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/lit/ - Literature

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17740606 No.17740606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to college
>fall into the trap of believing in all the typical academic ideas that are now taking over our institutions (CRT, gender theory, other critical theories)
>basically a bleeding heart liberal
>graduated college
>/lit/ gets me into the classics and philosophy
>become extremely anti-academia and anti-“progressive” all from reading great works of literature
Anyone else?

>> No.17740644

of all the people i've ever met in college, only a small handful were the hyper-left caricatures that you see on social media. you've never been to college.

>> No.17740667
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Same here. Most of my uni were retards looking to party and hope to have a job at the end
t. retard who went to uni and spent it mostly drinking

>> No.17740673
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mfw reading this thread after reading Deschooling society

>> No.17740688

they are good frameworks through which to view society. you can tell that most of their critics have no read any of the literature.

>> No.17740699

I did go to college, and I am back in college for a masters degree, faggot.
I had to take several required humanities courses. “American Ethnic Studies” literally taught us about “whiteness” and other bullshit. We had to read an essay called “Abolish the white race” and had points taken off of our discussion answers for being white and therefore wrong.
Sociology class taught us that gender as a spectrum is “science”
You have never been to college

>> No.17740702

You have become a man, OP

>> No.17740705

They’re good maybe if you’re a dysgenic retard

>> No.17740720

Why do you people resort to gaslighting every single time someone directly calls out CT ideology? Literally every time. The only time you’ll be honest is when you’re talking to 6 year olds in a classroom. Demonic

>> No.17740740

Most of the people I'm currently meeting in college are the hyper-left caricatures I see on social media.

>> No.17740743


>CRT: the radical idea that black people are human
>gender theory: the radical idea that women are human

If that's what makes you leave academia, all I have to say is umm yikes

>> No.17740748

Sorry. I'm a STEM major at a decent college, so I can't relate.

>> No.17740754

you're full of shit. weak bait

>> No.17740759

so why the fuck do you think your gay opinion is relevent to the humanities?

>> No.17740794

So was I, retard. Most schools make you take a few humanities courses as electives.

>> No.17740806

This comment is pilpul

>> No.17740827

Engineers aren't subjected to that cookie cutter humanities bullshit lol. You must be a life science major.

>> No.17740852

Information Systems actually, but keep going. You’re just lying to yourself

>> No.17740962

This never happened.

>> No.17740980

if you're college educated and don't understand the construction of whiteness in america, you should ask for your money back. it's college, not a coding bootcamp.

>> No.17741020

If you don't understand that these are communist projects you're just a useful idiot and who wants to live that existence? Just embrace the revolution or drop it all together.

>> No.17741073

College is a propaganda hub fundamentally divorced from merit. What do you think no-talent sociologists do after school? They teach sociology. The result is this weird inbred bureaucracy dependent on substituting social values for their own to grab power. This is nothing new. Why are you surprised?

>> No.17741080

sounds like you are easily impressionable and dont hold your own opinions about anything

>> No.17741289
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>every thing i don't like is communism

Yeah go back to /pol/ my friend

>> No.17741298

nice larp

>> No.17741307

unironically true. I disagree with the /magnitude/ of some issues they talk about, but it's hard to argue with the basic argument

>> No.17741344

>mercenary idealogue moves uncritically from one end of the progressive spectrum to the other
at least you'll do well in grad school

>> No.17741379

The totalitarian drive towards equality has to be given some name. The problem with marxist self-perception is that they don't understand how their meme economics are just a pseudo-scientific expression of that drive. I consider the modern 'neoliberal' variants a more pure expression since there was genuine concern for the poor in the earlier incarnations and economic thinking was primitive enough to make the reasoning of Marx appear legitimate.

>> No.17741399

good joke kid

>> No.17741408

Community college poorfag detected

>> No.17741599

Sounds like a shitty school
t. an engineering graduate also from a decent college

>> No.17741826

It is a normal part of growing up anon, Your mistake is to believe that being "anti progressive" or "anti academia" is somehow part of your identity. You're like and adolescent who wants to be a grown up and pushes away his toys to show the world that he's an adult now. For sure there's a lot of stupid and nasty people in academia, but everywhere else is just the same.

See https://scholardox.net/2019/08/28/sdx190929/ (the comment is retarded, just read for the Nietzsche quote)

>> No.17741842

I didnt get into classics through /lit/ but yeah. I now find it hard to discuss things with people who are still in that mindset, or knew me when I followed it, because they think I'm just a native idiot who hasn't read the relevant theory.

>> No.17741875

Nearly everyone I’ve met at my current college is a hyper-left caricature. But a also live in possibly the most liberal city in the US. When I went to school in Montana people were cool, I think I’ll move back there.

>> No.17742095
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>mfw NEET after graduating last year spending all my time reading philosophy instead of something useful like programming books

why is philosophy so much more interesting than CS

>> No.17742138

Yeah it sounds a little cringe but reading "the classics" (any book written before 1990 really) just shows how much has changed in our culture even in the last 5 years, how narrow minded people have gotten, how much better culture was then… it's sad.

Obviously it varies by school but it's fair to say that both faculty and students are rather left-wing at universities and only becoming more so. It's notable that the literature I read in university that I found most valuable was all written before 2000, often by the dreaded Dead White Males. It makes you think.

>> No.17742189

I was Information Systems as well my friend. Managed to secure a job in Big 4 Consulting.
I wanted to kill myself but hey it was "prestigious"

>> No.17742203

>why is philosophy so much more interesting than CS
because you aren't a geek and just did stem cuz it's a meme

>> No.17742258


>> No.17742315

>became a right-wing schizo to fit in with 4chan incels because I have no friends IRL
summarized your post OP

>> No.17742338
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I went to a super liberal high school in the bay area, went to the deep south for college cause I had a banger scholarship. Oscillated so violently between progressive to conservative in the american tradition, called some girls from my high school some fucked up slurs when we met up by chance at a pool a couple years later (after I'd gotten fit as fuck btw) then I went to med school at a hot shit institution and came to hate academia as a whole.
Now I like deleuze and christian patriotic class reductionist socialism, but mostly I like to save lives, lift, and party.
Never got in trouble for calling those chicks J.A.P. cunts. I'm disinclined to start a twitter cause they might notice me, remember, and "call me out" to the detriment of my career.

>> No.17742366

Most of the people in the humanities department were those caricatures, just like most of the CS department were those /sci/ caricatures. But then again I went to the most lefty university in my country. I know it can't be the same everywhere but it definitively happens in some places.

>> No.17742394

Yeah no. I'm guessing you have never spent time on any campus lol

>> No.17742426

I can't help but think this is cope since the logical conclusion of Nietzsche's philosophy is rejecting the atrophy of mind and body as you slouch over books under a dimly lit lamp on your desk to do your mundane academic tasks.

>> No.17742460

This, but unironically.

>> No.17742462

I just dont like idpol that much. All reading has done is make me a more pessimistic marxist. Critical Theory isn’t THAT bad

>> No.17742470

I have a film (screenwriting) degree and I resented critical theory as a fucking waste of time my entire bachelors. Now movies are completely dead and I'm getting an IT degree and certs. My college roommate is in the LA hellscape and he is getting into daytrading.

>> No.17742473

I WILL rape you.

>> No.17742479

We live in a society

>> No.17742482

I can't wait to kill and eat you when society crumbles.

>> No.17742483

Sounds like you're an impressionable retard, sorry.

>> No.17742489

fields vary a lot. as a philosophy major with a lot of math and physics friends I have the perception that uni is for weak nerds with nothing to say and a calculator for brains.

but it's not only fields, unis also vary a lot.

>> No.17742497

>clearly a woman

get off of this board. only racist litlets with the reading skills of highschoolers and failed scholars allowed!

>> No.17742513

>only racist litlets with the reading skills of highschoolers and failed scholars allowed!
so women?

>> No.17742554

I love harry potter but jr rowling is a nazi.

>> No.17742719

>Most of my uni were retards looking to party and hope to have a job at the end

Those retards looking to party will become hyper-left caricatures at the slightest push if they believe it'll allow them to part better

>> No.17742760

Come visit Ann Arbor sometime; we have professors that interrupt class to panhandle students for rioters' bail funds.

>> No.17742791

Funny you should mention that. I have a friend at umich who’s quite involved on campus, and he’s never mentioned any of this to me before. Weird....

>> No.17742801

No one even bothers mocking retards like you anymore because you've already become yesterday's bizarre fad. People like OP will outnumber people like you more and more.

>> No.17742816

trump lost.

>> No.17742910

I do “understand it”
I reject it. White excellence is not oppressing non-whites. The country was built by and for europeans. Its culture is an offshoot of european culture. White people in America come from this culture of a nuclear family and a house headed by a father. This system is proven to work better than raising children by committee. single mothering, or not raising them at all. No one is stopping “oppressed” groups from forming proper family units.
This better be bait.

>> No.17742921

It really depends on where you go to college. I went to a liberal arts college, and while those types weren't the majority, there were a lot of them.

>> No.17742963

umn 4chan bro what up

>> No.17743135
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>> No.17743136 [DELETED] 

Nothing much, what’s going on with you

>> No.17743153

Nothing much, what’s going on with you

>> No.17743182

hey i just saw the democrats voted to pass some law allowing independent contractors aka gig workers the right to organize, wow, so it looks like you can still make progress without voting for wacky hippies

>> No.17743243

Not me, but I am happy for you anon. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.17743428

Yep, and it's really easy to see now that classes have been online for a year. You can tell from discussion boards that nobody fits the stereotypical "university hyper-leftist" model. There are the ones that still try to turn everything political or add some social component to literally everything though. They're sincere in their efforts, but it's obvious that they don't truly understand their own talking points now that they have to write them out instead of relying on mob mentality and shouting down the opponent. Makes me think the whole thing is a LARP.

>> No.17743441

Same. Except it was more so my high school experience. Now I read nothing but classics and /lit masterpieces like Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.17743454
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How many workers in this “gig” economy again?
All workers have a right to strike whenever they want

>> No.17743471

when the fuck was /lit/ anti-academia?

>> No.17743488

>as usual militant anarchist has no clue about labor organizing
go ahead, strike whenever you want, but good luck negotiating a binding contract without a legal entity

>> No.17743528
File: 139 KB, 548x832, D04EA66A-5849-4549-8FC4-29F1D89D08DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what toothless confusions New Deal unionism is and I know how it’s been whittled away and has only recently made a slight thrashing about. But they’re a progressive’s distraction. An opium.

>> No.17743529

Ridiculously large SJW backlash ITT. The notion of organized psyops seems less schizo by the minute.

>> No.17743547

Depends on the degree. STEM? Sure. Humanities? No way, I know several people who study non STEM subjects and most of them swallowed the hyper-left pill.