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17761173 No.17761173 [Reply] [Original]

Are we the bad guys?

>> No.17761188

anon, you have the dullest interests.

>> No.17761191

dont be so mean to him, the thread is shit, but he's still a person >:(

>> No.17761199

The mistake was made in Mesopotamia, we should have never left Eden. Anyone who claims otherwise is trying to cope

>> No.17761201

>just ignore the topic of the decade guys

>> No.17761215

>Robin DiAngelo
>The Eternal White Woman strikes again
Truly, the White woman is a most pernicious being

>> No.17761219

Make me care. In 50 words or less. Without having to call on outside authority from stats or anecdotes. A purely definitional argument.

>> No.17761234

I will, and I will not suffer for it at all

>> No.17761239

>topic of the decade
But this isn't a thread about globalists tearing down western civilization in order to engender passivity and take cultural control.

>> No.17761964

I’m tired of fucking waiting til the commies go really tyrannical so even the normies won’t put up with it and we can finally exterminate them as the insects they are

>> No.17761974

Yes but not for the reasons liberals claim. White people are the bad guys because that book was written by a white person and because hundreds of thousands of white people read that book and enjoy it. The average white person is a buffoon. Every exalted white person eventually comes to despise whites.

>> No.17761991

White people are a minority on the planet and yet they have killed more people, stole more land and property, genocided more ethnic groups and polluted more than any other race. By using their own logic of hating minorities when they do something bad in their "white" countries the only possibile conclusion is: yes, they are the bad guys.

>> No.17762005
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WIthout whites you would die of dysentery or live in a mud hut.
Brownies are ungrateful.

>> No.17762009

As a white person myself and I can't really argue with this.

>> No.17762086

we have healed more people through our medicine, cultivated more land to feed more 'minority' peoples, enfranchised more ethnic people into the modern world, and doubled life expectancy of minorities.
By using minorities own logic of hating whites when they do something good in their 'minority' countries the only possible conclusion is: yes, we are the good guys.


>> No.17762101

Exactly who are these "white people" you speak of?

>> No.17762115


>> No.17762116


>> No.17762138

Not even true, white peoples time in power has been extremely limited. You're talking since the industrial revolution so 300-400 years. White supremacy is a lie and dumb ass white buffoons cling onto it because it makes them feel good about themselves, without taking into consideration all of the implications accepting these baseless ideas about history bring. You can't even convince the average white monkey of this, he thinks the last 300 years is the norm because his Hollywood movies told him as much and the average white person can't think more than 10 minutes ahead. When whites fall out of power, they will get the same treatment other races get right now: a complete denial of their history, and a denial of their potential as a people. It will be a tragedy, because white people squandered their micro high point and essentially donated it to other races who already had much larger high points in the past. Whites are losers in so many ways. I say all of this as a white man myself.

>> No.17762167

The whole thing is so absurd that it almost perfectly encapsulates all of humanity's evil/retardation.
You're better off without it, but it's hilarious and fascinating (and infuriating).

>> No.17762227
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We are objectively the good guys and that's why they hate us, it's ressentiment.

>> No.17762244
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>> No.17762278

I'm 6'4 and good looking.
Grew up as the awkward lanky kid with a 5/10 face, face finally took shape around 17-19.
The difference in the way I'm treated is very noticeable, and most may think this change would be for the better, but some, if not most, of the time I'm met with envy.
People will immediately assume I'm stupid (this is the most common) just so they can feel a fleeting sense of superiority over me. I am the object of their envious scrutiny because my very existence sends their egos into a fit.
It's frustrating since I mean well and hate making people feel bad but if my very existence makes you upset then I'm not the asshole.

>> No.17762362

Its always easy to point your fingers. Thats abstract thinking as Hegel would claim

>> No.17762366

>bad guys?
no, but no-one likes to be confronted by their flaws, and inadvertently contributing to systemic racism is a pretty big flaw.

>> No.17762373

Non-fiction book rec: Helmut Schoeck - Envy.

>> No.17762396

Is this a review for your personal blog, anon?

>> No.17762416

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.17762499

Outrageously based.

>> No.17762508

It’s an example of one of their attempts brah

>> No.17762522

damn when you put it like that white people are actually pretty based

>> No.17762533

>be white
>constantly hate on other groups
>they obviously resent you
>wow I guess they are just insecure/jealous!

>> No.17762559
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>> No.17762569

Racism against white people is mainstream, very cool!

>> No.17762571

>jew says this

>nietzsche says this

>> No.17762584

Trying and succeeding.

>> No.17762595

Hi subhuman

>> No.17762608

Jews are not white bergstein

>> No.17762614

Really the story here is that Europeans and only Europeans have stopped the 'hate'. The reaction of the other groups is the same as always, they interpret it as weakness and become aggressive. The world is a depressing place.

>> No.17762619

that guy looks like he towers over a lot of double cheeseburgers

>> No.17762624

I don't know. Who are "we"?

>> No.17762626

post jawline / physique or LARP

>> No.17762636

"Larger high points"
Such as what? I'd be keen to see some ancient Egyptian guided missiles if you have some to show. Maybe a few ancient Han supercomputers?
Your whole argument is flawed anyway. Before Europeans there was never a dominant race. There were groups with huge local influence and their own empires, but these didn't exactly have global control. World politics as a thing hasn't been around that long. You're basically talking nonsense mate

>> No.17762779

White coping mechanisms are a fascinating study in and of itself. I think the white man's greatest achievement is to pretend to be a victim after he has oppressed everyone and everything around him.

>> No.17762799

How do you justify that historic analysis in light of every single people on planet earth behaving exactly like that UNTIL the Europeans ended it. Really, I don't get it. Is it just total ignorance or is it hatred?

>> No.17762814

It's American education and melanin

>> No.17762815

its called natural selection, whites didn't invent it

>> No.17762827

Go back to Africa

>> No.17762836

How can anyone be this uneducated? I mean there are movies about this stuff. Fucking Genghis Khan, he exterminated almost every Persian and that was just one region the Mongols visited. People have heard about this, right?

>> No.17762884

Yeah I'm genuinely curious about this too. The dogmatic "anti racist" types have an agenda, so I'm not surprised that they would ignore history to further a goal. But the common man who accepts this blatantly false shit has no excuse, when all it takes is even a cursory read through world history to see that conquerors and sadistic, cruel people have existed from all different races and creeds. Things like slavery were the norm in most of the world until "western" (for want of a better word) morality did away with it

>> No.17762950

Can't have systemic racism if you're racist enough to keep aliens out to begin with. The ingratitude of our guests is palpable.

>> No.17762955

No but we also aren't le ebin protagonists of history. There was a 500 year period in which Whites basically rekt the rest of the world and this has deeply distorted perceptions of the race. In reality Whites are towards the higher end of the IQ spectrum(not quite at the top) and perhaps had a culture(several related cultures) particularly conducive to innovation for a while. What Whites are currently allowing to be done to their countries is either suicide or (someone) killing them, either option means they have lost in a fundamental sense. Claims of the race actually entirely dying out are obviously stupid though, there are several orders of magnitude too many Whites for that to happen. I don't think it's especially plausible that Whites are naturally more cruel and destructive than other races, they simply had more power and their destruction was correspondingly larger. If we go by individual criminality Whites are clearly towards the less cruel and destructive side of the spectrum, though again East Asians are the least.

Generally speaking the question is just meaningless, there aren't good and bad races, there are good and bad individuals, and there might be different distributions of them in the various races. History is also not comprehensible if you view entire races as agents, when people say 'whites' or even 'the English' (or 'the jews') did something it is meaningless.

of course that is all crimethought to the Diangelo crowd and they view all races as equal and therefore disparities in outcomes as due to White racism(including East Asians outperforming Whites, which they have to perform immense mental contortions to rationalize). if you believe in this Egalitarian hypothesis then yes Whites are the bad guys, and you are unironically being 'fragile' if you try to deny this because you are complicit in a system of oppression. So the entire thing hinges on whether there are or are not average race differences in intelligence and behavior, because it is either that or the 'white privilege/supremacy' theory is actually correct.

>> No.17762963

Slavery didn't end because of western morality. It ended because whites fully exploited it to its maximum extent, got their fill, and life came to a point where it wasn't profitable anymore. It ultimately ended for economic reasons and whites trying to pretend they all of a sudden woke up one day with their hearts grown 3 times larger is just another example of the extreme coping of their atrocities.

>> No.17762973
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>> No.17762990

Mathematics, science, philosophy, architecture, medicine all developed in the middle east. Today white people on the internet will claim these races are genetically incapable of high culture, tomorrow, whoever is up next will claim the same of white people. White people would rather donate the limited period of success we have experienced for the chance to woft in farts for 50 more years until we are wiped clean off the planet. Whites like you are the reason I would never fight for the white race, the average white is a buffoon who would rather appear exalted than be exalted. You wont ever catch a jew advertising himself publically as the master, but every middle class white buffoon with an internet connection will happily do just that when given the chance, despite whites not even being at the reigns of power. Whites will cease to exist by the end of the century, not because of some grand conspiracy against us, but because of incompetence. Of the races, I hate whites the most.

>> No.17763000

>White people are a minority on the planet and yet they have killed more people,
they did it in the name of the jews though, to make the world better in agreement with jewish ideals

>> No.17763029

>You wont ever catch a jew advertising himself publically as the master,
They do this fairly regularly actually and a huge amount of them pretty clearly believe it while not quite saying it. You just have entirely different standards for evaluating Whites than other races, likely because you unconsciously believe Whites are the only people with real agency and therefore the only people who can really fail morally.

>> No.17763098

This again is complete nonsense. Slavery exists today. I thought you so greatly cared about this? Why are you like a fucking retard not even aware of it? The west was only able to abolish slavery where it has the necessary influence. The Brits actually came with gunboats and threatened slavers. Britain btw spent 40% of their national budget to buy the freedom of every slave in their empire. It was an enormous gesture that came at great cost and they did that because of a moral awakening initiated by Christian activists. It was one of the greatest moments in human history. It's disgusting behaviour on your part, not only to pretend none of this happened but to actually accuse the liberators of a sin that was universally indulged in until then.

>> No.17763152

>They do this fairly regularly actually and a huge amount of them pretty clearly believe it while not quite saying it.

You will never catch a jew doing that in a public context, because no intelligent race would. Every Hollywood depiction of jews is of their struggle as victims. Then you have whites, the dumbest race of all, who will all too proudly wear this badge of "the master" that was placed on them by jews in hollywood, and flaunt it infront of the growing population of minorities in their countries whilst ignoring the fact that the historical precedence for such a thing is a complete fabrication based on the last 400 years of history. It's honestly pathetic.

It's not even worth arguing about one you accept that this is who white people are. I don't even like the average white person, what business do I have trying to turn you imbeciles into something that you aren't? Good riddance to white people as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.17763257

>Today white people on the internet
So what? There are people "on the internet" who think the world is flat. Are you going to spend mental energy tilting faint windmills like that?

>Mathematics, science, philosophy, architecture, medicine all developed in the middle east.
That's not really true though, is it? All of these subjects have been advanced in separate ways by different people's in different periods. As an example, "medicine" is the art or science of healing. That was not just "developed" in one place. Id also question your assertion about philosophy, maths, and science, seeing as the Greeks were doing all of these things thousands of years ago. Unless you mean the actual development of a numerical system, perhaps?

Aside from all this. The question wasn't "who had civilisation first", it was "who has had the biggest impact on the world with what they have discovered". I hope you are larping, because you sound pathetic. Nobody is asking you to fight for anything, jus not to be a massive, self hating faggot

>> No.17763305

>whites, the dumbest race of all,
I don't think you're capable of thinking about this subject rationally if you really think this. And yes you catch Jews doing that in public

>> No.17763321

the chick who wrote this is a genius. i dont think a single other book gets this kind of engagement. we're a pretty backwater part of the literary scene and even here these threads never die until the bump limit. cant say the same about Nigram X Kendi or the rest of the race hustlers. it took a white woman to master this genre. Bravo, Diangelo.

>> No.17763331

>he expects the population to grow to 10 billion

>> No.17763365

quality > quantity

>> No.17763569

This is the only part that bothers me

>> No.17763589
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>Are we the bad guys?
Even if so why would you care? The enemy is not beautiful. The ideas, the organizations, the people and such they claim stand for as good (which I don’t believe them to be) as they are or not beautiful, at least in my conception of beauty. My idea of beauty is the inverse of there world view, there is nothing that can sing if touch in different ways like a specific painting or a piece of classical music made by a European, or a beautiful book or poem written by a European. Or a beautiful voluptuous green eyed brunette haired European girl, or a handsome boyish blue eyed blonde haired European boy. I don’t need any justification, beauty is everything. If God is not beautiful (I.e. Allah or Yaweh) why want to be with that God in heaven. Even if they are legitimately helping negros and Jews who don’t deserve the poor treatment they get (or they claim to get) I could care nonetheless because what’s the point of fixing a thing, or a people that is not beautiful. I don’t want them to control my country or infest it. It does not make the world a better place, at least in my eyes. Beauty is everything. No more false charities and justifications.

>> No.17763623

yeah this sounds like it was written by someone who feels 'only baffled good will'

>> No.17763627
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>> No.17763652
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What’s wrong with being the bad guys?

>> No.17763775

Article written by a white man, studies referenced were by white men. Jews don't flaunt their high IQ publicly and definitely not within the context of racial superiority. Whites always position ourselves at the forefront of the IQ debate, for the same reason that we delude ourselves about our history—to feed our perverse egos. The fact that whites don't even have high average IQ makes it all the more embarrassing.

>> No.17763872

Stephens is Jewish, and this is clearly coming from a place of self-loathing for you, you simply don't interpret other races being narcissistic in the same way as you do for whites.

>> No.17764013

We are neutral guys. And others are chaotic neutral.

>> No.17764046

Regardless it isn’t a common public position. You obviously haven’t understood me because I never said other races aren’t narcissistic. I said other races are smart enough not to flaunt their narcissism in other peoples faces every chance they get. You’re obviously too stupid to see that white supremacy and white guilt are both circular arguments, built from the same faulty premise, that lead to the same conclusion.

>> No.17764070

That's wrong and those races have degenerated due to mass mixing with subsaharan slaves. That's why the ME is currently such a shitholes and will stay so till the end of times.

>> No.17764139


>> No.17764191
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If you push a nonsensical ideology claiming individuals of a race must feel guilt for the collective sins of their race and crimes members of their race committed in the past, that’s racist. Simple as. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists can obviously be pretty stupid but they’re an entirely predictable reaction to anti-white racism which people aren’t allowed to call anti-white racism. Every major movement creates a reaction against it. If you want whites to feel shame over the collective sins of “whiteness,” you also MUST give them the right to feel pride over the collective achievements and glories of “whiteness.” Otherwise you’re being hypocritical.

But the man of the Tao sees both sides of this “culture war” as merely different forms of delusion.

>> No.17764225

can you show me a NYT article of a White guy talking about 'the genius of White people'

and you are literally just ignoring the other races that do this, you can find examples of people declaring their own race the best all over social media, it is in fact whites that are the least likely to do this outside of /pol/ or whatever because they get in trouble for it. It's just narcissism

>> No.17764326

It’s literally illegal in some western countries to state that Jews have control of the government. But useful idiots like you will proudly claim that whites do, with absolutely no benefit to be seen.

>it is in fact whites that are the least likely to do this outside of /pol/ or whatever

Again you obviously have yet to recognise that white guilt and white supremacy are built on top of the same faulty premise and comes from the same line of reasoning.

>> No.17764361

I'll take that as a 'no I can't find an article of a white guy saying that in the NYT' and additionally you've avoided addressing that you can find people of any race on twitter calling themselves the master race, eg there are tons of Black Hotep guys doing this.

Now you are changing the argument to whites self-abasing all the time to being actually secret arrogance, when they mostly do it simply because they are told to do it.

>> No.17764366

Whites are genuinely the only race which actively attempts to not be racist and they do so out of a natural desire for virtue and fairness. Nonwhites do not understand this, and see it as a weakness. This is why it's so infuriating for them to see a white person who has decided to devote himself to the existence of his race outside of the natural desire for virtue which the coloreds of the world desperately attempt to exploit. If whites, collectively, thought about themselves the way that man thinks about whites, the entire world would be completely conquered within two years.

>> No.17764384

Absolutely insane. Slavery is extremely profitable, massive corporations still participate in it today (not to mention african nations and the middle east.) It was whites who called the morality of slavery into question to begin with.

>> No.17764391

>Came from the middle east
Following the migration patterns of humanity out of Africa, yes. Your point being?

>> No.17764392


>> No.17764432

Are you kidding? Jews publicly brag about their high place in society and are applauded for it constantly. Now, you worship Jews for their conniving and obvious attempts at emotional manipulation, then you say that Whites are the immoral ones? Completely mad. Then, when whites are legitimately aggrieved, you proclaim that they have a victim complex. You obviously celebrate the Jews for so adeptly pretending to be victims, but offer Whites no such allowance. That Anon was right, you genuinely do subconsciously see every other race as being beneath morality but Whites, and even when we are morally consistent you hold us to an impossibly high standard. Just say you want power and resources and be done with it you hypocritical stooge.

>> No.17764444

>Jews don't flaunt their high IQ publicly
Once again, yes, they do. They are very proud of their Einstein and all of the nobel peace prizes showered upon them.

>> No.17764453

You are a massive retard

>> No.17764460


>> No.17764461


>> No.17764484


>> No.17764485
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Sorry bro, but they probably saved more than they killed.

>> No.17764497
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Leftists are insane and need to be kept away from the levers of power at all costs. This will get us all killed for the sake of their egos.

>> No.17764559

>By using their own logic of hating minorities when they do something bad in their "white" countries the only possibile conclusion is: yes, they are the bad guys.
I think you're confusing sappy, post-war materialist humanism for a system of morality that recognizes that civilization and the organized, large scale violence inherent to it are good are good in and of themselves.