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/lit/ - Literature

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1773413 No.1773413 [Reply] [Original]

If I go to barnes and noble and read books all day everyday in there will I get kicked out?

>> No.1773418

My cousin got kicked out of B&N for looking too homeless. Funny because he manages an independent.

Shit would never happen at Powell's.

Bring a drivers' license.

>> No.1773431

I got kicked out of Bookland for looking at porn when I was 12.

>> No.1773432

Pssst. There are such things as libraries.

>> No.1773433

with germy books and homeless people.

>> No.1773436

Are you trying to pretend you're too good to hang around a library? You think sitting on your ass at B&N makes you somehow better than homeless people and germs?

>> No.1773438

No. I just don't want to touch gross books.

>> No.1773440

if they do threaten you, just buy some shitty Starbucks coffee and say you're a customer.

>> No.1773442

You should be fine, I've done this many times before.

>> No.1773454

I just use libraries and ebooks. The only reason i go to b&n is to read their graphic novels.

>> No.1773496



>> No.1774140

they don't even have porn at Barnes and Noble

>> No.1774146

My local library actually has a decent graphic novel section.

>> No.1774166
File: 25 KB, 360x490, Howard-Hughes-Biography-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont want to touch books then wear gloves you OCD fuck.

Pic related, its you.

>> No.1774169

just wear a shirt and a tie and look respectable and you'll get away with it.

dont wear your usual homeless bum look and have a bath for fucks sake.

>> No.1774175

OP its 2011, all books can be downloaded for free and viewed at your leisure on your computer or printed out for your comfort.

no need to be freeeloading store scum anymore!

>> No.1775771

I love the library. Honestly, I can't stand paying full price for books anymore. If there's something I want to read, I'll check it out at the public library. If I can't find it there, I'll either download it from Project Gutenberg or buy it at a used book store. Very rarely do I have to step into a Barnes and noble. Besides, almost anything, including hard copies, can be found on Amazon these days.

If I have to buy something at Barnes and Noble, that's fine. I would just feel weird sitting down and reading a book, especially if I don't end up buying it. Besides, I would be pretty pissed off buying a book that some schlup spent two hours reading in the store.

>> No.1775783

why does everyone think that once a book's been read ONCE by someone else, it's no good anymore? Honestly, it's not like you wiped your stupidity off on the pages like a contagious disease. Calm your tits, e/lit/est.