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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.58 MB, 972x4671, Screenshot_20210309-122402_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17738418 No.17738418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are you following on Twitter? I'm looking for think tanks, major political and military alliances, geopolitical organizations, and political leaders to follow. If you don't use Twitter please don't come itt to tell me.

>> No.17738443

how is this /lit/ related

>> No.17738587

Well I've studied history and geopolitics so Twitter gives me good sources for decent book recs

>> No.17738592

not /lit/ related, go ask pol and kys

>> No.17738642

>having Twitter in the year of our lord 2021

>> No.17738648

this has nothing to do with reading books

>> No.17738649


>> No.17738657

It is though and I just told you why. You would know that if you actually read instead of an uptight fuckwad. How about you leave. Fuck off to /g/ or w/e shit hole you crawled out of.

Yeah because you don't follow current world events you just read meme fiction """"literature"""" that your friends circlejerk 24/7

>> No.17738674

you obviously unfit for this board, you are not even able to read the rule
go back to /pol/ nigger

>> No.17738697

>uses twitter to follow every neoliberal orthodoxy peddler in existence
>tells others to read books
>philistine to boot

at least stemcels are intelligent.

>> No.17738706

Yeah you definitely haven't studied history.

>> No.17738722

what on earth does racism have to do with anything

>> No.17738723

twitter is bad for the mind, and terrible for the soul

>> No.17738736
File: 97 KB, 640x635, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17738738

Exhibit A: OP

>> No.17738753

>If you don't use Twitter please don't come itt to tell me.

>> No.17738803

>Yeah because you don't follow current world events you just read meme fiction """"literature"""" that your friends circlejerk 24/7
Reading meme fiction literature is far more useful than any of the brain dead blue ticks you’re looking to follow. Commit soduku senpai, and stream it to Twitter

>> No.17738860

Keep telling yourself that delusional retard

>> No.17738871
File: 27 KB, 256x192, 1593739077648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't use Twitter please don't come itt to tell me.
I don't use twitter you dumb nigger.