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17747240 No.17747240 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to people like me who have been disillusioned out of false hopes but haven't been sold on christianity? Hanging out in tradcath and spergler threads and picking up your book suggestions has ruined me. So far I've been made to lose hope in:
>any salvation coming for us out of technological progress and its false promises for a happy life in mere comfort
>any salvation coming for us out of scientific advancement that will bestow us with some great knowledge and supposedly wane away our existential dreads and fear of the future or death
>any salvation coming for us out of political """progress""" that will mould a perfect society of endless opportunities and have us singing kumbaya in the starlight
>any salvation coming for us out of X or Y economic theory that'll provide us with abundant material possessions and drown out our spiritual needs
>any other hopeless materialist outlook peddled by bugmen on twitter/reddit/instagram story
What's left for me then? Do I have to embrace a meme like Camus or Sartre's existentialism and call it a day? Do I keep looking? If so, where outside of christianity?

>> No.17747256

Stop using /lit/ as a life guide

>> No.17747434

Western esotericism? Either that or go eastern

>> No.17747466

Just read some Christian books and then decide. It's not that complicated.

>> No.17747482

they go to hell

>> No.17747523

Esotericism is a fucking dead end
t. was lucky enough to realize it was bullshit after getting really deep into it

>> No.17747531

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.17747536

How is it a dead end?

>> No.17747561

>Hanging out in tradcath and spergler threads
It was already over for you before it even began

>> No.17747582

It leads nowhere. You chase these mystical states that, in the end, amount to nothing more than a rewiring of your subjective experience with no deeper implications, though of course it will appear as though there are deep implications because you'll have trained yourself to believe so.
Any promise of absolute truth or of some kind of transcendental "attainment" is a meme. Just as much as the people who think DMT showed them the truth of the universe. It's easy to convince yourself you've peeked behind the veil when in fact you just fall prey to your confirmation bias and wishful thinking.
Of course if some esotericists read this they'll spaz out and say I haven't actually attained those states or that I missed the point or whatever because there's always a good excuse with these people, if you realize they have nothing to offer than you just haven't gotten deep enough into the bullshit.
You won't find truth in metaphysics and especially not in esotericism.

>> No.17747704

ok hylic

>> No.17747705

spengler is an atheist

>> No.17747713

How do you know your "unaltered" states are the truth?

>> No.17747741
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Dont OP- I mean do, but its a waste of time for the most part. He was a seething fool for 80% of it and 20% is ancient ideas repackaged.

Your individual salvation is just the beginning. The point is to get yourself to a point where helping others is the journey and the destination all in itself. Organised religion is for the most part bollocks, but the idea of God's oneness is the most powerful belief I've come across and ever held and the one that's been the most uplifting to me. Xtianity seems like a giant roman deception designed to trick people into worshipping idols and glorifying man.

If you are willing (i.e. not an foolish anti semite) I highly recommend mussar works like Duties of the Heart.

>> No.17747752

I don't. So?
You people are so predictable it hurts me to think I used to be like this.

>> No.17747777

t. has never read Nietzsche
The only waste of time is your mystical garbage

>> No.17747792

>(((You people))) are so predictable it hurts me to think I used to be like this.
uhm... what are you implying anon?

>> No.17747857

Chasing mystical states isn't really the point of western esotericism though. That's more the aim of druggies, "psychonauts" and people purely into astral projection and shit like that. The main tradition is about alchemy, self-transformation.

>> No.17747880

The esotericist is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him his "truth" is self-delusion, and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out."

>> No.17747916

I've read the BOfT; H,ATH; BG&E; TSZ; parts of GofM and ToftheI.

He is a sad, seething fool and a wanna-be anti nihilist.

>> No.17747928

This is misleading. The experience of altered states is seen as a catalyst for transformation, but this transformation, in all traditions where it is relevant enough to be given a name (henosis, nirvana, moksha, kevala, etc) is the promise of a state "beyond" humanity, that will bestow the practicioner with a transcendental truth he would never have found otherwise. I think this is pure delusion.

>> No.17747933

> tell him his "truth" is self-delusion
All truth is self delusional. Humans cannot know the truth, we can only have beliefs about it. Epistemology 101. Only God knows the truth

>> No.17747947

>All truth is self delusional. Humans cannot know the truth, we can only have beliefs about it. Epistemology 101. Only God knows the truth
At least this is what I believe.

>> No.17747957

>All truth is self delusional.
Yes. I am denouncing esotericism's tendency to present truth as absolute and to try to monopolize the means to its attainment on top of that.

>> No.17747965

I see you feel quite strongly about Nietzsche, but how about making an argument?

>> No.17747970
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Hermeticism until one or the other regains appeal in that new light. Alternatively more hard revisionist history investigation until you have a better lay of the world-historical land. Then there’s wu/acceleration/eco if you just need your eggs scrambled. If there’s Tesla tier energy and space travel in existence already, where is this all headed? What are the intentions of these factions in possession of it, if good or if evil?

>> No.17748019

Become a stoic and prepare for your death.

>> No.17748069

>Yes. I am tilting at windmills.

>> No.17748083


>> No.17748097
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>What's left for me then?

>> No.17748106

This is pretty great question.

I think a lot of people nowadays are unable to find comfort in any of the """progressive""" ideologies, that hope that eliminating material desires will make us any happier, but they also aren't convinced by the blind reactionism of conservative ideologies, and Christianity's over reliance on faith is a deal breaker.

I think Stoicism is what you're looking for. It values of pursuit of virtue, which is something that's been almost completely lost in the modern world, and it has a very empowering definition of happiness (or eudaemonia, as the Stoics put it). They view the pursuit of eudaemonia as the pursuit of virtue, rather than the pursuit of health, wealth, or sensory pleasure, as many ideologies today view it. It also has a vaguely spiritual element, as it argues that there is a path to understanding the Logos, or the divine reason of the Universe.

I'm not a Stoic, but it's a philosophy that I've seen help many in your situation.

It's more fulfilling that the "just do whatever gives you purpose" mentality of the existentialists and it's more grounded in reason than most religions.

>> No.17748113


Take it from experienced anons, esotericism is a meme. There is a reason their practices and beliefs died out. They don't work because they aren't the truth.

>> No.17748133

>There is a reason their practices and beliefs died out.
They didn't, that's the worst part.

>> No.17748138
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Read Evola

>> No.17748183

Nah, they did. Anyone who practices today practices from a book, usually translated from a language they don't understand. It's a dead art, if it could be called that.

tbhrqhwydesu OP, you're looking in the wrong places.

The "ideologies" of man will never satisfy. There is only one truth, one way, and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The good news according to those who knew him. Go talk to a Catholic priest and see about getting baptized.

>> No.17748202

>Anyone who practices today practices from a book, usually translated from a language they don't understand.
>There is only one truth, one way, and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
dumb tradlarper

>> No.17748230

NT was written in Greek, which I am learning for a few reasons but primarily biblical study

>> No.17748242

>x does not lead to truth
>bad guys think truth is absolute
>therefore, there is no truth actually
>this proposition doesn't have a truth value

>> No.17748269

>>therefore, there is no truth actually
No, this doesn't follow. I do think truth is personal, but this is why I dislike esotericism, and not the other way around.
>>this proposition doesn't have a truth value
I don't care for epistemology.

>> No.17748329

>No, this doesn't follow.
no shit
>I don't care for epistemology.
nor logic I assume

stop faffin about. give me some fucking meat. what do YOU think then? Are you some kind of born again I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE-kid? Are you the Nietzschean above? Just tell me and stop being a vague cunt

>> No.17748348

Why are you acting like a bratty child? Did my dismissal of esotericism make you angry?

>> No.17748389

Maybe I am bratty child? And nah, I don't really care, I'm just curious.

>> No.17748395
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>start getting into christianity
>start reading the bible, related christian works, listen to christian preachers
>everything I learn slowly pushes me more and more away from christianity
>when I ask questions I unironically get told "stop thinking" or "stop asking questions"
>back at square one
I'm in the same boat, OP. I'll tell you if I figure it out but don't hold your breath

>> No.17749844
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Here's my answer OP:
One: align yourself with a cause, some big issue. Cure a neurodegenerative disease in children, find a pragmatic solution to world conflicts, uproot the underworld of organized crime.
Two: be there for your close ones, they will need you and you will need them. Build a support network, start a family. Before you reach good old senility, teach your children to fight the battles you no longer can.
Three: flourish as an individual. Strive for mastery over a difficult subject or art. Explore for the sake of exploration. Learn the mysteries of the world.

>> No.17749908
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You just keep on going, hopefully your life gets bigger as you grow.
I was in the same boat as you in my early twenties but my job just kept getting bigger and bigger, so I stopped hanging out on /lit/ so much that it was affecting my thoughts, and then I got married, so I'm now on /lit/ almost once a week because I spend most of my weekend time doing social stuff she organizes.
We want to have kids and I imagine I'll be on here once or twice a year once that happens.
And life has meaning, because I have something people rely on me to do all day, which rewards me well, and I have someone who relies on me to be happy and together at home- so I'm happy and together at home.
I'm left to conclude that meaning/satisfaction does not come in isolation but through actions and relationships over time.

>> No.17749974

shame, Martin Luther's devilry has sent untold millions to hell

Anons, Protestantism is a branch of Christianity that split from Catholicism. Their brand is literally "don't think, you can only read the bible in the most absurd literalist ways possible (or whichever way we tell you)." Which is fucking rich given that was their complaint against the role of Catholic tradition in preserving the deposite of faith.

>> No.17751223

lmao wrong church retard it was orthodoxy

>> No.17751350
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I'd recommend this book for you two. Easy to read and provides real, substantive answers

>> No.17751865

Camus existentialism is a conscious form of self-delusion and I have my doubts wether anyone is capable of sustaining it for an extended period of time, much less an entire life.