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/lit/ - Literature

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17758909 No.17758909 [Reply] [Original]

r8 and h8

>> No.17758922

The wimpy to nazi pipeline clearly on display here.

>> No.17759091

based 20 yr old zoomer

>> No.17759105 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 400x395, ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spy the Don, nice

>> No.17759116

Top: 7.5/10
Bottom: -7/10 (just box them)

>> No.17759168 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17759182

>Guy who reads magical nazi theory is also 16 years old

Who'd've known?

>> No.17759193
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>> No.17759534


>> No.17759541

It's fine but you would propably feel more at home on reddit.

>> No.17759565
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>> No.17759582

Huberati maxxed

>> No.17759648
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, Archivo_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more around my room but who cares.
>inb4 pooh bear

>> No.17759686

God that's cringey

>> No.17759689
File: 3.94 MB, 3491x3024, 1E1D5C2B-D7DA-4269-8180-30FAE2B8A105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cringe you see was a gift

>> No.17759702

based thrift store hoarder

>> No.17759723

I too own many beat-up thrift store editions, tho I don't have a sweet portrait of France Gall on top of them.

>> No.17759775

Not mad at that at all. Pretty much looks like my collection minus the more technical stuff.


>> No.17759790

I love her so much bros

>> No.17759799
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>> No.17759821

Replace your lovecraft book with the knickerbocker one

>> No.17759974
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>reflections of evil
My fucking nigga

>> No.17760289
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do you organize by nationality or type? eg should I group all philosophy together, or all greek/roman stuff together? not a problem yet because I'm stuck on the greek meme but trying to envision how this shelf expands

>> No.17760331
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>> No.17760349

why are penguin books so thick? metaphysics is like 100 pages in the complete edition

>> No.17760369
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>> No.17760379

Unfathomably based

>> No.17760656


Lol. I love everyone's lofty view of this place.

>> No.17760676

>Not using an e-reader because you're unable to store all of the books you own/read.

>> No.17760748


>> No.17760810

It's a long video: https://youtu.be/SBuf4bUn9Xg

>> No.17761089
File: 2.65 MB, 1152x2048, 2021 03 05 shelf rrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only organized corner of my room pls no h8

>> No.17761106

My gf read that Rollo book. Seemed like a waste of time.

>> No.17761109

What's up with those nordic cookbooks?

>> No.17761136

what is your question?

>> No.17761386


>> No.17761407


>> No.17762235

You can clearly point out the moment he ended up in esoteric fascism as dune.
Dune is the sole responsable.

>> No.17762253

Before or after she transitioned?

>> No.17762431

Philosophy as a straight line, literature/history by nationality, if an author double dips I'll split him.

>> No.17762479
File: 66 KB, 450x595, 9781435122963_p0_v2_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that that book is the most complete Lovecraft collection and has this fugly ass cover

>> No.17762541
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bookshelf threads.

>> No.17762648

>A C Z W

>> No.17762690
File: 466 KB, 2448x1151, rsz_20210311_214559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my to-read shelf

>> No.17762723

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.17762821

>a dvd of irreversible

jeez anon, that's a movie i wouldn't want to watch again.

>> No.17762848


>> No.17762860

you're so hardcore anon xD

>> No.17762905
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I'm disappointed anon.

>> No.17762941
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>> No.17762959
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>> No.17763009

thanks, I was wondering what to do about Seneca. I think I'll go with this approach once I get into later philosophy

>> No.17763137
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>> No.17763939

nice plant

>> No.17764025


>> No.17764385
File: 1.44 MB, 3136x5291, Books_March2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't found that available anywhere. Got a lot to read before I want to do that anyway.

>> No.17764397

>Rebolt Against The Modern World
>Diary of a Wimpy Kid

>> No.17764417

No time for a pic rn but
>American Ulysses
>The Art of War
>George Washington and American Independence
>The Social Contract
>The Jefferson Bible
>The True George Washington
>Alexander Hamilton: Revolutionary
>The Spiritual Journey of George Washington
>Phenomenology of Spirit
>Wealth of Nations

>> No.17764428
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, BC5E307D-33D7-4EF9-BC82-489EE366B931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have not read all of these though read most of the Mesopotamian /lit/, some Wilde and Shakespeare and a few of the novels and history books.

>> No.17764443

I did read Revolt a few months ago, though I absorbed more of it’s poetry rather than politics, on topics of male and female powers and such. I also have a copy of Crippled America that I got signed before Trump was president, even have a picture with him.

>> No.17764448
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>> No.17764455

Why do you all fags have that Homo Deus book
I thought it was terrible

>> No.17764476

Why do you follow the same death cult (((they))) do.

>> No.17764487
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>> No.17764523

How’d you like Mishima? I’ve read half of the other books in your shelf I’ve been curious about him though

>> No.17764575
File: 3.14 MB, 3264x2448, 20210312_095209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up these guys for 20 bucks. I'm probably never gonna read them lmao

>> No.17764732

The only patrician stack in the thread

>> No.17764741

Nice bait. Made me actually seethe.

>> No.17764744

So, can warriors in fact be babes?

>> No.17764766

thx :)

>> No.17764798

>the phoney victory
if u liked that book, let me write: read pat j buchanan's book on ww2.

>> No.17764831

You really like Oxford Worlds Classics, huh?

>> No.17765102

It was fun and very pulpy but from what I've Heard Life For Sale is very different from his usual work

>> No.17765173

Based Beev Bibliophile

>> No.17765525

Not sure about this particular one but I heard he wrote a few with haste under financial pressure.

>> No.17766440

I've only just started it. It's alright, but I'm not really interested in the war generall ngl.

>> No.17767409

what did you think of the coming of the third reich?

>> No.17767506
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>> No.17767597
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at least the endpapers are neat

>> No.17767633

I have the complete set. It's been in the family two generations now.

>> No.17767816


>> No.17767845

It really is beautiful collection. I hope your set gets read more than mine will

>> No.17768484
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Shitload more than that. Maybe photo later.

>> No.17768515

It’s a beautiful film once you get past the rape scene

>> No.17768639
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My current bedside stack. The manga are so my kids think I'm cool. They aren't that bad actually.

>> No.17768674
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>> No.17768681

How is your copy of The Will to Power so small?

>> No.17768730

How is that Bowden stuff? I've always wondered whether or not his writings are any good. His speeches are cool.

>> No.17768759

noooo, what did I do?

>> No.17768772

It's a mass market?

>> No.17768774

They basically read like one of his insane rants transcribed. He's a singular genius.

>> No.17770402

what year do you think that was.

>> No.17770407
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added a book on bush tucker since this was taken

>> No.17770426

based, especially first shelf

>> No.17770503


>> No.17770829

Based classics nigga

>> No.17770841

I came

>> No.17771011
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I keep most of my books in a storage cabinet.

>> No.17771655
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>> No.17771660
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>> No.17771824

as of the end of volume 1, it is not a settled issue

>> No.17771850

If you only had Aristotle it would be perfect.

>> No.17771987

Greentext, (figure anons on the pleb shelf thread won't care, fake and gay anyway)

>decade+ ago drop out of college because poor, return books and only get store credit, sit on gold mine of store credit for a year. "Start with the greeks", buying books and reading more because free, pawn all technology/dvds for money and because they are more at risk of getting stolen than books in my shithole apartment.

>gradually turns into "Fucking lift/train" and reading heavy, no drugs no alcohol, become succesful. Go to thrift store find hardbacks of books I want so I can swap out paperbacks for more store credit and build my Alexandria. Organize books for thrift store ocassionally, and make reccomends to the employees who love me because met/visited some of them in prison and gave character witnesses.

>5 or so years ago, start seeing less "good" books, wtf? Next trip to thrift store, there he is, "blue tooth man" and his tricorder. TF? hey anon, what're you doing? Scanning, explains that he doesn't read, "hits" all the thrift stores twice a week, is obnoxious, on his blue tooth constantly, rude to other customers and employees, they tell me they can't stand him. Check, mortal enemy found.

>If hes there before me I race him for fun because I can read faster than he can scan, then I laugh at his stack of star wars/game of thrones smut (decaprio gif). If I get there and see him coming, I switch harry potter dust jackets on the el james shit (that takes up more space than actual firewood). I play head games too because I see him pick up anything I touch and put back, so I start putting stickers over the barcodes, employees laugh at him while he feverishly tries to scratch them off. Eventually he's demoralized into obscurity and I stop going as much too.

>present day, started going a little more to see what's out there, lots of great books (sam frodo gif), the fad must be over, employees say scanner fag hasn't been in in almost a year. Point out a viking aeneid and a norton l.m. montgomery, to the woman who I held the door for whos there with her grandkids, she puts them in her cart.

Based Thrift Store Reader/Hoarder Chads

>> No.17772400
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I've posted this before once or twice. I need to get a second shelf and maybe glass doors and it would look better.

>> No.17772420

Mostly based, okay at worst. Then I saw the MAGA hat and my opinion of your shelf plummeted.

>> No.17772708

How do I get the motivation to read the Republic? it looks so long and I have other things I want to read more, but I want to have read it. Advice?

>> No.17772838

read Symposium to familiarize yourself with Plato's style

>> No.17772851

I already did

>> No.17772928

Just take it a chapter at a time, anon. Best way to make it seem more manageable is to make it so where possible.

>> No.17772980

based grubby stack anon. is male fantasies any good?

>> No.17772995

Looks expensive

>> No.17773012

what is the yellow glitch?

>> No.17773039

Nah, most are second-hand I got relatively cheaply though the years.

All the National Geographic magazines in muh country (since 2005).

>> No.17773081

opinion on sapiens?

>> No.17773148

If you liked Red Mars then please read Aurora. similar themes but much better done, and more entertaining.

>> No.17773189

At least make yourself read the first chapter. It is a decent microcosm of the most important part of Plato's thought. It's not too long, and the story through which he presents his thought is entertaining.

>> No.17773214

I would organize them the way Howard Bloom categorizes the books in his Wesrern canon: by historical era, then region of the world, then chronologically. So for example, you would have a section for “Ancient Greeks” under the “Theocratic Age,” and then list them in chronological order, so Homer->Hesiod->etc.->Plato->Aristotle, then you would have the “Hellenistic Greek,” then “Romans,” etc.

>> No.17773250

I love the Politically Incorrect Guide to series (except the one on evolution)
Do you have a little brother or something or did you just arrange this shelf to look funny?>>17760369
Sell them to make a quick buck. I sold all my little kids books
>To red
>Includes dvds
you can't read a DVD anon, that's a players job
I bet browse consume product alot

>> No.17773259

Because it's an interesting book

>> No.17773267

Calvin and Hobbes is pure kino. Still read those comics from time to time becuase waterson is a genius

>> No.17773282

k thank you, I kind of like this, I liked the idea of putting all the ancient greek stuff together, rather than putting philosophy together which would necessarily separate the ancient greek/roman stuff. I was also thinking I could do something like... make each shelf a different era, but then put philosophy always on one side of the shelf -- so looking across a shelf you'd see stuff from same era, but looking down vertically, you'd see all the philosophy together

>> No.17773288

thanks anons. I'll do that. Chapter at a time is good although I've already got two other books I'm chapter-at-a-timing right now, in addition to my main reads

>> No.17773335

>Chapter at a time is good although I've already got two other books I'm chapter-at-a-timing right now, in addition to my main reads
Anon, I currently have 8 books on the go that I'm chapter-at-a-timing, and I had two more books arrived today that I plan to start shortly.

>> No.17773537

I think that’s a great idea. So you would have a shelf each for the Ancients, Medieval, Enlightenment, Modern, Post-Modern (or however you want to group them) with the novels and histories in chronological order then all the philosophies at the end?

>> No.17773649

based acantilado

>> No.17773718
File: 78 KB, 600x900, Rojer Winston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you read equador sir?

>> No.17773881

doesn't that just make you have to dwell on them longer? lol
yeh that's what I was thinking. I think the real downside is, one shelf is not nearly enough for some of these, and probably way too much for others, depending on taste. But maybe could find a way to make it work. I probably need another shelf soon, too

>> No.17773905


>> No.17774009

>doesn't that just make you have to dwell on them longer? lol
Why's that bad?

>> No.17774161

well "chapter-at-a-time" books are generally books you don't particularly get excited about, hence chipping away at it in little bits. Good books you don't need to force yourself to read a chapter a day or whatever, because they're enjoyable enough you finish them without conscious effort

>> No.17774244

Oh I'm not like that/ Even the books I love I need to take them chapter by chapter

>> No.17774245

Pretty basic evolutionary human psychology stuff that’s popular among the masses because most of them never paid attention in school

>> No.17774561

ahh, ok. I take books I like just one chapter per sitting often too but it's not in the same way as the ones I'm chipping away at. Those ones I'm forcing myself to check off one more chapter so I'm closer to done. Ones I like, I might read a chapter a day or something, but it's not an assignment, I'm just reading them because I like them, even if I only read a little at a time.

>> No.17774576

>top shelf
Is it possible to get basically any book in this style? I really don't like most modern covers and love those ones. I'd pay extra. Also nice collection

>> No.17774632

it's possible to get the books that those publishers print

>> No.17774687

the first four are published by Everymans Library and the rest of the top shelf minus the Fitzgerald books are published by Library of America
so yea - >>17774632 as long as the book you are looking for is published by them
Also they look like that because I took the dust jackets off
If money is no object Easton Press and Folio Society have some really beautiful hardcovers

>> No.17774701

who's the publisher on the fitzgerald hardbacks?

>> No.17774740

well atleast you have vagabond...

>> No.17774925


>> No.17774972

I bet you consider yourself a reader OP.

>> No.17775239

Priqtna iznenada, hubava biblioteka :)

>> No.17775317

>Pocket ref
Mah nigga

>> No.17775477

Hey I got it for free a few years back, I backed Trump but I ain't no Q sperg, though the right definitely should focus on other things.

>> No.17775825

I bought Ratio. I make the toffee often.

>> No.17775908
File: 448 KB, 1536x2048, A671A71E-29BA-4132-8262-5B406E8F83A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no be meanie

>> No.17775947

Great collection but horribly organized, I love it

>> No.17775968
File: 95 KB, 663x960, scpm2lj329w41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I found it at a dollar store years ago.
A few years after that I discovered the sequel at another dollar store.

>> No.17776249

Link if at all possible? I went to both of their websites and also amazon but I can't find them in this style. Or do they use different pictures?

>> No.17776455


>> No.17776462
File: 22 KB, 260x410, 9780940450028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the same

>> No.17776467
File: 17 KB, 313x400, s-l400(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as this

>> No.17776502

I've noticed there's two types of bookshelves: the ones that align the backs of the books, and the ones that align the spine. spine alignment based af
spine aligned:

>> No.17776529
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 723CF9EE-FBAD-497A-8E00-D1DD92E720C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17776555

I see. So if I order the first, I will get the second?

>> No.17776570

this is the design of the dust jacket
this is what it looks like without the dust jacket

>> No.17776627

Nice. Thanks pal

>> No.17776827

hiding mishima, why?

>> No.17777026

based and immanentpilled

>> No.17777174
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, 20210313_193817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give me recommendations

>> No.17777898

It's good but not as good as Lone Wolf and Cub. I read three volumes of that.

>> No.17777951

I might be dense, but what do you mean that he was scanning books?

>> No.17777958

That book is like 800 pages long though.

>> No.17778185

And? All of the game of thrones books are also in mass market. Have you never seen one before?

>> No.17778344

this rox u rock i <3 u

>> No.17778370

We don't care you fucking egotist.

>> No.17778380

Any reccs based on what Ive read:

>The Metamorphosis and other short stories
>The Fall of the house of usher and other short stories
>WE-yevgeny zamyatin
>The invisble man- H.G wells
>Serving the servant, remembering kurt cobain- Danny goldberg

Also been listening to Dostoevsky-notes from the underground. Holy shit its lengthy buuuuut so far so good

>> No.17778398
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I don't read much fiction and I mostly read on my kindle

>> No.17778419
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>> No.17778435

I assume you majored in Math or Econ or something?

>> No.17778442
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>> No.17778491


I think Cormac McCarthy would be a nice change of pace in terms of setting while still keeping a lot of the more existential themes. I’d recommend either Outer Dark or Blood Meridian.

>> No.17778492 [DELETED] 
