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/lit/ - Literature

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17754222 No.17754222 [Reply] [Original]

>Ynw have a library containing thousands of meticulously annotated books on subjects ranging from globalism to abstruse ancient philosophy
Why even live bros

>> No.17754292

>not having 80 gigabytes of pirated books on your hard drive
Uhhh why? LOL.

>> No.17754299

Because reading Ebooks isn’t really reading, just like listening to audiobooks.

>> No.17754303

yeah but its much harder to annotate digital books than it is to annotate physical books.

Sticky notes, baby.

>> No.17754305

>he thinks reading from a screen means he'll remember what he's read

>> No.17754315

>"Alexandros, reading scrolls isn't really reading, just like listening to the lectors at the academy isn't reading. The only form of reading is reading off of stone tablets."
>he annotates his books
Uhhh why? LOL.
I do, but then again I am not a brainlet.

>> No.17754326

everything you forgot wasn't really worth remembering
I don't know who it was but someone said that in every book there's only one or two phrases of worth

>> No.17754334


>> No.17754341

>Uhhh why? LOL.
I don't actually write in them, I feel like that's destructive. I do use lots and lots of sticky notes, print out articles analyzing certain parts of the text, and reviews and criticisms that I feel are relevant and stick them in the book, but I don't actually damage the books themselves

>> No.17754349

Sorry that I've got a great memory, I guess.
Just write a Word file bro.

>> No.17754365

No, you just forgot what you've forgotten

>> No.17754371

>Just write a Word file bro.
So I can spend even more time in front of a computer staring at a screen? No thanks

>> No.17754372

>someone said that in every book there's only one or two phrases of worth
a retard probably

>> No.17754382

I remember everything I have read on my PC.
Don't pretend you aren't already doing that anon.

>> No.17754391

>I don't know who it was

>> No.17754403

>Just write a Word file bro.
Annotating a physical book is just how I learnt to understand the book, I can’t do the same as easily on a computer

>> No.17754432

And still a pseud

>> No.17754433

Sure you do and I'm the queen of England

>> No.17754463

Explain why.

>> No.17754485

He’s more intelligent than you anon

>> No.17754486

How are annotations better than notes anon? What utility do they have?
Name one thing I don't remember anon! Pro tip: you can't.
To be completely fair though, sometimes I can't remember where I read one of the things I've read (but I still remember the things themselves).

>> No.17754524
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but i do have a library with thousands of volumes and meticulously annotated works.

every volume i read i annotate at least once, then scan in for future use/citation/circulation. i'm in academia so annotation/citation is pretty important for any future retrieval and use.

here's a random list of some of the books/articles i've read in the last couple years as proof: pykewater.com/pykewater-seminar-master-list

>> No.17754543

>What utility
Just the feel of it really

>> No.17754566


>> No.17754580

What’s your field of study btw

>> No.17754585

The "feel" of annotations helps you understand books? ._.

>> No.17754682
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, image_67180289 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks brosef

political theory, american history and formal modeling are my specialties. government department.
what did you/do you study?

>> No.17754705
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>> No.17754715

It's not bait.

>> No.17754742

I’ve considered annotating the fiction I read that I think is really good. I would hope it could help me write better fiction but I can’t bring myself to mark and tape up my precious books.

>> No.17754754

We're all gonna be dead in a hundred years retard, what use are your perfectly preserved YA tomes going to be then? YOLO brother.

>> No.17754858

I’m currently studying economics but recently I’ve been more interested in politics and political theory. Do you work for a government department, what does that entail? Also what would you say are your top 5 books on political theory? I’ve heard of Tocqueville, Mill, Rosseau and a couple others

>> No.17754959

Empirical evidence shows that reading from a screen decreases your comprehension and retention

>> No.17754977
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I know. I guess my base level of comprehension and retention is just that high, huh?

>> No.17755000

lol speak for yourself

>> No.17755011

w-what are you going to do, anon?

>> No.17755046

I'm just going to advise you to invest in cryptos

>> No.17755050
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>> No.17755083

O-oh... you are one of those guys...

>> No.17755170

Who's that?

>> No.17755180

Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis

>> No.17755257

Why are you studying economics?

>> No.17755262

Maybe if i annotate my novels enough, I’ll find the key to immortality in there somewhere.

In all seriousness, I don’t mark them up because I want to pass them off to you ever siblings if they want them.

>> No.17755309

>implying your younger siblings will share your literary taste
Wishful thinking.

>> No.17755323

Why lie, you dishonest midwit?

>> No.17755362
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can anyone identify this book?

>> No.17755465

can anyone identify this man?

>> No.17755473

>my bookshelf is full of books

>> No.17755692

I liked studying it in high school and I have an interest for how the economy works / financial markets

>> No.17756586

>Jay’s Analysis
thanks anon

>> No.17756622

True but I have a romantic notion that maybe one day they’ll tearfully rummage through my things once I’m dead and pick up something.

>> No.17756630

Stay in then I guess. I dropped out of an MA in econ after my BS and I regret studying it but I always hated it so.

>> No.17756685

What did you hate about it? And what are you doing now

>> No.17756959

therapy of spiritual illnesses by jean claude larchet

>> No.17757089

I concur it’s more of a sentimental thing

>> No.17757100


>> No.17757163
File: 62 KB, 540x810, bc73f7dd8f4e5f54fefc70d4d3420530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these Dyer threads
is this it? did I actually live long enough to see Jay become the next /lit/ meme of the month?
my god i need to kms soon.

>> No.17757170

Suicide is a sin so don’t do that. Also what’s wrong with Dyer he’s the best polymath of our time plus he’s accessible and well liked by the masses.

>> No.17757176

>he’s the best polymath of our time
I like him but please read a book

>> No.17757191

Name another person alive with a wide knowledge of various fields such as
>conspiracy theories

>> No.17757239

I think he's pretty smart, but these are all topics that are fairly closely related. When someone says polymath I would expect they would know most of those things and then have knowledge of engineering or mathematics and speak multiple languages.