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17762143 No.17762143 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is both improving my understanding of life and eating away at my sanity.

>> No.17762147


>> No.17762154

the second part wears off after a while my friend :) nothing can disturb you anymore after going through this

>> No.17762165

What if your "understanding" is just symptom of your insanity and in reality you know nothing?

>> No.17762204

This. You're probably very new to philosophy, this extreme uncertainty is normal in the beginning, but it wears off I promise, and when it does it will be beautiful, you'll be more sure of everything than you've ever been
You need to lose all your strong convictions so you can create even stronger ones

>> No.17762224

Does it? I had some philosophy courses in college. Read political philosophy in graduate school. Read a bit as a hobbiest, including basically everything Nietzsche published.

I didn't really become a serious student until last winter though. Absolutely scorched through books in a way I never have before and then I had a nervous breakdown after reading the Gnostics in the fall.

In retrospect, there was a lot of stuff stressing me out, dead father, being a fairly high level city official dealing with riots and lockdowns, etc. but the whole Demiurge thing really didn't help.

>> No.17762234

then either stop reading or stop bitching about it.

>> No.17762287

>He fell for Gnosticism meme
Gnosticism? Really anon?

>> No.17762415
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Same, the more I learn the more my footing in reality crumbles and the abyss of uncertainty beckons me towards it. "All I know is I know nothing" is the only true thing I can surmise and even then I'm not so sure. It seems to me like no one truly knows what they're talking about and every viewpoint can be countered and every stance can be ridiculed and reduced to nothing. Only the ignorant is not lost in this world.

>> No.17762424

the hard truth is that it's only actually doing the latter

>> No.17762451


mine too[/ spoiler]

>> No.17762587
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>> No.17762880

Wrong my friend, the more you comprehend how predetermined everything is and the doom people are bringing with their intentionally stupid actions you realize not just the futility but the helplessness, the impeding doom and our unspeakable end.

>> No.17762894

Shit, recommend some books which discuss this

>> No.17762927


>> No.17762942

you´re unironically retarded

>> No.17762946

it starts to get better once you start realizing that that's the case for everyone else and you can just ignore people like Dawkins and Dennett if their worldview is ugly to you. Embrace aestheticism, the only fulfilling worldview in the light of skepticism, because it doesn't even have any epistemic claims.

>> No.17762957
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>> No.17762966

This is what I'm talking about. People would rather defend traffickers of people, drugs, killing and other crimes than for all of us to live in peace. We are living in truly end times.

>> No.17762967

>Embrace aestheticism, the only fulfilling worldview in the light of skepticism, because it doesn't even have any epistemic claims.

>> No.17763037


>> No.17763045

>philosophy is now /pol/
Yep, bunkerchan has completely destroyed this place.

>> No.17763072

Not him
But but /leftypol/ is literally the bastard child of /pol/ and /lit/. They are here from a long time newfaggot.

>> No.17763282


>> No.17763483

>and /lit/
What a time to be alive, the demographic really changed.

>> No.17764979

Then you realize that history is cyclical, with civilizations gradually building up enough momentum until they encounter a great filter where their mettle is tested, and they either overcome the trials ahead or lie in ruin. Maybe one day we'll garner enough speed to escape to the stars, but that doesn't seem to be where we're going.

>> No.17766090

It feels difficult for me to find empathy with this line of thought; I hold similar premises, in that everything is fully determined and that the absolute vast majority of folk are tortured monkeys in hell, but it's filtered through a Spinozism which finds absolute freedom and, ultimately, an unconditional joy in that very thought