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/lit/ - Literature

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17749907 No.17749907 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ invoke emotion just by describing pic related?

>> No.17749928

Yeah, when a thread died for this.

>> No.17749945

for sale: croc tooth, never chomped.

>> No.17749954

He mouf be big. Bigga dan awl da ova gaytaz. Big bwoy mouf dat go da snap snap an ya awm gon. Gatta be dam carful awh heyah or youz gawn needa ambulanz. Mah bby gurl wardine she hate da gaytaz. She be cry

>> No.17749966

You're so grumpy! Don't you enjoy any of the threads you mourn the death of?
Could have spilled from Faulkner's pen. Bravo anon.

>> No.17749998


>> No.17750150

The big scary lizard went chomp chomp and you died. But then you woke up, it was only a dream.

>> No.17750195

You can't make people afraid without the threat of consequences. Words or pictures can't directly hurt you so you'll never be afraid of crocodiles whether it be a photo or a description of it.
The proper way to go about it is to make a character that the reader becomes emotionally invested in, and then have a crocodile rip him to shreds to make clear to the reader that there are consequences.
After that, the reader will feel a pang of fear the next time any character they're invested in encounters a crocodile.

>> No.17750203

A photo of a croc could startle your sympathetic nervous system in the right contexts. Think like a cat turning around to see a cucumber and startling. That would probably be you if you encountered a large picture of a crocodile in a surprising location.

>> No.17750222

yea its hard to evoke emotions if they don't have their salient component, thats why I like >>17749998

>> No.17750238

I think, for me, jump scares aren't really emotional responses as much as they are purely instinctive bodily responses and don't evoke real emotion. What does evoke anxiety/fear in horror movies is the *threat* of a jump scare in a particularly tense scene, which only works if the viewer is expecting a jump scare.

You also can't really jump scare the readers in literature, or, at least I haven't seen anyone do it.

>> No.17750247
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>> No.17750254
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, itsthateasy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17751595

Yes. There’s a whole book about it. All over this board.

>> No.17751765
File: 296 KB, 900x630, D681C386-39F5-4C6F-BD60-B01B156D8131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nile always floods this time of year, and there’s always someone on the other bank that comes out in the rain to watch the crocodiles writhing on the bank, being groomed by birds, mouths agape . . . Whoever they are, I know they have a vertiginous longing to be there, staring down the maw of a century old gullet,— to be a Jonah to its Leviathan and just walk in there to meet Amit face to face and be devoured forever in the lake of fire . . . they have a heavy heart, sodden in the rain. Maybe the gesture would disburden them in the scales of Ma’at enough to float away unblemished— but I doubt it less than I doubt myself: the dead know the dead.

>> No.17751806

I’ll try

Once there was an anon named OP. He made a thinly veiled Call of the Crocodile thread. 4chan was then ruined forever.

>> No.17751809

i cwocodiwle
chomp chomp chaos

>> No.17752042

For sale: Baby shoes, bite marks.

>> No.17752049

Of course. It would be something like this:


>> No.17752067

El cocodrilo en su mente representaba la alegoria del poder escondido de un sujeto atormentado o iluminado.
Un cocodrilo tiene un tremendo poder en la cadena, un acero irrompible y ferrio. Del cocodrilo se espera que él arranque la carne de sus victimas quienes lo esperan.
Si el cocodrilo no hiciera esto y se dejará amar, sería enviado a un zoologico para ser explotado por las risas infantiles y cinicas de aquellos quienen buscan diversión.
Él jamás volvio a juzgar al reptil, pues los 2 servían sus respectivas torres de babel de la misma forma.

>> No.17752174



>> No.17752263

Crikey mate shes a big one.

>> No.17752307
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You know damn well this board can.

>> No.17752321

Genuinely sad when you think of all the strong predators that die as cubs, never having fully realised their strength and place in the world.

>> No.17752323

>starting a thread on /lit by posting a pic of a crocodile.

Nigga do you realize what you just did. Might as well drop a nuke on this board.

>> No.17752389

How does he fucking do it? Every sentence is absolutely benighted in perfection.

>> No.17752412


>> No.17752463

Imagine a video game where you play as Gustav and have to eat as many Burundi villagers as possible. Every now and then some hapless Western documentary filmmaker comes and tries to photograph you, and you get to him him too.

I remember that shark girl virtual YouTuber played some game as a shark, so we know the technology exists.

>> No.17752899
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>> No.17753599

These boots are made for walking. That's what they do. One of these boots is GONNA walk all over you (when I tear the skin off this crocodiles body).

>> No.17753632

>natural selection
lol that can’t be real

>> No.17753645
File: 2.86 MB, 960x540, Croc snap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crocs are fucking dumb
>hurr muh ultimate predator, unchanged for hundreds of millions of years
get fucked