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/lit/ - Literature

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17734701 No.17734701 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

previous thread:>>17725143

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17734740

I have two short stories. One is a whimsical allegory, the other is a sad romantic memoir. How can I go about finding a magazine or somewhere to try to get published? Is it better to wait until I have a collection?

>> No.17734749

behead vtubers and their simpathizers

>> No.17734763

I've watched anime before and I post on RR, but none of what I do is anime. I post more DFW than I do of any other reaction images.
This is good. I will meditate upon it.
Some of it, but I've grown into a more absurdity based in reality type thing. Part of the ol' threads gag was that no one could actually agree on it.
Was that the old Fox theater or the new Alamo Drafthouse? Also the old 1934 Count movie is dope. I just bought the book today, it's thick but I'm looking forward to it. Also, it does work as flash fiction.
Checked and based.
But therein lies the beauty.
It's been interesting trying out different genre/prose styles and such.
Ha, good. Then it's effective at its purpose.

>> No.17734771

It's a hard sell to get a whole collection published if you've never published anything anywhere.

I work at a small independent press and unless you're black, gay, or latino, or a women, you will not have a collection published without getting published in smaller works first.

This means sending your stuff out to anyone who will look at it. Firstly you should get someone on here or someone with an editing/writing background to read your work. You can easily be blind to your own work and one revision can easily enhance a story immeasurable points. Get it in the condition to send out, then find places that accept submissions. Don't go to sites that are just going to take your money (I can't give you any good examples unfortunately).

>> No.17734772
File: 82 KB, 735x885, A6267FFE-1096-4ACE-AA56-4334A7D526F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need opinions for this other story I’m doing for kids and teenagers. You comment on it and I’ll comment on your works.

>> No.17734782

Such a life: a soul complicit in it's own dismantling of compassion. Where the seeing see, the nigger knows no ability, rendering it's interior shell hollow and decrepit.

>> No.17734817

>gives award

>> No.17734834
File: 177 KB, 700x394, wish-mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[Chapter 8 released today!]

On the surface Hress Dunter is every bit the handsome young man one would expect a hero to be. After saving a seaside town from blood-drinking beings known as Accursed, Hress planned to spend the rest of his days living off his folk hero status and the small fortune he was paid for a job well done. However after accepting an invitation to a royal ball, a crucial decision lands Hress as the prime suspect in a murder.

Wish Mountain follows the adventures of Hress Dunter and his companions as they journey up a mysterious mountain. Legend tells whoever reaches the heart of Wish Mountain will receive one all-powerful wish, but nobody in a thousand years has been able to get there.

The series will run for a long time. Many arcs and chapters ahead.

>> No.17734898
File: 27 KB, 680x378, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 2 hrs time
I should've been more specific, I kind of threw the question just to see if anyone would bite; thanks anon, but it concerned my toy stop motion project.
I wanted to write an arc similar to something like A Tale of Two Cities/Doctor Zhivago, it's just a point of reference for the tone; I'm not actually following either closely at all, since when I was little I played something similar to Anna and the King of Siam meets War and Peace but by a kid that hasn't actually read either.

As of now, I have for important characters
>the MC
>the main antagonist
>a group of nine antagonists under his direct command that are the main force of opposition of the arc, each with a different reason for why they are following him and thus a short arc
>a singer that sides with the main antagonist
>a singer that sides with the good guys
>the current president of the not-US
>a terrorist leader turned main enforcer of the main antagonist
>a shadow enforcer of the main antagonist
>one collaborator of the main antagonist that is there just as a puppet
>an old hero that was thought to be missing but comes back only to be humiliated by the main antagonist
>the empress of a foreign land that's close to going to war with the main antagonist

And for minor characters:
>the MC's rival
>the MC's rival's father
>a former chief of police who is now a political prisoner
>a group of four minor antagonists
>the MC's mentor
>a trio of comic relief villains
>a duo of conspiracy nuts that help the MC
>a trio of veterans and brothers that also help the MC
>the former president of the not-US
>a hermit whose death is crucial to the escalation of the arc's conflict
>the MC's old boyfriend
>the MC's friend from a previous adventure
>three out of the twelve praetorian guards of the empress
>the president of a neighboring city estate that is being forcefully annexed

This is too much, right? I might be seriously dumb.

>> No.17734914

Wrong its

>> No.17734918

Please leave love and reviews on my fictionpress books. It means alot and makes everything better. Have you done any good deeds today? Time to up the meter on your good karma gauge!

This is a great opportunity. My books have both a text and every chapter is finished with a nice poem.

This rod in my hand
Moved the hourglass sand

Like I was graced by the word
And time went as I heard

A conversation
Like masturbation


Take the synth-pill anons! Tell your friends and family you love them!

>> No.17734939

this is enough for like a 3 season show man. lofty ambition but there is no way to squeeze this many characters into a 2-3 hr movie without a lot of the characters feeling flat.
It's so many characters man. If it's for your own project Toy Stop motion project and you have no one to answer to or sell to, you should really look into making this a series to do it justice. Obviously if characters are one-dimensional, you can fit them into a movie but if you want to give them all reasons for what they do, you need something long-term and a series that stretches over years is your best bet.

Or merge many of the things you like about specific characters and drop half the side plots.

>> No.17734969

This just sounds like Metal Gear.

>> No.17735014

Figured I'd throw this one to the dogs because the time has passed and I never got it out the door. It's an essay on the implications of Covid, specifically from a philosophical perspective about how it has assaulted human subjectivity.

It was written months ago and the future it talks about has become the past, so it's dated and more or less an empty exercise.

Also highly recommend this site txt.fyi. Stop using pastebin if you just want to hastily shit out text into the ether.

Not saying it's my best work, but that's why I'm dumping it.


>> No.17735018

I'm already making sure that many of the character arcs merge and connect into each other but sometimes I wonder about the scale of it. I'm not aiming for like Coraline-quality by any means, I'm fine as long as I can avoid the South Park stride, and this whole thing kind of hinges entirely on me being able to set up a patreon with the parts leading to this anyway.

The thing that I wonder is how many character arcs I can get away with before the average toyfag goes "Welp. I don't know what's even happening anymore".
I'm also having trouble fitting the MC into this part of the story to be completely honest but that depends on me fixing the previous arc and I'm kind of reinventing it at the moment.

>> No.17735029

shit, man, you're right lmao

>> No.17735073

A bit of a creative writing warm-up. Any critique would be appreciated.
A cold and dusky morning, wet and dark. West of the old chapel and further, it can be found. Nobody knew why, but the old manor was highly feared despite being so pristine and aesthetic. If one were to examine it from a distance it would not seem old at all, it would appear as an imposter - a new building made to look old. The experience that all held was, however, authentic. Of course tales of sightings of people in the windows, people leaving, people arriving, were in abundance if you look for them, but nothing felt real. The truth is that no one in the village appeared to have any great deal of knowledge surrounding the manor. Such an impressive sight was not ignored, and many travelers did wander the semi-dense forest up the winding hill to get as close as they could manage. As one might assume, there was more than meets the eye. A sudden wave of dread would engulf anyone who dared get too near.
Michael gracefully held open the creaky door of the bakery for a young lady who was approaching as he left. He had no desire to eat at such an early hour, but the scent of bread was always a welcome sensation.

>> No.17735106

Today I wrote a whole chapter.

>> No.17735109

>"Welp. I don't know what's even happening anymore".
A series gives you plenty of time to develop. Look at a show like LOST, where there are 10+ main characters, they all get MULTIPLE arcs, and besides all the mystery bullshit- the plot is clear.
>MC into this part of the story
with so many characters, you can easily change perspectives. A good example of this is the Wire. Mcnulty is arguably the protagonist the first few seasons but we see perspectives from all sides. In s4 Mcnulty's arc is resolved for the time being and he isn't in the season at all. He comes back s5 and takes over his role again, blah blah.

That's what is so interesting about writing to me, if you're creative enough you can make anything work.

>> No.17735117

I've got 42k words and only three finished chapters...

>> No.17735122

>the old manor was highly feared despite being so pristine and aesthetic
what are you retarded?

>> No.17735134

A better version if you wish. I just updated it.

>> No.17735307

>some shitty mcu fanfic is on RR trending

Come on now.

>> No.17735312

I'm writing a transgender side character in my short story. It's going to be based af. Makes the right-oids seethe.


>> No.17735321

the love of a lazy potato

>> No.17735582

Hello fellow anons!

I'm starting to write a story and I had a question about what software you are using. I met an author who recommended scrivener. I was quite interested, mainly in the way it organises a project with a tree, notes and stats, my project will probably have a complicated timeline.. I researched for some free/open-source alternatives, as I don't necessarily plan to monetize my project. I found quite a lot, like manuskript, zettlr, bibisco and many more..

Do you have any experience with these? What do you use?

>> No.17735608

I use the 2002 version of Microsoft Word.

>> No.17735612

>What do you use?
note pad.

>> No.17735617

I just right click in a folder and create a new file. I think it's word? Maybe it's notepad.

>> No.17735771

Don't fall into the tools obsession that a lot of writers do. It's a time-waste. Just use whatever you have available to you. Sometimes that's google docs, sometimes it's a physical notepad, sometimes it's the notes app on a cellphone. The only important thing is actually writing, don't use any brainpower on anything else.

>> No.17735785

check'd but did you not read the entire thing? The point is the contrast. It isn't supposed to look intimidating at all, but once close, people feel an intense feeling of dread. Is it hard to understand? I don't think I'm the retard here anon. Have you never been in a place that appears completely normal and doesn't look spooky, but you get an uneasy feeling, something feels off. That's the idea.

>> No.17735818

>sometimes it's the notes app on a cellphone.
I want to get a blue tooth keyboard for this so badly.

>> No.17735865

I’ll critique yours if you critique mine.
Make sure to identify yourself or I won’t know which one to give feedback to.

>> No.17735892

So far so good this week. 2070 words today. hopefully i'll get to 14k by Saturday. I'm kinda burnt out, idk how you guys do more than 2k.

>> No.17735908

it's your use of "aesthetic" that's retarded, anon.

>> No.17735993

Whatever text field with autosave.

>> No.17736020

What is yours?

>> No.17736028

I think I spent too much time on /fit/

>> No.17736041


>> No.17736050

In glow of LCD I sit
Must never falter, never quit.
Mother asks from basement stair
Why I’m simply sitting there.
I must as always stay the course
Why did she and Dad divorce?
Advertisements long since gone
Lost revenue that few shall mourn.
Cargo shorts, a lavatory
And not a cent compensatory.
I cannot purchase HRT
When noble work I do for free.
Day and night and never shirk
Must delete not safe for work.
Six hundred pounds and climbing still
Board culture I strive to kill.

>> No.17736063

>Start writing a story
>Oh, it'll be just a mecha tournament for fun
>Main conflict can be just about two friends.that once shared the passion for larger than life heroes and mechs, the armor of knights of space age. But as they grew up, one exploited the other because he cared about his plans more than about people.
>But wont it be cool if the world was sci fi too
And two years and 95k words later, I'm still writing it.

>> No.17736122

I hope you have good money for the proofread costs. As far as I know not even publishing companies cover that.

>> No.17736142

Truly magnificent

>> No.17736198

Hi I am >>17735073
I just read yours. Seems decent so far and I was interested throughout.
These are some of the things that stood out to me while reading:
>but this voice didn’t sound like a man, in fact it didn’t even sound human.
but then not long after you write:
>it was rather strange for a woman to be out in the forests alone and yet here was a feminine voice that somehow knew him.
So it goes from being a non-human voice to a woman's voice.

I would associate his fear of a unknown voice more of the actions of a less proficient hunter, Sven seems to overreact for someone who is a skilled hunter. Although there is the witch possibility with him being wounded that can cause more caution, and he is a boy not a man.

>recite a prayer to Valhalla
Someone of that time would pray to the gods; Thor, Tyr, Odin etc. Not to Valhalla. The word 'prayer' feels a bit off when talking about Norse people, because it appears that there wasn't prayers to their gods in the Christian sense of a prayer. I imagine it would be more of a "Thor give me strength!" kind of situation. I'm not a Norse expert though so take what I say with a grain of salt. Anyway good stuff anon.

>> No.17736202

>paid editing
That's just money lost unless there's already an offer with advance payment. Instead I spent half of my writing time in 2020 on editing.
Given that complaints turned from *confusing and lacks context* to *good ideas but improve prose/language there, there and there*, I'll eventually get good by myself.

>> No.17736247

Sven dude here,
Seemed over dramatic when I read the first three or so lines, but I soon picked up it was about a haunted mansion and my interest was (biased, mind you) caught. For what it offered, description wise, was a bit better than serviceable but it was more so the pacing and prose of the piece - especially as we get to the haunted mansion bit - that stood out for me.
That just made the sudden transition to a bakery all the more jarring. It’s like watching a horror movie and then suddenly we cut to a light-hearted burger commercial.

>> No.17736260

All fair points. Thank you

>> No.17736273

If you say so, anon. But if it were me, and I really wish for my story to stand the test of time, I would leave it to an expert to clean up what I don’t finish in the editing process.

>> No.17736283

And thank you for your critique.
By the way, when he said it didn’t sound like a man - I meant as in the gender. It would’ve been unlikely for a woman to be out in the woods where bears and wolves prowled about.

>> No.17736294

> A cold and dusky morning, wet and dark

You may as well have opened with “it was a dark and stormy night.” My middle school English teacher would have thrown me out of the classroom.

>> No.17736335

Technical quality alone cannot carry a work and quality of creative is determined by readers. So instead of polishing, I edited for readers to understand what the story has to say.

>> No.17736370

It’s more so playing by the rules I should’ve said - making sure your work is grammatically correct and makes sense. I never meant for technicality to do all the heavy lifting, only that the proofreaders clean up what you’ve done AFTER you’ve already edited it. Because you never know what you leave behind and I bet constantly proofreading your story might eventually bore you to rush it.

>> No.17736404

Nah, if I learned anything about my writing, it's that my arcs grow longer as I learn more about the characters and the world. Also, I learned not to edit beyond saying what I want, because those extra efforts are sidegrades at the cost of time.

>> No.17736448

Very well, I leave it to you, anon.

>> No.17736715

>Also, I learned not to edit beyond saying what I want, because those extra efforts are sidegrades at the cost of time.
lmao the absolute state of these threads

>> No.17736731

Be the change you want to see.

>> No.17736920

How do I come up with clever puns for my titles?

>> No.17737026
File: 174 KB, 700x1010, divershort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. The young pig being a dreamy headed idealist was meant to be reflected in the out of touch speech but I guess I missed the mark

Yesterday I spent an hour with my head in my hands trying to write my main story but in the mornings I blaze right through the daily short story. I always feel like I can't possibly do a long piece of writing justice. I just end up further developing the themes and ideas in my narrative design document instead of writing, which makes me feel like the story is even further from what I'm capable of. Maybe I should just write short stories. I think about them all day anyways
Maybe if I watched more anime I could just focus on word count and getting it done

See you guys tomorrow morning

>> No.17737057

This. I have Scrivener and I like it but I don't use half the features.

>> No.17737063

95k is a perfectly normal wordcount for a novel and if it's being traditionally published you wouldn't spend a penny on any kind of editing.

>> No.17737153

>if it's being traditionally published you wouldn't spend a penny on any kind of editing.
Since nobody will touch it if it's illegible.

>> No.17737166

Depends on the publisher. A big house, maybe not, although it's going to be much easier to get representation if your novel's been edited.

>> No.17737168

Which is why you edit so that it isn't illegible. I'm not sure why you think that anon's situation is abnormal or warrants paying someone.

>> No.17737476
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 38192e5b37d76b1c0880ad50a84a53a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Board culture I strive to kill.
How will jannies ever recover?

>> No.17737497

Did Lit Quarterly die?

>> No.17737508

Too based

>> No.17737582

There are other benefits to hiring an editor. When you have beta readers set to suggesting about your work, they are speaking of it as your work, and they will suggest ways that you might reshape it without any expectation of it being done because it is your work. When you give someone your book and a dollar and say to them do your work you will get a very different sort of feedback because it will be their work by transaction. Take for example the play The Homecoming, the draft of which called for a long-winted rant from father to son, berating him for several paragraphs if I recall correctly. In editing all of these paragraphs were reduced to the sentence "I'll chop your spine off" which was originally in the text but buried in its middle. The text served as inspiration for the editor to draw from as he created something entirely new by process of removal. You are unlikely to be able to do this to your own work but it is very easy for someone else to do it.

>> No.17737623

>I work at a small independent press and unless you're black, gay, or latino, or a women, you will not have a collection published without getting published in smaller works firs
Is it unheard of to publish an author without meeting them in person?

Could you craft a false disabled black lesbian troon persona, put up fake photos on IG, FB, etc for a couple of years, and get a deal strictly via email and the phone? My voice would be problematic but I'd preemptively post about how testosterone therapy has really deepened my black woman's voice.

>> No.17737626

Fair enough anon, I agree it's hard to structurally edit your own work. But plenty of people get representation without paying for editors and there's nothing wrong or abnormal about that guy writing a 95k novel and not getting it professionally edited (unless he's self publishing).

>> No.17737713

I'm getting on the mech, "Pew-pew-pew!" says Lapilou, the evil bad guy, as he takes great strides to confront me. "You won't succeed in your dastardly plans, Lapilou!" I cry. In the meantime, my mech is emitting sounds of metal clashing against metal as it struggles to get on his feets. Inside, the pod is revolving at great speed and the available weapons are being displayed inside of a blue box in my peripheral vision.

[Rocket Launcher - Left Shoulder], [SMG - Left Arm]

[Brand New Weapon detected! [Diggy-diggy-dong - Right Arm], do you wish to take the [Diggy-diggy-dong - Right Arm] as your primary weapon?]


Fuck, no!

[Please select your primary weapon.]

I gather my thoughts with great difficulty to select the rocket launcher. 'Please, not the diggy-diggy-dong, oh God, please, not the diggy-diggy-dong..." I mumbled, unable to fight the almost conspiring curiosity of discovering this new weapon.

A mental click resounds through the hull of the mech, followed by a sound of triumph transmitted by the user interface directly to my ears.

[Primary weapon of choice, [Diggy-diggy-dong - Right Arm] has been selected!]

I clenched my knuckles furiously as I tried to select another weapon in urgency but caught off guard by a smug Lapilou, now a few meters away, "You're dead, MOP! No one can save you here, no special weapon, no... Wait, is that a diggy-diggy-dong? How on earth is that possible?! The production was stopped years ago!" he cries, his body already launched in the airs and his [Bling-Bling Sword of Bling] thrown out.

"We can resolve this without weapons, Lapilou, please stop!" I ask of him imploringly. The brightness in the pod suddenly increased and another system message popped out immediately after,

[Weapon equipped.]
[Enemy near area of attack. Main user is not ready. Last Breath Mode Activated.]

"No!" I cried.

I could see Lapilou glaring at me through the spotted cameras, and in the next moment, he fell dead.

>> No.17737734

study >>17736050

>> No.17737770

I'm already unironically moved by the spirit of such great work

>> No.17737850

>a little local heating, right at the contact point, no big deal

a fellow autist of /btg/, by any chance?

>> No.17737935

Considering how often this question is asked, I'm going to assume it's dead.

>> No.17737951

I never got to be in it...

>> No.17737967

It's okay champ, try a publication with a bit more weight behind it. If that doesn't work then I'm sure someone will try a new /lit/ based magazine in another year for you to fall back on. They always do.

>> No.17737969

>But plenty of people get representation without paying for editors

You seem confused. Like 1 in 10,000 aspiring authors manages to put together a readable manuscript that earns the interest of agents and publishers. There's nothing wrong with editing your own book, and you should, but telling people NOT to pay for professional editing under any circumstances is not improving anybody's chances. You absolutely should, if you can afford it.

>> No.17738035

I meant of the people that are represented, a lot of them didn't pay for editing. I did not say that everybody gets represented or even that most aspiring authors get represented. You could google it, a lot of the advice is to not get it professionally edited or that you don't need to (not saying that I agree, just that it is very common to not get it edited).

>> No.17738184

Can someone give me advice about writing in person?

>> No.17738188

Probably not on here?

>> No.17738208

Look for writing groups and then find the only other competent person and become critique partners. Good luck

>> No.17738220

Do writing groups still exist in [!CURRENT YEAR]?

>> No.17738242

Shit. I meant if someone can give me advice about writing in first person. I tried in third person but it doesn't tick to me, it feels distant. First Person feels nice, but i need some advice on how to not fuck up with it.

>> No.17738261

made me laff anon
I thought you were just a psycho
don't feel the need to tell every detail just because it's in first person. it's easy to let your pacing slip because you're imagining things as the character

>> No.17738284

>I tried in third person but it doesn't tick to me, it feels distant
git gud

>First Person feels nice
of course it does, it's like playing the game on Recruit difficulty

>but i need some advice on how to not fuck up with it
IMHO 1st Person POV is actually harder in some ways than 3rd. You can easily forget all the basics of writing and storytelling, and you end up rambling and/or self-inserting. It's also such a crutch for noobs that there's loads of 1st person stories out there. Just like how on Youtube, there's loads of people doing playthroughs on Regular or even Easy, but not so many who are completing achievements on Brutal. Do you want to stand out, or just be another also-wrote?

My advice to you is that if you really want to write in 1st person, pretend you're writing in third person. On top of not fucking up, who knows, you might actually get gooder in writing in 3rd person.

>> No.17738299

I suppose it depends where you are but yes.

I find first person more enjoyable to write but it can slip into amateurish very easily and for that reason I wouldn't recommend switching if you are a beginner. The only advice I have is to be mindful of how much time you spend in the character's head. Try and be consistent with it and consistent with the character (e.g. if he's some stupid chad don't get too much in his head but if he's a thoughtful poet don't shy away from being in his head).

>> No.17738312

You make me feel bad that I'm writing in 1st person about my own life... I'm NGMI now...

>> No.17738316

t. pseud
>preaches standing out
>doesn't acknowledge that most readers are brainlets that unironically self insert
it's easier for most readers to read first person
ignore this anon, he's just hopped up on trend reactions. just worry about executing well. good writing is good writing

>> No.17738320

>pretend you're writing in third person
they're different and should be treated as such. you won't get any of the benefit of first person if you write it the same as third.

>> No.17738496

I'll keep thst in mind.
>self inserting
Oh, that shouldn't be a problem in my case. The character personality is pre written, as well as how he'd act in situations. It's more about filling the gaps. The character is the most important piece in the story as he's the reason why the conflict happened, and they'll be lot's of flashbacks to what happened before the conflict. I may shift the pov to other characters, but they're not as important since all of their circumstances were not something they control (it's mcs fault). The whole conflict is caused by MC's action. That's why I'm undecided between 1st and 3rd person. I want the reader to feel what the main character feels, the reason why he'll commit action that will be considered atrocities by other character's, but justified in his eyes.

>> No.17739023

I'm roughly halfway done with my first YA fantasy story and I'm feeling much less confident about it now than I was 20k words ago or so. Does anyone here actually follow that genre/market? If so, do you have any recent examples of successful stories in it? I've realized that my own knowledge of the genre I'm writing is almost 20 years out of date, and I'd like to try reading some newer stuff to catch up.

>> No.17739551

Scrivener is amazing. I also use Google docs too. Scrivener can be bought fairly cheap if you cheat nanowrimo or its camps.

>> No.17739604

How do you guys stop writing so straight to the point and learn how to extend out actions?

>> No.17739655

>straight to the point
do less of this
>how to extend out actions
do more of this

why would you do this?
are you trying to evoke a feeling? then use emotional figures of speech, imagery and events
are you trying to invoke a scene? then use immersive figures of speech imagery and events

do you not a have a reason for wanting to do this other than aesthetics? then don't drag it out

>> No.17739860

I’m a couple years out of it, but when I was younger I read those Cassandra Clare books, the Infernal Devices and Mortal Instruments books were my jam.

>> No.17739905
File: 95 KB, 650x699, Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 1.33.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I wrote a short poem. It's my first time writing a poem. I've revised this to the best of my abilities but I can't see any more flaws right now. Can someone please review pic related for me?

>> No.17739927

>start writing
>having fun writing an opening few pages
>sit back and look at my bookshelf
>see all the great books I own and read
>realised my writing is shit and I'll never be able to convey the thoughts and ideas that actual authors have done throughout history
>go back to writing my shit science fiction story that's just discount Dune with none of the interesting parts
Is there a secret to getting good?

>> No.17739933

>go back to writing my shit science fiction story that's just discount Dune with none of the interesting parts
yeah you should start including the interesting parts

>> No.17739936

Read more and write more

>> No.17739939

>go back to writing
anon you're already on the path

>> No.17739959

So I'm writing a smut novel. Main character's a wizard. Now obviously, a pervy wizard would use his powers to make himself more attractive and give himself a bigger dick, right? But if I make him too sexy, will that interfere with self-insert? I know that's important with smut.

>> No.17739981

As with any other skill... read and write

>> No.17739990

Write what you want to read and forget about this nu-western canon nonsense.

>> No.17740078

Aint no way 100,000+ words in 1st person is easier than 3rd. Hell no.

>> No.17740116
File: 236 KB, 388x338, smugelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writing self insert

>> No.17740137

True, but what can I say? It's advice for noobs. Which, if you read anon's post, he probably is, if he already can't into 3rd person writing. 90% of the problem on this board is noobs trying to jUsT eXeCuTe pro advice when they haven't gotten to grips with basics yet.

>preaches execution
>thinks reader self-insertion justifies Suedom

3rd person limited POV has long been in vogue, and for good reason; it is flexible, effective, and should suit your needs just fine.

That's my point. It seems easier but it really isn't.

>> No.17740470

I have written one and a half book.

It is as contemporary as it gets.

My first book.


>> No.17740486

>jump in thread
>see some of the worst advice and blatant bullshit I've ever heard
I hope some of you fuckers never make it because holy fuck.

>> No.17740524

Point them out, anon. Enlighten us.

>> No.17740534

most of the advice is just write
can't get better than that

>> No.17740538

Critique mine and I’ll critique your first chapter (do you want it on the website or here?)

>> No.17740559

>trying to crit swap on /wg/ of all places
where's your containment thread
someone revive /crit/

>> No.17740571

Why not start it yourself, anon?

>> No.17740582

>only engages in discussion if it comes with a chance to shill
try reddit

>> No.17740597
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>> No.17740610

>try reddit

Knew it.

>> No.17740624

no one cares about your shit story
your writing "career" is never taking off
your never gonna make it
shill somewhere else. why are wannabe /lit/ards so self absorbed

>> No.17740651

>doesn't deny it
Not helping your case, bud.

>> No.17740687

>defending yourself on an anonymous mongolian archery forum
nobody knows who you are. nobody is gonna give you likes. nobody is gonna validate you. nobody cares
go back

>> No.17740710

Stop projecting. Reddit is that way —>

>> No.17741440

I love this Discord server!

>> No.17741512

3rd limited and 1st have always been in vogue. Both are difficult to master.

>> No.17741764

Yeah, but I'm so good-looking, physically intimidating, and psychologically domineering that people are easily cowed into agreeing with me IRL. The other day I told my mailman that his hat fit me better and now I own a mailman's hat. I really need an anonymous forum to find my limits.

>> No.17741772

I appreciate the company, but you don't need to speak for me, anon.

>> No.17742050

good point however it is always boring and i never want to read it.

>> No.17742374
File: 1.77 MB, 498x249, 324234234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an expert on writing, but I do see a lot of anons asking for advice on lots of subjects. I have a lot of experience and know how to get over writer's block, something that took me years to figure out how to do. I'd be happy to share my process and answer questions if anons are interested.

You can also judge my advice based off the quality of my story on RR. A lot of anons give advice they've heard but doesn't actually work.

>> No.17742379

Big Ups to my man JJ Strikly holdin it down

>> No.17742392

How do you make up a name for a main character? I'm having trouble making one up.

>> No.17742396

Your taste in movies has bought you temporary reprieve from summary dismissal and scorn.

>how to get over writer's block
Alright, how?

>> No.17742408

Where in the Hobbit was this scene?

>> No.17742412

For fantasy I am very immature when it comes to making up names. Wish Mountain is not my magnum opus Lord of the Rings story, the lore is like a fairy tale, not some great otherworld. For that reason the names are dumb.

Hress Dunter was literally Dress Hunter changed around. The name is a joke but also has a lot of implications for Hress as a character. And to answer a common question he is not, and will never be a transvestite (though that question is part of the comedy of his character).

>> No.17742414

You ask them.

>> No.17742441

I often take a phrase and then transpose the starting letters. So lets say you want the audience to know a character has a certain peculiarity. In these threads there has been an anon that wants to know how to let it be known that a character is smelly. That's easy. Just take a phrase and move the letters around.
Smelly character? Pat Ciss
Milky breasts? Jet Wuggs
It couldn't be easier than that.

>> No.17742453

I'm going to be honest with you, I browse the gen a lot, I just wanted you to talk about your MC, that name is ridiculous lmao, makes me laugh every time I see it.

desu this is sort of true, when I think of a name, I try not to spend too much time on it, I let it come to me within the first few seconds of thinking about it and I run with whatever I come up with. It has to be natural.

>> No.17742512

>Decide to write a story about a post zombie apocalypse where humanity is creating living weapons to fight against the zombie hordes. One of the DUMBs is compromised and the surviving scientist lets them all loose. Reader gets to choose which of the three perspectives they can read in any order. First perspective is about a sentient blob created in a lab, similar to 1988 the blob. Begin to write what should be a dark and gritty apocalypse. Turns into a dark comedy where the narrator is very british, making snide and sarcastic remarks as the blob, who is borderline retarded, feels out his world and munches down on zombies.

>> No.17742518

Every writer needs to figure out their process first and foremost. I have tried crazy things in my desperation to get over writer's block: writing on kitchen roll because one time the words were flowing easy on it. Another time I literally spent a whole day writing pen to paper stream-of-consciousness to get over writer's block and tell a story. Neither worked, and a lot of other things I tried didn't work.

Writer's block comes from fighting the creative process. It should be called Writer's Fatigue instead.

One of the major issues writer's have is they think they have to plan every little thing, name everything, and even pre-determine their chapter word count. It's all silly, honestly.

Writing is, for me, an organic process that is both 'gardening' and 'architect' in style. The method I use to plan my stories relies on three crucial 'story units'.

1. TE - Time Engagement
2. CC - Character Choice
3. TC - Turbulent Change

All stories have these three crucial elements. If you plot your story using this method it will be organic storytelling. I'll give an example.

[1] TE: Dorothy lives on a farm and wants adventure.
S: She lives with Em and farm hands, and has a dog called Toto.
T: She is a good girl but gets herself into trouble sometimes.

[2] TC: Her dog Toto bites a mean woman.
S: The mean woman wants to put Toto down and goes to the police to get a warrant to take Toto away.
T: Dorothy is helpless and has to watch Toto be taken away.
- But Toto escapes and returns to Dorothy.

[3] CC: Dorothy reunites with Toto.
S: She decides to run away from home to protect Toto.
T: She leaves home with Toto.

>> No.17742549

So here you can see the three story units in play.

Time Engagement, Turbulent Change, Character Choice.

Each leads into the other forever.

Turbulent Change = Something surprising and unexpected happens.

Character Choice = A character makes a crucial choice that has lasting consequences.

Time Engagement = A time where something unexciting happens, the routine a character goes through.

TE: A boy goes to school.
TC: Oh shit it's the day of the pop quiz and he didn't study.
CC: He decides to cheat.

Using this method demands answering one of the story units at a time. This is the most basic version of story planning I can give before I'd require more time to go into detail about it.

Happy to answer questions about my plotting process if it is confusing.

>> No.17742589

how long have you been writing?

>> No.17742625

Since I was fourteen (I'm 26). I finished my first story about four years ago when my writing process finally came together. Before that I never finished any of my stories and it fucking sucked.

>> No.17742629

For the most part, all three of mine were generally generated from Scrinever. After some redrafts and soft narrative reboot, I ended up changing all of them into girls and thus revising their names into feminine forms. As for how I ended up stuck with a surname like Happ-Scwhazrnenberger and Descartes-Dolz, I couldn't even give you a valid reason even if I wanted to. They sounded cool.

>>how to get over writer's block
I had writer's block for nearly a decade and let me know you, it's just a cope term by pseuds. There's no science on how to overcome it or not, throw some words against the wall, and eventually you'll have a formidable story.

>> No.17742648

>throw some words against the wall, and eventually you'll have a formidable story.

To each their own but I do think this is bad advice. Writing isn't like exercise. You don't just get better by putting effort into writing a lot of words. You have to make a process or else you'll get writing fatigue. I love the writing process I have and genuinely enjoy plotting out my stories. And when it comes to writing my stories based on my plotting out, I have a great time because I'm not stressed out about making the context of my story work.

Think about it. How could I tell a decent story when I don't know the context of everything that is happening? How can I invent a whole interesting cast of characters, and a setting, AND write the first chapter in a satisfying way? Sure I could try and persevere for a few chapters, but writer's fatigue sets in and I abandon the story.

No context planned = story gets abandoned.

>> No.17742659

What is S and T?

>> No.17742683

It's definitely not something I'd recommend doing for serial writing in our case. Non-serial writers has all the time in the world and don't have to adhere by unspoken words of serial schedules they might otherwies impose on themselves. Since he would hypothetically be starting out on a first draft, you can produce as many errors and oversights until you get around to editing it into a feasible, working draft, and then either go the route of self/trad pub or toss it on a web serial platform or two.

>> No.17742688


>> No.17742698

When I plot something out I use a three-step layout to develop the idea.


M = Main
S = Second(ary)
T = Thirds (also can be called 'details')


M: A man fights ninjas.
S: The man only has one arm.
T: The ninjas can wield fire with their bare hands.


Main: A man fights ninjas (broad concept)
Seconds: He only has one arm (interested complication)
Thirds: The ninjas can wield fire with their bare hands (a detail that wouldn't be reached if not for the prior Main and Second parts of the layout).

Main: (ask yourself for a broad concept)
Second: (ask yourself to give a twist/interesting development to that broad concept)
Thirds: (now give a somewhat trivial but interesting detail(s) to the prior to concepts that you have developed)

Doing this 1000x for a story and you'll create a huge organic world that works contextually with itself, rather than trying to conform to A) A word count, B) A boring story plan

The snowball method can kiss my ass.

>> No.17742744
File: 112 KB, 971x836, excerpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excerpt from a first draft, would appreciate any type of feedback.

>> No.17742829

It looks decent to me, no heavy-hitting critiques from me. The only thing I would fix are replacing most of the periods for dialogue ends with commas. Good job anon.

>> No.17742870

wow thanks lol, this is encouraging. Yeah my grammar is bad, I'll have to work on it. Thank you

>> No.17743030
File: 47 KB, 632x852, 1506566942154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do over half of my stories end in tragedy and/or heartbreak?

>> No.17743055


>> No.17743101

I like my stories this way as well. I think growing up with happy ending stories left a sour taste in my mouth.

>> No.17743138

I'd change the two lines to
>Sweat and toil, our diamond and gold,
>Every step, a labored new start

>> No.17743145

Because life

>> No.17743147

Ignore that guy. This passage has many flaws. Multiple misspellings and redundancies. Too much telling, not enough showing. It's like you're trying to force the reader to feel a certain way instead of guiding them to that feeling.

Consider the whole Mother Yua thing. You tell us right off the bat that she's the spiritual leader of the city. Build up to that. Let's see her praying for the kid and start the mystique there. She arrives to pray, and the kid's mother goes into a panic because Mother Yua herself is here, so the sickness must be more serious than it seemed at first or they would have sent a regular nun. She's off to some other false plot before she gets hit by the car, now the reader is just as surprised as she was. Dr. Know doesn't like being woken up in the middle of the night, but once he hears it's Mother Yua, he's running red lights and blasting the horn. He has to elbow his way through the crowd of well-wishers and reporters to get to the hospital. Etc. etc.

It has all the pieces of a good story, but they are so haphazardly arranged that it's impossible to take seriously. Dr. Know's skills vs Mother Yua's faith could provide an interesting contrast, so I was disappointed by her death so early in the story. Who really does more good? The elitist Dr. Know, who has the tools to fight death, but apparently only does so on his own terms? Or the humble Mother Yua, who provides comfort to the doomed although she can provide no material aid? Maybe when one saves the other, the scales are balanced and the question becomes moot?

>> No.17743209

Thanks anon! Those are great lines.

Do you see any glaring technical flaws? I want to know where I stand as a poet.

>> No.17743246

Thanks for reading. I see what you're saying. I'll take all of this into consideration when I fix it. I suck at the whole show don't tell thing. I'll keep at it and repost.

>> No.17743351
File: 34 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open /wg/
>scroll to random story from incredibly earnest author seeking feedback
>don't even read story, just post two or three paragraphs of vague horoscope nonsense designed to sound like specific critiques
>"Well, the pacing seems rather off. Things are moving a bit fast for the subject matter being discussed and at times it can be difficult to tell the characters apart. Paragraph three strikes me as somewhat sophomoric, that sort of thing probably seemed clever to your High School english teachers but to an experienced audience it's become a cliche at this point. I like the sense of harmony in your prose, it aligns nicely with the main character's stated goals (so far). Try to tighten that in though, it's kinda close to being too obvious."
>close /wg/
There has to be more to life. I just know it.

>> No.17743356

Does anyone know a book or essays that compare and contrast or disect specific a writer's style? I'm talking about how people can say what specifically makes Jimi Hendrix's guitar playing unique to him or what makes We Anderson's directing style unique to him, for examples of what I'm talking about.

>> No.17743392

>open /wg/
>find the best stories in the thread
>endlessly repeat tired advice designed to smother young writer's unique voice and vision with stodgy, outdated rules
>chuckle when my competition humbly thanks me for "taking the time"

>> No.17743452

This is why I'm hesitant to share. I don't know why I even bother anymore. You have people who want to get better, and people just shitpost. >inb4 where do you think are, it's a fucking writing general.

>> No.17743540

>open /wg/
>find someone asking a question
>"Fucking really? You're asking about something they should've taught you in 3rd grade? You have more serious problems!"
>no matter how they respond I simply repeat they have more serious problems

>> No.17743544

I've personally posted almost all of the useful advice that's appeared in these threads over the past few months. I'm also responsible for several posts that are so retarded and error-riddled that the people who reply to them think I'm a drooling third worlder. The same is true for many. Such is the whole nature of man to be known in these exchanges of ours.

>> No.17743611
File: 166 KB, 1215x1886, rampo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

44k words now. Just six more and I'll be halfway to the goal I set out for.

>> No.17743881

>Anon, you have to use periods to separate sentences, using dollar signs is not correct!
>Shut up, you can't silence my voice!
>Don't listen to that anon, the technique really sells it
>"$am I kawaii uguu$"

>> No.17744176

Excerpt from a short story. Narrator is talking about a time when he was ten years old:

During hymns and the gospel reading, I would stand between them and look at the forty or fifty people in the pews below. There weren’t any other children at the church.
As a matter of fact, the youngest person besides me was the deacon, who was at least forty. His name was Walter, and B--- spoke kindly of him. I once asked how someone becomes a deacon. “He went to school for it. He has a university degree; a very intelligent young man. And he’s very polite,” she would say. I thought, then, that if I wasn’t going to be a farmer, I would be a deacon. I would live in the country and study the Bible and help the priest perform the liturgies. I would even travel across the county helping with the weekday liturgies at smaller churches who didn’t have their own priests, and I could visit the hospital at L----- to comfort the sick, offering prayers and blessings and conversation to the lonely and dying.

>> No.17744500

This might sound silly one but how do i know what purpose my work should accomplish? Like how do i know what impression the reader should be left with when he’s finished reading? Should i even start before i know what my message is? Right now i feel i have nothing to say. Can i write a book on that?

>> No.17744559
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With all due respect and despite never seeing your work, I do have doubts about the level of development of your literary skill. Therefore, I assume that worrying about grander purpose, precisely leading reader afterthoughts and delivering a message is mere hubris.

As for writing about having nothing to say, perhaps your understanding of it is deeper than your words convey, but even having nothing to say may come from either place of content or place of supression, as well as many other highs and lows. But I do say, even a short story about chasing one hankerchief, taken by a gust of wind across the street, can be captivating.

>> No.17744634

Examine your conscience - what do you think are the best of mankind’s qualities? Then spend the rest of your book shilling that.

>> No.17744845

>3 namefags
>2 of which are royal road shills
fucks sakes

>> No.17745086
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Best suggestions on what to read for writing a play?

>> No.17745171


>> No.17745172

i'm watching kuroko no basuke and your story reminds me of their intro.
>there is a city
>the city is named X
>the city's characteristic is Y
>there is a doctor in the city
>the doctor's name is Z
reads like a school report. basically what the other guy said: all telling.
dialogue is stilted and unnatural. read it aloud. it sounds like a school play or acted out by a terrible actor.
basic grammar and punctuation errors.
you seem new to writing. read more and learn from what you read. keep at it.

>> No.17745201
File: 226 KB, 902x1304, story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my scribble lads. it's 600 words
old version: >>17716809

>> No.17745325

This is a lot better now

>> No.17745494

Short reworking of one of my favourite short stories. Based on everyone's favourite compensationless concierge.

Do you believe? Do you accept 4chan, the boards, the funposting? No? Then let me describe one more thing.

Under an unassuming suburban home, there is a basement. It has no door, and one small window to speak to the pizza man through. In one corner of the room a piece of dusty, unused exercise equipment sits next to a rusty bucket used as a toilet. The floor is cement, damp with urine to the touch, as neckbeard lairs usually are. In the room a manchild is sitting. It could be a boy or a boy that thinks it’s a girl. It looks about 40, but mentally is 10. It is feeble minded. Perhaps it was born defective or perhaps it has become imbecile through autism and lack of social interaction, poor diet and rejection from women. It picks its nose and occasionally fumbles with its toes or genitals while watching anime child porn. It sits on its computer chair farthest from the bucket and treadmill. It finds the stench horrible. It shuts its eyes, but girls will never come. Nobody ever comes, except that sometimes the manchild has no concept of time of day or night, sometimes the stairs rattle terribly and a person, mother, is there. She may come and ask the manchild to get a job or shower. The cheeto bag and soda jug are hastily filled, mother disappears. The manchild used to scream at night and cry a good deal when anons broke his imaginary rules, and still does. He now makes a kind of whining “reeeee, reeeeee” and bathes less and less often. It is so obese that it cannot see its calves or legs. Its belly protrudes. It lives on a dozen bags of cheetos and a jug of mountain dew a day. It is naked. Its buttocks and thighs are a mass of festering sores, as it sits in its own excrement.

They all know it is there, the Anons of 4chan. Some of them have doxxed it, others are content merely to call it a tranny.

>> No.17745696

Not sure I agree, but if it works for you, stay the course. Thanks for sharing.

I feel most intermediate writers suffer from over-planning, amateurs from under-planning.

>> No.17745839


>> No.17745844

a shallow imitation
you're trying to convert verse to prose without understanding the merits of either
you're on a noble pursuit though, good luck anon

>> No.17745860

>doesn't have any thing to say
>wants to write
why is this so common. pure aesthetics and identity memes or what?

>> No.17745876

I'm writing a fantasy book but I really don't want to make up a whole language. Can I just use a real language for my character that likes using little phrases in her native language?

>> No.17745887

>convert verse to prose
he isn't

>> No.17745890

They think writing is low-effort since they already know how to type on a keyboard and assume they can coast on by to fame and fortune on easy mode.

>> No.17745898

If you're writing in English, write in English.

>> No.17745916

Have you never met someone that swore in their first language?

>> No.17745922

Because our society has popularised consumption of stories and over-compensates people in the story-production industries, and writing is the first and easiest step to breaking into that field for the rando anon. IOW, everybody wants to be another Paolini, Meyer or Rowling.

>> No.17745928

>wants to write fantasy
>can't even make up a few fictional phrases
totally ngmi

>> No.17745939

The fuck are you on about? Have you read the original?

>> No.17745946

bumping this for interest

>> No.17745956

thought you were copying poem anon, who's been posting a janny poem every thread

>> No.17745965

Is your character a foreigner? Or are your characters meant to be speaking a different language in this fantasy world and you write it in english for convenience?

>> No.17745983


>> No.17745996

>Is your character a foreigner?

>> No.17746008

I am the greatest!

>> No.17746026

Read nigga


>> No.17746029

yeah don't feel bad about using an existing language for that. you're not a linguist and even if you were it wouldn't be worth it to create an entire language just for a few swear words.

>> No.17746045

>wants to be tolkien
>isn't obsessively autistic or hard working
anon needs to just write

>> No.17746048

Okay, thank you. I might do a bit more than just swears. Ill have to think on it more or just see what comes when I write.

>> No.17746217

You can take some language and just switch some letters around. Like anywhere there is an S or a P you make it and L and a F

>> No.17746239

>garcon give me a larlafarilla lundae
>lfecial order, lfaghetti bolognele
>lookl lulficioul to me
not seeing it

>> No.17746450

Bro your writing is absolute goddamn trash. You've changed your chapter one majorly many times because random people here told you it sucked so bad that they wouldn't read further. You do not know how to tell a story. You lack the real confidence skill and integrity that you need to have for anyone to give a respectful fuck for what you have to say.

>> No.17746605

You don’t have to use that actual example, you nob, was just an idea that I’ve seen authors do in the past

>> No.17746799

I'd say trash is a bit strong, his prose isn't unservicable, it definitely needs work you're not wrong, but the main problem is that his plot has huge gaping logical holes. And instead of trying to fix that he's fishing around for reviews. Problem is, no matter how many very generous, nice easy softball reviews he gets, its not going to fix his problem. At all. And people aren't going to read past chapter 1.

>> No.17746817

Just use Welsh. No one will know the difference anyway

>> No.17746856

When I say his writing I mean everything. Prose is the least of my concern.

>> No.17746949

Fair enough. I'll spell some of them out so when he gets back he'll, hopefully, take them to heart.
1. The guy kills the prince. He somehow gets a trial for doing so instead of getting his head caved in immediately.
2. The trial happens 2 months later - is there a regicide problem? a lot of backed up parking tickets? Why 2 months for what seems an open and shut case.
3. I have absolutely no idea the character of the town they're having the trial in. There is only 1 jailer at his cell, so a very small town then, right? But the prince was there, for whatever reason. So it is a big town? Is it his summer residence?
4. None of the common people or nobles in the gallery care that the prince was killed. They're only laughing about the size of the things gozangas.
5. Dress Hunter is, somehow, a hero for killing a handful of things in some little podunk nothing. Are we in the slightly larger town over? Where doing that would make him a hero. I dunno. Seems odd people would think he was a hero in the town over. In that little town? Sure. Anywhere else? Who gives a fuck.
6. Some people do seem upset the prince was killed, they pull out a bunch of stops to get him convicted like nothing, but they can't kill him in his cell. Why bother to try and get him in his cell when getting him convicted is easy as 1-2-3. Seems redundant.
I'm sure there's more, that's just off the top of my head.

>> No.17746962

Any other good obscure dead languages to use? Gaelic is pretty good too.

>> No.17747202

idk man, looks like Welsh to me

>> No.17747217

dont use irish please because im fluent and i fucking hate when the fantasy authors butcher the language because it "sounds" cool

>> No.17747236

That's why fantasy authors are encouraged to make up their own shit, or at worst go for pig Latin because it's classical and nobody speaks Latin; cuz it'll always rub somebody weirdly because someone somewhere in the world will actually speak that language and it's immersion-breaking for them

>> No.17747348

>plot has huge gaping logical holes
that should be more than enough to make something trash. and yet i see lots of people here praising that story

>> No.17747388

Okay so how do I come up with a new language? It doesn't have to be a full language, I just wanted to sprinkle in some cute phrases like "c'est bon!" Or "que sera sera."

>> No.17747458

Pick a language that you want it to sound like and then just speak in gibberish and make up some words that sound like that language. It doesn't have to be more complicated than that.

>> No.17747510

I like it

>> No.17747645

>wants to write fantasy
>can't even come up with random syllables
Seriously ngmi

>> No.17747662

Well as someone who has read his story, all the chapters, and as a subscriber to it, I always felt the praise in this thread was as manufactured as the reviews on the site itself. Is the story awful? No, it has potential. But it needs work. Hopefully my list above helps somewhat.

>> No.17747685

Yeah sure bud, knowing how to ask your teacher if you can go to the bathroom doesn’t count as fluent.

>> No.17747691

Pretty good honestly. Managed to hold my attention all the way through and didn't feel forced.

>> No.17747768

if it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.

What do you make of the poem? Is Bukowski right?

>> No.17747799

Honestly, yes. Sitting down and writing for a couple hours here and there doesn't make you a writer. Its hours and hours and days and days and weeks and weeks and months and months of effort. If you don't have something you have to get out, you're wasting your time. And it won't come out. If you're not enjoying doing it - on balance, there are always going to be times you struggle - you're wasting you're time. And it won't come out.
If you want to make money there are a thousand and one things that are better for it.

>> No.17747883

He is right and wrong; there are many established writers who are not as extreme as Bukowski or Stephen King who are well-known for being apparently full of ideas and output. Authors on the other extreme include Mario Puzo and (memes aside) GRR Martin, whose output vary greatly; and somewhere in the middle are people like Jeffrey Archer and Ernest Hemingway who make a 9 to 5 job of it.

This is absolutely true.

It's hours and hours of effort, and there are plenty of other arts which deserve your time and effort. You could for example be singing, dancing, painting, coding, etc.

>> No.17747922

Just finished the first draft for a story I intend to present for a contest. I'm a little proud of myself, even though it's probably nothing spectacular. I had to compromise on the length and so I came up with an alternative ending to what I had originally envisioned, but I think it holds up.

>> No.17747948

I'm a little bit more optimistic (or naive, depends on how you think about it), but I believe that it all comes down to putting in the time and take good advantage of it. Anyone who writes every day and pays attention to their mistakes is bound to be able to craft something worth reading. I think that good writers can come out of anywhere.

>> No.17747951

>SCP-231 basically

Ideas come around and around...

>> No.17747953

90% of bukowskis poems are pure ass
he had a leaky colon that could spill endless shit onto paper
>if you're not autistically obsessed you'll never make it
those who are compelled by a desire to write have pretty much a free ride. it's like showing up to an eating contest as a man who never stops feeling hungry
if you can't fill your life with something until it disgusts and exhausts you then you're a ngmi. wishing you were born obsessed is a waste of time

>> No.17747999

Ursula K. Le Guin was an incredibly popular author. It's likely that whoever wrote the SCP article just ripped her off.

>> No.17748220

thanks for educating anon
I've read Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost, should I consider Ursula next for American reading?

>> No.17748221
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Chapter 18 released.
I've got to say people on that site are finicky. Chapter 17 I made it crystal clear the MC was interested in men, not women, which is critical information for the reader to know in order to make sure that her upcoming friendships aren't tainted. As a result I lost a follower, whatever shit happens, and got an instant 0.5 star review from that person, but then I gained 3 other followers. I'm not really going to worry about my star review anymore, seems like a waste of time, and just try and accumulate followers. People seem to be reading, at least.
Hope everyone's being productive with their writing.

>> No.17748233

Thanks anon!

>> No.17748297

>tfw inspired by anon
I couldn't think of anything this morning. Maybe I should just shift to grinding sheer wc for a bit. The short stories are fun but I don't think I can keep writing things that are interesting if I do one everyday. Maybe it doesn't matter if it's interesting but I want the integrity of at least having put in an effort, even if they end up shit

See you guys tomorrow. Probably

>> No.17748305
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>> No.17748327

Is it a bad idea to start working on a new project shortly after finishing the draft for another story? I think it might help me to clear my head and be able to return to the original draft with a fresher perspective, more appropriate for editing, but I'm not entirely sure of this is a good course of action.

>> No.17748390

Whatever works for you, baby.

I usually write something, lock it away and start something else, and then return to it after a month or so for editing or to scrap it because it's dog dirt.

>> No.17748397

Wait ahahaha I never looked at this since we all told you your first chapter sucked and your synopsis was awful. All that mystique and self-importance and you're writing a fucking litrpg? Ahahahah

>> No.17748465

>posting it on royalroad
yeah, and?
>mystique and self importance
I think those are your own hobgoblins running around in your brain leading you astray

>> No.17748499

>but I want the integrity of at least having put in an effort, even if they end up shit
If by that you mean >>17748305 then I think you should set your sights higher

Try this for a daily flash fiction exercise. Write something with an actual plot arc, in but a handful of sentences. Just churning out whatever this is, or hooks or pure description porn as has also been suggested, is pointless and doesn't develop story-telling skills at all.

>> No.17748647

Most of them have full plots and narratives, but those are harder to think of. If something doesn't come to mind I just try to bash something out like today and your right, it doesn't feel very helpful

>> No.17748686

No shit you'd run out of compelling ideas writing a short story everyday
Bukowski is right in that you need to have something to say in order to write. Just focus on a longer piece of writing and do short stories when they come to you

>> No.17748797


>> No.17748816
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>Any progress on your novels?
My editing draft shipped!

>> No.17748825

I'm working on two short stories. One is science fiction and the other is just for fun. The science fiction one has been a blast to write because I'm just letting loose with it. I've been somewhat consistent, at 35 pages now but school has become busy as of late and I just don't have the time to regularly update it. Mostly just editing a page every evening.

The other story I was working on was for a friend, a for fun project that I tried to restart but man i don't know what the hell is happening but the piece is just lethargic. I can write action scenes very well, but I struggle with creating definable surroundings that draw a reader in. Has anyone got any suggestions for that? Or perhaps some places of inspiration?

>> No.17748836

“AJATEX-629 FOR THE last time, get behind the barricade!” The commissar’s high pitched wailing caused Ajatex’s ears to shrill despite being half deaf from the combat. Ajatex was still panting hard, recovering zis breath as hot sweat rolled down his face. He wore a plain brown tunic, now torn up, and he had lost his field cap during the mad dash back to the generator room. Zie reached down to zis ammunition belt and loaded another magazine into the feeder which was located on the right hand side of the small submachine pistol zie had been given to defend zieself with. The 9845th PriSect Division had been formed a month ago to begin construction on a new operational project involving several Mobile Satellite’s in order to prepare for a counter-strike against the Great Reaction, as the Identitat Commissary called the enemy they were fighting. Ajatex was tall and lean, malnourished and gaunt. In the PriHub’s food was a nutritional block that the prisoners called “consti” after the bowel condition it inevitability gave to one who ate it, but PriSect service meant three meals a day, clean clothes, and even a bedroll. Compared to life on the PriHub, life as a PriSect was heavenly.

Aspect of a science fiction I am writing. This particular group is modeled after you-know-who but they've been actually really fun to write.

>> No.17748849

what happened during the second lockdown that youtube pushed by vtubers on everyone

>> No.17748861

WESTIN WAS LEADING the charge into the flank of the enemy. There couldn’t have been more than fifty or so of them left and they were scattering like madmen to avoid the Void Pioneers.
Once in awhile a few of them would throw themselves to the ground and make a desperate suicide attack on the oncoming Pioneer’s. They were cut down as they charged, or blown apart by a grenade as they sprayed blindly over the lip of some cover they hid behind. Several tried to surrender, but Westin shot them down where they stood. His lip was curled with disgust under his helmet as he fired. There was little pity to be felt for them as memories of his time aboard the PriHub came fluttering back to him. His eyes were glazed over and he didn’t he feel the knock to the back of his helmet at first until a second blow caused him to topple over.
His Section had frozen, while elements of the 1st and 2nd charged past him led by the mysterious Captain Vitsut.
Westin spun on his heel and brought his fist up in an arc only to have it caught in the firm grip of Major Ketra.
“Major?” Westin scowled over the network.
Speaking off the comm-line, Major Ketra addressed him directly through speakers built into the helmet.
“What in the hell are you getting at Lieutenant?” Ketra’s blood was up, his voice quavered slightly and Westin felt a moment of recoil. He’d never seen the Major like this, albeit he had barely known the Major save for a two month preliminary training deployment they’d had back on Wessex Dockport.
“Wiping out the enemy, sir.” Westin replied sardonically.
Ketra released him with a shove.
“I want prisoners, not executions. These are conscripts, not Civ Guard.” Ketra’s voice was like steel when his blood was up, Westin admired that.

>> No.17748911

pioneer's shouldn't have a 's after it fren. it should be "and make a desperate suicide attack on the oncoming Pioneers." Also I would refrain from using "once in a while" when writing action scenes. It seems too.. low-action. It's like you're describing someone's daily routine. Perhaps try just describing the desperate attacks like say "The soldiers knew there was no quarter and leapt grimly into desperate suicide attacks on the oncoming Pioneers." or something like that. more action-y.

>> No.17748924

thanks lad, punctuation is a weak point of mine. its all a rough draft, over 30 pages of material to edit so I need to take it slow and start reviewing.

>> No.17749018

Also for this post it should be "Mobile Satellites."

My assumption is that the nation(?) megacorporation etc. Ajatex is working for here is the Identitat Commissary. Commissary is a military official or a place where supplies are disbursed in a military context. Maybe this is intentional but perhaps substitute Commissary with Commissariat if what you are going for is a space(?) country run by a head commissar.

>> No.17749039

A formula so nice they did it in basically every game.

>> No.17749173

Commissariat is the word I wanted to use thank you. The "space country" is not run by a Commissar, but rather, there is a doctrine known as Identitat that is enforced via Commissar's who work for the general State. regardless, thank you for the corrections they are very important to me and it means a great deal. My mind has been so occupied lately that Ive missed a great deal.

>> No.17749191

im going to use all the celtic languages in my story. i am going to fucking desecrate your precious irish language. and im going to do it precisely because it sounds cool. there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.17749195

:) np fren.

>> No.17749200

excerpt from the text defining what i was trying to aim at:

These regulations were enforced by a fanatic cadre of NCU Civics who later formed the “Civic Defense Guard”, or “Civ Guard”, and the Civ Guard later became the standing army of the NCU which also birthed the Internal Agency. IA agents were radicalized from birth in Identitat doctrine, sent to Civ Guard schooling and came out as political commissar’s to enforce doctrine in their military and society at large. There were highly profitable career’s to be had so long as you maintained perfect adherence to protocol at all times.
Due to the impossibility of this demand, blackmail and extortion became regular practices. Mothers reported sons to the Internal Agency, grand-daughters reported grandfathers. A whole pathos was encouraged on reporting any and all “problematic, regressive behavior”. This doctrine was especially pushed in the new Identitat Schools.

>> No.17749223
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For anyone who wants to write military fiction
Don't be never served faggot

>> No.17749263

Yeah I'll enlist in the peacetime army to spend my time doing Excel Spreadsheets. Then at least I'll truly see.

>> No.17749318

yeah I can't wait to do my part and fight for ZOG

>> No.17749383

Strangely every person who has served recognizes never served from writing

>> No.17749388
File: 66 KB, 680x545, EvrKCTxWYAQfBRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I was born too early to fight for spacenoid freedom

>> No.17749393

You're right. No-one will ever read my military book if they don't think I was actually in the military. Better steal some medals and a uniform and pretend I was in Vietnam, that should sort it.
No it's not strange that I was in a war 30 years before I was born, fuck off.

>> No.17749457

And everyone who hasn't doesn't care because they know all the shit in the book is meant to be allegorical to the author's beliefs

>> No.17749459

What anon said >>17748686

IOW I don't see any worth in the flash posts you've been doing, anon

The more execrable pieces of military fiction I've ever read tend to be those written by soldiers, anon. Because heyo, it turns out a lifelong career of being a stupid grunt equips you just about well enough to write like... a stupid grunt

>> No.17749511

I started using twitter and connecting with authors and agents on there. These are not like super famous people, but they are published, and they're cool and part of a relatively close-knit writing community on there that's actually kinda easy to get into. Like I've had some pretty well known authors reply to my tweets and questions simply because I used the #WritingCommunity hashtag
usually I think twitter is absolute shit, but in this specific instance it might actually be useful.

>> No.17749566

I've been thinking about making the plunge and singing up for twatter. What turns me off about it is all the garbage politics infesting it, but participation in that circlejerk/shit fling is optional. It's best viewed as a way to publicize what you are doing and shill your work. It is used as an entertainment platform or politicized, and has been corrupted for that reason. It ought instead be used for strictly professional reasons as a means to propagate your work to a large open network with high visibility.

>> No.17749599

I have to try really fucking hard not to reply to the absolute bullshit I see on there all the time, ESPECIALLY by the fucking New York Times.

>> No.17749611

NAYRT but you would be surprised, communities of all kinds abound on Twatter and you can basically censor most of the crap by just not "following" the people who output such crap. Then your feed will be sanitised accordingly as well. Use the Socmed Echo Chamber to your advantage, anon.

>which is really what we're doing by being here on 4ch anyway

The only real problem (if that) is that Twatter insists on verifying your ID through phone and email, and of course there's the ubiquitous IP tracking. So... unless you take the appropriate steps, guard your mouth.

>> No.17749630

If it's for work that's self or tradpub, then I'd say go for it. But be forewarned that writers commnity and writersuplift is for following eachother back and (in theory) buy eachother's books. You're interacting with other authors and will have very little if any actual genuine readers drop by and follow/buy your work.

If you're hoping to get some links clicked if you're serial writing, you're in for a rude awakening. You might expect over 900+ impressions on chapter releases, but the actual link clicks will be about 0.001% of that. That is, about 10 people over a 3-4 month period will actually click links to off-site platforms or even your twitter profile. The same thing can also be said if you're just posting self/trad post (mind you this is speculation) but it never hurts to try, you don't have anything particulary to lose other than invested time.

>> No.17749667

>not to reply to the absolute bullshit
>guard your mouth.
You both make the same, valid point. Which is that twitter is Cancel Zone Central. Expressing any political opinions now comes with hazards, but if you have a particular bone to pick with the sort of obnoxious self-righteous liberals twitter hosts, you're headed into the abyss. That's why I have a strict no-politics policy for basically all my public communications.

I'm not saying I'm some kind of far right shitlord (i'm not) but even just disagreeing with these people and not playing by their rules is a cancelable offense. I'm there to publicize and interact with anyone who expresses interest relevant to what I posted, that's it.

>> No.17749747

Thanks for the intel. Self-generating interest in your work online is next to impossible at scale. The best you can hope for is to become something of an underground sensation, circulated in some back alley like the chans. But even a tiny number of clicks is better than zero, and the goal is to maximize the surface online that I am promoting my work to counteract the relative ineffectiveness of any single point.

The very nature of the internet, in its overproduction of content, overwhelms quality with quantity. The one and only advantage that established publications hold is that they serve as a filter for quality and as a reputation index. People don't go fishing around the swamps of twitter for quality writing, they go for the magazines or the big name sites.

All in all I still want to externalize and expose to the outside world the fact that this is what I'm about so that any google search one might do on my name picks it up.

>> No.17749751

This. I'm literally a classic liberal, but because I once said I don't think people who say the N word in text messages should literally go to fucking prison, and that I don't think a trans person has a right to mislead someone about their gender identity, I am literally seen as a fucking nazi

>> No.17749807

>I'm not saying I'm some kind of far right shitlord (i'm not)
It's true. Left, centre and right are mobile spectrums, and what is now seen as the Left is so far Left that it's verging on the ludicrous.

Most of us are, contrary to how we're painted by the media ("REEE 4CHAN FAR RIGHT NAZEES"). In 1945 the British Labour Party stated in its welfare reform manifesto that welfare ought to be just enough to sustain dependants, but also uncomfortable enough that people should be motivated to find work. Nowadays, espousing that kind of policy puts you firmly on the right, and also paints you as some kind of callous rent-seeking Scrooge (Ebenezer, not McDuck).

>but even just disagreeing with these people and not playing by their rules is a cancelable offense
Indeed. I'm a professional cynic, but sometimes it pains me to be so right about what utter bastards some people are.

>strict no-politics policy for basically all my public communications
Best practice, really, the state of the world as it is.

Oddly enough therefore, I use Twitter as an information platform. There are people out there who treat their posts as blogs and professional marketing streams (hence limiting their politicking), and I've found it handy in that regard.

>> No.17749849

All my stories have tragic endings. It just feels natural. The best I can do is create an ending that's a triumph for good but a tragedy for the Main Character.

>> No.17749896

It points to a general problem of social networks. Namely, Metcalfe's law. The value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants. Basically this means the more people use your network the more valuable it is. But this leads to an inverse law, the larger your network, the lower the average quality of any given post, for the simple numerical fact that the more people are on your network the more stupid people there will be on it.

There's a lowest common denominator thing going on. Anyone can spout their political opinions and feel a sense of vindication from it. It takes someone else entirely to create and express their highest values not through their opinions but through their works. There is no choice but to go on the biggest networks because of Metcalfe's law, but that also means posting on the same networks that host content about kpop boybands, furries and virtue signaling sjws. I have the same problem albeit in a different form posting on 4chan. I know I'm wasting my time on this place and it is in some sense beneath me, but people actually use it so what choice do I have?

>> No.17749903

thanks for reading

>> No.17750039

Or to put it simply: each connection has its share of useful information and useless static. How does one maximise the former and minimise the latter? The answer is as old as the hills: curate your links, ie be selective in who you follow.

Twitter is an ICT tool just like the phone and the newspaper. One just has to use it properly. For example you could have different accounts following different information streams, and log in to whichever is appropriate - writing, breaking news, finance, etc. That way you filter out crap you don't want to know at that moment.

>> No.17750063

That's true, but just in terms of computational complexity filtering becomes harder the larger the data set that serves as input.Twitter does not provide sufficiently robust tools to filter *out* what you don't want to hear. It only provides you a means to select those sources you do want to hear from. You need it both ways. You need a means to say, "filter out all posts that use the keywords xyz"

>> No.17750089

>war literature is primarily allegorical
the best war lit are just straight depictions by people who went through it

>> No.17750110

For you

>> No.17750115

I feel like I got some decent practice out most of the flashes over the past 10~ days
Focusing on dialogue, imagery, unfamiliar genre, etc without the mental anchor of constantly second guessing if the current passage fits an overarching narrative and atmosphere was nice
But yeah, I'll switch to only doing short stories when I think of something. A few of them were contrived and didn't have a real narrative or meaning and that's not the kind of writing I want to cultivate

>> No.17750165

Not at all. You could read a story about a WW2 minesweeper that didn't accomplish anything the whole war long, and it'd be boring as fuck. Similarly you could tell the story of Easy Company of the 501st by a bald recitation of lists of movements, supplies consumed and issued, KIA and WIA, medals awarded, and it would be boring as fuck.

The best war stories must be told as well as any other story... with a plot, a theme, characters, and with style.

>> No.17750174

>You need a means to say, "filter out all posts that use the keywords xyz"
Just follow the right people. And immediately unfollow anybody who starts talking woke shit.

>> No.17750188


>> No.17750242
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Are you allergic to settings menus or what? Mute words like "antifa" that are used exclusively by people who are incapable of producing posts I want to see.

>> No.17750367

Anyone else write jackshit in their entire lives and just come to these threads to hate on animefags because they're the only ones actually writing and posting?

>> No.17750447

Doing that filters both "I support antifa" and "I hate antifa" though

Of course if the intent is to avoid both of those kinds of posts then that's fine.

>> No.17750451

There's nothing wrong with being an animefag as long as you're reading traditionally published novels. The problem lies with people who only absorb storytelling from a different medium than the one they're writing in.

>> No.17750470

>Doing that filters both "I support antifa" and "I hate antifa" though
That's the plan, yes, and if there are topics you think aren't worth discussing on the platform then you shouldn't mind filtering out your own side, too.

>> No.17750473

Animefags are the only ones writing in these threads. And stop shilling for traditionally published novels. They're a dying breed. Self-publish is the future.

>> No.17750483

Fair enough. Even if it's stuff you agree with you might not want to see that topic at all.

Good tip anon.

>> No.17750496

I don't use twitter. Stop trying to cancel me and go rant about Trump on your preferred social media platform of choice.

>> No.17750534

Only reading web novels is how people make mistakes like this:
>"Yes." he said.

You never observe the right way to do it because you're only reading amateurs who make the same mistakes.

>> No.17750550

I don't know if you replied to the wrong post or what but I was telling you that you said the site didn't have something which it does, so I assume that you just never looked for it, since you were speaking authoritatively.

>> No.17750584

Just a fucking troll, ignore

>> No.17750589

Book rec on writing dialogue

>> No.17750594

Read the op

>> No.17750659

I did. No book specifically on writing.

>> No.17750669

*no book specifically on writing dialogue

>> No.17750693

>Doesn't use a simple search engine to find this in five seconds

>> No.17750718

Just read Salinger and observe what he does.

>> No.17750816

I want recommendations from this board, if I wanted to use a search engine I would have done that.

>> No.17750923

Jane Austen

>> No.17751001

Thanks for the feedback. It's nice to have good anonymous feedback instead of manipulated reviews.


>> No.17751009

Take heart that you are one of the few to actually write in these threads animefag.

>> No.17751022


That label doesn't fit me at all. I like some anime but I'm not the moe / loli-posting weirdo kind. I'm the super casual Dragonball / One Piece / Yu-Gi-Oh kind.

>> No.17751029

>Watching any sort of anime at all.
You animefags are all in denial.

>> No.17751036
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>> No.17751049

>the Dragonball / One Piece / Yu-Gi-Oh kind
>thinking that makes him less of an animefag

>> No.17751069

Go easy on him. You guys are all persecuting animefags for no reason.

>> No.17751075


I'll have you know I am an EXTREME casual. I've only watched One Piece (all 800+ episodes) one and a half times! I only like Yu-Gi-Oh up to the Marick duel! I didn't even finish Naruto Shippuden because of all the filler! I think Goku should have died on Namek and let Gohan carry on his legacy, every choice from that point on in Dragonball Z is a mistake!

I haven't even gotten up to date with Attack on Titan yet! How dare you call me an animefag!

>> No.17751083

Just accept who you are. No need to go all denial for them. it's not like anti-animefags would like you.

>> No.17751091

Sort out your fucking tenses and the fucking punctuation FFS. And use less ellipses.

>softly clench
How do you even

Do not ever use. Ever.

>the story
Sounds absolutely pointless.

>> No.17751097

>I think Goku should have died on Namek and let Gohan carry on his legacy, every choice from that point on in Dragonball Z is a mistake

>> No.17751100

That's not very helpful, advice, anon. Give him some more.

>> No.17751101

a book made of bread?

>> No.17751103

>for no reason
Shits and giggles, obviously.

>I'm even listening to the Gundam IBO OST at the moment lol

>> No.17751108

New thread.


>> No.17751109

Shonenshit is antithetical to writing literature, dude. One SoL show is 10x more literary than ten shonenshits.

>> No.17751507

rejected again, not enough 'flow'. Not sure what to make of that.

>> No.17751549
File: 140 KB, 1404x1116, AlphaSmartNeo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's years of battery life sound? 8 10k word slots, built in word count and spell check and thats it.

>> No.17751677

If you post any two consecutive paragraphs of your writing I'll tell you what it means.

>> No.17751964

I would love something like this but for writemonkey. I love my green text on black background and typewriter sounds too much to give it up.