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/lit/ - Literature

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17746967 No.17746967 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any well paying /lit/ careers that aren’t being an author?

>> No.17746978

>well paying
You could be a literary critic, though I would then be obliged to hate you

>> No.17747068

It kind of sucks because I want to have money but reading and writing are the only things that really interest me. I suppose I could have a boring career for a bit.

>> No.17747084

Teacher or professor at a high end private school.

>> No.17748141

Copy editing, translation

>> No.17748178

Being a lawyer is the original /lit/ career

>> No.17748339

Technical Writing. Depending on who you're working for it can be very grating, but it pays decent enough.

>> No.17748344

Being an author is a well-paid career? Kek

>> No.17748386

Go for a high paying career, make the grind and live frugally and proceed to retire at 50 into your cabin in the woods.
That's the most lit life possible nowadays.

>> No.17749492

It certainly can be

>> No.17749804
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Ambassador to Russia

>> No.17750482

How does one unrionically get a job as this?

>> No.17750650

If you're American, the Foreign Service. Any citizen can sit for the exam provided they meet the basic minimum requirements (age, criminal status, etc.)

You're probably not gonna make it tho anon, almost nobody does, that is the cost of letting everyone have an opportunity. On the bright side one of the most talented diplomats in the service from a time was wage slaving at McDonald's when she took the exam, so anyone can pull through!

>> No.17750677

allegory of the cave

>> No.17750766

Is it still possible to make a living working at a magazine or a journal? Like, being a staff writer or an editor or a proofreader, or something.

>> No.17750821


Learn a language then you can translate

>> No.17750833

Realistically you should approach literature as a hobby and not as a career. Find something that can sustain you and then read things you like in your off hours.

>> No.17750914

Do you think I'm likely to get in with foreign service if I have relevant degrees and can speak Russian and French? I don't even necessarily want to be the ambassador himself, but working in that field seems like it would be very cool.

>> No.17751720

Unironicaly skilled labor such as mechanistry, forestry, welding, etc. Bonus points if you either live in a rundown urban slum or in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.17753283

Lecturer at a private school. Smart kids, ample time to read and write, get paid more than most academics, free trips and travels to various countries.

>> No.17753305

gonzo journalism

>> No.17753326

is it over if I don't go to a good college for law?
or skill development can pick me up

>> No.17753332
