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File: 616 KB, 1456x1448, moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17741124 No.17741124 [Reply] [Original]

Is he really as bad as they say?

>> No.17741131

read it and find out

>> No.17741168

He is simply boring.
This is the most potent argument against him unironically.

>> No.17741204

He was good for his time and for spitballing newish ideas but he doesn’t have any credible solutions for the political problems he pointed out.

>> No.17741212

Yes. You shall not think bad thoughts

>> No.17741250

why doesn't he call the over reaching apparatus he writes about the 'synagogue' instead of the 'cathedral'


>> No.17741275

Why do you think

>> No.17741367

it's not fundamentally jewish and also being antisemitic to the point where you won't consider viewpoints that are insufficiently anti-jewish is the same reflex that spooks used to prevent copycat attacks in the wake of the new zealand massacre by claiming tarrant was a mossad agent. wake up dude, antisemitism is literally a jewish conspiracy

>> No.17741378

If his chin was of average size, then his nose would look huge proportionately. But it’s large so the nose looks fine.

>> No.17741387

why would it be antisemitic if he used the term 'synagogue'

What he talks about certainly isn't Christian.
If it is anything, it certainly is Jewish in nature, so why not call it the Synagogue?

>> No.17741395
File: 178 KB, 720x704, Moldbug kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the original

>> No.17741396

He's a nerd

>> No.17741425

This is pretty much it for me. Not entertaining or that thought provoking at all. Doesn't have some beautiful or witty use of words to make up for it either

>> No.17741464

>If it is anything, it certainly is Jewish in nature, so why not call it the Synagogue?
cosmopolitanism is not actually very jewish at all. the jews who push it hardest can hardly be said to be jewish and the jews who are the most jewish (ie, the orthodox) are also the most insular and religiously conservative. the nazis in fact were accused of hebraism due to their ideology of race

>> No.17742180

the lack of grammar really lends itself to these schizo ramblings

>> No.17742204

> What he talks about certainly isn't Christian.
Right. But he likens its function of moral authority to that of the church in some Christian societies.

>> No.17742235

Hadn't considered this.
The problem with him is he purposefully makes his ideas inaccessible by spamming giant reams of verbiage with an extremely low density of information, all while writing in an obscurantist style. This ensures that all those who are qualified to asses his work in its entirety are themselves dedicated acolytes already. If he cared to, he could communicate the same thoughts in 5% of the space that he currently uses.

>> No.17742242

He would be more interesting if he wrote about basedboy shit like Elliot Rodger instead of boring nerd crap like Austrian Autisticonomics.

>> No.17742257




>> No.17742263

He takes forever to say anything and his ideas are considerably less clever than he thinks they are. His smug edginess is very annoying too.

>> No.17742280

Never made a lot of sense since the Cathedral's defining quality is its decentralized consensus-machine and Cathedrals have, well, bishops and popes.

>> No.17742303
File: 118 KB, 696x1024, EuUVWhuVcAAdl2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a beautiful specimen

>> No.17742534

I bet he can smell if a woman is ovulating

>> No.17743159

Read the political theorists he got his ideas from for a better time. I think he's ok and at least he's easier to read.

>> No.17743181

He indoctrinates chuds without fathers to Nazism

>> No.17743200

Because he would be banned for getting too close to reality. It's basically illegal to red pill, too, hard. There is nothing safer in the modern world than to blame something, anything, at least tangentially related to the West, Europe, white people, etc. Jews are an untouchable class of psychopaths.

>> No.17743215

Narcissus' very mirror -- where could he have spat?

>> No.17743225

>cosmopolitanism is not actually very jewish
lol, you lie like a Jew, 180º in opposition to reality

>> No.17743325

requesting more edits of this with different books and dont photoshop the chin

>> No.17743344

>Everything I don't like is Hitler

>> No.17743719

>He indoctrinates chuds without fathers to Nazism
Thanks for the recommendation. That's exactly what I missed growing up.

>> No.17743732

Who are the theorists?

>> No.17743743


>> No.17744350

Yowie Zowie

>> No.17744826

who is this?

>> No.17744846

Be patient

>> No.17744862

I wish i could have a physical copy of MTW

>> No.17744867

Based. Fuck the shills. Zionists against the wall.

>> No.17744874

I’ll wait.

>> No.17744915

In addition to >>17741396 (he literally did not choose the name), he's trying to craft a system wherein White people can reject Liberalism while allowing the Jew to slip away from the coming catastrophe that they'll face. Where does the Jew have left to go after Liberalism? When they unite the world as one country, where will they flee to? Moldbug is throwing up his hands and begging his fellow Chosen to stop before it's too late.

They won't listen.

>> No.17745425

keith woods soils himself with a lot of retarded associations and positions but some stuff is good, like this on moldbug

>> No.17745430
File: 622 KB, 1456x1448, gigachad Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17745468
File: 1.88 MB, 2534x1292, Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 9.21.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the 'leading whiteness studies academics' are jews
How can anyone deny this pattern?

>> No.17745480


>> No.17745542

If by
you mean
then yes, yes he is

>> No.17745555

Mm, mm, mm


>> No.17745595

Is this the one where he talks about how Gramsci's Hegemony works just fine? Because it fucking doesn't, and Gramsci's Hegemony is just flat out wrong.

>> No.17745627 [DELETED] 

Not all contributing elements, hell not even the majority. What's more some of the best counter-elements are also Jewish, it doesn't serve any use to alienate them and the average person by inviting the association between you and the well known typified retarded Neo-Nazi image.

>> No.17745638

By pointing out 'leading' is an arbitrary and unspecific term you pulled out of your ass. It's dangerous to use words like "all" when offer no rigorous evidence too.

>> No.17746527

why would you hate your fellow ethnonationalists? think about this for literally two seconds

>> No.17746695

bertrand de jouvenel is probably the most important one

>> No.17746737

I realize my post may not have been clear, the first 'cathedral' refers to MM's concept, the second to actual cathedrals

>> No.17746761

Synagogues are puny compared to the complexity of cathedrals. Also jews don't control it

>> No.17746803

>the cathedral is just Gramsci lol
Fucking brainlet. It's just a better adoption of the concept that Gramsci ripped off of (political formula)

>> No.17747335

Who is "they"?

>> No.17748487
File: 436 KB, 850x850, young moldbug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was cute when he was young. The problem is that he got old.

>> No.17748572
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 94CC693B-2F37-4FA4-B4AC-3D5466055FE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cold War State Department subverters
Cognitive dissonance. pic. related. Read Golitsyn’s New Lies for Old.

Hoppe, but made palatable to those that would self-select for physical removal regardless. Joseph Peterson style approved opposition on an outer spiral of the Overton Window. Wholly unoriginal, and entirely tedious.

>nice binaries you got there

>The problem with him is he purposefully makes his ideas inaccessible by spamming giant reams of verbiage with an extremely low density of information
— It’s the female New York Times copywriter school of style; to be fair, he aimed at obscurantism in the pre-sub stack era, by his own admission (and detriment)

>Moldbug is throwing up his hands and begging his fellow Chosen to stop before it's too late
His actual audience is very, very limited.

2nd Temple complex was large enough to dwarf your typical Cathedral

They is They Live

>> No.17748590

I don't even understand how saying this thing, that power structures operate to benefit themselves in a sort of matrix that makes conspiracy unnecessary is 'ground breaking' though, its what anyone with half a brain can see. This is like the most obvious take on the state of politics there is.

The fact that moldbug attributes this to progressivism and doesn't see progressivism as a result of capitalism shows what a brain nigger he is.

>> No.17748620

Because hundreds of years ago the Catholic church controlled Europe's intellectual climate to the degree that they could effortlessly push buttons to crush whomever they desired and Judaism has never been that historically organized or mighty.
He's making a direct parallel between what we have now and what existed then.

>> No.17748629

Why is progressivism a result of Capitalism and not the other way around. Is Communism not a progressive ideology?

>> No.17748649

>ids gabidalism
>evrything iz gabidalism
thank you for your contribution

>> No.17748752

The fact that you believe that capitalism is a thing that is real shows how much of a brain nigger you are.

>> No.17748785

>2nd Temple complex was large enough to dwarf your typical Cathedral
And twice as bland. But that doesn't matter. Moldbug doesn't believe conservative christians control the west, whereas you believe jews do and that's as far as your thinking goes.

>> No.17749043

Moldbug says communism is under the cathedral it was just the special kid in the back of the class

>> No.17749059

because capitalism needs infinite growth, progressivism is the way to orchestrate change in tastes and culture in order to have new things to buy, new morals and ethics to expand the marketplace and open up consumer demographics

>> No.17749145

>where will they flee to?

>> No.17749152

capitalism is basically synonymous with economics, which is a much more substantive lens through which to view the world than muh secret jewish lizardman pedophile cult that's been controlling the world since 30AD
i have what i consider to be a healthy suspicion of jews but people who see the world solely in terms of jewish vs non-jewish are just trash, they will never understand anything about the world and why it's like this

>> No.17749169

>economics, which is a much more substantive lens through which to view the world than muh secret jewish lizardman pedophile cult that's been controlling the world since 30AD
ah the folly of youth

>> No.17749177

Hey anon, please tell me something. What is the definition of capitalism? (A useful definition is one line or less)

>> No.17749243

you realize if the latter were true, it would make more sense to worship them as gods than to try to fight against a race of people with, apparently, two thousand years of foresight and uncontested dominance over us, right? like, i feel like people who believe in the latter never really consider the full implications of their supposed beliefs, because if they did the end conclusion would be drastically different

>> No.17749312

>believes pedophile death cults are deserving of worship
You are mentally stunted and also a coward and a pussy. I hope that one day in the future you'll look at your current self with disgust.

>> No.17749327

>either jews rule the world and you should just shut the fuck up about it
>or they rule the world and you need to worship them
I'm gonna take a Third Position here: Fuck kikes.

>> No.17749563

no he's great. you're just being a butthurt leftist or a 4chan contrarian.

>> No.17749596

but my point is that the entire thing is just ridiculous on its face - you're the one puffing them to superhuman capabilities, it's your frame of reference that paints them as gods, malicious or not. like, that is the actual inevitable conclusion of believing in your fantasies - that actual living gods walk the earth, capable of ruling humanity for millennia, with the ability to make and execute plans involving the shaping of human society over hundreds of lifetimes
do you have any idea what that means? it means all the history books are fake, all of the historians are wrong, all of the political scientists are wrong, every single thing anybody thinks they've ever known about the progress of human civilization is wrong, replaced by what is essentially deus ex machina (or, iudaeorum ex machina, apparently)
if all that is true, why the fuck would anybody ever bother doing anything? that would mean every human throughout history has just been some kind of plaything of these malicious living gods that apparently you can find in brooklyn eating bagels with lox
how can you claim to hate them when you essentially deify them in reverse?

>> No.17749810

capitalism is pursuit of money dictating the course of society and money having sex with money to make more money

>> No.17749822
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capitalism only became ubiquitous about 300 years ago
are you saying there was no economy prior?

>> No.17749859

I unironically do consider Jews to be superior to white people. Israel is by far the best country in the world, just the combination of gdp, standard of living, and birth rate alone cement it in its own category. There is literally not a single other country in the entire world that is as developed and maintains a 3.1 fertility rate.

and look at our own countries, we aren't even allowed to criticize Jews but everyone can insult and demean whites all they want. It's just ridiculous

>> No.17749949

well, there was economy prior to capitalism, but only under capitalism was society itself organized around the economy. so, as a lens with which to view the world, economics becomes somewhat less valuable prior to the rise of capitalism

>> No.17750030

>trade for goods dictates which goods are produced
Okay. With you so far.
>copulating shekels
Oh, you mean usury. This is independent of the nature of capital. It is also the main weapon of the kikes.

>> No.17750047

Now just imagine if we could implant in 2% of the population of Israel an undying desire to destroy Israel and send their blood and wealth elsewhere. Wonder how jews would be doing if any other group on earth was as dishonest and disgusting and was placed within their midst?

>> No.17750596

>religious vs ethnic jew
Ethnic jews was very obviously who he was talking about. You might claim they aren't "real" jews, but thats what they call themselves. So sick of this shell game of jewish identity. People like you make gold stars sound like a good idea.