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File: 13 KB, 228x201, eatingass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17758005 No.17758005 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about sexual history / sexual pathology? Where does the idea about "eating ass" come from?

>> No.17758021

It comes from loving the other person so much you are willing to create immense pleasure for the other person by doing something disgusting in the name of love

>> No.17758020
File: 201 KB, 1568x2408, Michel Foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17758022

Libido dominandi

>> No.17758035

>Taking fucko seriously on any subject matter

>> No.17758046

If there's anything I would trust a degenerate like Foucault on, it would be sex and sexuality.

>> No.17758047

This, essentially, along with the taboo of pleasuring an area where feces is associated.

>> No.17758055


> took a sex psy class in college
> literally like picrel
> 29 girls, only me as a dude
> every time the teacher asks to share experiences I'm the go-to Male.

>> No.17758064

How did it feel utterly disappointing people (with regards to sex) while still being a virgin

>> No.17758075

simple man, simple reason for eating ass.

>> No.17758082

'Twas the early 00's which were a different era. It was still possible for a young man to lose his virginity despite not being a Chad.

>> No.17758099

Eating ass: Lil B -> niggers -> porn -> mainstream
The new push is girls licking guys asses btw (not from Lil B this time but from [[[them]]]).

>> No.17758126

claiming the babe on the left

>> No.17758140

>in the name of love
>year 2020+1

>> No.17758146

>girls licking guys asses
Hot. Imagine all those try-hard beta providers marrying girls who licked dozen Chad assholes in college.

>> No.17758163

licking ass seems like going too far, you are just asking for some kind of disease at that point.

>> No.17758180


>> No.17758181

Dude I wouldn't even eat pussy at his point. Used to do it as teenager but now knowing how many cocks an average girl takes these days - thanks no. Let alone a shithole.

>> No.17758218

>Eating ass is inherently disgusting
If the person maintains proper hygiene then it's not inherently disgusting. At least not for the person doing it. I've eaten my girl's ass because I found it sexual thrilling. And she's not specifically accustomed to it, like it's not her thing.
The shit you wrote makes more sense for shitting and piss fetishes.

>> No.17758240

Foucault was a pedophile whose work can be summed up as a collection of incredibly verbose and esoteric justifications for sodomizing young boys

>> No.17758249

>maintains proper hygiene
There are still shit particles smeared all over there m8, it's literally the asshole, and you are introducing them directly into your body via your mouth.

>> No.17758265

The ultimate simp move.

>> No.17758272
File: 24 KB, 638x717, 563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foucault was a pedophile
WTF, I love Foucalt now!?

>> No.17758279

Ok, that has nothing to do with OP's question for books on sexuality and Foucault's book. I still have yet to see anyone post a book on the history of sexuality.

>> No.17758286

You might be a repressed homo sorry bro

>> No.17758316

That might be technically true but it doesn't detract so much from the deed. I think plenty of things on a regular basis can be summed up as un-hygienic. That being said I don't think that because you're putting your tongue up a girl's ass - That's it inherently putting up with something wholly disgusting in the name of love. If someone has proper hygiene you don't think about licking their pussy/ass as licking their piss or shit. Where as with shit/piss fetish it's a whole different ball game.

>> No.17758333

Eating ass gives you stomach parasites.
Human Shit is literally one of the most toxic substances on earth.

>> No.17758338

Sorry bro but the chances of catching a parasite from a healthy humans shit particles are slim to none.

>> No.17758377

fuuuuck that

>> No.17758400

>healthy human
>enjoys acts of coprophagy

>> No.17758429

Licking somebodies presumably clean asshole with micro feces particles = eating feces
Bet you equate making out with the transmission of germs you lil nerd

>> No.17758439

I don't mean on a visceral level or whatever, the idea doesn't bother me, it's just clearly a bad idea from a disease standpoint

>> No.17758440

It's infinitely higher than the chance of catching parasites without eating ass.

>> No.17758529

They will close a restaurant if they find "micro feces particles" in the food.
But aside of that, have you thought if this is really necessary? Like... Do you really need to do it... think about it

>> No.17758548

Enjoy your stomach cancer in 10 years bro.

>> No.17758552
File: 986 KB, 700x875, 1591506779401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some girls who yes I do NEED to absolutely bury my face in every sweaty crevasse on their body and lick and inhale

>> No.17758561


>> No.17758582

If your partner practices proper hygiene the chance of catching diseases is very very low. It's almost an irrelevant point.
The sanitary requirements of a restaurant have nothing to do with my private sex life. I also have done it once with my partner. Have also received it once. Neither of us are super crazy about it.
I'm not gay nor do I engage in contact with gays.

>> No.17758589

>I'm not gay nor do I engage in contact with gays.
It's not being gay, it's their sexual practices, which you are engaging in. Gay guys who don't rim each other are clearly healthier than you in this case

>> No.17758596

They rim each other and suck shit dick. Way worse than casually placing your tongue on your woman's tight hole.

>> No.17758607
File: 12 KB, 479x300, dental_dams_unwrapped.jpg__800x600_q75_subsampling-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, those are dental dams. You can buy those and eat as much ass/pussy as you want.

>> No.17758942

How are you supposed to taste the ass with those on. Furthermore, how are you supposed not to feel like a clown rubbing that fucking rainbow plastic shit over any grill's poopoo hole

>> No.17759210

Rimming is mental illness/attention-seeking behavior spread by porn, it’s not even a particularly stimulating sex act. Like sodomizing women despite the fact they gain less than zero pleasure from it.

Basically everyone involved with porn should be executed.

>> No.17759211

>grill's poopoo hole

Uhhh...if I'm with a girl, I'll eat her pussy. Eating ass is the thing to do with hot twink guys.

>> No.17759214

Why are they looking at me?

>> No.17759227

I agree that porn is awful and should be abolished. But sexual promiscuity is based. I'm against porn precisely because I believe people should be engaging in stimulating sex acts, not staring at a screen and taking pleasure off a simulation.

>> No.17759293

Goddamn, she's literally built like a hentai character.

>> No.17759727

I am curious about how and just exactly when sex became an obstently private matter in the west after reading about polynesian sexual culture and seeing this webm on /gif/ a couple days ago about a black guy talking about how he fucks his wife with the son in the room watching them "make love" and then the son comes and grabs his dick when he's laying there naked after sex.
If I didn't read about the Polynesian thing before hand I'd have dismiss him as a crazy pedo, but seeing everyone dismiss him as that really got me thinking about it all. It's not like cave people went and got their own private cave to have sex in, and they probably didn't kick their children out either. Humans are a species that as far as I can tell needs to learn how to do these things, so how and when did we reach a point where we try to withhold information about how to reproduce from our children? Not that all cultures around the world today are as secretive about it but it stands in a strange position regardless

>> No.17759987

Children (especially younger children), don't intrinsically know what sex is, so they may have misinterpreted sex acts as violent acts? Sex acts may seem frightening or confusing, and it may cause children to cry. Crying may attract predators.

So maybe the secretiveness of sex comes from the need to keep quiet when predators are around? To my knowledge, there aren't much predators (if any) in Polynesian islands, so that's probably they were able to retain an openness about sex.


Maybe it comes from agriculture and convenience. Children are sometimes annoying and they ask questions, so if there's a way to have sex privately, without being cock-blocked, people will opt for this instead.

>> No.17759997

I mean children don't know what literally anything is

>> No.17760008

Just read this ama

>> No.17760037

They know some things. There are some evolutionary things that are intrinsic, like the fear of predators and that breasts must be sucked for food.

>> No.17760062

Fathers and uncles are not beasts

>> No.17760066

But very few things, they have to be taught practically everything, human children are unbelievably useless. My guess about this subject is something like there being a norm of 'leave mom and dad alone for a bit' and they'd just go off to the side or something.

>> No.17760151

I had the same class but it was 50/50 guys to girls. But all the guys were weirdos like me. One guy talked about how he was in an open relationship and the professor basically called him a cuck.

>> No.17760170

Not everyone can get a bunch of sex, bro. Mass legalize brothels and escorts and I'd agree.

>> No.17760184

>he was in an open relationship and the professor basically called him a cuck
Based. Sex psy teacher, especially the older ones, are fucking insane. One college paper I was asked to write was 3 pages on how I would start my own underage prostitution ring. I was evaluated on how well I abused psychologically the hopes so as to make sure they stayed and didn't talk.

>> No.17760210

People without anal fixation can never understand anal pleasure or why some women are into it just as much as men. Of course it's dirty and provides no practical pleasure. That's part of the point. It's unnatural, enticingly transgressive, masochistically painful, and a violation of the more private hole. It's as much a forbidden exploration of the psyche as of the body.

>> No.17760264

because I shit from there

>> No.17760286


>> No.17760299

It’s being promoted, as oral and anal sex were, because homosexuals can do it.

>> No.17760306

you want a picture of my toilet bowl?

joking aside, I think what I find so offensive about an anal fixation is how ridiculous it is. fetishes can be sexy, a girl licking my sphincter isn't sexy. it's like a fetish for people who lack imagination.

>> No.17760307

Then Catholics have to simply adore him.

>> No.17760318

Jews love him, Catholics hate him. Some say Foucault left Catholicism and entertained Judaism because of the Rabbi bris sucking thing...fucking pedos.

>> No.17760368

Who are you to write off an entire hole? I tried explaining a little the appeal. You are just not wired to understand the psycho-physical ecstasy of boring the forbidden third-eye abyss.

>> No.17760378

I'm not Jewish, that's the problem. I think even Negroes are simply embracing their love of butt when they talk about ass; actual anal fixation is a Jewish thing.

>> No.17760407

Butt, asshole, it's revolving around the same thing. I think the french know this pleasure quite well too. It's good that people are conditioning to the pleasures of ass shalom.

>> No.17760498

You might be interested in Lou Salome's book Anal und Sexual, though I'm not sure if an English translation exists.

>> No.17760520

this might seem a surprise to you, but a female butt points to a vagina. no, not a penis, a feminine penis, or a fake neo-vagina; a real vagina.

>> No.17760537

I wish my wife liked getting her ass eaten but she finds it ticklish.
She likes a thumb in the ass when near cumming though.
Advice, bros? What's the most pleasurable introduction to analingus for somewhat prudish chicks?

>> No.17760553

That's silly. Plenty of people look at the butt and think anal. A butt is the voluptuous enclosure sheathing the forbidden target.

>> No.17760561

have sex (with a woman)

>> No.17760590


>> No.17760594

why is the first thing that yall think of when sex is brought up are jews. Sound like some goyish repression.

>> No.17760633

>but she finds it ticklish.
Hot. you should tie her down and bother her bottom with a pointed feather. make her squirm.

>> No.17760950

Babies don't know what sex is, so they probably think the woman is being hurt, rather than pleasured.

>> No.17761026

I’m Jewish and I’m literally subverting your culture. Haha just kidding. I’m of the position that anal sex is just like oral sex in the way of one person is pleasured much more than the other.

>> No.17761088

If you want to live like a nigger or a polynesian then go ahead. Look where it's gotten them.

>> No.17761099

Yeah man (((they))) are only behind this most recent mainstreaming of a weird fetish previously associated with faggots and not that other one. "Lil B" came up with it all on his own and the idea of putting your mouth on someone's asshole is just so intrinsically appealing that once this kang genius thought it up it could do nothing but flood the airwaves as if by its own volition.

>> No.17761103

>teacher groomed you into being a lieutenant of his sex trade empire

>> No.17761672

This but unironically

>> No.17762179

I'm going to guess it happened as soon as it became possible to have a private life. Tribes are totally integrated. Once a group reaches a certain size it becomes fragmented. You don't know everyone and naturally you need to protect yourself from these unknowns by obscuring your activities

>> No.17762190

>Where does the idea about "eating ass" come from?
Ur mum, m8

>> No.17762401

Children don't know what a lot of things are and cry for every possible reason so I don't think that holds up. They don't know enough to think it's violent either. And even if they did interpret it as that then I mean it's all too easy to just say "no no she's fine" "look sweetie I'm fine" and the the child goes "huh weird act but I don't know shit so like everything else in the world I'll accept it as is". And you always want to be able to hear your baby crying too because that means it's hungry or something bad is happening to it.

Regarding the second idea, I thought that also at first, but only until recently did the average commoner home have so many rooms and not just be a wide space with the bedroom doubling as living room, so I don't think it is a (direct) product of the agricultural revolution, I think it must have come much later.

This is the likeliest one, but I also couldn't find any direct evidence on it. That said, it would explain why people aren't fucking out in the open streets, but not the need to hide from other family members, and especially your children who, if no one else, you can trust not to shank you in a vulnerable position.

>> No.17762441

>after reading about polynesian sexual culture
Surely you know that crap is 100% fake?

Margaret Mead was debunked to hell and back.

> ...about a black guy...
He probably also smokes crack and engages in other highly illicit criminal behavior. How in the world can you interpret it as anything but garden-variety degeneracy?

>> No.17762503

there are shit particles on everything, I remember reading about a study where researchers found out that if you have a combined bathroom shit particles would get on your toothbrush - they placed a new toothbrush elsewhere and tested it for shit particles... and still found the same amount
maybe you're just afraid of the essence of ass

>> No.17762581

No amount of proper hygiene will make your partners anus free of Escherichia coli and other bacteria, since they are normal occurrence in a colon, even aiding digestion. Girls are taught to wipe a certain way so they don't give themselves a urinal infection and you think it's okay to stick your tongue there.

>> No.17762630

I bet you think eating food off the ground is dangerous too. I'd also be scared of life with your šoylent immune system.

>> No.17762680

If you havent had your add eaten while getting a blowjob you havent known true joy.
Also fingering the bunghoel is top tier

>> No.17762725

If your gf won't lick your ass you just have to admit she doesn't love you

>> No.17762731

Different Polynesians, I was talking about Hawaii. Mead has nothing to do with them

>> No.17762745

>I cannot understand why you do not want to eat woman's shit

>> No.17762802

I want my ass eaten but I don't think I would ever do it myself. God I really want my ass eaten.
>tfw no gf to eat your ass for an hour straight

>> No.17762844

>polynesian sex culture
because margaret mead and everyone else associated with the Boas school of anthropology is a hack to the point that even wash-your-dick/slay-your-room-and-clean-the-dragon man looks like a nobel prize candidate by comparision. but even if it were so perhaps we should consider why literally every culture that was capable of reigning over something beyond a few isolated islands had highly ritualized forms of organized monogamy or severely restricted polygamy like the muslims where you can have four wives max and need to sustain every single one of them and all children yourself.

>> No.17762883
