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File: 336 KB, 1383x1843, Karl_Marx_001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17756795 No.17756795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>everyone should be equal and have the same amount of money, no one should work and everyone should have their basic necessities met
>what do you mean only 20% of males have sex while virgins get ostracised from society and are denied a basic human neccesity? lmao who cares just have sex
Why do Marxists ignore the sexual proletariat?

>> No.17756813

a thread died for this

>> No.17756818

>everyone should be equal and have the same amount of money, no one should work and everyone should have their basic necessities met

You literally got two out of four claims wrong.

>> No.17756820

What is "the sexual proletariat"? They produce sex for wage labour in industrial conditions? I don't understand.

>> No.17756825


>> No.17756830

Actually now that I come to think of it, what about the sexual bourgeoisie? What are its traits? Like they don't even have sex, they make other people have sex on their behalf? Is there such a thing as sexual aristocracy? How would that work? Do they hereditarily pass down thousands of sex-having serfs that they lead on the basis of divine right?

>> No.17756835

I know Marx gets misrepresented often but this has to be the worst reading of him I've ever seen. This is not-even reading-his-wikipedia-page-tier of bad.

>> No.17756847
File: 850 KB, 1124x1130, 6yyvc4ye01a01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what about the sexual bourgeoisie? What are its traits?

>> No.17756869

>everyone should be equal and have the same amount of money, no one should work and everyone should have their basic necessities met

shut the fuck up jesus christ

>> No.17756896

But how does this man's evident ease of access to pussy parallel the status of the bourgeoisie? What is the similarity to absentee ownership and capital manipulation?

>> No.17756925

I am hoping this line of reasoning makes OP realise incel culture is every bit as pathetic as leftist trascendental miserabilism. No one will ever pay anything back, for no one is accounting for anyone else's misery.

>> No.17756939

Marxism is a XIXth century's thing, way older than Tinder, Instagram and sex-tourism. Modern day Marx would be on the side of incels of course.

>> No.17756952

>Why do Marxists ignore the sexual proletariat?
They don't, but only if you're a tranny, see: >>17754410

>> No.17757132

first world women should be murdered.

>> No.17757145

>USSR, PRC, NK, Cuba, Vietnam or Cambodia are all Communist
>no incels
>neoliberal West
>30% of males are incels
It's the fault of Capitalism

>> No.17757150

>everyone should be equal and have the same amount of money, no one should work and everyone should have their basic necessities met
you're a fucking retard

>> No.17757153

There is unironically a major opening for any political platform that promises to redistribute the means of reproduction. Economic Marxism has nothing to offer now that people aren't starving to death. It is lack of pussy and families that is the modern concern.

>> No.17757159

Literally has nothing to do with either system. Endless examples of capitalist countries without incels. It has to do with female emancipation.

>> No.17757173

Give one example of a neoliberal capitalist country without incels.

>> No.17757181

no, that's just a sexual Stakhanovite

>> No.17757259

Anywhere pre 1960

>> No.17757742

>the tradcel mutt strikes again

>> No.17757753

>It has to do with female emancipation.
Directly correlated with capitalism

>> No.17758224

Female emancipation is generally the result of leftism. The whole 'egalitarian' ethos. There were capitalist societies that existed for centuries without it. The fact that modern western cultures are both capitalist and egalitarian is more of a correlative than causative fact and has to do with America forcing its culture on everyone else.

>> No.17758236

im thinking it was technological innovations that freed men and women from domestic labor and made everyone into proles

>> No.17758508
File: 73 KB, 300x190, Marx - Bakunin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they call themselves materialists opposed to idealism & religion when their ideology is clearly material Idealism?

Karl Marx it's easy to see he is utopian and religious not only because of what he wrote down but also since his teacher was Hegel
he infused idealism into dead matter, dead matter comes alive

reading chapter one of God and The State I don't understand why an Anarchist would try to build up a material monism that is wholly derived from God when he hates god and religion

what does make sense is the outer expression a culture developes based on what resources it exploits but I don't see the materialists mention this at all since they seem to be preoccupied with Socialism

(Stone Age - Bronze Age - Iron Age - Electricity Age)

dead matter doesn't come alive by itself but through the transformation process between Human - Culture - Nature

>> No.17758584
File: 398 KB, 1388x2036, hegel edit4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17758630

I am going to say this, as I do with many Marx threads:

The majority of people online who lament or praise Marx either have never actually read him, or they misunderstand what he said. The latter is usually through a filter that, obviously, misunderstood him and perpetuates this.

>> No.17758837
File: 43 KB, 600x450, gandhi-kasturba-1538440961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

media buzzword to label people and distract from the real problems
should have been clear since 3rd wave feminism that women have become more authoritarian and unforgiving
Elliot Rodger is a product of his inhumane mother which is a product of society


the socialists don't understand that progress can't be linear
history appears linear and absolute but it has no value for us since it's a construct that is self serving

I remember reading about Gandhi and how he mistreated his wife and neglected his son.
Turning the Patriarchy into a Matriarchy is not progress but foolishness.

>> No.17758887

You can’t put the genie back in the bottle

>> No.17758902

>generally the result of leftism
Which Capitalism gleefully embraced to get more infinite growth.

>> No.17758946

read Kollontai

>> No.17759046


>> No.17759103

>No one should work

You do not understand Marx.
Marx was about workers rights, not poor people's rights. He wrote about how it's unjust that workers' surplus value was being extracted, think "taxation is theft" but for wage labor. "From each according to their ability to each according to their need" came much later.

>> No.17759119

Nah, in socialism there was female emancipation without this crap. Key is to create economic conditions, where people are comfortable to start families and culturally encouraged to do so. Or for starters, you can just shoot the people who run bussinesses that create enviroment for "sexual marketplace" to begin with.

>> No.17759525

It really has nothing to do with economics or technology or anything like that. There is no consistent pattern across the various different societies and economic models. It is not the fault of businesses or tinder or the economy.
It is the fault of destruction of marriage and female empowerment. War or peace, feast or famine people will have big families if male patriarchy is enforced, usually through religion and the state. When religion collapses and the state attacks patriarchy you have a perfect storm of factors to destroy fertility and families. What is needed to restore it is restoration of religion and elimination of state policies to disincentivize marriage and enable single motherhood.

You can't grow if you don't reproduce.

>> No.17759551
File: 186 KB, 1536x622, Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 8.43.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love communism now

>> No.17761073

Communist countries were atheist but the sexual marketplace didn't manifest despite them literally blowing up places of worship.

>> No.17761416

they don't. Leftists have a concept called "sexual mutual aid", often championed by women. The reasoning is that sex is a need, and so they will provide sex to those who need it. Marxist theory's explanation for sexual inequality would likely point out that women tend to have mate with men that have more wealth and security to raise their children, but in a communist society, there would not be a scarcity or insecurity, so far less men would be losers.