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/lit/ - Literature

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17742445 No.17742445 [Reply] [Original]

Post great books you have never seen posted on this board.

For me it's The Good Soldier Švejk, the pinnacle of Czech literature. A review I read beforehand described it as "man survives WWI through sheer idiocy" and that's very apt, think Mister Bean but much more talkative. It's actually several books (~700 pages) but was never finished because Hašek died. I miss coming home from work and reading another chapter about the based retard.

>> No.17742467
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dude, we all heard the professor in the great courses history of eastern europe class highly recommend that, it's on /lit/ all the time since those lectures dropped, find something more obscure

>> No.17742476

Here I am, ruining your board, again
- Thomas Pynchon, 0 days left

>> No.17742487

well sorry bro i saw those ads but i don't pay for faggy shit shilled by e-celebs so i didn't know Švejk became a thing recently. post a book.

>> No.17742493

Stop posting around my replies you sad, sad cunts

>> No.17742501

I can't even afford a (You) at the moment.

>> No.17742502

Is this different than the three volume version I see on Amazon?

>> No.17742517

Jules verne, fight me.

>> No.17742522
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>> No.17742553

Balloon warfare must necessarily distance itself from laser warfare in the interest of honour and chivalry

>> No.17742557
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This is the Parrott translation from the 70s, there is the 2000 Sadlon translation that "updates" it a bit and is generally well received but I looked up the translator and they seemed like neolib fags with the usual dogshit sensibilities and revisionist tendencies so I went with Parrott. YMMV.

>> No.17742561

>he only heard of great courses via "e-celebs" not seeing on them on audiobook torrent sites a decade ago

i've never watched an "e-celeb" in my fucking life, but apparently you have.

>> No.17742572
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>> No.17742576

Cool. For some reason I had both versions saved on my Amazon wishlist.

>> No.17742577

>being an audiobook pleb in the first place

i watch history autists channels while i'm eating dinner you massive smoothy faggot who listens to audiobooks and pays for e-garbage. you should follow their advice tho and read it.

>> No.17742582


>> No.17742592
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also this one

>> No.17742619
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this shit is funny, easy to read, and short. it's 200 pages but formatted like a script so probably more like 125 pages of content. if you're in a rut and can't get into anything, it's a good warm up to get back on track.

>> No.17742618

i like blackwood. give QRDs with your posts lads, what is this jap one about.

>> No.17742647

technically it's two books, but they're bound together in the Penguin edition. Hojoki is a memoir about living alone in a hut in the mountains, having withdrawn from medical Japanese society. essays in idleness can best be described as a series of anecdotes about day-to-day living from a medical Japanese Buddhist monk. both very comfy and worth the read.

>> No.17742665

You are too serious. Also, who the hell pays for a 4chan Pass?

>> No.17742678
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Too literate for horrorfags. The author didn't have any other great hits besides this and generally had a pretty sad life, and consequently, it's shot through with bitter irony and black humor (not to mention incest and necrophilia). For true connoisseurs.

>> No.17742680

>Also, who the hell pays for a 4chan Pass?
I don't

>> No.17742700

>weirdly turns into a schizo thread

good rec, i will read this.

>genre authors

I'm not being hostile but you better sell this harder

>> No.17742704

Well memed!

>> No.17742729

>genre author
charles yu's shit is a play on genres not really genre, i didnt read the sci-fi one, but interior chinatown is a spoof of cop shows and kung fu movies etc. by like idk 20 pages it's clear the script is not really a script or it's an unreliable script, idk how to describe it, it's all _literary_ n' shit (would have used italics there if it were available)

>> No.17742823


>> No.17742832

Cope more reddit transplants

>> No.17742836

why would you think your opinion means anything to anyone after this?

>> No.17742875

It's true (;))

>> No.17742899

i have a 4chan pass so i can shitpost from the comfort of my VPN, knowing full well nobody who lives with me will ever get to see what posts i was banned for (this is a fairly frequent occurrence)

>> No.17742909

>guy who watches "e-celebs" calls others reddit

>> No.17742920

Legendary grass type, ancient type

>> No.17743043

Reyquaza is legendary flying + dragon type

>> No.17743102

Dwarfed by

>> No.17743249
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I have this one.

>> No.17743290

As of yet unextracted, sorry!

>> No.17743378

Frank Stanford's the battlefield where the moon says i love you

>> No.17743498


>> No.17743638

Our specialist is over here

>> No.17743659

Johan Huizinga's stuff like Homo Ludens and Shadow of Tomorrow
I saw Homo Ludens mentioned a few times years ago, and that was that

>> No.17743769

i don't know how to make webm sorry

>> No.17743860

Boss, get down! The enemy sniper!

>> No.17743912
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Humbly report sir, that tailor you sent me to turned out to be an orang-outane. But he did manage to sell me a shirt for 20 crowns. There was a barber in Pankrác who was so hairy he was often mistaken for...

>> No.17743945

Oh no no

>> No.17743967
File: 112 KB, 904x617, hats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when searching svejk hats to make this stupid shitpost and there are actually a bunch of austro-hungarian army replica hats all over amazon, ebay and etsy for purchase

lmao what the fuck

>> No.17744029

Tilted or cantered?

>> No.17744561


>> No.17744624
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comfy /out/core

>> No.17744658

He's not a retard, he's a genius. He tricked the faggot commander who was hardballing him drink from a cesspit by pretending the bottle of cognac that he shouldnt-have-had for Lukacs was actually just a bottle of water that leeched copper and other mineral coloring from the ground, and to prove it quaffed it all in a single gulp. Pay respects to absolute madlads. They are literally only pretending to be retarded

>> No.17744669
File: 1.25 MB, 1521x2339, Thursday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chesterton gets posted every so often, but his books are never really discussed in detail, which is disappointing.

>> No.17744685


>> No.17744850

Sell me on this book

>> No.17744889

It's a metaphysical thriller detective novel. Filled with contradictions at every corner it's quite a fun read, and the various reflections that Chesterton makes on things such as poetry and philosophy are interesting to reflect on. Chesterton was the master of paradox and contradiction, and you'll find all kinds of very obvious plot twists coming unexpectedly around the corner. It's short too, so you can easily get through it in a day or two. That's about all I have to say, but there's probably better descriptions out there.

>> No.17744896

Svejk is one of the greatest works of the 20th century, an absolute masterpiece. I would recommend Hermann Broch's The Sleepwalkers, another modernist masterpiece that is sadly not that known in American circles. It can be seen as almost a companion to Musil's The Man Without Qualities.

>> No.17744908

>The Good Soldier Švejk, the pinnacle of Czech literature

Pinnacle doesn't seem right. I think something like Máj by Karel Hynek Mácha holds that distinction.

>> No.17745144
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>> No.17745831

Sounds interesting, thank you.

>> No.17746466

>Eastern Europe

>> No.17747583


>> No.17747609

>Amazon wishlist
are you an instagram thot or something?

>> No.17747624


I need to get some Leon Bloy. Ernst Junger read a lot of him during WWII.

>> No.17747629

Native Speaker by Chang-rae Lee
(I rec if you like Invisible Man & Gatsby)

>> No.17747852
File: 26 KB, 333x499, 51U505OqCTL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles De Coster (1867) - La légende et les aventures héroiques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres et ailleurs
The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak

It seems that the book is almost unknown in English, in Flanders it is also almost forgotten (? Maybe I'm wrong). I have never seen it discussed in English.
We, then in the USSR, she was quite famous. The 1976 film was shot. When I was still in school, I got to see one play "The Legend of Till", very cool, only now I got around to reading it.

>The Good Soldier Švejk
I remember about 5 threads here when Schweik was mentioned.
Perhaps the experience of the "small peoples" of Eastern Europe is not very close to the English-speaking countries. It is necessary to be a member of a small but cheerful small people living in a rotten totalitarian multinational empire ruled by another nation. Hmm, though maybe an Irishman could write something similar about the decline of the British Empire? I do not know.

Schweik is quite well known in Russia. The author was considered a "communist" (although he was an anarchist type, any ideology meant less to him than a glass of beer), so he was published a lot. Well, the very feeling of a rotten multinational totalitarian empire is very close to us.

>> No.17747930

Need bush STAT
Sten fitted

>> No.17749315 [DELETED] 

i hate jews