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17734290 No.17734290 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys convince me to stop being a hedonist piece of shit and ascend to becoming a real fucking person?

>> No.17734297

Nobody else can do that for you, but you’re on the right path.

>> No.17734373

He's right. Also good luck asking us, how many of here do you think are celibate enlightened gurus?

>> No.17734378
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If I was you I would simply be myself

>> No.17734385

seems unlikely if you haven't been able to convince yourself

>> No.17734397

Unironically read the Greeks.

>> No.17734553

imagine a goal to achieve in the next 4 months, then a goal to achieve in a year, then a goal to achieve in 2, then in 4 then in 8.

Write each one down. Ask yourself how you can do that. Procrastination is not a product of laziness, it is a product of a lack of clarity, and some not so small anxiety.

imagine what a good day looks like. Not a day where you suffer. Envision a day you are proud of or appreciate yourself for having or does what you want. try to envision a day you could conceivably do and like yourself. Write that down on a little sheet of paper. and next to it, try to write how long you think it'll take.

You have 12 hours in a day, outside the eating and the washing and the shitting, and the sleeping and being groggy etc. Assuming you have a job, you actually have 4, since one can guess you have an 8 hour workday.

Do some activities you feel you need to do to achieve something on that list i told you to write at the top.

In my case:
1 month,
+file taxes
+Work on my research
+Apply to new jobs, (preferably in fintech or ai)

4 months,
+finish grad school*
+Achieve my 8 minute mile*
+Begin my new job*
+begin lifting*
Pickup Haskell language i.e. (start them)
Start looking for courses to take on coursera either (statistics, or finance ).
Begin studying for my CFA

1 year,
pay off all loans
+take the first exam for my CFA*
+Achieve benching 80% of my own weight*
+generate $70,000 for new investments*
Pickup Go, Node languages

3 years
+Achieve a CFA*
+Get a position in a big 5 software company: Apple, Google , Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft*

6 years
Start a software company in AI
Start a software company in Computer games
Start a software company in fintech
Start an online education company (similar to coursera, or khan academy)

12 years
+Establish a charity fund for a purpose i will not name on this site: It's too specific.*

Note that"
the +'s denote relatively higher priority objectives.
the *'s denote objectives that are contextually dependant on objectives completed in the immediately previous time period. They are dependant on my hard work and success sooner rather than later.

>> No.17734910

Everything is cope, hedonism is the best one yet
/lit/ is full of life-denying faggots who are bitter about pleasure (sour grapes) but that doesn't mean seeking pleasure is bad

>> No.17734936

Yes it is cuz now i'm obese and my life sucks

>> No.17734961

>vtuber watching tranny

>> No.17734987

Something about this rubs me the wrong way. Having solid goals and a plan to accomplish them is always good, but meticulously planning out every little point of your life for the next few decades from student to excel monkey to fart-sniffing NGO stooge is just very...off putting and almost sociopathic. You rarely read of genuine and productive people in history as having traveled this sort of sterile path. This striver mentality is probably symptomatic of the deeper problems our society is facing.

>> No.17734990


>> No.17734994

read the pali sutras

>> No.17735039


>> No.17735075

Submit to Allah

>> No.17735096

That's because you're too dumb to seek pleasure intelligently, it's not a problem with hedonism per se

>> No.17735138


Take offense if you want to, but you talk like a loser who thinks they're smart. I would be more interested in you opinions if you genuinely had anything to offer. I've met, and competed with, genuinely intelligent, diligent, successful, terrifying people: none of them talk like you. I meet a lot of losers. They like to moonlight as critics. Shut up and do what i tell you. Or tell me what you have.

>You rarely read of genuine and productive people in history
You're talking to one right now.

>> No.17735171

This looks like a post a well put together person would make. Not a post by an insecure aspie at all.

>> No.17735197

FIRST... delete all your blowjacks and pepes.

Second. Embrace Epicureanism, a negative hedonism.

>> No.17735219

you are the most boring person I've read of all day

>> No.17735266

Oh please, i bet you say that to every authority figure in your life.

>> No.17735282

It’s always the blowjaks and the pepes that have to go with you. What’s your deal with them anyway?

>> No.17735297

Bro, you are a fucking student. Your inflated ego only proves your low social standing and immaturity.

>> No.17735306

How is achieving an 8 minute mile in 4 months contextually dependent on the immediately precious time period - 1 month - if you don’t even have a goal for that month that pertains to it?

>> No.17735365


>> No.17735416

>Epicureanism, a negative hedonism.
Elaborate, epicureanism sounds like a cuckish denial of pleasure not unlike stoicism

>> No.17735426

bring it back to rationality and logic

>> No.17735431

buddy I hope your dreams of material success work out and all but this particular post makes me want to kick you in the head

>> No.17735443

>Shut up and do what i tell you.
>You're talking to one right now.

Hahaha, what an imbecile.

>> No.17735454

Simply stop taking your ability to feel, smell, see, touch and move your body for granted. Once you love existence without fearing death you'll want to squeeze as much life out of your time as you can, and shortening it through drugs, excessive drink and excessive food will seem stupid

>> No.17735473

no, i went back for a masters.

>Your inflated ego only proves your low social standing and immaturity.
and you still worship nietzsche all day and tell people setting goals is a sociopathic sociological problem. Come on dude, now you're projecting.

Share this fulfilling life you have friend, i'm sure the reason you have not offered a man begging for life advice, your personal advice or anything valuable at all, is simply because you forgot to hit enter on your keyboard. You're only as evil as your secrets.

>> No.17735480

>You're only as evil as your secrets.

How much effort did you put into thinking that line up?

>> No.17735501

that's wonderful, but a man is literally begging for an ideal to believe in and something to work towards and you haven't given him anything but critiques of someone who made an honest picture of themself flaws and all.

Ask yourself if you don't want to kick yourself in the head, because you definitely deserve it.

shut up and give people what you have instead of trying to seem perfect. You have to be willing to have a genuine moment when someone comes to you asking for a little bit of hope. I don't give a fuck about your opinion if it's a good life or not. You are trying to seem important. You're self centered.

look at this guy >>17734290 answer him, and be really honest about how much of what you say, you're actually living out yourself.

>> No.17735503

shit goals desu

>> No.17735512

i didn't it's a line i got from my jiu jitsu coach. that and "you are your friends" were the best two little bits of wisdom i got from him, besides him explaining me that i had to use the blade of my wrist to choke people.

>> No.17735515

Okay this is bait, I'm sure of it now.

>> No.17735518

Big cringe

>> No.17735521

High achievers/hard workers/goalfags are literally the scum of the earth

>> No.17735535

based,hope you make it
/lit/ is full of bitter fags

>> No.17735538

i don't want to overplay it, i only did it for 2 years and stayed a white belt. It's not an achievement. I would really love to get back into it though. But my instructor was a good guy for being so giving with that. Would thoroughly recommend it to anyone once covid ends. Rolling was awesome.

>> No.17735546

My brudda we're all gonna make it.
And i'm praying you get that fuckin hot bodied lambo too.
Hard work pays off. And you're gonna reap all that you're owed.

>> No.17735547

>hurr durr lets spend our brief moment of existence collecting capital and window dressing a doomed planet

>> No.17735550

Yeah I'd rather spend it being a neet and watching anime unironically

>> No.17735551

tell your parents thank you

>> No.17735556

>a man begging for life advice
>a man is literally begging for an ideal to believe in and something to work towards
Did you even read the OP? He wants arguments against hedonism, not advice on how to achieve hedonistic goals.

>> No.17735569

>ideal to believe in and something to work towards
>advice on how to achieve hedonistic goals.
come on, really? that's pathetic. just stop. You sound like you're straining to come up with anything to refute.

>> No.17735572

i simultaneously wish you the best of luck and that we may never ever meet

>> No.17735581

>hurr durr lets spend our lives being miserable and feeling bad for ourselves

>> No.17735583

Turn of your smartphone and computer.

>> No.17735599

I’m not doing any of this, bro.
Y’all are weird af

I’m getting some random job and enjoy what’s left of my life and that’s about it, lol.
I just want to be left alone.
That’s the real dream.

>> No.17735613


>> No.17735614

Do whatever makes you happy anon.

>> No.17735622

Your original post is just advice on how to achieve goals. You don't present any ideal to believe in or a goal to work toward for the OP, you just tell him to imagine one.
that's the life

>> No.17735631

I’m ambitious, but a lot of that is right-place-right-time. We’ll see. I’m not going to drive myself crazy over it to achieve some highly specific thing.

>> No.17735643

Goals need to be more abstract to leave room for the unforseen things in life.
Sure, there are concrete things like finish grad school or file taxes that are good, but overplanifying like that only leads to frustration.

>> No.17735655

I'm not a miserable person by any means, but I do think that outward facing goals are misguided and pointless. You can't use your wealth when you're dead, and all of your works will be completely undone and forgotten relatively soon after death. I would much rather spend my life wandering than working

>> No.17735667

Anon the only question I ask myself is "am I happy?"If the answer is no then I think how to change that.
I guess we're different persons.I don't want much money I just don't want to worry about not having enough money to pay bills and such, idgaf about luxury cars and expensive clothes.

>> No.17735669

A masters student is still a fucking student. OP needs to learn to stop indulging in his vices and take opportunities as they come. You can't plan out life years in adcance with a spreadsheet. Anyone who has actually lived knows this. Planning more than 5 years ahead is a complete waste of time because you will have changed a lot by then.

>> No.17735675

Having a good job in a general industry you’re heading towards and having your own family or whatever else like this are probably as specific as you need to be.
I think most successful people didn’t up where they did based on wanting the thing they ended up with from some long-term plan.

>> No.17735689
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the best thing you can do in my experience is build p your will from the ground up by exercising it like a muscle. start small; is there a piece of trash lying around, or some sort of mess, make sure the moment you notice it you deal with it right away, remember some small chore you need to do? do it right away. a disorganized shelf or something? deal with it instantly. my imagination is limited regaurding examples but hopefully you get the point: the moment you see some small task you know you should deal with, you deal with it asap, no putting it off for later or letting things accumulate, this is extremely important because these tasks are easy for your weak will to challenge when you are concscious of this plan, and not a big deal but will train your mind to automatically do the right thing instead of being lazy. eventually you will develop an impulse where youre walking and notice some trash or whatever and you impulsively pick it up and take it to the garbage, and that same impulsive habit can eventually be utilized to tell yourself "no" when faced with eating junk food at night or telling yourself "no" when you think of staying up late, or jerking off, or whatever. eventually your will strengthens and you wont feel nearly as compelled and controlled by degenerate impulses.

but you have to start small in order to build the habit and develop the positive impulsive reaction when faced with temptation, like with working out a muscle, you cant just immediately jump in to doing reps of 100lb dumbells, you have to start small and build strength, and eventually you will find your strength naturally increases and you will be able to challenge greater temptations

>> No.17735690

I wouldn’t mind a lot of money, lol.
I’m not obsessed with it and wouldn’t put myself in a precarious position because of it, but I think “make a lot of money” is a fine goal. I could see that motivating me to some extent.

I’m certainly not going to be dissuaded from chasing money because of what some Marxist said a hundred years ago like I give a shit.

>> No.17735713

Yeah but theres a difference between not minding a lot of money and money being the only thing on your mind.Money is important to me but there are things more important to me.

>I’m certainly not going to be dissuaded from chasing money because of what some Marxist said a hundred years ago like I give a shit.

>> No.17735715

But you gotta be able to spend the money too. I don’t see any purpose in working 24/7 in a job you don’t like just to collect it.

>> No.17735719

>Money is important to me but there are things more important to me.
Well, yeah, living your life how you want:

But money facilitates that.

>> No.17735728

>Shut up and do what i tell you

>> No.17735730

And if I had shitload, I’d do philanthropy or whatever. Feed the starving orphans and whatnot. But that’s part of enjoying your money, I guess.

>> No.17735735

>Something about this rubs me the wrong way.
You're dead on. There's something cadaver-esque about planning one's life in such minutia only to achieve the most banal of goals. Like a self-help caricature come to life. It's ultimately off-putting.

>> No.17735751

>Achieve my 8 minute mile
You better be a woman.

>> No.17735768
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, IKIGAI--1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is that you're not even doing hedonism right. You're probably unhappy with your life if you want to change it. If you want to be a successful hedonist, you have to get out of the low effort-low reward loop. Now, how to actually do that is tricky. If you have the willpower to spend time on your hobbies, do that. If you don't and/or have issues committing to your hobbies, go seek therapy and/or medication. Also take the /fit/pill. Find and follow your ikigai.

>> No.17735769

lmao, look at all these salty faggots coming out of the woodwork. I think you really touched a nerve with these guys.

>> No.17735773

P.S. Am ethical hedonist.

>> No.17735777

You know if you achieve almost none of these you are getting end up offing yourself right?

>> No.17735790

Imagine living in such intellectual void.

This is the male equivalent of Instagram "model".

>> No.17735805

I've done this but the list of things to do just sits on my desk. How do I stop surfing and do things on the list? That's the problem I can't fix

>> No.17735845

clear bait using the blade of your wrist is incorrect technique and will result in an airchoke which takes far longer than a blood choke.

>> No.17735868

some people say procrastination is a problem of discipline. I don't think so. I think procrastination is a problem from anxiety and lack of clarification.

write out something you want, and explain why you want it, what you look like having it, and what you look like failing it. break down the steps, until they feel like solvable problems. And ask yourself, if you had a really good day today, not necessarily a productive day, but a good day, where you enjoyed it and you feel like you like yourself, what that looks like.

Hopefully you put some of the steps you wrote in your day plan. Oh, and find some good friends, ones who are like the person you want to be.

>> No.17735989

Very helpful. Thanks fren

>> No.17736004

No, fuck off.

>> No.17736008

delete your meme folders, turn off the computer, go outside and jog or something

>> No.17736013

another faggot who is being edgy for the sake of being edgy.

>> No.17736022

My 16 000 files strong meme folders are the only thing I have to show for the past decade, you're insane if you think I'm deleting them.

>> No.17736029
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Kek, I bet you regret posting this now

>> No.17736032

All actions are ultimately hedonistic, you just need to want nobler things.

>> No.17736070


>> No.17736132


I agree, it would be a massive upgrade if you were OP

>> No.17736139

Lists are fine but the actual goals you wrote down are gay

>> No.17736196

Not if i do it first

>> No.17736221

I don't get how this works. What if you don't finish it in time does it just continue on to the next one? Does (1 month) become 3 months and (4 months) becomes 9 months? Wouldn't that make it arbitrary

>> No.17737095

>call out off-putting midwit post and go to bed
>wake up and he's sperged out about it

>> No.17737103


>> No.17737116

They're fucking awful, not a single good post exists with a reddtjak or a frog attached to it. It represents the thoughts of an autistic tasteless person

>> No.17737138

>the end is coming cope
spare me dude, people have been leaning on that one for 2000 years and it still hasn't happened, but hey when you're on your death bed in 2080 maybe the sea level will be 1/2 inch higher

>> No.17737159

>t. has it guaranteed

>> No.17737195
File: 527 KB, 1600x1200, CF6FC0B6-D05B-4940-8BC6-32D3A1CD6940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s western Buddhism and the roots of science.
Not a denial of pleasure at all, but a rejection of pains, worry and stress. Watch


>> No.17737216
File: 58 KB, 416x612, EpicurusbySarantea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other anon has no idea what he's saying. epicureanism is the first hedonism. The good kind, not like the contemporary term. For Epicurus, even reading a book could be hedonism. As long as you take joy in it, it's hedonism.

>> No.17737591

In 1000000 years there will be no remnant if your life or of the life if anyone you have ever met, and eventually the planet and solar system will be destroyed by the expansion of the sun

>> No.17737705

you think humans won't figure out a solution to that given one million years to work on it?

>> No.17737758

Explain this meme to me? Are Pepe and hobo Wojak supposed to close friends who moved on with their lives, and Pepe is now ignoring hobo Wojak because, well he is a hobo?

>> No.17737767

They can't.

>> No.17737861

I’m going to pin you down and rape your anus.

>> No.17738058

The woman is Hobo Wojak’s sister. Due to a degenerative neurological condition, she no longer recognizes her own brother. Nor does she realize the baby she is holding is actually a frog, spawned from the crotch of the big Pepe, a transman. Hobo Wojak represents all of us, as we witness this horrific decay of the social fabric while dealing with feels of nogf.

>> No.17738580

I wish you luck you insufferable twat

>> No.17738762

Thank you.

>> No.17738781
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>> No.17738811

No woman understands Epicureanism. Go back to the kitchen lesbian whore.

>> No.17738851

Nobody can convince you to, as others will say.

It will take a lot of hard work, but the narrow path will always show it's way.

Once you do decide to take the plunge and start putting in all the hard work, it will be like climbing out of plato's cave for the first time and you'll wonder how you ever would have wanted to live any differently.

>> No.17738865

>I pay big money in school to be told I can do anything and believe it
good luck you miserable bastard. none of this stuff will make you happy or even impress anybody who isn't looking to make money off you, but I wish you the best. I used to be like you and to be fair I was probably happier for it.

A bit of advice though, find something concrete that you want to do, and stop wasting your time with languages and statistics. Pick a big goal and as you work towards that, teach yourself what you need to know. Instead of spending years reaching arbitrary benchmarks you could actually achieve something truly excellent (for example, you can figure out what you need to know about statistics and finance from starting a company, they're useful tools but that's it). This is coming from someone who speaks 4&1/2 languages and wasted years studying mathematics.

Also, in terms of learned skills, STEM and weightlifting might make you feel superior to your common man, but if you know how to cook a decent meal and play four chords and a simple rhythm on a couple different instruments you will always be able to make friends and keep a roof over your head.

>> No.17738916

what's a real fucking person to you look like?

>> No.17739084

The normal person is a hedonist. The reason why you think that they are not hedonists is because you are fooled by their super-ego, as you super-ego is not sufficiently developped, this is good. You need to find the axis of your life. Every action must be decided by one single criterium if you go to the absolute root. The Id, your animalistic impulses and the super-ego, the aspects of you that are a result of socialization, must be seized by yourself. The impulses or the dogmas are not what makes you. You need to search for that source of the ability of distinguishing good from bad. You don't have to worry that you aren't sure if the moral axis you found is the one you want for all your life, when you find the one truth that will dictate other truths in your life, you will know, but for the search to be successful you must desocialize yourself as much as possible until you reach the goal.

>> No.17739089
File: 13 KB, 236x256, 946423CE-D1F8-45E8-90E4-B466E80E6E80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were, from the beginning, Epicurean women in his garden kitchen talks. You’re a sad fool.

>> No.17739187

I am glad someone finally managed to draw out a little anger from the smug bitch that you are. You are what, early 30s? Too scared to get a child come out of your pisshole? This board is for intellectuals, young men possessing or seeking great wisdom and knowledge. Your occasional good advice will always be overshadowed by your estrogen-induced retarded, fucking horrible views on things. If you got some fertile eggs in there, how about you try to get a good husband and make some kids, that is if any good man will even have the lack of self-respect to marry such a roastie.

>> No.17739201

Just do it anon. Stop thinking about it and being anxious about it, just get out of your chair and do something now.

>> No.17739216

Good post, it's amazing how horrified people are by advice that would help them.

>> No.17739272

would you want to do any of those activities for themselves if they weren't trendy in the current era? What are you going to do if the Zeitgeist changes and people start looking down on software devs?

>> No.17739299

You project a lot onto me from these imperfect words, this shallow form of communication. But it’s really obvious that you’re hiding here to lash out, dump all your bitterness on strangers. This board isn’t for intellectuals, it’s for trolling. Anonymity is for trolling and blowing off steam.
My “occasional” good advice is blown off as bad, my contributions are disavowed.
Women are not baby machines for male legacies. They are the base Human being for which males are an appendage to.
My views, my advice, even my jokes, are just little mirror reflections from the sunny world up here to the cave you’ve all crawled down into. Come up anytime.

>> No.17739320

Be a hedonist. Just dont be a shortsighted "o im not gonna have a job or spend a sober minute thinking about anything" type of hedonist. That type of shit doesnt help achieve maximum pleasure long term.

>> No.17739325

pisshole is different from the babyhole

>> No.17739342

He’s only 15. His christian school doesn’t cover sex ed

>> No.17739837

Actually it IS all for a goal. I want to make a very specific charity. As my gift to miserable lonely fucks like i used to be, and hopefully reduce the gini coefficient in the United states. Again no details. But i'm not jerking off. There is a point and a dream and i'm betting my life that it will be realized sometime after my death in about 50 years. I do concur with you that life is meant to spent on something meaningful and not only for the aggrandizement of the self.

I may sound like i'm self superior, but that's not my appraisal of people, just of men who choose bot to aid their fellows and choose instead to critique them in laziness. I compete often with individuals i find terrifying and humbling. Arrogance has not become me, except in the presence of the arrogant loser. A man who is confused and alone may not be able to recognize the difference between competence and this type, and so i make it clear from the get go. My respect is contingent on knowing that your intention is to support your fellow man. And should a man fail to meet that criterion, they deserve to be talked over.

I do know how to cook. I make a killer roast lamb. Desserts especially french ones are way harder. I never learned to play an instrument. I was always more of a writer, hence lit. But i will take your advice under consideration.

Can you elaborate more on how playing an instrument will put a roof over my head and advance me in my pursuit?

As for the learning, i do it because i want to have rock solid knowledge it's an investment in different ways of thinking, and trying to keep up my fluid intelligence as i age. That's also why i work out. You're not wrong that it seems pointless and i might replace them for something i find is a better/ more practical and illuminating use of time, but for some reason i'm just betting on it that there's still more for me to learn there. If you have more clear alternatives i'm always open minded and quite greedy to hear them.

>> No.17739844

Thanks, you're a good guy. Take care.

>> No.17739954

Honestly? No. I didn't list my achievements, i just listed my current goals and these guys are like sperging out green with envy. It's giving me a little chub honestly. They can just tell i'm a winner just because i know what i want. And without even having mentioned anything of what i've achieved so far they're crying and furious and trying to critique me.

Cynics usually critique things that they feel make them insecure or are just generally above them. No cynic bothers to slander a loser. I think honestly it's the biggest compliment most of these guys know how to muster. The better socialized people are just telling me that they're rooting for me.

If there is a regret, i feel like u've overshadowed the op in err not realizing so many people on here would act insecure and straight up forget the prompt in this post. I offered what i've figured out to help this guy, and it seems like everybody is busy trying to get my attention instead. I thought offering my own example would make the op feel less like im a guru talking out of his ass with ideas he doesn't live out. Truly i made this error because i did not consider this list impressive enough to garner so much attention. I thought other individuals could match it, but so far nobody has, and i feel confident some people are simply holding out.

Anyway, all this to say that you interpret internet conversations like an insecure 13 year old. A bunch of tards seething over you isn't anything to regret.