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17759245 No.17759245 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth getting into the Traditionalist School as a black person? The ideas interest me quite a bit, but I can't help but notice that most discourse about the ideas online are primarily from a European and white nationalist perspective. I feel like this sort of philosophy is open enough to include other cultures, and this sort of European-focused discussion might have primarily come from Evola's more race-focused works, but I'm still unsure. I will probably start reading about it regardless, but I'd like to get an idea on this.

>> No.17759271

From Evola's letters to Guénon:

The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

>> No.17759285

It's the only way you can make Wakanda real.
Wakanda is basically black Atlantis. The way is open for you to research Lemuria (black Hyperborea) and create your own historic theories about it. All you have to do is transpose Guenon and Evola's writings about Atlantis and Hyperborea to the southern hemisphere.

In all seriousness though, there is nothing about their writings which is against you for being black, especially not Guenon, who believed in some sort of universalism (just not the modern, materialistic type). Evola has racist stuff filtered into his writings (it's not everywhere), but you can just read between the lines.

>> No.17759299

Everything has a soul but not all souls are equal.

Showing a decreasing amount of sentience.

Niggers are certainly alittle below whites but who tf cares. If you want to defeat slavery to your animal half like any ascetic then have at it be my guest.

Moderns like to foolsihly posit that we have something to learn from Animals when in reality Animals have 100x the things they can learn from us and most of it revolves around descision making and consciousness. Think of it that way, Niggas can learn a thing or two from Europeans just like disgusting Amerigoblins like myself can learn from Europeans as well.

Plus traditionalism generally teaches that Blood Race never Comes before spirit so as long as your spirit is up to the challenge then you're already good to go.

>> No.17759304

>Is it worth getting into the Traditionalist School as a black person?
Please no, Jesus Christ. Don't fall for the tradfag meme it's just LARP for white suburban kids that have nothing going on in their lives

>> No.17759315

>white nationalist
No Traditionalist writes from a white nationalist perspective
Besides, you live in western civilization so western history is just as relevant to you than it is some pol incel

>> No.17759318

Shut the fuck up woman.

>> No.17759348

Nigga just read what you want. Coming from a fellow black person (although I think describing yourself with a colour is stupid), no one gives a fuck. Are you that black guy who felt weird reading lolita because he was so out of touch with the white characters?

>> No.17759366

black "people"

>> No.17759385

>Are you that black guy who felt weird reading lolita because he was so out of touch with the white characters?
Nah, I'm fine reading stuff that depicts whites. With the traditionalist school, discussion about it at the very least is pretty culture and race focused, so I just want some input on how much I'll be able to apply the ideas to myself. Obviously I'm still reading it regardless.
The traditionalist school is different from traditionalism in general, no? The school focuses on primordial truths within religions, while traditionalism in general is just adherence to tradition in various contexts.

>> No.17759389

If you're going to discount all white europeans then you might as well not engage with philosophy whatsoever

>> No.17759390

Racist "people". You are a slave to social conditioning just as much as a welfare queen.

>> No.17759422
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>I will probably start reading about it regardless, but I'd like to get an idea on this.
A common position espoused in the writings of Traditionalists like Guenon, Coomaraswamy etc, is that the ultimate perennial truth is a truth that is contained in the esoteric teachings of multiple religions and that it differs according to various circumstances by that it is most accurately explained by the Advaita Vedanta school of Hinduism, which says that underlying our normal experience of things is the infinite and undivided consciousness of Brahman, which is formless, undivided and without such distinctions as race, gender, thoughts, likes and dislikes etc, and that this consciousness of Brahman or God is actually the only thing that exists and that it just projects the illusion of individual beings. This doesn’t invalidate the distinctions of male and female, race, nation etc, they all have their own proper place in the grand scheme of things and are a part of the harmony of the universe woven by God’s power, but it means that the plenitude of God transcends them and that one should not take them for more than what they. This is probably one of the reasons there is no serious racial animosity found in the writings of Guenon or Coomaraswamy, although Evola is a bit different in his understanding of metaphysics and race, and some of his stuff is more explicitly racial, although I suppose if you had already read Guenon etc you could probably still read Evola and appreciate some of what he says about sundry topics without accepting all of it

>> No.17759446

>The traditionalist school is different from traditionalism in general, no? The school focuses on primordial truths within religions, while traditionalism in general is just adherence to tradition in various contexts.
Yes, that's correct

>> No.17760387

I can never relate to this american obsession about race

Just read it, if you think you can't read a book because you're not part of the same culture then you are genuinely too dumb to read

>> No.17760464

not him but like, have you ever thought about what it must be like to be a negro and open literally any book of higher learning and see a sea of white faces staring back at you? i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but like holy shit i can't even imagine it. when i see it i'm like oh yeah, that makes sense. we're separated across time and space and language and culture, but for me it's not all that much of any of them. but to see an army of people completely unlike you, that you are only exposed to at all through what essentially amounts to a historical accident, just sounds like a feeling that's completely incomprehensible to me

>> No.17760514
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OP, I am black and have been into occultism for many years, I recently picked up Evola's work and enjoyed it.

Understand that in this game the only thing that matters is your individual will and capacity to comprehend THAT which is beyond the sensible. A capacity which exists in all human beings since the birth of the species.

Most of this babble about race is just a sublimated form of the same tendency for losers to congratulate themselves on merely being born. The vast majority of them are still failures in life despite their so called "racial privileges'".

Just dive into the mix and work out your salvation. You'll be fine.

>> No.17760539

I'm white and rap music is my favourite music. I don't have a mental breakdown everytime I look at the features on an album.

>> No.17760544

that's because you are spiritually a nigger

>> No.17760557

Also enjoy graffiti and vandalism. Yeah maybe.

>> No.17760583

>is it worth it?
Only one way to know for sure anon.

>> No.17760613

race is modern bs, same as nationality.

when i look at dante for example i feel amazed by the human genius. i do not think "oh i wish i were a florentine". theres this deeper reality about being human that we share with him

now on trad question... nah, you'll get infatuated with some description of mysticism that is not actually salvific --- many intellectuals end up in spiritual delusion. and you are wrong on them being aligned with anything "white" anyway. guenon, though french, was a muslim, schuon larped as native american, ananda was indian. these are the three founders of the traditionalist school. forget evola, he is a pol meme.

>> No.17760625

It's less about being unable to read it and more about me simply not being to properly apply it to myself if it were to be primarily from a Euro (specifically white nationalist) perspective, as many discussions around the philosophy are online. It's clear to me now that it's not so Euro-confined and is more of a generally spiritual philosophy, but if it were, what would be the point of me reading it? For an extreme example, take some distinctly white nationalist tradlarp esoteric fascistic book about becoming a supreme aryan being; there is genuinely no good reason for me to read something like that because it simply doesn't apply to me. When I see this philosophy discussed anywhere, it is usually related to white nationalism and Evola's racial ideas, therefore I thought it might be a useless for me to bother with if it were to only be relevant to that. Thinking about it now, my misconceptions about traditionalism specifically were a bit silly, I think I'm just too terminally online.

>> No.17761284

>take some distinctly white nationalist tradlarp esoteric fascistic book about becoming a supreme aryan being
take it and apply it to yourself it's not that hard.

>> No.17761289

Guenon wasn't too concerned with race and even moved to Egypt.

>> No.17761335

OP please ignore all the trolls flocking to this thread because racism funny. Actual capital T Traditionalists had little to do with nationalism, Guenon especially. He moved to Egypt and married an Egyptian I believe.
this. Oh yeah and just skip Evola he couldn't even get Buddhism right.

>> No.17761359

Absolutely Texhnolyzed
Im no even in the Traditionalist branch of the occult and I implor you to atleast try it on for size, Anon.

>> No.17762796

Go ahead. There is no problem if you are black or any other race, but just don't be a modernist anti-racist, egalitarian, leftist, etc.

>> No.17762809

>as a black person
Post your hand

>> No.17762820

Do you have a BBC? How long is your cock?

>> No.17762822

This is one of those threads where some anons are not knowing what Traditionalism is.

>> No.17762831

>modernist anti-racist, egalitarian, leftist
None of those things are necessarily against Traditionalist school.

>> No.17762863

The thing about Evola is he was as it turned out wrong about the racialist stuff, although if you take that out of his philosophy he is sound and the racialist stuff is in no way necessary for his ideas.

>> No.17762868

So modern ideologies aren't against the traditionalist school?

>> No.17762906

Don't strawman even by accident.

I'm saying those concepts on their own are not necessarily against Traditionalism (if you go by them one at a time).

>> No.17762918

>modern ideologies
As an example, racialism itself is a modern ideology therefore its antitheses must also be at least modern regardless of position vis a vis Traditionalism (which is also by the way moderm).

>> No.17762930

The taditionial organization of society is hierarchical(feudalism, caste system, etc.) Guenon, Schuon, Evola, Coomarasawamy, all agreed with it. Is the opposite of any egalitarian ideology.

>> No.17762938

you people are so obsessed with black people, both racists and anti-racists
black people live rent free in your head
fucking /pol/tards think more of niggers than jews, that should tell you something whats wrong with most of the people her.e
black that and black this, black here and black there
rent free

>> No.17762951

jesus christ, are all trads subconcious BBC posters? Why are white nationalist types so obsessed with black dicks?

>> No.17762956

>The thing about Evola is he was as it turned out wrong about the racialist stuff
But he wasn't

>> No.17762964

It's a fake quote, retard

>> No.17762983

Being obsessed with race materilaism is modern. But in a healthy traditional society, there would be little to none mixing between castes and cultures(here is integrated also the biological race). People with a common tradition used to stay together, while anti-racism is against every sort of belonging to a group, in this way there would be no more authentic traditions, just a modern universal pseudo-culture. As I said, if our ancestors had the mentality of the anti-racist sjw of today, we wouldn't had so many cultures today.

>> No.17762985

They do in fact live rent free you're right

>> No.17762996

Thank the media and big corportions for that, they push them in our face.

>> No.17763005

if you are black and have some conservative views join the nation of islam

>> No.17763030
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Same anon, this is from Schuon's book "Language of the Self", I think he said it very well here.

>> No.17763094

Well said. Its a modern invention because it was taken for granted in the past.

>> No.17763096

You do not actually know what Traditionalism is and you're wrong about the reasons why there exist many cultures but I won't be getting into that.

>> No.17763117

Of course he was wrong. He was going off of his own somewhat limited current scientific understanding at the time, which was objectively wrong. The point is it doesn't matter because that shit can be ignored as it is in any case superfluous to his main ideas.

>> No.17763123

There's a bit more to the Nation of Islam than just conservative black people who believe in Islam. I'd rather just become an actual Islamic.
Yeah, I do believe that the mixing of races, at least in the US, has resulted in nothing good, though I think it is more to do with the ruination of cultural unity and identity, but race is an undeniable aspect that has greatly helped cause that. As in, I believe it is possibly for any person of any race to fully assimilate into a culture (and thereby abandon their own), but when there are multiple significant racial entities each with their own culture put together, or integrated within one another, it results in a sort of mass loss of identity, outside of skin color or other simple biological aspects, due to mixing and culture conflict.
My question has already been answered, I have no reason to prove myself.

>> No.17763127

t. Doesn't know what Traditionalism is.

>> No.17763132

Be the change you want to see, man. Nobody really cares about race, it's just that black people tend to other things. If you want to, do it.

>> No.17763141

>Nation of Islam
>believe in Islam
Wrong. NoI follow a literally false prophet, they are not actually Muslims.

>> No.17763241

Truth is universal. Use knowledge from this books, but also listen to your own soul. There is no black traditionalists with african perspective? Become one

>> No.17763254

>As in, I believe it is possibly for any person of any race to fully assimilate into a culture (and thereby abandon their own)
This is true in some cases but not always, depends on the tradition. Islam/the islamic world is the best traditional religion/culture to assimilate in, because you don't have to belong to a certain caste/race/culture in order to be part of it. Meanwhile hindu brahmin teachings were reserved only for people which were born in that caste. Tbh if I was black I would go for Islam.

>> No.17763267

Where was he wrong? He understood race better than the modern materialistic view. It's not a purely scientific concept.

>> No.17763292

Kys. You have no clue what Traditionalism is.

>> No.17763314

Race is not even a scientific concept

>> No.17763318

>Meanwhile hindu brahmin teachings were reserved only for people which were born in that caste
There are multiple schools of Hinduism which offer initiations into their teachings to anyone who is willing to follow their religious precepts, regardless of race, caste, nationality etc

>> No.17763336

>somewhat limited current scientific understanding
The dude died in '74. Obviously DNA and genetics didn't exist as scientific fields, but it's not like those radically changed our understanding of biology. We already knew about heritability and biological systems were extensively described in ways that are not radically different today. The fact that you just say "his understanding was limited and objectively wrong compared to our understanding today" instead of just saying what he got wrong makes it obvious that you are both a literary and scientific pseud with no experience in either field. Racialism has been ideologically banned. There haven't been any modern developments that have actually disproven it. Everyone just said "It's mean and we don't want to be associated with it" and made it impossible to discuss.

>> No.17763362

See my comment here >>17763336. There is NOTHING in modern biology that has disproven the existence of race. The racial naming scheme is the same as the one for cancers which we use extensively. There is no proven relationship between cancers of different types. Lung cancers are called "lung" cancers because they occur in the lung, not because they have grouped genetic traits or gene expressions. In the same way, racial naming schemes say "Ah, you have genetics from the pool of African genes, so you are African." Oncology is as scientific as any biological field, so unless you're willing to throw out medicine as "unscientific" as well, racialism absolutely fits in the confines of modern biology.

>> No.17763364

>obvious that you are both a literary and scientific pseud with no experience in either field
Maybe that's true, but I'm still correct. How do you feel knowing that you have been btfo by a pseud?

>> No.17763374

I was referring strictly to Advaita Vedanta, since is the most important doctrine for the traditionalists authors.

>> No.17763400

The entire concept of race is not biological, saying that it is not disproven within biological science is like saying that the purported sound of a rainbow hasn't been disproven by a mathematical equation. Pseudoscience are not scientific, otherwise they wouldn't be pseudosciences.

>> No.17763403

True but the media has created false derogatory terms for this, such as "pseudo-science" so everytime normies will here that term, they will think that it must be something false.

>> No.17763405
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But you're not tho, and you haven't said anything that even attempts
to disprove racialism. So you've just admitted you're an ignorant moron and haven't posited anything to justify treating you otherwise.

>> No.17763416

>The entire concept of race is not biological
Actually, it is biological, and you're wrong
>Pseudoscience are not scientific, otherwise they wouldn't be pseudosciences.
You're right. Not believing in race is pseudoscience, when it's obvious people fall into broadly similar racial categories with shared traits. Therefore, you should behave scientifically and follow racialism.

>> No.17763422

There is no biological "white race", but there are racial biological differences between people, based on their native regions.

>> No.17763423

It is. Taxonomy being a part of science and all that. We just pretend that we shouldn't classify into subspecies but applying the normal rules we should. Birds we would give alternative classifications depending on some spot on their head but Aborigines and Nordics with tens of thousands of years of separate evolution, entirely the same. Sure thing. It really is silly.

>> No.17763492

>you've just admitted you're an ignorant moron
No, I didn't admit that.

It's not up to me to disprove racialism, it's an unproven assertion and is entirely based upon arbitrary categorization. Evola was unnecessarily wrong about it and did not have to include it in his writings, the fact that he did however does prove that he wasn't perfect and ought not to be taken as a prophet.

>> No.17763529

>It's not up to me to disprove racialism, it's an unproven assertion and is entirely based upon arbitrary categorization.
It's a standard part of taxonomy that is performed for every species without the presumption that it's necessary to prove, e.g, that parrots or dogs should have distinct subspecies. You have to prove that humans SHOULDN'T be categorized the same way everything else is, by establishing that there's no evidence for discrete subspecies categories.

>> No.17763530

>it is biological
No it is not
You can just say there are biological, or rather physiological differences between people. There's no reason to add a superfluous and irrelevant further categorical designator.
People are not animals, and chickens don't breed with eagles.

>> No.17763548
File: 35 KB, 394x486, i don't understand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This centuries-old concept that has never been proven wrong and is employed extensively for most species, even today, "is not biological"
This can't be real. I am being trolled or you are a single-digit IQ retard.

>> No.17763562

This is going way off but dogs and wolves are both canines, they can interbreed, they're the same kind of animal. The science doesn't even have a an agreed upon definition of "species" anyway. You're appealing to authority.

>> No.17763578

> join a UFO cult to learn about traditional
Thanks for the protip Yashmal

>> No.17763596

>You can just say there are biological, or rather physiological differences between people. There's no reason to add a superfluous and irrelevant further categorical designator.
I don't think that there is something wrong if you use the term race for biological differences in order to make some real distinctions, as long as you can go beyond this certain word and understand the meaning. Not using the term race or ethnicity, etc. would make people think that from a biological point of view we are all exactly the same, and that is false.

>> No.17763597
File: 106 KB, 1251x722, fst_cauc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taxonomically speaking europeans and arabs are the same subspecies/race/breed whatever
genes, skulls, biology, looks, fst everything
the differences between them are mostly in cosmetic features though with extremely large overlap
you literally cannot split them apart without splitting humans into a 100 races
anyways, pic related - for reference fst betweena africans and europeans is 0.15 where all the ones in here are below 0.02

you may think you 'believe in race science' but you really don't and will turn into a denialist as soon as you don't like what it has to offer
white race is an unfortunate term that has been messed with many times due to shifting political climates

>> No.17763604

>chickens don't breed with eagles.
That's not how it works. Subspecies exist within the same species, hence the 'sub'. But even different species can interbreed. As for example we did with Neanderthals. It's just not in the definition.

>> No.17763605

>dogs and wolves are both canines, they can interbreed, they're the same kind of animal.
Okay, so what's your point? Horses and Donkeys can interbreed too, admittedly producing only sterile offspring. And dogs vs. wolves are probably the genetically closest of any two species on earth, since the partition between them happened probably less than 10,000 years ago.

>> No.17763616

That’s a meme

>> No.17763655
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for comparison, fst values for different chinese populations
Conclusion is that middle east and europe have diversity comparable to that of china
=> arabs and euros are the same race/breed/subspecies whatever


>> No.17763658

>taxonomically speaking europeans and arabs are the same race
Okay? That's pretty reasonable. Levantines especially look very white
>you literally cannot split them apart without splitting humans into 100 races
This also seems totally reasonable. Humans are a high-population global species. If you told me that there were distinct regional subspecies of humans that wouldn't be at all surprising.

>> No.17763690

I'm not interested in the definition of races used by whoever. I'm interested in traits, above all average intelligence. As far as I'm concerned I have no problem with splitting every single village into different 'races' as long as that resulted in useful information. You guys always seem to jump on this or that outdated notion of race. What I care about concerning Arabs is their IQ and what happens to the averages if 'my people' mix with them.

>> No.17763694

leftoids are politically invested in the idea that race doesn't exist all together and rightoids are politically invested in the idea that euros are special
noone will ever accept this, even though this used to be considered a fact in america and there were even court cases about it

>> No.17763733

>What I care about concerning Arabs is their IQ and what happens to the averages if 'my people' mix with them.
nothing happens
unless ofc you believe arabs have an avg IQ of 85 like blacks in america in which case lol

>> No.17763756

>What I care about concerning Arabs is their IQ and what happens to the averages if 'my people' mix with them.
but let me guess you are against asian immigration and also based and redpilled about the jews

who are you kidding

>> No.17763791
File: 80 KB, 1272x800, GlobalIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You propably don't want to see that but picrel.

>> No.17763811

I am slightly suspicious of Jews but nothing crazy and sadly I do have to reject sizeable Asian immigration even though they of course have a higher average IQ. Different reasons though and I would already be in favor of maintaining diversity out of purely aesthetic considerations.

>> No.17763865

The Advaita orders of monks in India today won't exclude people from initiation into them for being non-Indian, so long as one is willing to permanently become a monastic renunciate and follow all the rules which this entails, Advaita has always been something that is only fully followed and practiced by a smaller group of people who live as monks because traditional Advaita says that without monasticism one cannot attain liberation while still in the body in this life. There are other schools of Hinduism which do initiate people who are not monks or Indians, and who hold to similar non-dualist principles, although it's not the exact same as Advaita's metaphysics.

>> No.17763891

Neanderthals are humans too.
Nigger, horses and donkeys are both equines. Humans for example cannot interbreed with chimpanzees (Apes).

>> No.17763907

>Neanderthals are humans too.
So are black people.

>> No.17763912
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>I'm too dumb and hung up on my own worldview to explore the idea so it doesn't even apply to me


Evolas foundational view of Race on the biological and spiritual level is the same as yours. He believes each Race is a distinct manifestation of a particular type of being and a given race shares a common sense of personality, sociality and tendency towards spirit and principle. He believes that you can't take the Black out of Blacks or the Jew out of Jews without rare exception such as a spiritual conversion or worse yet a degeneration of spirit type.

Evola does not believe in the 14 words and the proposterous almost marxist materialist view that numbers is power and that Redneck white trash and NPC suburbanites are the "Master-Race". Telling the Proles/Plebs(spiritually weak mass-folk) to breed at excess just creates more spiritually weak people that weigh down high politics and proliferate sin and a general weakness to sin. Evola believes that whites being merely biologically white has no value beyond the material if they still behave like spiritual niggers or jews. And that whichever biological race we are ultimately doesn't matter when the spiritual race we are has become secular and/or demonic and the world is in Chaos.

Go look around at the white NPCs everywhere and try to keep up the delusion that they are meant to be "woken up" somehow. You can't possibly think that, it's egalitarian, post-enlightenment nonsense. The only people who think this are rather deluded themselves and the very views they hold in high esteem and wish to push to the masses are often very rationalistic and secular. And even then, if rationalism and secularism of a certain type can't seem obvious to the masses then you can absolutely count out the possibility of a higher spiritual principles and a superior sentience, which is Evolas main concern.

The Truth is the masses live in sin and act like animals because they are indeed alittle more Animal than a Proper Human. Holding the position that breeding as many as possible for strength in numbers to combat other groups of numbers shows a submission to a very chaotic and quantitative type of tenson that is one of the main negative aspects of Modernity (See: WW1 trench warfare or the paralyzing calculative intelligences of lobbing nukes or Mass Democracy vs Mass Communism vs Mass Fascism).

But to propose as some do that Evola would be fine with Race Mixing as it's pushed today or that he didn't believe in Race is just ridiculous and shows that they haven't read his works.

Evola simply believed that we, quite evidently, have much bigger fish to fry than Race/Racism/Racialism if we want to restore Humanity which is why he critiqued Racism when it was used as an ideological framework or end goal. And also that saying "1488! lets breed white plebs at excess without orienting them towards a non-secular principle" was ultimately just icing on the cringe cake.

>> No.17763921
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>Kys. You have no clue what Traditionalism is.

>> No.17763942

>Evolas foundational view of Race on the biological and spiritual level is the same as yours.
It's not, but neither here nor there.

>> No.17763978

>that pic
based on the flawed work of a single man - richard lynn
sub saharans have an avg IQ of 80 so there goes most of the other numbers on that map
sources on the 80 number (btw if you believe the 60 number even for a second you are retarded)



>> No.17763998

>i only care about IQ but I don't really when it's about asians
you people are all so similar
how many of the below apply to you, be honest

>holocaust didn't happen but it should happen again
>muh IQ, but doesn't know nazis banned IQ tests
>look at black IQ, ignore Asians, no soul
>climate change isn't real but it's good for the planet
>climate change isn't real but it will kill niggers
>race is real look at these black skulls, ignore MENA skulls, skulls don't matter
>let's do eugenics, but kill 115 avg IQ Jews, it's all nepotism
>muh math and science, but forget Asian and Indians they cheat
>WE WUZ KAAANGZ N SHIEEET, but seriously egypt and persia were nordic
>confidently posts black albino, doesn't even google MENA albinos
>muh neanderthal DNA, forget asians have more of it
>but muh cold climate selection, but civilization arose in greece
>but muh cold climte selection, forgets inuits
>muh Europe, but greeks aren't really white
>all of the above, yet it's the eternal Jew that's the deceptive one

>> No.17764164
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The work is peer reviewed and he's not the only one involved. On the map you will find 6 individual researchers mentioned. You're looking at a good testing average for most of those countries which are constantly repeated in other studies. Of course there are always individual studies that come to slightly different results. Another thing is that the IQ is still rising there, a lot of malnutrion and stuff is still having an impact. You can link your meta studies I can link mine but my side isn't interested in guessing upwards and just considers what they perceive as scientifically reasonable. I'm happy with every additional IQ point which is a great thing for everyone.

I never said I only cared about IQ. In fact I explicitly stated the opposite. The Asian thing is more out of consideration for Asians and second the political stability of the country. There are issues with sexual asymmetry which are a bit awkward to talk about because people get emotional.

If you want me to go down your list here you go:
>Holocaust did happen and shouldn't have.
>I'm aware that nazis considered IQ tests Jewish science
>Everyone is made in God's image and blacks maybe eve have a little more soul in the colloquial sense.
>climate change is real but we don't have to be too concerned.
>I'm not too familar with skulls, I do know of the IQ correlation and that scientists can dertermine all sorts of ethnic classifications from them.
>non-orthodox Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ, very talented.
>Asians/Indians have made great contribution and the northeastern groups have a higher average IQ than Europeans.
>I think Egyptians were a little bit less subsaharan African and a little bit more European (not really nordic) back then but generally they're pretty much what they are today. Persian Idk but I'm an admirer of their culture, they're one of the great civilization and belong in that grouping even today.
>not sure what the albino thing is about
>not really involved with the Neanderthal thing either
>cold climates were likely very important in selecting for IQ but civilization in our region of the planet started in Mesopotamia.
>There can be divergent evolution I'm not even sure what's up with Inuits. I actually once heard that they do have the European IQ that could be wrong but you do have to consider geography which for them is catastrophic. It's incredible that people live there at all. Very impressive.
>Greeks are fine, lovely people and very welcome in the 'white' designation.
>Jews sadly are deceptive but I'm not sure how aware they are of that. It's a complicated subject.

>> No.17764222

black are dumb and soulless, I don't know why you want to read at all

>> No.17764239

this is just silly, why would you give other the same treatment you would give your own people, schuon was a deracinated retard

>> No.17764251
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>Of course there are always individual studies that come to slightly different results. Another thing is that the IQ is still rising there, a lot of malnutrion and stuff is still having an impact. You can link your meta studies I can link mine but my side isn't interested in guessing upwards
read the studies
that's an understatement
based on pic related (from one of the studies here>>17763978) I can tell you your 'side' is actively trying to push the number down

>> No.17764275
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and one more example from the papers, exposing lynn's "peer reviewed research"

>> No.17764298

if you want to be a le ebin occultist, just become a fucking witchdoctor or do vodoo or something, just stay away from western occultism, not fit for yer soul

>> No.17764310

bro half the founders of the traditionalist school were Muslim. Islam has not problem with black people. The traditionalists hardly ever talk about race but about primordial truths.

>> No.17764329

It depends on the studies included. I have a little bit of familiarity with the subject and sometimes the individual studies are completely ridiculous. They can include untested upward guesstimates of 20 points, which are just randomly added at the end as a potentiality. It's a very political field and I more trust the numbers that have been replicated in studies that did not include uncalled for upward guessing. That's not their job when publishing a paper on IQ results. We know from America that a 25% white admixture into Africans resulted in an IQ of around 83-87 and we do understand the hereditary process here. From that to expect a purely African IQ that is identical to what we see in the US is wishful thinking. What you posted there with the Flynn correction I would have to look into. It's a complicated subject because it conflates various phenomena under a single term, it demands deconstruction. Again, it's a political field, you need to think for yourself here or at least read the rebuttals and consider them. They do talk to each other, it's a scientific field.

>> No.17764352


ism ĭzəm►
n. A distinctive doctrine, system, or theory.
n. A suffix implying the practice, system, doctrine, theory, principle, or abstract idea of that which is signified or implied by the word to which it is subjoined: as, dogmatism, spiritualism, socialism, Atticism, Americanism, Gallicism, terrorism, vandalism, republicanism, Mormonism, being especially common in nouns so formed from names of persons and designating theories, as Benthamism, Comtism, Darwinism, etc., or theories associated with practice, especially in words of temporary use, as Cæsarism, Jacksonism, Grantism, etc., such temporary words being formed as occasion requires, in unlimited numbers. Such words are usually accompanied by a noun of the agent in -ist, and an adj. in -istic, and often by a verb in -ize. See these suffixes.
n. A doctrine, theory, system, or practice having a distinctive character or relation: chiefly used in disparagement: as, this is the age of isms; to set up an ism.

>> No.17764369

No, it's not correct unless you have misappropriated the term. Traditionalism is the essential application of the Traditionalist school. If you're thinking of the Trad shit from /pol/ you're likely to have become misled by some propagandists using word-meaning fuckery.

>> No.17764399

>It depends on the studies included.
that's the point, lynn didn't have an actual coherent inclusion/exclusion criteria
>We know from America that a 25% white admixture into Africans resulted in an IQ of around 83-87 and we do understand the hereditary process here.
this is a good reason why any african estimate of 60 or 70 has to be wrong and ~80 actually kind of fits in terms of averages and why >>17763791 map is nothing but propaganda
just think about it 80*0.75 + 100*0.25 = 85
i know it's simplistic, but it fits, unlike 70 or 60
anyways you've made up your mind and that's OK

>> No.17764482

he has the tiniest forehead

>> No.17764496

no his face is just lengthy

>> No.17764585

This can’t be real. No way.

>> No.17764638

The inclusion criteria we would have to look into in great detail. You cannot just trust the people who wrote this meta study, the people in this field are constantly bending the truth to arrive at a politically desired result. My side would be very happy with every additional IQ point and their universities would be very happy to fire them given an excuse. The other side is devastated by any deviation from the European norm and has total university backing. That's the difference and the biases will manifest accordingly.
I can tell you that I saw a study for I think Nigerian school children which if I remember correctly included 40,000 kids and the IQ was 70.
No one says that the IQ is permanent I already mentioned malnutrition, there are all sorts of issues like violence against children or esoteric stuff like brain parasites. You misunderstand the map if you think that's what it says, it merely shows the tested averages for now. And again that map is based on 6 researchers not just Lynn and your study criticizes an article that is four years older than the most recent ones included. There has been another round of IQ testing since then and the numbers were replicated as they have been for decades now. There's also no reason to assume that all of Africa has the same average, it's a genetically diverse continent. It could very well be the case that some are in the 60s. I know they're closer related to us than Africans but we do find this for example with well fed Aborigines. You can't exclude the possibility and just assume that the numbers wil increase by an incredible 20 points. Can we hope for many groups for something approaching 80? Sure. That would be great. But don't confuse accurately measured current results with propaganda.

>> No.17765729
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>> No.17765845

Guenon moved to Egypt, married and Egyptian, got children there, and died there. Dumb ass.
How is that Eurocentric or written from a white nationalist perspective?
As for Evola, I don't care about Evola nor read him.
Read Guenon and Schuon.

>> No.17766114

Yeah, I'm a terminally online retard who took his information on traditionalism from online communities who only give a shit about evola and esoteric fascism. My misconceptions have been cleared up now, and I understand the philosophy a bit better.