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/lit/ - Literature

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17746392 No.17746392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can this really happen?

>> No.17746399


>> No.17746419


>> No.17746427

id argue tiktok is more dangerous

>> No.17746429

it already has happened

>> No.17746432


>> No.17746437
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I agree. While YouTube can still be utilized for useful purposes, TikTok is pure dogshit wrapped in liquid feces. It serves no other purpose other than making zoomers look at a screen hypnotically.

>> No.17746451

The kids aren't using Twitter. Try Shitok

>> No.17746454


>> No.17746459

This is true, TikTok is just the manifestation of mindless content constantly without any break in stimulation. Unlike Youtube you don't even have to search for more content as you swipe. But Youtube now has their Clips functionality on mobile which is exactly like TikTok.
It's just sad.

>> No.17746464

4chan isn’t any better. Convince yourself it is

>> No.17746470

Why am I seeing Henry James' name everywhere? Is God telling me to read him?

>> No.17746480

I didn't really like Fahrenheit 451, but Bradbury makes a good point that people will embrace censorship. They will no longer read anything and will be glad when the government gets rid of books.

>> No.17746488

Where else have you seen him

>> No.17746489

>Children are glued to a screen, reading constantly
>Causing illiteracy
Lmao what? Sure, concentration might be different for some, but before social media, people wouldn't even read street signs

>> No.17746492

The last part won't ever happen.

>> No.17746517

4chan also sucks. One thing doesn't preclude the other. We're also stuck in this shit.

>> No.17746613

No the schools will make them illiterate once they decide all reading is a form of white oppression

>> No.17746621
File: 332 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2015-04-24_at_6.00.14_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes talking about literacy as being able to read and comprehend a novel. Most Americans are only functionally literate, only able to read a menu.
>people couldn't read signs before facebook
This is a new level of retarded.

>> No.17746625


Based boomer giving me the inspiration to blame my own aging-related declining mental powers on "screens."

>> No.17746626

Anime and manga already did

>> No.17746628

I mean yeh but isn't he the retard for as a grown man not being able to put away twitter? I grew up with all this shit, I opted out of social media at 19 and 8 years later I'm doing just fine

>> No.17746642

hard to swallow truth. imageboards are possibly the greatest form of social media for ruining the attention span, with their focus on (usually sexually stimulating) imagery rather than text

>> No.17746653

There are some days where I procrastinate by hitting refresh on the various threads I have open.

>> No.17746662

No, it's just the displaced anxiety of the boomerreich over the internet giving people access to information outside of their institutions. The internet's abundance of content merely reveals the painful truth of your mental discipline; if you can't read because of screens, the problem isn't with the screens.

>> No.17746668


>> No.17746671


Why get rid of them when the public willingly won't read them in the first place

>> No.17746679

the unexpected blackpill

>> No.17746690

>opinion from a novelist

but even if social media didn't exist, no one would read your faggot novels anyway

>> No.17746771

i read his Finkler Question novel and it was a nice beach read. like Roth except less tiresome. anything else of his that's good?

>> No.17746775


>> No.17746795

Delete this

>> No.17746798

I wouldn't call it a literacy issue as much as it is an attention span issue. Roth (lol) called it right when people in the near future simply won't have the patience for even 250 page novels.

>> No.17746812

All electronic media erodes literacy. Social media on the internet is the worst of it and is probably the death knell of basic mass literacy. >>17746771 mentions a "nice beach read." The kind of literacy that leads a normal person to read a book on the beach is going to totally disappear and it mostly already has. Reading will become something you only do in school because you're forced to; those who still read will be scholars bureaucrats and craftsmen.

>> No.17746821

Based off my experience with the older generations

>> No.17746824

Any forms of social media have made every "normie" into a reactionary of some kind, because these platforms exist on the basis of eliciting a knee-jerk response. Headline reading, memes and quick videos are what a lot of people base their worldview off of.

>> No.17746825
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In a manner of speaking, yes.

>> No.17746863

Based synchronist

>> No.17746867
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I'd wager that schools forcing kids to read certain books has a major impact on one's appreciation of the medium. Kids don't like homework, and being forced a read a book that you may greatly dislike will put one off reading for years, if not forever. I know several people who will gleefully boast having never read a book since high school

>> No.17746870
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>> No.17746877

To be fair reading on the beach is fucking insane. I spend a thousand bucks for a week in Cuba, why would I bring a book? A form of escapism from my VACATION? Utter insanity. Nothing in between the pages will be interesting at the ocean horizon and long strand of beach walked on by beautiful women. Reading on the fucking beach. Never for the life of me will I understand.

>> No.17746885

I know just as many people who were forced to read and enjoyed it. Or were forced to read and later returned to reading and enjoyed it. It's not that kids are forced to read; it's that they're forced to read when they have other much more stimulating media to turn to. With all of that media forcing kids really becomes the only way to get them to ever read even a single book.

>> No.17746886

Just live near a beach, you idiot. No one's telling you to read on your vacation. If you live in some snowland or Bumfuckersville, Oklahoma, then this doesn't apply to you.

>> No.17746888

its so easy to pay attention just don't get distracted bros.

>> No.17746889
File: 156 KB, 680x646, 9202832C-5B0B-4BC0-B10F-8B8E5D32D860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This off topic thread is now a thread to stop the giga nigga,

>> No.17746891

>posts old photo of his

>> No.17746893


>> No.17746894

If I lived near a beach I wouldn’t be taking trips to Cuba, idiot.

>> No.17746897


>> No.17746919

>the giga nigga himself almost got the first trips
rolling to save /lit/

>> No.17746965


>> No.17747039

I liked his essay about the elephant

>> No.17747047


>> No.17747064

Get 4chanx bro, it automatically shows you when a new post is made in a thread you’re active in

>> No.17747072

Now this is the type of quality content you'll never get from a book

>> No.17747082


>> No.17747093

It’s also convincing children to essentially groom themselves for sex.

>> No.17747104
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Twitter is one of the most irrelevant social media websites on the internet and I cringe out of my fucking skin whenever people pretend it has any influence on anything in the real world. The only thing that made that hellhole relevant was Donald Trump's account, and it did not extend past that- none of his hanger-ons or detractors on Twitter became relevant as well. People on Twitter think people outside Twitter knows what goes on on that website- we literally don't care. I'm a dude that spends a fuck ton of time online in spheres adjacent to Twitter and even I don't know or give a fuck what account said what. No zoomers are on Twitter, it's literally only millenials because Twitter reached its zenith when they were still relatively young and they haven't realized how fucking passe they are for still using it.
The idea that Frog Twitter had ANY impact on the 2016 election is the most preposterous thing I've ever heard. Twitter's audience is a tiny echo chamber. No one saw any of their Epic Trump memes. No one gives a fuck if Kantbot and BAP are in a gay ass feud.
How the fuck is Twitter going to make kids illiterate, there are no fucking kids on Twitter, it's washed up 30 year olds vastly overestimating their own clout. Absolutely embarrassing

>> No.17747109

umm, i think you mean liberating themselves, sweaty

>> No.17747113

They won’t make them illiterate but reading for pleasure will be even more niche than it is now. They will probably do away with all literature in schools and just focus on teaching kids how to write in a way that prepares them for desk jobs.

>> No.17747314

It is an age over stimulation. Be it the internet, tv & netflix or porn, it is incredibly much harder to focus on a single task for a long time. It's not even coomerism at this point.

>> No.17747366


>> No.17747465

This and celebs thinking their "fans" are "the public."

Either way social media is the kind of disease mild treatment won't fix. We are due for a cataclysm and firmer cultural leadership.

>> No.17747501


>> No.17747602

i think a lot of technologies appear to be changing society when they're a response to changes already made, which are harder to see
you can point to tiktok as an easy watershed but I think the 'damage' was already done, if it hadn't been no one would have used it

>> No.17747618


>> No.17747675

it's a downhill trend that existed before tiktok but that doesn't mean tiktok doesn't compound it. it's like giving infinite porn to an already porn addict.

it's just memetics. the proliferation of free information movement was bound to find better and better hooks through evolutionary processes to sink into the human lizard brain, engorging on various stimuli.

>> No.17747722

impeccably based

>> No.17747726

Nigga, get yo black ass outta here!

>> No.17747747

Technological innovations are the most obvious and dramatic sort of alteration of material conditions and dynamics. This one app tiktok Im sure didn't do that much by itself, but the internet, smart phones, and all the forms of social media which includes tiktok, that did have dramatic effects.

Where do you think the damage came from exactly? What social processes caused the damage that tiktok then came to feed on?

>> No.17747764

begone, giga nigga!

>> No.17747767


Yes of course
Attention span is the most useful and important of all metrics for human cognitive ability but it is extremely misunderstood
People make the spurious assumption that a decreasing attention span is somehow a bad thing when in fact it is the key factor that will drive human evolution as it gets us closer and closer to having computer brains

>> No.17748349

Doing my part to stop this travesty

>> No.17748355

Tiktok horrifies me. China has dome far more damage with it than with covid.

>> No.17748367

he should read the paper, casual

>> No.17748424

It's true. Read The Shallows. Also, I remember a rich Spanish editor who in an interview said the big shots at Silicon Valley only take their children to schools without computers for this very reason. They're like Walter White in the sense that they produce all these digital drugs but they don't consume them themselves.

>> No.17748429

>misreading wouldn't as couldn't
You should either uninstall tiktok or say fuck it and livestream your whole life.

>> No.17748437

Flieg und Sieg!

>> No.17748450

Illiterate would be too much, but I don't really expect most people my age to go to a library and pick up quality books, much less the next generation. I don't even read that much myself these days.

>> No.17748467

Can’t believe no one has gotten anything yet.

>> No.17748483

What are you some sort of Hegelian?