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File: 102 KB, 1600x900, shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17730257 No.17730257 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of reading something by pic related. Is he any good? Considering Jordan Peterson too.

>> No.17730266
File: 22 KB, 292x460, 1612117542695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking of reading something by pic related.

>> No.17730286


>> No.17730298

he's EASILY the most important figure of the 21st century in that he is the CATALYST, the facilitating factor, whereby we may all look at his sister's bazongas. i have tried to imagine another scenario that fulfills that role but it simply isn't there.

>> No.17730301

Short nasal Jew and neocon

>> No.17730322

Where did he come from? Never heard of him before trump and suddenly every RINO in the USA was listening to his radio show.

This is obviously a bait thread but you should check out Jesse Lee Peterson instead if you want real conservative philosophy

>> No.17730329

Yes I recommend The Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors, and The Golden Bowl. Good luck.

>> No.17730337

Why is it that whenever I see criticism of these guys they never actually contend with the points being raised, they just endlessly attack their character and make out that you're a bad person for even considering them human? It's so cringe.

>> No.17730345

because nobody has the time to really convince you that you're retarded. we just call you a retard and go about our day.

>> No.17730349

Perterson is actually interesting, Shapiro just argues the basic points of American mainstream conservatism. There's no individual thought there whatsoever. If you're not familiar with that sort of thing you could do worse than reading him but don't expect anything approaching actual right-wing thought.

>> No.17730350

Is Jesse Lee Peterson incredibly based and speaking the truth or is he a wackjob off his meds?

>> No.17730353

I doubt that. you people are the most needlessly online by far

>> No.17730355

Ok, so what would you recommend I read to get insight into actual right-wing thought?

>> No.17730362

you just operate on the same intellectual level populated by ben shapiro and his more shallow critics, so it's no wonder you're not aware of the number of instances he's been torn to shreds.

>> No.17730365
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 4435524545452542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is obviously a bait thread

No it isn't

>> No.17730368

>uh, yeah? well.. you're online!

>> No.17730380

JLP is a bona fide side show, definitely a useful sambo for the conservatives

>> No.17730386

Incredibly based speaking the truth. Seriously give him a try

It’s ok anon I shouldn’t have assumed

>> No.17730390

There are lists for this sort of stuff but take a look at The Conservative Mind by Russel Kirk, it's an overview of right-wing thought in the liberal tradition. The more reactionary stuff should come after you had a basic political education in the sense of reading history, economics and the classics.

>> No.17730412

Get a job

>> No.17730429

Yes, exactly. You have the time.

>> No.17730438

No, I don't. I couldn't give a fuck about Shapiro. I just don't follow the 'poggers youtubers or streamers' that clap back to him on Twitter. Notice how you're not countering him either.

>> No.17730472

you're here.

>> No.17730972

because they're

leftoids seething about ben's rock solid arguments
/pol/cels seething about ben's chosen heritage.

>> No.17730981

oswald spengler's "decline of the west"

>> No.17730994

Imagine unironically taking them seriously, if you really need "criticism" for something that's self evident your IQ is probably below 90

>> No.17731245

Imagine trusting someone who couldn't sleep for 25 days and experienced "an overwhelming sense of impending doom" after drinking apple cider.

>> No.17731328

Ya see, you're doing it again. I don't give a fuck about these retards or their opinions. I just haven't seen ANY good criticism from the left outside of absolute rhetorical positioning. It's super cringe, and compared to Ben Shapiro, that's fucking tragic.
I'm really hoping you're a Red Bar fan.

>> No.17731336
File: 141 KB, 308x391, 2F69DDDE-502B-4430-A94C-446B6F586584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know he isn’t.

>> No.17731343

Consider leaving this board and never coming back

>> No.17731359

>criticism from the left
Political mush brain you are. Lit shits all over Shapiro and it comes from a position of the right.
Go watch some more autosuggest youtube videos psychologically designed to destroy your mind.

>> No.17731362


>> No.17731368

You're just protecting again. Do you have any actual insightful commentary or are you just gonna fight against the boogeymen Reddit have taught you to hate?

>> No.17731396


>> No.17731684

Shapiro is a puppet of Israel. You're a dumb cunt who can only see things in terms of left vs right. You are less than human, NPC drone.

>> No.17731743

Koch Industries

>> No.17731778
File: 202 KB, 400x246, 1570213038057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17731831


> Conservatism is sooo cool kids, right?
> Now for today's ethical question, how many american young men should you be ready to sacrifice in order to save a single Israeli citizen? The answer WILL shock you!

Why would you ever do this to yourself?