil AI hivemind chasing you across the galaxy into the deep dark spooky slow zone, but i was much more interested in the characters and the universe itself than i was in whatever they were fighting against

>> No.17769635
File: 305 KB, 498x377, 26A6D581-372F-4B10-8598-A5DCBA8B68E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brent weeks
>purple prose

>> No.17769665

It's undeniably a cringelord edgefest though.

>> No.17769733
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I've seen people her discuss Old Man's War multiple times
But never this newer series
Is it any good?

>> No.17769768
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>> No.17769824

Scalzi is a humongous faggot and I don't think anything he wrote after OMW has had anywhere near the same success

>> No.17769958


>> No.17769994

I'm actually reading it myself at the moment. Premise of "what if Black Plague wiped out 90% of European population?" is just that - a premise. Book then takes on a weird spiritual angle following reincarnating lives who meet up in bardo over the upcoming centuries as Muslim and Chinese player a much bigger role and lay claim to largely empty Europe. It's almost like a collection of vignettes held together with the spiritual element where "reoccurring" characters are part of jati aka group of souls who inevitable meet each other across multiple lives.

>> No.17770114
File: 110 KB, 625x1029, 61I4zSiOMBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have your fancy cover, though.

>> No.17770414
File: 114 KB, 240x240, pandora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, Fanatic Purifiers, we take away your right to the stars. Today we take away your right to space. Today, with this Global Pacifier, from now on, the cradle of your species shall become also its prison, the single mercy left to you being whether or not your choices also lead to it becoming your grave.

We shall seal away your home planet and by extension your species, to affect three goals: to protect the lives of other species and our owns, to terrorize and deter others that would seek to emulate you and to inflict on you a punishment proportionate to the abominations, atrocities and crimes that you have levelled upon the universe - the punishment being the inevitable civil war your sealed society will collapse into.

Firstly, we seal you away to protect the lives of others and our own lives. Morality aside, we must seal you away for the sake of our own survival. Just as your species prospered on the skulls, husks and ashes of countless trillions, so too do our species prosper when left alone from your kind, free to live. Your species' rampage has left the galaxy a poorer, dirtier, more desolate place. Had it not been for your kind, we might've imagined a very different Milky Way, more wise, advanced, richer, learned, stronger than the ruins we have struggled to pyrrhic victory to. Therefore, we seal you away to create our own future.

Secondly, we seal you away to deter and put fear in the hearts of all those who would walk your path. As the first, in order to create a stronger, smarter, better galaxy, those who would set the galaxy on fire must be stayed in their footsteps - you will be that example.

Finally, we seal you away as punishment and as revenge. It is not our job to kill you - that will be for you to do to each other. Either you will fight each other to extinction over dwindling planetary resources - or if the galaxy deems you worthy, you will learn to live with other life rather than step on it.

Global Pacifier, you may fire when ready.

>> No.17770869
File: 189 KB, 315x475, 828878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that preferable over this tome?

>> No.17770955
File: 59 KB, 524x803, Minla's Flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minla's Flowers by Alastair Reynolds. One of his shorter pieces that really did leave an impression.

>> No.17770962

Del Ray is release order rather than in-universe chronological. It makes more sense in release order.

>> No.17771010

AKSHULLY the Del Rey collections are in written order; which is even better.
And yes they are vastly preferable since the Del Rey books have tons of extras and fantastic art to compliment the stories.

>> No.17771014

That is what he just said, dummy.

>> No.17771022

The Kane books by Karl Edward Wanger (start with Nightwinds since it has the best stories)
Imaro by Charles Saunders (African S&S written in the 70s that isn't cringe)

>> No.17771036

No it isn't, you fucking idiot. He said RELEASE ORDER aka publication order. The Del Rey books have the stories in WRITTEN ORDER; as in the actual order the stories were written. The Frost-Giant's Daughter for example is a Conan story that was never published when REH was alive yet it was the second Conan story he had ever written so it's the second story in the first Del Rey book.

>> No.17771044

This site is extremely helpful for S&S newfags.

>> No.17771250

not the guy you're answering to, but thanks for the info. how do you like it so far?

>> No.17771258

>if he doesn't wind up turning out to be Benjen which probably won't be true.

>> No.17771298
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>> No.17771783
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thoughts on this bad boy? i wonder what he have been taking while writing it

>> No.17771998

As funny a page-turner as Holt has ever written. The blacksmithing autistry is there, so are some not overly annoying identity politics. Try to read first 50 pages or so and make up your own mind.

>> No.17772162
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>> No.17772650


>> No.17772672

this is one of the best cover.

>> No.17772769

>darkness opening line

MWOAH, had me looked straight away.

>> No.17772795
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This is pretty nice, though I feel that you were sort of repeating yourself by having the 3 reasons first stated and THEN going in depth about them. It somehow makes them have less weight imo. I would suggest either removing the paragraph that gives all 3 reasons, or combining everything into one big paragraph and having a shortened explanation of each reason after they were stated.

>We defeated the prikiki'ti
>several empires that were constantly at odds banded together to fight them
>we pushed them back to their home planet and locked them inside.
>the galaxy is safe again
>mfw there's reports of some weird wormhole opening up nearby, in our territory
>mfw they call themselves "unbidden"
>mfw they say that we look tasty

>> No.17772816
File: 3.93 MB, 2400x2400, bs4w-square-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me sum up this book:


War, battle, fight, fight, battle, soldier, military, war, battle, fighty-fight fightfight.

This entire book is just pre-fight, fighting, post-fight, pre-fight, fighting, post-fight. And I guess they shoves in some "politics" in there too. But in reality, all of the politics are just talks about who gets to fight where and for what reason.

If that's your thing, then you'll probably love this book, because Joe Abercrombie is a great writer. He's way better with words than fucking Sandershit. The audiobook was 23 hours long, but it didn't feel long at all, because the scenarios just flowed one into the other with perfect highs and lows. Great dramatic tension throughout. Explains without over explaining. Tosses in some surprises here and there that catch you off guard.

But ultimately, it's just all about a bunch of jerk offs fighting each other. I do have to say that the fight scenes are well written though. Like you can follow the action, and Abercombie does a good job at filtering the action through the point of view character. So it's like you're in their shoes. And he conveys their thoughts and feelings, so you understand their mental state while they're in the fight. All that stuff is well and good.

But it's still 23 hours of battles and military shit. So I'm left feeling rather disappointed. I have to be honest. It was good but insufficient for my tastes.

To the anon who said this was better than Best Served Cold: You must love fighting, huh? And to the anon who said he didn't care for northern politics: What the hell do you mean? The politics were the only respite from all the fighting. Without those segments, then book would be wall to wall battles.

I'm feeling a little less enthused about going into the next book. But since I have nothing else to read, I guess I'll just trudge forth into Red Country. Unless someone can recommend an alternative for me?

>> No.17772876

Is this Bakker? This is awful lmao
>ugly try-hard purple prose
>ultra gritty and edgy
>"He has wondered how the end of memory would appear at memory’s end."
what does that even mean


>> No.17772902


My favourite book of his, along with Ubik and Valis.
Funny, paranoid and ultimately heartbreaking.

>> No.17773007

You've already read The Black Company, I trust?

>> No.17773033
File: 1.78 MB, 2680x4600, SF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17773065

That Proto-Sci fi is very lacking, even if we take only English native books. No Invisible Man, or War of the Worlds, or traveling to Moon in a cannon, or the book about a formula that turned insects giant, or Princess of Mars?

>> No.17773070

>no watts

>> No.17773146

No. Is that another book where a bunch of old fighters go around getting into fights? Because if so, I have to say I'm pretty tired of that right about now. I would like something more stimulating.

>> No.17773234
File: 18 KB, 327x499, Player Piano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is Player Piano by Vonnegut out of print in the UK?

>> No.17773424

makes sense in context

>> No.17773437

rhymes with news

>> No.17773444

it’s written from the perspective of a 5000 year old not-elf with advanced dementia conflating all the most intense moments of his life together

>> No.17773448

maybe read something that isn't genre fiction?

>> No.17773478

But I've read plenty of "genre fiction" that is a lot more than fighting. Maybe you should open yourself up to more material?

>> No.17773498

Yeah he should read something literary about something completely different like Blood Meridian

>> No.17773605

what is the purpose of this post?

>> No.17773611

Its trash.

>> No.17773729


Is that REALLY the reason?

>> No.17773813
File: 3 KB, 168x300, NOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading moby dick feels more like fantasy than reading fantasy books published in 2020
very nice job, authors

>> No.17773846

>Trannysupporter "philosophy lecturer" Sadler is doing a stream on Bakker now
I hope you are glad, /sffg/

>> No.17773864
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>> No.17773917
File: 93 KB, 500x731, magictitties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one could stop me so I ordered the december 1972 world of if featuring "Wizard of Anharitte". I did it for the 70's boobies in the picture. I paid like 13 euros for it.

>> No.17773920

idk have a look at the synopsis for the book and think about it

>> No.17773935
File: 10 KB, 352x80, 2021-03-13-21-37-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the faggot that recommended 'TUC', that is, the fourth in some shitty wh40k series (they nearly all are, can't say all just bc i've yet to try them all, have to give my braincell time to recover from shit cringe); Fuck you.
I even tried some from the first.
Fuck me, this is boring.
meat madness.
This shit is so tame, also it's boring as flying, flipping fuck.
fuck you for wasting my time, thought thank you for enlarging my blacklist

The rec was supposed to be for gore/horrror where bad guys/nonhumans win.

>> No.17773945

post link please

>> No.17773950

unbelievably filtered
>reading only the la

>> No.17773953

>Yeah. Harlan Ellison's "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" scared me catatonic. It made me curl into a fetal position and question life itself.

kek, reddit moment

>> No.17773962

unbelievably filtered
>reading only the last book of a seven part series
why would you do this to yourself

>> No.17773966
File: 51 KB, 680x765, rsb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite possibly one of the stupidest posts I've ever read.

>> No.17773980

Enjoy. Does it have the full novel? If not, you can read in on archive.org

>> No.17773984

>asks for recs about books where the bad guys win
>either extremely retarded and can't figure out it's the last book of a 7 book series or just decided to go into the last book with no context
>pretenious use of a semicolon and esl use of language
>thinks it has something to do with 40k or is making a really bad and unclear point.


and the bad guys and aliens do show up if you read more of the book

>> No.17774008

It has not arrived yet. Judging from the page count I'd say it has the full novel.

>> No.17774020

jsut ended

>> No.17774127

To call you a retard basically

>> No.17774151

>heh, you think genre fiction usually has a plot that involves and focuses on war or violence while this is less common in literature?

>bet you've never heard of this one particular book where that ISN'T the case, btfo..

Shit book anyway, incel's first book.

>> No.17774159
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x2400, joeabercrombie-c1-1600x2400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy his books and audiobooks.

>> No.17774180

he seems like such a redditor from his essays

>> No.17774220

>avant-garde makes 0 sense
>new millenium is dogshit normie things except for Ishiguro
>muh Aniara
>golden age anglo overload and Lem but no Strugatsky
>muh Pynchon is scifi
>KSR's worst
It amazes me just how bad people are at reading

>> No.17774305

>no frankenstein in protoscifi


>> No.17774336

If you think I think Blood Meridian is obscure that says all I need to know about you

>> No.17774353

It is quite literally the first thing on the chart

>> No.17774373

where did I say it was obscure? It was you that was implying it, your original comment was so fucking dumb, fuck you im pissed off now.

my point was if you want to avoid endless fighting maybe read real literature, UM WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE BOOK THAT'S LITERATURE AND HAS FIGHTING is a gay and retarded comment.

>> No.17774381

no that's frankenstein OR the modern promethus.

book with alternative title means author is a pseud desu

>> No.17774446

You're embarrassing yourself

>> No.17774466

Cool. It's been a few years, but I did go through a lot of those mags. I must admit, the reason I came to read that story was the cover art. I enjoyed it a lot. It's from the same author as Patterns of Chaos which is also a very fun read.

>> No.17774468

What did he do?
He sounds like a proper high IQ NORF FC bloke from what I have heard. I go to the same uni he went to (manchester) but for different subjects.

>> No.17774506

>just got into reading this year after getting a kindle
>have read 3 books so far
>already downloaded over 60 books and still looking for more

>> No.17774508

What's the reading order of the Solar Cycle by Gene Wolfe?

>> No.17774529

Which are the /sffg/ approved contemporary authors besides bakker?

>> No.17774572

Not only would I not give this douche poser a single penny, I wouldn't give him twenty seconds of my time to pirate his gum-sucking schlock.

>> No.17774591

Jesus Fucking H Christ. First time I've come back here in weeks and weeks, and you're still all shilling fucking Bakker. I miss the Sarah J Fatass-shill days.

>> No.17774745

/sffg/ is unironically the worst place on the interjew to discuss fantasy or sci-fi.

>> No.17774782

I'd say Watts, Bakker's depressed sci-fi counterpart.

>> No.17774812

>Bakker's depressed counterpart
That's just called suicidal, anon

>> No.17774840
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>> No.17774876

do you have that image he used to post all the time of the entire series? fuck, I miss the little fag so much.

>> No.17774900

Pretty cute desu

>> No.17774917

I have just finished the Unholy Consult.... my mind is fucked but I need clarification on things - spoilers .

Kellhus is Ajokli? Did this happen when he went to hell to get the decapitants? How long has Ajokli controlled Kellhus??? Did he lose the mark because his power stemmed from being a living god?

>The No God
This completely went past me and I may need to re read - why did they need Kellhus soul to reanimate it.

This was mentioned a few books ago and again here - if I’m right the Ichiroi believed culling humanity to that many living people would bring salvation...why???

>Inverse fire
The inverse fire essentially allows you to experience hell and this is used to radicalise those that view it to commit atrocities in order to accumulate so much damnation that they....?

>the salting
So Kellhus is salted but where is his soul?

>> No.17774944
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>> No.17775046

Hi /lit. Currently reading Dune series again. Some of the Butlerian Jihad stuff is just like some scenes from the Matrix, which leaves me wondering... what book series had the first war between Humans and the machines they created?

>> No.17775303


>> No.17775380

Gods can possess people, remember?

Anasurimbor prophecy.

To break the circuit of souls that is apparently necessary for the Outside to function or at least to connect it to the Inside.

The Inverse Fire shows the damned that they are doomed unless they can close the connection to the Outside. Otherwise it's not safe to die. The Inchoroi were made to be sinful so that they'd have no choice but to try to close the world which is what the progenitors made them for.

We just don't know.

>> No.17775451

>Kellhus is salted but where is his soul?
in one of the decapitants probably.

>> No.17775518

New Sun -> Urth -> New Sun -> Urth -> New Sun -> Long Sun -> Short Sun

>> No.17775550
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Could you recommend me a book or a series similar to Expanse? You know, something realistic (to some degree)+aliens. I really liked that series till the fifth book, but then it turned into some shitty family drama and neglected plot points from previous books.

>> No.17775551
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>> No.17775661
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Would you have liked to have seen a book about a ship-crew's adventures on exploring the unsunken remnants of Beleriand; the ruins and creatures that could have still dwelled there?.

>> No.17775975

>where is his soul
Because you fear not damnation. Because there is a head on a pole behind you.

>> No.17776177

12 tribes, 12,000 each. It's biblical.

>> No.17776291


>> No.17776408

>Mars Trilogy is KSRs worst

Holy shit, based retard!

>> No.17776427

is The expanse good? I've just realized the whole series has been translated to my language

>> No.17776507

Yes, that book is a total lie. Only has 9 stories, not complete at all

>> No.17776516


I'm enjoying the first book a lot at the moment. It's pretty engaging with okay worldbuilding and good mystery elements here and there. If you don't like stuff like ASOIAF you probably won't like the Expanse since the narration and POV switch remind me a lot of Martin's prose

>> No.17776687

nice, Ubik and Valis are next ones on my list.

>> No.17776716

>a scanner darkly
Does this title make more sense for a native English speaker? Or is it a contextual thing, like there is a title drop in the book as part of a complete sentence that makes it appear less random?

>> No.17776772

It's a play on a famous biblical phrase.

>When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

>For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

>> No.17776822

I see. Thanks.

>> No.17776897
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How is your novel comming along?

I'm wasting my time with dumbass memes.

>> No.17777021

Just finished Judging Eye
The last chapter was fucking incoherent, what was that bullshit that happened with Cleric?

>> No.17777022

Are there any utopian scifi novel where genetherapy or body sculpting technology have erased ugliness?

>> No.17777085
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black sneed



>> No.17777131

Because it was a topos, a wraith from the Outside was able to posses him

>> No.17777309

>download a whole bunch of xianxia
>so far Stellar Transformation is boring compared to Coiling Dragon/Desolate Era
>Godsfall Chronicles is okay but not what I was expecting so far and hope it picks up soon

>> No.17777335

>Scalzi is a humongous faggot
Guess that's why he's among the few males that still gets Hugos, lmao what a shitshow

>> No.17777345

The Culture series, and Peter F Hamilton's books.

>> No.17777479

Neal Asher's Polity series

>> No.17777580

Ender’s game??

>> No.17777711

Read Reverend Insanity

>> No.17777744
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>libgen.is is down

>> No.17777827

What's so good about Bakker's prose? Why are people so obsessed with it?

>> No.17777855

Read Against the Gods, the plot is pretty shit but the mc is extremely charming and the fight scenes are incredibly well written and hype.
Also consider reading Renegade Immortal, the fight scenes are pretty boring but it's absolutely fascinating to watch an innocent boy turn into a sociopath over time as he climbs his way to immortality.

>> No.17777876

who's obsessed?

>> No.17777907

Most critics gush about how his prose is so elegant, and poetic; I've also seen people here singing praises for his prose and how he beautifully waves pictures into your mind as you read

>> No.17777927
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I just want a book where the protagonist is a cute, genki teenage girl.

>> No.17777930

read and find out

>> No.17777962
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Started reading Forgotten Realms by R.A. Salvatore.
Was expecting a novel about badass dark elf, but all I get is some emotional bullshit like 'killing is bad, drows are bad, yada yada'. Should I keep reading or the whole series is about this woke cultural pessimism and it's better to not waste my time on it?

>> No.17777975

not into villainy
i have it downloaded actually (against the gods)

>> No.17778016

ATG is shit. 100% cliche garbage and MC is often dying while his family and friends suffer. Harem is garbage. When MC finally left the planet, the novel turned into absolute illogical and annoying dogshit.

>> No.17778023

Iron Dragon's Daughter

>> No.17778030

You're reading an origin story for one of the big characters. Try something more general like Dragonlance Chronicles or Cleric Quintet. Then again

>D&D fiction
You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.17778040

I've switched to z-library.

>> No.17778056

What? It's fine. Has a mysterious feel to it. But it's nothing extravagant or anything.

He latctches on to a few words or turns of phrase for a while but it's OK. It's the typos in AE that get me.

>> No.17778063

All xianxia novels go to shit post once the protaginist leaves their home planet; that doesn't change thr fact that AtG has over 3-400 solid chapters before it goes to shit
The Journey > The destination

>> No.17778067

there's some domain fuckery going on

>> No.17778112

is bakker the new sanderson? who is this guy and why is he talked about in every thread.

>> No.17778204

I don't mind a huge novel that revolves around one specific MC. Though I fear that D&D's influence. All I want is a decent reading about elves. Maybe I should pick something else, thanks.

>> No.17778249

Hes the god king of GRI

>> No.17778276

Is either of you on Good Reads? Because one guy from the group is reading this.

>> No.17778284
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>Ha ha GoT fans I'm fucking off again neener neener neener

I want a nuclear war and I want it now.

>> No.17778357

A meme

>> No.17778366

The Dark Elf Trilogy is the inspiring story of a beta male breaking free of his dystopian gynocentric society and learning compassion from white people. Could absolutely never be written today.

>> No.17778431

I wasn't actually serious in asking but thanks. I am slightly surprised there are utopian stories with this exact feature, though.

>> No.17778449

I quite enjoyed Martial World, it was pretty damned crisp and polished and felt like the author cared more about both world-building and characters other than his self-insert protagonist than any other xianxia I tried. Didn't finish it though because autism made me put it on hold before the MC even left his home world. The translation was also pretty decent.

>> No.17778525


Here is another precursor of sci-fi


>The full title of Rivas's 11-folio booklet is translated in English as Syzygies and Lunar Quadratures Aligned to the Meridian of Mérida of the Yucatán by an Anctitone or Inhabitant of the Moon, and Addressed to the Scholar Don Ambrosio de Echevarria, Reciter of Funeral Kyries in the Parish of Jesus of Said City, and Presently Teacher of Logarithm in the Town of Mama of the Yucatán Peninsula, in the Year of the Lord 1775.

>> No.17778555

>No Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin

>> No.17778672

The same three people who keep shilling him here

>> No.17778786

>“The next time you come before me, you will kneel.

>> No.17778898

The Black Company is indeed a good alternative. Cook is a much better writer than Abercrombie, and battles are rarely described.

The Builders by Daniel Polansky might also be a good fit.

>> No.17778968

Did that ever happen? I really wanted Akka to deepthroat Kellhus

>> No.17779335

also on a related topic, one anasurimbor carried a nonman rape baby to term before the expulsion of nonmen from kuniuri which is from where the longevity of the anasurimbor comes, shouldnt the nonmen have gone about collecting more of such women to create a new mixed society, would have been better than them moaning and bitching for centuries.

>> No.17779545

yes when they meet up outside golgotterath and kellhus tells him to tend to his women

A, they were crazy, B that was a 1 in a million thing, like some animals with different numbers of chromosomes can crossbreed, also these are usually sterile

>> No.17779625

this plot is the central theme to the nonmen existence, no future for their race, which is why i find it hard believe that the industrial-scale rape in a shithole like earwa by the nonmen is pretty much non-existent; the exception being the animal-like emwama. There are some instances of cunuroi-halaroi admixture, such as the daughter born to a female cunuroi in viri, and the one of king of siol, the one who fucked the nonmen over with his inoculation drive, with a much-cherished concubine seeing as she carried his seed to term, twice, though it was another matter that it was stillborn both times.

>> No.17779716

Well they are crazy, and having one non crazy child won't make them non crazy, also maybe the male nonmen are infertile after being inoculated?

>> No.17779721

>culture series
That anon is fucking with you mate.

>> No.17779738

bugmen think its a utopia

>> No.17779977
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Not utopian, but the Vorkosigan Saga incorporates some of that. A female soldier's face is horribly burned, but then reconstructed to be more beautiful than it use to be.
And a race of noblewoman were gene manipulated to be so beautiful that they can't be looked upon, because their faces impair the mental state of anyone who looks at them. Like some kind of passive hypnosis. So when they leave their homes, they do so while sitting in these hi-tech protective floating bubble chairs, where you can only see the silhouettes of their body and incredibly long hair.

The book is good.

>> No.17780017

The Builders sounds like another book where old men gripe about war and their past.

Let me clarify what I mean about "alternative". I don't mean "something that is similar but better". I mean, something that it different. Something that can cleanse the palate of the previous thing.

>> No.17780111

>that posture
it hurts only watching

>> No.17780121

>white people
pick one

>> No.17780462

>Once again considering re-reading something I've already read purely because I can't find anything new to read

>> No.17780488

This is actually reassuring, since it shows anyone can get published (if they want to stoop low and learn the tricks of YA schlock). Just write some lowest common denominator shit then market like hell.

>> No.17780630

rereading is based

>> No.17780651

Not really /sffg/, but I just recently finished up Musashi and it was pretty good.
It is a little YA, but still a fun easy read.
Give it a go.

>> No.17780659

I read that years ago.

>> No.17780701

Not sure what to recommend to you then, babes.
Here is a bunch of good shit on my shelf;
>Lonesome Dove
>Pillars of the Earth
>Notre-Dame de Paris

>> No.17780759

YA isn't really low. Maybe YA is, but middle grade is based. Get kids to read and make money without having to write grimderp bullshit.

>> No.17781365

neck yourself

>> No.17781377

that was down a couple days ago as well

>> No.17781390

Magna Cum Laudly is now back at number one on best seller lists with her newest Court of Something and Something Else book too....

>> No.17781433
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>> No.17781486

peter f hamilton is hilarious its basically all neo-liberalism in space (and it works okay for some reason) and royalist bootlicking. still fun reads though

>> No.17781514
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Why is there such a divide between the "best prose writers in fantasy" and "the best prose writers in literary fiction"? Why is it that the best of the literary writers are so far ahead of the best of the genre fiction writers? Is it because they practiced more? Is it because they were just more naturally gifted than the writers who gravitated towards genre fiction? Why are Joyce and Faulkner so much better than pretty much anybody who has ever written genre fiction? I don't drop any names because there are many fantasy writers who are considered to be at the forefront; the names that come up the most are Gene Wolfe and Mervin Peake, among other names like Rothfuss, Le Guin, McKillip, Vance, Zelazny, Leiber, Howard... the list goes on and on and on. My main point is, why? Why are literary fiction writers so much better (or are considered better) than genre fiction writers?

>> No.17781533

I really like the artwork in Magic the Gathering and the tertiary lore I've encountered osmotically seems interesting. Are there MTG novels that are similarly evocative and not generic trash?

>> No.17781568

>Best writers in fantasy
That's not a high bar to clear.

>> No.17781599

Because literary *fiction* writers describe real events they know through artistic lens, while genre fiction is fictional.

>> No.17781602


>> No.17781611
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>"Please!" Bakker begged, unable to contain himself, a brown foot dangling in front his nose while he crouched on all fours before her. He was chained to the wall of his cuckshed, a collar around his neck and his swollen and curved dick painfully caged in a contraption of steel.
>"Lick it slave!" Esmenet said, shoving a toe in his mouth. He complied eagerly, driven mad by the sight of her naked feet and thighs. A sranc tied in a similar fashion next to him sniggered, lazily stroking his obscenely big and distended member, and he couldn't help but wonder resentfully why his own small and pitiful prick was imprisoned. It doesn't threaten anyone, he thought idly while slobbering on Esmenet's toes.
>Sensing perhaps his distraction, she kicked him in the face and rose up, towering above him.
>"Enough! You need to be punished!"
His excitement quickly vanished when the Aspect-Author realized she wasn't going to release his manhood from the cage; instead, she fastened a beautifully detailed phallic object around her belt, lacquered wood fitted with gleaming iron studs and sculpted in the shape of the No-God. Esmenet yanked on the chain of the sranc.
>"Prepare him slave! I want him hard as a pillar!"
>Terrified, he obliged by awkwardly fitting the enormous cock in his mouth, the curved tip poking the inside of his right cheek. He was so intent on pleasing the beast that he barely noticed the Whore of Sumna coming up behind him until she slid the No-God phallus in, hitting his pleasure gland at once. The Aspect-Author came immediately, his tiny dick covered in fluid and shivering in its cage like a moribund bird. >She did not deign to penetrate him again.
>"You're pathetic." Esmenet said, spitting on him as he convulsed on the floor from the aftermath of his orgasm.
>"You will never touch anything with your dick again slave, but you can watch this mindless creature fuck me instead."
>And as she was being ravaged by the sranc, her shouts of ecstasy echoing in his ears, her lower stomach bulging up with its cock in a way that he could have never achieved, Bakker cried. He cried tears of pure pleasure, realizing that he had finally discovered his calling as a cuckold.

>> No.17781621

Fart huffing mostly. Writing literary fiction lends itself to a more mature perception from people, thats all. The subject matter/ideas might be more transcendent, but I've never noticed one being superior to the other in terms of "wot wurds R used".

>> No.17781822

>Best Served Cold
Most seem to think it is better than Best Served Cold in my experince.
I loved Best Served Cold though, love how when Monza starts having second thoughts about her quest for revenge the events and people she's set in motion make its completion inevitable.

>> No.17781827

I will get them from the library though.

>> No.17781840

>Why is there such a divide between the "best prose writers in fantasy" and "the best prose writers in literary fiction"?
Because when literary authors do genre fiction they will shout and scream to anyone who will listen that they are not actually doing genre fiction.

>> No.17781949

Sort of like Wind Waker? Yeah, I guess. That'd be cool.

>> No.17782078

Fuck. E William Brown

>> No.17782092
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>bought all four of The Aspect-Emperor books at the same time
>they're out of order in my kindle library
>finished TJE and accidentally opened TGO instead of WLW without realizing it
>spoiled myself on Maithanet's death

>> No.17782201

>woman mc
>in fantasy romance
if i wanted bout of getting dicked i'd watch homo porn instead of this faggy shit

>> No.17782223

what else is there
i tried some discords and they all turned out to be dead
reddit is like mega concentration of thin skinned people that think lbgt is good thing to add for fantasy books and that any racism is bad! even fictional, even if it makes sense, like fantasy wars between races and all that... How can you take those people seriously? I did entertain listening to them, but pointing these things are sure way to get you banned in places like reddit fantasy subreddit

>> No.17782375

I remember A Deepness in the Sky as interminably long, most of it dull and with very little payoff. The spiders were basically eight legged humans.

>> No.17782385

>scifi/fantasy based around piracy?
"Chase the Morning" by Michael Scott Rohan is a pretty good fantasy novel, explicitly based around piracy. A fun read.

>> No.17782438

>is The expanse good?
I thought it was dog shit, at least the first three or four books, I can barely remember them. The authors used the mysterious alien origin of the "protomolecule" as an excuse for one asspull after another - they did whatever they felt liek doing. Reactionless drives, supercomputers, starship factories on Venus, zombies, monsters ... dont ask how that is possible, the protomolecule did it all! Dont think about how it was so dumb that it didnt even manage to land on earth when it came intot our solar system but landed on some Jupiter or Saturn moon. Our it totally makes sense because we say so!

>> No.17782463

Filtered, stick to Sanderson and anime fanfics.

>> No.17782468

"waaa I can't be racist around the redditors"

>> No.17782492

I wish I didnt have a brain, then I could enjoy such books just like you can. Your probably liked the Prometheus movie too.

>> No.17782557

Not really. It tries to be a conflict between *realistic space factions* then devolves into an attempt at space horror.

>> No.17782701

for person interested in reading u do very little of it

>> No.17782711

Did you have a stroke or are you just retarded?

>> No.17782878

lol what i've just read 4k pages of enthonationalist sci fi in the past 2 weeks, but im not bitching about lack of safe spaces

>> No.17782946

Keep this stuff to yourself Bakka.

>> No.17782978

I realize this isn't the best place to ask this question, but what are some good forums for discussing books? /r/books on reddit is full of circlejerking about YA novels and sometimes literal children's books and they ban any talk of piracy. Meanwhile this thread is really the bottom barrel for literary discussion, mostly just memes about GRRM or complaining about the sex or race of the author.
Isn't there any middle ground where free speech is allowed but discussion is intelligent?

>> No.17782994

John Varley's 8 Worlds Series, Steel Beach or Golden Globe in particular. Iain M Banks Culture touches on this but it's not a major theme.

>> No.17783136

Any sci-fi books where another Earth is discovered somewhere else in the universe and it is an exact copy of our Earth?

>> No.17783162

The people who could provide intelligent discussion wouldn't be doing so. They have better things to do.

>> No.17783174

This threads used to be it, but the rebbit tourists took up shop and shit this place to high hell.

>> No.17783183

bullshit, this thread has always been garbage

>> No.17783207

Thankfully they rose to new heights of literary quality thanks to regular posting from the Discord Bakker ladies and gents.

>> No.17783224

You sound like a redshitor who is trying to pretend like this place was always this bad, and it's business as usual.

Yes there was shitposting, but there used to be actual discussion in the general too, newfag. Somewhere in 2020, this place fell to discordfags and rebbitor refugess like yourself, turned abysmal and hasn't recovered. Now there is no discussion period, all it is, is just Cosmere shitposters and head on a pole behind you shitposters, fully shitting it up.

>> No.17783243


>> No.17783254

this, bakkerposting is the salvation of this general

>> No.17783264

Organize a book club on /r/books or whatever and filter out the obvious retards, then just discuss things on discord.

>> No.17783317

I'm reading through Conan and I just have to say that it's amazing. I've read through the first story, The Phoenix and the Sword, and that was pretty solid. The start of the Frost Giant's daughter is great too, the prose is great. He uses a lot of imagery, is it too much imagery? Pretty much every other lines is imagery or a comparison.

>> No.17783467
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The distinction between genres and genre/lit is highly arbitrary. Nowadays Lewis Caroll is regarded as proto-fantasy, but if he was published now it would almost certainly be called magical realism or some other bullshit

>> No.17783492

Guess it depends if you believe context should matter or not with these things

>> No.17783506

Howard's prose is fun at first but it gets tiresome pretty quickly. Here's a 'fun' drinking game, take a shot every time Conan is compared to an animal.

>> No.17783537

I understand what you mean, but I also understand why they do it: it's to avoid shit like Bakker's drivel and fetish torture porn calling itself literature. Most would agree that authors like Wolfe and Peake aren't on the same level as the aforementioned subhuman.

>> No.17783590

my 3 favorite authors

>> No.17783618

dimwit spotted

>> No.17783750

Has anyone incorporated Sikh themes into a scifi or fantasy work?

>> No.17783774
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Is this good?

>> No.17783825


>> No.17783969

>This is actually reassuring, since it shows anyone can get published (if they want to stoop low and learn the tricks of YA schlock).
The inexplicable success of mediocre by the numbers writers like Sanderson already proved this.

>> No.17784056

There's absolutely no way to have lengthy intelligent discussion online without heavy moderation, especially these days. With the mass proliferation of instant communication technology, every fucking idiot has access to the internet and will derail discussion with their idiocy and (often willfully proud) ignorance. And then there's all the little attention seeking (man)children out there that will just interfere with it just for teh lulz, with concern trolling, whataboutisms etc.
You need moderation to make sure discussion remains focused and in good faith.

>> No.17784096

You should post this there
I'm sure they will appreciate your precious insights, besides you'll be among like-minded people. You know what, just go ahead and stay there, you have my blessings.

>> No.17784108

The problem with Gene Wolfe is that he is almost too clever for his own good, while at the same time being a fucking idiot. It's difficult to accept and enjoy anything his characters say at face value. For example, Book of the Long Sun features some of the most blatant anti-organised-religion themes I've ever come across in literature. The book's "gods" are the digitised family of a massive asshole dictator who manipulated people by brainwashing them into believing he was a god and creating a stupid and cruel religion based on blood sacrifice. The Pope of this religion is literally a vampire. The false church and its pretend computerised gods are trying to keep mankind trapped and blind to the scientific realities of the cosmos. Countless times during the story, characters casually utter lines that completely destroy the slavishness, emptiness and stupidity of organised religion as a tool designed by men to exploit other men. And yet, the author's conclusion from this allegory isn't that religion itself is idiotic and harmful, only that the people in the book are following the WRONG religion: if only they'd accidentally rediscovered Catholicism, everything would be absolutely OK. That's not open to literary interpretation because we all KNOW that Gene Wolfe is a hardcore Catholic who believes in the literal transubstantion, that God as Jesus Christ walked the Earth, etc. Sadly, knowing the author's beliefs does spoil the books somewhat.

>> No.17784212

>Google Kellhus while reading The Darkness That Comes Before Prologue
>google recommendations spoils his fate
wtf man

>> No.17784235

>And yet, the author's conclusion from this allegory isn't that religion itself is idiotic and harmful, only that the people in the book are following the WRONG religion: if only they'd accidentally rediscovered Catholicism, everything would be absolutely OK. That's not open to literary interpretation because we all KNOW that Gene Wolfe is a hardcore Catholic who believes in the literal transubstantion, that God as Jesus Christ walked the Earth, etc. Sadly, knowing the author's beliefs does spoil the books somewhat.
You are either completely brainwashed or a braindead idiot, Likely both.
Gene is also not my favorite author but for fucks sake saying his religious beliefs, something completely outside the book, dictates what the core message of said book is WHITOUT ROOM FOR DEBATE and therefore ruins it is ridiculous.
You know death of the author is argued for a reason right? and in this case it doesn't even need to apply, you are simply projection your own clear biases against religious people on a book that could be said to be anti religious just because the author himself is not as "enlightened" as you see yourself.

>> No.17784245

About 3/4 the way through Reapers Gale.

Karsa is my favorite by far. Most of the other characters are mostly just noise. Rulad is a great final boss.

>> No.17784435

I've read 2312 and got really disgusted by everyone having a little dick/pussy on top of their normal stuff and one character without it being called a freak.
Other than that, I liked it. Should I avoid his other books?

>> No.17784653

Replace Sandersoy with Robert E Howard and you're gucci. Otherwise prepare for death.

>> No.17784740

God fucking damn it
today I opened my kindle cover and there was a little cockroach crushed between the kindle bezel and the case

>> No.17784746

>just third world things

>> No.17784775

>pulp era
>two of the three books aren't pulp

>> No.17784782

Clean your fucking room

>> No.17784810
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>> No.17784816

Anyone have any actual good Lovecraft inspired novel recs?

>> No.17784829
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>have finished four of the seven Second Apocalypse books
>have identified almost everything on that political compass that gets passed around
>most notable one I'm still confused about is Meat-Crazed Ordealman
>at the part in White-Luck Warrior where they're marching near the Sranc Horde and nearly starving
got a bad feeling about what's going to happen

>> No.17784831

Not a novel, but the story The Last Feast of Harlequin by Ligotti is probably the greatest Lovecraft pastiche ever written.

>> No.17784866

oh you're gonna get to feel the meat's coming/cumming alright.

>> No.17784971

The "pulp era" of the '10s to the '40s WAS the golden age. Asimov and co was the silver age.

>> No.17784995

you vill eat ze meat
you vill live in ze new empire
you vill give up your gnosis
you vill own nothing
and you vill be happy

>> No.17785048

/sffg/, how does this sound as the backstory of a science-fantasy setting?

Note: it's dumbed down so I don't get misunderstood

>billions of years ago the seed of an alien god came down and turned earth into a weird space egg
>before this anything was possible and magic was real, but the fetus needed facts and logic to survive, so it created them inside the shell inventing fun things like physics and social darwinism
>social darwinism (and normal darwinism) prompted simple life to evolve into complex things to get stronger, which resulted in humans being born
>humans built their society on facts and logic, and when humans found the fetus they tried to use those to understand it
>in doing so they made it thrash around and crack the egg, causing all the facts and logic and physics and social darwinism to leak out, bringing a little bit of magic back
>humans could have used this small amount of magic to create infinite free energy or end world hunger
>instead a handful used magic to become wizard and then blew everyone else up trying to keep the rest for themselves
>now the survivors have nothing and the wizard are trying to get each other's power, but if humanity survives long enough the egg will break open completely, and everyone will be a wizard
>except when that happens the alien god will hatch and destroy the world

>> No.17785062

I think you dumbed it down to the point of incoherence

>> No.17785065
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too have played FFXIII

>> No.17785086

How To Own Libtard Alien God With Fact And Logics In 10 Simple Steps

>> No.17785102

what's incoherent?

I want to see this alien god fetus recite the lyrics to WAP

>> No.17785112

FF13 correctly identifies modern states treat their citizens as pets

>> No.17785182

That's literally just a combination of the plot of several final fantasy games combined with World of Warcraft.

>> No.17785242


the only final fantasy games I've played are tactics advance and KH 1 and 2. Warcraft I played from 3 to wrath of the lich king, but I never bothered to learn the lore.

Looking back at things, it amazes me that the series that broke ground by treating orcs as people also pulled a rowling with their goblins

>> No.17785369

For some reason I feel an intense need to read his text in the voice of Winnie the Pooh

>> No.17785391

Wait, you're telling me there's a scifi novel about futanari? picked up

>> No.17785501

>I tend the fields....
>And burn them.

>> No.17785666
File: 42 KB, 633x729, norsirai f.c..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those damn Zaudunyani!

>> No.17785704

>Where you fall as fodder...
>I descend as Hunger

>> No.17785735
File: 55 KB, 792x792, BACC6B5D-313E-439F-B689-7E1FA4F4C432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harweel, get the chorae ballista...
The BIG chorae ballista

>> No.17785769


>> No.17785805

God fucking damn do I love Second Apocalypse. I haven't been this engrossed in fiction since I was a kid.

>> No.17785807

What's it about?

>> No.17785811

Gay secks
Masturbating with a severed head
Gay rape

>> No.17785813

Why am I not surprised.

>> No.17785815

Gay as fuck.

>> No.17785823

Is it any good?

>> No.17785834


>> No.17785836

Too winded.

>> No.17785839

He's a lazy fuck and he made it in the industry.

>> No.17785851

A guy looking for his dad

>> No.17785863

It’s about 5000 pages
and every one of them is worth reading unless you’re a squeamish brainlet.

>> No.17785930
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You're gonna need a bigger hole.

>> No.17786454

Good sci-fi is one set in a universe without humans because FUCK YOU and FUCK YOUR ENDLESS HFY PLOT ARMOUR, The writers are already human, I've had enough of 'muh Homo Sapiens', I want to escape from you monkeys goddammit

>> No.17787505
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What's the verdict?

>> No.17787579

>no vance whatsoever
sacrilege anon