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/lit/ - Literature

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17729369 No.17729369 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I think I'm sick of being intellectual and educated for now.

Give me something to read that's just plain fun, filled with adventure and thrills and awe-inspiring scenery. Don't care about genre.

>> No.17729500

Brandon Sanderson(way of kings and mistborn)
Locke Lamora

>> No.17729552

Just read Xenophon's Anabasis instead of being a fag

>> No.17729572

>recommends faggy book
>instead of being a fag

>> No.17729648

Xenophon makes fun of fags in it, you'd know if you had read it. You can also try Flaubert's Salammbô.

>> No.17729687

Start with Guards Guards

>> No.17729705

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17729709

stop reading then you nerd. go outside and see it yourself as no amount of reading will ever compare to sensory experience. you were given this life to live it not strictly read about it.
“oh i’m tired of reading worthwhile books so i’ll burn my time away filling my head with useless trash YA books instead”
you literally might as well watch netflix or play vidya instead because it’ll bare minimum relate to normal people and not reddit fags on top of being more enjoyable.

modern fantasy is just that bad. i read the first 100 pages of way of kings and it was hot garbage, and it was recommended to me as the contemporary top tier of its genre. If you really have to go into fantasy, read LotR and nothing else. oh, and go do something else it’ll likely be a thousand times more valuable and memorable.

>> No.17729869

Just do drugs upper and downers

>> No.17729880

You sound like a pseud

>> No.17730138
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>> No.17730148
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>> No.17730172
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>> No.17730187
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>> No.17730228

that's just Drifters but less insane

>> No.17730246

Never heard of drifters, but I'll check it out

>> No.17730250

Hmm... looks like a bad ripoff of John Dies at the End

>> No.17730262


Stick with the books featuring the Watch or the witches past the first two. Add Small Gods and maybe Pyramids. Avoid the rest, and perhaps stop entirely after reading Night Watch. Especially avoid anything involving Death or Rincewind (past the first two books) or involved his daughter Rhianna.


>> No.17730276
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pic is my adventure shelf, here are some other recs from my collection
>lost horizon by hilton
sprawling unforgettable scenery with a great story, probably my favorite adventure novel of all time
>king solomons mines by haggard
simply a classic
>rip van winkle by irving
not necessarily daring, but a great story on the virtues of contentment and idleness that'll captivate you with it's all too brief descriptions of the colonial east coast
>desert solitaire by abbey
if you ever wanted to know more about deserts, abbey is funny and an all around adventurous character who will captivate you
t. adventure, nature, and travelogue appreciator

>> No.17730292

It's about a guy who gets powers and a magic axe after killing a monster with a boner

>> No.17730307
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>> No.17730311

Jurassic Park
Dragonriders of Pern
Alien/Predator Books
Winter's Tale by Helprin
The Ra Expedition
John Dies at the End
Food of the Gods by Khaw
Invisible Monsters

>> No.17730326
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>> No.17730335

The storyline about the de-aging daughter is heartbreaking. 10/10

>> No.17730339

That does sound very John and Dave-ish.
Sounds like the author read the first chapter of JDatE and decided he needed to write his own book.

>> No.17730341

robert louis stevenson's adventure novels are really fun and quick reads

>> No.17730371
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The Dresden Files

>> No.17730385

Kek, i guess. I've never heard of JDatE so I'll check it out i suppose

>> No.17730404

It's pretty fun. Me and my brother both really enjoy it, but we both wish it had more literary meat, but as far as bizarro horror-comedy goes, it's top shelf.

>> No.17730464

Reading for joy is a sin.

>> No.17730466

yeah, but it's one of the sexy ones.

>> No.17730477

Thanks so far, marked a bunch for hunting down.


Heard Butcher was starting to decrease hard in quality with last couple of books. Any truth to it?

>> No.17730482

Go LARP as an ascetic elsewhere.

>> No.17730532
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Skin game was the latest book I've read and i liked it. Of course, i can see why people think that. 18 books is a lot to write for one man's story. But i personally saw no change in quality between books 1-18. If your worried about over-serialization though, Jim's Codex Alera series is a great read. Only six books

>> No.17730585

Forsyth, Frederick - THE DEVIL'S ALTERNATIVE

>> No.17730613


I've actually read the first book of that, good to know

Also got two Dresden books, but can't recall anything about them except a scene where some evil (were?)wolves started fucking in a pile of gore.

>> No.17730618

The Hobbit & LotR
Under Pressure (I think another title for it is 47 Meters Down)
The Lais by Marie de France
The Song of Roland
There's some decent recommendations in the rest of the thread, and if you're willing to skirt the lines a bit, manga and graphic novels are another decent choice; Astérix and Tintin being easy choices but far from the only choices

>> No.17730623

Anything by Preston & Child, especially their early work. Just one great technothriller after another, the best in their genre except maybe for Crichton.

Relic, Mount Dragon, Thunderhead, Riptide, The Ice Limit. Later stuff is still good fun but gets more bogged down in continuity so they're not as easy to just pull one off the shelf and jump in.

>> No.17730637

>can't recall anything about them except a scene where some evil (were?)wolves started fucking in a pile of gore.
Kek, yeah the dresden series isn't as nearly memorable as the codex series. Just wait till you read captain's fury

>> No.17730646

t b h where else would evil werewolves fuck?

>> No.17731798

>just plain fun, filled with adventure and thrills

not sci-fi but the Aubrey/Maturin series, by Patrick O'brien, is my go-to turn off the brain and have fun series.

It's 20-something books about two best bros, captain Jack Aubrey and physician/naturalist/spy Stephen Maturin, sailing around in the napoleonic era just generally fucking up the french and being bros.

There's sailing, fleet actions, boarding actions, duels, some light spycraft stuff. Through the course of the books they basically sail around the world to all kinds of exotic locations. It goes pretty hard on the sailing jargon though, so be prepared to learn about age of sail sailing.

There are parts of the books that go over the times Jack Aubrey is landbound in between rounds of fucking up the french, and you can kinda skip through those I guess but they do a lot to grow the characters.

>> No.17732169

Dumas three musketiers is adventure kino to the max

>> No.17732209

Roadside picnic offers a very good atmosphere. Think stalker, but with civilization you can return to.

>> No.17733656

Just don't read the sequels.

>> No.17733665

Feist is fun.

>> No.17733735

The Wind in the Willows, Forrest Gump

>> No.17733822

So much virgin angst in this post. Just chill anon lol

>> No.17735092
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I have a soft spot for pulpy British spy novels

>> No.17736850

Old Star Wars novels
Old fantasy novels aimed at youth
Pulp mags, lots of them on archive sites

>> No.17736901

The great thing about the Iliad and the Odyssey is that they can be read both for intellectual purposes and for fun

>> No.17737029

This man has the correct answer
Go for a walk, hit the gym, do something

>> No.17737065

You can still have an active lifestyle and want an enjoyable book to wind down with at the end of the day. Most research suggests that low-stimulus, low-light, non-screen related activities are beneficial for managing sleep quality and quantity.