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/lit/ - Literature

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1774782 No.1774782 [Reply] [Original]

Stop, open this thread, and start typing, let out whatever it is that comes to your mind, try not to guide it, stop whenever you want. Without proofreading fill out the captcha and click submit.

stream of consciousness time bitches.

>> No.1774787


>> No.1774788

OP is a faggot.

>> No.1774789

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.1774790

op is a fagfagfagfagfagfag mynuts itch dear god nicholas cage is handsome op is a fag

>> No.1774793

I'd really like to try to do a long distance walk across america with only books for company

>> No.1774804


Please leave. I hear /co/ is a nice place

>> No.1774817


That didn't sound very stream-of-consciousness to me.

Wiener cats dogs go fast.

>> No.1774831

You're going to have to prove this to me. I'm not going to do anything. This is nothing for me to do. YOU have to do this. Not you personally, but this thing that you're presenting to me. I'm not going inside, or anyway if I'm already inside I'm not staying inside any longer until you show me that I need to be here

Stop calling me. She needs to stop calling me. I wont be ready until tomorrow. I'll just tell her I was in the desert.

I need to fix my bike.

>> No.1774837
File: 46 KB, 451x485, What happens when your soldiers have less then 10 morale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satin in coffin. chewing noise of gum. cancer. essential. exile. rocking. suicide. X. X. Z. Y. alphabet. repetition. monsilla.

My mind is fucking weird.

>> No.1774841

op dont be mad I think those were actual stream of consciousness rants, after all this is 4chan!

Ok I will go now.

Deadly death puppies kill all scum on the earth must die for being intolerent douchebags except the good guys who always win the game in the end monopoly is a sport bitch if you didnt know then get to know nigga. Ya know wat Im sayin? Thought so faggot spend less time on 4chan then and go do your homework motherfucker. Samual L Jackson is a cool guy but the tough-cool-guy persona gets boring and its ultimately something I cant relate to as its too extreme and IRL is about getting along with people anyway. This probably has a fuckload of mistakes in it because I aint checked it or nothin faggot no homo.

>> No.1774846

she's beutiful people get down on themselves I can go a whole day without getting all skullfucked equanimity during the course of my goings. I dunno how to act. and I should but I like his girlfriend my parents are history. po po zou. I objectify females but it's healthy no need to belabour the point paula like home movies im super mad jelly and butthurt all the time. breaking in the park in the foresttheres beer in the refridgertor what you do and see the unneccessary rhymes. dper herpa and deprpowitz now let me add thurston howling frankie the cat is scratching nows hes sniffitng at that trash did a half flip to solar plexus and has now proceed to haul ass and head out at a high velocity I dont agree morally with the keeping of animals pets if not just the less than subtle undertones of slavery it seems like slavery mixed with torture. and the feelings i experience sometimes when my gaze meets a dog I get a feeling of loneliness I know about the dogs best friend but arent theypack animals and they do seem grateful for our attention. maybe slavery is built into the human dna like the antithesis of god to balance our spiritual equillibrium.

>> No.1774848

I'll cry if Birmingham get relegated.

Not again. Please.

>> No.1774849

I really don't feel like doing anything insane or intense for that matter it just hurts make it stop

>> No.1774852


>> No.1774870
File: 233 KB, 454x360, mikuru-beam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>gif unrelated

>> No.1774874

I think seeing the way peoples minds relate things together is pretty interesteing personally.

>> No.1774877

that felt good to write. ill continue

There's nothing to do. There's nothing else to do. Look, you are in another world from me. you can do what you will, and you will, but i cant. i have to sit here, or run there, and at any given time meauseure whats happening: and none of it compares to 'it'. When im doing it, thats all there is. I say to myself, breathingly heavingly 'there is only this. i have no choice ' '"what else am i going to do with my time?" "Theres nothing else" "therss nothing else" Theres nothing else" Nothing else I can do but it. nothing else to do. Non el no o -- shit -- no one else's life to live. not even my own life to live. - just do to that. just DTO DO that. it doesn't take more than several hours aweek, but it's everything. it's 100% of my life. There rest-time of my life is in preperation for it or in recovery from it. NOTHNING else exisits. I have never even bothered to desrivcbe what i si, or what ift feels like. the words - -there are no words, at least nothing i would say, to you, or to myself. Because there are no words, there is nothing, but it. there is nothing but it, nothing tonothing to do, nowhere to go, but that. - - - siht my phone just rang; where was i? - - - I have a gf of a few months, im open with her about everything. actually, that was what our relationship was built on, knowing everything about eachother. she shared with me things she couldnt even tell herself. things she barely knew to herself. I told her things i didnt even know. or things i was afraid to know. and Ill continue to explain to her everything,. but no this. she cant know it, in the same whay that i cant know it in words, because its not here. its only in my life. its 100% of my life, I'm just not doing it right now. theres nothing else.

>> No.1774890
File: 465 KB, 1579x1173, our god is an awesome god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just DTO DO that.

>> No.1774894

Well the first thing that came to my mind was the fact that what the OP is requesting isn't "stream of consciousness" rather than blurting out whatever pops into one's mind, in text form. Stream of consciousness, from my understanding, is supposed to be the thought process of a CHARACTER that is utilized in a way as a literary device and provides some sort of exposition. Momentarily I thought how irksome it is to be exposed to common misconceptions despite repeated attempts to fix them for others, but then I was overcome by a sense of gloom because lately it feels as if my efforts in all manner of things are almost completely ineffectual. It has led me to a withdrawn state, though part of me wonders if this is even suitable as a temporary solution. More than anything else at the moment, though, I wish people would stop coming in through the fucking door so I could be alone to ponder. What is up with this captcha

>> No.1774898

When I walk I must walk but if I don't run am I walking at the same time?

>> No.1774907

I'm in a room. The paper on the desk is crisp and there are waves running through it and I feel the movements of an ocean in my fingers. Ink spills, ships sail, big bloated horns guide me through the black swell. Pegleg clicks forward and his eyeglass swings my way and almost knocks me from the page and all the sailors turn and stare at me. All the sailors turn and stare at me. Ye come a long way, young'un. A long, long way. And now I ask ye...will ye rub me back and fix me supper?

>> No.1774909

Bleeding soft draped along the street, with flowers bulging out the sides - the carriage spins in white abandon, and mushrooms from the walls in treacherous pirouettes - gutted like a fish, strung to the wall in sweet eye'd movements - the gun sits quietly at the edge of the table, unused and moaning with a dark murmur - ocean-waves break hard over the shore's jagged mouth, and they pull away from the honey-strewn sand - A glint of sun? Or a pull of moon? Shocked and disavowed - the inheritance of time - the jaws of heaven, stretching to accommodate the weak, then chomping down mercilessly - How does happiness fit into the world-plan? The world sits shaking at the cusp of a great valley - the world leans over and peers, horror-struck, into the grassy stretches below - but there are no nets to be raised or strung, and there are no clouds to be puffed up and deployed - There is a dead man, his insides wet and gleaming, and he is hanging from the rafters of an abandoned church - the steeple sings like a needle - The trees clump together then rush madly apart - All of the days are quiet now, and the sun moves them, as the moon moves the nights, as the darkness moves the planets towards one another, concentric and white.

>> No.1774910

Fuck off gramps, you creepy pedo. Make your own goddamn sandwich.

>> No.1774914

One in the pink, one in the Carl Sagan, jonesy jonesy rippy tippy too tah. Fuhurglfurtz da mooda booga bogga. Niggers are white, they just don't want us to know. Niggy nig nig niggity nig. lordy lord lord faggy my fart fart. soppy sloppy wickity sham, sappity wappity fappity blam, shablam. Blamo. Why can't newfags into sig? Why does Biff have a name? What is a name? A nose by any other name would smell roses just as sweet. Sweety beety skeety skeet skeet. Nigger poop. I don't know if I'm doing this right. Heh, i almost typed write instead of right. What a nigger. Nigger pony nigger nigger. Nigger. Okay time to stop typing nigger. Haiku tiem

Niggers, they are like
Gracing the page so delicately
Spreading grace and joy wherever the Pippin
Meriadoc Brandybuck nigger nigger rippy sippy penguin bob. Bob Marley Carl Sagat Bob I mean meen meeny epeen measuring sledgehammering nigger bob jackrabbit

Polite sage to spare /lit/ of this

>> No.1774915


Oh, aye, aye...twas afraid ye might say that...farewell...youngskin...MEN! HAVE AT HIM!

>> No.1774917

im gonna keep going.

My girlfriend. I don't know what I'm going to do about her. I've hardly said it to myself: I'm not in love with her. What am I going to do? I do love her! I appreciate her like no one else! She gives me something to do, and fulfills parts of me that weren't allowed to exist by anyone else. she provides me a balance. I'm insensitive, and she's too tender. I don't know what to do about her. she's in love with me. She would follow me anywhere, and do whatever I tell her. Right, she would follow me anywhere, but -- I wouldn't be there. I'm not here for her now. I spend all my time with her, I hold her, she weeps during sex, but I can't be here for her. Listen! I give her all I can, but I can't give her myself, and no one can have me. My mother never had me, my father never had me, my brothers never knew me, and... for myself, I never saw anyone, because I was never myself unto myself. I can't give myself to my girlfriend because I don't have myself. Cynthia, my girlfriend, my feelings and my sight, I know you love me. I love you, and this is something I will never tell you: but I'm not in love with you. I would if I could be. You know how I told you I've never loved anyone, and you obviously know how emotionless I am. Remember how I told you it was after coming home from travelling, or rather during the travelling, that I became a person? I did. I meant that. I found myself, and have never been so confident or realized and individuated, but it cost something. I can't tell you what was lost, and you'll never know it anyway. But it's the price I had to pay.

>> No.1774924



>> No.1774925

I keep seeing flutterings of moths inside my room and half the time I swear there's nothing there. I kill two moths a day, minimum, and have yet to find the source. I read somewhere that they don't nest, they just lay...eggs...or something. It's like they exhale and new moths pour into my lightbulb. Now I'm getting jumpy. Too much movement. They're all too quick. But when they're dead the're wings fall flat like a fillet of chicken and they shine like raw bacon...

>> No.1774929

A sack of petals is bunched up along the wall, with thin rips that reveal the silken scents beneath - A wooden spider is played with, lost, then found again under the dusty skin of millenia - An eye catches another eye, the tendrils intertwine and tug at one another - the vision steps down from the mountain-top - In the well, in the foggy wood, a child moans bitterly - his sight is long gone, and his ribs spell the name of his captor - A hard-drive spins endlessly, clicking to the irrepressible swell of its contents - A woman sits humming in a park, on a metal bench, her book tucked tight beneath her arms - A beef-slicer has taken in too much blood, and now it stretches eons, slicing away the thinnest parts of the Universe - A cat twirls its tail and pushes its narrow body up against a tree.

>> No.1774947

I appreciate this idea op, but i find it difficult to stop from editing myself anymore. school has conditioned me to deconstruct andd reconstruct everything a thousand times over. my 'd' key is busted, so if this has shit ton of typos, all apologies. also, this is difficult. have you ever just sat on here and wonered why you're doing it, wanted to get up and get out, just wander anywhere, alone maybe, for no reason? of course you have, but you wish you had a reason, and since you stop and try to make one up, you'll continue to sit and readd, scrolling scrolling scrolling, until it's time to get your fitul few hours of sleep and get up to do it again.

it's fine, i hope i'm not projecting. i have no solution to it. i'm like you guys. i have my vices, and i distract myself the best i can... with coffee, booze, sex, and spectator sports... with movies and tv, and of course literature. i look for someone else's idea of meaning, because to confront my own way of viewing the world would mean facing something uncomfortable, fear-inducing, and maybe downright upsetting..

>> No.1774952

Damn, I really need to go outside. I claim I like nature and yet i hardly go there. There is a small forest, wait forest isn't a good word. Forest implies huge, massive, it's pretty small compared to that other spot near that bridge I found. There were a lot of small shrubs over there and vines. I should bring my machete andget rid of them, maybe those....big clipper things i have. Shit what was their fucking name? Then again it's not like I'm going to do any of this. The sun is setting and I'll make a excuse about it being too dark or some shit like that. Then I guess I should go to the gym. At night so there isn't any others. It makes me nervous, why does it make me nervous? It's not like I'm self conscious about my looks. I would have gotten my hair cut if I did. Maybe I should comb my hair before I go the the gym. Combing is too fucking painful though, And brushing makes me feel like a fag. I never thought about trying smoking. Maybe my sister scared me out of it, what with trying drugs like crazy and ending up in the hospital. She's still at AA if I remember. Or gave into the temptation and became a crack whore. I can't know anyway i haven't seen her since I left the house. Oh look it is getting dark. I can't see the sun. It's because the trees are blocking your view idiot. Guess I'll jack off before dinner.

>> No.1774953

Dicks fuck cocks shit the man walked to the park and screamd, "dicks fucks cocks shit" and then he went to the ice cream shop and screamed, "dicks fucks cocks shit" and then he went to his girlfriend's apartment and told her "2deep4u fucking philistine"

>> No.1774964

Knowing you is not an option for me. Meeting you at some place decades from now is less than even a fantasy. It's barely a thought, and it can never be a hope. The truth is that even if I did come across you and knew full well that it was you - and you might know that I was me - it wouldn't matter because it's too late. If you came to me now it would be too late. If you were here to begin with it was too late. It's always too late for the person that I am to meet who you are. Nonetheless, it will happen. I'll be about 40 years old, and you older than 60, but you'll look beyond 70-80. You won't even remember your name. My name wont matter because by that time you'll be the only one worth knowing it. We'll have an exchange, but it wont matter. After a few hours I'll only remember one thing you kept repeating: "I don't know."

>> No.1774967

I am a funny looking monkey with a conker on my tail I have a blue red ribbon and I suck at all retail I'm just an ape a stupid ape and I drive a yellow lorry and I park it in the seaboard starboard ferry for the sick.

>> No.1774975

I really wish I didn't have unconscious processes stimulating me to seek out, or desire copulations with the opposite sex. I wish I was asexual.

>> No.1774977

>ctrl+f "monkey"
>yep, that word always comes up whenever someone takes up the opportunity to be SO RANDUM XD

>> No.1774980

over the time of course I needed to make sure that I was smart. You see, religion is a tricky thing. If my parents disown me, my life will get really sad really fast and I don't want that. I t doesn't help that I'm bi, but nobody needs to know that because who cares about sex really. Sex is justan irrlevvent thing why do religious people concetrait so much on it? I like how their only justification from evidence is aids, straight people get aids too, and you avoid that by marriage so why can't gay people get married?

religion and sex are on my mind today

>> No.1774982


Stop criticising my subconscious you fuck.

>> No.1774987

get outside more

Just put some gel in it so it looks like you made a token effort and get your ass to the gym

ok back to the game.

Game game, life is a game is a cliche that has always bugged me. Life is not a game. Its real but why so serious? Batman died for your sins so the least you can do is appreciate it and not be such a disappointment. Son I am disappoint. Fuck you dad, what the fuck have you ever done for me except always being there for me and supporting me despite me being a lazy fuck? Yeah thats what I thought, you can't inspire me to do the things you would like me to do and the things that would be good for me because you are not me. Haha Its down to me, I have the power to do anything I want yet I just sit here... fuck this I got a job application t

>> No.1774997

Okay, I really don't think I understood this so I'll try again
They're like raindrops
because both are drops
of something that drops
Bob Sagat, that's a name i heard on youtube in a kevjumba video. There is a deep humming in my left ear, it sounds like the ocean. But it stopped. That reminds me of this other youtube video i saw, the Bloop. Some ultra low NIGGER NIGGER frequency CALM YOURSELF sound of organic nature. I made two PONY PONY STOP IT threads about it, in /sci/ and /x/. The thing making the sound was loud enough that two separate NIGGER microphones three thousand (gah, crotch itches) miles away could ear. Do microphones hear? It must be strange being a microphone listening to the ocean. Hearing the rushing--- that reminds me PIPPIN NIGGGER THREAD DERAILED OH ME OH MY okay enough SAMUEL JACKSON STOP Anyway. There are these recordings of what the atmosperic currents of the planets SINGING AYOOO, GALILEEEEOOOO sound like. Earth sounds like song, Saturn is the screaming of a thousand hells. Neptune is high, Jupiter is loud. I thought at that time IS ARBITRARY that a knowledgeable person should be able to recognize the sounds of the planets. Saturn's celestial conflict between its rings and orbital path, it's low frequency struggle. Saturn would probably be the least happy planet HAHA JK, WE ALL KNOW THAT WOULD BE PLUTO, FAGGOTS anyway. Nigger. It's really strange that Earth sounded the nicest. It sounded melodious, harmonious. Heh... harmonious... moan. Like your Mom. LOL. Anyway. To be a microphone, that was my name. No, Gandalf didn't say that. Gollum didn't either. Welp. What's it like to be a microphone? Like being a microphone, I guess. Those ads on 7chan are very aggressive, you know. GROW YOUR COCK FOR FREE, GROW TWO INCHES IN FIVE WEEKS Haha, yeah, like anyone would actually click on that.
Maybe for the novelty.
Maybe I would, if I was raised like that.

>> No.1774998

Not that that implies anything. I've NIGGER NIGGGGG heard that many people have gotten viri (viruses? virodes?) from 7chan. To do with the ads
Inkblots, spontaneously / Breaking into inksong / Don't worry, I won't be long. Dong and bong both rhyme with long./You know what feels very wrong? Not getting enough sleep. It feels liken a gray/grey/NIGGER current is rushing through your head. It rests in your eyes. It feels like you're trying to think through a smoky window. It feels like a starry weight is hanging from your eyelids. LIDS! Trashcan lids, garbage lids, can lids! All kinds of lids! Captcha: Bagni, lsedie. Shit... maybe that says lsedic. Better NIIGGERRRR rePONYYY MUHFUKAfresh. Gort, esselys. I think I'd like a person named Gort. They'd be a giant, of course, but they'd be a nice oddball giant.

>> No.1775002

I agree with whoever that said that this is a good way of getting things off one's chest, and this post has for whatever reason spurred me to keep going. In actuality I'm quite jealous of this Anon. One of the things that has been bothering me lately is the lack of.. warmth in my life. Not in a climate sort of sense, but an emotional kind of warmth. My family is the only dependable source left and they live far away and there aren't many of them left, unfortunately.

There was a girl, or rather there is one. She's still here, she's still around but I have felt a change in our relationship lately. She's younger than me, quite a bit younger to my chagrin. Ironically enough, at the time that I first really met her I was reading Lolita - thankfully the age difference is not THAT extreme but still I feel overridden with a sense of guilt for even harboring a sense of longing for her. Back then she openly admitted "I love you" in a cute, schoolgirl-ish kind of way that back then I didn't take too seriously. As time went on she would get more and more comfortable with me, making claims like she was my favorite amongst her friends. She was right; it wasn't as if the rest of her friends didn't stack up to her in looks, but only her had the ability to elicit that kind of deeper emotional response from me. The kind where, try as I might, I couldn't get her off my mind. Not just her name, not just her face - which after a while I grew comfortable enough to look at directly - but her being. The kind of reaction where, as soon as I spotted her it felt like a powderkeg had replaced my internal organs and was stuck in between that instant of catching a spark and full ignition. Even now, in recollection for this otherwise meaningless exercise, I feel as if I have shifted to a different plane of existence.

>> No.1775004

For the sake of keeping things brief, both for the sake of text limit and my own soul, I'll cut to the end and say that for whatever reason she got the wrong impression of me. More specifically, she thought I was stalking her. That couldn't be further from the truth, but try as I might I couldn't salvage any part of what existed between us. More recently I saw her again - naturally her being drifting within my field of vision caused my heart to react so violently I thought it would rupture - and she said, just so I knew, that she didn't hate me. Didn't hate me? For what reason was that brought up, and out of the blue no less? As an attempt to reconcile? For her own self-satisfaction? Regardless of the intention, I had the audacity to snub her completely; to give her the same emotionless treatment that I give most people that I see throughout my day. It was because the only alternative I had was to expose the extent to which I had been wounded. I still don't know how she felt about that. I just remember that even after she left, via my peripheral vision I caught her looking at me with what I thought was a smile.

By now it seems that her existence brings me a great deal of pain. But -- no, part of me realizes how ridiculous I'm being and that given enough time I could probably get over her like I was forced to get over the only other person I truly loved. For the time being though, I've grown to get a sort of masochistic delight out of my situation. This is definitely going to be too long. I was right.

>> No.1775014

fucking bored essay procrastination due tommorrow wanna fap i love portal 2 i'm bored i wanna play my other new game it's dragon age origins also i wanna go read but i have work to do and i haven't read my comic books in a long time but i've been reading a pretty good series. my sister is home from college. her boyfriend is in london. he's cool they're great together. sorry for the lack of punctuation but that's just how i think.

amidoinitrite? yeah, you may be able to tell i have ADHD

>> No.1775015

Eh. Don't be jealous. As stunning as she is by any standards, she has problems. Ultimately, she has daddy issues. Which means she's going to leave me for her professor, who she calls "Dan". BECAUSE THATS HIS NAME GOSH. Sometimes I wish I could worry that she'd leave me.

>> No.1775016


>> No.1775029

i laid down with the girl i cant get off my mind for two hours. i couldve done more, but i didnt want to spoil the innnocence of the situation, it was so peaceful. i have no idea if she likes me though.

>> No.1775030

ADHD doesn't exist. The "disorder" is just another means to sell kids drugs. Spoilers, you're not special or mentally broken; you wanna know the real reason you can't pay attention to anything? You're stupid. Yeah, that's what ADHD used to be called.

>> No.1775034

I never am quite able to live up to my own expectations. Everything I write is just bad. It's all terrible. No matter how much I read, it's just bad. And Now i feel like I'm an either worse writer than i was before. i wrote a goddamn novel before, and yes, I know it was bloody terrible, but I did it, I finished it, and you'd think i'd improve after that experience but I didn't. I can't even write short stories. I can't write anything. And I've fucked myself over since I dropped out of college to write. I dropped out to publish novels but now if I don't I have nothing, absolutely nothing and I might as well just kill myself.

Back in higschool, i was popular, and good at things, and people thought i was going to be somebody, like I was going to go out into the world and do something substantial. And now I'm just a loser college dropout who's worshipped by hihschool students and can't do anything and can't even get a job. The world brought my hopes up and smashed them and I don't feel like I can ever recover.

My imagination's dead. My voice is gone. I can't even come up with a decent simile. I'm not creative anymore. I'm just sad and lethargic and not worth anything to anyone.

>> No.1775043

I understand what you mean but I just meant that I'm jealous because I wish I could have someone care about me like that. Like my ramblings implied, I used to, but that I feel is gone and quite honestly I miss it. Not in a "you don't know what you have until it's gone" kind of way, since I appreciated it even then, but in a serious ... I don't even know the word for it. Nostalgia doesn't seem to fit, because it wasn't all that long ago, but nothing else is coming to mind right now.

Everybody has their problems, I'm certainly not going to put myself in a place to imply that I don't, but I think one of the most underrated qualities of companionship is for somebody to understand who you are and accept all your qualities - both the good and the bad.

>> No.1775065

Are you me?

>> No.1775066


Because calling someone stupid is really constructive and will certainly help that person, you faggot. At least there is the opportunity through the diagnosis to treat people and help them to lead better lives. Go back to your edgy scientology meeting you asshat.

>> No.1775073

I really love to play videogames. I also love to read. I like to try to combine the both. Right now im reading Winter of our discontent while i play Runescape.

>> No.1775079

"constructive"? What makes you think I want to help you? How cute.
It doesn't take a scientologist to realize that if you grouped people who had ADHD with people who were just plain morons, you wouldn't be able to tell who was who.

>> No.1775085

>to treat people and help them to lead better lives
Value terms. Let's all be "happy" and "normal".

>> No.1775088

kinda hard to do that but I'll give it a go I guess OP not sure what it is you might want and anyway ishould eat somehting and my gfingers keep hitting the wrong thingk so imma get breakfast, ok?

>> No.1775093


Thus the thread descended.

>> No.1775096

Maybe someday I'll be able to play like Herbie. Damn it this album is great.. I can't believe I've only started listening to it now; it's been out for how many years? Around 40 years? 4 decades? Jesus. I'm wasting my time again on this goddamned website, I could be doing so much more with myself. Fuck it, I'm getting off after this sentence.

>> No.1775120

My eyes hurt. I've been watching a lot of TV shows. I watched 2 seasons, 49 episodes, in three days. I had a great time. Lately when I go to sleep I tell myself I've wasted my life and I smile a little. Then I wake up and repeat. Sometimes I try and get creative, but then I watch TV. Sometimes I read a book, and I love it, but then I watch TV. I also spend a lot of time on the internet. My internet tastes aren't very wide. It's just 4chan, wikipedia, youtube, demonoid and random shit I pull up when I google. Lately I've been dreaming about winning the lottery. The other day I was on a coach back from London with my dad, we weren't speaking, we never do, and I stared out the window the whole time thinking about the girl I loved and never told and left behind who never calls. I pulled up to her house in a series 1 jaguar XKR and I had sweet driving gloves and a tan trenchcoat and I looked awesome. We talked and I took her back to my expensive London apartment where we fucked and I took her to see Les Miserables. Then I flew her to Paris and she was impressed at how much I'd changed and how rich I was. I smiled a lot. Now I remember, in school, my oldest friend who I drifted away from walked pat me in the hall and said to me 'you never smile now. You always used to smile.' And that shook me so hard that I still think about it now, years and years after I last saw him, even longer since we spoke...I wish I would win the lottery. That daydream was so cool. I'm thinking about watching TV now...

I drfited off for a second there. I was thinking about how often I worry my dad will die in his sleep. I'll be the one to find the body. Just me. Sometimes, I think, that's the only reason I'm living with him. I'm just waiting. Watching TV. Daydreaming. Hoping. Waiting.

>> No.1775124

Story of my life. Hand me the cyanide pills will ya?

>> No.1775126

I need to write lyrics by tuesday. I don't really need to and I know I won't finish it by tuesday. I don't know if I'll ever finish them. I have to, have an ep to work on. I always plan on doing things and don't do them, this ep won't be one of those things, lyrics are just hard as fuck.

>> No.1775135


And now I see I forgot to erase the name field even after twice telling myself to do it. Now I feel awkward because all of you people who I don't know and never will will see me in a way I didn't intend. I lost control for a second there. I came back to address the issue. I'm taking control again. I've never had control, really, but I grab it where i can in silly little corners. Like right now. Grasping. At nothing. I audibly sighed. My electric fan is buzzing. Buzz buzz. I like the noise it makes. the drone. It keeps me company. I've written about this here before. I wonder if you remember? I wonder if you see a change? I can't plot my own character arc...although I'm sure it swoops real low. The heater just clicked off. Room temperature is maximum. In a moment I'll submit this post, reacdh down and click it back on again. Then I'll sit and listen to it while I smoe a cigaretter and I'll think of getting rich, of the girl I love who hasn't called in a year despite saying she wouldn't forget me (I asked her if she would. She said she would) then I'll think about my dad's body in bed in the morning when I find him, and I'll think of my mother being taken out of the house from that same bed whilst my dad cries and screams behind and I'll think about watching TV.

>> No.1775142

Okay, I was one of the people in that cat-fight, and I apologize.

I'll contribute more. I've already made three long entries here:

Am I the only one around who isn't depressed? Everyone I know is depressed. I hate sadness, and I hate how people accept it. My own girlfriend tells me that melancholy is "a part" of her. Hey, fuck you and fuck that and you can go fuck your fucking self. Don't ever tell me that. Is there something wrong with me that I can't understand, feel, or accept sadness? HOW - CAN - ANYONE - BE - SAD??? WHY. Don't tell me that my life has been easy. Okay, you can tell me that, but who's life has been easy? I had negligent parents, sickness, and hell - I've been a teenager. Yes, you, I know you were sexually molested as a little girl, and I know I would never tell you this to your face, but GUESS WHAT? So has everyone. Oh, that's your excuse to give up and be sad? Your father neglected you and your friends abandoned you, so there's your ticket to defeat? Do you have any idea that there are people in the world who have had their legs blown off and witnessed the only people in the world that mattered to them die helplessly? Life happens. Life if full of fantastic, marvelous and devastating things. If you're going to wake up every morning, and agree to participate in the world, and...and BE SAD ABOUT IT, then just go back to bed. You have no business here, because this is your world and you've given up the only thing you've ever had.
"Tom, don't you understand what a chemical imbalance is?" Actually, only roughly. So no, I don't understand what it is. You got me there. I guess you won. You've succeed in letting yourself fail at life.

Btw, saying a thread has gone to shit always makes the thread go to shit. Not that I'm saying that right now. This thread rules.

>> No.1775147
File: 169 KB, 500x687, tumblr_kr5sahIbYa1qzoaqio1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in an interesting place im on the precipice of my new life, the old life at the opening of the cave and the new just beyond its stony lip. between the light and the dark i find it hard to live in one. longing to step into the dark without one foot in the harsh light.

>> No.1775159

There's a difference between depression and sadness, bro, depression is scientific and medical and shit and saying they shouldn;t be sad isn't going to do a whole lot no matter how motivational you are- in fact it's not even sadness, often, it's more like an emotional blankness, although luckily I' haven't been depressed so I wouldn't know. But sadness. Eh, sadness is OK, everyone gets sad, I think ,even you probably although you sound like you're aggressively fighting it like a prizefightin' pit-bull something fighter type. Anyway you fight, that's cool, but it's like fighting time or death and someone will probably write a fairy tale about your efforts if you're lucky, I guess.

(response stream of consciousness probably doesn't count as stream of consciousness...)

>> No.1775160

Has the world always been so bleak?

>> No.1775173

I was at university for two years and I think the best time I ever had then, and ever, was in the two days I spent fucking the best friend of the girl I had just told I loved (I wanted her for over a year) after she rejected me. She was hot and dirty and I loved it. Best sex with the hottest girl ever.Plus I pissed off the girl that rejected me by fucking her best friend like straight after she rejected me. She was only visiting her for two days and I had her over mine both nights. It was awesome.

I have wasted my life though.

>> No.1775180

dry tastelessness and difficulty swallowing the kind of constriction I feel after taking a long nap. my eyelids are feeling really tight and sting my burning eyeballs when I blink. my existence for the time being seems to persist in my mouth and nasal region. probably because of my allergies. I havent showered in a few days either. my right eyefeels looser than the left. and I have this scab that will not go away. I've been scarring really easily lately.

>> No.1775186

should i fuck that tranny? I have the number right there, i'm kind of scared though, what if its a trap and theres some dudes trying to rob me, what if i get arrested, what if people find out, on the other hand it could be hot. I got that number for that other guy that says he will suck my cock, but thats even more gay, he's not even trying to be a woman, maybe i can make him dress like a woman

>> No.1775200


I don't know but I've masturbated to tranny porn about three times I think. And bisexual porn, two guys one girl. Felt shameful. I've also been watching a shit ton of incest stuff lately, and everything else bores the hell outta me. It's scary. I keep telling myself I shouldn't watch porn anymore, I;m ruining myself. I also had a black dude suck me off once and hated it and felt so ashamed plus it was after my mother died so I felt like I was desecrating her memory plus I'm 80% certain my sister abused me once when I was about five and she used to have baths with me. She is 11 years older than me. And if you're curious she's ugly. I can't even trust my own memory now.

blahblah blah

>> No.1775204

I need to get ready for this trip. I really wish I had the money to make it into europe to aimlessly hitchhike but for the time being, America will have to do. So many people have already hitch hiked across america it's all been done and seen, I should make my way into mexico or head north towards Alaska and all over Canada. I just hope I run into some interesting people along the way, I think I should bring something for protection. I need to check on Jay and Zach, they should be ready by Wednesday. We should leave sooner I want to leave sooner but I'll have to wait

>> No.1775213

Happy sunpetals look wonderful but smell even better in the sunshine. My favourite is when the sun is out and I just stand there outside watching the plants with a glass of OJ in my hand. There is nothing like the feeling of watching nature. Bewilderment of appreciation of nature I think is what they call it. I remember reading once that there are about 30 or 50 different types of happiness and that that is one of them. Makes sense to me. This month I took up the new hobby of running and on my run part of it goes throught a small park with a small pond with lots of ducks. Thats definitely the best part of the run, but I've never been alone there, there is always someone their with their dog, child or partner or maybe a few groups of people. Not surprising though its a nice little park wiht a pond in a residential area. I love life sometimes I really do, but I love humour and funniness and making people laugh and somehow happy things aren't hilarious. A unicorn says to an alien "would you abduct me?" the alien says "have you ever noticed alien is spelled similar to allen?" No I didn't notice that." Said the unicorn and they both flew away into a white hole, which is like a black hole, but much better.

>> No.1775222

do you still speak to her? why, why would she do that? wtf.

>> No.1775235


My sister? No, not really. If I see her I say hi and I'm polite, but that's it, but I'm like that anyway with everyone really. I'm not even sure if she did it, it could be like a false memory. But it's vivid...I also only really started to realise what the memory was, or even that I had it, when I was like 13 I think. I think I must have buried it deep. I don't think about it too often, but it pops up every so often.

>> No.1775237

You know what, I've admitted to at least suspecting that I have a problem with sadness. Not that I'm sad - obviously. But - agh - I can't bring myself to respect anyone's sadness for any reason. Yes, it's unsympathetic, but should I need to feel bad for them? And further, should I really respect it? The reason that I have to be careful with these things now is because of my girlfriend. If it weren't for her, I could be as I naturally am and not respect depression. But because of her I have to try to be as fair as possible, but ultimately not even for her could I feign respect. I'm just not seeing it, bro.
I also don't make excuses for fat people, btw.

>> No.1775252

Thats sad bro. I was never molested personally, I guess I was lucky that way. But I used to get beaten badly by my mom all the time, looking back I am sure it was child abuse, but hey shit happens.

>> No.1775257

They're likely invented memories. If they're from when you were younger than 5 or 6 years old it's unlikely.

>> No.1775258

that was some happy shit, kind of reminded me of those pony threads on /b/. Anyone else here despise pony threads?

>> No.1775263

I'm such a stupid little shit, I blew all my money on weed now I have no money to go visit her, I miss her so much it hurts it hurts so bad I want to cry I want to scream her name over and over but she won't hear me she's too far away. It will be one month before we can meet again I will pull myself together I'll start saving up money for the tickets, we will do something nice together, maybe punting, she'd like that, she likes flowers she thinks they are pretty I think she is pretty I'll bake her her favourite chocolate chip cookies, she likes that it makes her happy when I make things for her it makes me glad to see her happy everybody wins.

Just one more month, thirty-one days until I can see her again I'll stop being such a stupid little shit I'll save up the money I'm so sorry for disappointing you I hate that I hate myself, but you make me a better person I try to be a better person I know I don't deserve you but I love you so much I miss you so bad.

>> No.1775273

What a cool idea I think I'll watch something while I try this... if I can pay attention to the tv maybe ha. It's kind of hard but I guess I'll just let my mind wander. Multitasking at it's finest. This show is really interesting... sorry.

>> No.1775276

Seconding this. Probably, wossitcalled, confabulation.

>> No.1775280


See that's what I thought, but fuck. It's like real to me. It's fucked me up for years.


That's sad too. i was never beaten personally. My dad used to beat my older bro instead. My dad said he regretted it, probably why he was so leniant with me. My brother was a shit though, he's been on heroin for twenty years, used to steal all the family shit.

Imma let you guys get back on track anyway...

>> No.1775286

Oh wow, I sound like such a whiny faggot. I just got off the phone with my long distance girlfriend, haven't seen her in ages.

>> No.1775288

/b/ Pony threads? Yes.

/co/ Pony threads? Their just like the rest of /co/ only they move faster. No reason to hate them.

>> No.1775291

The clicking of the heels followed me as I walked down the hallway. I sighed, knowing that nothing was behind me; i'd read enough stories on 4chan and other boards to know that whatever it was probably wasn't something I wanted to look at, anyway. running down the hallway, I quickly take a right into a door and exit reality.

>> No.1775296

>It's fucked me up for years.
You want something to fuck you up for years. It's your fantasy.


>> No.1775304

if you can only get off to increasingly fucked up shit it really does work to just give it a rest for a while. i don't have any shame about gay porn but i do make an effort not to get into the habit of watching shit that seems really degrading/exploitative/sick

>> No.1775308

>positing Freudian theory as fact in 2011

>> No.1775311

The point is in it's falsification.

>> No.1775328

i wish i were actually gay instead of just loving gaysex, except i kind of don't

>> No.1775331

im not gay at all, you jelly?

>> No.1775338

its 2012 fuckwit

>> No.1775339

maybe a touch

>> No.1775343


You know I'm suddenly very tired now - very worn out from the day. I'm sleepy more than exhausted; isn't there a difference? Some days I've noticed that when I worked particularly hard, I was worn out but my brain was still awake. Right now it feels like my brain is powering down, while my body is left to flail about on its own. Though that doesn't really happen. Once you decide to go to sleep, as in your brain mentally decides "ok it's time for sleep" the rest of your body just goes with the flow. It's amazing what a different disposition I have now compared to earlier today. Just a few hours ago I'm whining about some girl that thinks I'm a creep one day and says she doesn't hate me the next, and now... it's almost as if I'm thinking on a more survival instinct level. My body needs rest so who gives a damn about some other person that probably stopped liking me anyway? I'm sure I'll think differently tomorrow once I wake up but even then, in the back of my mind, I'll know that I shouldn't ruin myself over something so nonsensical. I've told myself already I need to focus on the important things, to get done what needs to get done and all this worrying about other shit really accomplishes nothing. It's true, and if I can just keep that in mind I just might make it.

It's too early to be sleepy though. I want to go home and do something else, not go home and immediately drift off into unconsciousness. Subconsciousness.. stream of consciousness... life is a stream? My captcha looks like it says "very grandad". Very indeed.
btw my captcha really says very gandud. No idea why I keep mentioning the captcha I get for posts. Kind of an odd fascination.

>> No.1775344

Not sure if troll.

>> No.1775355

I pace a lot of times and as I do the word conceptualization keeps popping into my head. I have often wondered if my perception, my eyesight in particular, differs from that of any other being on the planet. I leave a lot of mtn dew cans by my desk and I wish my fag friend didn't break my copy of Fallout New Vegas. I'm listening to some cool bluesy music right now and in reality I like premium saltines; the savior of sick tummies everywhere. Gumdrop buttons and I wonder if you know what it means to find your dreams come true? Nick Drake. Nick Cannon, but he's a fag.

>> No.1775364

why? surely bisexual is teh best. I always thought I must be missing out on half the fun.

>> No.1775370

That is the sickest fucking monkey man smoking the dankiest shit i've ever seen. i wish I could be there with him smoking that shit and pondering about the meaning of the universe. Also stream of consciousness is a stupid literary style. As I Lay Dying was a terrible book.

>> No.1775372

reverse reverse reverse reverse revers now reverser now reverse now reverse now nerves

>> No.1775373

Motherfucker. I just wrote a long thing about how I want my girlfriend to be professionally psychoanalyzed. Long story short:

young girl:
-overbearing catholic mother
-cold and negligent father who only wanted her to be a housewife since the day she was born
-sexually molested by a woman at ages 5-7
grows up to be:
-bisexual, the need to dominate women, as well as to dominate men to some extent (has asked to peg me)
-dreams about being fucked by her middle-aged professor
-obsesses about weakness and exaggerates handicaps
-the need to be strong and non-submissive
-sexually masochistic

>> No.1775375

i'm not that attracted to women sexually but i'm almost not at all attracted to men romantically so it's all kind of out of whack. being straight-up half and half ambisexual would be awesome.

>> No.1775386

niggernigga. op is a nigger that tripcodes are for jerks guy moot is faggot at least he advocates anonimity on htis fucking thing wow my final project is due soon I should work on it captcha is 723 and a fake word fuck captcha well I guess it reduced the spam to almost nothing so whatever well I guess I'll submit.

>> No.1775387

>-sexually molested by a woman at ages 5-7 grows up to be:
>-bisexual, the need to dominate women and men
>-sexually masochistic

can you explain how this shit happens? I've always wondered how being abused makes someone a masochist. In fact I always wondered what makes a masochist. My fetish for huge boobs is obvious and boring so these things always made me erally wonder,

>> No.1775395

>i'm not that attracted to women sexually but i'm almost not at all attracted to men romantically

is this because of society telling you you should date a woman?

>> No.1775396

i don't think there's necessarily a cause-and-effect relationship. there are plenty of people who were never abused as children who still grew up to be huge sex freaks

>> No.1775406

I hate you and you hate me and we are all one big fucking family. You fuck me and I fuck you, and the dog licks your camel toe. Your mother was a cunt, and I am too, you're just a bitch, but I love you. Make love to me, make love to me.
Philosophy makes me hungry, but so does a steak.

>> No.1775408

yeah, i know, i know. but i've definitely given it the ol college try so if it is just a matter of repression, it is such a deep-seated case that i dunno how i'd go about fixing it

>> No.1775409

I don't know and that's what it's so fucking amazing.
She says she hated having been so vulnerable, helpless and exploited, yet to this day she has the need to feel like she's broken, and begs me to hurt her during sex, to squeeze her throat until she's about to pass out. I could probably rape this girl, and she'd love it. FUCKED - UP - SHIT. She also wants me to fuck her in the ass, which as a bit of a sadist I've always relished as being comparable to rape.
She was also addicted to masturbation from ages 5 - 13

>i was 5 years old when i was raped and it ruined my life
>rape me

>> No.1775417

>I could probably rape this girl, and she'd love it.

man I don't know about that. She's having you do all this fucked-up shit, but she's giving you permission to do it, telling you to do it. Actual rape is still different from asking your boyfriend to choke you.

>> No.1775430
File: 4 KB, 200x111, videogaga-852689737-1300124342_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you said she liked to dominate? Isnt that the opposite of masochism?

>mfw I dont know shit about this stuff

>> No.1775461

niggabus niggabus who likes dis i do when the wind in the willows eats the first train which passes by my grandma will spill blood on the foot of the new messiah, bringing about the holy day of wrath clanging clanging on the pots of old while strombamous spills semen into the world ocean once i was a lily caterpiller ant and was very cold. Pudding is a mystical capillary, whats going on, yo?

>> No.1775485

Hey OP who the fuck did this picture? its badass

>> No.1775519

I want to tear out everything inside me and replace all the parts with something new, my insides feel like their dirty and i have a wierd sensation in my right ear as though there is something soft jammed into itand i cant stop clicking my jaw to get it to stop. my face feels like i rubbed a piece of pizza on it but i just washed it an hour ago and i dont have bad acne at all, i am a physical mess all of the timebut i run and eat well, but it wont go away and its like torture, obviously its all i can thin k about tright now

>> No.1775522

sometimes i want to cut off my dick

>> No.1775545

stream of consciousnesss is an interesting concept but i don't really get how it might be considered effective its just going on an on athere's not really any diretion, but people still think there's some way you can derive meaning out of infodumping. i guess there's some legitimacy to that but thinking itsn't really as linaer as constant typing suggests but anyways i guess that's all i really wanted to type about even thugh i'm thinking about other stuff like what's on tv and what i'm going to eat in a little beit. i think i'm goning to make some pasta even though its almost 10 here.

>> No.1775573


I often thought about how having no sex drive, but then I am pretty sure that would destroy a lot of my ambition. All the people that work their butts off before they have a family, indirectly do it for sex right?

>> No.1775579

It gets to the point where I have no clue what I'm doing. I guess I need people to accept me because I geniunely don't like myself and need something. I really don't like doing drugs as much as my friends, except maybe for ecstasy. I think i like that even more than them, because the sudden blast of happiness that just radiates from me is well worth the days of depression following. maybe that's how I'm gonna go out.

>> No.1775586

Fuck. Im in love. shitdamnballsniggerfuck. What the hell am i going to do i guess ill call her tomorrow and well get together she probably doesnt even like me anymore well see how things go. if they dont work out there is always her fat friend.

op is a fag

>> No.1775589

>I really don't like doing drugs as much as my friends
then dont do them

>> No.1775598

So this guy just comes and asks to write anything. I could write anything now but that would come out very confuse. I try not to erase what I already wrote, but I find myself disagreeing with what I just may have said, what makes a non-looking-back write hard. From now on, no more erases.

It's so stupid to be in the situation I am now, just because I don't know what it is. Maybe it's my age, maybe it's the circumstances, maybe it's the weatherl; it doesn't really matter. Then when I lay down to rest and finally sleep it'll all go away, and I'll feel secure and empty-minded for a while, which may not last long. I hope it'll be cloudy tomorrow.

>> No.1775612

I find it difficult to put my thoughts into words on these things. It's like I don't think in words but in IDEAS themselves, and translating them into words is annoying. Maybe I'm just stupid.

My eyes hurt. I probably shouldn't have been playing xbox and reading on my computer all day. I should have written that essay instead, but frankly, what's the point? I get a slightly better grade in English. Is that worth the leisure time I lose? I doubt it. I had a good time playing gears of war, and that's good enough for me. If I want to be a programmer I should probably learn to type properly instead of using only my index and middle fingers... but it's so slow!

I wish she'd text me. I always text her. Women. If I was to insert every time I thought this into this paragraph it would be chock full of the same words over and over again.

How do virtual particles work, anyway? If a particle - antiparticle pair is formed then you still have a net increase in mass/energy, which violates physics. I wish I understood quantum mechanics.

>> No.1775621

I don't know why but I always think of pumpkins. Not because I like them, they don't taste good to me. And there's also Smashing Pumpkins, I like them, but they're not that good by now, Billy Corgan could just re-release the old and gold stuff and forget about doing all of those good things in a new way, why can't he give up? I mean, it's weird. I enjoyed Zeitgeist but it was not the best. And he's the only former member for what I remember, and that feels so stupid. And now he comes and shits Pavement... Pavement is not good as it was either, but if those are two bands who shouldn't point their fingers at each other. Pavemente remembers me Cake and Pixies and I don't really know why, I think it's because I started listening to all of those at the same month.

You know, I should have read more today. While I was reading everything was nice, and also that tree was so beautiful and nice, I could just sit around there all day long... But I had to come home, as always. Home feels weird. It's not that warm nest it once was. Maybe it's just I'm growing up; but, again? Back do pumpkins.

Really, I don't know why I don't enjoy eating pumpkins. They are cool, they look nice. Maybe I spend too much time enjoying the things that are related to this, as color, music, a scary face on Halloween, its size... Stupid things to think of. Oh, look, my pick! Amazing, I found it! I better keep it in a safe place before I forget where I left it again. It's such a small object. It can get lost pretty much everywhere.

I can't really remember how many picks I've had. But I think I bought a lot of them, what isn't really a bad thing once it's really cheap.

Why do I always come back to pumpkins? I just can't get it. Maybe it's because I started talking about it. So, back to pumpkins.

>> No.1775634

Is it okay to be transsexual but afraid of losing your dick? Shit, what you get if you let one of those doctors near it must hurt like a bitch and just thinking about how it heals up if you aren't careful creeps me the fuck out. I guess I could still be called a girl if I had everything but the vag. Fuck I need to sort my life out, I can't see the floor for the clutter and I need to see my tutor about the university I've missed. I wonder if she'll buy into the depression thing. I hate you dad, but not for going to china. I hate you for telling her you never loved her.

>> No.1775635

"stop eating my shit"
"sorry, brah."

>> No.1775636

I've been really wanting a wine cooler or a Mike's hard lemonade, and I dont know why. I've never had one before. The world tells me I am a pussy if i drink a mike's hard instead of a bud or whiskey.

I want to get back to my book but 4chan compels me to stay

I can't wait for the hobbit to come out

tv summer why did the Red Wings lose? AC was on two days ago, furnace on today

>> No.1775637

Why are things like this happening... everywhere? i'm in a computer lab right now and 8/10 are checking facebook.

Not that i'm doing any better.

>> No.1775665

i thought i saw it before... i thought i had caught a glimpse of it... but i was wrong. i know that now because today i saw it and it was incredible. i saw it and my mind filled with a feeling of ecstasy and joy of unrivaled amount.

but now i am left with nothing but sadness because i know i will never see it again.

>> No.1775676

I love him.

Sometimes I caught myself muttering this kind of things. I've already heard myself saying "come back soon", "I miss you", and all this sort of things. Why? I don't really think I'm so in love with him. Actually I can't believe I am actually in love with him. It's just... It'll pass soon. Something else will happen and I'll realize that those things I'm always muttering are just what I thought they were: nothing.

But I can't deny my body's thoughts. I can't deny I do feel like throwing up everytime I know he's around. I just can't. I can't pretend I haven't noticed the way my heart beats when around him. I can't ignore those butterflies. I can't lie to myself and say I didn't think he was the most wonderful person in the world when he was reading and the sun was in his back. His hair has such a beautiful colour... If I close my eyes for a second I can recall his cigarette smell and funny laughter. I smile just to think of the way he blinks at me. I can feel my pulse getting low and my body going warm just to bring him to my memory. And then I won't be able to be around him the way I feel like I should. But then again his voice comes back and I remember how he told me about his childhood. Oh, you're still a child -- not in age --, a mature and grown child. You are as charming as that little boy I saw through the woods today. No, you're more charming. Then I hear again that stupid mutter: I love you.

But I don't, actually. It's going to pass soon. I hope so.

The worst thing is to know all I just wrote is true.

>> No.1775679


I've got two lyrics of my lyrics written. Two lines, I mean. Getting shit done. Two lines doesn't sound like much, but it is much. These lines are standalone, set up the topic for the other 3 stanzas. 4 lines per stanza. I'm glad I've got this much.

Graduating this year. I want to do better than my class, and the class that I was part of a while ago. This ep, which started from genuine love of music, is now a way for me to prove that I'm capable of something. The love of music is still there, I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't love music. Something the rest of the graduating class isn't. I mean, I'm not extraordinary, it's my first couple of songs, but it's more than almost every person graduating with me can do in terms of music. We do have a pretty pro rapper in our class, but I never felt like I was competing with him. I'm competing against the people I don't like, or people who I think other think is better than me. I want to prove that they're not. It's not an obsession or anything, but I don't think it's a positive force in my life to feel competitive.

>> No.1775681

"Here we go," I said as I jumped off the cliff. Oh shit, I think I forgot to turn in that paper last Thursday. "Mr. Graham if you're there, please go pick it up at my house, I think I left it on the couch." "No can do, son, it's already Saturday." "But I swear to God I'm falling to my death here, and the report is on the couch. I'm sorry it's late, but can I still graduate?" "I'll have to give you an incomplete." "SHIIIIT"

>> No.1775687

I couldn't keep picking up sticks for him. Not in this context. The rain was too heavy, the sticks softening on his lawn. It was nightmarish. A prelude to lawn-mowing. But he liked it long, so he said, long long grass. And now mower, not on the premises. So it was yard clearing. And I was stuck. No reason to question a man of his years. A kindness turned sour, I thought.

I hated slugs. That was the problem. Otherwise we'd have been fine. The arrangement wouldn't have led any further.

>> No.1775695

most of the shit in this thread is more interesting, dynamic, explosive, vulnerable, and heartfelt than half the things you people write when you're "trying" to write something.

something to think about.

>> No.1775702

i don't give a fuc about anything i want god to kill me satan is real is satan cool gay satan 666 dick cheney is a bitch four heart attacks i hope he die on the fifth don't make me get the toys out dj nate regard regard regard i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die the track genius anyway think about it what's the best way to kill yourself

>> No.1775703
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BARUNGA! Let me help the whore with her baggage. Maybe then we'll have lots of fun with cabbage and forks. "Let this help our holy master with his fallen breakfast toast because he really neeeds his toast. He's hungry, and if he doesn't get his toast, the world burns. The world is toast ^_^!", I said. So I helped the prostitute with her baggage. She liked it a lot and pulled out her hard fucking cock. I was in Thailand, so I guess I should have expected her to be a ladyboy. I didn't mind, though. Ladyboys are so much less intimidating than real women. And they have nice, small cocks that you can grab onto any time you want. We fucked and I sent her on her way. She was beautiful. I miss her still, today.

>> No.1775715


You're so right.

>> No.1775721

Good god, I said. God damn. It took time 14 fucking hours just to making this fucking sandwich - and it tasted like shit. And they said it would be progress to let women into the workforce. Progress my ass. I swear, last weekend I went down to the shop n save at the end of my street - and guess who was working the fucking register. A FUCKING WOMAN. It took her six minutes just to figure out how to fucking scan the bar code right. I waited in line 3 people long for about 25 minutes. And guess what I did when I showed to the register? I fucking pissed on the fucking counter and then right into the dumb bitches face. And guess what? She was so fucking stupid she didn't even turn away as I was pissing on her, just standing there with her jaw slightly dis hanged in a stupid gaze. Bitches and whores, man, bitches and whores.

>> No.1775757

i just want you to be happy god my hair is a mess and i'm alone in this house with only weird angle abstract paintings for company you're so depressed and depressing i wonder how he thinks maybe i should move in with her, nobody noticed me untill now i might as well have
i don't want to live there, in a house with a flat roof and elevator and no one around PARTY HARD
i don't care how safe it would be if a zombie apocalypse ever happened, cramps

>> No.1775758

What's the point of a stream of thoughts, if a stream is really a river.
What's the point of thoughts, if a point is just something that hurts most of the time.
What's the matter with thoughts that hurt most of the time.
What's the matter.

>> No.1775776

I don't think of myself as the particularly smartest person I know, nor as the best at really anything. And yet somehow I'm convinced that a good portion of the rest of the world just somehow doesn't get it. They're just clueless. Especially on 4chan, everyone here is pretty much retarded, but that's not really a surprise to anyone. I just wonder how people can get so bent out of shape out of things that are so trivial, and let it define them. I'm just easygoing and stoic about most things, and I'm only 27. I've just accepted that life is what it is, it's ridiculous and silly and hilarious and enraging and all those other things, and thats what makes it worth it. Anyone who gives up on life or limits themselves to cut out parts of it - they're missing out on the best part of reality, which is that perception comes in stages and there are lots and lots of it.

What is wrong with you people? Chill out, have fun, and enjoy life for what it is. Remember that everything, EVERYTHING balances in the end, it all comes out to averages. Your experience on earth will, on average, be just like everyone else's in the end, and that you aren't particularly special, unique, powerful, or great - you're just human. Like the people around you.

>> No.1775795
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The day finished and there's still dust on my leather shoes, I'd imagine from the dirty hills layered across our personal back marsh bay. When we were deciding paths, there wasn't a hesitation between the group - she'd smile and bite that diamond pierce tipping just on the edge of her lip to make sure the situation was awkward, while he, rapist-beard completely intact, laughed, horribly stabbing out his hands to try and grope the blond beauty. What the hell, we've got to go somewhere, I've never been here! with only more giggles from the two. I honestly was unsure why I have taken the invitation to drag myself along. Over our connected call, neither sounded so willing to sexually molest one another on eye contact; anyone would understand that at the time, a walk on the bay, traversing brush in nice clothing for the first woman in a long time, sounded like heaven. Of course, no that couldn't be - the sticky plant wires still rung clipped to random pinholes throughout my work pants from all the jumps I landed, most of them to tumble int stinging, dirt laden bushels where they'd, so delicately, strut across with those interlocked hands and smiles only to laugh at my daredevil works.

Frolicking down our destined path, the end was inevitable.

>> No.1775807

if even our bodies can be reduced down to nothing but energy where is the line between me and the rest of the universe? what are my thoughts made of?

compounds, atoms, subatomic particles, energy

what made energy? where did it come from?

are my thoughts energy?

I am just a complex matrix of highly organized energy? and that's what you are? and that is what everything inbetween me and you is?

energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changes form? does that mean I cant die?

if its all energy than where are the boundaries?

>> No.1775860

I told you that song opened with an up beat. Damn i rule.

>> No.1775879

could I be dreaming, there is no random thought, we can all be intwined in rushing whrilwind of confusion or dislillusion, i don't creamitize the intellectual stability of this forums rude behaviors and jarred phiolosophies, i reconcile with it in my solitude, occasionalyy. the decision to become insolvably perpelexed by the internets companty was a act which i do no t yet regeret or see as pointless, tis i have been on this interesting website for an ohour, but it seems ive wasted some time, browsing throguh innumberable threads which are osoloey based on nothingleennesss, i cooccastiinonsly enjoy thtat sentimate, that this time is void of "real" meaning, twaht is wreal? nan idea, an set and standardized opinion which gathers no real attention in comntempary livfestyle, I don't questionh that, but what odo I question, myself? who am i and what anm i doing here, what is here? the gateway to interaction with whom? i may be communicating with myself, i can not obvserve the "ptje other:" communicators, i haven no reason to beliveve they are real, or real concepts, this forum has not be ebeen spoken about in my "raeal" conversations with "real" peiople, I don't even know if it exists. i assume and unquestionable iengage with this memory i had of oit from earlier days, but I'm heere now, that's all that mttatters. i'm sitting in a chair.

>> No.1775887

Maybe I just use this name to try and convince myself that I'm smart. And maybe I try and act smart. I know I'm not, but maybe it's a subconscious thing. Maybe I think people on the internet care about me, when I know they don't.

At what point does knowing diverge from thinking something? I can think that 2+2=4, but do I KNOW it? I don't know. I may think I know but maybe I'm just thinking that I think I know.

>> No.1775900

1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to he1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven 1234567 all good children go to heaven

>> No.1775901

I didn't expect to stumple upon this thread when I did. Is it coincidence that I'm here? Is there something more to this random meeting? There must be a reason I found this thread. I've never been to /lit/, but now that I'm here, I'm thinking that this may have been meant to be. What am I supposed to find here? There is nothing of value in this thread. Nothing worthwhile to me, yet. Could there be something in here I must wait for? An answer to my questions? Is there something here that I may find useful in the future? A warning? What could it be, and how will I know?

>> No.1775902

saturn's children

>> No.1775905

And when it all fell, the chips dealt and the cards tossed into the pot there was nothing left to lose. The spirit was long gone from tireless draughts of meaningless sleep and the body was weary with prayer of a thousand things never owned.

>> No.1775913

If I live a more wholesome and moral life than most Christians in history, why am I doomed to hell for not performing my actions in the name of the Christian God, while they ascend to heaven according to their faith? This is the main reason I'm smoking out religion and chasing it down. I'm tired of the theistic life. Although, this doesn't mean I'm against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam specifically. Those religions (especially Judaism) have brought about some great rules and guidelines about how to live a moral life.

>> No.1775917

The monkey sat upon the rock smoking its web pipe. It lowered the pipe when the horse trotted down its way.
"The beast in eternal disagreement," said the monkey. "How can I help you out today?"
The horse grinned and denied the assumption. "Nay. I wish for naught from you. I may be a beast of disagreement but you are a beast cursed with assuming everything revolves around you. I come for the sights of the night sky, not a gift from your preposterous brain."

"Sit and smoke then!" snapped the monkey. It turned to collect an extra pipe and a pile of bone meal. He opened his palm, in which a flame burned gently in the center. He sprinkled in the bone meal in and closed his palm. The light of the flames were consumed by a hairy, clenched fist. The monkey opened it. The bone meal now glittered, sparks of gold flashing amongst the gray, forcing the horse to squint.
"A smoke for you."
"And of my mane?"
"If you were to burn it, you would not regret it. This smoke is a very good smoke."
"Nay. I deny that already. But I shall try regardless."
The monkey held the pipe until the horse could comfortably settle it into his mouth. They stared upwards toward the night sky, wondering if above them was simply bone meal that glittered as well.
"I hate you, horse." said the monkey. "But I adore the nighttime sky."
"I hate you as well, monkey. But I also adore the nighttime sky."
"Perhaps I like you a bit more than I did before. We have some things in common. Is the smoke good?"
"You know I cannot admit that."
"But by not doing so, you do."
"And you talk more to yourself than others."
"Indeed. Back to the sky then?"

>> No.1775923

Not stream of consciousness but I needed to write something anyway.

>> No.1775929

I feel the urge to find a picture of a monkey on a horse and shoop pipes into their mouths and Teal'c's gold head brand onto the horse.

>> No.1775930

I didn't expect this coming month to hit me or exult the spirit I had left. So far the weekend has been what i have always been attached too while i yet fear the future of the next month. I tell my self false messages that give me hope but are they real? Should it matter if everything i believe in his fake? I have been happy with my belief and that is all that matters.

>> No.1775938
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>the horse said "nay"

>> No.1775944

I left that dark engulfing tower which I so longed for. The days of running for it, the days of always gazing at it I finally see it for what it is. It never gave me anything yet it still talked to me. I tried and do it favors and I yet fail to see the truth. My mind has been focused on temporary things which can only be accepted through another human. I have know glory in what I can do or what i want to do. Life has yet to impress me and to stop me. Should living in this city count as life or more as a factory. this is pretty fun

>> No.1775960
File: 491 KB, 1053x1500, The-Big-Lebowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse, I don't wait, don't make me wait. It will only upset me. Why did you make me wait. Now I'm upset. I'm upset because I'm scared, you scare me, I scare me, I'm afraid of what I do not know, what is waiting for me, what I am going to miss. I waited for you. And then You waited for me. We both waited, we both disappointed. Forgive me for being oblivious to your thoughts, your emotions; I do not know what I am doing. You may suggest something, I will only turn it down, don't bother, I am too Jaded. If only I could groan without scrutiny, express without judgment. Even here, I am judged with no witnesses to judge. I look back, I feel foolish. Why did I do that? Why do you still accept me? I should not be accepted, I have been too foolish.

well, I didn't even proofread that shit and I was hardly aware of what the fuck i was typing, but kinda felt good.

not sure if i even want to read it though

inb4 doingitwrong

>> No.1775972

Through the window is visible a foggy landscape, rolling hills and misty tree tops. A few spots along the hillside are lit by what look like bonfires, smoky tendrils reaching up into the heavens. Suddenly, among the mists there is movement. The darkness outside the firelight is populated by moving shapes which are mercifully indistinct, though they slip along the trees towards the light. One by one, the glimpses of fire disappear into nothingness.

>> No.1775979


In a medium bowl, mix together cookie crumbs, 3 tablespoons sugar, and melted butter. Press mixture into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan.
In a saucepan, combine raspberries, 2 tablespoons sugar, cornstarch, and water. Bring to boil, and continue boiling 5 minutes, or until sauce is thick. Strain sauce through a mesh strainer to remove seeds.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). In a metal bowl over a pan of simmering water, melt white chocolate chips with half-and-half, stirring occasionally until smooth.
In a large bowl, mix together cream cheese and 1/2 cup sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs one at a time. Blend in vanilla and melted white chocolate. Pour half of batter over crust. Spoon 3 tablespoons raspberry sauce over batter. Pour remaining cheesecake batter into pan, and again spoon 3 tablespoons raspberry sauce over the top. Swirl batter with the tip of a knife to create a marbled effect.
Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until filling is set. Cool, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 8 hours before removing from pan. Serve with remaining raspberry sauce.

archadyn xv1,

>> No.1775988

Dream the thunder dream. Scarlet lights in paper swaddling illuminating the thunder dream that knows no tomorrows. The thunder dream's distinct from iron dreams and no one who has dreamed one could say differently. In the iron dreams the fields of white white grass part silently and to the left and right alike, and beneath there is only cold black ground that reflects the blistered sky. And in the summer of the thunder dreams is neither sky nor earth, only the thunder and the clouds, not high above but encircling and deafening with the light of the heavens.

>> No.1775995

Bumpmode is on. Not knocking you, you've got some great bass. The sound systems of Sri Lanka play your Sonic and Knuckles remixes 24/7. Lots of bass, lots of treble. Those overclocked bastards at ocremix.org have done it again this time with their latest remix. This Mario RPG track's treble needs some tweaking. Getting jiggy with it? More like getting Shiggy with it. Shigeru Miyamoto. Take some E at the Overclocked Rave, meet an overclocked babe, wear an overclocked condom and make out to the pulsating rhythms of Ninja Gaiden. The top sound systems in Sri Lanka pumping these overclocked creations around the clock, 24/7. ocremix.org. Now that's what I'm talking about. Juke box plays Chrono Trigger remixes for days on end, Schala lives on in us, the beat will not stop, the pounding will not stop, Akira Torayama on a motorcycle with drugs in his pocket. I consider myself a modern day bard when it comes to video game remixes. Bwahahaha, off the chain? Maybe. But my membranes are entirely sane regarding remixes. Villagers and peasants indoctrinated in remixes. They never even played the games. They're in the forest listening to that overclocked bass. Truly getting jiggy with it, in the words of Shigeru Miyamoto, president of Bose and Sony. DJ Gout_Link69 spins vinyl like a professional.

>> No.1775997

His uncle works at Nintendo and sends him the latest tips and tricks. He knows how to maximize his bass performance thanks to new codes and VSTs that amplify soundwaves. We've heard more epic remixes of Taz Mania 2: Tornado no Genocide from http://www.bugdicks.com.. Yeah, I went there. DJ zelda_afterbirth cranked the bass all summer long 2009. We heard sound effects from games, Mario 64, Shigeru Miyamoto. It was a Bose sound system during ethnic strife. I saw a man get killed on a Bose stereo. He was getting jiggy to a Sonic remix. I inspected the soundwaves and saw a picture of Sonic. I can has overclocked remix? Now that's what I'm talking about. Link, Zelda, Ganondorf. The gang's all hear in high def 64-bit clarity. He put a bayonet to my throat. It was all I could do to crank the bass and treble. He danced throughout the night. I heard the bass miles away in a village that was burning. Last I heard, he was shot in the back of the head. Mario 64 remix played at his funeral and his death. He thinks he can remix Super Meat Boy, but it turned out more like Super Bullshit Boy. You all know what I mean. No bass, no treble. He was laughed out of the remix club like it was the Watergate Scandal. It was remix bullshit and we all know it. If you can't crank the treble then get the hell out of ocremix.org. You don't belong. Basshunter was the first overclocked remixer who maximized Mario remixes. DJ prostate can't flip the vinyl. We listened to his tracks in northern Sri Lanka during ethnic unrest. It was the only thing that could calm the soldiers.

>> No.1776011

the peril of the /b/
little children nude and people hanging from trees
he taunted and gloated about anonymity
laughed at the hurt wicked and weak
but his obscurities, he could not hide on the street
He sat in his homes and planned revenge
for those who had wronged him, again and again
he put on a mask and sharpened his blade
snuck into the homes, of those that he preyed
killed little children and father alike
drove into their skulls a long metal spike
took pictures of all his distastful acts
but social skills is not all that he lacked
the ability to be aroused without gore
so he unzipped his pants and called her a whore
raped her then killed her and drank her blood
so think about this before you do drugs
Meth, not even once.

>> No.1776012

i've been farting really bad all god damn day. i think it's that cabbage. earlier i went to pee, and i smelled a fart. i thought it shit my pants. luckily, it was just the toilet. i think whoever used the toilet before me destroyed it. it's weird, because both me and the other person had really bad gas today. my brother in law told me cabbage gives you bad gas. i laughed and ate a fuck load anyways.

>> No.1776024

dick fock

>> No.1776034

I'm trying to have a go at a girl I'm not intellectually interested in. I don't even like her that much-- she just reminds me of a cuter, smaller, girlier and more moronic me. That's not self-aggrandizing, I know she's dumber. It is narcissistic though. To put it in a cliche, I just want her both because I can't have her and because I like the idea of her, not her. At the same time, one of her male-faced friends wants to hook up with me. Ignoring her annoys me.

I wish I was asexual. My manufactured, small-time drama is boring even to me. I just want to leave this fucking town. I don't get how people can spend their entire lives in some backwards less-than-a-million-people town. I wouldn't consider living anywhere with less than ten million.

This is pretty much just what is commonly, obnoxiously termed as a first world problem, trivial matters that expand all over your problem threshold because you got nothing better to complain about. It's two AM and I'm playing with an x-acto knife in the dark while playing chiptunes. No, I'm not a cutter, I cut stencils. No fuck you, I'm not a graffiti retard either, I just like to make my own shirts.

See? I knew this was a bad idea, it developed into gratuitous typing of information purely to satisfy my masturbatory impulses on writing.

Yes, narcissism is kind of a thing with me.

>> No.1776071

You are a cunt.

>> No.1776090

why is this song so loud and the tunes are rolling them around in my head it is very repetitive and my fingers are loud on the keys tap tap tap it's a rhythm there goes the song again

This was fun.

>> No.1776161

Another day made of chocolate and beer, another worthless, meaningless, regardless of what I should and could do is writing because I didn't learn anything sensible, edible, horrible choices I've made in my life – STOP! – This could have become a Gatsby story, me making the perfect book, becoming so important you couldn't avoid me, an interview maybe, we both getting paid for a long conversation, unintelligible for strangers – STOP – The part of me who wants to be loved (to be understood) is not a person I'd like to get stuck in an elevator with. Are there people I'd like to get – to get stuck – STOP.

>> No.1776169

fuck you nigger nigger
I hate all you niggers I fucking hate everyone I want to fucking beat up cars with bats and fucking piss on mailboxes and fucking mug every slut whore hooker and japanese skinny cunt fuck slut bitch
and I wanna pickpocket all the niggas with a 10 inch knife stuck at their face they move I serrate their fucking nigga neck off bitch

>> No.1776171

I know. I don't really mind.

>> No.1776181

No amount of bennies will bring me there. Not port wine. I want to see the lightning bugs, but, all the same, I want to go, go, go. I thought it was the coolest, but it's become the unfeasible. It's not loneliness, just reality. Debt, not care free. I'd prefer that lot, dying early with the mother and a few fat cats. Not the case. Too many fences. Where would be the adventure?

>> No.1776658

bump, good stuff.

>> No.1776662

for forty years i held a token of appreciation that never stood in the way. today i stood in its way and let it rush over my sand where the men in hats took off their moustaches and said 'fucking a'

>> No.1776667

I don't want to leave my room because if I go downstairs, I get to see that my room mate and his girlfriend are in the exact same places; watching worthless internet videos on their laptops, which are constantly on and wasting electricity. Yesterday, they texted me at 4:30 to bring home toilet paper when I got done work at 10:00, despite the fact they had nothing to do all day and the store is a 30 second drive/10 minute walk down the road.

If I could kill them, I would.

>> No.1776679

theres a place for interviews long distance runners my back is vows game of thrones new ep lol i hate stream of consiousness joyce should burn in hell

>> No.1776725

Will spiritualitry be my source of happiness? Will it and the things that it brings, and the things associated with it, be that 'key' I've been looking for to finally escape these negative patterns that seem to direct my life. It takes work, it takes time, but I truly believe that it might save me and bring about a better future for me. Cynicism has no place in me anymore, not when it prevents me from functioning properly, from being even moderately happy. A matter of perspective, it will remain.

>> No.1776728
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I think that the thing is that i can not do this kind of thing i do no t know how i will do this i do no things that i can seriously do i do no t know that i can see this i can do this i can do this i can see i can


>> No.1776795

My ears, they beep, they ache. The doctor said it would be over after a week if I used the medication, she was wrong. Gotta go back, I'm going to call the doctor next morning. It was kinda funny how not being able to shit distracted me from my withdrawn eardrums the last few days. Oh, I want to be healthy again.

>> No.1776815

Bleeding musical notes from her vagina in a very egregious manner, waking up the whole village without feeling sympathy for those people she wakes who have to get up early the next morning.

>> No.1776828

u have aids bro.

>> No.1776847

I don't think so Tim. I never had full sex and the mosquito season has not star-... Now that I think of it, i was bitten by a bug in Istanbul... Damn!

>> No.1776855

>i was bitten by a bug in Istanbul... Damn!
What a poetic way to describe intravenous drug use.

>> No.1776858

horselover fat is that you? wtf are you doing on /lit/?