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/lit/ - Literature

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17750638 No.17750638 [Reply] [Original]

Summary please.

>> No.17750643

While there are grammar and style issues, I believe the Author did an admirable job with this story. He created believable characters, a suspenseful atmosphere, and where often times authors make mistakes by creating a vision that takes itself too serious - he did not. The author succeeded at creating a successful introductory piece, and I would recommend this as a short read

>> No.17750645

Allen Poe if he was Evola pilled

>> No.17750651

imagine if Plato and Proust had a baby who then grew up to write some of the best novellas of the 21st ce in the English language while opening the third eye of every reader who has accessed the arcane wisdom contained therein.

>> No.17750675

yea but how does it end?

>> No.17750676

>Kid gets BTFO by a crocodile and dies.
>His family suddenly starts seeing crocodile stuff everywhere.
>They go to their grandmas house poltergeist shit happens.
>The crocodile takes human form and stalks the family.
>weird twist happens

Bravo Fag Gardner.

>> No.17750681

Buy it and find out.

>> No.17750692

I don't care how much you samefag, Gardner. I won't buy your meme book.

>> No.17750694

That sounds interesting! I will now purchase it for only 99 cents

>> No.17750704

Space is fake and Gardner is all

>> No.17750714

wow that's crazy! only 99 cents?! that's a steal!

>> No.17750735

It's also not true. I just checked the books. They're 2.99. Nice try.

>> No.17750742

yes only 99 cents for horror novel Call of the Crocodile by F. Gardner

>> No.17750748

CDN 3.80

>> No.17750873

what is the twist

>> No.17751584

So it’s true. /lit really doesn’t read.

>> No.17751602

They don't even write. The animefags do it for them.

>> No.17751612

What a disgrace.

>> No.17751770

Lets be the change we want to see. Everyone, buy Gardner's book! And then read it!

>> No.17752365
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>> No.17752542

I'm so fucking mad. I'll literally buy your whole library Gardner if you just tell me the twist

>> No.17752563

Purchasable at Amazon dot com for digital download?

>> No.17752611

Is it true you can read them in any order!