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/lit/ - Literature

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17730818 No.17730818 [Reply] [Original]


Take my test

>> No.17730836

> /lit/ - literature

>> No.17730845

That guy has a really feminine face

>> No.17730853

Yeah it's about how big your brain is

>> No.17730861
File: 238 KB, 1588x1186, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the non-prole answer

>> No.17730877

Where's the "I don't know" option?

>> No.17730925

This is the real prole filtering quiz. Please leave if you cannot answer at least 90% of these questions correctly.

Section I -- History and Literature
1. Draw a historical parallel (after the manner of Plutarch) between Hannibal and Joe Biden.
2. What internal evidence does the Odyssey afford that Homer sold his Trojan war-ballads at three yards a hexameter?
3. In what way were the shades on the banks of the Styx supplied with spirits?
4. Give a brief account of the Roman Emperors who visited the United States, and state what they did there.
5. Show from the words, 'Hoc erat in votis' (Sat. vi., Lib. ii.), that Horace was likely a homosexual.

Section II -- Euclid, Arithmetic, and Algebra
1. "The extremities of a line are points." Prove this by the rule of railways.
2. Reduce two academical years to their lowest terms.
3. If one side of a triangle is produced, what is there to prevent the other two sides from also being brought forward?

>> No.17730939

lmao I don't even understand those questions nigga

>> No.17730963

why does he make trannies seethe?

>> No.17730974

i am now blinded by the light

>> No.17730998

So I suppose I just have to pick the most pseud answer and I’m correct?

>> No.17731084

I'm a midwit. Anyone else?

>> No.17731210

He won’t let them go to the bathroom

>> No.17731231

These are all wrong answers. Why the fuck would the distinction between one and two be subjective? Why the fuck would they be equal? I hope you have a horrible week OP

>> No.17731293

Looks like someone's a subhuman prole.

That answer about subjectivity refers to whether or not you want to view the difference between one and two as qualitative or quantitative changes the frame of reference to either objective or subjective.

Object, Quantity
Subject, Quality.

>> No.17731319


>Section I
They both swore a blood oath to never make peace with Rome (USA being the modern Rome obviously)
The phrase 'wine-dark-sea"
Trick question. Shades are spirits.
Nero, visited the White House in the war of 1812 to watch it burn. (I know because that's one of my incarnations, t. Ahenobarbus Himself)
Only gays and women petition. Real men take and pillage.

>Section II
Train stations are called arrival and departure points, depending on direction.
The will of the producer of the first side of the triangle.

>> No.17731327

Nonsensical imbecile that you are you consider quality to be subjective when it is so evidently not. Congratulations on exposing yourself for the fraud you are.

>> No.17731341

Everything you said is subjective as Will be your reply

>> No.17731346

and this is why analytical philosophy is forever permacunted

>> No.17731355

Subjectivism is modernist slave morality.

>> No.17731446
File: 160 KB, 720x909, DeepFryer_20210216_165942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He uses either Objective or Subjective to cut at the living tissue of life and fashion reality into an idolatry of categorical schema

oh nononono

>> No.17731466

>he first claims that absolute subjectivity is the truth
>then claims it isn't
Subhuman prole you are indeed

>> No.17731473

Looks like somebody still doesn't understand his beloved subjectivity.

>> No.17731491
File: 2.23 MB, 1033x1033, 1615063751835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a man be so unfathomably based and redpilled.

Socrates would cum hands free.

>> No.17731497

My guy, I do not love subjectivity as I am not the one to claim that everything you or anyone says is subjective. It seems to me you are a schizophrenic who forgets his own posts.

>> No.17731546
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I sense deception

>> No.17731562

t. Subhuman Proles

>> No.17731572

>everyone but OP
Found the prole