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/lit/ - Literature

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17758514 No.17758514 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17758528

show me the way

>> No.17758536

only plebs care about brows

>> No.17758546

Everyone would have their own picks, but putting Hyperion in Cyberpunk is just objectively wrong.

>> No.17758676
File: 16 KB, 220x355, Never_Let_Me_Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17758700

I don't care, just asking for a friend...

>> No.17758758
File: 1.34 MB, 2764x4508, The_best_SF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17758791

No brow detected

>> No.17758800
File: 266 KB, 750x589, 0538E2BD-06F0-4E12-A36D-DF11E8F314F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of the Arcade

>> No.17758823
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The best.

>> No.17758827

Literally everything written by Jules Verne.

>> No.17758858
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>Dying Earth
>New Wave

>> No.17758944
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>> No.17759461

Needs at least one Alfred Bester.

>> No.17759487

The Night Land is preddy gud

>> No.17759488

Richard Powers

>> No.17759506
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>> No.17759511

This list looks like it was made to indirectly shit on Neuromancer.

>> No.17759520

Ken Liu

>> No.17759529

nigger Bester was a pulp author during the golden age, he can’t compete

>> No.17759652

you take that back you clueless uncultured swine

>> No.17759733

How is RUR pulp? Explain yourself

>> No.17759795

try actually defending his works rather than insulting me, you’ll find it much more difficult

>> No.17759894

you think Stars My Destination or The Demolished Man are pulp, trying to explain their originality to you would be a waste of time; I could try to show you how he was ahead of his time by influencing cyberpunk in the fucking fifties because that's more surface-level, but that might prove to be laborious as fuck

>> No.17760045

>turns out you can teleport if you try real hard
Tiger! Tiger! (known as The Stars My Destination by tryhards) is a self-improvement montage. The plot is infantile and the characters, Gully Foyle included, are paper cutouts of people. The writing itself is comic book-tier.
>b-b-but Gully Foyle is my name, Terra is my nation! Deep space is my dwelling place, the stars my destination!
Ha ha, there’s a hokey play on a nineteenth century nursery rhyme immortalized by Joyce in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Literary genius!

>hE aLmOsT gOt AwAy WiTh MuRdEr BuT tHe ClEvEr MiNd-ReAdErS cAuGhT hIm!
The Demolished Man is even worse because it doesn’t capture the zeitgeist of the early space age like least TT does. Philip K Dick did it better, and in the same era.
>Venus is a suburb of New York!
>There’s a zoo in the asteroid belt!
He was a redditor.

You can’t honestly have read Lem and Dick and still think Bester is one of the greats. He was a stellar pulp author and his novels are interesting as a time capsule but have no value outside of that historical context.

>> No.17760138

These are your takeaways? Like I said, a waste of time.

>> No.17760167

Lem and Dick provide just as much depth as you described with Bester. Complete juvenile fantasies with banal commentary and allusions. At least Bester was self-aware with how how trite his novels were

>> No.17760180

>a canticle for leibowitz
your chart's still basic by the way and everyone in the thread is now dumber for having seen it

>> No.17760205

so far the one thing you’ve said that wasn’t an adhom was
>but muh context

>> No.17760356
File: 702 KB, 636x509, Grumble based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
