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/lit/ - Literature

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1775834 No.1775834 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe that I fell for this working class bullshit when I was younger.

The beats were a total fucken sham.

>> No.1775859

Want to elaborate on your opinion?

>> No.1775867

What was the climax of the fucken book?

When they went down to Mexico,smoked a lot of pot, fucked a lot of prostitutes, with barely spending any money.

That's what these brain dead hedonists think is having "the time of their lives".

Sounds like good fun if you have the mental capacity of a house cat.

>> No.1775877

Your criticisms of the book are both relevant and strong. I am honored to be in the same thread as such a respectable gentleman and scholar. Surely someone of your tastes can see through the transparent garbage the 'Beats' pass for art, and having done so, you so admirably posted about it on an internet message board in hopes of being met with the juvenile cries of the plebeian masses who uphold this filth as 'literature'.

>> No.1775878
File: 40 KB, 601x384, spinifex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u jelly?

>> No.1775882


And you would call "the time of your life" what, sitting in your room all day reading books?

>> No.1775886
File: 40 KB, 509x572, youseemupset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone never went on a crazy self-discovery road trip, hung out in a jazz club, or communed with nature.

>> No.1775890

go play starcraft u nerdlinger

>> No.1775895

Allen Ginsberg was good, but mostly the Beats are better cultural icons than writers.

If it gets someone into more serious literature, though, that's great.

>> No.1775910

Jack Kerouac is a good author if you like stories to be told like this.

We went here and did this, then this, then this, then this. After that we went over there and did this and then this and then this.

Somehow people feel that these stories have some deep meaning but i agree with you sir. I cant believe I liked this shit excuse

>> No.1775975

>crazy self-discovery road trip
>communed with nature

You are a meandering you nincompoop.

>> No.1775982

show of hands how many people who criticize this kind of shit have ever actually done this kind of shit


>> No.1775984

You shouldn't say crazy. It's derogatory to nut-jobs.

>> No.1775989

This book was about the sadness that comes from living that kind of life.

He built a fiction around his actual experiences with structural semiotics, allusions, and complex symbolism.

His descriptive prose, though not necessarily prominent, is very good.

The problem with 18 year olds who read on the road is that they either exalt his lifestyle as an ideal or they deride it because of its irresponsibilities, when all he wants to show you is that he did those things, and they made he and neil hollow and sad.

>> No.1776000

I'm getting this book to spite OP.

>> No.1776002

/lit/: We hate every classic

>> No.1776009

not op, but while i agree to some extent with op, i cant tell if you are having a go with him

>> No.1776032

What a bunch of stupid faggots, you lot are.

On the Road is just a complicated love story.

>> No.1776041
File: 54 KB, 600x351, photo_kerouac_cassady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yass, yass. Well, Sal old man, what's the story, when do we take off for Mexico?"

Allen was so jelly

>> No.1776803

On the Road changed modern American culture. Your opinion is invalid, OP. It's not like Lady Gaga, the Backstreet Boys or the Purpose Driven Life.

>> No.1776915

savage detectives>on the road

>> No.1777673

I've always felt on the road was supposed to be a rorschach test that depends on whether the reader views life as a thing you just have to deal with or an abstract idea who's definition is it's purpose.

All I know is most the people I know who like it are girls looking for something "deep" and most the people I know who dislike it are guys that probably read it at the wrong time in their lives.

>> No.1777686

kerouac sure was a lame fellow, ginsberg had his moments, i'm yet to familiarize myself with burroughs, but he seems like the coolest from the bunch.

>> No.1777701

On the Road isn't really a story driven book, it's more about the way it was written, the time it was written, and the philosophy of the people in it and the author. Kerouac is overrated, sure, but he's still pretty good.

>> No.1777703
File: 18 KB, 297x400, williamsburroughswgunuo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The beats were a total fucken sham."
You must not be familiar with Burroughs' work

>> No.1777706

Joan Vollmer lol

>> No.1777709

Is this thread a joke? I just read On the Road and I thought I saw God. Seriously. I'd read The Subterraneans from before, so I didn't have the highest expectations either. Maybe that's why it took me like a storm like that.

>> No.1777722


It doesn't have to have a deep meaning. And isn't that apparent throughout the entire book in any case? It probably appeals more to enjoyment than to intelligence, not to mention its wonderfully appealing STYLE. But I don't see what's wrong with that. I like art that appeals to intelligence, most of my favorite music is experimental in some way i.e. But then there are those people that are just really good songwriters, without basing it on ideas and theories and yet being mindblowingly good.