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17742691 No.17742691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book?

>> No.17742702

I never read it but it is racist and it should be banned.

>> No.17742708

Don't waste your time. It's been debunked as baseless nazi drivel. It's no surprise that it comes up so often in incel communities looking for ways to rationalize their own failures.

>> No.17742718

makes lefties seethe

>> No.17742724


>> No.17742745

May as well read the Protocols of Zion

>> No.17742778

The best thing about it is that lefitst have to pretend it's nonsense without being allowed to read it. If you think about it the actual analysis in it is quasi marxist and could lead to similar conclusions.

>> No.17743090

Show more feet pics

>> No.17743104

There are two groups of people. People who've read it, and people who bring up objections that are addressed in advance within it.

>> No.17743111

There are three groups. People who’ve read it and want more feet pics.

>> No.17743151

Have you read it, faggot?

>> No.17743162

You're holding the book. Can't you make your own thoughts?

>> No.17743172

Imagine having to read this book to be told what is already blindingly apparent lol

>> No.17743173

do you live in Redmond, WA

>> No.17743177

I want those strong white supremacist feet to curbstomp my willing and supple brown ass like in American History X.

>> No.17743199

You do that for the exact numbers and a context for what these numbers even mean. That's maybe only a hundred pages in the book though. It gives interesting information nonetheless, it for example compares work experience to IQ or looks at the racial income differences controlled for IQ. It's mostly just depressing though.

>> No.17743213

It's a questionable source of information. It was funded by a white nationalist group I believe and one of the main scientists cited, Richard Lynn has been pretty thoroughly discredited.

>> No.17743224

Pseudocience for white supremacists.

>> No.17743226

>t. retard who hasn't read it.

>> No.17743247

Charles Murray:
>Conservative think tank
>Worked with the CIA
>Has yellow fever
checks all the marks for being alt-right

>> No.17743252


>> No.17743294

It just includes an overview of the scientific literature. This is what makes these comments so funny. Invariably they have to come from people who haven't read it. Your ideology has to reject the conclusions of the science meaning any outlet into popular culture has to be denounced and smeared and you're not even allowed to read it because you would realize that it just gives the mainstream science view and Murray isn't even involved in that. He just presents it to set up his own theories on social development. This whole this and that detail or person is 'discredited' is completely irrelevant. There are a thousand other studies that tell us the exact same thing. Every research department on the planet comes to the same conclusions.

>> No.17743297

>looking for ways to rationalize their own failures.
this books really does the precise opposite of that lel

>> No.17743300
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Heres the refutation bro

>> No.17743304

Lemme guess, you think intelligence is genetic?

>> No.17743308

Why would it not be exactly? Where on earth would it come from

>> No.17743314
File: 224 KB, 2298x858, ECCg9c1XYAAlh0n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even have to read The Bell Curve to realize that Charles Murray is a charlatan, his other book and fake research (another white supremacist Bible) is full of the same social science BS.


>> No.17743317

>It just includes an overview of the scientific literature
Your the one who hasn't read it if you think this. The are using their findings as a rationale for criticizing affirmative action and reducing welfare. It is not a textbook on intelligence and it wasn't even peer reviewed.

>> No.17743320

Gravity is blindingly apparent but that doesnt mean you can understand it well by intuition.

>> No.17743336

Check and mate. Good work comrade

>> No.17743342

The formulation here alone is catastrophic. Everything is genetic. What you mean is if I think intelligence is heritable and the answer to that is yes. Or as the science would say up to 80% heritable. Why would you even talk about this without looking into it? There's no scientifc controversy, it is political controversy. You just have to look at adoptions and compare the IQ of the child to that of the biological parents. In its basic conclusion it's not exactly quantum physics.

>> No.17743347

>You don't even have to read
yikes! that's a red flag from me.

>> No.17743359

>no argument left to protect his racist idol so has to use sophism.

>> No.17743364

Hey buddy, I think you missed something


>> No.17743372

Seriously, these racists are just getting more and more pathetic. Hey idiots! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HERITABLE INTELLIGENCE

>> No.17743386


>> No.17743388

my what?

>> No.17743389

>Leftists continue to disregard and deride clear evidence
>Checkmate Murray!
Nice one dude

>> No.17743396

What I wrote isn't dependent on Murray. Why do you have to be such an ideological zombie? These are the basic conclusion of the field itself. You can read it in the politcally correct wiki or any textbook. This Murray as the super scientist and mastermind of IQ pseudo science is a complete ideological construction. He has nothing to do with the field. He just happened to publish a popular book that included some of the scientific information.

>> No.17743405
File: 8 KB, 160x160, 1_dvvBFludHXwlKf1vs-BhtQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racists/eugenists, people bent on showing that some populations have inferior mental abilities based on IQ test=intelligence; those have been upset with me for suddenly robbing them of a “scientific” tool, as evidenced by the bitter reactions to the initial post on twitter/smear campaigns by such mountebanks as Charles Murray. (Something observed by the great Karl Popper, psychologists have a tendency to pathologize people who bust them by tagging them with some type of disorder, or personality flaw such as “childish” , “narcissist”, “egomaniac”, or something similar).


>> No.17743406

That's not even the bell curve, and Taleb has an obsession with Charles Murray. Next time link the article he wrote about the bell curve.

>> No.17743413

A piece of fiction, this guy has been discredited, and gets basic things wrong like heritability. So far we don't fully know the truth on this subject matter, but this book "says the truth" with a fake air of authority.

>> No.17743415

taleb's argument relies on math that he made up, presents in an obscure fashion, and refuses to explain to anyone.

>> No.17743421

>takes the time to read shitty book written by a fake scholar like Murray
>points out the countless bullshit in his books
>h-he is obsessed!

>> No.17743424

That's not even a review for the bell curve. If you're trying to "own the convervatards le epic style" at least reference what taleb actually wrote about the book

>> No.17743429

Taleb produced such cringe with that article and childish narcissist and egomanic are exactly the things to say about a person who pretends to know more about a subject than the entire scientific community that is working on it.

>> No.17743430

Never said it was, that's why I literally start saying that you don't even have to go to that book to see that the author is a fraud.

>> No.17743433

Wait guys I'm getting lost.
Do we hate The Bell Curve because Murray is a pseud?
Is intelligence inheritable?
Does IQ exist?

>> No.17743444

Lefties are just seething over Charles Murray again.

>> No.17743447
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>t. got blocked by Taleb on Twitter.

Not my fault that your white supremacist movement is funded by statistically bankrupt fraudsters.

>> No.17743451

Leftists have to pretend the field doesn't exist because the conclusions are politically catastrophic for them. Murray is just a scapegoat in this dynamic and irrelevant to the topic of IQ.

>> No.17743455

>you don't even have to go to that book
still a huge yikes, no matter how many times you repeat it, to state that you aren't even familiar with the work you're supposedly addressing.

>> No.17743458

Gould lied about those skulls

>> No.17743460
File: 24 KB, 483x291, satscoreincomerace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white supremacist
>East Asians have highest IQ
>East Asians also suspiciously commit the least crime, have the best results in school, and highest income
yeah it's just a white supremacist conspiracy

>> No.17743461

my what? are you feeling ok?

>> No.17743462

Why do you think this constitutes a clever argument? There's no such thing as hard IQ determinism in the opposition. We've heard about Egypt, China and the Vikings.

>> No.17743466

'Lied" or 'speculated'? Even if he was wrong, doesnt detract from his argument.

>> No.17743468

Even funnier is that Jews are at the top.

>> No.17743473


>> No.17743474

>Even if he was wrong, doesnt detract from his argument

>> No.17743475

He outright lied, and there are more recent studies of brain size that show the same thing. As though it's somehow preposterous that there could be a link between the size of the organ responsible for intelligence and intelligence

>> No.17743482

Jews are just a subset of whites in the data

>> No.17743485

Murray is a UBI fanboi

>> No.17743491

He only proposes that so that we can reduce welfare and give people less money then they are already getting.

>> No.17743500

Sure. It's just that the thought of Jews being put at the top by nazi scientists is amusing. The left is so fucking retarded.

>> No.17743505

>It is not a textbook on intelligence and it wasn't even peer reviewed.
It makes neither claim

>> No.17743508

He does make some sound arguments, don't get me wrong. But he actually lied about the measurements, it wasn't just a mistake. It detracts from his actually criticisms about the skulls

>> No.17743510

Sorry, again, just want to cut to the chase here. Do you think intelligence is inheritable?

>> No.17743516

>deliberately falsifying data in support of your argument doesn't detract from the argument
you are deluded

>> No.17743526

The science in it is peer reviewed though. Why even take these outbursts seriously? It's very clear that these people have not read it and have no idea who Murray even is. He's just the ideological embodiment of the concept of IQ for them. Broadly they think he came up with this stuff and if he isn't credible then it goes away. That he just presents the mainstream view of a hundred years of science on this topic is completely beyond them.

>> No.17743553

>Why even take these outbursts seriously?
I mean, I'm pretty sure they're trolling, so it's not like I'm going to get mad about it. Kinda funny imo to calmly respond with much less effort, and make them keep dumping the work in to no end. I guess a few people in here do seem to be getting a bit hot under the collar tho.

>> No.17743572

I don't think they're trolling. This is the standard reaction of leftists. They have to do that for ideological reasons but if you can convince them to actually look into it not only will they see the reality but their entire ideological framework can collapse. I mean the lie here is so big and pervasive it just has to make them think about what else they have been lied about. That's at least why I like to discuss it.

>> No.17743577

It's fun to argue

>> No.17743591

>I don't think they're trolling. This is the standard reaction of leftists.
This is why it's so easy to troll, lol. The "leftists" your arguing with aren't making any real/new points. They're simply playing the caricature.

>> No.17743599

Yeah I get it. At the end of the day, we're all here posting, rather than reading, in order to get "strokes," in social psychology terms. And it doesnt really matter if they're positive or negative. The attention alone is all our brains crave.

>> No.17743610

Doesn't matter, then we play it out for the audience. It's easy pickings. This topic is the Achilles' heel of the left and shitlibs broadly. They're discredited just by arguing against it yet they have no choice. They're literally arguing against the validity of statistical mathematics.

>> No.17743621


>> No.17743640

The greatest irony of the bell curve is that H&M instrumentalize the whole IQ concept within it in order to argue for transforming society in the direction of equity, and yet this end goal, which seems to be right up Progressive Alley, is never even recognized by their critics, who get caught up in the discomfort of race talk.

>> No.17743645

Four dimensional shit posting at its finest. So subtle, it is, to the eyes of the uninitiated, like looking at the primitive representation of a hypercube in 2 dimensions on a computer screen.

>> No.17743656

geriatric feet

>> No.17743668

ok now this is just straight up trolling

>> No.17743692

Special thanks to everyone in this thread, I just bought this book. Anything you retards hate is always worth reading.

>> No.17743700

You can think further than that in the sense of advances in genetic science. Their vision of perfect equality could in genetic terms actually become a reality, but they created such taboos around the topic that it will delay this by decades. The Soviets did the same thing and crippled their genetic research. It will be fucking China inventing these technologies and God knows what the communist party will do with that.

>> No.17743709

Why do you even need equality, i never got this?

>> No.17743716

This is posted in every Murray thread and likely by the same person. It's propably more Jewish neurosis than trolling.

>> No.17743731

There are problems associated with income inequality. People become more criminal and whatnot. It becomes a huge problem in multiracial democracies because the lower IQ classes become a sort of permanent revolutionary element which can be mobilized against the higher IQ groups creating instability throughout the system. The moment we align black IQ in the US for example the notion of black oppression will be over propably within a year.

>> No.17743744

H&M argue in the book that because of the realities of stratified IQ outcomes along most every significant metric in life, the cognitive elite, a relatively very small group, are soaring on and up into a sci-fi type utopic future, while more and more the rest are left in a world of shit. If you're smart, rich, and successful, you may say 'who cares,' but otherwise you'd probably personally benefit from adjustments towards equity that neutralize the cognitive stratification. But man, doesn't that sound "leftist?" It amazes me progressives don't realize they could use this stuff. They just flip out because they hear "blacks dumb" and never comprehend the rest of it, which is actually an argument for helping blacks, and so on