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17736406 No.17736406 [Reply] [Original]

It was time for a new thread.

Thread for discussing the ideas and books of thinkers associated with the Traditionalist school, sometimes also known as the Perennialist school. Including but not limited to:
- Rene Guenon
- Martin Lings
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Frithjof Schuon
- Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
- Julius Evola
- Titus Burckhardt
- Philip Sherrard
- Marco Pallis etc
Also thinkers indirectly affiliated, influenced by, or similar to Traditionalism:
- Henry Corbin
- William Chittick
- Mircea Eliade
- Arthur Avalon
- Aleksandr Dugin etc

>> No.17736425
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>> No.17736441

Why should I read Guenon?

>> No.17736478

Don't do it, he is irrelevant to modern philosophy.

>> No.17736511


>> No.17736545

>irrelevant to modern philosophy

>> No.17736550

please think before you post anon

>> No.17736630
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>> No.17736671
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is this accurate?

>> No.17736688

No author from here is part of the "Traditionalist school".

>> No.17736703

what is the deal with sanad?

>> No.17736710

what I mean is: from what ontology does the argument that a living line to a source (ie a person to person transmission) is the only way come?

>> No.17736717

General metaphysical exposition
Metaphysics of symbols
these two at least

>> No.17736728
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Nice thread anon. Is there any Schuon reading list? If not, someone should make one, he seems to be an interesting writer but I don't know what I should read from him.

>> No.17736770

Start with The transcendent unity of religions, go in chronological order.

>> No.17736775

I was looking through his wiki and I decided Transfiguration of Man looked interesting as an intro. Seems to be his equivalent of an exposition of the differences between modern and traditional philosophy.

>> No.17736784

ok thanks
also nice digits

>> No.17736810

lmao read plantinga you faggot

>> No.17736935

Any thoughts on Leo Schaya? Are his books on Kabbalah good?

>> No.17736939

I thought "Light on the Ancient Worlds" was a very good book and somewhat accessible. I really enjoy Schuon's prose.

>> No.17736946

Perennialism is the finale vestige of counter-tradition before genuine faith, scale it back a bit and read some chesterton frens.

>> No.17737002

No, false

>> No.17737049

>Perennialism is the finale vestige of counter-tradition
Is easy to say this and believe that only one religion is true, but many people which reject "perennialism" are part of different religions but that doesn't seem to bother anti-perennialists at all, they would feel closer to a person from other religion that has the same hatred toward perennialists and this doesn't make any sense at all. And why should I believe that one religion is true and not another one? From a metaphysical point of view there is no reason why I should believe that a certain form is good and the rest are bad, is pure sentimentalism.

>> No.17737106
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I would ask you to give weight to your argument, but I already see you are lacking comparatively.
Because you can't developed a relationship with God just by surrounding yourself with estranged bits of esoteric knowledge. The birds had the simurgh's feather and the hoopoe to help guide them. Idling after a young girl is sentimental, where preparing oneself with the signs and spiritual path already laid out for us is not. Yet you think you can pick and choose what advice you take, without realizing that the Truth given and the Way shown requires something of your own too. Seeking is the act, commitment is the way, and God is the goal, and He is not reached by knowing alone.

>> No.17737134

Nothing of this is against perennialism. Religions(as long as they are orthodox) are different paths that lead toward the same goal and you have to chose ONE of them, this is what all perennialist writers say, this is why Guenon practiced Islam.

>> No.17737137

>the only true and valid spirituality is this hyper-specific form of judaism that popped up 2000 years ago, nothing that came before or after it has any value or meaning whatsoever
It is thanks to this type of retarded exceptionalism that I came to see the truth of perennialism, which is why to an extent I suppose you people deserve some thanks.

>> No.17737152

>I would ask you to give weight to your argument, but I already see you are lacking comparatively.
Why should I if you didn't either? You just spouted an opinion without any backing, so I did the same. I'm even less likely to take you seriously now.

>> No.17737160

The funny thing is that judaism before christianity wasn't that universal, so basically if that was the only true religion, God didn't even want other nations to be saved, how can a christian believe such a thing?

>> No.17737193
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No no bro you don't understand, you see it makes sense because Christians are "da real joos"! Israel (God's flock, God's chosen people) are actually the Christians and anyone can be a Christian! Everyone that larps as a Jew is saved. This is real theology btw, I am still not sure how the hell Christian clergy and laymen were psyop'd into supporting the state of Israel since by its very name it delegitimises the entire religion of Christianity.

>> No.17737211
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>> No.17737223
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>> No.17737249
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*blocks your path*

>> No.17737266

Without Christ's hand to hold in times of need, souls, even those of seekers, will be unable to protect themselves against the temptations of the collapse.
it was a joke, made in light of chesterton's size (as he often employed in his essays and letters)
>God didn't even want other nations to be saved
And yet he showed us the Way, jew and gentile alike, and went down into the pit to save souls who had perished before His energy walked Creation.

>> No.17737280

>it was a joke, made in light of chesterton's size (as he often employed in his essays and letters)
Ah, alright. I don't see why I would take a landwhale seriously in these matters though.
>And yet he showed us the Way, jew and gentile alike,
The jhews disagree and he is their god. Why should we trust those who stole an ethnic god and claimed him to be for the entirety of mankind?

>> No.17737314

because He showed us, and continues to search for us ceaselessly

>> No.17737414

But the jews say otherwise, why should I believe thieves over the original chosen people?

>> No.17737450
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>> No.17737484
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>> No.17737551


>> No.17737553

>why would God pick a band of thieves and conspirators to show us the Way by example of their faults?
>why are God's mysteries mysterious to me?

>> No.17737572

Not an answer.

>> No.17737580

I can't give you one, some aspects of God are inaccessible and to us
as simulacra of God we can often only understand him by deduction

>> No.17737594

So no reason to believe christians over jews then? Since jews were there first, and they are his chosen people, I'll take their word.

>> No.17737624

>since jews were there first
Why do you think God works on your linear time frame? The Way has always existed, even for those in antiquity and prehistory, and even when the last Christian dies Christ will still search for us.

>> No.17737643

Take your meds schizo

>> No.17737672

Because your jewish god is the one who actually invented historical linearity. He is not the Way. What a strange hill to die on, anon.

>> No.17737673

this is a guenon thread, meds are for moloch worshipping nephilim halfbreeds

>> No.17737680

Incidentally I happen to be speaking to a Moloch worshipping nephilim halfbreed.

>> No.17737688

time was created by the fall
I would recommend you not do that if you want to have children

>> No.17737741
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>> No.17737742
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Based thread,Hyperborean bump

>> No.17737784

>time was created by the fall
and linear time by the jewish god

>> No.17737949

Time is cyclical and the Fall was the end of the last cycle
Have either of your even read Reign of Quantity?

>> No.17737973

the "cyclical" nature of time is another man-made abstraction, time will eventually cease to percievable

>> No.17737976

Yes, but that doesn't disprove what I said. Every tradition accept cyclical time except for the abrahamic ones which espouses linear time. From creation to the end of days. That's why Guenon became a sufi and not a muslim.

>> No.17738131

How do we solve the lesbian question, tradbros?

>> No.17738289
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like this?

>> No.17738301

That's not the abrahamic view

>> No.17738432
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What's your favourite Perennialist?

>> No.17738445

holy shit, was salazar a perennialist?
probably sherrard

>> No.17738567

Not really kek.
But he did say some things a traditionalist would:
"The Nation is above all a moral entity, shaped over centuries through the labor and solidarity of successive generations, linked by blood and spirit, and to which, we could very well believe, is providentially attributed a specific mission in human history."
The best description I've ever seen of a Nation

>> No.17738596

Oooh nooo, this is so saaaaddd... :c

>> No.17738626

Is it not the abrahamic view, or is it rather not the view of the masses in abrahamic civilizations? Where is it written that time ends and nothing exists afterwards?
>What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.
>Is there a thing of which it is said, "See, this is new"? It has been already, in ages before us.
>There is no rememberance of former things, nor will there be any rememberance of later things yet to happen among those who come after.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-11

>> No.17738693

Nationalism is anti-traditional though.