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/lit/ - Literature

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17763110 No.17763110 [Reply] [Original]

why is this board so obssessed with the ocult and esotericism? Its literally just an aesthetically gay version of metaphysics. Just go read metaphysics instead of larping as an hinduist demi-god faggot

>> No.17763134

because pretending to be a mystic is easier than studying history, the one true science.

>> No.17763142
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The occult is legit but you got to be schizo to get it.
I used to be into it deeply but then i had a psychotic break down and thought i was getting secret messages through music.

It all started with bowie dying.....

>> No.17763143

because literature if a sad attempt to explain what it cannot be explained unless you believe

>> No.17763144

>history, the one true science.
Based and historypilled

>> No.17763148

Same but death grips lyrics

>> No.17763153

It’s mostly the same set of autists sporting out about Guénon. I hide all such threads so I don’t even have to see that guys stupid face. Same with Spengler.

>> No.17763158

>history, the one true science.
History is not a science, it is largely an immense meme

>> No.17763171

words words words

>> No.17763174

We are animals that made it too far for our own good. OP, you are so detached from reality that you let men in suits influence you into believing that wendigos and gnomes don't exist.

>> No.17763183

guenon i get but spengler? he was assumed reading up until about 50 years ago

>> No.17763193

I really do believe that the occult is the only way for schizos to identify with metaphysical tought, so I guess it serves a purpose

>> No.17763195

history is the product of the imagination which happens to be the only real thing

>> No.17763209

made up words made up words made up words

>> No.17763213

>logos logos logos

>> No.17763246

History is a story told from unbelievably bad evidence. Like the most reasonable reaction to a very large number of historical questions is 'we don't really know'.

>> No.17763253

I don’t really see a lot of general occult discussion, you get a stray hermeticism or Vedanta or Buddhism threads but other than that there’s nothing really that much, something like Vedanta or hermeticism or Buddhism has a ton of links to continental philosophy, history, a ton of fiction and general religious sentiments. I wouldn’t really consider that guenon and related stuff to be actual occultism, it’s more the midway point, they don’t actually practice any ceremonial magic or the like, IT IS basically just metaphysics and the like to them, by and large.

But there is a huge aesthetic component for many, if you read any of the decadents for example you’ll see a love of kabbalistic symbols and artifacts, and while this is a rather petty reason to study stuff, people do it.

I mean it’s ultimately fine for the discussions here, since it is all literature related, but I agree that anyone studying occultism without first studying the basics of metaphysics, ontology and philosophy in general are making a pretty huge mistake. Something like hermeticism, how can you study that without first studying Neoplatonism? And why are you studying Neoplatonism without first studying Plato and Aristotle? Then there’s so many links between people like hegel and boehme and so on and so forth.

>> No.17763261


>> No.17763275


>> No.17763277

So i suppose what you're trying to say that at the end of the day history is unknowable and just sound and fury, signifying nothing?

>> No.17763381


>> No.17763390

seems like there's nothing else to talk about then

>> No.17763397

Because they’re INFJs. INFJs must be killed

>> No.17763408
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Good post

>> No.17763424

I'm saying you have to be deeply skeptical about historical narratives. The very large-scale facts of history, especially recently history, are easier to confirm but you are essentially just taking a handful of people's word for it, a decision which ultimately comes down to state power, whether formally or informally.

>> No.17763516

>believing in astrology

>> No.17763571

yes I agree we need to be hermeneutically and philologically rigorous. history, as it turns out, is comprised of individuals with goals and aspirations and technologies that revolutionized how those individuals perceived the world itself.
>you are essentially just taking a handful of people's word for it, a decision which ultimately comes down to state power
and an understanding of history on any level deeper than this is unfeasible? you make a lot of broad-stroke assumptions for someone who advises so fervently against broad-stroke assumptions. I disagree that history is as unknowable as you make it out to be.

>> No.17763575


>> No.17763657

You can't verify the past. People simply don't want to accept how deeply this assfucks any certainty about history. You can find physical evidence and documentation and stuff, but the further you get away from the event the more you are trusting what various people and institutions tell you about these things, it is almost impossible to overstate how much less certain you can be about this then eg. the rate of acceleration of an object falling.

>> No.17763704

then you have to be a quietist about history. it's a coherent view to have—just not one i'm sympathetic to. there is nothing else to talk about if not this.

>> No.17763708

y tho?

>> No.17763737

INFJs are on /pol/ or in the spengler threads or wherever
INFPs are the one who care about mysticism and discovering their inner self and other gay shit

>> No.17763766


>> No.17763790

do you not worry you're deluding yourself?

>> No.17763818
File: 57 KB, 606x283, Hermeneutic cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course. welcome to the hermeneutic cycle.
"standing water breeds reptiles of the mind" - blake

>> No.17763883

a consequence of being déclassé

>> No.17763893

Yeah but this isn't science, this is esoteric meme stuff. Science actually means something, it's about independent verification, which you can't do regarding past events very well.

>> No.17763903

Because reddit likes science, metaphysics and atheism. That's literally it. If it was the opposite you'd have /lit/ full of staunch atheists.

>> No.17763961

you mean the science that emerged out of a christian alchemical tradition after they realized their ancient emerald tablets were forgeries? the alchemical tradition that evolved out of applying the tools of biblical exegesis developed through medieval scholasticism onto material reality? Francis Bacon was very well versed in the hermetic tradition and so was the entirety of the english court under elizabeth for that matter. this is not "epic esoteric magic", this is literary criticism and history. philosopher's stone = ultimate hermeneutic with which to interpret all of reality. there's not superstition here.

>> No.17763984

Frater asemlen? More like crater the gremlin. Nigger.

>> No.17764001

It is arguable whether it emerged out of that but even if it did, that doesn't change what it is. I tell you that an object accelerates at a certain rate, you can check that for yourself by doing the experiment yourself. Surely you understand the difference between this and history

>> No.17764009

Actually made me laugh. Kek

>> No.17764053

I agree with this. I've spent years studying philosophy and I only just recently feel like I appreciate the occult and hermeticism as the next step after studying neoplatonism, which was itself the step after studying Plato, which itself took years of studying philosophy in general to appreciate as more than just some classroom "theory."

We moderns are buried in crap. It takes years to loosen up, and you usually have to get lucky and meet people who can help. You can also get unlucky and encounter pseudo-initiations that absorb you into their egregore and freeze you at that level, sometimes with catastrophic results. I can't imagine how dangerous it is to experiment with the occult without having spent plenty of time proving your seriousness, to yourself most of all. I sometimes wonder if we have civilisationally relapsed so much that our job should be more like ground-clearing for a future generation that can open these things up again in earnest, rather than getting greedy and trying to rush headlong into them because some of our ancestors did.

>> No.17764064

I realize it would be impossible to explain the entire process you're talking about here but could you summarize briefly the stages you went through and their significance? Or maybe rec a text that describes a similar progression?

>> No.17764085

the scientific vocabulary that allows you to even conceive of something like this were produced by historic and technological contingencies that go all the way back to the discovery of fire. it's not a magic system that fell from the sky given to us by god. you cannot understand modern science without understanding history because history precedes it and is latent in it.

>> No.17764095

Death Grips are insanely mystical so it's no wonder.

>> No.17764118

No I think it is as basic as saying 'show me how it works, I want to see for myself'. There is nothing esoteric about the process at all, it's just formalizing that thought into a social system.

>> No.17764130

When your life sucks shit pretending you're a wizard makes it hurt less

>> No.17764606

Cause they're teenage zoomers

>> No.17764633

Losers coping with their material success in life, so they pretend that they are the winners in some mumbo jumbo spiritual journey or something.

>> No.17764663
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cuz the elites are in to it

>> No.17764671

Lots of angry materialists ITT

>> No.17764721

The occult is pseud bait. Every "occultist" i've talked to is either literally retarded or a pretentious cunt

>> No.17764736

What are the INTPs doing

>> No.17764756

They're debating about autistic shit in the philosophy threads

>> No.17765018


>> No.17765657

Beware is really fucking kino.
>I close my eyes and seize it
>I clench my fist and beat it
>I light my torch and burn it
>I am the beast I worship
Oozing with style.

>> No.17765687 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 552x495, ED5D14F2-5D36-4CE1-BE9D-6142614B1A72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. Investigating all the bullshit around 9/11 totally destroyed my faith in mainstream versions of “history,” knowing as I now do that, unless some tremendous paradigm shift happens, textbooks will have it recorded that “19 Muslim jihadis took over three planes armed with boxcutters, smashed one of them into Pentagon, and used the other two to destroy three buildings in NYC.”

>> No.17765728

s..shut up

>> No.17765736
File: 54 KB, 552x495, 329628ED-A627-4DF7-860B-8CC6E2EEA909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. Investigating all the bullshit around 9/11 totally destroyed my faith in mainstream versions of “history,” knowing as I now do that, unless some tremendous paradigm shift happens, textbooks will have it recorded till the end of Western civilization that “19 Muslim jihadis took over three planes armed with boxcutters, smashed one of them into Pentagon, and used the other two to destroy three buildings in NYC.” History is written by the victor.

>> No.17765748

Response to >>17763657

>> No.17765752

>back off of castro

Literally not what JFK had in mind.

>> No.17766063

Because theyre faggots

>> No.17766095
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You’re absolutely correct. It’s all fake, made up shit with little to no effect on real history unlike mainstream religions (which make them worth studying)

I got deep into “researching” conspiracy theories and occultism until one day I realized I sounded like a complete retard, most of the things I wasted time on were based on hoaxes, and deep down inside I knew it was all fake and was just trying to impress people.

This 100%. It’s a fake put on

>> No.17766127
File: 90 KB, 500x666, E9A54DF6-7685-45A1-AADF-9CD194EB1068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except JFK didn’t want to back off Castro nor did he want to deescalate Vietnam. In fact he authorised the possibility of a second invasion of Cuba this time with explicit military aid.

JFK being a right wing coup orchestrated by the Dulles brothers, LBJ and Westmoreland hinges completely on JFK being a liberal dove which he absolutely was not. JFK was a cold warrior through and through.

>> No.17766195

You mean normies watching best of /x/ posts and reading creepypastas

>> No.17766533

based bowieposter

>> No.17766597

No, this is just plainly untrue.

>> No.17766603


Lord of the game is my favourite desu. Something about the girl adds a whole different dimension

>> No.17766610
File: 225 KB, 1280x1280, 711FA75A-6D03-4FD3-8C18-1EB2B32F5DF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American history

>> No.17766784

It helps fill the void for people who lack religion in their life. Makes the world feel more magical and in a way comforting. It's a harmless coping mechanism.

>> No.17766908


>> No.17766925


>> No.17766935

>harmless coping mechanism
That's always how it starts ha ha ha

>> No.17768299

Esotericism is based desu

>> No.17768376


>> No.17768429


>> No.17768882

Because /x/ is garbage for any discussion of theory and praxis.
>clearing the ground
This is a sentiment I experienced visceraly studying Hermeticism. It feels like knowing I will not be some ethereal sage as would be expected, but that I will pave the way for something like it.
I am on my phone else I would give a link, but look up Hellware, its Beware mixed with Hellwalker from the DOOM soundrack.

>> No.17768896
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>Its literally just an aesthetically gay version of metaphysics
It's literally the other way around. Academic "metaphysics" is an aesthetically gay version of real, "occult" metaphysics.

>> No.17768986

>Why talk about esotericism instead of history
Because >>>/his/ is that way.
Also because its genuinely interesting to see how these lines of thought have gone underground for most if not all of human civilization yet routinely persevered and was pushed by people of immense power leading to the cosmic tier memes that are the CIA experiments.

>> No.17770457

because pretending to be a historicist is easier than studying mysticism, the one true science.