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17765568 No.17765568 [Reply] [Original]


His “friend”, Guy Sorman, revealed that Foucault used to rape children in Tunisia. He also said that Foucault’s own pedophilia had an influence on his intellectual works.

This gigantic piece of shit is burning in hell.

>> No.17765575

now do the pope

>> No.17765582

Who cares?

>> No.17765587

its too late, his philosophy has already done damage

>> No.17765596
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>> No.17765625

If you carefully listen to what people are saying on the media today without any substantial evidence presented it will become apparent that nowadays everyone is either a sexual predator or a pedophile. As long as you're not a woman, of course, because women can't be either. And if you happen to hinder anyone with money or power you will suddenly find yourself being accused of raping 15 random women and a black man all around the world without ever remembering any of that happening.

>> No.17765627


Literally you'd have to be fucking retarded not to have seen this one coming.

>> No.17765632


>> No.17765634

I for one am shocked. Next you'll tell me Ginsberg was one!

>> No.17765648

Honestly based.

>> No.17765654

Not the same thing. Foucault signed a petition advocating for the legalization of pedophilia. Also, Sorman - the guy who’s revealing this - is against cancel culture.

>> No.17765659
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Woah... He's literally me!

>> No.17765664

Raping children is bad

>> No.17765670

Prove it.

>> No.17765673

>Guy Sorman is Jewish. He became a US citizen in 2015, now holding French dual citizenship.

>> No.17765678

Who next? Hakim Bey?

>> No.17765682

If I catch anyone raping a child, I will kill them so God help me.

That enough proof?

>> No.17765686

>so God help me
Already praying, KWAB.

>> No.17765689 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17765690

How is raping a shitskin third worlder bad in any way? It is no different to having sex with a goat or with a fleshlight, anon. Are you white?

>> No.17765691

Do you have a better source on this?

>> No.17765696

Everyone is Jewish Until Proven Aryan by traversing the Arctic circle naked and taming a Mammoth

>> No.17765700

I was raped as a child.
It's bad.
Not good.
Definitely not "fate worse than death", tho, just really not good.

>> No.17765704

Wow, you’re really edgy, anon. Try killing yourself, that would be so edgy!

>> No.17765707

What about having consensual sex with them?

>> No.17765714

>I was raped as a child.
You're a bitch and should end it. How is it that you couldn't run away? How stupid do you have to be to allow yourself to be raped? If someone tried to hurt me I would turn on my retard strength and bite his dick off.

>> No.17765720

I see no actual argumentin your post.

>> No.17765721

le ebic edgyposter!!!
Kys faggot

>> No.17765722

Children are vulnerable and malleable you retard, they don't understand what is happening and they trust people

>> No.17765723

> why doesnt a 6 years old beat a 45 years old university gym coach.
Kek, nice try.

>> No.17765738

Children cannot consent!

>> No.17765739

No. I'm stating plain facts that you refuse to acknowledge.
>they don't understand
Maybe you don't, I never had that problem.
That's not how it works, children are never raped using strength, they are manipulated and do it 'willingly'. It only works on retards and natural-born faggots like >>17765700 though.

>> No.17765742
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Okay we get it anon you’re edgy

>> No.17765743

I don’t actual argument in your posts either. Now kill yourself.

>> No.17765750

You are an iPhone user, therefore opinion discarded.

>> No.17765754

>>>17765723 (You) #
>That's not how it works, children are never raped using strength, they are manipulated and do it 'willingly'. It only works on retards and natural-born faggots like >>17765700 (You) # though.

>> No.17765756

First tweet reply is a guy saying there's a difference between having pedophilic sex and being a pedophile. Holy shit

>> No.17765761

Ok anon, let's go back in time and have you be raped every day since you are born

>> No.17765764

> the difference?
> the length of rope you use, of course!

>> No.17765770

>he honestly can't come up with a single argument against pedophilia
you aren't very bright, are you?

>> No.17765771

I mean, there literally is. Not all pedophiles act on their mental illness.

>> No.17765777


>> No.17765778
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the question is, can you refute him?

>> No.17765780

No, please don’t cancel Dr. Sus!

>> No.17765792

Should we really make this distinction though? A spade is a spade

>> No.17765860

Man what the fuck was wrong with French intellectuals?

>> No.17765905


>> No.17765920

You thought the relativism shit was just a meme thought experiment? What they wrote is what they believed in

>> No.17765929

Relativism was created by a German (Nietzsche) though.

>> No.17765956

amerimutts invaded afghanistan solely to fuck little kids

>> No.17765962

i sincerely pray you get cancer and enter the deepest depressio one that lasts your whole lifetime,you filthy dog.i swear upon God's holy name if you said this in real life i'd beat you till you poured blood.

>> No.17765971

Surprising an homosexual subversive leftards who undermined every pillar of civilisation and died of AIDS also raped children.
When will people get the homo paedo connection.

>> No.17765979
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good for him

>> No.17765993

settle down big boy

>> No.17766013

yeah wtf you niggas never heard of france or what?

>> No.17766019
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who cares?

>> No.17766031

I’ll break it down for you: Mai 68 happened.

Post-WWII French economy, helped by the Marshall Plan, led to the rise of a new intellectual bourgeoisie. This bourgeoisie opposed the “traditional” catholic bourgeoisie and pushed for liberal values: “interdit d’interdire” etc. The post-modern intellectuals - most of them actually, some guys like Baudrillard or Debord weren’t like that - embodied this ideology. Capitalism got rid of a rigid system of values based on religion and family. Capitalism thus promoted new values which were compatible with its ever expanding market: sexual “liberation”, consumerism etc. Guys like Althusser and Foucault embodied this paradigm shift. They LARPed as leftists, sometimes as marxists, but they were nothing but a bunch of bourgeois trying to keep their privileges.

>> No.17766053

What? A degenerate faggot with no morals did a degenerate immoral thing? Im so shocked!

>> No.17766054


>> No.17766099

Didn't happen in Germany though

>> No.17766106

True, I'm reading some articles about those people and their surroundings and there is not only this pro-pedo petition (signed by Deleuze, Guattari, Matzneff, De Beauvoir, Sartre, Cohn-Bendit, and some other big shot intellectuals) and there are also some direct links with the early LGBT movements : Guy Hocquenghem for instance was a HEAVY pedo supporter and a famous advocate for gay rights (and communist).
The good thing is that those shitheads, thanks to their active support of pedophilia, are now very effective weapons against leftist rhetoric.

>> No.17766158

Don’t know much about Germany, what happened there?

>> No.17766159

How did they skip the obvious moral issue? It's not some abstract "morality is a construct lol" thing. It's very concrete here.

>> No.17766188

The Left used to be so based, what happened to these guys

>> No.17766199

Biological leninism.

>> No.17766220

May you become paralyzed from the neck down,and may that then lead you to madness,amen!!!

>> No.17766230

Not a secret https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petition_against_age_of_consent_laws

Pedault: "“that a child is incapable of explaining what happened and was incapable of giving his consent are two abuses that are intolerable, quite unacceptable.”

>> No.17766232

dont call them intellectuals

>> No.17766234

GTFO you baiting degenerate.

>> No.17766255

They don't care. Those people are monsters.

>> No.17766266

Reminder that pedophilia will be legalized in your lifetime.

>> No.17766270

>in Tunisia
This is common in the Sotadic Zone and not a problem

>> No.17766284


Figured they'd join in the Bacha bāzī

>> No.17766289

Should have pushed for real gender equality, creation of more jobs, and real shift of values so that women aren't forced to marry for shekels or prestige DESU.
But then nobody would fuck Sartre

>> No.17766306

So? Soon you're gonna tell me you don't like André Gide or Burroughs or Tony Duvert...

>> No.17766319

Seethe christcuck.

>> No.17766326
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D~do you guys think they'll give us a half day off like they did when 9/11 happened?
This has got to be has big a news as that.

>> No.17766331

Christcucks love pedophilia though.

>> No.17766348
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>> No.17766367

>having sex with girls of legal age in a country makes you a pedophile in another one.
This is why people laugh at westerners

>> No.17766369
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>> No.17766378

(you) should strongly consider suicide edgyfaggot

>> No.17766384

So what? Don`t you know french created the concept of death of the author especially because of shit like this?

>> No.17766388

>consider suicide
It's not me who allowed himself to be anally penetrated, it is you who is a fucking faggot and should end it.

>> No.17766394

The sexual revolution must be stopped

>> No.17766408

>muh laws
Child rape is child rape whether it's legal or not. Children cannot consent.

>> No.17766411

Relevant video

>> No.17766476

>It's not me who allowed himself to be anally penetrated
Didn't happen, he pinned me down and started jerking me off, but I didn't get hard, and he went to blow me but at that point I managed to get away.

>> No.17766488

>Relativism was created

>> No.17766498

They wanted to destroy the old walls of morality, to smash the bourgois, to destroy religion, to revolt and fuck with no strings attached. They were supporting the criminal, the junkie, the homosexual, the pedophile, the crazy and the monster. And, of course, society paid the price of their blind, immature anger.
Foucaulf was sodomizing young boys in Tunisia, Matzneff was busy having sex with 8-year-olds in Thailand, and the writer Tony Duvert (also a friend of Guy Hocquenghem) allegedly fucked more than a throusand children in his lifetime. Those monsters never did a single day of jail, because they were all supported by the new post-1968 establishement as "intellectuals" or "artists". The soixantehuitard bourgeoise never called them out on that because what they did still aligned with their political positions, because such acts were now permitted to an extent under their new hedonistic and nihilistic views.

>> No.17766508

From the article
> Gabriel Matzneff boasted about his pedophilia on television and used it as inspiration for his second-rate autobiographical novels. French philosopher Michel Foucault, an intellectual star of the 1970s, went even further. He considered that any law or norm was a form of oppression by the government and the bourgeoisie. In the name of absolute freedom, which he applied first and foremost to himself, he paid for little boys in Tunisia on the pretext that they, too, had a right to pleasure. Foucault cared little about what became of his victims, or perhaps he preferred to ignore the fact that they were victims of an old, white imperialist.

>> No.17766590

Sodomy laws were based, who’d have know

>> No.17766713


Stop being fucking puritans and enjoy life, lol. Have sex

>> No.17766774

>nooo they're monsters!

>> No.17766989


>> No.17766996

with kids!

>> No.17767010
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Damn, im fucking shocked. Who could've guessed that a guy who signed a petition to drop the age of consent laws and openly said he liked to have sex with boys could have been a pedophile?
>it occurs in nature therefore it's good
fuck off, pedo

>> No.17767023

>or perhaps he preferred to ignore the fact that they were victims of an old, white imperialist.
Yeah cause that's the issue here, not the fact that they were the victims of a pedophile

>> No.17767035

>western pedophile
>Japanese pedophile

>> No.17767037

look at that niggas fucking dick wtf

>> No.17767051
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>> No.17767180

I can't stand petty bourgeois moralists and their crusade against pedophilia. It's stunning that with levels of empathy this low you guys can even enjoy literature though I'm more convinced that you just don't read. "Pedophilia" in Amerimutt terms probably refers to boys around 14 or 15 years of age, perfectly good age for a first time sexual intercourse

>> No.17767204


>> No.17767231

You deserve the bloodiest, most painful ass cancer

>> No.17767269

Holy shit that's a huge pp

>> No.17767273

This is the worst read /lit/ had in a while just because of all the edgy pedolarpers

>> No.17767338

i don't remember my teenage years being this edgy

>> No.17767352

What he’s saying is that Foucault took advantage of western imperialism to rape children.

>> No.17767361


>> No.17767380

They weren't, the edge became edgier with time.

>> No.17767406

T. unable to prove him wrong. You don't have any actual arguments against pedophilia. Your moralfaggotry is welcome on reddit but definitely not on 4chan. That fine young boy probably earned more than his parents did in a year thanks to Mr. Foucault that day and in the end everyone would be happy except for the moralfags

>> No.17767694

(you) should strongly consider suicide edgyfaggot

>> No.17767706

he's right

>> No.17767716

It damages its victims

>> No.17767722

May all of you who justify pedophilia, jokingly or not, taste nothing but ashes and pain ever again. That is all.

>> No.17767738

How does consensual sex damage people?

>> No.17767745

What is it with kids and sexuality that short-circuits people's brain? This thread is ridiculous.
France has very different standards about this, which is totally fine. Who gives a shit?

>> No.17767748

Because they're not equipped for it yet, it's like trying to put a kid on the battlefield, it will scar them even if they don't get physically hurt.

>> No.17767756

>Who gives a shit?
Amerimutt puritans

>> No.17767770

years and years of indoctrination by feminists who feel threatened by their younger competition

>> No.17767778

>consensual sex
But it wasn't consensual...

>> No.17767786


>> No.17767787

How do you know?

>> No.17767789

That's exactly what happened in Germany

>> No.17767803

Not true but it's impossible to say who is/isn't so I'm fine w just saying isn't

>> No.17767810

This >>17767756
America was literally founded by religious zealots who make tradcaths look like degenerates, no wonder even their "left" is full of moralizing emotional faggots
And this >>17767770
Hypergamy is getting serious and the only rational way of dealing with it is to lower the age of consent considerably

>> No.17767811

Because people who are abused as kids say so and start behaving abnormally

>> No.17767813

He lived according to his principles

>> No.17767852

At lot of this can be attributed to selection bias though. Especially, when you are told that having sexual relations under 18 year olds is a bad thing. How would you even hear about people that had sexual relations as minors and are doing totally fine? There is a lot of nuance to this. No need to rage.

>> No.17767854

How so? The kid got paid. Everything was a-ok

>> No.17767863

Brain stops developing at 25 btw

>> No.17767867

Considering most of the pedophilic acts happen within a family, is it safe to say you're okay with incest? Honest question

>> No.17767898

I'm sure they exist but given how many people regard it as traumatizing why would you risk that? What possible benefit is there to this?

>> No.17767984

>le funny pedophilia is good thread
it's over /lit/izens

>> No.17767993

>. That fine young boy probably earned more than his parents did in a year thanks to Mr. Foucault that day and in the end everyone would be happy except for the moralfags
that's what I'm saying, child prostitution is a perfectly fine option to take all this children out of poverty

>> No.17767996

>it was ok for Socrates to fuck kids
>it's not ok for Foucault to do the same

>> No.17768006

Funny how supposedly some of you have read the philosophical Western canon through and through, from Heraclitus to Object Oriented Ontology and in reverse yet no one seems to be able to provide a single argument against pedophilia.

>> No.17768015

As long as no harm is done, why does it matter? I do not condone, I find it strange and gross, like most people do, but I do not see any reason to be vengeful. There is again levels to this. The father locking up children in his sex dungeon is a different ball park than the father having sexual relations with his teenage daughter.

That is a weird question. You can posit that for any shenanigans people do in their teenage years. Drugs, petty crime, dumb stunts, following harmful trends. Generally anything risky where you are unsure about the long-term damages to you. That is just life imho.

I believe a lot of this is just cultural conditioning, which varies wildly over time.

>> No.17768026

Literally his friend saying consent wasn't in question.

>> No.17768031

it's bad

>> No.17768049
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funny that all the foucault fans now are "SHE WAS 17 YEARS OLD YOU SICK FUCK" tier leftist believaallwahmen simps.

>> No.17768057

First of all we are not talking about teenagers, but children, and secondly you absolutely should not encourage teenagers to do drugs. I did a bunch of drugs very young and it was clearly not a good idea. Petty crimes and stunts are not in the same category of damage.

>> No.17768061

what is now considered pedophilia was accepted for the vaste majority of human history, having sex with a twelve years old was perfectly acceptable less than 200 years ago

>> No.17768080

Good bait

>> No.17768094

based. the consent argument makes no logical sense. the prohibition on sex with at least pubescent humans makes 0 sense. you can make a good case for actual children not consenting because they don't know what it is and have no sexual drives outside of curiosity and self fondling ( not erotic imo, just a stim.) sex is normal and once they're old enough to breed it's more or less okay, subject to the same social prohibitions as adult sex.

consent is a retarded shibboleth. no educated person actually believes it, they only pretend for fear of legal consequence.

>> No.17768102

ok how did you get the key
or who did you ask

>> No.17768108
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intellectual dishonesty often accompanies other character flaws. french academia and culture, especially in the 60s-80s was completely set up to select for maximum intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.17768110


> Not an actual argument

>> No.17768124

>cartography and landsurveying have nothing to do with meaning
what an absolute pseud

>> No.17768126

>"muh laws"
>cites legal principle of consent

>> No.17768127

Thanks to Americans not even consent given on the moment is enough

>> No.17768143

Consent is literally one of the oldest concepts known to man. The difference between charity and getting robbed is consent you utter imbecile.

>> No.17768156

Do you see the biased way in which you frame this?
>sex dungeon and children
>relations with teenage daughter

>> No.17768168

In what circustence did he fuck the kid and how old was he

>> No.17768182

Why can't leftists keep their body parts outside of children?

>> No.17768185

for thousands of years, fucking 12 years old girl was widely accepted all around the globe, you are just haunted by your socitety arbitrary moral standard

>> No.17768198

only for blacks and muslims though.

>> No.17768203

>children cannot consent
legal principle, you only know 'when they can' and 'to what' because it was codified in your area

>> No.17768209

very definition of leftism is social progress, it's obvious that they aren't as invested in their society norme's

>> No.17768211

how rude.

>> No.17768221


Consent laws date back at least to the 7th century in France...

>> No.17768226

he is burning in hell, but not for that lol

>> No.17768232

That he pinned me, that I didn't get hard, or that I ran away, lol?

>> No.17768249

Go put yourself into serfdom to your local farmers if you care that much about standards of the past. Go get yourself flogged for lèse-majesté if you ever said anything bad about your rulers.

Every civilization has had a concept of passing from childhood to manhood.

>> No.17768250

granted I am far from an expert on that field, but a quick search shows that the usual marriageable age in mediaval europe for girls was around 12

>> No.17768264

And in every civilisation the child not being able to can't consent to the same shit adults can is law

>> No.17768267

I'm only bringing up the historical presedent because people here are asserting it being wrong as obvious based on their moral intuition, I'm simply showing that it wasn't the case for most of history

>> No.17768268

What's wrong with pedophilia? It's as traditional as it gets, the age of consent is an atheist, modern invention. If anything he's in hell for sodomy.

>> No.17768285

Murder being prohibited is also just a law anon.

Sure. Same goes for slavery, for example.

>> No.17768290

With parental approval consent could be given.
Technically still is in effect in a few places, until the early 90s you could marry at 12 in Québec (didn't happen).

>> No.17768293

>pedophilia ok
>consenting gay adults bad
The absolute hypocrisy

>> No.17768333

this thread is about a gay pedophilic relationship

>> No.17768346
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>In early January 2020, Springora published Le Consentement (Consent),[5] a memoir in which she describes how, from the age of 14, she was groomed and sexually abused by the author Gabriel Matzneff, who was then 49.[6][7] In the memoir, she describes herself as a vulnerable teenager of divorced parents who first met Matzneff when she was 13. The book describes how the Matzneff actively pursued her by writing her letters, waiting for her outside her school, and following her in the street.[6] Springora's memoir met with critical and commercial success, quickly becoming a bestseller.[8] It also sent shockwaves through the French publishing world, since it highlighted a history of pedophilia and sex tourism that Matzneff has discussed and written about in his own books for decades. Matzneff made no secret of his sexual activities. In 1975, he appeared on Apostrophes to promote his essay Les moins de seize ans (The Under 16s), during which he openly discussed sexual relations with children. He later wrote an anonymised account of his relationship with Springora in the book La Prunelle de mes yeux [fr] (Gallimard, 1995).[9][10]

>The fallout was significant. Matzneff’s three publishers all ceased working with him; a lifetime stipend was revoked; and the French government announced it would implement an age of consent of 15.[11] The scandal and the ongoing criminal prosecution also turned a spotlight onto a number of high-profile figures in French society who supported and socialised with Matzneff (including François Mitterrand, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre Bergé).[12] The French politician Christophe Girard claimed to have been unaware of Matzneff's pedophilia,[13] despite a long association with the writer. Following public pressure, Girard resigned as deputy mayor of Paris in July 2020.[14]

>Le Consentement was published in English as Consent (translated by Natasha Lehrer) by HarperVia in February 2021.[15] In The New York Times, critic Parul Sehgal praise the memoir and the translation, and noted the impact the book was having: "By every conceivable metric, her book is a triumph."[11]
whoever thinks cancel culture is exclusive to the english-speaking internet needs to read this. guys used to marry 14 year old girls. now this one roastie who wants in on the victim party joins in, get's the entirety of french society to simp for her.

>> No.17768373

Correct. I don't know if you're the same muh laws anon I originally responded to, if not we are probably both arguing about different things
But any time the state prevents a person from doing something they want to do that the state perceives would harm society, that is law and that is the most basic and fundamental function of law and I can't think of a single law that doesn't have this purpose

>> No.17768390

This being the purpose of laws says nothing about whether something is ethically okay or not.

>> No.17768404

lol no

>> No.17768409

fine. you go first. i dont care anyway

>> No.17768428

What's up with all this "everyone I don't like is a pedophile" thing?

For all I know, Foucault (whom I haven't read and don't care about) was a pedophile, but, who cares? Caravaggio was a fucking murderer; that doesn't mean we shouldn't look at his paintings.

>> No.17768432

not anon but i guess you are straight crazed and illiterate

also i think you like, like "like" gay people

like shit you said to mind your own fucking business

>> No.17768464

based and halalpilled. when they bleed, they're ready to breed

>> No.17768480

>also i think you like, like "like" gay people
what are you trying to say

>> No.17768488

Murder is not as bad as pedophilia.

>> No.17768521

In democratic countries the laws are indicative of that county's ethical make up. Takes a lot of disparate views and feelings on an issue and solidifies it into a statement mist can agree in. Usually a decade or so delayed and sometimes slightly off due to political fuckery.
Yes it's clearly unethical. Watching for changes to the law is a good indicator on how that perception changes over time. Changes to the age of consent laws will indicate changes to ethical perception of age of consent. Whether or not any one person thinks it's ethical/unethical doesn't change much

>> No.17769079

>liberals calling themselves radicals even though they just enforce the formless consumerism and atomization of capitalist society

this is literally every leftist after stalin

>> No.17769746

>Wow, you’re really edgy, anon. Try killing yourself, that would be so edgy!
You sound like a faggot.

>> No.17769764

Pedophilia is no more of a social construct than gender, nothing is wrong with it. In fact, it's common among our ape cousins.

>> No.17769767

Interesting that Plato wrote against both pederasty (symposium, Laws) and relativism.

>> No.17769775

What they wrote was just rationalizations for their degeneracy.
>lol if morality is subjective then I’m not guilty and feel gud about myself!!11

>> No.17770348

well duh, he was a fag we all knew that

>> No.17770361

I’m amazed how I understand this shit langue

>> No.17770362

I am still here able to move from the neck down anon, looks like whoever you are asking things to does not comply! Looks like whatever you want to be done on the abusers you will have to do it yourself, with your own hands!

>> No.17770373


>> No.17770412

it was herder but ok

>> No.17770427

>taste nothing but ashes and pain ever again
This was my life even before I started shitposting things I didn't really mean on 4chinz

>> No.17770438

he's based though

>> No.17770441

I bad feel for all the people who liked his books, believe me I know how it feels. I just found out last week that my favorite author Peter Sotos was arrested for owning under age pornography, I'll never be able to look at his books the same way again.

>> No.17770455

Nietzsche, "Will to Power", #926:

I abhor the man's vulgarity when he says: "What is right for one man is right for another"; "Do not to others that which you would not that they should do unto you". Such principles would fain establish the whole of human traffic upon mutual services, so that every action would appear to be a cash payment for something done to us. The hypothesis here is ignoble to the last degree: it is taken for granted that there is some sort of equivalence in value between my actions and thine; the most personal value of an action is simply cancelled in this manner (that part of an action which has no equivalent and which cannot be remunerated).

>> No.17770600

Similar shit happened to me. A guy touched my penis and asked me to put my finger in his butthole. Once he turned around and bent over with his cheeks spread, I got the fuck outta there.

>> No.17771919

You missed the point of what he was saying.

>> No.17771928

>They LARPed as leftists, sometimes as marxists, but they were nothing but a bunch of bourgeois trying to keep their privileges.

To be fair, even actual Marxists let that ship sail and drifted towards Neoliberalism.

>> No.17771981

>I just found out last week that my favorite author Peter Sotos was arrested for owning under age pornography
this surprised you??

>> No.17772032

I'm honestly surprised that pedophilia hasn't been compromised by consumerism and capitalism yet. It's still one of the few remaining moral taboos today's. Not even feminism or the gay movements dare to take this on their agenda and the french intellectuals didn't break through in the real world. I feel like death and pedophilia have a huge potential for legal capital markets and again I'm surprised that there are barely any corporal efforts to take away the moral restrictions from these two assets.

>> No.17772077

um hello? tiktok

>> No.17772108

Why in the actual fuck is he talking inside a transparent cage?

>> No.17772159

>Hypergamy is getting serious and the only rational way of dealing with it is to lower the age of consent considerably
How does that solve anything at all?

>> No.17772164

if anything, he was a furry with interest in cubs. Those 'things' they call human are animals and should be treated as such.

>> No.17772167


>> No.17772169


>> No.17772172

>guys used to marry 14 year old girls
When marriage actually meant something.

>> No.17772190

>14 year old girls
Matzneff was beyond that. He partook in the pleasures of little boys in different countries. Don't reduce him to an amature on the topic.

>> No.17772191

Incel here, it's actually easier to get laid with girls (because they're dumb as shit). A lot of my sister' friends want to fuck me while women of my age won't give me the time of the day. That being said when your "solution" is getting rid of the age of consent because the only women that want to fuck you are little girls, it's just pathetic and pedophilia apology

>> No.17772203
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>mfw people have yet to understand that the transparent cage will remain forever

>> No.17772237

Based. Useless posters that just repeat the same shit every thread deserve death

>> No.17772247

Good. I like the transparent cage.

>> No.17772250
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kill yourself

>> No.17772269

It was already obvious to anyone who cared, like most philosopher and figure of the french theory.
Lefties just played blind.

>> No.17772275

>A lot of my sister' friends want to fuck me
so why don't you?

>> No.17772276

Based pedochad. Normalfags need to leave

>> No.17772288

They're like 16/17 dude. I'm 21. It might be surprising to you but not everyone is a pedo, I like women of my age.

>> No.17772291


>> No.17772637

It is not subject to debate

>> No.17772707

Foucault should be shat and pissed on at every occasion.

>> No.17772732

literally >>17765596

>> No.17772777

No, i am not even attempting to prove a subjective moral claim because I went to school. My basedjak would just say.

>> No.17772778

>16/17 is pedo
dude, lay off the hamburgers

>> No.17772825
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Sex with kids is good because my penis says so

>> No.17772846


>> No.17772852

literally >>17772637

>> No.17772865

>ITT: people who can't agree on the age a child stops being a child

>> No.17772866
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Reminder that pic related says absolutely nothing about pedophilia.

>> No.17773104

in fact some passage can be interpreted as encouraging it. People act like pedophilia is a self evident moral evil while despite that view point being a modern invention

>> No.17773518

Pedophilia is not the same as the normal definition of pedophilia in Abrahamic religions. Abrahamic religions consider having sex with girls who started their period as not pedophilia and this could be as young as ten. Pedophilia is defined as not having started puberty and not passing teenage years

>> No.17773637
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>butterfly says something based
amazing, and truth-pilled

>> No.17773657
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>> No.17773790

Caravaggio was also a pedo lol

>> No.17773954

every frenchman is a pedo lmao

>> No.17774022

>>17765742 >>17765743 >>17765750
>>17765754 >>17765756 >>17765761
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>>17771981 >>17772032 >>17772077
>>17772108 >>17772159 >>17772164
>>17772167 >>17772169 >>17772172
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>>17772707 >>17772732 >>17772777
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>>17772852 >>17772865 >>17772866
>>17773104 >>17773518 >>17773637
>>17773657 >>17773790 >>17773954
pedotrannies will never be a woman

>> No.17774039

french "philosophers" of that period are responsable of modern degeneracy

>> No.17774066

Can you name the most serious offenders?

>> No.17774082

foucault, lacan, deleuze, sartre... all the ones who forms what we called the french theory

>> No.17774101

Do you think there's a single book I can pick to get an overview of their ideas? Preferably one that is criticizing them

>> No.17774499

Foucault is the typical oversocialized moron that wants to destroy the palace and cause upheaval in the proletariat, while sitting comfortably on his ivory tower in academia.

>> No.17774504


>> No.17774512


>> No.17774539

aaaaaaa! intellectual analysis is destroying my antiquated midcentury institutions! help me, antiquated midcentury institutions!

>> No.17774545

>passive-aggressive lower case reply

>> No.17774549

Dilate tedtranny

>> No.17774567

Dilate neoliberal marxist.

>> No.17774579

Foucault felt oppressed by “panopticon society” because he couldn’t easily and open abuse young boys with modern police/laws in place.

>> No.17774594

Foucault literally got a visit from a psychologist because he assaulted a fellow classmate in high school that he was probably crushing on... so he wrote a thesis arguing that psychology was oppression. The whole thing is transparently groundless polemics based on his emotional antagonisms.

>> No.17774610

That's why all his works read like sensationalist clickbait articles you'll see circulated on twitter.

>> No.17774619

>intellectual analysis

>> No.17774676

It’s not just him though. Derrida also.

>> No.17774682


>> No.17774693

All French "philosophers", really. All Continental Philosophers in fact.

>> No.17774696


>> No.17774719


>> No.17774784

they are french

>> No.17774810

Most French academics have had “liaisons” with children younger than 13. The French have a culture of pedophilic abuse. It actually permeates their entire intellectual culture and even their justice system.

Americans who simp for these writers are well aware of all this and it’s usually why they simp for them in the first place.

>> No.17774836

It is well known for example that Derrida instructed his 28 year old graduate student to have sex with his 13 year old son. This alone is illegal in USA (where Derrida taught for years) and even in France technically (age of consent is 15) and it’s admitted openly.

>> No.17774867

Sartre and de Beavoir both abused pre teen girls.

>> No.17774926

No. Debord had groupies but they weren’t underaged and Baudrillard led a pretty normal life.

>> No.17775172

what has happened to this board

>> No.17775181

Not even a bit surprised.

>> No.17775196

When women do it it's hot. I am traumatized from not being molested by hot teachers.

>> No.17775214

Talentless, coping from a thouroughly stagnated culture. When they think about life being meaninglesa they are actually only describing themselves.

>> No.17775219

What is the hecking sneeding answer???

>> No.17775224

This actually.

>> No.17775229

>thouroughly stagnated culture.
This is how amerimutts cope?

>> No.17775244

Muttcopes on here are the saddest copes.

>> No.17775279

They are desperate to make themselves feel something, due to their lack of artistic sensitivity and abilities.

>> No.17775311

Poop le oooo prebuscent sexualitt le oooo

There, that’s French “artistic sensibility”, exemplified by their national treasures: “Cuties” and “Blue is the Warmest Color”.

>> No.17775327

Daily reminder that the most celebrated French novelist and author of the past 45 years is a pedophile with friends in the highest tiers of French society

>> No.17775329

Holy fuck Derrida didn't need to be a pedo for me to hate him but he's handing himself on a silver platter to be casually dismissed.

>> No.17775338 [DELETED] 
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Shit thread.

>> No.17775422

Movies made respectively by a nigger woman and a sandnigger.

>> No.17775425

Father of the year (if his graduate student was female)

>> No.17775530

So was Celine

>> No.17775654

based F always finding new ways to make midwits seethe decades after his death

>> No.17776017

God damn I need a source for that

>> No.17776060


>> No.17776084

Based Jackie

>> No.17776152

I need a name, please

>> No.17776195

Somewhat this.
Also most of them lived the taboo shame of the occupation.
Ashamed that they never dared to fight nazis, they coped by protesting safely against anything they deemed authoritarian.

Those who never dared to ambush german convoy in the wood or give intels to the R.A.F, chose to throw stones at the police and advocate for liberal school twenty years later.

>> No.17776205

You talking about Alexander Borgias? Sure, he was the least Christian out of all the Popes but not a pedo you nitwit.

>> No.17776213

He literally said there was nothing wrong with pedophilia in his writings, how is this a surprise to anyone?

>> No.17776285

it's a Mitsuboshi Colors doujin, pleb

>> No.17776665
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>> No.17776725
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Based and redpilled

>> No.17777214

Foucault is so worthless and inconsequential that I don't know how anyone could genuinely get mad at him besides his explicit pedophile tendencies.

>> No.17777378

>Foucault used to rape children in Tunisia
A lot of literary faggots were into underage boys. I think William S Burroughs gets a pass because he partnered with a faggot kike (Ginsburg)

>> No.17777404
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You aren't prepared for the consequences of sex in our society until you are at least 18 (spoiler - its babies), thats just the way it is. You can cry all you want, but raising a child as a child is unfair to the baby and the parent. I don't think people should be waiting until 35+ either btw.

>> No.17777418

>Foucault used to rape children in Tunisia.
lmao imagine believing this

>> No.17777430

Haha, no one replied to you, mass-reply fag.

>> No.17777431

Stop being hedonists and create life, lol. Have real sex.

>> No.17777452

>ahh, protect my eyes from the numbers

not really a foucalt fan, but why is lit full of chuds these days

>> No.17777917

He wasn't though, don't ever talk about Céline again you stupid nigger

>> No.17777940

All Frenchmen are pedophiles, you can’t change my mind

>> No.17777992

male feminist is a sexual deviant imagine my shock

>> No.17778077

In all seriousness this post is massively underrated.

>> No.17778726

>queer lefty turns out to be a pedophile
never saw that coming anon what a revelation

>> No.17778799

Was Nietzsche really a relativist? I keep seeing him talk about physis. Maybe he didn't abide by certain preset objective values but why would he even suggest the possibility of there being an ubermensch if there weren't an objective hierarchy to things?

>> No.17778829

Offspring literally isn't a potential outcome of having sex with a prepubescent child. Try again.

>> No.17778871

My mother was groomed and raped when she was 12 years old by a postmodern loser like the guy OP is talking about. She was so traumatized that she ended up spiraling into depression, drugs, promiscuity, etc. through high school, which she dropped out of. Well, guess what, the creep eventually reoffended and the police connected him to her. She testified against him and he was locked up. Mom got clean, got a job, married my father, had me, and generally got her shit together after a really horrible young adulthood that started too soon.

Then the guy got freed.

All the hard work she'd put into overcoming what he'd done to her went straight into the shitter. Her mental state got so bad that she ended up losing her job and pushing my dad away. He left us and she ended up overdosing in my bed. I was two.

Tranny pedos rot in hell. This shit has echoes.

>> No.17779204
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underrated take

>> No.17779299

Define child legally

>> No.17779349

>I was two
Then you wouldn't remember any of it? Did you just make up the whole thing?

>> No.17779389

I meam just look at him
Nosfaretratu lookign fuck

>> No.17779814

Wasn't French academia completely debunked by Sokal (that they chose to ignore) and much earlier, Dostoevsky?

>> No.17779859

Anon, she died. It doesn't matter if I remember her dying.
I don't care if you believe me, (unfortunately, it's true) but why would you want it to be made up?

>> No.17780101

You're just a nigger

>> No.17780117

Almost all sexual abuse is done by homosexuals. Almost all sexual transmitted diseases are spread by homosexuals. They are not humans like me or you.

>> No.17780193


>> No.17780391

your seethe is showing

>> No.17780509


>> No.17781742
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>> No.17781879
