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17751767 No.17751767 [Reply] [Original]

If this faggot said his retard shit to me I'd beat him to death

>> No.17751786

A thread died for this

>> No.17751790

Oh fuck off

>> No.17751795

Sounds like toxic masculinity

>> No.17752148

I shouldn't have, but I laughed

>> No.17752191
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>> No.17752201

I can't believe a thread died for this

>> No.17752212

I don't know why he makes me mad but I start seething whenever I remember his paradoxes. Hurr durr change isn't possible because you can't interact with an infinite number of things, so you're not really walking across this court :^)

I would fuck up ANY old greek PEDOPHILE that said this shit to me

>> No.17752234

No need to go to ancient Greece, we're still doing this shit.

>> No.17752259

You're seething because you can't refute them. It makes you afraid. To be confronted with the fragility of reason.

>> No.17752265

Did you know a thread would die when you posted this?

>> No.17752299

I'll change him into a pile of pig shit when I'm finished. He's refuted by a fucking sandwich turning into muscle and fat, or are we supposed to believe that we are the same thing as a sandwich?

>> No.17752350

Contemporary science is a cringe abomination

>> No.17752376

It was used to prove Parmenides idea of the sameness of all being, and he's perhaps not entirely wrong. There's always this "Instance" of being, to put it in Plato's term.

>> No.17752465

But you literally can't even move stupid retard.

>> No.17752628

Imagine being remembered for thousands of years after you lived for coming up with something so simple.
He didn’t even come up with the idea of a limit or conceptualize infinity or anything like that, he just said it was a PARADOX and left it that.

>> No.17752688


>> No.17752701

Power > everything else

>> No.17752716

Zeno was *extremely* based. Top 15 if not top 10 Great Ancients.

>> No.17752739


>> No.17752755
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"That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal."

>> No.17752771
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Zenon was history’s first hack fraud.

>> No.17752784

Then prove him wrong

>> No.17752801
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>> No.17752811
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>admits you need mathematics invented 2 millennia later to have a semblance of proving him wrong (which it doesn't btw)
>he was a hack

>> No.17752839

Don’t you care that a thread died for this?

>> No.17752846

>needs the help of a formal language like mathematics to conceptualize infinitely small things
>calls this great thinking
The invention of calculus does solve Zeno’s paradox, that’s why Zeno’s paradox is still mentioned at all since it anticipated the most important invention in human history.

>> No.17752848
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In opening, the hand can never open what is closed, since the hand must first close what is open, so that what is closed must always further open what is open.

>> No.17752859


>> No.17752864

Here, someone was kind enough to put in some effort to educate you on this https://mathpages.com/rr/s3-07/3-07.htm

>> No.17752892

God. Just kill them

>> No.17752906

It saddens me as well.

>> No.17752927

Go back to r*ddit retard

>> No.17752947

>We can't be sure how the historical Zeno intended his arguments to be taken, since none of his writings have survived. We know his ideas only indirectly through the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Simplicus, and Proclus, none of whom was exactly sympathetic to Zeno's philosophical outlook. Furthermore, we're told that Zeno's arguments were a "youthful effort", and that they were made public without his prior knowledge or consent.
>It's conceivable that he intended them as satires of (what he viewed as) the fallacious arguments that had been made against Parmenides' ideas.
>Thus, we haven't debunked Zeno, we've merely conceded his point – a point which is not, in itself, paradoxical. It simply indicates that at some level the physical world must have an absolute scale and be regarded as consisting of finite indivisible entities. We arrive at Zeno's paradox only when these arguments against infinite divisibility are combined with the complementary set of arguments (The Arrow and The Stadium) which show that a world consisting of finite indivisible entities is also logically impossible, thereby presenting us with the conclusion that physical reality can be neither continuous nor discontinuous (i.e., discrete).

>it’s just a prank, bro!
Sounds like Zenon cope to me.

>> No.17752974

The article is not relying on understanding Zeno as satire at all.

>> No.17753019

It doesn’t contradict the author’s interpretation of Zenon to imply Zenon’s thought experiments were intended as satire though. The author is interpreting it in a way that is meant to imply that Zenon ultimately knew that the physical world isn’t infinitely divisible and that the paradoxes are meant to show this.

You can interpret it that way, but there’s nothing definitive one way or the other about this.

>> No.17753020

The lamp would break from being switched on/off too quickly. So off at 2 mins. Next please.

>> No.17753021

The weak say the powerful are cringe as they are resigned to lifelong wage slavery. You are cringe.

>> No.17753028

meaningless. mathematics does not philosophise.

>> No.17753044

So? The point is that Zeno showed people need more advanced models to explain reality. Problems challenge others to provide solutions. Whatever his intentions were, he challenged people of his time as well as people millennia later to innovate and think better.
Yes, Zeno was not a philosopher. So?

>> No.17753070

>the lamp would break from being switched on/off too quickly
>So off at 2 mins

>> No.17753081


>> No.17753082

Doubtful, as your fists would never hit his face.

>> No.17753083

'Satire' implies Zeno was being facetious and didn't think of these as real problems. Presumably he was aware that he wasn't describing the world as it is, but rather, asking why it isn't

>> No.17753087

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.17753099

Zeno's arguments are still valid and not even Calculus can help defeat them. If you don't see that you just don't understand at least one of them. Seethe, cope, dilate etc.

>> No.17753105

You need to not be such a coping loser.

>> No.17753118

No you

>> No.17753126

You can address real problems with satire. We don’t know his intention.
It was either debunked by calculus and the development of the concept of convergence of infinite series, or it was confirmed by particle physics if you take the interpretation that the paradox was meant to show the physical world cannot be infinitely divisible.
There is no going outside these things.

>> No.17753136

>particle physics
It's not the 20th century anymore sweaty do try to keep up

>> No.17753140

>the physical world cannot be infinitely divisible
We have no hope of ever proving that. The planck length is not the minimal length, contrary to what some believe. It just means that there are no photon wavelength shorter than that, but there could be other particles and different interactions.

>> No.17753167

>It was either debunked by calculus
Go through the steps of "debunking" with calculus and see for yourself that the paradoxes hold.

>> No.17753173

I’m saying it would have been confirmed with the advent of modern physics.
We know the physical world is not infinitesimally recursive. There’s not another universe inside the smallest particle and another universe inside that universe’s smallest particle and so on, which would be an apt analogy for Zeno’s infinite series paradox.

>> No.17753176

>We know the physical world is not infinitesimally recursive.

>> No.17753191
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>> No.17753199

Go through the steps of Zeno's argument and see what he actually says, because the convergence of infinite series has fuckall to do with it.

>> No.17753213

>tends to 1
So it's never equal to it then

>> No.17753238

It doesn’t diverge though, which I think is the more pertinent point for the paradox.

>> No.17753245

Still not equal to 1, which is the essence of the paradox

>> No.17753253
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Step away from the LSD!

>> No.17753263


>> No.17753267

Filtered & upset by Based Zeno, many such cases throughout history

>> No.17753289

Note that the paradox comes from the fact that you have to go through an infinite number of steps, not that you have to run an infinite distance.

>> No.17753309
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>go through infinite number of steps
>still not there

>> No.17753468


>> No.17753567

Very nice.

>> No.17753569
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>Note that the paradox comes from the fact that you have to go through an infinite number of steps

>> No.17754533

did I accidentally trigger some r9k meme or something?

>> No.17754547

what specific works of literature are you hoping to discuss in this thread?

>> No.17754634
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>> No.17754684

The steps can be finite, it doesn't matter. It's not about the sum of an infinite series (Achilles and the tortoise obviously meet at some point, even Achilles isn't nimble enough to take increasingly small steps after a certian point). The question Zeno is asking is
>how does anything occur
The answer is it doesn't, we don't live in a world with discrete bodies, everything is continuous and intertwined. Nothing "occurs" as such, as there is nothing to do and nothing to be acted upon.

>> No.17754706

The point of the paradoxes was to show that much of the logic structure of the time was deeply flawed, which indeed it was

>> No.17756483

The fragments of Zeno, Parminides, Anaxagoras, complete dialogues of Plato, works of Aristotle, and the subsequent philosophical literature written in response that spans all of subsequent western thought.

>> No.17756686

Except that we can assign a set amount of time to each step. If the first distance is 1 miles, and it takes 10 minutes to walk, the second distance of half a mile will take 5 minutes to walk. Both will keep reducing to infinitesimally small units, but they will keep happening.