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File: 151 KB, 847x490, quran-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17751590 No.17751590 [Reply] [Original]

>makes moralfags and nihilists alike seethe

"And when they are alone they bite at you the finger tips (out) of rage. Say, Die in your rage. Indeed. Allah (is) All-Knowing of what (is in) the breasts."

>> No.17751635

>makes moralfags seethe
Literally how
t. Muslim

>> No.17751918

Why are there so many Muslims on /lit/

>> No.17751925


>> No.17751930
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>> No.17751936

Mohamed is a pedo

>> No.17751943

>Pedophile prophet
>Lectures about morality

Retarded Quranfag

>> No.17751960

The Koran is the word of God, friend.

>> No.17751961

I thought it was toilet paper

>> No.17752032

>read Hadith
>figure seated at the right hand of God
>wtf it's not the prophet?
>it's Christ
>Christ sits at the right hand and performs miracles the prophet couldn't
>convert to Christianity
like clockwork
next you'll find out the ark is in Ethiopia guarded by Christians, and that the idle political moves of our abrahamic brothers are meaningless comparatively

>> No.17752166

wrong. everything is the word of God.

>> No.17752216


>> No.17752226


>> No.17752227

Prophet Muhammad is the greatest man but both Jesus and Muhammad are considered elite prophets. Basically there are five prophets that are the best even among prophets and these are Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus, and Muhammad. And no any true Muslim wouldn’t convert to Christianity because they actually believe that worshipping Jesus is very disrespectful towards him and says that Jesus told people to commit idolatry and call him god which he didn’t.

>> No.17752253

Can I become a muslim while rejecting Muhammad?

>> No.17752304

Can I become a muslim while accepting Christ as a personage of God?

>> No.17752329

Now be honest.

>> No.17752331

Imagine having no culture what so ever, except for a shitty rip-off based on the bible. No wonder all muslims fall for mcdonalds, netflix and rap. All this has more culture then the quran.

>> No.17752359

No. Please keep the discussion within the realm of literature.

>> No.17752360

Israeli jew here. How do I convert to Islam?

>> No.17752808

ill bite this hook.
>make moralfags seethe
migger islam has extension secondary rules that go as far as which foot is better to use in stepping into a house. just because mhmd is a pedo doesnt mean he's "amoral".

>> No.17753064

>makes paki diaspora create low quality posts

>> No.17753072

Make a pitzutz at Rothschild blvd

>> No.17753169

>Imagine having no culture what so ever, except for a shitty rip-off based on the bible. No wonder all muslims fall for mcdonalds, netflix and rap. All this has more culture then the quran.
Seethe. Islamic culture will supersede Western one, a bitter truth for atheists and christians to swallow is that the people they've belittled for centuries will come to judge them for it in the end.

>> No.17753214
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>> No.17753219

The fact that you can't formulate your own arguments and resort to copypasting from the internet tells how little you know of Islam.

>> No.17753221
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>> No.17753229

You're a bit late. Slow day?

>> No.17753230
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Muhammad HUMBLED

>> No.17753232
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>> No.17753251
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Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness."
Quran 18:86

Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri: The people asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): Can we perform ablution out of the well of Buda'ah, which is a well into which menstrual clothes, dead dogs and stinking things were thrown? He replied: Water is pure and is not defiled by anything.
Abu Dawud 1:66

Narrated 'Abdullah: We used to consider miracles as Allah's Blessings, but you people consider them to be a warning. Once we were with Allah's Apostle on a journey, and we ran short of water. He said, "Bring the water remaining with you." The people brought a utensil containing a little water. He placed his hand in it and said, "Come to the blessed water, and the Blessing is from Allah." I saw the water flowing from among the fingers of Allah's Apostle , and no doubt, we heard the meal glorifying Allah, when it was being eaten (by him).
Sahih Bukhari 4:56:779

Jabir b. Samura reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: I recognise the stone in Mecca which used to pay me salutations before my advent as a Prophet and I recognise that even now.
Sahih Muslim 30:5654

>> No.17753257
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>> No.17753260

>noooooo you can't fuck little girls it's wroooong!!
>noooooo you can't fuck little girls it's wroooong!!
>noooooo you can't fuck little girls it's wroooong!!
>noooooo you can't fuck little girls it's wroooong!!

Mad how all christshit arguments boil down to this lol

>> No.17753323

Aisha was 19.

>> No.17753343

Nobody’s going to give a shit about praying to Mecca when they’re living on Mars.

>> No.17753347

no she wasn't, that's shiite cope

>> No.17753366

Frankly, does it matter? If she was already able to birth then she was an adult and Muhammad saw made the right choices in his life as ordained by Allah swt. Contrary to the West, Islam's morality is not subject to time and societal change, making it permanent, making it based on what is right and contrary to the west which would rather base their rules on what is useful.

>> No.17753370

Wrong, a common muslim cope but wrong.

Narrated 'Aisha:

that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

Narrated Hisham's father:

Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.

Narrated 'Aisha:

I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)

'A'isha reported that she used to play with dolls in the presence of Messenger of Allah ﷺ and when her playmates came to her they left (the house) because they felt shy of Messenger of Allah ﷺ, whereas Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent them to her.

Narrated 'Aishah:

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ married me when I was seven years old. The narrator Sulaiman said: or Six years. He had intercourse with me when I was nine years old.

A’ishah said : I used to play with dolls. Sometimes the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) entered upon me when the girls were with me. When he came in, they went out, and when he went out, they came in."

‘A’ishah said:

I used to play with dolls. Sometimes the Messenger of Allah ﷺ entered upon me when the girls were with me. When he came in, they went out, and when he went out, they came in.

Muhammad was a PAEDO RAPIST.

>> No.17753373

Able to birth at 9 hahahahaha God why are muslims so retarded.

>> No.17753389

Scholars and Muslims would both ridicule you for spouting your copypaste nonsense; instead of making an argument you resort to a rather silly regurgitation of hadith without interpretation which you'd know to be faulty if you actually studied the Qur'an or the Arabic language.
The age of Aisha is disputed heavily, but what stands is that she was old enough to marry obviously as the Prophet's (saw) companions would have left him if he married a child.

Do you even know what you are saying? That's my question to you, since all you do is paste from other sources rather than your own.

>> No.17753392

I mean they got swindled into worshipping the jewish god, and they worship the jews who literally want them exterminated/enslaved, so are you really surprised?

>> No.17753393



>> No.17753394

>The age of Aisha is disputed heavily, but what stands is that she was old enough to marry obviously as the Prophet's (saw) companions would have left him if he married a child.
That's such cheap sophistry lmao muslims are a joke.

>> No.17753399

Islam doesn't worship Jews, in fact they urge Muslims to not make friends with neither Christian nor Jew.

>> No.17753403

The beginning of the puberty is not the end of it absolute moron.

>> No.17753410

Yes they do, they worship the jewish god and jewish prophets. They're the ultimate cucks (just like christians, by the way)

>> No.17753414

Why do anti-Islamists always fall silent when debating Muslim scholars? Secularists, Atheists, Christians, Jews, doesn't matter, they all fall silent in public debate. The Islamic scholar only have the Qur'an and Hadith to work with, and the Secularists/atheist philosophers can choose from whatever they like, and still they cannot compete.

>> No.17753419

Cry harder, strawman-kun, nobody gives a shit about Islam
Muslims are doing a great job of eradicating each other
Now christcucks LARPing trolls, that's a different matter

>> No.17753430

>Islamic culture
There is no Islamic culture, Islam is just the resentiment the slaves feel for their masters.

>> No.17753435
File: 81 KB, 1200x864, Muslim scholar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one bothers to debate islamic scholars because they're retarded desert crazies. No one cares about what they say.

>> No.17753436

That's not totally fair, the "golden age" had actual culture but that was mostly because of the pagan influences from before, that were later purged. Modern islam is like christian protestantism (but even more retarded)

>> No.17753439

That's not an answer to my question.

Islam has been master of previously Christian territory for over a thousand years now.

>> No.17753450

>Islam has been master of previously Christian territory for over a thousand years now.
Yes and turned into literal and figurative desert, that's not something to be proud of

>> No.17753451

Who cares, who the hell would use sone cheap ass ugly piece of writing like the quran to govern society. Lol read some real books on economic studies or something.

>> No.17753454

>Yes and turned into literal and figurative desert, that's not something to be proud of
Islam isn't as hylic as the west.

>> No.17753456

Again you may think you're super relevant with your low IQ stories about splitting moons and meals shouting Allah akbar, truth is that you're universally despised as delusional retarded beduins. No one takes your shitty religion seriously.

>> No.17753457

You're right, it's even more so. Again, that's not something to be proud of.

>> No.17753458

Muslims are commanded to lie when challenged, so nothing a muslim says matters.

>> No.17753462

>You're right, it's even more so. Again, that's not something to be proud of.
That doesn't mean what you think it means. The afterlife (Jinnah) is more rewarding than anything earthly.

>Muslims are commanded to lie
no kafka traps on this board, poltard

>> No.17753464

Muslims are the most materialist people on earth.

>> No.17753470

>That doesn't mean what you think it means. The afterlife (Jinnah) is more rewarding than anything earthly.
Muslim afterlife is a giant brothel with free whores and rivers of wine.

>> No.17753472

Lol christianity another slave religion build on resentiment. Why dont you people colonise space or set up universities or fuck build up a real economy.

>> No.17753481

The belief in an afterlife as a goal of its own is proof that islam is a slave religion. This world matters the rest is cope.

>> No.17753493

You haven’t seen the afterlife, it is not guaranteed.

>> No.17753503

>Muslim afterlife is a giant brothel with free whores and rivers of wine.
Yes, based.

Where are the religions that live in the now exclusively? Can you point to me any religion like that still alive and well? Islam is better for human nature and it shows by its growth rate, far surpassing any other.

I trust Allah

>> No.17753524
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>Yes, based.
My point, muslim's God is basically a pimp.

>Where are the religions that live in the now exclusively? Can you point to me any religion like that still alive and well? Islam is better for human nature and it shows by its growth rate, far surpassing any other.
Evangelicalism is first, and islam is only growing due to its economic retardation, however muslims birthrates are plummeting and apostasy grows.

>> No.17753536

>a-any day now
stop seething already christshit

>> No.17753537

>apostasy grows
in kufri denominations like ahmadiyya and shia which aren't even Islamic. Go back to r/exmuslim now please.

>> No.17753551
File: 68 KB, 582x649, Screenshot_2020-09-05 hIXUf3HT04zRqJO9YCqW_XcbGxLOjxu1Xl4W3BTWV28 png (Image WEBP, 1535 × 1738 pixels) - Redimensionnée (37%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. Islam will die in our lifetime and it's beautiful. It doesn't stand a chance against modernity.

>> No.17753556

They’re all moving to France

>> No.17753560

It's growing elsewhere now, in the West, and in the countries strong with the Deen.
Also please get your mental health checked out before you post here, please, that's a genuine concern I hold as a Muslim with those whose heads I occupy rent free.

>> No.17753577

Some girls can at that age although it's unusual. The question of when marriage is permissible is a matter of opinion z with Salafis generally holding it is the onset of puberty and requires the consent of the daughter and trads holding puberty is not necessary neither consent

>> No.17753579

mahomet invented it

>> No.17753583

That's only due to mass migration and anyway islam is dissolved in a couple generations. Muslims children can't resist modernity, especially girls.

>> No.17753590

good afternoon i hate women

>> No.17753593

All women are whores. That’s why sharia is necessary.

Only used old hags need give consent and nobody wants those

>> No.17753598

>Muslims children can't resist modernity, especially girls.
Neither can girls resist Muslim men, or else you wouldn't seethe about it.

>> No.17753604

>Where are the religions that live in the now exclusively?
Religion is for slaves

>> No.17753607

It's alway pathological because the body is not fully developed, especially hips and vagina and usually it would lead to the mother's death and severe conditions for the child. That's why child pregnancy end up in caesarean birth.

>> No.17753610

>Only used old hags need give consent
No virgins have to as well according to Salafi scholars, although not saying no is considered consent.

>> No.17753611
File: 410 KB, 1024x1365, 05ADF17E-C7E3-4021-8436-2F150FE08BBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your idol died from syphilis exacerbated by a nervous breakdown he suffered when seeing a horsie get beaten.

>> No.17753612

Hahahaha look how I triggered muslim incels.

>> No.17753619

i am not muslim babe

>> No.17753620

Wait Allah talks about titties?

>> No.17753622

Yes mate, you people will be persecuted just like every other rapist and pedophile.
Its time you mussies experience the full force of our modern system of laws.

>> No.17753626

Yeah that is correct I was too lazy to type it out

>> No.17753629

Depends on how much your society favors fertility. Islam favors is a lot and a woman dying in childbirth is considered as noble as a man dying in jihad. In the west however it's considered legal to abort the child if he gets in the way of her career

>> No.17753630

Yeah, because I am a religious nutjub and somehow have to care about Nietzsches life and death as if he where a saint lol.

>> No.17753634

Malala i need to fuck white wimanz aaaghhhhh.

>> No.17753638

It always interests me how the thinkers who espoused ideas of will to power and might is right often had very shitty lives.

>> No.17753639

>Depends on how much your society favors fertility. Islam favors is a lot and a woman dying in childbirth is considered as noble as a man dying in jihad.
Either that or Muhammad was a paedo who raped a 9 years old and now muslims invent silly justifications to shield their gurus.

>> No.17753647

We don't need any justification or care about justifying ourselves to mushrikeen lol.

>> No.17753653

Then muslims wouldn't be coping for the fact their prophet was a paedo rapist.

>> No.17753658

Omg he embraces the idea of happiness!

>> No.17753665
File: 35 KB, 640x360, 2A000E57-B22C-49E2-840A-8766235936A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying of completely avoidable causes is honorable
Next you’ll tell me being born with debilitating disabilities as a result of your culture inbreeding is honorable too.

>> No.17753668

Fucking your wife isn’t rape

>> No.17753676

Your wife cannot be 9 years old, paedo.

>> No.17753680

Why? Because it says so in the biblerino somewhere? (it doesn’t)

>> No.17753690

Reminder that muslims in the west are even more degenerate than westerners, islam is pure cope and only works when contained in some desert shithole

>> No.17753698

Children have no capacity to contract, too bad for you paedo rapist.

>> No.17753701

This muslims in the West are pure dirt.

>> No.17753703

Use your ‘aql habibi how can a child be mentally and emotionally ready for marriage, let alone physically.

>> No.17753719

Not an argument, women are barely sentient

>> No.17753725

Muslim inceldom at its finest.

>> No.17753733

I accept your concession

>> No.17753735

You were a redpiller who converted to Islam right? Coz Muslims I know irl tend to make a big deal of how Islam supposedly was the first religion to give women rights. You just seem to hate women (not judging you though).

>> No.17753751

That’s 1. disingenuous 2. apologetic

>> No.17753762

Redpillers who convert to islam are the ultimate cucks lmao, islam is pure slave morality

>> No.17753788

oh no no no no

>> No.17753793

Okay mister Nietzschean ubermensch

>> No.17753798

Anything else to add other than nigger memes?

>> No.17753801

islam is not a racist religion
please repent

>> No.17753804


>> No.17753809

>how do you do fellow Nietzscheans?
Your crucifix is showing.

>> No.17753810

It’s not a libshit religion either

>> No.17753826

Not a Nietzschean, not a christcuck. Islam is still pure slave morality though, don't think for yourself but obey and resent.

>> No.17753834
File: 44 KB, 307x413, 7904A4DE-0739-496E-8F65-89DB4CFC5E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astagfirullah akhi rasoolAllah (piss be upon him) says there is no superiority of a white over a black and vice versa except in matters of piety.

>> No.17753837

I think Nietzsche literally held up Islam as the opposite of Christianity's slave morality.

>> No.17753839
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>> No.17753846

All religion is slave morality according to Nietzsche, you’re supposed to make your own values.

>> No.17753852


>> No.17753853

Nope. You should read up on terms before you use them.

>> No.17753856

He didn't but even if he had he'd be wrong then

>> No.17753865
File: 1.22 MB, 545x1600, 8A684657-A5E4-4B95-837F-8A6117767B8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedophile prophet
Jealous much?

>> No.17753867

That's fine, but don't use slave morality if you don't know what it means.

>> No.17753872

Yes and the nigger who came up with the meme wasn’t a muslim
Why do you educate me about my faith?

>> No.17753873


>> No.17753876
File: 42 KB, 1393x628, Age_of_Consent-2009-28-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Muslim countries won't allow you to marry little girls.

>> No.17753880

stop saying nigger
it is racist and Islam is anti racist

>> No.17753885


>> No.17753887


>> No.17753894

Yeah most “islamic” countries are christcucked
This is why I support immigration

>> No.17753904

you are a bad Muslim

>> No.17753910

Thanks for proving muzzies lack reading comprehension

>> No.17753913

I’d convert if it was really like this.

>> No.17753926

I’m allowed to dislike christian niggers

>> No.17753938

why cant we be friends ;_;

>> No.17753943

>لا إن ربكم واحد وإن أباكم واحد ـ ألا لا فضل لعربي على أعجمي ولا لعجمي على عربي ولا لأحمر على أسود ولا أسود على أحمر إلا بالتقوى ـ أبلغت؟

>"O' people, your Lord is one, and your father is one. There is no virtue far an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab, and neither for a red-skin [person] over a black-skin [person], nor for a black-skin [person] over a red-skin [person], except by righteousness. Have I delivered the message?"
Musnad Ahmed Hadith 22978
Stop saying nigger and repent

>> No.17753944

Who the heck are you to say what Nietzsche meant by slave morality when he explicitly lays it out? First you lie that you're not a Christian, then you misuse Nietzsche to attack Islam, showing that you have not read either Nietzsche or the Quran. To be fair, I wouldn't expect anything more from a zoomie christian on 4chan.

>> No.17753949

>except by righteousness
Christcuck niggers aren’t righteous

>> No.17753964

The behavior of Crosscucks here really solidifies the fact that they are misled by Satan

>> No.17753966

Thanks for proving muzzies are lying sacks of shit (or you're just extra retarded in which case blame your dad for marrying his sister)

>> No.17753979

I see you are misled by Allah, who chose to close your mind and your heart to the truth so that you may never attain Paradise. You need to humble yourself.

>> No.17753985

[Ah] yes, the immortal words of God that [somehow] reads [like] an eclectic, repetitious hodgepodge of monotheistic ideas [that] an illiterate merchant picked up in the marketplace. And [that] barely scratch the surface of the depth of Judaism or Christianity. And that [conveniently] give the prophet personal rewards, distinctions and preferential treatment, especially in the unique situations he found himself in, about which he had equally sudden revelatory responses. E.g the believers can only have 4 wives, but you, Muhammad, can have as many as you want. Theres worse than this but I’ll leave it.

>> No.17753986

>0.004 dinar was deposited in your Aramco account

>> No.17753989

Of course they are
I mean who the fuck believes god needs to kill himself “for our sins”?

>> No.17753992

>you don't believe because Allah doesn't want you to believe
>why don't you believe, you will die in hell unbeliever
Islam is so deeply retarded it's pure comedy gold.

>> No.17753996

literally this
it just seems so clearly a tool for his own self interests

>> No.17754000

See? Slave morality.

>> No.17754004

What’s with the brackets

>> No.17754005

Also marrying his stepsons wife and then making adoption haram afterwards

>> No.17754014

Yes islam is antiracist.

Narrated Abu Huraira: "A bedouin came to Allah's Apostle and said, "My wife has delivered a black child." The Prophet said to him, "Have you camels?" He replied, "Yes." The Prophet said, "What color are they?" He replied, "They are red." The Prophet further asked, "Are any of them gray in color?" He replied, "Yes." The Prophet asked him, "Whence did that grayness come?" He said, "I think it descended from the camel's ancestors." Then the Prophet said (to him), "Therefore, this child of yours has most probably inherited the color from his ancestors."

>> No.17754015

>you don't believe because Allah doesn't want you to believe

>why don't you believe, you will die in hell unbeliever
You don't believe because you are too proud to read the Quran. However, reading it is no guarantee that you will see its truth. Maybe God just doesn't like you because you're a gigantic faggot.

>> No.17754017

If allah misleads people and closes their eyes, then how does it make sense to damn them to hell? It’s not their fault lol

>> No.17754018

Just like the jews want

>> No.17754025

Life ain’t fair, bitch.

>> No.17754030

The amount of cope is staggering

>> No.17754032

Humility is not slave morality. Recognizing hierarchy is not slave morality. God is above you, simple as.

Allah is All-Wise. You consider yourself His equal, to the point where you deem yourself worthy of judging Him.

>> No.17754033

It’s how Muslims translate the barebones, meaningless Quran and insert words where there aren’t any. See op. I’m just making fun of it.

>> No.17754034

So I don't believe because I am too proud to read the Quran (I did, what a pain) because Allah doesnt' want me to believe so Allah will punish me because I don't believe because he doesn't want me to.

>> No.17754040

>Humility is not slave morality.
You still have much to learn then apparently
> Recognizing hierarchy is not slave morality.
Submitting to retarded hierarchy like muzzies do is though
>God is above you, simple as.
God yes, but you worship the jewish god as God and that's retarded (and cucked)

>> No.17754041

Exactly. Deal with it.

>> No.17754042

Why are you so hellbent on portraying Islam in a negative light? It’s almost like you’re trying to subvert it

>> No.17754045

>barebones, meaningless
Lol you’ve never read the quran and probably the bible either

>> No.17754053

See? Slave morality.

>> No.17754054

Well then if Allah doesn't want me to believe, I don't see why I should disobey Allah and start to believe.

>> No.17754056

If you take offense at this you were NGMI anyway.

>> No.17754059

If the presentation of God is illogical I can judge it. Is the idea of predestination in Islam similar to the one in hyper-Calvinism?

>> No.17754062

>It’s almost like you’re trying to subvert it
I don’t think Islam needs the assistance

>> No.17754070

It's literally in the Quran.

Slave morality would be to try to save these wretched Kafir. That's for Allah to decide.

That's actual humility.

>If the presentation of God is illogical I can judge it.
The existence of existence is illogical.

>Is the idea of predestination in Islam similar to the one in hyper-Calvinism?
I'm not familiar with the Calvinist view of predestinaiton.

>> No.17754071

Muslims never thought about it, first they're too retarded and their conception of God doesn't allow theology in the christian sense.

>> No.17754073


>> No.17754075

I don’t take offense anon, I’m just surprised at how different you are compared to other Muslims I know. You seem to be excited at the prospect of child marriage, you hate niggers even though racism is unislamic, and you present Islamic theology quite haphazardly.

>> No.17754076
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I've seen plenty of Islam vs Christianity debates back in the day when I was thinking of converting to Islam. Most of them were respectful, yet highly autistic, exchanges that boiled down to "Muh Qu'ran" and "Muh Bible". Sometimes, the Islamic scholar would use a verse from the gospel to point out that Jesus predicted the coming of Muhammad, with the Christian minister saying that he is interpreting it wrong. Then the Islamic scholar would screech about the Bible being corrupted by Paul, point at which ministers would politely change the subject.
I am not going to go into all the inconsistencies in the Qu'ran, hadiths and how Islam is nothing more than a heresy derived from Orthodox Christianity (still better than Catholicism or Protestantism), this has been done better elsewhere. What I am going to do is testify that Eastern Orthodoxy is the original apostolic church and to this day we have saints that perform miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit. You won't find this in a book - you have to live it!

>> No.17754080

All souls are made for heaven (paradise) or hell

Theology is a christshit cope

>> No.17754079

>That's actual humility.
Then what are you doing here since wether people are muslims or not runs down to Allah will?

>> No.17754081

western convert?

>> No.17754084

>Slave morality would be to try to save these wretched Kafir. That's for Allah to decide.
That's not humility now is it, why do you assume to know what yoru jewish god wants? Also thanks for confirming you have no agency, thus proving the point of slave morality.

>> No.17754095

I’m not racist
You’re either my islamic brother or a nigger, simple as

>> No.17754109

>Then what are you doing here since wether people are muslims or not runs down to Allah will?
Shitposting. Besides, I might have stumbled in this thread and left a clue for people who are meant to reach the Truth.

>That's not humility now is it, why do you assume to know what yoru jewish god wants?
It's in the Quran.

>> No.17754113

They believe that God chose those who will go to heaven (the ‘elect’) before the creation of the world and there is no way to know who is elect or not so free will is practically non existent.

>> No.17754118

>Shitposting. Besides, I might have stumbled in this thread and left a clue for people who are meant to reach the Truth.
t. i-i was just shitposting.
If Allah wants someone to become muslim he doesn't need your help.

>> No.17754120

>It's in the Quran.
And why do you assume you understand it? That's quite arrogant, you should be more humble. So far you haven't shown much intellectual integrity here.

>> No.17754128

>there is no way to know who is elect
Do you believe in the One God? Then you’re of the elect

>> No.17754137

>The existence of existence is illogical.
What does this even mean? If existence exists, it is by definition logical, since all things we have seen to exist and are able to be formulated in a logical way. The general consensus is that illogical things lack existence due to them not being consistent with their own attributes, hence being nullified in their possible existence in any possible world.

>I'm not familiar with the Calvinist view of predestinaiton.
Hyper-Calvinism just basically says God predestines everything, including even people going to hell and sinning, which I think is the Islamic view as well. See Sahih Muslim 6406

>Abu al-Aswad reported that 'Imran b Husain asked him: What is your view, what the PEOPLE DO TODAY IN THE WORLD, and strive for, is it something decreed for them or preordained for them or will their fate in the Hereafter be detrained by the fact that their Prophets brought them teaching which they did not act upon? I said: Of course, it is something which is PREDETERMINED for them and preordained for them. He (further) said: Then, would it not be an injustice (to punish them)? I felt greatly disturbed because of that, and said: Everything is created by Allah and LIES IN HIS POWER. He would not be questioned as to what He does, but they would be questioned; thereupon he said to me: May Allah have mercy upon you, I did not mean to ask you but for testing your intelligence. Two men of the tribe of Muzaina came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah's Messenger, what is your opinion that the people do in the world and strive for, is something decreed for them; something preordained for them and will their fate in the Hereafter be determined by the fact that their Prophets brought them teachings which they did not act upon, and thus they became deserving of punishment? Thereupon, he said: Of course, it happens as it is decreed by Destiny and PREORDAINED for them, and this view is confirmed by this verse of the Book of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious: "Consider the soul and Him Who made it perfect, then breathed into it its sin and its piety"

Since this is Sahih, I think this would be sound. What do you think?

>> No.17754139

You don't know whether it's the good one neither if you believe in him the right way. You're very arrogant to pretend to know better than Allah if you're elected.

>> No.17754141

No, Islam is not like that. According to the little I learned about it, the world is a testing ground for angels that wish to attain free will, and by incarnating themselves as humans (us) in this world, they can show that they will use their free will to submit to Allah, thus becoming closer with Him in Paradise.

He doesn't, but how do you think He guides people to Him? Through the world, history and the actions of men, right?

>And why do you assume you understand it?
Because it's pretty much word for word what I said.

>> No.17754151

>He doesn't, but how do you think He guides people to Him? Through the world, history and the actions of men, right?
So you're pretending Allah guides to shitpost on /lit/?

>> No.17754155

>He doesn't, but how do you think He guides people to Him? Through the world, history and the actions of men, right?
Not your actions, that's for sure
>Because it's pretty much word for word what I said.
Why do you assume you understand it though? Parroting is not understanding. But I guess that's what happens in jewish traditions. Obey, don't think.

>> No.17754164

Btw link to the Hadith from Sunnah.com (it’s enumerated there differently):

>> No.17754176

>You don't know whether it's the good one
There’s only one One God, idiot.

>> No.17754183

>they can show that they will use their free will to submit to Allah,
Wrong. See the Hadith I posted, Allah preordained everything and destined everything from the start, >>17754137

It’s Sahih btw so don’t try to reject it lol

>> No.17754187

How do you know it? What prevents an almighty god from dividing himself if he wants?

>> No.17754195

No, your jewish god is just one of many

>> No.17754210
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>unironically being filtered by a desert tribe of sheep-herding Judeans and conned into worshipping Moloch

>> No.17754213

This is my experience as well. You eventually get Muslims who make good arguments against Christianity due to textual criticism, but that itself has been counteracted by the years or scholarship on that issue due to many Christian historians getting interested in that issue. I don’t actually think Islam has a good historical case against Christianity, it just has theological objections which can be counteracted with a basic view on Christian philosophy.

>> No.17754219

>What does this even mean? If existence exists, it is by definition logical, since all things we have seen to exist and are able to be formulated in a logical way. The general consensus is that illogical things lack existence due to them not being consistent with their own attributes, hence being nullified in their possible existence in any possible world.
It is not logically consistent for non-existence to turn into existence. It is not logically consistent for matter to attain consciousness. This illogical (you could say miraculous) structure of reality is the "illogical" and mysterious nature of God. To demand logic from God, is to deny his power. How can He be All-Powerful if he has to be logical?

No. Like I said, only Allah can make you see.

>Not your actions, that's for sure
Your mind already seems made up, and you're looking for any reason to turn away. I can't soften your heart. Only Allah can.

>Why do you assume you understand it though? Parroting is not understanding.
Ok, enlighten me.

It's not strict predetermination. I don't know what you want me to refute.

>> No.17754225

>No. Like I said, only Allah can make you see.
Then why do you expect Allah to need your services to convert people on this board?

>> No.17754228

I don't, that's literally my point.

>> No.17754233

>only Allah can make you see
So if allah doesnt want to make me see I’m doomed?

>> No.17754234

>point at which ministers would politely change the subject.
because they know they'd get btfo if they stayed on topic

>> No.17754236


>> No.17754241

That’s calvinism

>> No.17754246

This is the biggest cope I've seen ITT so far "Your reservations which arose from careful thinking are actually Allah deceiving you! yallah!"

>> No.17754247

Then why do you try to convert people while the very fact they're disbelievers depends entirely on Allah's will and nothing you do can change that?

>> No.17754258

It might seem like it, but there is a big distinction in my opinion, in that while events may be predestined at the beginning of existence, God is still involved in the present, and your actions and thoughts are noticed and have an effect.

I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm having a conversation.

>> No.17754259

that's white islam

>> No.17754275

>It is not logically consistent for non-existence to turn into existence. It is not logically consistent for matter to attain consciousness.
It is logical. God wills it, and hence logically, it happens. God being ‘all powerful’ just means He necessarily has the power to do all logical things, and so the cliche paradoxes of “if God is all powerful, could He create a rock so heavy He couldn’t lift it?” Is thrown out since that isn’t a thing in the logical definition.

>It's not strict predetermination. I don't know what you want me to refute.
Read it again, I’ll quote it directly for you this time. “ is something decreed for them, something preordained for them, and will their fate in the Hereafter be determined by the fact that their Prophets brought them teachings which they did not act upon, and thus they became deserving of punishment? Thereupon, he said: Of course, it happens as it is decreed by Destiny and PREORDAINED for them.”

Here Muhammad says that it is preordained that people will reject the teachings of the prophets and hence be judged in the hereafter. It is hyper-Calvinism, in that God determined people to reject his message and to sin, and therefore go to hell. This is seen in the Hadith I quoted.

>> No.17754277

>I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm having a conversation.
What's the point to talk with people Allah decided would not be believers?

>> No.17754284

Not him, those aren't the only people lurking

>> No.17754300

Op is aimed at disbelievers, anyway I don't see the point to discuss with believers too since the fact they're believers and how strong is their faith and knwoledge is decided by Allah and solely him.

>> No.17754317

>It is logical.
Now we're playing with what logic means. Logic is a model of reality like any other, and it has its edge cases, where its laws no longer apply. So for example, where does it logically follow that there has to be a man and a woman in order to achieve the reproduction of the species? My point is that you are trying to force God to be logical because of some emotional reservation that you have about the perceived unfairness of God.

>“ is something decreed for them, something preordained for them, and will their fate in the Hereafter be determined by the fact that their Prophets brought them teachings which they did not act upon, and thus they became deserving of punishment? Thereupon, he said: Of course, it happens as it is decreed by Destiny and PREORDAINED for them.”
This quote does not say that everything is preordained. I take it to mean that events are preordained, not to the point where free will is taken away completely.

>> No.17754319

I see your point, but it's interesting discussing over such matters, especially since OP is quite knowledgeable

>> No.17754331

That's not what "filtered" means you retarded redditor.

>> No.17754351

>So for example, where does it logically follow that there has to be a man and a woman in order to achieve the reproduction of the species?
That is not any logical law, as there are species who reproduce through asexual means as well, and both are equally as logical in that they are instantiated in our causal and material reality; meanwhile, things that are illogical are objects which should not and cannot exist, like a squared circle, or a married bachelor. These objects are not ‘things’ in that they don’t actually have any referential existence, they’re just syntactical games that have no coherent semantical meaning. God is not unfair, and God is not merely logical, rather, God IS logic. Everything that is logical is found in the mind of God and hence is expressed through His divine mind and divine rationality and His divine and eternal wisdom, which is uncreated and is a perfect reflection of God, as it exists as God.

>This quote does not say that everything is preordained. I take it to mean that events are preordained, not to the point where free will is taken away completely.
It talks about being judged in the afterlife and ignoring the revelation of Allah sent down to the prophets, and if you begin t the start of the Hadith it talks about how doing anything within the world and in the hereafter is determined by Allah due to his constantly penetrating and almighty power. It is determinism, not any sort of theology where you get free will to go to heaven via your own decision.

>> No.17754357

at the start*

>> No.17754389

>God is not unfair, and God is not merely logical, rather, God IS logic. Everything that is logical is found in the mind of God and hence is expressed through His divine mind and divine rationality and His divine and eternal wisdom, which is uncreated and is a perfect reflection of God, as it exists as God.
Then why did you call Allah illogical:
>If the presentation of God is illogical I can judge it.

>It is determinism, not any sort of theology where you get free will to go to heaven via your own decision.
I haven't read that hadith, but I believe that the view that the world was created as a testing ground for angels to achieve free will and use it to submit to God is pretty official.

>> No.17754401

>read Bagavad Gita yesterday
>it's just a god full of himself who thinks everything belongs to him, he's the best and demands gifts and then scares the shit out of the human, showing he's evil
There's a few phrases here and there that are actual teachings that are also found in other writings around the world in several time periods, but they're 5% or less of the whole thing. If the Quran is more of the same shit, I'll pass.

>> No.17754414

That's far worse. The Quran is the single worst book I ever read.

>> No.17754419

>Then why did you call Allah illogical:
That was not me, that was another poster.

>I haven't read that hadith, but I believe that the view that the world was created as a testing ground for angels to achieve free will and use it to submit to God is pretty official.
I’ve heard of that before but I’ve never seen any Hadith or Tafsir about it. It seems to me that every single Hadith that indicates the deeds you need to do to get to Jannah says that it isn’t by your own works (so you can’t even become an Angel by your own free will since it comes from your own deeds if we take this view seriously and reconcile it with the Islamic sources,) but rather from the mercy and will of Allah. Hence why I see that view as unnecessary, in that Allah could just help us become better Angels without becoming human, and since it isn’t by our own deeds that we become a better Angel, it is unnecessary to use free will in that system whatsoever.

>> No.17754435

The Qur'an is the single best book I've ever read. Frankly, calling it best is unjust, as it implies there is comparison. There is nothing that comes close to it, not even the greatest works in the Western canon. If you cannot see that then Allah swt has closed your eyes.

>> No.17754439

>The Quran is the single worst book I ever read.
If you've truly read The Quran then you should easily be able to mention how many Rakats in surah Fatiha(no cheating via Google or similar)

>> No.17754440

There are Hadiths about boys fighting war at that age, what exact mental or emotional preparation is required for marriage? Maybe it's a gruelling undertaking in the west where the greatest hardship is waiting at the DMV but in any harsh environment it's really not

>> No.17754446

Keep in mind this is a time period where people would murder their children left and right for obscene reasons

>> No.17754449

Islam was BTFOd in the Dark Ages by scholar monks. Those protestant ministers that your guys debate are pussies who are afraid of death threats that they will certainly receive if they say something about your heresy (ie the truth)

>> No.17754453

Allah then closed my eyes very well because what I read was a schizoid, messy, pointless pile of trash with an insane amount of stupidity, repetitions, and random taunts and tantrums. Cleary Muhammad was a fat schizo and muslims are retarded to follow such a stupid religion.

>> No.17754457

>Islam was BTFOd in the Dark Ages by scholar monks
Omg if that was true how will islam ever recover?

>> No.17754460

1 million obviously

>> No.17754464

>Allah then closed my eyes very well
Pretty much

>> No.17754469

>That was not me, that was another poster.
Ah ok.

>Hence why I see that view as unnecessary, in that Allah could just help us become better Angels without becoming human, and since it isn’t by our own deeds that we become a better Angel, it is unnecessary to use free will in that system whatsoever.
Yeah, I'd have to look into the hadiths to get a better understanding of this view. From my reading of the Quran, I understood that events may or may not be preordained, but God is an active force in the world at present.

>> No.17754473

As opposed to today where they just murder them because it's empowering for women?

>> No.17754474
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>Muslim post on /lit
>200+ replies

>> No.17754488
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Religion is predicated on moralfaggotry, so I don't see what you mean by this.

>> No.17754496

>I understood that events may or may not be preordained, but God is an active force in the world at present
One of the foundations of the faith is that you have to accept that everything is that everything happens through God's will. Does that mean there's no free will? Kinda. It doesn't mean you can't make choices on your own, just that you can't say okay this choice is what the god wills. Once you've made your choice and wether it bee good or bad you have to accept the outcome as god's will

>> No.17754499

>>17754453 I guess you as a person are right and those 2.2 billion Muslims are not.

>> No.17754506

This right here. He was pretty much a NEET and that shows in the country's economy and the fact they still shit on the street like NEETs piss in bottles.

>> No.17754508

Dude, your prophet hasn't performed a single miracle. His only claim was that he spat some mad bars whilst being illiterate. Well, I guess Young Thug is also a prophet.

>> No.17754513

Yes, I am right and they're not. Argumentum ad populum is very retarded BTW.

>> No.17754523

Muhammad ﷺ himself said he isn't getting there by his deeds but solely from Allah's mercy

Angels subsist on prayer directly. Humans are given other needs as means to worship Allah, for example when you are hungry to ask Allah for food, when you slaughter an animal to do so in the name of Allah,when you begin to eat to do so in the name of Allah, and when you are finished to praise Allah for feeding you and to feel gratitude. We are not angels, we are completely different beings
Please see my thread on the Unseen

The Qur'an is extremely clear that all events are ordaining by the Qadr of Allah and this is one of the seven pillars of iman, that is it is necessary for belief

>> No.17754532

>Dude, your prophet hasn't performed a single miracle
Of course he hasn't, he's not God. As he has said himself everything he did was through the will of God, that is to say he did only those things God allowed him to do.

>> No.17754548

>niggerloving libcuck "arguments"

>> No.17754558

No, your choice is His will as well. Unless you subscribe to Maturidi aqidah which says He created the possibilities for you to choose but I find no basis for this in Qur'an or Sunnah

>> No.17754569


Narrated Abu Huraira: "A bedouin came to Allah's Apostle and said, "My wife has delivered a black child." The Prophet said to him, "Have you camels?" He replied, "Yes." The Prophet said, "What color are they?" He replied, "They are red." The Prophet further asked, "Are any of them gray in color?" He replied, "Yes." The Prophet asked him, "Whence did that grayness come?" He said, "I think it descended from the camel's ancestors." Then the Prophet said (to him), "Therefore, this child of yours has most probably inherited the color from his ancestors."

>> No.17754581

>No, your choice is His will as well
Yes, that's what I am saying. Perhaps a proper term would be an illusion of choice.

>> No.17754584

>From my reading of the Quran, I understood that events may or may not be preordained, but God is an active force in the world at present.
Yeah I found it to be the opposite view; it’s the consensus that Allah predestines pretty much everything due to his knowledge and omnipotence, however the formulations of it can differ. I think the most rational conclusion is a sort of hyper-Calvinism.

>> No.17754586

>Argumentum ad populum is very retarded BTW.
We're talking about what is best for the people, the people can decide what brings them the most spiritual fulfilment for themselves.

>> No.17754595

All miracles are performed by God, through the Holy Spirit. Your prophet not only failed the OT test for prophethood (that's where the whole corruption thing started), but he also failed the NT proof of being Baptised with the Spirit. Islam is Dark Ages Scientology.

>> No.17754598

me likes reading the words
like you
do you likes reading the words ?

>> No.17754602

Not sure why people keep posting this as though it shows how bad Muhammad is. This just showcases his excellent leadership skills in helping preserve social cohesion and order. This way the child will not be left fatherless, there are going to be no arguments and no crijes committed

>> No.17754601

>he isn't getting there by his deeds but solely from Allah's mercy
That’s what I said. I know it’s not a deeds based salvation, it’s by the preordained mercy of Allah.

>We are not angels, we are completely different beings
Yes, I know. The other guy thinks we are angels that became human so we could freely worship Allah. I do not think that is found in the sunnah.

>> No.17754610

People don't decide, they're muslims because they've been brainwashed at birth to be muslims and are then too stupid/weak willed/affraid of social consequences to get out the cave.

>> No.17754613

this is worrying
t. Muslim

>> No.17754618

He plainly lied to a fellow muslim.

>> No.17754623

you weren't there.

>> No.17754625

>are then too stupid/weak willed/affraid of social consequences to get out the cave.
Everyone should be so happy in order not to get out and find out there's nothing outside the cave.

>> No.17754636

>through the Holy Spirit
>Baptised with the Spirit
meaningless gnostic buzzphrases

>> No.17754637


>> No.17754638

Yes, posting pictures of exposed women and making a joke out if the religion is haram and kufr respectively, although the marrying of virgins itself is not and the Prophet ﷺ recommend it

>> No.17754646

>Hand of Allah shown as a human hand
Oh no no no no no

>> No.17754648

The bedouin's child was black because his wife slept with a black. Muhammad endorsed this and lied to the bedouin who ended up raising a half-black child who wasn't his.

>> No.17754653

t. basedfisted atheist

>> No.17754657

No, I don't think so at all, if you go to areas of Arabia where dark skin is common you will see fluctuations between it and light skin as well, for example Anwar al-Awlaki is Yemeni where a lot of Yemenis are as dark as subsaharan Africans, whereas other Arabs are very light such as Hashemites. If the father for example came from a Yemeni tribe having a very dark kid is quite normal

>> No.17754658

Bro, your religion has an obsession with cleanliness which is copy/pasted from Gnosticism.

>> No.17754662

Stop spouting nigger memes already.

Nice headcanon.

>> No.17754664

It's good to preserve order

>> No.17754668


>> No.17754673

Some religions still have remnants of the original truth that Allah revealed. Native American religion used to be monotheist, for example.

>> No.17754674
File: 192 KB, 720x960, 170130-nora-anwar-al-awlaki-rhk-1815p_6f3454b054968b3140a7fbc6bb6bb8c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For contrast here is Awlaki's daughter vs

>> No.17754677

Washing your ass after you take a shit isn't "obsession with hygiene"

>> No.17754681

>Stop spouting nigger memes already
Huh? I’m genuinely confused on what you mean by that.

>> No.17754683

So islam is a big utilitarian lie.

>> No.17754689
File: 1.41 MB, 3500x2381, 20190128T1339-24085-CNS-YEMEN-DESPERATE-CAFOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some other Yemenis. And she is pure blooded descent from the tribes there

>> No.17754691

I am going to need a source for that, chief.

>> No.17754695

>falling for trolls

No Muslims thinks Muhammad ﷺ was lying here

>> No.17754697

>Some religions still have remnants of the original truth that Allah revealed
Dude this is so cope.

>Even though we copied from this religion, that just means that the part we copied is true because we have the newest and uncorrupted revelation of God. How do I know that? Uh... just common sense bro.

>> No.17754698


>> No.17754703

That's your stance which is nihilistic.

>> No.17754712

It's the utilitarian truth.

All polytheistic faiths have a creator deity, i.e. Allah

>> No.17754717

>>Even though we copied from this religion, that just means that the part we copied is true because we have the newest and uncorrupted revelation of God. How do I know that? Uh... just common sense bro.
The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

>> No.17754724

>Anwar al-Awlaki is
He isn’t anything anymore he was blasted to smithereens

>> No.17754729

Outside of order is chaos

>> No.17754731

Immensely based retard

>> No.17754733

>It's the utilitarian truth.
Truth is truth, whether it's useful or not. Using utility to justify islam implicitly admits it's not true.

>> No.17754744

Dude, Allah doesn't even know who are the persons of the trinity. Fucking uncrated, eternal revelation and it doesn't get the trinity right. God, Jesus and Virgin Mary, wtf.

>> No.17754743

>The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
Again, cope. If there’s no evidence then that means there’s an inclination that we shouldn’t believe it, unless we actually find the evidence we’re looking for. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but absence of evidence is not evidence of something not absent either.

>> No.17754760

The verse about the Trinity is not the one saying don't worship Jesus and Mary

>> No.17754769

Nah, he just couldn't be bothered to look up the cluster fuck that is the trinity
>Google Angle please look up trinity
>There's one billion seven hundred million conflicting accounts
>Just pick one at random

>> No.17754783

The Qur'an clearly says to abstain both from trinity and from mary worship.

>> No.17754789

The commentators Baidhawi, Jalaluddin, and Yahya agree in interpreting the three to mean "God, Jesus, and Mary," in the relation of Father, Mother, and Son. This misrepresentation of the Scripture doctrine again stamps the Qur'an as a fabrication, and furnishes the evidence of its being such on the ground of its own claims.

>> No.17754798

No one worships mary in the way they worship Jesus. Veneration and intercession =/= worship

>> No.17754806

Well guess you solved it. Ok you Muslims now you can all stop being Muslims.

>> No.17754832
File: 67 KB, 469x417, satan&mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it were that easy. They are slaves to fear, Allah is an ancient moon demon who thrives on fear. His servants are the Djinn of the Dessert. Khadija, a powerful witch in her own right, made a deal with Satan, which in turn made a deal with Allah, giving him power over the Arabs (a naturally pious race) in exchange for helping him fight Christendom.

>> No.17754836

>This misrepresentation of the Scripture doctrine
Who gives a fuck about this hair splitting shit
La ilaha illa Allah, simple as.

>> No.17754844

>Khadija, a powerful witch in her own right
lmao this goes beyond the typical christcuck schizophrenia, well done

>> No.17754850

>La ilaha illa Allah
“There is no God but the God”
How descriptive

>> No.17754861

deity but God*

>> No.17754866

>How descriptive
Yes. One can spend his enitre life unpacking that simple statement and still wouldn't be done.

>> No.17754868

The point of the discussion was the presence of free will in Islam, not predestination.

>> No.17754873

ecks dee

>> No.17754876

It could be done in 30 seconds dont be silly

>> No.17754892

There are actually plenty of studies of the Shahadah out there

>> No.17754894

>""[Muhammad] seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men. (Thomas Aquinas)

Seethe harder. All evidence points towards Muhammad being possessed by the devil. He even wanted to introduce actual idol worship (the Satanic Verses), but when people caught onto it, the devil took a step back.
Also, he preached an inconsistent revelation with earlier verses being abrogated by later ones. And this is supposed to be the uncrated, perfect revelation.

>> No.17754906

>""[Muhammad] seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men. (Thomas Aquinas)
>reeeeeee, Islam is not a life-denying religion

>> No.17754915

I usually like Thomas Aquinas, but

>> No.17754923

>Why aren't Muslims denying their god given sexual desires

>> No.17754944

>No one worships mary in the way they worship Jesus
Okay, that's good. Now stop worshipping Isa.

>> No.17754962

So the Quran is wrong?

>> No.17754963

There are actually plenty of studies of whether your prophet rode into heaven on a donkey too.

>> No.17754967


>> No.17754978

Is there any other religion more retarded than this one? I mean, you're worshipping someone that is greedy, evil and vain. At least Jesus Christ gave to the poor and shit and the Buddha was like "yeah man, just relax and be with nature".

>> No.17754980

He did, what of it?

>> No.17754984

>Uses Nietzsche to defend Islam
Summa Contra Gentiles Book 1, Chapter 16, Art.4
God didn't made you a coomer, but your sins and the sins of your parents. The more Christ-like you become, the less you will want to coom. Semen retention retards are actually on to something.

>> No.17754996

The Qu'ran is too schizo to be wrong. It's like Deleuze & Gauttari

>> No.17754998

I speak not of coomon. Plain old basic sex.

>> No.17754999
File: 54 KB, 550x429, Buraq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims believe Muhammad rode this.

>> No.17755004

Muhammad died in poverty lol

>> No.17755010

> Semen retention retards are actually on to something.
Yeah, until they wet their bed during the night unconsciously.

>> No.17755015

thats literally just persian sufi fanart. Nowhere in the literature is the Buraq said to have a human face

>> No.17755016

>Uses Nietzsche to defend Islam
Surely, Nietzsche is not the only person to use "life-denying." But Aquinas is right in some way, and wrong in many others. Muslims are meant to enjoy the pleasures that God placed on the earth for people to enjoy. But, they must refrain from alcohol, gambling, and pork. They must also fast for a full month. In fact, even Christians are meant to enjoy sex. Aquinas is just being a seething christcuck.

>> No.17755019
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>> No.17755020

>deity but God*
Same difference.

>Yes. One can spend his enitre life unpacking that simple statement and still wouldn't be done.
Just like any other theological statement.

>> No.17755021

I was talking about shit like Krishna.

>> No.17755028

wet dreams eventually go away. Same as with the desire to sin.

Many saints asked God to damn them if it meant saving others. Seems idiotic, but this is exactly what Jesus did.

>> No.17755034

Predestination correlates with free will, plus the Sunnah says that it isn’t by Muslim’s own free will that they are saved or condemned, instead it’s by the mercy and preordained judgement of Allah.

>> No.17755044

Based. The fact Muhammad failed to get the Nicean creed right proves God didn't reveal the Quran and that Muhammad was a devil worshipper.

>> No.17755045

>you're worshipping someone that is greedy, evil and vain.
Cmon you can call him many things, even a pedophile if you want, but greedy and vain he was not. His generosity was one of his steongest suits. There's one account of someone gifting him some kopind of a jacket, because he needed it, but it was gone during the day because he gave it to someone who needed it.

>> No.17755055
File: 91 KB, 450x630, Buraq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An excerpt from a translation of Sahih al-Bukhari describes Buraq:

Then a white animal which was smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me ... The animal's step (was so wide that it) reached the farthest point within the reach of the animal's sight.
—Muhammad al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari[8]

Another excerpt describes the Buraq in greater detail:

Then he [Gabriel] brought the Buraq, handsome-faced and bridled, a tall, white beast, bigger than the donkey but smaller than the mule. He could place his hooves at the farthest boundary of his gaze. He had long ears. Whenever he faced a mountain his hind legs would extend, and whenever he went downhill his front legs would extend. He had two wings on his thighs which lent strength to his legs. He bucked when Muhammad came to mount him. The angel Gabriel put his hand on his mane and said: "Are you not ashamed, O Buraq? By Allah, no-one has ridden you in all creation more dear to Allah than he is." Hearing this he was so ashamed that he sweated until he became soaked, and he stood still so that the Prophet mounted him.[9][full citation needed]

In the earlier descriptions there is no agreement as to the sex of the Buraq. It is typically male, yet Ibn Sa'd has Gabriel address the creature as a female, and it was often rendered by painters with a woman's head.[10] The idea that "al-Buraq" is simply a divine mare is also noted in the book The Dome of the Rock,[11] in the chapter "The Open Court", and in the title-page vignette of Georg Ebers's Palestine in Picture and Word.

>> No.17755064

You only wish your prophet was so awesome

>> No.17755067

>Based. The fact Muhammad failed to get the Nicean creed right proves God didn't reveal the Quran and that Muhammad was a devil worshipper.

The Qur'an says both Trinity and Mary worship are bad.

>> No.17755072
File: 238 KB, 927x1200, Buraq3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally manchildren believing in Santa.

>> No.17755073

It correlates but it doesn't deny it. It's also important to define free will when you're talking in the context of religion because it means different things in different contexts. I tend to agree with anon here:

>> No.17755074

>Same difference.

>> No.17755087

You wish Santa was this cool, but all he has are dumb raindeers. They don't even have faces

>> No.17755095

>I tend to agree with anon here:
Although later he talks about meaning the illusion of choice, which I disagree with.

>> No.17755102

Does santa teach others to life a moral life?

>> No.17755106

>It correlates but it doesn't deny it
Saying that you can’t save yourself through your own free will, and that everything you do in the actions of the world and the hereafter is determined and preordained, means that you’re basically denying some form of free will that is the most intuitive definition.
Would it be better if I didn’t use a capitalized G for the first word? Here’s a better formulation, “there is no god but the God.”

There you go.

>> No.17755107

For lack of a better term

>> No.17755137

>Quran says Christians worship Allah Mary and Jesus
>Christians don’t worship Mary

>> No.17755143
File: 144 KB, 900x582, Buraqanta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but his sleigh is fancy.
The whole point of Santa is that he brings gifts as a reward to good children. No difference with Allah bringing to Paradise good muslims as a reward.

>> No.17755167

Muhammad was a proud and vain-glorious man, evidenced by the fact that he wanted to be a prophet. He was actually considering converting to Christianity, being friends with an Orthodox monk with whom he would go on drinking binges.
The final earthly temptation of most Christian mystics is when Devil, appearing as an unassuming dude congratulates them on how pious you are. The gospels actually address this:
>The Pharisee prayed about how good he was, but the tax collector asked for God's mercy as he was a sinner. Jesus said that it was the tax collector who went home justified before God. He concluded, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

>> No.17755179

> everything you do in the actions of the world and the hereafter is determined and preordained
I don't believe that's the case. The events are predetermined, but your actions are not. So in 2086 WW3 is set to start, and whatever path you take will get you there, whether through pacifism gone wrong, or through saber-rattling.

>> No.17755199

>The events are predetermined, but your actions are not.
Again, I think that’s pretty much the same thing, about an ‘illusion’ of choice as the other poster talked about; being able to variate on the possibilities of action don’t matter if all causal chains lead to the same event. You can’t change your destiny, it was already set in stone, and like how you don’t have free will to not drown if you are underwater with no possibility to escape, you have no free will if such events are predestined before the world was made by God.

>> No.17755232

>being able to variate on the possibilities of action don’t matter if all causal chains lead to the same event.
It does if we're talking about religion, obviously. You can live right or wrong during events over which you have no control.

>> No.17755260

>You can live right or wrong during events over which you have no control.
I think that’s a false dichotomy. Living right or wrong implies that you chose to do right or wrong, and hence you chose to be able to be compensated by God for your faith. That isn’t the case in such a paradigm, where you don’t choose to have faith in God, instead, he preordained the event of you going to heaven or hell.

>> No.17755296

>he preordained the event of you going to heaven or hell.
Again, I don't believe this is the case. I believe that He misguides people, for whatever purpose, but sometimes the door is left half-open and it's up to the individual to step in. And this view is supported by the Quran:
>For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron.
It's a combination of determinism, free will and active involvement. It's not hard determinism.

>> No.17755350

>Again, I don't believe this is the case. I believe that He misguides people
I don’t think that’s the case either. You can easily make the argument that it’s different due to the Sunnah, but I don’t feel like I can continue this line of argumentation since I need to go. May God bless you and bring you to His truth.

>> No.17755889

Imagine falling for the greatest sandnigger strawman of the last 2 millenia