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17732446 No.17732446 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your hecking mind

>> No.17732458

There’s never anything on my mind.

>> No.17732581

I hate myself, and this hatred causes me to hate others, so my entire life is basically just a cycle of hating myself, redirecting this hatred at other people, and then redirecting back at me.

I honestly think if someone came up behind me one day while I was walking down the street and shot me in the head, he should not go on trial for murder, I don't think it should be counted as murder, if anything I see it as euthanasia. It's not like my life would end up any better.

>> No.17733025

Watame is so cute.

>> No.17733041

Why do I hate trannies so much

>> No.17733120

In one month I will lose all sensation in my penis. Now what?

>> No.17733191

> Writing is like cultivating parasites in your brain
Reading is kind of like that too...

>> No.17733371
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Any books which describe what it's like to spoon with a redhead for hours while talking about your feelings?

>> No.17733380

I hate the hecking shit you god damn weeaboo reddit fag

>> No.17733394

The Odyssey almost does that

>> No.17733435
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I really am starting to feel like the best life is the one that is the seemingly most mundane. Being able to have a family, some friends and neighbors who you can walk to greet, being near nature, having an honest form of work, enjoying celebrations from time to time... I think these are the most valuable things. No wisdom for the sake of wisdom. Even if we can't live like this right now, I feel like it should at least be an ideal. Maybe we will make it.

>> No.17733441
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So the life of a medieval peasant?

>> No.17733449


>> No.17733498

You could write one.

>> No.17733685

>really talented writer
>really anti-talented artist
>keep spending my free time mucking around in a painting program drawing shit-tastic anime fanart instead of writing
what the fuck is wrong with me why do i keep doing this. it just leaves me frustrated and angry, and i've even gotten wrist pain from it now.

>> No.17733708

Any books on parasocial relationships?

>> No.17733792 [DELETED] 

b-ok.org is dead
for fucking real?

>> No.17733834

There's really nothing to say. Everything is what it is, no matter what we do or think. Six of one, half a dozen of another.

>> No.17734041

Love these threads, not just because of the posts. They're oddly the most off-topic and irrelevant general on /lit/ while also being a perfect metaphor for board and its users.

>> No.17734482

Post some art dood

>> No.17734528

I think I'll miss the whole covid lockdown world. A sad fact is that my lifestyle was not gravely disrupted by it. Sure I lost touch with some people. My world closed around me tighter, but the noose was already around my neck. What difference does it make? I got a bit chubbier but such things happen. I'm certain that my interpersonal development was hampered by it. I lost a few budding friendships, some romantic prospects flew to the four corners. Everyone retreated inwards.

The weight of all that is balanced against what I got in return. As if I suddenly awoke in a communist utopia, the government started to just give me money, which in turn enabled to me dispense my energies on projects of my choosing than alienated labor toward some futile yet paying task. The result is that I was nearly able to write an entire book in the span of a year, a privilege normally available to the select.

When I did finally get a job, remote work made life incalculably less painful. Not only is grift easier, since there is no boss to peer over your shoulder and it doesn't matter when it gets done so long as it gets done, but the brutality of the morning commute is eased for someone like me who is a habitual night owl. I can only imagine how skewed academic test results must be during the pandemic; there must also be a pandemic of cheating.

I fully recognize that were the lockdown to continue, not only would society be brought to the fevered brink, but my own decay would reach unsustainable levels. But I'll be damned if I have not found freedom in this imprisonment, discovery in exile, strength in weakness, gain in loss.

>> No.17734552 [DELETED] 

human is a substrate overrun with narrative we'ds. one gets thru it by braiding the we'ds into a we've: the symbiosis of the future transposed in to thee now.

>> No.17734582

I want to have a mental breakdown but I cant afford it

>> No.17734591

This is lost on most people today. They dont know what they're missing

>> No.17734603
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I'm in great pain

>> No.17734605

My lifestyle also barely changed, but I was hindered in a few personal aspects. I feel the setbacks I experienced will come to haunt me, but I take solace in knowing that everyone else was just as badly affected, if not worse, but also not as mentally fortified against isolation and life waste as I am.

>> No.17734658

Morning everyone
It's 1 AM

>> No.17734673

Because you're sixteen and you're repressed sexually.

>> No.17734684

actually, i've spent a lot of time around a lot of trannies, being one myself, and i've grown to hate them too

>> No.17734685

I dont have a well defined personality therefore i end up unconsciously "taking" other people/characters traits and mannerisms. However they dont stick for too long and as soon as i lose contact, the mentioned traits start fading away. Is this me being impressionable? I dont know how to stop doing that.

>> No.17734692

Normies were devastated, but I simply returned to a period of my life when nothing was happening and it was fundamentally impossible for me to make anything happen. I am no stranger to isolation, uncertainty, stress, the brutal indifference of the universe. To me it felt like others were given a taste of what was for me familiar and long imbibed poison. It felt like I was stringing up an old pair of boots.

The circumstances of the pandemic certainty did not aid my personal development. It jabbed right into barely scabbed over wounds. Despite the subtle rot, it gave me an excuse to channel my hyper-attuned and singularly focused mind toward the task of invention. I've always tried to expand the wealth my inner experience in proportion to the resistance of the shrinking poverty of my outer experience, and because of this the result of the pandemic was an almost full actualization of my intellectual and literary powers.

>> No.17734693

You're self-loathing then and need to seek therapy.

>> No.17734698

every revolutionary has to learn about life after the revolution

>> No.17734704

Spent all weekend in a depressive funk and now I don't have any clean clothes for the work week. Don't have a dryer and no sun where I am at the moment, so no way to dry them. The only laundromats close before I get home from work. Yikes. I knew all this. Nobody to blame but myself.

>> No.17734706

can you tell me about grift? i just got a WFH office job as my first ever "real" job and i've been working 9-5 every day and i'm ready to kill myself already
how do i put less time into this? what does a normal day look like for you?

>> No.17734717

i am therapy, i have thought for so long and so hard about this i've seen right through it to its very core: it's all a fucking sham and trannies are literally insane, every last one of them. i'm happy now but it only came from rejecting basically every single point of tranny ideological dogma, and that's why i hate every last one of them. they're still living under its miserable spell, they're in the cult, i can't fucking stand them

>> No.17734720

Sometimes I feel so anxious and stressed out that I cant read. So pent up and agitated. How do I deal with this?

>> No.17734725

You don't sound very happy at all. You sound embittered and angry.

>> No.17734731

Put on some nice music and breathe.

>> No.17734733

Release the anger and return to reading.

>> No.17734736

who wouldn't be angry when they have to share a world with people like them? but i look at myself and i feel no shame, people can call me anything i am undisturbed, i am utterly at peace with myself, and it was worth it even if in exchange i am now at war with the world
you're right, i'm miserable, but at least now i know it's not my fault

>> No.17734742

Learn the fine art of prostate stimulation

>> No.17734755

>but at least now i know it's not my fault
You're responsible for your own actions, so yes, you very much are.

>> No.17734767

Is it possible to addicted to happiness? I'm pretty sure that's what I am, and anything less that happiness makes me feel withdrawal

>> No.17734795

There's an art to it. You need to learn how to read the (metaphorical) room. Learn your bosses routines. If you use a productivity tool like slack, always make sure you are logged in and that your computer does not go to sleep, so that it gives the impression you are at your desk. If your boss is away from slack/some other app, this is a good signal to make a move. Keep an eye on your calendar for scheduled events. If the coast is clear, proceed with your intentions. Your boss can only evaluate you at discrete intervals, during "stand ups" or some other sort of checkin event. This means that you can budget your time around these events, which are often scheduled. Unless you have stood out as suspicious and they ask to check in aperiodically, weave in and out of these checkin sessions. Learn the leadership style of your bosses. Are they a hardass or are they more hands on? Give it some time to learn their patterns.

Also, the metrics of productivity are obscured by the digital interface. So long as you can make some data point increment +1, that is all your boss will see. They have no means of detecting whether you actually did something productive. They are just looking at data metrics, independently of any tangible qualitative results. At least that is, not until the deadline comes around. Always crunch before the deadline. You cannot avoid the pain of labor; you can only distribute it over time, lightly here, here and there, and heavily on Thursday.

Also, it depends what kind of job you are doing. Not all remote work is the same. So long as I have something to show for it at the end of the week, nobody complains. I claim my 8 hours a day, even though realistically I never work in continuous 9-5 chunks but sometimes in the day and sometimes in the evening. In fact I get most done late at night. Other jobs prevent this option because people need you then and there.

Personally, I like to challenge myself on the job and do not actively seek opportunities to do nothing. However, when there is reason to do so I have no regrets.

>> No.17734807

>hands on

>> No.17734820

Was thinking of posting my excerpt on /wg/ until I realized its full of blogposts, trolls, and pseudo-intellectuals thinking they’re going to be the next great author. With only the animefags doing any sort of writing. You guys know any place for aspiring writers?

>> No.17734833

thank you anon, this is great advice. i'm new so i've actually had a few days where i didn't actually have to do anything. i'm sure this won't last, though. i've tried to be at "work" (or, my desk at least) during the 9-5 hours, but sitting there with nothing to do while i wait for the time to go by is just a miserable experience

>> No.17734846

Drink beer.

>> No.17734882

Im really interested in the idea of wearing the suit with black tie everyday.

>> No.17734932

i am so sad and tired and overworked and overwhelmed bros. i just want to pass out i fucking hate my colleagues

>> No.17734941


>> No.17734957
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I want life to have real meaning, and because it doesn't, I alternate between living inside my own mind, devoting myself to a better world that may never come, and that I can only get intimations of in rare moments, and being bombarded by fragments of other people's lives, which I don't identify with and can't understand, but can sometimes feel, in a way that is never satisfying and only makes me sad and a little envious. Today was the first day that felt like spring so people were out everywhere, and I was trying to make sense of what it's like to be inside their worlds. If I were like them I could envy them straightforwardly, as having what I want but don't have. If I were totally unlike them I wouldn't notice them. Somehow I'm caught in between the two extremes.

Sometimes I listen to trashy pop music that I imagine basic bitches listen to, and it floods me with a thought process that goes something like, this is a basic world of movie magic romance and normie adventures where everything makes sense from start to finish, no it doesn't that doesn't exist, it's a Hollywood illusion sold to normies, but then, they think it exists, so it sort of does exist for them? So do I envy it or not? Is what they experience a simulation, or a fragment, or a reflection through a glass darkly, of a way of life that used to be and could be again? Is that the way of life I want to help create, justifying my exclusion from these fragments and distorted after-images of it? Maybe, at least my sacrifice and dedication could contribute in some small way to restoring the full, real, original version of what Hollywood and pop music now only sell to normies in pre-packaged tatters.

On days like today it's the worst. When I think of how much there is left of spring and the summer to come I feel a mixture of fear and resignation.

>> No.17734960

Im listening to asap rocky

>> No.17734964

That person may be gaslighting you out of anger for criticizing trannies. Notice how little investment they are making in engaging with you earnestly. Maximum ambiguity to affect superiority and keep you confused.

>> No.17734966

Yeah my life didn't change at all because of the lockdown. The only thing that changed was that now I had a new good excuse to avoid going out, which was pretty great.

>> No.17734974

I have immense faith that I will be a writer and a poet of some importance. I think I am on the verge of being quite great.

>> No.17735037

How would you feel if you wouldnt become one?

>> No.17735123

I have forgotten what it's like to not be tired. I just wish I could sleep well and not be exhausted when I wake up.

>> No.17735125

That mostly all books are shit and I should probably write a book that I'd actually like.

>> No.17735144
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There's a lot on my mind Too much to express in such limitations as words. I need to start writing again

>> No.17735155

Why are you on this anime website.

>> No.17735157

>> On my heck'n mindarion
> There is a god
> There is a hell
> Heaven would not critically acclaim a jewish victim complex/messiah fantasy as the best thing ever shit-birthed on kosher paper.
>We are in hell where soon rothfus will write about sexually assaulted spoons and their totally-not-mary-sue plot armor.
> It will be praised as the herald of the messiah by literally every jewish run media tripping over themselves to suck him off first.
I hate his books so god damn much but I hate the vapid sycophantic praise it gets even more.

>> No.17735203

Wait are you the tranny? A self hating tranny? Can I fuck you?

>> No.17735211

would a sensible person go on like this

>> No.17735232

how's your diet? I used to wake up feeling half-dead but when I started eating better that malaise went away completely in a week

>> No.17735252

I'm trying to find instances of yawning used in music.

>> No.17735274

You should watch Paterson, I think you’d like it.

>> No.17735292

It's all empty and emotions are like adding spices to a bland chicken breast, people always figure out the real me too soon
I don't care about anyone, I can't care about anyone yet I want to care about someone
I'm a defective product, flawed from birth
Probably it's just shit luck

>> No.17735400

Love you.

>> No.17735430


>> No.17735463

Silly bunny, you can't lie with dubs
Checked and m8'd. I less than three you too.

>> No.17735493

fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what am i fucking doing man holy shit please get your shit together please please please

>> No.17735509

i have become psychologically incapacitated
i am in hell

>> No.17735527

Im realizing that i have a lot of trouble seeing myself as average human being with all his talents and flaws. I just cannot make peace with the fact that i been tricking myself into believing that im above other people all this time. It just feel extremely humiliating accepting that i blew my best years believing the thing which is unrealistic in the first place. I was wrong about everything and only my emotional distancing from myself keeps me from killing myself out of shame.

>> No.17735534

Internal conflict, see Romans 7:15–25

>> No.17735619


>> No.17735623

absolutely based and comfpilled

>> No.17735628

We finally kiss again. My cock is so fucking rock hard. I want her to sit on my face. I want her pussy juice and ass sweat to cover my nose, mouth; completely take over the senses. I want to grab her perfect waist and drive into her with the power of a thousand lions - I will ravage her with the passion of a thousand tigers. I want to tear her apart, like a beast unleashed, engage in combat, battle, warfare in bed. I want to cum into her. I will shoot a fucking monster load. I will shoot a fucking cum one-deag. I will shoot a fucking cum nuke. Cum arrow. Cum bullet. Cum grenade. Cum rocket. A fucking volcanic eruption inside her beautiful pussy. I WILL FUCKING CUM SO HARD IT LEAVES A FUCKING DENT INSIDE HER.

>> No.17735634

It is safe to fail at something you know you are bad at.

>> No.17735663

I also will miss it, especially the shutdowns. I made ridiculous money, I did not have to deal with anyone since I was the only one at work, the street were empty and quiet. A great few months. The only negative effect it had on me was I had to be a little creative with my cooking because of hoarders.

>> No.17736143

So, who's the sheep?

>> No.17736213

Lately I've been feeling a bit down (girl problems) and I really can't stand to be alone at home with my own thoughts. So I've been leaving the house at 8 and staying at work until 8:30 - I work a boring office job so it's not physically tiring to be in the office that long. Then I go to the gym for a couple of hours returning late into the night. Then I read for about an hour and then sleep and repeat the cycle. I spend barely any time at home and desu I'm weirdly loving it. I know it's a coping mechanism but it's a pretty good one as far as I'm concerned. Been doing it for a month. I feel like a ghost passing through life.

>> No.17736237
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I am fully aware that not facing my problems will do nothing but make them worse, and yet I just can't bring myself to do anything but run away from them.

>> No.17736364

And of course the cure for your adolescent repression is to have sex with me, a tranny

>> No.17736390

Is this the year I read Spinoza?

>> No.17736487

I can’t be the person I want to be. I should just end this life with the hope of reincarnation is real and I’ll reincarnate in a new one. If it’s not, then whatever.

>> No.17736543
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>I less than three
Haven't heard that one in a long time

>> No.17736563

well im not a vampire
but i feel like one
i sleep all day
and i hate the sun

>> No.17736597

it is possible I am becoming some kind of gnostic. certainly a sophist, that much is clear.

>> No.17736607


>> No.17736635

i can't tell if I should be interested in a woman or not. actually I can I just have a hard time ignoring my dick and my instinct to want to help a sad person. but neither of those are good reasons at all to forward with anything. let's hope I remember when it comes down to it.

>> No.17736730

I suppose another problem is that some great vanity is triggered in me as a response to her showing me attention

>> No.17736749

Is immigrating a death sentence for authors? I can count the number of really significant immigrant/expat authors who were popular in their second language on one hand.

>> No.17736755 [DELETED] 
File: 2.89 MB, 720x1280, never.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women like this exist and you will never have one. It's bumming me the fuck out recently.

>> No.17736793

A van that waited for me outside my appointment Today, had those yellow blinkers, generic logo stickered on the side. Road work or something, just kinda parked there on the corner. As I walked down the street and into an alley, I turned and saw the van follow a black suv onto the street and an identical model with the same black tinted backseat windows followed it.

>> No.17737005

this place is pretty unbearable.

>> No.17737021

Women like that exist for 3-5 years and then have to deal with aging and losing the one thing that made them special, bit by bit every day, at an alarming rate.

At least back in the day they got married. Now they are deranged and think they will last looking like that until 35, and can then think about settling down.

>> No.17737199

What does it mean if I really really like Houllebecq’s novels but I can’t really identify with the pessimism or inceldom?

>> No.17737241

she's attractive, but she doesn't seem like a girl worth falling in love over. I feel that way towards a lot of female "influencers".

>> No.17737265

I have a really fleshed out idea of a a story I think has real potential, but it’s a genre that I don’t have any real interest in writing so I don’t know what to do with it. Do I write it? Do I not write it? I don’t really want this to be my forté.

>> No.17737291

It is really interesting that one of the best shoegaze bands ever was Christian

>> No.17737297

Right you are. Pursuit of the ideal, regarding creation and invention as the most noble values, and truly loving quotidian, mundane life: essential elements for constructing your future spiritual kingdom.

>> No.17737350

Yes, I somewhat I agree and I came to this idea from almost the complete opposite line of thinking. I’ve always felt like life, normal, daily life, was kind of boring and just not enough. Hell, that’s probably why I started reading so much in the first place. The thing is when you really take in as big of a picture of the world as possible and you’re unsatisfied with what you see, the proper reaction then is not to withdraw from the world but actually bring the bigger world down to the level of interpersonal relationships and the world of immediate, even domestic life. You know? We live in a time where people are concerned so much about things like climate change and yet they think so little about their daily life and perhaps their romantic partners. If you see the greater world around you in a way that’s almost apocalyptic, and characterized by feelings of helplessness, inertness, swarming and buzzing, like I do, like many of us do the only thing you can do is accept that heroism isn’t on the table in that world so narrow your scope.

>> No.17737547

I’m conflicted. On one hand, I miss my friends and I’d like talk to them again. On the other hand, I don’t think they were very good for me.

>> No.17737693

I'm getting on the mech, "Pew-pew-pew!" says Lapilou, the evil bad guy, as he takes great strides to confront me. "You won't succeed in your dastardly plans, Lapilou!" I cry. In the meantime, my mech is emitting sounds of metal clashing against metal as it struggles to get on his feets. Inside, the pod is revolving at great speed and the available weapons are being displayed inside of a blue box in my peripheral vision.

[Rocket Launcher - Left Shoulder], [SMG - Left Arm]

[Brand New Weapon detected! [Diggy-diggy-dong - Right Arm], do you wish to take the [Diggy-diggy-dong - Right Arm] as your primary weapon?]


Fuck, no!

[Please select your primary weapon.]

I gather my thoughts with great difficulty to select the rocket launcher. 'Please, not the diggy-diggy-dong, oh God, please, not the diggy-diggy-dong..." I mumbled, unable to fight the almost conspiring curiosity of discovering this new weapon.

A mental click resounds through the hull of the mech, followed by a sound of triumph transmitted by the user interface directly to my ears.

[Primary weapon of choice, [Diggy-diggy-dong - Right Arm] has been selected!]

I clenched my knuckles furiously as I tried to select another weapon in urgency but caught off guard by a smug Lapilou, now a few meters away, "You're dead, MOP! No one can save you here, no special weapon, no... Wait, is that a diggy-diggy-dong? How on earth is that possible?! The production was stopped years ago!" he cries, his body already launched in the airs and his [Bling-Bling Sword of Bling] thrown out.

"We can resolve this without weapons, Lapilou, please stop!" I ask of him imploringly. The brightness in the pod suddenly increased and another system message popped out immediately after,

[Weapon equipped.]
[Enemy near area of attack. Main user is not ready. Last Breath Mode Activated.]

"No!" I cry.

I could see Lapilou glaring at me through the spotted cameras, and in the next moment, he fell dead.

>> No.17738066

Im tired of being a coward but i dont feel like theres anything i can do about it.

>> No.17738100

I’m done with porn, I’m NEVER watching it again. I can’t get back all those wasted years and missed social development, but if nothing else I won’t give a single second more to the vile pornographers.

>> No.17738177

just remember that having one relapse doesn't mean the whole project is a failure. maybe you fuck up once, that's no reason to not keep trying

>> No.17738384

Hopefully anon is less concerned with "failure" like that and more concerned with how he could get an actual 3dpd gf who he can talk to about sexytimes and who makes love to him like she wants his babies.

>> No.17738397

It's a genuine shame it can't go on forever. The shrill screaming of the normie will only get louder and continue to bring up pointless shit >"My immunesystem is. like. ssssssooooo tot-tally injured right now, Becahse, like. Chang wasn't allowed to fly half way around the worald from his virus fact-tory, to spit in my mowth."
>"My cHIldRen ArE loSInG YEARS of ThEiR veRy SOULS, BeCaUSe I caN'T sEnD tHEm To (government funded indoctrination facility)"
>"I mith going two bawr. I want get durnk wiff frenth. I want flirt wiff thluth at bawr."
>'Muh freedumbs' said the increasingly fatter man who couldn't legally own a grenade launching cannon, has been kicked off social media, and has had his two startup businesses taxed and regulated to death.
I just want the normies to start their self-culling violent riots already.

>> No.17738411

Why is it hard to believe?

>> No.17738425

U ok?

>> No.17738434

>jannies ban kpop threads but let this shit stay up

>> No.17738454

I feel like getting a prostitute or seeing a massage parlor. I hate going crazy I know it’s good for men to but damn I hate masturbating but it feels good

>> No.17738482

no-fappers have addictive personalities and are projecting on the rest of us. I wank twice a week and I'm happy.

>> No.17738503

You can talk about your bias all you want here anona. If you go into detail about their feet, some of the other anons might like you more.

>> No.17738510

Yeah lol, this is true haha :(

>> No.17738519

Quoted wrong post here >>17738503
Sorry >>17738411 I meant to check your dubs not destigmatize your kpop fixation

>> No.17738523

What are you on about nigger

>> No.17738526

kys vtuber shill

>> No.17738544

it's still fine if it helps you tho.

>> No.17738594

How being retarded is normal here

>> No.17738600

I'm not that anon, it's just they removed the thread right before this one and they're equally cancerous.

>> No.17738623

It's okay anon you will have other threads and those are nice doubles. Cancer is more productive than anon, but sometimes we try. Just remember one day we will all be amoebic slurry and cancer free!

>> No.17738835

I can't bring myself to play video games anymore. None of them interest me anymore. I still have a soft spot for SNES/PSX era JRPGs but they seem like a huge waste of time when I could be reading or watching a film instead. I've been burned out on gaming before, but I think this time I've finally outgrown them.

>> No.17738870

I'm liking Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.17738889

save at good intervals. I literally got soft-locked about 25 hours because there was a literally unbeatable bossfight for my builds (had a friend who had 100%ed the game try all possible cheese-strats). It's great but it is not well balanced.

>> No.17739244

Yeah I heard about that, I'll make sure not to screw myself over, I'm also using a guide just in case.

>> No.17739273

Again, not my thread, I just wonder why some types of cancer are tolrrated and not others.

>> No.17739287

Remember I'm evil I don't take pity

>> No.17739314

And that's a bad thing because? Nowadays I get a sudden powerful urge to play a video game that strikes on rare occasion, and then when I do it's oddly satisfying. Videogames are only bad if you play them just to fill up the empty space in your life. There's so much more you can do that isn't so mindless.

>> No.17739542
File: 1.15 MB, 1195x657, OctaneX2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, otoy just released the macos version of octane optimized for amd gpus and m1 cpus!

>> No.17739813

>why isn't 4chan carefully curated by paid jannies to conform to my chosen hierarchies of cancer?
...you probably want Facebook m8. This isn't even a >>>/reddit/ complaint; the business model you're looking for would have to give you far fewer chances at seeing objectionable content.

>> No.17740014

>5 different posts
>not a single reply
it makes sense now.

>> No.17740125

"is it not strange an all-wise Creator should havebeen at pains to fashion this brave world about us for little men and women such as
we to lie and pilfer in? Was it worth while, think you, to arch the firmament above our rogueries, and light the ageless stars as candles to display
our antics? Let us be frank, Kathleen, and confess that life is but a trivial farce ignobly played in a very stately temple."

>> No.17740143
File: 308 KB, 828x592, 1614548962789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

------ TEST POST: DO NOT READ ------

I haven't met a person I could relate to in years. And that isn't their fault. It's my own. I don't like the person that I have become.

The universe is a cruel place. I always thought that I could create something meaningful here. But I don't think I can. I should have chosen an ordinary life. I still could, to be honest. But I am to proud to just marry and have children. I'm afraid of that, too.

There was a girl in my high school class. We met in 5th grade or so. I thought she was cute. She liked me, too. We used to sit next to each other and pass notes. Over the next three years or so, we grew very close.
She eventually asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I turned her down. She was trouble, really. She transferred into another class.

About four years ago, we met again at a party. It was so uncomfortable. She still liked me, and she made it obvious. So I just excused myself, and left without saying goodbye.

I often still wonder what would have happened if I had just gone with it back then. Sad! I'm in my mid-twenties, and I still think about some girl that liked me in high school. Who the fuck cares about what happens in high school? Then again, my dad met my mom in high school.

And since then, I've pretty much given up. I ghosted all my friends months ago. I haven't had sex in 4 years. I've been to a psychiatric hospital 4 times.
I go to my wagecuck job and nothing ever happens. What am I supposed to do with my life? My therapist says I should get out more. But I don't know what to do outside. I throw myself from one passion onto the next.

It's all clowed. It has nothing to do with "the world". It has nothing to do with "SJWs" or the "mainstream media". I am what is wrong with my world. I have created my own hell. I don't think I can get out anymore. I think I need to sleep.

>> No.17740181

Ya. I don't even care how you look. I'm just lonely.

>> No.17740195

ywnbaw. Sorry bro, just saying. Not him btw, you two fags should definitely still meet up and bang it out

>> No.17740268

Every man is a tool to God's will.

>> No.17740273

Damn, that looks like a nice scene anon. Did you make that? Or is it a promotional screenshot?

>> No.17740488

Point them out

>> No.17740495

i love you anon(s) hang in there

>> No.17740504

It’s really sinister, you know? As if it wasn’t bad enough that turned us into wage slaves. They had to go and make us speak certain ways, think certain ways, and even robbed us of chances that might make it worth it, like, I don’t know, meeting your wife at work or something. They literally took whatever little you had left and crushed it for no reason other than to spiteful. The worst part? The people responsible will NEVER be held accountable.

>> No.17740546

gotta pee
i was making butter-rum butter and forgot i had to pee
should finish reading a chapter when i come back and see what i feel like doing then

>> No.17740714

Every Tuesday night I can't sleep until 4am at the earliest. I get into bed at 11 and I lie there until 4am. It only happens on Tuesday fucking nights.

>> No.17740742

I stopped coming to 4chan for 3 days and I noticed that my mind was much clearer and that, above all, I managed to read a lot more. I might leave this site permanently.

>> No.17740843

I'm beginning to realize why so many men in their early twenties an hero

>> No.17740849

Yep. Don’t really know what else to say.

>> No.17740850

Gotta write two assignments tomorrow but they're pretty short. The challenge will be how to have enough things to say to reach the required length, since I will be commenting on articles that are very heavy on statistical methods and I am not trained at all in statistics. It seems almost like witchcraft to be honest, the wya they can get all these angles out of the data. The results are always pretty interesting, but then you look at the methods and you end up somewhat doubting that a single question in a survey can really capture "voter trust". Idk it has an allure, I could modify my degree to include a semester of statistics and become one of the quants but it seems a bit narrow all things considered, at least if you can only boast one full semesters worth.

In other news I both feel I have moved forward and backward. I have complained in these threads before that I may be becoming a heretic, and that remains the case but I still have a feeling and a drive that this is all somehow intended by God. I think, possibly, that I have began thinking about what Buddha called "neither-being-nor-non-being". If that is true, then according to buddhist teachings I am coming along well on the path.

I think I need to come up with a present to give a friend for his wedding. We aren't close friends, I feel somewhat distant from him some times and I didn't expect him to invite me. I have never met his fiancé.

One thing I've thought of recently is what could constitute a difference between daoism and abrahamic religion. In daoism you are encouraged to be humble because the dao is supremely humble (causing and sustaining all, it is still so lowly that you can hardly even know it is there). in abrahamic religion you are encouraged to be humble because compared to God you are nothing, while God is supremely Great. So in the daoist version you emulate the character of the dao, which to me seems to imply a seeking for one-ness, while in the abrahamic you admit the impossibility of emulating Gods greatness, which seems to imply an admission of separation. This is not a small difference, if it actually holds (I could have just forgotten something in scripture that could change things).

I believe I am about to be hit on by a woman I find tremendously desirable but who I do not think would make a good wife, and I really don't know how I will react.

That's roughly what's on my mind.

>> No.17740857

the thing is it levels out if you give it time. one of the best things you can do for your mental health is get o lder
t. 29, almost an heroed at 22, now pretty happy

>> No.17740866
File: 49 KB, 596x596, 2986764_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am alone.

>> No.17740870

What if I fuck up my life and doom myself to miserable and lonely labor

>> No.17740878
File: 556 KB, 721x721, 1615328566488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the hot girls on Social media are lesbians/have black bfs
Man, I just want them to step on my dick with their fishnets...

>> No.17740887

I have been without friends for so long that I no longer want any, I'm content with my situation but also a little disgusted by my contentment.

>> No.17740896

I feel the opposite. The problems of youthful are comical and contrived while potential is also at its highest. True despair is in getting older and becoming intimate with the hollowness of not only the life you lead, but the life you could lead. Snot nosed punks in college might be pre-destined for misery but they are still fools to take it seriously when they've never done anything to determine who or what they are.

>> No.17740900

then eventually you take that energy and find eomething better. but that's a problem for the future, you just get on the best way you can figure.

>> No.17740904

Just develop a cuck fetish, from the sound of it you're already halfway there.

>> No.17740915

Then you're better off than most people that ever lived who never even had the option to fail.

>> No.17740922

>I believe I am about to be hit on by a woman I find tremendously desirable but who I do not think would make a good wife, and I really don't know how I will react.
just fuck. no need to marry.

>> No.17740925

>when they've never done anything to determine who or what they are
God is forgiving anon, there is absolutely no thing or condition which He could not transmute and all He asks in exchange is that you ask Him sincerely.

>> No.17740928
File: 71 KB, 918x1032, 1611406847992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot girls on social media

>> No.17740935

>I can't bring myself to play video games anymore.
Okay? You're not 16 anymore.

>> No.17740939

Your god might forgive me but that doesn't mean I'd forgive myself.

>> No.17740994
File: 180 KB, 1080x1350, 087e7a55c960bb87f130f9603ef7bc8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have black bfs
I swear to god, 4chan has some kind of obsession with black dicks. There has to be some kind of homoeroticism involved.

>> No.17741001

it is possible to make an idol out of guilt. I have. it made me judge myself severely, and ultimately made me hold other people to the same standard to which I held myself, which made me callous and hurtful. I don't know your story or anything really. I think it can be fair and right that one feels rotten over something one has done, but it can go too far. It can feel like it's safer to be more punishing of oneself, just in case, maybe even in order to protect others from oneself. But in my experience it has to end at some point.

>> No.17741027

>that image
Reminds me of when I used to browse r9k, before it became the gay/tranny board. Incels are truly hilarious, they sculpt their lives around debasement and constantly try to one up one another in some kind of selfpity-off. I wish I had the image I'm thinking of, on how certain races cannot be true 'robots'. Everyone has an excuse for everything, even as you use niggers like some kind of scapegoat you do so while engaging in the ultimate nigger activity of deflecting responsibility.

>> No.17741028

What do you think the problems of youth that lead to suicide are?

>> No.17741043
File: 7 KB, 221x200, 1491477799585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gullibility and impulsiveness. Almost no-one who kills themselves at 18-22 has a good reason for it, they're just naïve and convinced themselves of something thoroughly unconvincing to those with more experience.

>> No.17741079

I believe suicide is always unreasonable so it really goes without saying that the act is never thought through. I'm more curious about what you think the particular issues are that lead to the decision. Particularly the comical and contrived ones

>> No.17741154

It’s only gotten harder for me. 27.

>> No.17741174

What if it’s not guilt? What if it’s simply a matter of well and truly finding yourself loathesome? How do you really move on when you hate yourself, you hate your past, and don’t think things will get better?

>> No.17741211

read the dao de jing

>> No.17741236
File: 557 KB, 1242x1232, 1615325866543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, judge my NTR/cucking plot for my fic.
>skinny white beta male and hawt goth bitch gf
>it's goth hoes birthday and she wants to go to a indoor beach so she can relax
>they go there and argue a bit on the way
>gf changes into hot goffic bikini
>they go to the beach and she yells at him to be romantic and to fetch her a drink
>he says sorry and sulks away to get her drink
>as he comes back with her drink in hand, she flirts with a black bull of a man
>as he hands her her drink, he sees that it's actually his old bully from school, D'Aquarius
>he put him down before her and they go fuck

>> No.17741661

nah, it's from their promo, i think it might have been used in a movie tho because they had another one from some american movie too.

>> No.17741690

Go to /ic/ and read loomis

>> No.17741859

I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm a NEET. Should I be waiting until something drastic happens to me?

>> No.17741868

Zawa zawa

>> No.17741888
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, 1611170084795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a man know his own virtue, or recognize that he is virtous?
I have drank deep from both the cup of hubris and crippling self loathing, have been burned by the sun and have fallen, drowning, into the the sea where I remain. When I try to form a defense for myself to myself it is scattered like ground meat through through a tennis racket, and dread my failures and objects of shame. It is not enough that I should be found guilty, but harrowed, rendered a vermin, deserving of no pleasant memory, no love. For, says my inner prosecutor, what could there POSSIBLY be worth loving in me.

>> No.17742151

I'm really jealous of my brother's music skills, I tried to get into it a few years ago with guitar but I gave up, since nothing sounded good to me. He didn't and is actually getting quite good and I can't help but get mad at him and want him to stop and do something else, something I didn't fail at.
I'm a fucking vile failure.

>> No.17742168

>since nothing sounded good to me
Do you know what practice is?

>> No.17742169

no editing on that insane rectangle browed whore at all. i bet she looks exactly like this! fuck!

>> No.17742200

All in favor of leaving our wretched, suffer~the~pain~of~being~known identities behind, pooling resources, and establishing a 3 building township in the middle of nowhere, Kansas say I.

>> No.17742244

I know what is, I just don't do it enough and always give up, football, competitive vidya, music, drawing, film, programming, the list goes on. Now I'm even giving up lifting, which I started half a year ago.
I always give up practicing anything really, I actually did well academically until last year where I finally had to study and I'm now doing like shit, I have to sit and practice stuff. I never did since I was always a smug retard for some reason.
I picked bass some months ago and I was playing daily but again, I just stopped playing again.
Now I'm bitter about my brother, who can't just stop putting time on it and actually keep getting better.
Why can't I enjoy anything to the point of wanting to excel at it?

>> No.17742259
File: 273 KB, 1080x1349, 109693465_1356768311179040_5415212947108699823_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated uni
>NEET for a year because i didnt get internships

ah fuckk

>> No.17742261

Its horrible, isnt it? And whenever you ask yourself why you cant just enjoy mediocrity you just get ridden by the reflex that that is a cope for the weak. Its fucking horrible.

>> No.17742264

I'm straight but have an urge to finger my asshole

>> No.17742332

>Why can't I enjoy anything to the point of wanting to excel at it?
Unless you're absolutely obsessed, practice isn't enjoyable. You rack disciprin

>> No.17742455

I feel u

>> No.17742566

I can't stop passing idle, silent judgements on people who annoy me and fantasize myself dealing them a gruesome death after their imagined attacks on me.

>> No.17742602
File: 539 KB, 1636x1285, f74bb405-c1e7-497e-a045-9bbb77336d1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in a pretty lefty leaning family and this photo was around somewhere, I loved it as a kid, since I found guerrilleros and shit to be brave and heroic. In my late teens I think I brought a book of war photos and it was there, it said it was a Spanish woman and I was disappointed about it, the photo I found heroic as a kid now looked fake to me.
Now reading confessions of a mask it seems mishima or at least this particular character reacted the same way. I wonder if I'm a fag or just misogynistic.

>> No.17742616

why do I keep joining these retarded online ERP communities when I find all of them viscerally disgusting? yes I'm a hedonist, but I hate other hedonists even more.

>> No.17742656

I fucking hate the fact that /wg/ is just blogpost central.

>> No.17742684
File: 442 KB, 2309x3661, A78E7E23-7C6A-412A-A195-494ECD07FA0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One has to start somewhere.

>> No.17742905
File: 314 KB, 480x401, 1586677808283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm better now, thanks for asking.

>> No.17742939

Hey, look at the bright side. Animefags are now the only ones writing in all of /lit/.

>> No.17742940
File: 176 KB, 640x480, sneedersolutions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the chapter of Demons with the first meeting at virginskys and I couldn't stop laughing for most of it, its hilarious how obnoxious and self absorbed some of these people are, and all the petty bickering, it reminds me so much of so many people and anons ive encountered. the bit where the guy announces that 10 subsequent meetings will be required to explain his self defeating ideology which he believes is essential and undeniable despite it beginning with the premise of freedom for all and ending with absolute tyranny really got my noggin joggin and gave me a good laugh

>> No.17742960

>waaaah poor me
Who fucking cares?

>> No.17742964
File: 2.84 MB, 500x375, 112002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had several things published: a few poems and a few short stories. I largely do not derive any value from /wg/ other than when I see the thread it's a reminder that I really should be writing.

I do not derive a lot of value from /lit/ these days in general because I have done a ton of reading thanks to both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, and also because fun, interesting writers do not typically pop up on /lit/ these days before I have heard of them. /lit/ introduced me to Gene Wolfe, Borges, and Pessoa, and for that I am immensely grateful. But it's been a long time since a writer I had not heard of was popular on /lit/.

I am largely here these days for the benefit of others. I come to /lit/ not to get anything out of it myself, but in the hopes that perhaps I can help others, given the extensive reading and scholarship and experience I now have.

>> No.17742975

please do not confuse us decent god-fearing animefags with these disgusting degenerate vtuber apologists

>> No.17743083

You’re both in the same boat and no matter what you do, the rest of /wg/ will fucking despise you.

>> No.17743129

But are you lonely?

>> No.17743227

at like 10:30 i was going to read for like 3 hours, but somehow it is now 12:39 and i have not read one page. weird.

>> No.17743229

I've been told by my therapist that I should write more.

Sometimes I write about how I feel, but the second I really get into it I get a sense of waning authenticity in my words as I try to put feelings or perspectives down.

I wish my moods were clearer

>> No.17743234

who was the guy who said you should never edit because it's your mind trying to self-censor you? i think it was burroughs, but it might have just been a scene in the naked lunch movie and not something he actually said or even wrote, still worth considering

>> No.17743248


>> No.17743250

went to /g/ recently and realized that I really don't want to be there and that I'm not into their nerdy showoff stuff

>> No.17743256

Thanks for that, man

>> No.17743261

/g/ feels perennially entry level to me, always a bunch of guys who think they're hot shit because they installed linux on their gaming pc or what ever, but i never really visit there

>> No.17743306

I have a problem where i write about feelings but there are a lot of half-truths and thing is i dont know which is which

>> No.17743726

Mostly you need to make the skill you are trying to learn very relevant to you. Cover the music you listen to, work on your own riffs, learn more about history of guitar and guitarists. Part of the problem is that you must convince yourself that what your investing in is worth the energy which it demands. Some are driven by money, others by excellence and others by impressing their friends in a discord chat.

>> No.17743752

>Why can't I enjoy anything to the point of wanting to excel at it?
One obvious reason is that you're treating it as a competition. Some people can work with this mindset, some people can't. The people who can't, like yourself, set yourself up for failure by viewing something as competitive, because at the deep subconscious level your mind sees the activity as a punishment rather than a reward. So deep down, you start to view playing guitar, even practicing, as a punishment and something to "get through" rather than something that is enjoyed in itself. No doubt, changing this attitude of competitiveness is not easy and requires a sustained meta-psychological effort to recondition your view of the world. LSD could help if you're open to that, but it's not necessary if you know what you're doing.

>> No.17743797

What dipshit mod deleted the bell curve thread? Yes, I know we've had about a million of them, but it was literally a thread about a book you fuckin retard.

>> No.17743821

>waaaaaaah i can't make my veiled /pol/ threads waaaaaaaaah

>> No.17743830

It got deleted right as the conversation finally turned to how the authors were advocating for equity, and why that's significant. You can smug but apparently the mods only leave those threads up while they're cesspools, then delete them as soon as they're anything other than /pol/

>> No.17743907

this but for /tg/. i like the idea of roleplaying but holy fuck those autists are insufferable and all they care about is genre fiction and star wars tier crap.

>> No.17743924

>emotionally manipulating a tranny who already admitted his failings

>> No.17743950

I mean, that's kind of what the whole community was built around, there is more esoteric stuff but genre fiction will always be a massive part of tabletop role playing games.

>> No.17744035

tfw these days instead of choosing to read in English I'd much rather read in my native language

>> No.17744102

Today I asked my psychologist to be honest with me and tell me if he truly believes that I will follow any of the advice and guidelines he gives me, he told me that he doesn't believe I'll follow any of them.

>> No.17744133

Was he right?

>> No.17744136

I have a friend who is a psychologist, apparently almost no one follows the advice of their shrink, vast majority just want someone to listen to them bitch for an hour. So might just be a jaded psychologist. Either way, what does it matter?

>> No.17744145

Yes, after all this time I haven't made any effort to improve my situation. At this point I only go there because I can talk to someone about my problems without fear that I'll be judged. Well I am probably being judged but atleast he keeps it to himself and doesn't insult me.

>> No.17744149

>Either way, what does it matter?
It doesn't matter, it's just that it was on my mind, and well, this is the "write what's on your mind" thread, so...

>> No.17744162

I get the purpose of the thread, the response was what was on my mind at that moment.

>> No.17744166

Right, I understand, I wasn't trying to start an argument or anything so sorry if it came accross like that.

>> No.17744174

I'm laughing about the time /lit/ got filtered by the 1 =0.999... rrepeating question. Dumbasses lmao

>> No.17744182

Girls are so much fun to play with. I've loved to play around and have fun with the bodies of the various girls I've dated.

It's just sexy to knead and fondle and fool around with their bodies. I had a Mexican girlfriend once with a big butt and it was fun to play around with her buttocks and watch them slosh and jiggle.

Also dated a fat girl once, and it was super fun when she'd ask me to lay on her big belly. She had great big breasts and I'd bat them around and play with them while she giggled. Fat girls are super wonderful and don't let anyone tell you different.

>> No.17744184

Haha, that was a great thread.

>> No.17744186


>> No.17744200


>> No.17744213

Does the talking help to you?

>> No.17744224


>> No.17744424

>Oh no they deleted it before we reached the full potential we didn't show for a couple hundred posts
>Surely the first 200 posts of anything should be off topic dreck!
>It's not my fault that I associated my good work with a forum known for having trouble using shoelaces and got tangled up with them
I look forward to you directing everyone to keep it on topic and high enough quality for it to not be dreck the next time it's posted.

>> No.17744454
File: 74 KB, 640x853, 1609307006483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tl;dr books about accepting death
My cat is 20 years old and it's dying. The only thing he does is lying on his blanket and moaning. The vet told me his organs are already failing and he has about a week of life. His eyes are so white and without any light, I don't believe he can see anymore. I'd really like to read something interesting about a character who learns that he's dying and has to accept that - it can be on a positive view like "I've wasted my time so now that I'll die I have to compensate for that", but I'd rather be something more mundane and philosophical.

>> No.17744465

>janny apologia
>in any scenario

>> No.17744468

I once convinced a special ed kid in primary school to pee and poop himself in class.

>> No.17744509

I once broke the electric sharpener and then convinced this idiot I hated that he was the one who broke it and then I convinced him to dob himself in to the teacher. He wasn't special ed but he was an idiot.

>> No.17744708


>> No.17744729
File: 188 KB, 880x1360, 71HsR7-2kWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make his last days as comfortable as possible.

>> No.17744754

i hereby summon my cute redhead neighbor to spoon with me

>> No.17744791

I feel retarded and depressed.

>> No.17744792

i wish i'd be happy idiot.

>> No.17744825

a possibility is that God truly is non-descript, but that man is specifically made to love Him, so that when man rests upon Him he is granted peace. That leaves the question of why God would manifest a creation of a certain character, but it would resolve the paradox of Gods transcendence-while-manifest-in-attributes.

This is possibly a eureka-moment, possibly nothing, I'll have to think on it for a while.

>> No.17744828

what I'm saying is: God is whatever God is, but man is made to find Him to be supremely compassionate. Love in the eye of the beholder, but relative to God.

>> No.17744836

this rapidly moves toward non-dualism

>> No.17744855 [DELETED] 

i'm sick of hearing about "spacs"

>> No.17744890

I think it's finally happening, my life is falling apart, I've had many false alarms in the past but this time it looks like it's happening for real.

>> No.17744904

be careful and take care of yourself.

>> No.17744918

When you get a hip or knee replacement they saw your bones out and fashion you new bones and joints of titanium and ceramic. That should disquiet anyone. When they develop synthetic muscles we'll really enter a new age of medical science. Send my dad power I need to get him on trt

>> No.17744930

I've been diagnosed with PTSD, which means that I've been in denial for the last decade. I think I just didn't want to admit how hard the army fucked me up, but it makes a lot of sense in retrospect. I realize now I've been glossing over a lot of the details of my deployment in order to maintain this dumb sense of "it ain't shit" that's just not based in reality. It was some shit, and it was real as fuck. It affected me deeply, and I kind of have to finally admit it. It feels weird as fuck, bros.

>> No.17744938

I hate myself for being a weak person. Im too doubtful, too fearful and too questioning that i cannot function like a normal human being.

>> No.17744951

there will be other days anon.

>> No.17744959

This day lasted for 28 years

>> No.17744961
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1540506383826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half the mod team are actual trannies and redditors who 'grabbed power' here to 'fight nazism'. I mean, who else do you think would do it for free? Janitor recruitment times are heavily advertised on certain reddits and discords for this purpose.
Haven't you ever seen one of the 'invasion' screencaps? It'd be genuinely hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

>> No.17744966

>the doctor man said I have *insert fake mental disorder here*
>this means it is real!
>doctor man is authority on reality
>*insert traditional authority here* is bad! this is proof! doctor man say so!
You talk like a fag.

>> No.17744977

Any good books on the philosophy of context dependency? For example writing a story or creating a piece of art kinda loses its meaning for me because the universe in which these narratives take place with all their emotions / atmospheres etc. are in the same world in which you could walk 1000 miles and experience relativity. Would it be Baudrillard?

>> No.17744982

None of what you wrote has even the most tangential connection to the reality of my situation, except possibly that I talk like a fag.

>> No.17744986

shut up

>> No.17745005
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No, he talks like a nigger, which is probably true given he was in the military. Although to be fair niggers and fags have a large overlap, they are the gayest demographic per capita. Just another statistic to America's credit.

>> No.17745030

So you use a quote from Mishima to support that statement? You realize Mishima literally idolized the military and was a fag himself, right? You're all over the place.

>> No.17745034
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>tfw love myself

>> No.17745055

Also, nignogs are WAY underrepresented in combat arms. The fighting is done overwhelmingly by whites, with a substantial overrepresentation of Hispanics versus the overall demographics.

>> No.17745070

The military used to be worthy of respect. Also Mishima homosexuality is exaggerated by the west, certainly his wife would and has said so.

>> No.17745081

>The military used to be worthy of respect
Based on what you've written, I have close to zero confidence that you've got a holistic understanding of any military of any country at any period of time. Consider the possibility that your strong opinions on things you don't understand might be irrational.

>> No.17745093

>broken clocks can't be right twice a day because then they wouldn't be broken
Why are you trying to defend anon from accusations of being a shit faggot? Does anon pointing out shit faggotry make you worried for your own asshole? Arguing the thread shouldn't be deleted because it had some potential to stop being shit is like you arguing you shouldn't be a neet hikki because your parents told you you had potential.

>> No.17745100

Upon looking the Rembrands "The return of the prodigal son” i cant help but wonder what goes in older brothers head. Did he want to do the same as younger brother? Did he kill himself out of shame being unable to forgive the brother?

>> No.17745139

this day is a day where you see only one thing in the span of 28 years. this will pass and you will see other things. this day may even turn out to be valuable in showing you things you want to change.

>> No.17745145

Keep your confidence, it's worthless.

>> No.17745148

I can't imagine the strength it takes to go through what you are going through

>> No.17745191

Why does just writing a story feel like an insurmountable task to me? I want to write so bad but I just don’t know what to write about and I’m terrified I’ll start writing something I don’t want to be a writer of.

>> No.17745192

do i want to change? yes
can i change it? no

>> No.17745203

Im doing the exact opposite as some books are not translated to my language and I started to think that theres no reason to read translated anglo literature if I think my english level is up to the challenge

>> No.17745211

Throughout my social life there's been an odd pattern: it's hard to make friends with other guys, yet women warm up to me almost immediately. It's not a sexual attraction, but an openness that may transition to romance if I develop it. In other words, the struggle to "get" women most guys have never happens, though I suck at making male friends in return. I used to think it might be down to looks, but recently I've tried making friends in my target language and the same exact pattern has happened. The guys I spoke to have kind of lost interest but the girls were the opposite, in this case even before I knew they were a girl. It's weird man

>> No.17745212

I know that feel. Some people can only learn/change by brutal necessity, I am an animal that can only understand the lash, so to speak. And if it never comes everything remains as it is albeit slightly worse and older each day.
Thank god for privation and homelessness.

>> No.17745222

maybe tomorrow. a start could be not hounding yourself too terribly. there are no objective parameters by which you have proven yourself worthless, this is a subjective evaluation. It may seem like an indisputable fact that you should make this judgement, but it is not, or even if it is, it is not an indisputable fact that this means anything, in spite of how it may feel. You should try meditating, it's good for perspective.

>> No.17745228

American self loathing is almost a cliche at this point.

>> No.17745235

don't you just hate when you write a long text message and all you receive is


makes me feel like an autist.

>> No.17745247

One thing it could be is that you listen more than you share. This isn't always the case but a lot of people who have that pattern could tell you a lot about their friends but their friends would fail the newly wed game with them in return. Like if you know how many siblings they have and they don't know the same, chances are what makes them comfortable is they're mostly talking about themselves so it's not really a relationship with another person.
The opposite can happen too, where they know a lot about you but you know little about them, and they like you because they've got no skin the game, and produce the same effect, but I think it's more likely to be the former case if it is about an investment imbalance.

>> No.17745270

I'm the guy on the other end giving one word responses. Most people don't know how passionate I am about reading and writing so they just assume I'm a shitty texter. I hate interacting with other human beings in any capacity (save anonymously) so I just kind of let people make up their own minds about my texting habits.

>> No.17745281
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I wanted to say something but I forgot what it was.
Maybe it wasnt really important.Love you guys

>> No.17745286

ultra based

>> No.17745287

well that is just terrible at least for me, I have very low self steem and I hate calling people on the cellphone even if I have to because I think i'm bothering then, when I finally do it and they just send "Ok." I feel absolutely terrible, like i'm bothering them so much they just want me to shut up.

>> No.17745293

love you too anon

>> No.17745304

Now i'm having an anxiety crisis, honestly what wouldn't I give to go back to time when immediatly mobile contact wasn't avaiable, I fucking hate cellphones, I fucking hate discord, I fucking hate skype, I fucking hate social media

>> No.17745342

Get with the times old man

>> No.17745353

Yeah, that makes sense. That trait is probably one of the biggest advantages if you want to make a lot of friends, especially if you're not super attractive or have some trait that makes everyone gravitate to you otherwise.

I am kinda shit at that though. Anyway there's one event that stands out in my mind about this. In senior year of high school I changed schools right at the start, and was depressed so I talked to almost nobody the whole year. In English this really cute short-haired brunette sat behind me, and she put her feet on my chair sometimes but otherwise we didn't really interact. Well, on the last day of that class after the exam everyone went outside since the teachers were serving us a snack. I sat down by a tree in the shade to read something (Heart of Darkness maybe) and that girl came over with her friend and invited me to play frisbee. Shortly after, she said she was leaving and said she'd drive me home. Like an idiot, I said no (I believed it would count as an absence, and I was already pushing it on that front so I thought I'd fuck it up if I left). I spoke with her friend too and she was nice as well.

The point is there was no reason for them to be so friendly to me, but they were. That same year, I joined an academic bowl club (basically academic jeopardy), and the one person I became acquaintances with there was the sole concurrent girl member. I was pretty shy the whole time, and she was really encouraging, really urging me to go out more. It is really just this inexplicable trait I guess, and I have an equally hard time making friends with guys. I'd have to try hard for male friends but the reverse is almost automatic. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.17745389

is this 2005?

>> No.17745409

Get with the times newfag.

>> No.17745462

Gay as fuck.

>> No.17745465

I absolutely agree anon, good work

>> No.17745483

How do you do it?

>> No.17745495

There is something so fucking freeing about this whole lockdown. The fact I havnt worked an 8 hr day in an entire year makes me so fucking angry that someday I’ll have to head back to the office, where once I finish my work I’ll have to sit there and look busy to fill my quota of sitting there for 8 hrs.

Thinking about it now I’m actually just gonna say fuck it and not. I’ll come late and leave early, get all my work done and deal with whatever bureaucratic shit storm comes for me.

>> No.17745512

People wasted an entire year of their lives on Covid.

>> No.17745525

Maybe it's because you have a wounded bird thing going on? Girls like mothering shit. Guys fall for that in girls too. Maybe these girls are like, "dude has no guy friends, we should be friends!" And guys are like "dude has no bro pack, he is probably not into being in a pack"

>> No.17745529
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revival of lofty spirit when

>> No.17745533


>> No.17745548

Before a fall

>> No.17745554

do you think that you can wake up one day and completely change your character?

>> No.17745572


>> No.17745580

That sounds like a cliche romance.

>> No.17745585

I’m not going to miss it all. I understand where you’re coming from but there’s nothing freeing to me about sentencing people to lives locked alone indoors. That’s actually not life. As much as school sucks, as much as work sucks, it’s part of public life which I think is actually kind of important for the few things that make this shit worth it. You know? If you’re American, it’s bad enough that now you can’t even have friends or partners as coworkers and you have to walk on egg shells but now you have to do it on your own in total isolation. I don’t find that appealing and I’m kind of a loner.

>> No.17745586

I can relate, actually. It's a big part of why I just write the absolute minimum every time I'm roped in to a texting exchange. It was difficult at first letting go of my need to express myself exactly, but once I allowed space for some vagueness things got a lot easier. Granted, I've probably gone a little too far towards the other end, but at this point I really don't give a shit how I come across on a text message. It has no actual connection to "me," the conscious entity.

>> No.17745599

maybe that does happen for other people.

>> No.17745602

What else do you expect of this generation? Most of them only know about society from media, which is an endlessly repeating stream of tropes from 80s bratpack movies.

>> No.17745603
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I sincerely believe prolonged exposure to 4chan turns people into homosexuals, transsexuals, cuckhold perverts, pedophiles, 'furry' imbeciles, and various other forms of dysgenic sexual failures. Something about this transformation in turn I think compels them to undertake further proselytization of others, they begin contributing to the preponderance of their fetish or fetishes in some degenerate contest, in effect they become spammers or advertisers looking to break down and infect as many other users as possible through normalizing exposure of the abnormal. They become some demented middle ground between the likes of a door to door Evangelist and a bot or shill. More and more I worry about my being here. Not just my sexual but my political and philosophical views have been slowly deformed over my long stay. 10 years ago I would be repulsed by images and ideas I now hold a total tolerance to, yet somehow this never occurred to me as strongly as it does now. I begin to gather my very sense of sense, not just of right and wrong, has been twisted. Why do I have so many pictures of lolis on my computer.

>> No.17745616

>sentencing people to lives locked alone indoors. That’s actually not life
You're the literal archetype of extroverted self-absorption. After one single, solitary year of an introvert's world you clueless retards are frothing at the mouth and literally seething. Has it ever occurred to you once in your life that introverts feel the exact same way about the world you gregarious gladhanders have forced on us for the last 100 years? I shouldn't be surprised at this point, but I really can't help it here.

>> No.17745623

Believe anon.

>> No.17745636

Because you’re a degenerate?

>> No.17745640

As long as I've been browsing 4chan I've gone further and further towards fetishizing loving missionary sex. I'm just one example, but there's your exception to the rule.

>> No.17745641

>fetishizing loving missionary sex.
Why enjoy vanilla?

>> No.17745645

No this is just the negative counter reaction to the process I describe. There's a reason for the old 'consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of reaction' 'you sick bastard' meme.

I wasn't always.

>> No.17745648

Don’t deny yourself, anon.

>> No.17745657

t. demented evangelists

>> No.17745665

Don’t deny the truth.

>> No.17745674

I cant believe for myself or in myself. I gave up long time ago.

>> No.17745681

embrace it.

>> No.17745682
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>needs to be sustained like a ponzi scheme
Pick one.

>> No.17745688

It's not even a "fetish" though, I am just not aroused by porn as much as I used to be (in fact, mainstream non-amateur porn is genuinely disgusting at this point) and want actual intimacy with a woman. It's like it's almost not worth it if there is not proper full-body intimacy. Masturbation apart from that is just getting it out of the way and not really that great, even with porn.

>> No.17745697

No, I’m not. I’m an introvert, even a loner. I’m just able to recognize that locking yourself in your apartment for eternity deprived of any interaction at all, whether you like it or not, is not a good or worthwhile human experience. Interacting with the outside world is a difficult, yet necessary experience. If you can’t see that yet, then I can’t say anything to change your mind.

>> No.17745820

Fellow introvert here. What most people consider an extreme version of sticking to the rules here was my standard life before lockdown. Since lockdown, people definitely call me more often. I'm experiencing the opposite of what most "introverts" got- they were socially overburdened before and lockdown now limits interactions but I don't think anyone is "deprived of any interaction at all". I think if you were living an introverted lifestyle before lockdowns, you've probably seen an increase in people contacting you. They have a greater ability to invade quiet time now.
t. Mad for different reasons