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17765853 No.17765853 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17765867

Translatable authors?

>> No.17765871

You can’t translate Joyce

>> No.17765881

But who can you translate?

>> No.17765892

There are no "untranslatable authors"

>> No.17765894

James Joyce comes to mind

>> No.17765898

He comes and goes

>> No.17765901

I wouldn't go so far as to say that you can't translate Joyce, but Finnegan's Wake is untranslatable. It's not even intelligible

>> No.17765960

The thing is that no translation is the same as an original work, there is always a distance (hence why so many translations exist of old works). When confronted with difficult works, such as Joyce, translators will often explain their choices in an introduction and point to the most tricky parts with a translator's note. A translation is a new work of its own right (if you can read English and French, I recommend you read de Quincey's Confessions and the translation by de Musset). Of course what I said is pretty much obvious, but I just wanted to point that I find the word "untranslatable" a bit absurd. There is also the question of the languages. For instance, pre-socratic texts are probably harder to translate than Joyce (see the work of Heidegger and others on Heraclitus for instance).

>> No.17765966

Not joyce

>> No.17765970

there's a world of difference between translating a novel like something by Zola from French into English and translating Finnegans Wake into... any language. the entire thing would be lost.

>> No.17765984
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>> No.17766006

No religious work (eg Bible and Koran) can be translated decently. With these every single letter carries a lot of meaning.
Us translating these languages, or forgetting former connotations and meanings leads to... Well see for yourself

>> No.17766040

Obviously there’s a difference. But is really the entire thing lost? No. The translator has to do radical choices that’s all, and a new work of art is born.

>> No.17766068

May I ask which languages you speak? Eg translating English to German is way easier and more "pure" than English to Turkish. Connotations are different and many words are absent.
Even the way the Tukish say "good luck" carres different thoughts than the Englishs

>> No.17766087

Add to this that there is no original work to translate from. The oldest version of the Bible in Hebrew is from the 9th century.

>> No.17766091


>> No.17766103
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>> No.17766122

I'm Italian and Finnegans Wake is unironically better in my language

>> No.17766133

you can translate dubliners and all but a few parts of portrait though

>> No.17766147

translations are interesting in their own right. the idea of trying to represent the essence of a book through another language is so cool and has so many angles. people who just don't read them are missing out on a neat part of literature

>> No.17766152

I’m French.
That’s pretty much the point I made in my first post. I just think that a translation becomes a new work of art, even with close languages because there is effectively no way to translate accurately almost anything. I think here the translation of “simple” works that embodies perfectly the spirit of a language is a good example. I’m pretty sure any translation of Moliere cannot render it accurately despite the text being simple, because it’s extremely “French” in it’s conversational spirit and Moliere not being a virtuoso of language like Joyce. Does that mean that a translation is pointless (like the word untranslatable implies)? I don’t think so.

>> No.17766153

inb4 the ">translation" fags.

>> No.17766156

maybe a good translator could use their understanding of both cultures and languages to convey the same meaning

>> No.17766157

This is true desu.

>> No.17766169
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This lil camel nosed fuck.

>> No.17766173

Joyce is actually very well translated into Russian. Also, slavs and irish have a similiar mentality.

>> No.17766190

i'm really interested in what i've heard about the chinese translation of finnegans wake

>> No.17766191

>Also, slavs and irish have a similiar mentality.
non white countries often share a mentality

>> No.17766194

>translating Finnegans Wake into... any language. the entire thing would be lost
I repeat that Finnegans Wake is unironically better in other languages. I have read it both in English and in the Italian translation and the latter is actually better. I know that they're probably two different books, but still, I feel like I've gained more from the translation.

>> No.17766203

pretty much

>> No.17766207

>I feel like I've gained more from the translation.
are you sure this isn't just you having a better understanding of italian ?

>> No.17766217

Dictionaries are untranslatable.

>> No.17766251
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>> No.17766253

If that is the case, what's the matter? The same amount of neologisms that are in the original text was re-created for the Italian version, and that's a great thing for me. The complexity and richness of the book was not lost, it was just... in a different language. The only thing you can't experience is the Irish rhytmic flow, and for that I'm glad I've read the original.

>> No.17766258

if it can't be translated, IT DOESN'T EXIST

>> No.17766283
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I beg to differ

>> No.17766415
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>> No.17766464
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>> No.17766495

no creo

>> No.17767564

Some based posters ITT

>> No.17768861

Was gonna say this, my mom's friends have read portrait at least