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File: 40 KB, 220x337, perlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17730603 No.17730603 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17730630

The Denial of Death is the final blackpill. There's no blackpill beyond it.

>> No.17732099
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Dunno about whatever memepill book you've read, but conserning current western 'development' I'm reading a thoroughly well-written book, author is broadly read in perhaps all decent and good opinions on the matter he's commenting upon.
Would recommend it.

>> No.17732121

I seriously don't get the appeal of this book, it's like babby's first social critique by a boomer who can only talk in terms of pop culture. There's so many better books out there that attempt a similar thing.

>> No.17732166
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>> No.17732204

Given that his whole angle is that pop culture used to be a way more productive and exciting territory for struggle, somewhere people could imagine new political possibilites, then I don't think it makes sense to criticise the fact he focuses on pop culture. You can disagree with his argument for the importance of pop culture to political imagination, but it follows from that argument that it's pop culture is a worthwhile focus. It's not just a Zizek thing where movies are an arbitrary illustration for ideas that could be expressed otherwise.

I get though that it's not a groundbreaking work. But if you think of it as a really good propaganda (in the good sense) pamphelt, synthesising lots of ideas into a coherent framework that allows you to start noticing things and drawing connections, then I think it succeeds.

>> No.17732403

I've only read a few books taking deserved shits on leftist ideologies. I've not seen the cover, nor the author's name on lit, nor talk any serious discussion around the topic without falling into lit memes.
Maybe I'm just exstatic because I'm hearing of new thoughts and views which aren't already predictable to me.
Remember opening up Nick Land once some years ago, and thinking it's illegible boring trash. I still want to try him, just maybe in the future. This dude's style of writing isn't scroll-long, windabound, beataroundthebush sentences, wherein you lose the plot several times.

>> No.17732432

i've been obsessed wit the styling of that book for ages

i think in the 70s and 80s before environmentalism was formulised by academics and corporations it only peaked out in forms of esoteric and poetic art forms that harkened to tradition or an prim society that were on the face of it about other things like the Solstice radio play by Alison McLeay, first broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland 1983

>> No.17732445

man i post a thread for nuclear blackpills and you faggots are already talking about fisher. come on man

you know any other obscure esoteric anprim like Perlman? he was life-changing for me

>> No.17732463

Fair enough, I do disagree with the take on pop culture, but I see your point.
It's a book that invites memery because of both the content and the delivery. What do you think of someone like Neil Postman? He's pretty accesible but still hits the mark.

>> No.17732512

Haven't heard of him. Politics and/or philosophy isn't my main domain of reading.
Just dl'd his books, will check them out in the near future, thanks.

>> No.17732524

>political imagination
His focus on pop culture follows from the belief that "political imagination" is a worthwhile, real subject deserving of study and argument. In reality, it's simply utopian Marxist slurry that didn't make any sense or merit the first few times around with the Frankfurt School or Jameson. Cast out "imagining political possibilities," and the pop culture angle is pointless. It is absolutely valid to criticize his focus on pop culture if you have even a minimal level of doubt about his basic terms and motivations.

>> No.17732555

No worries, Amusing Ourselves to Death is a great book (as are most of his other works)

>> No.17732723

Kerry Bolton's Revolution from Above.

>> No.17732739
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Based, Bolton is underappreciated here. Also pic related.

>> No.17732979

dunno. i found him from wikipedia links leading from localism of the likes of schumacher, papworth, kohr, kirkpatrick sale

>> No.17732991
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>> No.17733038

Personally, what I hate most about human society, the global one, is how suboptimally it runs, persists and to me endless disappointment, slowly improves over time on average for the majority.
It's what keeps me isolated and never want to have to do anything with society. I'm further broken by incurable disease rendering somewhat permanently dependent on bearing in some vicinity to a pharmacy.

>> No.17733084


>> No.17733091


>> No.17733096

Ok Schlomo

>> No.17733134

i found him in the comments to that moloch post on slate star codex or whatever its called. man he's tough to track down

>> No.17733146

>written by a marxist
This is like reading flat earthers on astrophysics.

>> No.17733155
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>Camatte, Perlman
By now we've left Linkola in the dust. Can we go deeper?

>> No.17733194
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>> No.17733197

its more like an astrophysicist talking about astrophysics. Marxist economics and analysis has been proven correct time and time again. Its the most accurate way to analyze a society if you don't believe in chicago school fairy tales.

>> No.17733201

So cringe it hurts. Specially considering op’s book is superior by leaps and bounds to your le epic suicidal edge lord manlet meme and the author Fredy Perlman is of an intellectual caliber sans pareil to your little marxist.

>> No.17733231

Based, please recommend some books

>> No.17733232
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>Marxist economics and analysis has been proven correct time and time again.

>> No.17733254
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post books or shut the fuck up

>> No.17733257

This is as good as it gets.

>> No.17733271
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>> No.17733278

You talk like a third grader with an inferiority complex, life's long ago filtered you. You've done nothing of note in your insignificant life, and won't either. This is your blackpill.
>le cringe, le flex
ffs, children these days.

>> No.17733283
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>> No.17733285

guys stop picking on the marxists

>> No.17733287

>marxism = stalinism
ok buddy. enjoy your pragerU.

>> No.17733298

people need to project their insecurities onto someone. *shrugs*

>> No.17733317

All roads to communism requires Stalinism. There is no communism without a state. Communism is confiscation, which is popular for those who have nothing yet deserve nothing for contributing nothing.

>> No.17733329
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>> No.17733343
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>> No.17733345

>never read Engels

>> No.17733387
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>> No.17733650

Yup what a flat earther would say. Look outside your cult some day. Nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.17734071

Bump. I too am searching for similar books.
Cheers on posting the only relevant suggestion ITT. Looks like it’s written in the same vein.

>> No.17734256
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>> No.17734819

>only relevant
Read Against His-Story, Against Leviathan side-by-side with that essay. Thank me later.

>> No.17734827

Honestly, Kant, because now I can't study metaphysics in good faith anymore. Now I always have the sneaking suspicion that I'm wasting my time.

>> No.17734845

CCRU is based

>> No.17734863

Ngmi if you didn’t already have that sneaking suspicion way before reading Kant

>> No.17735755


>> No.17735758

mystical bullshit is not a blackpill

>> No.17735763

This >>17734863, how did you not realize from reading Plato that metaphysics were completely worthless?

>> No.17735779
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>> No.17735781

Kant removes all doubt

>> No.17735794

ah, yes, the special blend of communism meme.
Outcome is the same, all the time.

>> No.17735882


>> No.17735931
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>kant doesn't have a defined metaphysics system
you haven't read him

>> No.17735961

>man i post a thread for nuclear blackpills
why do you need them anyway, sounds cuckish

>> No.17736010

literally the only examples of marxist doctrine implemented were leninist ones other than meme shit that didn't even last a day (paris commune)

>> No.17737252

wow guys mark fisher AND kant? there's no brakes on this crazy train!



>> No.17737256


>> No.17737258

neither have you apparently

>> No.17737423

Atheists need not answer the question as it’s obvious that they lack the intellectual vocabulary to discuss any experience of the mystical
Yikes. Get lost midwits. Begone. Shoo!
It's unclear what you're implying. Try again.

>> No.17737432

Jewish angst

>> No.17737447

you are far from being as intelligent as you think you are

>> No.17737461

>Zapffe will never get translations
Norwegianbros, step it up

>> No.17737468

I’m reading it rn and it’s not blackpilling AT ALL unless you’re coming into it as a turbonormie.

>> No.17737478

>i need 500ml of copium injected into >>17737447 intravenous right now!

>> No.17737480

Baudrillard's Consumer Society is a far better book.

>> No.17737509

yep, double digit IQ detected
though the gnostic shit gave it away anyway

>> No.17737510

Based. Read it as a pdf a while ago. Just bought it in print yesterday and will re read it. Definitely one of my top 5 books.

>> No.17737535

Implying your insecure screeching is worthy of anything other than 4chan humor in response. Get over yourself midwit.

>> No.17737565

If I knew you were going to get this mad I wouldn't have replied, sorry. Stop boiling in rage and go do something productive

>> No.17737575

Fantastic book and as black pilled as you can get. I don't have any black pilled philosophical books like this, but I have read some that are the same ideas as Perlman but more applied to the state of civilization today.
>Limits to Growth - Donella Meadows
>Crossing the Rubicon - Michael Ruppert
Going to read Endgame by Jensen next

>> No.17737581

good to see another perlchad in here. what are your other 4? as you can see this thread's been infested with summer niggers

>> No.17737589

>It's unclear what you're implying. Try again.
lacarriere gnosticizes what perlman historicizes. there is a gnostic dimension to the leviathan, and there is a leviathanic dimension to gnostic thought

thanks will check out. I guess Perlman is the cream of the crop, then. not really a fan of Zerzan or Linkola

>> No.17737593
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That's literally what marxists waste their time doing on this fucking board.

>> No.17737600

I wouldn't say I have a strict ranking, but two out of my top five are listed here >>17737575
TBK and Batailles Peak would be up there as well

>> No.17737601

You're obsessed with black pills because you're masochistic and you don't want to accept the fact that life is whatever you make of it

>> No.17737613
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>Yes, it WAS communism, and it was glorious
Die, weak-willed shill.

>> No.17737648

I hate when people say this. Can't the opposite be true? You are so obsessed with your day to day life and making what "you make it" that you completely miss the obvious pitfalls of civilization.

>> No.17737653

yawn, you niggers are so fucking tedious

thanks gonna check out the bataille.

god just fuck off you fucking undergrad zoomer pieces of shit

>> No.17737696

Batailles Peak is good and more optimistic than Perlman. It was written by Allan Stoekl who translated a lot of Batailles work. The book was great and had a very novel idea on how to proceed in a world of diminishing fossil fuels, however I feel like a lot of it went because I've never read Bataille. I got Accursed Share on my shelf which I'll read eventually

>> No.17737708

*went over my head
I need to start proofreading more

>> No.17737763

Yes I'm gonna read it and Endgame. Perlman combined with study of other writers and visionaries changed my life. I just want that feeling again.

>> No.17737797
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btw Perlman's The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism is also great short read packed with insights.

>> No.17737811

I know what you mean. I'm going down the same rabbit hole except I started at the other end. I have been studying peak oil and resource consumption for 10 years and in the past two years have started looking into the problems of civilization from a philosophical perspective

>> No.17737848

Care to share anything? I started from the top-down, from a more metaphysical, gnosticized perspective and only really now am digging into the nuts and bolts.

>> No.17737964

Limits to Growth gives a very comprehensive view of the nuts and bolts. It is written in very simple language by a team of PHds that assembled in MIT. They created a model of human consumption and its impact on the environment. They ran this model thousands of times tweaking the variables. Most of the time, the model ended up showing a complete collapse in fifty years. The book was originally written in 1972. I suggest picking up the 30 year update.

Peeking at Peak oil is another book that explains the complex phenomenon of global oil production in simple language. It is more recent than other books on the subject and the author had a lot of inside information.

Crossing the Rubicon takes the ideas from both books and applies it to American get politics. It's about as black as a black pill can get. The author uses these ideas to present a very convincing case that 9/11 was an inside job. He doesn't resort to mundane shit like the melting point of steel. Everything he puts in the book is admissible in court. There is shit in that book that has been demonstrably proven. He has an entire section where he details the housing collapse even though his book was written in 2004. Oddly enough he committed suicide in 2014. Crazy right?

>> No.17737993

So 2022?

>> No.17737995

>American get politics
American geopolitics

>> No.17738006

Pop culture is the only culture these days.

>> No.17738010

I believe only gnosticism really understands evil as a systemic (formal) phenomenon, which Perlman characterizes the Leviathan as. I have found their visions extremely useful as far as being living witnesses to the corruption of world power, their writings are filled with that ancient spirit of resistance that Perlman rhapsodizes. I recommend reading Sloterdijk's paper on gnosticism in his new book After God. he doesn't talk capitalim and oil but he does talk the identity of power and sin.

got them downloaded and ready to go. thanks bud. one day we'll make it.

>> No.17738062

They stress repeatedly that they are not attempting to predict the future, only model it. They likely ran millions of simulations, I guarantee none of them predicted covid. Don't take the date for granted, but its good to be aware that this shit may not be far off. They stress attention to the shapes of the curves. They show that collapse is the likely outcome and when is somewhat of an irrelevant question

>> No.17738109

>They show that collapse is the likely outcome and when is somewhat of an irrelevant question
I really do feel a lot of people instinctually understand this. Society right now feels like a giant game of chicken, where you make money while you can and then cash out at the exact right time. Of course people have been cashing out prematurely since pre-2007. But the odds are going up year over year no doubt. I will check out some of the books you recommended.

>> No.17738114

I'll look into it. Gnosticism is something I'm generally interested in, but I wouldn't readily associate them with the problems in the world today. I am more interested in the psychological motivations that drive the problems inherent to civilization.

>> No.17738121

>I really do feel a lot of people instinctually understand this
Same. Its on the tip of everyone's tongue, but I feel like most people do not understand it and have no idea the scale of this problem.

>> No.17738124

That's what pop culture wants you to believe.

>> No.17738151

the spirit of resistance to a world-eater, the longing for a higher plane of life, a militant contempt of history and the animal in man - all these have a place in the stream perlman swims in. I find those kinds of psychological analyses interesting, but at the end of the day I am one soul in the belly of the beast

>> No.17738191

Have you seen/heard his interview with Keith Woods? What did you think?

>> No.17738201

I generally think we agree on a lot. Gnosticism definitely has spiritual wisdom that can be applied to the troubles facing us today. This is interesting and somewhat important to me, but I am seeking an explanation more rooted in evolutionary psychology. There is a multitude of ways to look at this problem. I believe the next 10 to 15 years will do more to influence society than the previous 2000.

>> No.17738213

No. E
Please post it if you have it

>> No.17738227
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Pop culture is all about myth-making and such, hence why it has such lasting influence. We can exist similar to Neuromancer, wherein we are all separated by our own subgroups with in-jokes and trends that flux rapidly, but the mainstream culture has moved on from more nuanced entertainment/art to things that are more overt, and easily recognizable.

>> No.17738228

gnosticism is what speaks to me as one soul lodged in the belly of the beast. perlman, the rest of these guys, they speak to me as a human being still engaged in society, trying to understand society. they both have their place.

i'm just tired man

>> No.17738277


>> No.17739283


>> No.17739365
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>the model ended up showing a complete collapse in fifty years. The book was originally written in 1972.
It has been 50 years. Things are definitely in a clear downward spiral and America is definitely in clear decline on all levels, but it is not a complete collapse yet. Does the 30 year update explain or justify this? (Give or take a few years, new unexpected developments, etc?)

>> No.17739374

Thinking too hard about this stuff when I am trying to wage work and not directly making preparations against it will legitimately tank my mood for the rest of the day.

>> No.17739416

Watching it now and loving it. Hearing him trash idpol I great.
They make it absolutely clear that what is written in the book is not a prediction. They simply model the changes. Like I said in another post, there is no way that covid was in any of their models and that will have an effect on the results. The dates and numbers are not important, the focus should be on the fact that civilization as we know it is not sustainable and will likely collapse.
Yea its pretty distracting. The best thing you can do is focus on being part of a strong community. No one will get through this alone

>> No.17739475

>trash idpol
How so? Is he denying sexism and racism exist?

>> No.17739479
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I've read a shitload of the kind, and nothing even comes close to pic

>> No.17739506

Just watch the interview fake butters

>> No.17739558

I am (not a fake, but w/e)

>> No.17739589

>”the worldly religion of the — is money.” — Marx
Anglo-banking whore whom had to be heavily ghost written by totally not an agenteur Industrialist Engels because of insurmountable imposter syndrome. Left wing communism IS an infantile disorder, as Lenin said

>> No.17740696

This book gets memed on here a lot. Is it worth the read?

>> No.17740780

very fond memories of reading this and Zerzan in high school.