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17750164 No.17750164 [Reply] [Original]

>STEMfag hedge fund manager contributes more to the field of philosophy than anyone else has in the past 100 years
Why are the humanities so stagnant?

>> No.17750408

Nick land is the future. Disregarded by academics lika a modern day nietzsche.

>> No.17750418

Nick Land is a retard living out of it

>> No.17751053

What's his contribution?

>> No.17751070

Some of the most fascinating developments in applied epistemology I've seen this century

>> No.17751078

Where to start with him?

>> No.17751080

Guess I'm logging off for today

>> No.17751081

>I've seen

>> No.17751084

antifragility as the antipode of fragility (distinct from robustness, the negation of fragility)

>> No.17751085

Philosophy is not a "field." it's lived.

>> No.17751093

>Nick land
Is says he advocates for "hyper-racism" on his wiki, so I'm calling him based

>> No.17751094


>> No.17751107

How does Nick Land define "hyper-racism"?

>> No.17751115


>> No.17751118


>> No.17751131

Because of boards like these.

>> No.17751179

>*hits blunt*
>systems that don’t fail
>*baselessly rejects validity of IQ*
>when bad things happen
>*denies Arab ethnicity*
>are better than systems that fail
>*exaggerates COVID statistics*
>when bad things happen

>> No.17751244

>"The universal humanist fantasy looks surprisingly like a barista."
Kek'd at this.

>> No.17751256
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>> No.17751261

>applied epistemology
can you elaborate on the meaning of this

>> No.17751274

He's an analytic philosopher. He's an epistemologist of randomness who applies his study to real-life situations.

>> No.17751723

He says some really dumb shit on twitter sometimes

>> No.17751734

He is known for his contributions to the field of who-is-and-who-isn’t-a-sand-nigga-ology

>> No.17751747

>"One generally assumes that space colonists, assuming that there ever are any
There won't be. We are stuck on this rock. The only way out is inward with virtual reality.

>> No.17752246

aside from the cool word. how is this interesting, original, or a relevant contribution to philosophy.

>> No.17752317

you'd say that in response to anything he could possibly have posted.

>> No.17752369
File: 359 KB, 1920x1280, 1569234098209-MaxPixelnet-Finger-Gesture-Hand-Insult-Middle-Finger-Finger-2790310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey retard, here's an interesting, original, or a relevant contribution to philosophy

>> No.17752505

He needs a fucking editor. I'm halfway antifragile and I can't stand reading the same shit I read back in fooled by randomness for the 100th time

>> No.17752667

>hedge fund manager
Taleb is... evil?

>> No.17752687


>> No.17753297

someone should write a book explaining it