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17731700 No.17731700 [Reply] [Original]

It certainly seems that way. We're literally witnessing a huge portion of the population gaslights themselves into dissociating from reality.
Can anyone honestly claim that the modern left isn't a cult at this point? Ad this book argues, the purpose of modern leftism is simply an attempt to construct a psuedo-reality and impose it on people.

>> No.17731719

Trump lost.

>> No.17731726

My aunt keeps shilling this book on facebook.

>> No.17731730

Yes, it's a pseudo-religion.
Yes, and?

>> No.17731749


>> No.17731772

fascists btfod

>> No.17731779

...so, embrace wokism? or...?
yes, but do you have anything actually interesting to say or just post a political point and a coverpage and a yt video. get a more /lit/ thesis and more specific book related thing or gtfo

>> No.17731794

Two more weeks.

>> No.17731809

Trust the plan.
Bring down hell.

>> No.17731812

More like two more scoops lmao

>> No.17731906
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Lol James Lindsey is so close but also so far away.

>> No.17731913

Leftism being a cult is nothing new.

>> No.17731915

Yep, he did a good video on Gramsci and cultural marxism recently but refused to name the culprits, calling Gramsci an Italian.

>> No.17731925

True but woke leftism is even more cultic and retarded

>> No.17731936
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Take your meds.

>> No.17731957
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>take your meds
It's always the sjws who are depressed, delusional and anxiety-addled who tell others to "take their meds", there must be a word to describe this phenomenon
Also if you think Gramsci's ethnicity has nothing to do with it you're genuinely retarded

>> No.17731965

>Also if you think Gramsci's ethnicity has nothing to do with it you're genuinely retarded
No it's called not being mentally ill and not being brainwashed by /pol/ propaganda

>> No.17731971

>critique of cynical reason, Sloterdijjk
Gay-falsity and Fake-gayness predominates an unseen Supreme Soviet run by the Warren Commision revenants from Neo-Chyna

>> No.17731974

This. I'm a rightoid and physically and mentally in excellent shape, unlike the untermenschen that yearn to drag my country down to fulfil their perverted equality dream.

>> No.17731982
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Yes yes and you're brainwashed by liberal jewish propaganda, Gramsci himself said his jewish identity was a large factor in his beliefs

>> No.17731984

You tried.


>> No.17732167


>> No.17732183

I don't try, I succeed!
And don't let out a gay moan in response to my post ever again.

>> No.17732214

Take your meds

>> No.17732225

>Jews get holocausted by nazis
>the survivors and their children become leftists
Gee, I wonder why

>> No.17732243

nice try. need a few more discord seminars before you can effectively astroturf. please say hi to Steven Colbert for me.

>> No.17732255


They didn't though

>> No.17732273

Watching the Twitter shit storm over him tweeting that woke Jews don’t know what they’re doing was funny.

>> No.17732279

>modern left
This is pseudo-leftism or "radlib". If you go on /leftypol/ they all hate this and see it as a distraction to divide the working class. This explains why corporations push this agenda. BLM was instantly commodified and usurped. It merely repaints the status quo to be nominally more diverse without altering its fundamental operations. "Everything must change in order to stay the same." It merely rearranges the constellation of elements within the social order without altering its coordinates, thus remaining stationary while giving the appearance of system change. Liberal elites, the big tech companies, pounce on this because it provides a simple ethical narrative that excludes socioeconomic factors.
True leftism is about class war and sees all the other problems as stemming from this root.

>> No.17732288

Good reply finally.

>> No.17732306

yes, but you forget that that view ignores race and the racist systems that informed that archaic model.

>> No.17732311

Jews play both sides, they're behind capitalism and communism.

>> No.17732320

well thank goodness we cleared that up. Next time I say leftists are retarded gay faggots I'll make sure to mention that the 5 troopers still bravely circlejerking on leftypol are not included in that statement!

>> No.17732335

Thats all fine but 80%+ of leftists today are pseudo-leftists

>> No.17732343

>*hits blunt* THEY'RE BEHIND EEEVERYTHING BRO!!!! THEY'RE LIKE, GOD OR SOMETHING (but still inferior to white people!!)
Mental illness

>> No.17732342
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Yes, actually. And it’s really, really fucking bad.
I hate communism, but Communism has a clear end goal and I consider it to be the product of a rational thought process.
What we are seeing now is a sort of Neo/Ethnocommunism that is entirely irrational. They don’t give a fuck about reality—one of the big ideas they follow is that reality bends to their words.
Take the pronoun bullshit as an example.
The implication behind stating “your” pronouns is that reality is a reflection of your word choice. Now obviously this isn’t true. Reality exists independently of the words you use to describe it. But that’s not the way they think.
It’s not even an exaggeration to say that if this ideology isn’t excise from society, society will be torn to pieces.

The scariest part about it for me is the way they engage others in relation to their ideology.
Give them a bullhorn (figuratively speaking) to shout into the crowd with and they’ll tell you what they really believe. Put them in a room full of 7 year olds and they’ll tell them what they really believe. Challenge their beliefs straight on and they do nothing but gaslight, project, use rhetorical trickery, and resort to otherwise specious reasoning. You literally cannot argue with them because the way their brains have been rewired makes them immune to reason.

Like I said, this is worse than Leninism, somewhat comparable to Maoism, but way worse, because what drives them is much deeper than social class. It’s race, which is as personal as it gets. They don’t hate you for what you have like Communists traditionally do, they hate you for your genetics. They don’t just want your money. They want your life

>> No.17732363

Critical theory is literally a jewish invention. Being jewish doesn’t make someone guilty of what’s going on, but it is absolutely not a coincidence that there are so many atheistic diaspora jews at the top of this secular religion

>> No.17732371

Whites have pure souls

>> No.17732378

Why not just be part of the the third position at that point. If your not onboard with intersectionality and other cultural politics then you’re already going to be disliked by the majority of the “left”.

>> No.17732398

did they really let a spelling mistake pass through on the cover?

>> No.17732399

Read Spandrell’s thesis on biological Leninism. He gives a really good argument for why the current left acts the way it does.

>> No.17732410

my problem is that it requires an a prioi strawmaning of a big bad and over contextualizes and narrativises something to a plan out myopic way, i dont even disagree with the correletive elements they discuss, but the cery rhetoric is antithesis encarnate. they REQUIRE a thimesis to rally against and any hypothetical outside or alternatively explaining a set of phenomena is flat out disregarded for a central narritive.

talking about cultures in a wider sense, like home roman culture influenced and formed french, or any other such occurance, for some reasonit has to be brought back to a autisticly specific monomyth that incentives “right for the wrong reasons” mentality. working back from a thesis rather than working towards one.

>> No.17732411

They're behind a lot of modern ideologies yes, not all but still. They're not god but they're definitely playing the subtle long game and they're good at it. You acting like a retard won't change any of that. Unironically read Culture of Critique, you might learn something. It's filled with primary source quotations.

>> No.17732436
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It’s just a coincidence stop paying attention

>> No.17732455

What we need is some affirmative action for white people.

>> No.17732459
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In america everybody knows the left is subversive jews and queers but the right is just subversive jews and queers who think the others are going too far and someone needs to do something before the masses wake up

>> No.17732477

not /lit/, please go back to /pol/

>> No.17732482

This if you are not a cultural marxist there is no reason to stick with the left except for stockholm syndrome these people will call you a fascist for reading old books holding opinions unapproved by corporate media or not wanting your children to be molested. They will call you a white supremacist even if you are not white. Gee, maybe fascism doesnt sound that bad after all.

>> No.17732483

No not nearly everybody knows that but yes left and right / communism and capitalism are two sides of the same shekel. Third position is the only answer.

>> No.17732487
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I looked at the one star reviews for this book.
Lol. How are people still so naive to the fact that just because Critical Theory postures itself as academic that means it must be legit?

>> No.17732502

Suspected of being a russian asset you have been ordered by the house unamerican activities comittee to attend a state mandated screening of StarWars XXIX: Avengers Assemble, the latest DisneyGooglePepsiCo motion picture extravaganza. As the globohomo kommisars escort you to the cinemaplex you pass by the daily blmcdonaldspride parade a fabulous twerking troupe of 8 year old boy catamites followed by the phallic missiles of the lockheed martin float, set to launch at midnight, towards the eurasian heartland, starting wwiii and (mercifully) wiping the human race off the face of the earth.

you get to the theater, alexandra ocasio cortez and bill nye the science guy strap you into a chair, forcing your eyes open 'Clockwork Orange' style. The screen flickers on, but the images have nothing to do with space adventures or superheroes, instead, the audience is treated to what looks like blurry VHS footage of a pack of bluehaired 'fat positive' Queers brutally raping and sodomizing an innocent white child intersped with blipverts for the latest techproduct. The leftists in the audience are moved to tears by what they cant help but see as heartwarming display of diversity and progress, YAS KWEEN! YAS KWEEN SLAY! they chant monotously in unison. The queers have started riping appart the child and feasting on its entrails like rabid hogs at the through. Meanwhile, you think 'gee, maybe I should have joined the alt right before it was too late'

>> No.17732505
File: 70 KB, 720x644, 7BA7BFA2-07BA-44BE-9D70-EF2E32C55180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will absolutely check this out. It sounds right up my alley. Thanks

>> No.17732516

What are you talking about? Bunkerchan is nowadays as woke as twitter; they even post and discuss breadtube videos.

>> No.17732548

Deference to authority, you'd be surprised how willing people are to be told what to think
There's also excellent video essays of bioleninism discussing Spandrell's texts
Even bunkerchan has been subverted

>> No.17732560

off course it has. there are like 3 legit leftists and 1 and a half of those post on lit.

>> No.17732587


>> No.17732595

>the only reason the left doesn't look exactly like it did in 1910 is that companies are manufacturing wokeness to keep the working classes from uniting in a marxist revolution
Name a single group of people more delusional than "idpol isn't REAL leftism!!' fags.

>> No.17732603

We got to cocky rightbros....

>> No.17732616

Is this worth a read, or is it only for normies that are ignorant about what goes on in leftist academia these days?

>> No.17732647

>posting book reviews about books you haven't even read just to complain about the other reviewers kek.

>> No.17732648

>internet exists
>retarded people (americans) have a platform for their voice
>smart people find the way to profit out of this horde of dummies
>they create a cult in the proces
the only way to deal with it is the same with other groups of non rational people, ignore them or try to avoid them for the benefit of your well being

>> No.17732655


>> No.17732669

he is a fucking troll why are you people so easily baited

>> No.17732683

If leftists are legit why arent they going after gays and trannies, given all the corporations support them. And by this point it is proven they are cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape abuse and indoctrinate children on a deliberate and systematic basis.

>> No.17732736
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>> No.17732769

Maybe Hitler was the lesser of the evils after all

>> No.17732774

You know I follow a certain dude on YouTube, he worked on some university and mostly used to make videos on austrian economics and only hinted that he's into spicier stuff by mentioning Burnham etc. Then he got doxxed and fired and recently he released his required reading list and it has like Belloc or Revilo Olivier.

>> No.17732787

Now given the matters that Lindsey dabbles in, I wonder if he isn't similar sleeper.

>> No.17732789

Fuck off election tourist.

>> No.17732799

Which one?
For now it seems like he's actively avoiding certain topics at least, I think he knows what he's doing but we'll see.

>> No.17732807

>Which one
academic agent

>> No.17732814

What is ironic is this thread is about how leftism is a cult when you have literally constructed your entire worldview around Da Jooz. Literally cult like mentality. Take thine meds retard, you can be both against the left and not believe da jooz are behind you shifting your pants this morning.

>> No.17732824
File: 8 KB, 250x232, 51B9E298-ECCA-49B6-BE1A-2321E5A29C7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Da jooz are behind this
>I am not lol I am not bro nazi you are reddit
For real?

>> No.17732848

>new cult
It's not really new, just the latest development in American Mainline Protestantism

>> No.17732863

>Take thine meds
Doesn't it get tiring? Oof, yikes, y'all, problematic.
And no, my worldview is not based around da jooz just because. I was once a leftie but started following the money and started seeing the patterns. If you want the nuanced take, it's mostly elite jews and elite non-jews who are often married into elite jewish families or are invested in elite jewish interests. I have nothing against your average jews. But the jewish identity of the elite definitely plays a part, read their own statements if you don't believe me.
Yes? You can be critical of jewish supremacy and not be a nazi. The nazis were wrong about many things, just not the question of jewish supremacy.

>> No.17732874

Ah yes I don't know why I didn't figure that out, I saw his top 100 books video and it was excellent.

>> No.17732878

I don’t think you know what a cult is

>> No.17732885

Leftists talk about nebulous and omnipresent structural this and that or the abstract domination of capital but when you start talking about concrete networks acting in documented ways to further their interests then suddenly you are a conspiracy theorist and an antisemite

>> No.17733071

Posting a book cover does not make a thread /lit/

>> No.17733090
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He still believes in democracy

>> No.17733103

>Also if you think Gramsci's ethnicity has nothing to do with it you're genuinely retarded
Gramsci wasn't Jewish.

>> No.17733110

This is all liberalism, lol at the cult pseudo reality aspect--yes it's true that corporations, academics and media are aligned alongside leftism, but this is a far cry from marxist materialism.
The right/left dichotomy isn't useful whatsoever-- I agree with anti idpol etc criticism in this vein but God help you if you think "conceptual james" who found out about gramsci a week before making his video is a good source. And if you're one of the people in this thread who has fallen to anti semitism, congratulations, you're just doing identity politics in reverse
We can fight the wokeness together if we actually develop a legitimate populist critique rather than this classical liberal "muh postmodern neomarxist critical race" garbage
Every conspiracy has a grain of truth in so far as there are tons of jewish marxist thinkers but none of them played a role in this woke shit it's all just branding and appealing to zoomer lib trends
Its all ideology friends, and the capitalism of today is woke and left; it includes its own supposed resistance. You can either fight it using the tools it has given you or recede into the world of larp and cope, larp and cope

>> No.17733162

I read it and it's decent. The authors are pretty objective up until the last chapter. They do a fantastic job of tracing woke roots in postmodernism and going through all the different theory areas.

>> No.17733269

God leftists really can't stop fucking coming to/lit/ and embarrassing themselves. You don't know shit about your own ideology or anything else. You don't read. Fuck off. You're a retard and you shouldn't be posting here.

>> No.17733293

Never thought I'd see myself agreeing with an honest leftist.

>> No.17733303

Liberalism and marxism are made from the same cloth - anti-traditionalism. Marxists are just figurative faggots and liberals literal faggots.

>> No.17733315

you must not have read what I said, nowhere did I declare myself a leftist
>buhh I'll call him a retard that'll show him
There is no ideology but ideology itself which we live in rather than choose to believe. Its you who needs to read more I've been here long enough

>> No.17733321

Book worth reading? James Lindsay is based, but I feel like I already know the arguments. Does it give me pithy comebacks to destroy authoritarians with facts and logic?

>> No.17733339

you probably don't know the difference between political and philosophical liberalism, the latter of which is not opposed to traditionalism.
Marxism, likewise, exists in a number of forms, it's much more nuanced than dumbasses who write books like that of OP would have you believe. Materialism in itself is in no way opposed to traditionalism and neither am I
Its capitalism which is destroying traditionalism among everything else that makes us who we are, it only recently took on this progressive form it's not a "cult" it's the economy stupid

>> No.17733365

>the latter of which is not opposed to traditionalism.
Yes it is, traditionalism is by definition anti-liberal.
>Materialism in itself is in no way opposed to traditionalism and neither am I
Yes it is, traditionalism is by definition anti-materialistic.
>Its capitalism which is destroying traditionalism
No materialism is, of which capitalism is just one of many forms, alongside liberalism, marxism, humanism, etc.

>> No.17733398

>Yes it is
come on man at least give a real argument lol
Liberalism is a form of materialism? Damn hook me up with whatever religious drugs you're on
I really hope you're not dumb enough to be talking about consumerist materialism
If I were to be as galaxy brained as you I could just as well argue traditionalism is a form of liberalism but who cares

>> No.17733493

Traditionalism is not the perpetuation of customs, but a term that encompasses most if not all pre-enlightenment worldviews that are distinct in every way and shape from those that came after. By definition traditionalism cannot be aligned with liberalism since liberalism attempts to break open that which tradition takes for granted. All post-medieval thought is materialist in essence since it takes man and his physical existance as the highest good instead of God/nature/metaphysics/whatever you want to call it.
Read Eliade's Myth of the Eternal Return / Sacred and Profane if you want to dig deeper, or just go towards the traditionalists such as Schuon, Guenon, Evola.
So long as we take man in itself as the highest goal, materialism will flourish in one way or another, be it capitalism, liberalism, humanism, marxism, etc.
>I could just as well argue traditionalism is a form of liberalism
No, you couldn't.

>> No.17733535


>> No.17733546

It's not a new cult, it's a new morality, and it has already been internalized by the majority of the population of the Anglosphere, so get used to it, it's gonna suck. This book sucks btw.

>> No.17733558

Trump Lost
Zizek put Peterson into a coma
Marx was right

>> No.17733564

I get what you mean (haven't read the meme traditionalists you reference) but my point is that materialism has existed way before the enlightenment; it goes all the way back to the greeks and thus can coexist with both traditionalism and liberalism when applied accordingly. It seems like you're talking more about idealism when you reference god/nature/metaphysics which is the true opposition to materialism, but in my view this opposition is not a dichotomy but a dialectic; they need each other to exist. Materialism is not about the centering of man's experience but the idea that material forces drive the world. Its true that capitalism is a form of this as we experience it but only because it was shaped by (liberal) ideals. If you couldn't tell I am on the hegel side of philosophy but I believe we can find common ground in our dissatisfaction with liberal capitalism, whereas the author of book in op is in support of the former status quo. Does that make sense?

>> No.17733565

It's about being Socially Literate. Have you ever noticed over 90% of the people that have a problem with things slightly changing are literally autistic? James demore, bret/eric weinstein, helen pluckrose is a fucking mess, hirsi ali looks really messed up on drugs, crowder tells jokes that don't ahve a joke and thnk it's funny, dave rubin is borderline mentally challenged. I could go on.

>> No.17733583

>All post-medieval thought is materialist in essence since it takes man and his physical existance as the highest good instead of God/nature/metaphysics/whatever you want to call it.
imagine thinking kant was a materialist

>> No.17733616

Jewish hands typed this

>> No.17733637

im irish german anglo but nice try retard.
Did you read what I said? I tried to level with your kind lol
You have schizophrenia

>> No.17733642

Their ideology is almost explicitly designed to deny the existence of behavioral patterns. Except for if you are white

>> No.17733673

Yes it's much more nuanced than I gave it to you, you're mostly correct in the issues you raise here. The traditionalists don't deny that materialism has existed at least since the bronze age, but since the enlightenment and definitely the industrial revolution materialism has completely devoured everything else. I stand by the fact that liberalism is the opposite of tradition, the enlightenment (and after) interpretation of the classical age differs quite a bit from the actual classical experience. I guess that position is a consequence of Hegel's occultist/masonic influences.
>Materialism is not about the centering of man's experience but the idea that material forces drive the world
I disagree here though, it's both in my opinion. There's such a stark difference between the pre-modern Weltanschauung and that which came after that you cannot leave the former point you mentioned out of the equation.
See above, Kant was a materialist according to traditionalism though although I get where you're coming from. He's not "materialistic" compared to those who came after if that's what you mean.

>> No.17733675

Sometimes I think I'm the only one here who likes the Jews.

>> No.17733680

Spiritually jewish then (which all leftism is in a sense)

>> No.17733686

No, the hasbara people do too

>> No.17733704

like many people on this website, you need to have sex
>inb4 women are spiritually jewish

>> No.17733726
File: 19 KB, 253x400, 925060506s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 women are spiritually jewish
Unironically yes
>have sex
I do but obsession with sex is very Freudian (you guessed it)

>> No.17733733

It’s time for you to dilate

>> No.17733743

But nobody cares.

>> No.17733761

>Zizek put Peterson into a coma
Both of them looked like fools and did nothing but prove that psychoanalysis is a colossal waste of time. Chomsky was the actual winner of that debate.

>> No.17733777

Wow, the cult of not being racist and sexist. Damn, those guys are fucking insane. Anyway, I constantly fantasize about dying in war, genociding entire races, my heroes are a nation of people that started the most catastrophic war and self-dysgenic war of all time, and im constantly angry at everything because I think all of history and society are a race war that only I can see, but you guys are crazy.

>> No.17733781

you haven't read freud. The reduction of freud to making everything about sex is pop culture understanding, if anything his work is about how sex is about other things (fantasy)
freud and marx were based secular jews I hope someday you will wake up and discover their worth
its time for you to kill yourself

>> No.17733789

It's better than dying for a nihilistic cult of bodily comfort.

>> No.17733800

can you say more about hegel's occultist/masonic influences? incredibly based

>> No.17733808
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No thank you. I'll stick with the better secular jew.

>> No.17733818

>you haven't read freud. The reduction of freud to making everything about sex is pop culture understanding, if anything his work is about how sex is about other things (fantasy)
I have, although admittedly only a little. I'm very familiar with Jung though. Freud was sex obsessed.
>freud and marx were based secular jews I hope someday you will wake up and discover their worth
Secular jews are worse than religious jews, religious jews at least don't pretend to be something they're not. Marx had some decent criticism of capitalism and naming the jews behind capitalism, but did not understand human nature and was a massive degenerate who mooched off of his parents and neglected his family. Freud literally wanted Jung to join his clique to avoid the stigma of a wholly jewish endeavour (this is also why Jung later left, they were too different) and in his personal writings has admitted that his jewishness played a major role in his theories. I know their worth very well and it's not for the better.

>> No.17733819

not the previous guy but zizek stomped him out. You gotta be kidding with chomsky please say sike
nice trips but your hyperbole doesn't help anything we are absolutely witnessing capital/ideology at work

>> No.17733856

>human nature
reddit tier argument (mooch stuff is true but beside the point)
So you really believe it's just this group that's behind the scenes of everything or at least wants to be? Its true that psychoanalysis has its roots in jewish culture, but who cares. I seriously hope you get better from your sickness, you might find more friends someday
beyond retarded not even going to comment

>> No.17733883
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>beyond retarded not even going to comment
And yet you commented.

>> No.17733892

keep posting az quotes it makes u look really based xd

>> No.17733899

>not the previous guy but zizek stomped him out. You gotta be kidding with chomsky please say sike
Not at all. Zizek may have made Peterson look like fool, but he didn't really say anything substantial. The whole debate proved psychoanalysis to be nothing more than posturing.

>> No.17733901
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>reddit tier argument (mooch stuff is true but beside the point)
Call it whatever you want, Marx completely sidelined the human factor and reduced it to material conditions. That's retarded in itself.
>So you really believe it's just this group that's behind the scenes of everything or at least wants to be?
No, not just this group. And not all jews. But it's a lot of (elite) jews, and non-jews married into jewish families or invested into jewish enterprises. Don't believe me? Follow the money. See the patterns.
>Its true that psychoanalysis has its roots in jewish culture, but who cares
You should, because jews are known to be overly neurotic (possibly due to their past) but psycho-analysis tries to project that onto all humans, with disastrous consequences.
> I seriously hope you get better from your sickness, you might find more friends someday
Since when is wanting to find the truth a sickness? That's a very jewish thing to say, anon. I have enough friends, thanks.

>> No.17733914

That's all your Maxist slime is worth.

>> No.17733919

You argue like a woman. Complete subhuman.
They're both worthless.

>> No.17733930

We can smell your hairball stuffed pelvic gash from here, Marxtard

>> No.17733970

actually I'm normal so I just see elites for what they are rather than having something to do with judaism
>That's a very jewish thing to say, anon
You call out psychoanalysis for prescribing neurosis and yet you sound like this with no self awareness I have to laugh
Everyone can benefit from a little psychoanalytic reflection and there is nothing more pathological than the fully convinced antisemite regardless of how much evidence you have
What disastrous consequences? Let's talk about how economics and liberal modernist culture are a disaster instead

>> No.17734000

the only thing you're smelling is my cum on your moms face
Im not even a commie notice how retarded everyone gets when you suggest someone has interesting ideas

>> No.17734034
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>actually I'm normal so I just see elites for what they are rather than having something to do with judaism
It doesn't have something to do with judaism but with jewish ethnicity. Jew is both an ethnicity and a religion, that's why secular jews can be a thing. Why are elites disproportionally jewish? Why does such a tiny group have such power and wealth? Don't you want to find out?
>You call out psychoanalysis for prescribing neurosis and yet you sound like this with no self awareness I have to laugh
It was a joke, smoothbrain.
>Everyone can benefit from a little psychoanalytic reflection and there is nothing more pathological than the fully convinced antisemite regardless of how much evidence you have
Psycho-analysis is a poor replacement for metaphysics. Jungian psycho-analysis is decent in some regards, sure.
Nothing more pathological? How about refusing to see evidence because it doesn't fit your narrative? I'm also not an anti-semite, I don't hate jews. I hate the elite and many happen to be jews and their jewish identity plays a part into why they are the elite and why we're not allowed to criticize them lest we are accused of antisemitism.
>What disastrous consequences?
That now everyone has become neurotic.
> Let's talk about how economics and liberal modernist culture are a disaster instead
Sure, look up the history of usury for the former (and the people associated with it), and look up the main propagators of modernism in art and popular culture (hint: their names are Greenberg, Rosenberg and Steinberg - no joke, they are known as Cultureberg collectively).

>> No.17734048

Nazis were leftists

>> No.17734077

It’s got nice and structured talking points that don’t sound conspiratorial, since it’s meant to appeal to disillusioned liberals who know something’s gone very wrong but have no idea who to blame (other than jews because they just can’t do that). The most important takeaway is the connection from Frankfurt school (jews) and French New Left to American Intersectional Theory. I’ve only really seen that previously in discussions about feminism.

>> No.17734179

Yes, but it is not new. I was reading Emma Goldman and her experiences in Russia. What struck me was she saw the corruption, the horrors, the complete obscenity that was being done in the name of freedom as did many others she mentions. It made every notion she had wrong. But they kept defending and rationalizing it in the name of the "revolution".
She is one of the very few of these radicals even able to see this and she was shunned for telling the truth. And then later in her life, she goes over and supports the same thing happening in Spain. She also believed in "free love" but found the practice of it psychologically taxing. It's the most fundamentalist religion on earth, its adherents go through great trauma both mentally and physically to remain a true believer, ignoring all truths, all horrors because the Revolution will come back to earth eventually and bring salvation once all nonbelievers and heretical things are purged.
The Revolution is the God, it is never satisfied, never attainable by mortals and nothing is out of the question when it comes to sacrificing in order to try to achieve it.

>> No.17734192

>the modern left is a cult
If the modern left is a cult then all modern politics is a cult. I would argue that some people are attracted to particular ideologies for tribalistic reasons but I would argue the libertarian left is actually one of the least cult like ideological positions because it (at least theoretically) allows for dissent and large differences of opinion within the movement(s). Authoritarian ideologies are much more cult like in practice because they do not allow for dissent of any kind. You may argue that leftists punching nazis and calling boomers racist when they act racist is 'cult-like' but at that point you're basically just saying having opinions and using any form of violence and going against the status quo is 'cult-like'. I would argue modern day neo-liberalism is cult like because it shuns and disregards anyone who wants the slightest bit of reform. Western politics on a governmental level have changed very little in the last 40-50 years despite the fact that change is clearly needed. Both the right and left agree on that, they just want different solutions for roughly the same problems.

Also this, modern liberals and progressives are primarily the ones exhibiting this cultish behavior. Not that there aren't any libertarian left people doing similar things but that I don't think it happens enough to be as concerning as what we're seeing with the culture war between progressives and conservatives. Left anarchists are more likely to see this culture war as another way to divide the working class and not as a natural development.

Ben Shapiro tier argument, you can say 'the left wants to this and that' all you want but the fact is no one is advocating for totalitarian control of your life and there's nothing going on within the left that even remotely resembles that. Some tranny getting mad that you didn't use their proper pronouns doesn't mean that the entirety of the left is going to go after you for it. Even celebrities who get ''''cancelled''' come back into the mainstream a few months later and end up being just as influential and popular as they were before.

>> No.17734468

>Ben Shapiro tier argument, you can say 'the left wants to this and that' all you want but the fact is no one is advocating for totalitarian control of your life and there's nothing going on within the left that even remotely resembles that.
They just want a decentralized mob control that amounts to the same thing, even if it's less brutal.

>> No.17734522

>the purpose of modern leftism is simply an attempt to construct a psuedo-reality and impose it on people
That very idea is expressed here on /lit/ daily, both directly and indirectly.
I think it's difficult to argue against that this is happening. The masses are surely unknowingly supporting these dangerous ideas and but many people are actively striving to create a new reality, which of course is impossible

>> No.17734566

imagine buying a book by james lindsay

>> No.17734595

>imagine buying books
fixed it for you

>> No.17734667

Congratulations on finally getting with the times I guess.
Another explanation for what were seeing is "populism". We have a majority of the population that is unhappy with the way the world is. In past times, this would be fixed with wars, coups, revolutions, or good old fashioned politics. But here in the modern age, the modern man feels woefully weak. He is taught and believes in his inability to be the change he wishes to see in the world, after all he is no superhero. Some choose to have a pseudo-messiah like Red President, Blue President, or Token Prime Minister. Others, like what you've pointed out with the modern left wish instead to deny the reality they don't wish to see. They aren't a man, they aren't a bad person, they aren't a leech on society, they aren't an idiot, etc. Normally, this would lead to them being ousted from society for being a loony and a detriment, but instead as a way to grow power, hold a faux moral superiority, AND placate the masses, people with these delusions are instead fed and given the succor they would have otherwise been denied. And with them being fed, others seeing a denial reality as a viable way of life and preferable alternative to the harsh real world buy into it.

>> No.17734670

Lying leftist faggot. Kill yourself or go back to Twitter. Nobody here is convinced by your shilling and damage control.

>> No.17734707

>Libertarian left
Well that's great for them, but they're not the majority of the Left.

>> No.17734748

Worse, he was Albanian

>> No.17734872


>> No.17735153

Holy shit you are all retarded.
Just watch this https://youtu.be/zmYegIGhwtc

>> No.17735179

Is it actually worth watching or is it just a bunch of blathering about muh metanarratives.

>> No.17735238

Just watch it. Makes it hard not to see how retarded these peterson-reading incels are and how little basis their arguments have.

>> No.17735368

Yup. Marxism is perfect. Marxist academics are perfect.

>> No.17735386

No one but like two guys (leftoids, unsurprisingly) even brought up postmodernism. I like cuckphilosophy, though. Hate that he went full cuck with that black lives matter shit. I thought he was above that

>> No.17735465
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>> No.17735536

>If you go on /leftypol/ they all hate this and see it as a distraction to divide the working class
but are they opposed to their demands? I often read that line of argument but it seems to me the only actual criticism "real leftists" have about wokeism is the capital's involvement in it, but they never say anything about the content of wokeism itself except sometimes to deflect to something else ("this is not the really important issue (but I agree with you)"). They will rumble about capitalism as they go away to the corner of the room when a loud black woman takes the mic out of their hands.

>> No.17735539


>> No.17735611

>Jews get holocausted by national-SOCIALISTS
Fixed that for you.

>> No.17735629


>> No.17735748

Yes it is a cult. First of all you are lying because leftism is not about not being racism or sexism. It is about hating the white male and excluding him from his native countries. Unless he is a rich jew, in which case he has the right to claim to be oppressed and demand reparations.

Then again not being racist or sexist would be reality denial. Men and women are different, and humans also differ depending on their genetic ancestry. For example 100m sprint is dominated by blacks. According to "antiracist" theory, this means sprinting is a black supremacist discipline and need a to be cancelled. Same for nobel prize, Jewish supremacist discipline. That would be the case anyway if leftism was anti racist. But it is not, since the only target at all times are white males. The funny thing is, it actually mostly affect white males themselves, which is the reason why it is this way at all. Maybe mindvirus is the most appropriate term.

>> No.17736087

>Why are elites disproportionally jewish? Why does such a tiny group have such power and wealth? Don't you want to find out?
Why are colonized nations disproportionately former british colonies? That's just the way history is but pointing this out shouldn't make me anti white any more than it should make you an anti semite--its your narrative building that I disagree with because, jew hater or no, your politics are no different from the wokies you condemn as idpol neurotics. If you truly hate the elites you wouldn't be schizo about last names; the history of cia, rockefellers, mi5 etc is much more worthy of study rather than your last name based metaphysics of paranoia. Im not denying the disproportionate amount of jews as heads of corporations nor am I denying the amount of jewish marxists but that's just a coincidence of history unfortunately and to point out otherwise is to fall into an identity politics trap that ironically will benefit liberalism. Without psychoanalysis we are victims of modernity all the same; if you weren't so scared of learning based on their last names you might learn something about 20th century philosophy

>> No.17736093

other than maybe marcuse I don't see how anyone at frankfurt would connect to american intersectionality this is a stretch from james

>> No.17736114

imagine thinking marxism and postmodernism are the same in the year of our Lord 2021

>> No.17736323
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Uh oh...

>> No.17736326

Marxists have no arguments so they need to play word games

>> No.17736349

Shut the fuck up you intellectual coward.

>> No.17736354
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>Left anarchists are more likely to see this culture war as another way to divide the working class and not as a natural development.
Why isn't it a natural development? The aging, white, conservative boomers in Western countries are losing their grip on power and they want to polarize their societies, forcing everyone to pick a side either for them or against them, which will destroy their societies, but that works out okay for them since they can sit on top of the ash heap.

They don't like that "the West" is in relative decline in the world either. But most of the world's population are formerly colonized people and they're on the rise. This isn't going to stop. That's the most important political question of our time, and the point is to face up honestly to that and deal with it, rather than trying to squeeze some fake "unity" that papers over the world-historic significance of this process.

>> No.17736419

It really is such an embarrassing cope lol, “all idpol degenerates are FAKE leftists even though this is legit like 90% of them!!”

No, these are the real leftists. This is why your ideology is now. It’s a cult of inferiority and ressentiment that worships oppressed identity and whines about people in power just to justify its own existence. It’s not Marxist, it’s not materialist, it’s not economic, but it’s leftism. Traditional working class politics are DEAD and never coming back unless it’s paired with tranny-worship and pride parades. That’s the truth. Either accept it or deny it.

>> No.17736471

>on within the left that even remotely resembles that. Some tranny getting mad that you didn't use their proper pronouns doesn't mean that the entirety of the left is going to go after you for it.

They literally, unironically do. Who the fuck are you kidding?

>> No.17736474


>> No.17736510

Basado. /pol/trannies seething as expected.

>> No.17736518

trumpbros...it's over

>> No.17736527

racism ands sexism is funny though

>> No.17736556

Noone has said that you smoothbrain waste of oxygen. But unlike you, these people are well-read and constantly putting in intellectual work and articulating new possibilities and theories instead of buying into conspiracy theories on fuckin 4chan. If it never occured to you that the world might be a bit more complex and its workings can't be explained in simple layman's terms on an image board then maybe killing yourself would be the best course of action. People reading shit like the book in OP are completely hopeless.

>> No.17736559

>Traditional working class politics are DEAD
Whew. Well, thank God for that.

>> No.17736589

>Postmodern="word games"
Beyond parody please read more

>> No.17736602

>not Marxist, it’s not materialist, it’s not economic, but it’s leftism
sure, who cares, but it's also capitalism, which is much more important to point out. Ironically, you're the one accepting their terms by falling into basic anti lgbt hate when you could be developing nuanced critiques of ideology

>> No.17736681

I’m not accepting their terms. I’m not accepting anyone’s terms. Progressivism is a development of our current system of globalized Liberalism. It has already degenerated to this point and it’s completely intertwined with capitalism as an extension of American hegemony. I fully acknowledge that there’s no stopping this because it’s institutional (BLM and LGBT being the two biggest wings). I also acknowledge that most leftists are okay with it because it borrows from their own ressentiment and they’ve largely been liberalized anyways. So there’s really nothing you can do except watch this ideology finish off the West and hope to survive, because that’s all it is, it’s just a late-stage religious movement in the terminal decline of a great empire and a desperate attempt by the decaying elite boomers to save themselves by being “inclusive” and “diverse” to anyone who has yet to fall under American hegemony.

>> No.17736684

t. useful idiot

>> No.17736723

Why do you commie faggots not understand that words change their meanings, you seem to understand it when applies to political enemies (conservatives) but not yourselves.

>> No.17736729

>no true scotsman

>> No.17736742

>these people are well-read
Doesn't matter when it's all marxist dogma and intellectually dishonest charlatan philosophy.
>constantly putting in intellectual work and articulating new possibilities and theories instead
Doesn't matter when they're not optimizing for correctness/ scientific or social utility rather than "beneficial to my career and the furtherance of my ideology "
>the world might be a bit more complex
Obviously not so complex that we could ever doubt the capabilities and motivations of leftist academics. Or the validity of any of their most cherished beliefs like marxism.

>> No.17736744
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>> No.17736754

idealists have a limited scope of violence, while materialists have an unlimited scope of violence
does this imply that victory is inevitable for the materialist?

>> No.17736761

agree with your critique but the west is finished either way, ironically this woke great reset shit is the wests main defense against chinese communist hegemony which pairs marxism with anti liberalism pretty well

>> No.17736799

They're closely related enough and aren't nearly as opposed as the people making knee-jerk responses to Peterson make it seem. I'm willing to acknowledge that they are separate things (I'm not really sure that you could call "postmodernism" a movement in the way you could marxism), but he does have to acknowledge where they overlap to be worth watching.

>> No.17736970

>that's just a coincidence of history
There are no coincidences of history, smoothbrain. There's a reason for everything. All those questions you posed have very definite and reasonable answers, as does the JQ. You make a lot of assumptions about me which are not true, and therefore do the same you accuse me of doing.
You're just scared of the implications if what I and others pose about jewish involvement is correct. Therefore you don't want us to look there. Asking questions and seeing patterns doesn't make me antisemitic.
>Without psychoanalysis we are victims of modernity all the same;
Retarded take since psycho-analysis is a modern, broken replacement for metaphysics and religion.
>if you weren't so scared of learning based on their last names you might learn something about 20th century philosophy
I know more than enough about 20th century philosophy, thank you. You are the one scared of the implicationsI pose.

>> No.17736976

Only person here that has been outside in the last 5 years

>> No.17736993

/lit/is a left wing board you cock sucking nigger tranny

>> No.17737008

/lit/ is not your safe space chud, r/conservative might be more your speed

>> No.17737012

ok samefag

>> No.17737015
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>> No.17737030

>doesn't matter when its all marxism dogma

t. Never read a word from Marx

>> No.17737041

>have you ever even read the bible/quran/buddhist thing tho?
classic retort of the religious fanatic

>> No.17737325

>these people are well-read and constantly putting in intellectual work and articulating new possibilities and theories instead of buying into conspiracy theories on fuckin 4chan.
Holy shit you’re actually retarded.
Imagine thinking that people who spend all day trying to find a way to present their pseudo-religious beliefs as scientific are “well read” and “putting in intellectual work”
There is nothing intellectual about taking irrational beliefs and attempting to disguise them as having merit using their emoloyer’s name to do so.
“Gender theory” is not intellectual, it is not scientific, it is unscientific and anti-intellectual, but presented by people as being legitimate using the general credibility with the public that universities have as a disguise

>> No.17737333

Lol. You people are seriously fucking deranged. Even when you’re called out for your sophistry you respond with sophistry. Fuck off, your cult is a cancer on the human race

>> No.17737340

My favorite is when they say “educate yourself” or “it’s not my job to educate you”, falsely equating education with lunatic cult tenets

>> No.17737357

What's the answer to the jq then, if you're definitely not an antisemite? The only thing I assume about you is based on what you told me, which is that you have a pathological desire to connect the dots between every influential jew in order to feel better about your own place in the world. But while capital may favor some ethnicities or cultures it is a liberal amorphous entity that exists outside of us.
Why do you have these desires? Why do you get enjoyment from lamenting the power of the Jews? Why do wokes, which we seem to be in agreement in our stance on, enjoy being victims? Why do we enjoy arguing with strangers online at all? Psychoanalysis can answer these questions much better than any sort of analytic science, it is a tool that will help us understand how desires get in the way of understanding ideology (and we must recognize that no one is above these desires).
>psycho-analysis is a modern, broken replacement for metaphysics and religion
Fair enough, but in my view it can exist alongside most religions and metaphysical systems because it is just a form of criticism. My point was that in woke liberal modernity psychoanalysis has been rejected in favor of a deleuzian free flow of desires where everything is permitted-- a return to structure is necessary for understanding how ideology has made its way into the unconscious, because it works especially when it presents itself as incomplete or with conspiratorial holes that people like you think they can solve

>> No.17737375

Im not part of any cult you speak of, I'm not a leftist, just pointing out it's more nuanced than fucking word games lol

>> No.17737412

Sure I guess , but it’s like maybe 500,000 people at most . Loud people . But take a look around , normal people don’t act and think like them , it’s easy to ignore

>> No.17737435

Engels immediately turned it into dogma after his death, and any understanding we have of his work today is filtered through people who treat it as dogma.

>> No.17737467

>I'm not really sure that you could call "postmodernism" a movement in the way you could marxism
Exactly, it's almost like it's a nebulous term used by peterson etc to condemn liberal academics as a whole and has been completely devoid of substantial meaning this whole time. Let's break this down for a second:
The term was never used until the 80s or so by americans like jameson who, yes, would be appropriate for the middle section of the venn diagram you describe. But the french thinkers who are seen as the start of all this hated such categorization. Derrida wrote on marx, foucault did too but was against marxism in the way he saw it produced subjectivity, deleuze (who I think is one of the main culprits of ideology today) started as a new left communist and believed he was a marxist in his ideas that led to what we now know as accelerationism. Soviet and chinese communism have never had anything to do with this stuff, neither have marxist economics as a whole.
With that being said I'm with you that knee jerk responses to peterson can lack nuance and are just as annoying as the people who say that's not muh real leftism when talking about woke shit (I used to be one of them). But the point is there is nuance to all of these things and maybe a better term for what you're looking for is "critical theory" but again adorno etc would be disgusted by all this woke shit; intersectionality is a new liberal phenomenon certainly influenced by "postmodernists" and maybe academics with a marxist influence but it's all lib shit who cares
The word postmodern is usually used for literary or cultural criticism to describe american experimental lit like pynchon etc it's just funny how it has become such a spectre for everyone to fear when the only thing to truly fear is (left liberal ) big tech capital

>> No.17737498

>What's the answer to the jq then, if you're definitely not an antisemite?
That would take too long to type up, but unironically read "Culture of Critique." It's a very well researched book, filled to the brim with primary quotes of elite and influental jewish persons. Basically, jews employ survival strategies based on being a homeless people for 2 millennia, these strategies are both conscious and subconscious. Because they have strong in-group preference, they often end up practicing nepotism, which then is detrimental to the peoples of the lands they live in.
I'm not an antisemite because I don't hate jews. I understand why they do what they do and in some way respect them for it. Their actions are just often to the detriment of my people, and therefore we need to evaluate them. But that is made impossible because every criticism, valid or not, gets you labeled antisemite, which is retarded. An antisemite should be someone who irrationally hates jews just for being jews, just like a racist should be someone who irrationally hates someone for their skin colour. That's not me.
>The only thing I assume about you is based on what you told me, which is that you have a pathological desire to connect the dots between every influential jew in order to feel better about your own place in the world
Are you for real? More of these baseless assumptions. It has nothing to do with "feeling better", it's about finding out why things are the way they are currently and not being swayed by emotional arguments. Disingenuous.
>But while capital may favor some ethnicities or cultures it is a liberal amorphous entity that exists outside of us.
Non-statement. It does favour some ethnicities and cultures and we should find out which and why in order to be able to understand capital.
>Why do you have these desires? Why do you get enjoyment from lamenting the power of the Jews?
Because I look for the truth, whether it's inconvenient or not. What I get out of it is more awareness, more people willing to challenge that which is taken as a given without critical thinking, just like you keep doing.
>Why do wokes, which we seem to be in agreement in our stance on, enjoy being victims?
I'm not sure what the relevance is but there's many explanations, I personally think it's some kind of capitalising on the vestige of victimhood, guilt and sin that had a place within christian society but are boundless in our current modern one.
>Psychoanalysis can answer these questions much better than any sort of analytic science, it is a tool that will help us understand how desires get in the way of understanding ideology (and we must recognize that no one is above these desires).
So can metaphysics and religion, it's not a binary opposition between psycho-analysis and hard science. Psycho-analysis is but a man-made system, with all the flaws of its makers imbedded into it. It can be useful, but it's not even nearly infallible. Jung and Freud themselves are gooed examples.

>> No.17737499

kys poltard, your parents would be glad

>> No.17737558

Why does everyone keep posting this picture
>Wow, protestors outside a building
>It must be a cult, wow crazy

>> No.17737577

Because orange man bad, wypipo bad

>> No.17737592


>> No.17737619

>as been completely devoid of substantial meaning this whole tim
Except no, you dishonest scumbag. It has a clear meaning. It is the driving force behind BULLSHIT like Gender theory and critical race theory.
>nothing is real all that matters is what I believe
>call me she, I am a woman. Being a woman is a state of mind
Eat shit

>> No.17737622

>Their actions are just often to the detriment of my people, and therefore we need to evaluate them
everything you said was fine up until here, worry about your government and who is exploiting you.
You clearly misunderstood what I meant when I said feel better about yourself and those questions in general-- there is an unconscious desire at work in all of these equations which can only be understood by people outside of yourself looking in, in other words your reasoning is pure cope. Something tells me you wouldn't have the courage to speak these things in a public forum, but that means they're all crazy and you're the sane one, right?

>> No.17737654

If you read books like in op then yea I'm sure this is what you believe. I also think standpoint theory is bullshit but I don't spend all day seething about trans people Im just interested in how wokeness and capitalism are interchangeable at this point. Again, it would help if you engaged with the history of these terms instead of just crying

>> No.17737660

>everything you said was fine up until here, worry about your government and who is exploiting you.
Which is, funnily enough, made up disproportionately of people of jewish decent instead of my people. It's still fine.
>You clearly misunderstood what I meant when I said feel better about yourself and those questions in general-- there is an unconscious desire at work in all of these equations which can only be understood by people outside of yourself looking in, in other words your reasoning is pure cope.
No, there you go with your assumptions again. It tells me your dependence on psychoanalysis is pure cope.
But really, my people is being displaced and discriminated against in their own country. The people who advocate for this the hardest happen to be jewish. Are all jews in my country like that? No, not at all. But the ethnicity of the former is literally tied to the issue. There's no getting around it.
>Something tells me you wouldn't have the courage to speak these things in a public forum, but that means they're all crazy and you're the sane one, right?
Well first of all, the issue is that it's nearly illegal to do so in my country. However I talk about these things with my friends and social circle, which has cost me friends, given me strange looks, and has swayed several people into looking into it for themselves and seeing I was (mostly) correct.

>> No.17737807

what's your country anon? Im interested
I don't depend on psychoanalysis but I'll happily admit I'm interested in it as a form of cope if you admit the same about your ideology, it's all cope friend, just like woke identity politics
But I'd rather criticize identity based thinking and develop a materialist understanding of economics than whatever this nonsense is

>> No.17737864

A country in Europe.
>I don't depend on psychoanalysis but I'll happily admit I'm interested in it as a form of cope if you admit the same about your ideology, it's all cope friend, just like woke identity politics
You do depend on it, your entire line of reasoning of why you disagree with me is based in your (wrong) assumptions about me.
If you stretch the meaning of cope, sure, but isn't everything then? Eating food as a cope for hunger. It's all still true though, as opposed to the cope of wokeists.
>But I'd rather criticize identity based thinking and develop a materialist understanding of economics than whatever this nonsense is
You do whatever makes you feel good. That you either can't or don't want to understand it doesn't make it nonsense, sorry. I'm more interested in finding the truth, personally, no matter how inconvenient it may be.

>> No.17737966

I could say you assumed things about me just as well do you see how this gets sort of retarded
I wish you luck on your search for truth but I think you fall into the path of ressentiment all the same. Truth is a process that contains its own negation. I like psychoanalysis because its a field that comes to term with us as contradictory beings, if you think you can find out everything through some inconvenient truth but not reflect on your own desires along the way I'm not sure what to tell you.
I've never been a part of the ethnic dynamic you describe and I understand it's a big thing in europe but alas I am a mere americuck. But as westerners we are all liberals to an extent. I've enjoyed my truth dive into cia and the influence of wealth on politics but I don't see the world in terms of identity in any form. You still havent addressed that that's what you have in common with wokes

>> No.17738061

>I wish you luck on your search for truth but I think you fall into the path of ressentiment all the same.
I disagree. You interpret me wrong.
>I like psychoanalysis because its a field that comes to term with us as contradictory beings
As do metaphysics or religion, but better
>if you think you can find out everything through some inconvenient truth but not reflect on your own desires along the way I'm not sure what to tell you.
I never said I never reflected on my own desires. I'm by no means perfect. This is just my journey to understand both the world and myself.
>I've never been a part of the ethnic dynamic you describe and I understand it's a big thing in europe but alas I am a mere americuck.
This problem also exists in America though. Really, read Culture of Critique. It'll be enlightening even if you end up disagreeing.
>I've enjoyed my truth dive into cia and the influence of wealth on politics but I don't see the world in terms of identity in any form.
Yes you do, you have adopted an identity of wanting not to identify with the major identities. I was a liberal/leftist once, I claimed the same, but then other parties started picking my side for me. I cannot unsee the patterns I have observed, nor can you.
>You still havent addressed that that's what you have in common with wokes
Why is that so important to you? Do you think I care? There is nothing wrong with having an identity, it grants a form of natural belonging that is there whether you like it or not. I think those claiming not to "see the world in terms of identity" are running away from what and who they are. I don't identify as "white" or "male" or whatever, but those are parts of my identity and I am regarded as such by others such as wokeists. If that makes it a cope then so be it. My issue with the wokists is that they are disingenuous and two-faced about it.

>> No.17738145

When is this woke shit going to end? When society collapses?

>> No.17738160

academia will move on to something new once every woke journal article has been wrung out of the canon, just give it time

>> No.17738247


>> No.17738339

I meant identity in the ethnic sense but I agree we always see things in identity in a certain way, a lot of this comes down to branding
I could just as well tell you to read sublime object of ideology or something like that but doubt you would
Id much rather try to convince people to simply stand against elites and their liberal ilk rather than falling down the jew hole which is much less likely to win people over
Seeing jewish influence in everything doesn't actually accomplish anything; ideology will always present itself in different forms

>> No.17738409

I've read quite some Zizek actually, like I said I used to be a liberal/leftist for most of my life.
>Id much rather try to convince people to simply stand against elites and their liberal ilk rather than falling down the jew hole which is much less likely to win people over
But if you don't address who the elite are, you're not getting anywhere. You keep falling into abstractions but fail to make it concrete. I't's not about winning people over but about truth.
>Seeing jewish influence in everything doesn't actually accomplish anything;
Yes it does when jewish influence is a part of the problem in various areas. If you don't address why the problem manifests in the specific way it does, you can't do anything about it. You have to accept reality before you can work to change it.

>> No.17738460

Are you an actual jew? Be honesto please...

>> No.17738468

Nope catholic

>> No.17738535

Not hum but you are most definitely a jewish rat, gas yourself you fucking subhuman

>> No.17738540

Yes, and?

>> No.17738553

>True leftism is about class war and sees all the other problems as stemming from this root.
You are losing though, many of you made the same failure /pol/ did by getting commodified in electoral politics.

>> No.17738564
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>If the modern left is a cult then all modern politics is a cult
Again, *yes*

>> No.17738591

Its hilarious how the guy I responded to went great lengths to disavow anti-semitism (and I believe him) and then people like you respond with this nazi cuckery. Just goes to show no matter how far down this hole you go you can't escape the association
I have zero jewish blood in my body please cry harder
And yea I'll gas myself alright, im smoking that good shit lol seethe

>> No.17738614

I'll expand more on this actually, just look at this thread -- everyone cares more about "owning" the other side and keeps making short-sighted moves when, in the same thread, people acknowledge on both sides that a unity against liberalism is needed.

If this is not mass mental illness I do not know what is.

>> No.17738632

>abloo abloo abloo
I dont café about nationalsocialism or hitler you fag but I do believe your people deaervenuclear holocaust

>> No.17738637

Great post.

>> No.17738664

>orange man gone=racism dead!
go away, your TV misses you

>> No.17738768

>and in his personal writings has admitted that his jewishness played a major role in his theories.
Where can I read about this without buying an entire book by Jung? Thx

>> No.17738771

have sex

>> No.17738793

I'm not sure if I read you right but that was about Freud, not Jung (Jung isn't jewish). But you can read about it in chapter 4 of Culture of Critique, MacDonald quotes from Freud's private letters.

>> No.17738814

I thought in Jung's personal writings he admits that Freud's jewishness played a major role for his (Freud's) theories
Like when Jung once wrote that at some point he could barely stand Freud because his soulless materialism sickened him

>> No.17738824

>I don't care about any of that shit I just have exactly the same views as them
Embarrassing seriously
yea I don't care about communism but im glad stalin gassed your kind all the same

>> No.17738842

retard here, what the hell is the difference between leftism and liberalism

>> No.17738845

while freud was an atheist he was not a materialist

>> No.17738897

Liberalism is both a philosophical tradition centered around the ideas of freedom and individualism and a word used to describe a political tendency that means you want change or reform
Leftism is a vague term that usually signifies socialism and its related projects
They are separate things and often times at odds with each other but overlap in things like cultural signifiers and animosity towards "the right" which is also nebulous
If you ask me this categorization has made everyone retarded so you shouldn't feel bad, just know who your enemies are

>> No.17738933

Oh no I don't know, sounds about right though.
Those are the same

>> No.17738977

I much prefer the zizek who criticizes leftism and liberalism alongside whatever you call your pathology if it's not anti-semitism
You hint at a tangible political solution but haven't opened up about it so I'm curious, enlighten me since we have made it this far or is it just "oPeN yOuR eYeS!!1!!"?

>> No.17739022

>I much prefer the zizek who criticizes leftism and liberalism alongside whatever you call your pathology if it's not anti-semitism
Yes he can be somewhat insightful from an inside perspective but he too offers no solution. His book on the Double Blackmail was terribly disappointing for example.
>You hint at a tangible political solution but haven't opened up about it so I'm curious, enlighten me since we have made it this far or is it just "oPeN yOuR eYeS!!1!!"?
Why so triggered? I never said anything about a political solution, by the way. In my situation, politically the way is shut here because without loyalty to Israel and jews you're not getting anywhere. It has to be a cultural movement, we need to start valuing and raising our own culture and heritage above that of globohomo. Politics will then follow.

>> No.17739189


>> No.17739199

You don’t need to be a nazi to hate the behavior of secular atheist jews. You just need an IQ above 120

>> No.17739217

Denying the destructiveness of secular jews in western society is basically flat earth tier

>> No.17739228

>im constantly angry at everything because I think all of history and society are a race war that only I can see

lmao too stupid to see the irony, I see.

>> No.17739326

his longer philosophical works, while masturbatory, are much more worthwhile but that's neither here nor there
You never said anything but hinted as if there are answers other than reading that book and seething. We're on the same page as far as Israel and globalism are concerned, I'm not upset, I just don't think turning back towards ethnicity will help anyone and choosing to see everything through the lens of jewishness is again just cope. Now I'm wondering if you live in the UK

>> No.17739335

This is the only argument you have and it only feeds the fire, don't worry about what people do with their lives worry about institutions
woa just got back from the doctor and he clocked me at 119 guess I can't continue this discussion boys.
Imagine thinking secular jews did half as much damage as anglos I have to laugh

>> No.17739352

Recommend me his best book (or another one you'd want me to read) and I'll read it if you read Culture of Critique. I have no issue with broadening my horizon.
>You never said anything but hinted as if there are answers other than reading that book and seething.
That's funny, you were the one assuming I had a political solution.
>We're on the same page as far as Israel and globalism are concerned, I'm not upset, I just don't think turning back towards ethnicity will help anyone and choosing to see everything through the lens of jewishness is again just cope.
But that's a strawman, it's not about seeing everything through the lens of jewishness. Some aspects of our issues have nothing to do with jewishness. But it's an integral part nonetheless, and needs to be evaluated, and every time something is viewed through this lens all I get is mischaracterization, wrong assumptions and accusations of antisemitism. Don't you find it interesting why that is the case?
>Now I'm wondering if you live in the UK
No, a small country in mainland Europe. But what I described is the case in most European countries to a greater or lesser extent.

>> No.17739359
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>Imagine thinking secular jews did half as much damage as anglos I have to laugh
Read this and you'll be surprised

>> No.17739535

Either ticklish subject or parallax view, seems like you already read sublime object
You keep crying mischaracterization and seem rather fragile about being accused of things you're not but it's a slippery slope since you're coming at it from a purely cultural angle. My main argument this whole time has been that jewishness and psychoanalysis, marxism, and whatever form of contemporary leftism you like are unrelated, and if you wanna connect the dots go ahead but don't come crying to 4chan when people call you an antisemite. It needs to be evaluated, sure, I'll check out the jew book, but unfortunately people at the top of the pyramid benefit from your ressentiment towards a particular group especially now that they have the power of wokeness on their side.

>> No.17739565

unrelated in the sense that it's not a scary conspiracy to undermine the west, we already discussed freuds cultural background etc who cares

>> No.17739711


>> No.17739745

Don't know why people keep engaging this cringe leftist clown. He has already admitted to intellectual dishonesty and not caring about truth.

>> No.17739848

Where did I admit such things anon it seems it is you who is imagining things and is thus cringe

>> No.17740172
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>yey the election was stolen!
>now we can all serve china!

>> No.17740184
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just replace russian with jew

>> No.17740262

russiagate is just the libs version of judeoschizophrenia
both conspiracies are retarded, lets talk about the great reset (yes i know shulz is jewish who cares)

>> No.17740584 [DELETED] 

"the West" is in relative decline in the world either. But most of the world's population are formerly colonized people and they're on the rise

The formerly colonized people (third world) did not bootstrap their rise, it was the result of global capitalism seeking more profit.

>> No.17740660

IMO the only reason any of this has to do with the "left" is because the "left" uses a lot of manipulation tactics and propaganda to gain their followers and this is an easy topic to grab a hold of.

>> No.17740863
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>> No.17740868

>"the West" is in relative decline in the world either. But most of the world's population are formerly colonized people and they're on the rise

The formerly colonized people (third world) did not bootstrap their rise, it was the result of global capitalism seeking more profit

>> No.17740877

The left uses sexual and racial minorities as a meat shield to advance their goals

>> No.17740889
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Real leftists are retarded too.

>> No.17740910
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>> No.17740926


>> No.17740951

That's not what happened. I forget the exact numbers but in one of the Eugene Debs elections (either 1912 or 1920) Jews voted I think 70% communist, otherwise that guy got between 2-6% of the vote. Point being that Jews display extraordinary political behaviour and the holocaust itself was more a consequence of their leftist politics than anything else.

>> No.17740963

>implying they became this way *after* the holocaust
Do you really think it’s a coincidence that they have been given the boot in some aspect in nearly every place they have ever lived?
How would medieval England and ancient Rome have come to the same conclusion? How did places separated by large distances come to the same conclusions? Why were there so many blood libel stories from all around europe from england to Ukraine with nearly identical details over the course of hundreds of years? How did courts at the time all across the world investigate these murders and find themselves lead to a local tribe? Many questions, no good answers besides “conspiracy theory!”

>> No.17740967
File: 2.30 MB, 400x400, Orthodox Hosing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secular Jews are literally the worst kind.

>> No.17741013

Yeah but it'll go the way of other aspirational "safe" cults present at any stage of cultural decline. What I am more interested in is right wing cults, particularly right wing millenarianism which of course is QAnon. Those have potential to develop still into the religions of the future - I can see QAnon developing into the christianity of the future, while alt-right hitlerism will certainly be lost for some time and experience a revival not unlike neoplatonism, I can see this becoming the basis for a future esoteric tradition, analogous to neoplatonism and the Western hermeticism

>> No.17741737

you cringey mf

>> No.17742488

Yes, the only opinión I share is the one gassing every single jew on this earth, nothing wrong with despising the people that want me dead

>> No.17742690

imagine thinking an entire ethnic group wants you dead for no reason
go outside

>> No.17743277

Didnt read the rest express yourself like a man not like a californian teenager girl, sissy

>> No.17743328


>> No.17743579

we will eradicate hate and you along with it rightoid

>> No.17744041


poor conservatards get roasted left and right
let them breathe lmao

>> No.17744245

imagine an ethnic group that celebrates the many times it genocided other ethnic groups literally saying it out loud time and time again whilst producing literature that can best be described as non-stop acts of aggression still being defended by system gophers because they watched Harry Potter once

>> No.17744433

>calling Gramsci an Italian
Lovecraftism is still racism.

>> No.17745051


>> No.17745219


>> No.17745829

>unironically giving your identity away to any -ist or -ism
beliefs aren't supposed to be engaged with by retards
it's an idea not a fucking subscription

>> No.17746050

>beliefs aren't supposed to be engaged with by retards
>it's an idea not a fucking subscription
Sorry but people need religion, this ways always going to happen once Religion got marginalized.

>> No.17746081

>firm belief systems that have iterated over millennia to be suitable for the masses
>ideas and philosophies that were invented or derived from the last few hundred years
people need to have a firm sense of self or stick to systems designed to support them instead of trying to substitute themselves in modern ideas which were never meant to be engaged with in an egotistical way

>> No.17746091


>> No.17746785


>> No.17747168

>Wow, the cult of not being racist and sexist
It's not enough to not be racist. You MUST be anti-racist.

>> No.17747282

>the emergence of
wtf? We're knee deep in it.