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File: 716 KB, 827x539, based greta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17754358 No.17754358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she /ourgirl/?

>> No.17754367

based if true.

>> No.17754374

No. Smells too much like a PR move to get her name back in the spotlight.

>> No.17754427

Greta was already on the verge of becoming an extremist, becomung an anarcho-primitist is the natural next step

>> No.17754450

looking at greta, i understand the feeling of loyalty. if she were my dictator or queen, i would bow to her. i want her to lead us to glory. i want her to dash our corrupt rulers to the winds. i want to execute her orders. i want to parade for her.. I want Greta to reform mankind into a brutal, steadfast, disciplined mass. I want to be part of her ecofascist vanguard. I want to be part of her SS. wearing black trenchcoats. black knights of death. crushing skulls beneath leather boots. walking through fields of death. hail greta.

>> No.17754458

An *infamous* "gossip blogger" is not a meaningful source

>> No.17754459
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>> No.17754627

I want coomers to fuck off into the alleys of big cities and get stabbed to death.

>> No.17754635

I'm gay. this has nothing to do with coom. It is more profound than that.

>> No.17754643

Well, Ted isn't an AnPrim and has denounced it. So, I'm not sure why she'd contact Ted if that's her goal.

>> No.17754690

I don't see what the big deal is, tons of anarchists, environmentalists etc. correspond and have corresponded with Kaczynski.

>> No.17754700


>> No.17754718


Not /lit/

>> No.17754749
File: 47 KB, 640x615, 7DB751C2-9394-4F5F-9760-06486B29840A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this piece of shit. Looks like your regular twitch streamer

>> No.17754770

How is this post relevant to this board?

>> No.17755520
File: 85 KB, 498x707, 78DC75A0-BD35-4842-94B4-A63705C9AD51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been saying for over a year now that Greta will turn redpilled and embrace Linkola and Kaczynski before long.

Greta will be my wife.

>> No.17755806

he is, he just thinks anprims are retarded leftie hippies

>> No.17755809

Is it weird I find Ted more pleasant to look at?

>> No.17755822

what literary works are you hoping to discuss in this thread?

>> No.17755858

He'd be correct then

>> No.17755885

We may have a cool redemption ark

>> No.17755901


>> No.17755942

Just wait until she learns which countries are least interested in preserving the environment.

Will she get canceled?

>> No.17755961

would be so funny if her tism turns her into an eco-fascist, the direction brains will have a meltdown and she won't understand because her superpower takes her above the masses. Convince me that aspies aren't the Übermensch

>> No.17755981

absolutely profound and based.

>> No.17755988

The countries least interested do a the production for the west because the west wants to produce where it doesn't have to deal with environmental regulations

>> No.17755996

No but it's cute that she's writing letters to her real dad. It's obvious when you look at their eyes.

>> No.17756004

How is talking to a Ted good PR?

>> No.17756028

>I have been saying for over a year now that Greta will turn redpilled and embrace Linkola and Kaczynski before long.
This can happen.
>Greta will be my wife.
This will never happen.

>> No.17756320

Great literature discussion going on up in here, not!

>> No.17756336

You just know Butterfly is Greta Thunberg's mentor.

>> No.17756421

stop posting crap from the rs sub you loser

>> No.17756840

>tfw I'm starting to look like that

>> No.17757022

thanks simulation scriptwriters

>> No.17757037

You're starting to look like greta?

>> No.17757042

>Ted isn't an AnPrim
yes he is.
>and has denounced it.
no, he denounced the ILLUSIONS surrounding Anarcho Primitivism. he doesn't pretend it's sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.17757049

ted hates ecofascists and considers them spiritually leftist (because they believe in a planned society).

>> No.17757087

>yes he is.
no he isn't
Give me any proof that he ever considered himself an Anprim at any point in his life

>> No.17757120

>Give me any proof that he ever considered himself an Anprim at any point in his life
he wants to collapse technological society and is more than willing to resort to a form of primitivism IF that's required. you conflate ted's disdain for utopic ideals as outright rejecting any potential solution.

>> No.17757155

Most anprims advocate for "egalitarian" ideals and living like hunter-gatherers ooga-boogas, just look at Zerzan and Sale and basically any anprim anywhere, even Zerzan disagrees with Ted on most of his views.
Just because ted advocates for destroying technological society doesn't mean he wants to completely collapse civilization (you'd know this if you actually read anything he wrote)

>> No.17757218

>Most anprims advocate for "egalitarian" ideals and living like hunter-gatherers ooga-boogas, just look at Zerzan and Sale and basically any anprim anywhere, even Zerzan disagrees with Ted on most of his views.
these people do not hold a monopoly on anarcho-primitivism, at its crux anarcho-primitivism merely advocates for de-industrialization, abolition of the specialist divide, and large-scale technologies. it does not say anything about the existence of hierarchies or not, though history would lead us to believe it would be hierarchical all the same.
>Just because ted advocates for destroying technological society doesn't mean he wants to completely collapse civilization (you'd know this if you actually read anything he wrote)
once again you conflate his diagnosis with his personal preferences, when ted knows he's biased and wants his reader to draw their own conclusions. ted wants to do ANYTHING to collapse technological society. everything is fair game to reach that end, and yes even the most extreme countermeasure possible in the form of primitivism is fine if that's what it takes.

>> No.17757231

>spiritually leftist (because they believe in a planned society).
Lmao based. Both commies and fascists are spiritually leftists

>> No.17757267
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>it does not say anything about the existence of hierarchies or not
The "anarcho" part implies that it does not support hierarchies. This alone dismissed your entire point as you don't even know what anarchism is in the first place.
Calling Ted a "primitivist" and "Neo-Luddite" would do just fine.
>everything is fair game to reach that end, and yes even the most extreme countermeasure possible in the form of primitivism is fine if that's what it takes.
None of this has anything to do with my points. Ted Kaczynski is NOT an anarcho-primitivist, he is a Luddite, anti-tech, anti-industrialisation, ecologist and more, but he is not an AnPrim, he is not an anarchist and he is not against civilization, he's only against TECHNOLOGICAL and INDUSTRIAL civilization.

>> No.17757302

>The "anarcho" part implies that it does not support hierarchies.
What? No it means the radical dismantling of current modern day society.
>This alone dismissed your entire point as you don't even know what anarchism is in the first place.
Anarcho-Primitivism is not the same as Anarchism.
>Calling Ted a "primitivist" and "Neo-Luddite" would do just fine.
Game of semantics considering these all do fit under the same umbrella.
>None of this has anything to do with my points. Ted Kaczynski is NOT an anarcho-primitivist, he is a Luddite, anti-tech, anti-industrialisation, ecologist and more, but he is not an AnPrim, he is not an anarchist and he is not against civilization,
let me rephrase it like this, ted himself is not strictly a anarcho-primitivist, but one of the most logical conclusions of his diagnosis would very much align with anarcho-primitivist thought.
>he's only against TECHNOLOGICAL and INDUSTRIAL civilization.
you also have to consider that to destroy it, you may have to destroy civilization as a whole as well.

>> No.17757323
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Busy guy.

Anprim isn't An? I am suspicious.

>> No.17757336

>Anprim isn't An? I am suspicious.
There's a clear epistemological distinction.

>> No.17757351


>> No.17757554
File: 58 KB, 745x740, eb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? No it means the radical dismantling of current modern day society.
>Anarcho-Primitivism is not the same as Anarchism.
Why put the word "anarchism" in anarcho-primitivism if it's got nothing to do with anarchy?
Luddism is not a synonym with anarchism as far as I'm aware.
>let me rephrase it like this, ted himself is not strictly a anarcho-primitivist, but one of the most logical conclusions of his diagnosis would very much align with anarcho-primitivist thought.
That's my entire point. Ted isn't an AnPrim, but that doesn't mean he doesn't align with AnPrims.
>you also have to consider that to destroy it, you may have to destroy civilization as a whole as well.
Destroying Industrial civilization does not equal destroying all civilization. I'm sure most mongolian pastoralists and middle eastern goat-herders would continue their lives as usual regardless of any Technological-Industrial collapse.

>> No.17757589

Could you explain? Because that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17758117

Dear god no, just like Ted

>> No.17758166


>> No.17758188


>> No.17758497
File: 29 KB, 413x438, 1465071641415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are just months away from a Greta Thunberg bombing campaign