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17726040 No.17726040 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature that's anywhere near as powerful or relevant as the Qur'an? Over a thousand years since it was revealed and it is still a major direct influence.


>> No.17726057

The Qu'ran is not relevant nor powerful.

Why not read sonething else instaid of the quran.

>> No.17726074

Because the Qur'an is superior to all the words of creatures as Allah is superior to the creation

>> No.17726081

Its not, its a terribly bad book, go read something educated and stop being a barbarian.

>> No.17726097

No education can make you Allah

>> No.17726153

Thank God! Who wants to be the fantasy of some bedouine tribe.

Educate yourself, barbarian.

>> No.17726224

The best education is Qur'an

>> No.17727493

I've read the Western canon mostly and they all are nothing in comparison.

>> No.17727514

There's nothing that disproves the divinity of the Qur'an. The OT and Bible have been corrupted and tampered with over time, a feat not inclusive to our book.

>> No.17727672
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>> No.17727699
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i've read the quran
i've also read winnie the pooh
pooh seemed a lot more real to me, and contained a lot more relevant wisdom

>> No.17727860

Qur'an is strong as muscle, and contains wisdoms that have been forgotten by other religions. Which religion is the fastest growing one?

>> No.17727916

the pali canon is superior over anything written in the quran

>> No.17727952
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>> No.17728046


>> No.17728060

No I'm not a muslim (thankfully)

>> No.17728108

It's globohomo or muslim (or chinese subject) anon, that's what the future holds

>> No.17728122

Nah islam is being devoured by globohomo just as hard as christianity, muslims in the west are even bigger degenerates than westerners. Islam only works when it's isolated (which is impossible in our global predicament). It's either globohomo or chinese overlords, but I'll keep resisting anyway.

>> No.17728133

Which religion is the fastest growing? >>17727860

>> No.17728145

I guess your point was that there are more "muslims" but if they behave like globohomo degenerates that doesn't mean anything lmao

>> No.17728153

Globohomo is not a religion.
Also diaspora who weren't raised strictly muslim don't count.

I friendly suggest that you check out who the exmuslims are: shia and ahmadiyya "muslims". The Faith of the true believers is strong, and kufri outposts are getting exhausted from trying to slander it, it's only a matter of time before they are done.

>> No.17728170

>Globohomo is not a religion.
It functions just like one. And it's growing much faster than some desert cult.
>Also diaspora who weren't raised strictly muslim don't count
Then islam is no longer the fastest growing religion but actually declining.
>The Faith of the true believers is strong, and kufri outposts are getting exhausted from trying to slander it, it's only a matter of time before they are done.
Cope lmao, I keep being amazed that muzzies are even more retarded than christcucks

>> No.17728179

Cope. Most diaspora with a strict faith are actually Muslim, as well as the reverts from "your" own countries. Westerners will wake up before a bitter truth once the tide turns.

>> No.17728190

>still a major direct influence
you mean indirect, through such events as
>random bombings in Europe
>several wars

>> No.17728195


>> No.17728198

>no u
The diaspora with strict faith are a tiny minority, nearly ever muzzy from 2nd generation on is a huge degenerate, even worse than westerners. There are hardly any reverts to speak of, just degenerates who call themselves muslim but aren't. Keep dreaming though, no one can take that from you.

>> No.17728212

>nearly ever muzzy from 2nd generation on is a huge degenerate
Even those will prefer Islam to the West once true revelations occur. And they already are: a ton of 3rd generation Muslims are, subhanAllah, more pious than their parents or even grandparents.

>> No.17728213

Second generation also produces more radicals though

>> No.17728224

A fact he overlooked. Wonder why? He must be one of the fearful mentally ills that speak against the Deen.

No worries though, he'll be accepted once he drops hostilities.

>> No.17728229

Kek keep coping, mohamed
>a ton of 3rd generation Muslims are, subhanAllah, more pious than their parents or even grandparents.
You've obviously never been to a western country, this is bollocks. There's a handful, but not many.
Which is still only a tiny handful. Most of the radicals are single digit IQ idiots or ex-degenerates who feel shameful for their past and overcompensate.

>> No.17728237

Because it's a fact that doesn't matter in any way. I'll never accept any jewish sect, be it christianity or islam.

>> No.17728257

I think the radicals are just more common among the youth because unlike the old they don't see the west as a haven from poverty or war but alienating and what is more crucial is that youth are just always bolder so they don't try to bs over the religion whereas the elderly often try reconcile it with not "rocking the boat". The youth are the most disatisfied element of society right now and most eager to find a radical solution and Muslim youth are going to turn increasingly to Islam for that

>> No.17728258

The Bible BTFOs the Koran. Your "book" doesn't stand a chance.
You claim that is the word of the Supreme Being, but it's a bunch of incoherent, inconsistent ramblings that fail to tell a story from beginning to end in any meaningful way. Once I was lost, and I admit I was tempted to become a Muslim myself, I even went to a mosque on Fridays and read the Koran. Yet, Jesus saved me from making a terrible mistake.
You claim that the Bible has been corrupted, yet I ask you by who? To what purpose? Go do your research, and you shall see that Islam is the real corruption. You claim to be the oldest religion, but many of your practices are borrowed from the Gnostic Christian sects of the second half of the First Millennium. Your first mosques were not even pointed towards Mecca but towards Petra. Your "prophet" changes his mind on drinking alcohol halfway through the book. Also, we shouldn't forget that Muhamad was a highwayman after he left Medina, a common thief, something unheard of an Abrahamic prophet. And don't let me start on the satanic verses.
>b-but Muh recitation. Kuffar, look how beautiful it sounds when it is recited.
Yeah, your religion was started by a cipher.

and whoever says the Qu'ran is the ultimate revelation, let's not forget that, according to Allah, Alexander the Great (Dhul-Qarnayn, as he is named in the Koran) went to east and west to erect a wall between mankind and Gog and Magog. Gee, guess the historians forgot about that.

Stay blessed fellow Christchads, and I pray that our lost sheep anon will come on home.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me."
(John 14 : 6)

>> No.17728268

The Bible isn't preserved

>> No.17728273

Generally you're correct, but I've worked with these people and most are really just useful idiots, and the others are indeed (rightfully) dissatisfied but still behave like degenerate globohomo people. They're not muslims, they're petulant children who lash out in the only way they know of.
Are there some intelligent radical muslims who know what they're doing and behave according to muslim standards? Sure, but they're a tiny, tiny minority.

>> No.17728279

>fail to tell a story from beginning to end in any meaningful way
What about Joseph?

>You claim that the Bible has been corrupted, yet I ask you by who?

Most of what you say is extremely misinformed

>> No.17728280

Consider how many Islamic scholars and spokespeople exist on YouTube (Dr Naik, Haqiqatjou, Hijab, Shabir, etc...) and swallow your words.

>> No.17728283

Its funny how you both complain about globohomo yet argue about who worships the jewish god the most and therefore perpetuate it lmao

>> No.17728291

No, those are still a tiny minority. They can do nothing to stop globohomo so long as they worship jews and the jewish god. The average muslim is too retarded to understand what they speak of anyway.

>> No.17728301

These people are only given publicity because they work to abolish jihad. Those who don't are either taken off youtube (Awlaki) or carefully hidden (Ahmad Jibril). Even some of Musa Cerantonio's vids are deliberately hidden

>> No.17728327
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islam is only the fastest growing religion because of birthrates in backwards countries.
in the civilised countries of the world, we have developed past religion and we don't need 9 children because we have medical facilities that mean that mean children don't die in childbirth any more.
in the future three-way war between china, hindu india and islam, the chinks and poos are going to wipe you out.
you should have listened to winnie the pooh instead. most disputes can be resolved by eating condensed milk sandwiches.

>> No.17728344

making videos or other images of yourself is haram

>> No.17728396

Their public are not a minority.

>> No.17728399

>Most of what you say is extremely misinformed

care to explain how? I know you can't, I am just being rhetorical. And how can you claim that Jews corrupted the scripture when all historical and archaeological evidence points out that it wasn't so. The only corrupt thing is the Koran, a book that is 70% 5th-century Jewish folklore. If the Bible hadn't been properly preserved there would already be some evidence of it. Inconsistent versions would already surface, as the inconsistent versions of the Koran surface a few years ago, despite all attempts to have it destroyed. If the Bible was inconsistent, we wouldn't hear the end of it from the globohomo media, but luckily we don't.
Also, keep in mind that the earthly powers belong to satan, why is Islam protected where Christianity is persecuted in what used to be our own lands?

>> No.17728410

The Bible is way more powerful

>> No.17728415

Yes they are, and even if they weren't, they're still degenerates who watch those kind of videos to make themselves feel better about themselves instead of acting more like faithful muslims. Just accept that islam is being devoured by globohomo. That's what happens when you worship the jewish god.

>> No.17728435

and what god should we worship them? Where should we seek comfort in?

>> No.17728451

The gods of your ancestors before they were subverted by jews? You don't worship any god for comfort by the way, unless you're a slave, you worship god(s) because you seek truth, beauty and harmony. You've been swindled into thinking the jewish god is the only true god, but the fact that billions of christians and muslims willingly worship him has given rise to globo-zion.

>> No.17728489

That means I can't worship anything. I have no actual account of my ancestor's gods, except by Romans and then Christian monks. But if they are real, they will reveal themselves to me, no? It wouldn't be just a pathetic LARP?
And what are truth, beauty, and harmony if not comfort? What is religion if not cope for a mean and wicked world?

>> No.17728491

No Islamic practice has anything in common with gnostic practice

The first mosques had dirt floors and were not "pointed" anywhere, as the direction Muslims prayed was not marked, they were in Arabia

That alcohol was declared haram isn't really strange because according to Islam it was halal in the past. It wasn't made haram halfway into the book as the book is not organized chronologically and it was never sanctioned by it, indeed discouraged. Not all injunctions came at once but over time

Muhammad ﷺ raided the caravans of Mecca after they tried to kill him. If you're going to say prophets didn't fight wars, I'm going to say you don't know what you're talking about.

He started the raids after he left Mecca to get refuge in Medina, not after leaving Medina. He is buried in Medina

Dhul Quarnain is not Alexander the Great in any reputable exegesis I'm aware of and never had been, that's mostly a theory of people who aren't Muslims

Gog and Magog are still considered walled up in a mountain enclave, the wall isn't described as going as far as you say, those are just his travels

>> No.17728507

>Gog and Magog
Where are they and can you find them on Google maps

>> No.17728534

>That means I can't worship anything. I have no actual account of my ancestor's gods, except by Romans and then Christian monks. But if they are real, they will reveal themselves to me, no? It wouldn't be just a pathetic LARP?
It's the path of most resistance, anon. The way to truth is never the easiest. The gods never left us, we left the gods. You can find them again if you allow yourself to. Worshipping the god of the tribe that wants to enslave and exterminate you is the biggest larp ever by the way.
>And what are truth, beauty, and harmony if not comfort? What is religion if not cope for a mean and wicked world?
Is this really how muslims think? It explains a lot. So you only worship because you're weak? No, you should worship because you seek the highest good, not comfort. The world in itself is not mean and wicked, the world is full of beauty, you've just been blinded by materialism.

>> No.17728550


Quran 5:116-117, is basically Allah asking Jesus if he told people that he and his mother were gods. You will not find a single Christian would would say Mary is a God. God is all knowing and he would know that Christians don't believe this and this proves Muhammad couldn't be talking to an all-knowing being.

He thought the trinity was Allah, Jesus, and Mary, when it is actually the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Then the stories they have in the Quran come from the infancy gospel of Thomas which was created in the 2nd or 3rd century and early Christians had already rejected it as false.

The Christians of the seventh century had insensibly relapsed into a semblance of paganism: their public and private vows were addressed to the relics and images that disgraced the temples of the East: the throne of the Almighty was darkened by the clouds of martyrs, and saints, and angels, the objects of popular veneration; and the Collyridian heretics, who flourished in the fruitful soil of Arabia, invested the Virgin Mary with the name and honours of a goddess.

We believe that Islam was originally a Christian heresy and not a separate religion. In fact, I still think Islam has more in common with Christianity than something like LDS. St. John of Damascus who lived in the 7th century (aka St. John Damascene) even wrote a book titled The Fount of Knowledge that expounded on the Orthodox faith and critiqued various Christian heresies, and this included Islam (the first Christian work to do so if I'm not mistaken).

Here's a link to an English translation of it:

Hope you come on home! God bless you!

>> No.17728567

and what gods do you worship, anon? How did you decide that they were true? I really want to understand how to escape the Jewish lie, but everywhere I see are false prophets offering ready-made "spirituality".

>> No.17728613

>relics and images that disgraced the temples of the East
Are you against icons? What’s ur denomination btw anon. IIRC St. John Damascene defended icons

>> No.17728667

I worship Truth in the form of the gods of my ancestors (I'm European) to the best of my abilities, but it's not easy, partially for the reasons you stated. You don't have the comfort of a holy book providing you with all the answers, it's a continuous quest for truth and wisdom. I know they are true because they've shown themselves to me but that won't convince you. But any god is "true" to some extent, it's not that I believe the jewish/christian/muslim god doesn't exist, he obviously exists, but he only serves the interests of the jewish peoples since every god is tribal (to some extent).
You're correct, any ready-made spirituality is by definition false. You might unironically enjoy reading Evola and/or Guenon, I personally think Traditionalism gets a lot of things right. Don't take their words as gospel, just seek truth where you can find it. And learn about your ancestors' worldview to the extent that that's possible. We can never go back to the way things were, but seeking truth and not worshipping the god of subversion is as good a starting point as any.

>> No.17728687

>Jewish God
That couldn't be further from the Truth. Qur'an literally warns dozens of times against your so called jewish "subversion"

>> No.17728712

>The Christians of the seventh century had insensibly relapsed into a semblance of paganism: their public and private vows were addressed to the relics and images that disgraced the temples of the East: the throne of the Almighty was darkened by the clouds of martyrs, and saints, and angels, the objects of popular veneration; and the Collyridian heretics, who flourished in the fruitful soil of Arabia, invested the Virgin Mary with the name and honours of a goddess.

forgot to greentext it, anon. It's from Edward Gibbon.

>> No.17728726

Yet you still worship the jewish god. You cannot deny this. Abraham/Ibrahim was a jew, and you worship his god. The Koran, just like the Bible, is jewish subversion since it makes billions of non-jews worship the jewish god and therefore grants them power. You're being used.

>> No.17728735

>We believe that Islam was originally a Christian heresy and not a separate religion
It's the same God, only difference is you "come to the Father except through me[Jesus]" and we come to him directly

>> No.17728738

How does a Christian or a Muslim worshipping Yahweh/Allah actually benefit Jews? And be specific as well

>> No.17728758

I am surprised with how simple it is and easy to understand yet powerful and influential. No wonder Muslims can memorize it so easily. Proof that purple prose is for brainlets.

>> No.17728762

basically, you send him power, like in Dragonball Z. You pray for what you want, but it doesn't matter. Yawheh/Allah takes your power and gives it to the jews. I know this because the gods of my ancestors revealed this bitter truth to me. Look at how Israel (and Jews in general) are doing so good for themselves, whereas Muslim countries are shitholes and wherever they go poverty follows them.

>> No.17728789

This unironically >>17728762
You're being cucked into serving the god who wants you exterminated or enslaved.

>> No.17728865

>I am surprised with how simple it is and easy to understand yet powerful and influential
What these anons don't know is that the Quran serves as a mirror for your soul. What you are is what you find there. If you're profound you will fond profoundness there. On the other hand if you're shallow and sinple then that's what you will find there. If you compare it to a children's book then that's what level your mindset is at. Bashing Quran for something means only you're bashing yourself for it.

>> No.17728881

>Ibrahim was a jew
Completely wrong, he was Muslim.

>> No.17728909

>as the inconsistent versions of the Koran surface a few years ago
There are 7 recitations (as evidenced by the hadith) of the Qur'an that existed in the time of Muhammad saw.
Please inform yourself more thoroughly before making an embarassing post again.


>> No.17728915

Islam didn't exist until Mohamed. Ibrahim was both ethnically and spiritually a jew, and one of the gods of his tribe (Jhwh) wanted him to recognize him as the only god. This lie was then forced upon other peoples in the forms of christianity and islam. Mohamed was either a fraud or a useful idiot who did the work of the jewish god to enslaved many peoples, same for Saul of Tarsus.

>> No.17728931
File: 474 KB, 1139x1510, E1D5680D-D620-4BC7-8B55-D3CDD704C0F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Islam. Stop trying to force your alien ideology in me with little stupid vague quote “inspirational” pictures which try to make your religion is an aesthetically hopeless, violent, disgusting, and depressing sandnigger death cult.

>> No.17728936

>Islam didn't exist until Mohamed

>> No.17728956

You hate it because it exposed a truth in your way of life that makes you very uncomfortable. The most sickly of people are those who vehemently speak out against Islam, just look at all the "ex-muslims" they have constant disease and misfortune.

>> No.17728962


>> No.17728974

You don't have to doubt it, before mohamed islam was known as judaism.

>> No.17728975

More than one version yes, hence "7 recitations", why is that so difficult? please click on the links in the thread here read the corresponding posts and answers before discussing without knowing what you are talking about. Just for your information the content of both recitation you quoted is the same the wording is different these kind of recitation was declared as no more acceptable once the moshaf al-Imam was established and sent out to different Muslim cities, however it was an acceptable recitation earlier: it is called an explanative recitation. All Sahabah at the end accepted the codices 'Uthman has declared as binding.

>> No.17729011

It was Islam in everything but name and then Jewish scribes corrupted it for their own benefit which is why Allah SWT sent Isa saw and the rest is history.

>> No.17729037

Oh I am not bashing Quran. On the other hand I am praising for its flow and simplicity yet profoundness and engagement. Take Al Qiyamah for examples which talks about the resurrection. Okay simple concept that is talked about in many cultures. Yet the surah just doesn’t tell you about the resurrection. It does it in a way to invoke emotion. For example he is the start

1. I swear by the Day of Resurrection;

2. And I swear by the self-reproaching person (a believer).

3. Does man (a disbeliever) think that We shall not assemble his bones?

4. Yes, We are Able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers.

5. Nay! (Man denies Resurrection and Reckoning. So) he desires to continue committing sins.

Relating man’s slavery to his desires to denying resurrection.

And towards the end where Allah challenges the man to deny resurrection

36. Does man think that he will be left Suda [neglected without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory duties enjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him]?

37. Was he not a Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge of semen) poured forth?

38. Then he became an 'Alaqa (a clot); then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion.

39. And made him in two sexes, male and female.

40. Is not He (Allah Who does that), Able to give life to the dead? (Yes! He is Able to do all things).

Basically questioning the people who deny resurrection about denying the creator’s ability to resurrect through asking them how is a creator who gave life in the first place not able to give life to the dead. It’s even more powerful when spoken.

>> No.17729039

Lmao what a cope "we wuz the true jews"
My sides

>> No.17729048

That was extremely painful to read, no wonder muslims are so frustrated, imagine having to do this every day.

>> No.17729051

m “Muhammad” was not an actual person, but rather an epitaph, meaning “praised one”, “promised one”, or “god’s servant”, and agues that the four mentions of the name Muhammad in the Quran, do not justify the existence of an actual extant person, but rather one or more series of Muslim preachers who were selling an new reformed “Muhammad Jesus” figure as role model for a new Jewish-Christian upgraded religion, or something to this effect, in sort

>> No.17729062

No one believes that.

>> No.17729081

smart people do.

>> No.17729090

Smart people can believe wrong things.

>> No.17729101

give an argument at least

>> No.17729105

So much of what we have been told concerning how Islam began is proving, through historical research, to be quite false. In this session, Jay introduces some of the newest and most exciting research which is undoing Islam's historical credibility. This lack of historical credibility is one of Islam's greatest weaknesses and, Jay believes, will prove to be the religion's 'Achilles Heel' .


>> No.17729115

Its poetic value hasn't been recreated despite its content being a guideline on top of it.

>> No.17729123


How come when these people debate Muslim scholars, they always fall silent?

>> No.17729124

>Forum Of Christian Leaders
>Unmasking Islam
Gee it's almost like there's some sort of an (((agenda))) there

>> No.17729131

But there's other books that do that better (Vedas for example)

>> No.17729136

They really don't and hindu society is proof of that, rape and idol worship is rampant there.

>> No.17729140

Muhammad was real. There is so much historical accounts of him from non-Muslims such as Jews, Pagans, and Christians who interacted with him. You’re basically saying they all got together and made up Muhammad and somehow all managed to keep their story consistent

>> No.17729165

Yes they do and nobody does rape and degeneracy better than muslism though, idol worship is just a buzzword for jews/muslims/christians who hate people who don't worship their jewish god

>> No.17729168

yeah, and muslim societies are so wholesome...

>> No.17729170

>Muhammad was real. There is so much historical accounts of him from non-Muslims such as Jews, Pagans, and Christians who interacted with him. You’re basically saying they all got together and made up Muhammad and somehow all managed to keep their story consistent
Kek this, gaytheist cope is incredible.

Idol worship leads to materialism.

>> No.17729180

Denying Muhammad was real is very schizophrenic. Similar to flat earth theorists

>> No.17729188

everything does in the dark age, including islam. Look at modern muslims, they're even more degenerate than "idol worshippers". It's funny because the jewish/muslim god is the actual god of materialism

>> No.17729207


>> No.17729241

The agenda is to save your soul, brother. May God bless you!

In the 1970s the Revisionist School of Islamic Studies raised fundamental doubts about the reliability of traditional Islamic sources and applied the historical-critical methods to the early Islamic period, including the veracity of the conventional account of Muhammad. A major source of difficulty in the quest for the historical Muhammad is the modern lack of knowledge about pre-Islamic Arabia. According to Harald Motzki, "On the one hand, it is not possible to write a historical biography of the Prophet without being accused of using the sources uncritically, while on the other hand, when using the sources critically, it is simply not possible to write such a biography."

>> No.17729271

>In their 2003 book Crossroads to Islam, Yehuda D. Nevo and Judith Koren advanced a thesis, based on an extensive examination of archaeological evidence from the early Islamic period, that Muhammad may never have existed, with monotheistic Islam only coming into existence some time after he is supposed to have lived. This has been described as "plausible or at least arguable" and employing a "very rigorous historical methodology" by David Cook of Rice University, but has also been compared to Holocaust denial by historian Colin Wells, who suggests that the authors deal with some of the evidence illogically


>> No.17729273

>every god is tribal
>basically, you send him power, like in Dragonball Z
So you think you live in the world of Elric of Melnibone, written by Michael Moorcock?

>> No.17729329

What about gospels being written a few decades after Jesus died and people calling themselves Christians appeared?

>> No.17729341

I bet their "research" was sponsored by the Israeli Academy of Science

>> No.17729368

>Yehuda D. Nevo b. 1932 was a Middle Eastern archeologist living in Israel.
>Nevo discovered Kufic inscriptions in the Negev desert in Israel, four hundred of which were published in Ancient Arabic Inscriptions from the Negev. This led him and Judith Koren, a librarian at the University of Haifa, to re-examine the origins of Islam, and early Islamic history.
How dd I only guess?

>> No.17729432

the gospels are not the Word of God, they are just some texts that provided an account of Jesus Christ. Except for the gospel of John, they are not that well-written. The KJV fixes a lot of the stylistic issues that the originals have. The first Christian was the good thief that believed in Jesus as they were crucified.
I am convinced that Islam is the work of Satan, as they deny Christ's sacrifice, perverting the promise of Kingdom Come to a Paradise of bitches & food.
The thing is that you could demolish our churches, burn our bibles, murder our priests and pastors, and I can promise you that we will still recover the Good News, somehow through God's grace. Be mindful that Jesus as a child knew more than all of the rabbis in the temple. And yet he chose to be a carpenter, and preach to the multitudes, preach to the pagans. He left no written account because that's not what His Message was about.

>> No.17729497

>The thing is that you could demolish our churches, burn our bibles, murder our priests and pastors
Who is this they? Why are you shadow boxing Muskims when it is your own people that are doing this. Christianity is dying in the west and not a day goes by without hearing of another church being closed. It makes me sad, but it seems Muslims are the only ones that will carry the torch of the Abrahamic God. Quran even says that after Muslims you should be with the Christians
". . . and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say, 'We are Christians,' because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant" (5:82).

>> No.17729505

I was trying to say, you claim Mohammad never lived, how do you know Jesus lived?

>> No.17729547

>believes in magic sky fairy with magic powers
>no not THOSE powers, idiot!

>> No.17729557

Jews can get away with it because arabs fear them. If a religious minority in a muslim country did this then they'd be killed.

>> No.17729563

>>believes in magic sky fairy with magic powers
Who says I do? I do not, and I think what you/he/she believe(s) is ridiculous.

>> No.17729579

Jesus Christ lives! I have felt Him at times, but I saw his presence in people more devout than myself. Also, I saw and heard of miracles performed through and in His name. That's the thing with Islam, your prophet never performed a single miracle, just spat some mad bars, brah. He didn't heal a single person, he just was a successful conqueror.

>> No.17729583

s[he] be[lie]ve[d]

>> No.17729592

Different accounts of his existance.

>> No.17729639

>Mohammad never lived, there is no evidence.

>> No.17729646

There are thousands of people that claim they have seen and spoke with Muhammed.

>> No.17729667

from his time, too?

>> No.17729757

Where do you think all those hadiths come from?

>> No.17729795

There's his letters he sent to the current heads of state from the say Byzantian Empire and the Persian Empire

>> No.17729839

My natural need is eating bacon everyday so no your system is shit and the Quran was the worst book I ever read.

>> No.17729885


>> No.17729887

No, you don't have anything that survives which can authentically be attributed to Muhammad. With that said, the early Arabic historical tradition attributes all sorts of letters or statements from Muhammad to other rulers or leaders in the Near East during his lifetime. But there are numerous problems with these early Arabic sources, namely that none of them are written down until centuries after the lifetime of the Prophet. That's not to say that we don't find material that is very likely authentic in this tradition - we certainly do. But it does mean that we don't have any actual letters that were "written" by Muhammad (or his scribes) which survive.

>> No.17729910

Plenty of proof of his existence

>> No.17729918

Name contemporary resource that isn't Muslim

>> No.17729923

The existence of the caliphate.

>> No.17729953 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17730076

He was ethnically an Iraqi

>> No.17730085

The letters are in Topkapi.

>> No.17730108

What a cope lmao "we wuz iraqis"

>> No.17730214

No I mean he literally was and wasn't Jewish in any way. The twelve tribes are based on the sons of Jacob aka Israel. Abraham was a forefather of Jews but also Arabs, he was not actually Jewish himself except according to contemporary Zionist Christians, it's like calling Adam or Abel or Enoch or Noah Jewish

>> No.17730240

So arabs are jews too? Don't tell the arabs and jews, they might get triggered.

>> No.17730268

muhammad (piss be upon him)

you are a locust. What have you islams invented for the world. name the gifts of allah given to muslims to share with the world ?

now I will name some Christian contributions (excluding our respective texts, of course, can't just claim the quron as your only blessing, right?) Automobile, aeroplane, electricity, telephone, industrial revolution, cotton gin, ( you use this if you wear any cotton at all. you use christian services) internet, personal computer, calculus,

BTW arabic numberals are actually indian numerals so don't steal that, little locust, and greek philosophy was preserved by christians long before they were translated to arabic.

You honestly believe allah has given you the truth ? you only make yourself a slave to the black cube kaaba (symbol of saturn/satan). you slave to jewish kaballah. do some study, my friend.

>> No.17730306

According to a lot of Islamic historians whites are descended from Isaac

>> No.17730325

>name the gifts of allah given to muslims to share with the world ?
The earthly pales in comparison with the afterlife.

>> No.17730356

you cannot debate honestly with an islami. they only lie. read the quron and it becomes entirely evident. it is a prime example of "brainwashing" techniques as we would call it today. quite similar with released reports of cia mkultra

read "the myth of the andalusian paradise" by dario fernandez morera. Muslims have only ever stolen, virtually never creating anything productive. They even despised knowledge and learning because it was an offense to dedicate time to the learned arts when that time should be spent struggling (jihad) against "people of the book" (christians). only very recently have the "academic" losers purchased with oil money began spewing "religion of peace" nonsense. It is nothing more than an infiltration tactic; a trojan horse.

>> No.17730360

Stay in the desert Mohammed, I’ll do what I like and your “god” can send me to hell if he pleases.

>> No.17730375

>the myth of the andalusian paradise
No one respects this scholarly work. Not Christian scholars and not secular ones.

>> No.17730403

I agree. The heavenly realm is beyond compare.

So why do you worship the black cube ? you really should do some study of your own, my friend. you seem quite unlearned in the ways of our own realm or the beyond. your ancestors worshiped saturn, as a symbol of satan, and muslims do the same in bowing to it today.

your quran denies your hadith, and your hadith denies your quran. you a a heretic away from your own book if you follow hadith. think about it, seriously. prove to your master you have a God given mind to search out the Truth of The Eternal Creator.

BTW huge difference if Creator and architect. you bow to a mere architect. your architect can stack stones, but only the Creator can form something from nothing.

>> No.17730433

it is well written and well sourced and cites fully the materials it draws upon.

"no one respects this work" really?? the purchased stooges stuck in the evil one's web praise a lie and deny a truth ? you don't say ?

next you will tell me that hollywood is trying to tell me the truth too.

your defense of the corrupt system that supports your own corruption tells me all I need to know.. Don't mistake everyone as being dumb as you. Some have God's blessing, some are hardened in their hears, their eyes, and their hearts. We see who you are...

>> No.17730436

>So why do you worship the black cube ?
That is a faulty premise and you will be ridiculed for suggesting we do.

>> No.17730501

again. I am not dumb enough to fall for your lies. you march around and kiss a black cube. why lie about that ? google kaaba and hajj. are you not proud to kiss the black cube ?

you love the black prison of the mind. the infinite darkness.
You have found bliss in your ignorance.

I read many nonfiction books, by many authors, every week regarding the many religions of the world, including islam. I know more about your book than you do my friend. I guarantee. be honest with yourself...

>> No.17730531

We'll be praying for your mental health, anon!

>> No.17730534

Regardless of our differences in this conversing, I pray peace upon you, brother. I truly wish to see you, and all God's children, in His kingdom on that Last Day. earthly life is pretty short.

>> No.17730548

Thanks, friend. Love you. Keep digging.

>> No.17730561

Giving the salam to kuffar is prohibited and so is calling them brother unless they are biologically

>> No.17730595

>can't wish out-group a good life
typical mudshit

>> No.17730616

What a sad regression of humanistic philanthropy.

>> No.17730644

Reminder: these people beg to be let into your nations and continue acting like victims once they've every conceivable privilege handed to them.

>> No.17730671

You can wish they become Muslim

>> No.17730675

Remember NATO (you) is bombing us and Turkey allows more refugees than any other country

>> No.17730705

I am not NATO. How hard is it for you to distinguish the common man and the government?

Inb4 he makes a vague reference to us voting for the politicians that bomb their shitholes

>> No.17730709

If you aren't your nation then no harm that Muslims come into it as in isn't infringing on you, just your nation

>> No.17730720

By that logic I should be grateful to NATO for bombing your sandbox because of what your diaspora is doing here.

>> No.17730729

...and it's very much infringing on my rights to not be mugged at night, you are overrepresented in crime statistics and make living in this country more difficult for everyone.

>> No.17730745

imagine using spook concepts, I thought muslims didn't believe in ghosts?

>> No.17731001

Whoever is mugging you isn't me anymore than your nation is you

>> No.17731229


>> No.17731247

That's why nobody takes islamic historians seriously

>> No.17731268

And no one respects Christian historians because they bend over for modernism and lose their religion.

>> No.17731292

Correct, they're both retarded

>> No.17731337

yeah but have you read infinite jest

>> No.17732383


>> No.17732675

You will always be a fat, brown, unabrowed, sand person. Your god can not help you. I simply hate your god because it is not beautiful and everything he stands for is not. I need no other reason.

>> No.17733942

Absolute state of Quranfags. Kek

>> No.17733974

>Be me
>Don't worship sand nigger god
>Lead a moral life to best of my capabilities
>Still go to hell because tiny dick Allah angry

Islam is a cult where being muzzie is more important than being good.

>> No.17734024

Coming to a Mongolian basket weaving forum to spread the word about a desert pedophiles' religion.

Guess you should re-examine your life choices.

>> No.17734061

I want to know why these threads keep on popping up and why they're just autistic shit flinging.

>> No.17734358

Given your eloquence, I highly doubt you are any good at all.

>> No.17734377
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if only you followed the wisdom of winnie the pooh as i suggested, you wouldn't feel the need to be quite such a snide little shit

>> No.17734396

>Don't use good words to describe my imaginary sky daddy.
>Highly doubt you're good

Why are muzzies so devoid of critical thinking.

>> No.17734409
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this is now a muslim qt thread. post em if you got em.

>> No.17734467
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Here you go anon

>> No.17734519

THIS is the best post in this thread

>> No.17734531

Brother, you should convert back to your pre Islam domination. Return to your Pagan roots. This is the future if humanity is to survive Satan's choses "people".

>> No.17734536

Direct influence on what? World wide domination through arab supremacism and jihad?

>> No.17734538

It's a completely retarded post.

>> No.17734619

You're angry because for a very short while you were forced to confront the fact that you a slave religion to Jewish domination. You are played by the Jew as well as serve him. Who do you think pushes to bomb Muslim countries? Jewish supremacists/Zionist. Who do you think is pushing mass migration of Muslims into Europe? Jewish supremacists/Zionists. The goal of the Jew is to rule over the planet at ANY cost. All followers of Abraham serve the Jew who only serves Satan himself. This is what is true. Jews and females must lie to succeed. Those who seek truth seek god. God IS truth. Your people are so unfathomably P0WND by Islam (Jews) that you have lost all the courage to admit Islam dominated and slaved a once noble people who are not willful slaves and cowards and weak and pathetic. All you degenerated people can do now is lash out like teenagers and hope so subvert other people. What disgusting cowards Islam degenerated your people into. Your own hope is to learn about your ancient people and native culture and religion but Islam makes that practically impossible.

>> No.17734822

>Is there any literature that's anywhere near as powerful or relevant as the Qur'an?
The Bible lol gg ez

>> No.17734826

So Russia is controlled by the Jew?

>> No.17735169
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The Qu'ran is the work of the devil, and Mohamed was an Antichrist, as denied Jesus's sacrifice. In the gospels, the Saviour warns about false prophets who will come in his name. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6). Islam is bootleg OT Judaism, something that our Saviour came to abolish. Also, if you look at the Bible, you will see that it has a single consistent narrative, that of God trying to bring us back to him after we have sinned.
>God selects a chosen people as they are descended from some dudes he liked
>Chosen people fail him again and again
>"Yeah, I think I should expand this operation,"
>"but they got to see that I am for real"
>God impregnates Jewish virginal qt with Himself
>God incarnates himself into Jesus Christ.
>Jesus preaches a message that it's almost impossible to understand. He wants to return humans to the state that they were in before the fall. A long and arduous process.
>Legalistic jews start hating on him. Radical jews are angry that he isn't a warrior that wants to fight the roman powers that be.
>Convince Romans to nail him on the cross
>Jesus has a moment of doubt like a human, suffers like a human, dies like a human
>His death rips apart the veil in the temple that hid the altar, symbolizing that man can now be rejoined with God
>Is dead for 3 days, ressurects
>Comes back and tells the Apostles to preach the Good News to all nations
>In Europe, all previous deities (demons in disguise) are slowly but surely defeated, Saints taking their place
>Satan gets angry, so he looks eastward, sees spastic, yet ambitious, merchant married to a witch
>"Yeah, Mo', so I am the archangel Ga-a-**coughs, can't pronounce the name as it's holy**, you know what, Mo', call me Jibril"
>"So, Mo', Jesus wasn't the Son of God, you are actually the last and best prophet"
>" and Heaven is a place where you will get plenty of bitches, chill in a garden, and all you got to do is deny Christ, I mean worship Allah, he is only One,"
>later, "What, Mo', they told you that I got a lot of stuff wrong? Well, them that their versions were corrupted"
>later, "Yeah, and Allah has three daughters,"
>"They didn't buy that, well you were fooled by the Devil, I know that because I am not him, I am Jibril and I saw that"
>"Now, you go on murdering and committing genocide, that's what God wanted you to do, that's what Jesus, who isn't the Son of God, will do in the last days"
>"yeah, and before you go, you can do whatever you want, marry whoever you want, your God's prophet and can do no wrong"

>> No.17735250
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Your video is right about Europeans, especially communing with their ancestors when they embrace Jesus.
You're never going to connect fully with the European race because we love dogs and commune with nature, whereas Mohamet is the prophet of cats.
A predator who brings natural imbalance.
A mongrel monoculture who share no bonds of historical affiliation towards this land, as much as Timothy Winters wants to try.
You will be driven over the cliffs, and back into the sea.
This said, our peoples have been brought together in this land with the intention of conflict, and to distract our energies away from usury, sin and the world of mammon.
t. Christian who lives in the most Muslim area of the country.

>> No.17735293

You kill stray dogs extensively because of you didn't you would find them unbearable (killing stray cats is forbidden in Islam). You breed them into abominations of nature that suffer heart malfunctions or turn them into toys lacking dignity. Muhammad ﷺ said owning dogs for hunting (including retrieving and killing), shepherding, farming and security is permitted. Just not as indoor pets. And if you reflected a but you would see your culture of dogolatry is a perversion and has nothing in common with fir example the love Odysseus had for his dog

>> No.17735354

As your video correctly states most people are corrupted.
Yet even in this state they love dogs, and nature. A symbol of our race, that which you correctly identify as the race of Odysseus.
As I have said above it is fitting you hold cats in such high esteem.
You destroy nature, you predator, and are not of this land.
Think you've had a bit too much biryani pal.

>> No.17735374

The west are the main source of consumption which is the primary agent destroying the planet....

>> No.17735407

You ever been to Bradford? Pakis aren't ascetic.
Your people are obsessed with luxury, and there is rubbish everywhere.
The moment Muslims move in they tarmac over the garden to put in a driveway for their five cars with personalised number plates.
You're misdirecting, and then shamelessly placing ellipses to try and suggest there is something deeper beyond your single sentence twitter post.

>> No.17735414

>There are 7 recitations (as evidenced by the hadith) of the Qur'an that existed in the time of Muhammad
No, there weren’t. We have no Qur’ans from that time period, and the ones we have are not just 7. If there are 7, then what are they, and who recited them, and which one is the actual uncreated Qur’an on the tablets in Jannah.

>> No.17735417

Do Muslims actually believe this? I lose a lot of respect for them if so. At lest Christians accept that Christ came to modify the Jewish faith and his modification became Christianity. They don't retcon Judaism itself.

>> No.17735459

Do you know how piracy became an epidemic from Somalia?

He's correct, the Qur'an was revealed in seven dialects and Hadiths support this. However what the difference is now is not a dialect but different readings within the Quaraysh dialect, each based on a chain going back to a companion

Prophets predate Judaism in the Bible. Abraham also was objectively not a Jew, this is a Christian misconception and very modern. The father of the Jews is Jacob. Abraham is the grandfather of Jacob and and the father of Isaac and Ishmael (the father of the Arabs). He was a ore Judean prophet like Enoch and Noah

As for Judaism as we know it, it arose in the Babylonian captivity

>> No.17735479

>the Qur'an was revealed in seven dialects
There were no dialects in written copies, considering that diacritical marks in the Arabic script weren’t a thing until the 9th century. The Hadith record an anachronistic and redacted forgery in that case then. Also I’m waiting to see these 7 accepted Qur’ans, who recited them, where and when they were from, and which one more adequately meets the criteria of the Qur’an being the uncreated verbatim word of Allah.

>> No.17735489

Dialects included big difference in letters not just marks.

The ones with solid chains are considered totally valid

>> No.17735573

> Mahomed seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men. (Thomas Aquinas)

>> No.17735691
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>Somalian pirates
I'm always ready for a didactic tale, let's see if there's anything new for us to learn.

>> No.17735727

Wasn't Aquinas obese?

Europeans kept dumbing toxic waste on the fishing spots so the fishers turned into pirates against them

>> No.17735761

it's a literal copy and ripoff of the bible and torah
/fraud/ general is on /fit/ bro, go there.

>> No.17735808

Ad-homming this early already?
No he wasn't obese. No it doesn't mean he was wrong.

There, simple, A1 level sentences that your insect brain can understand.

>> No.17736253

And your point is?
Weren’t Somalis Muslims?
Wasn’t Muhammad a pedo and pervert?

>> No.17736623
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>Israel accused Iran on Wednesday of being linked to a recent oil spill off its shores that caused major ecological damage, calling the incident environmental terrorism.
Does this now allow Israel to commence piracy against Iran? No.
Yet those bandits will do so anyway, just like Somalians. It was never about ecology or fishing.
Yet again, as expected, your didactic tale was actually an excuse for more blame and misdirection from the eternal paki.
We're tired of you.

>> No.17736649
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>> No.17736672

>a few thousand are not a minority