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17723504 No.17723504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17723511

Pope Francis is the best Pope in modern history and people who think otherwise are retarded beyong comprehension

>> No.17723530

None of those thinkers offer solutions and Iran is cucked to Russia now and the Vatican is just cucked period

>> No.17723556

I've read more Marx than anyone on this board and I can confirm that he was not only retarded and wrong about everything, but willfully knew he was misleading the working class and middle class.

>> No.17723566

That sounds hilarious but can you point me to where I can find that last part?

>> No.17723568
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Guénon, Evola, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Schoppenhauer and other fags like that are equally as vapid, pretentious and meaningless tired cliches, their only claim to being based is the fact there are less retards that worship them.

None of you fags have the balls required to shamelessly dickride Ayn Rand, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, or even just be plain old Aristotelian without sweating cold at the FOMO of not being "in" with the rest of the cool kids jerking off to nietzsche's neurotic retardation.

>> No.17723581

Marx was clearly some sort of psychological operative plant placed and financed by plutocrats who wanted to plant the seeds of "revolutionary" thought so they could incite violent regime change in the common idiot. There are conspiracy theorists that claim he was a second degree cousin or grand-nephew of a powerful Rothschild, but I can't confirm.

>> No.17723595

Yeah. The more I read him the more something seems "off" about his philosophy.
On a surface level, his ideas make sense. Capitalism is bad. Workers are exploited. I get it. It's a genuine problem.
But the angles he takes almost seems as if the elites knew that the workers would eventually get revolutionary ideas, but decided to nip that in the bud to give them the FALSE revolutionary ideas decades in advance. It's like they anticipated a workers' rebellion but invented communism in order to make sure it never happens. Pretty genius actually.

>> No.17723623

Socialism was already a budding movement before Marx came in the scene, and his writings became suddenly very popular and very influential all at once, dominating the socialist discourse, entirely co-opting it.

Pretty sus if you ask me

>> No.17724102

why are the ayatollah and pope on the casting couch

>> No.17724112

I like that the Pope is clearly more into it, nice touch.

>> No.17724119

>so you think you got what it takes to be one of my choirboys...

>> No.17724134

They met in Iraq.

>> No.17724142

I don't know about foucault and marx, but if you think shitting on conspicuous consumption isn't counterculture then you're an idiot.

>> No.17724143

Nietzsche is like the least cool philosopher

>> No.17724227
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Marxism has successfully been integrated into capitalism and popular culture to serve its growth and domination. the function it provides to capitalism is an ironic one, its about opening the minds of working class people to all sorts of other utopian retardation which alienates everyone and pits the working class against each other with an infinite pool of irreconcilable petty grievances and cultural and ethnic divisions all stemming from deranged fixations with utopian thought

>> No.17724623

I can get clerics like you jobs that pay a thousand to five thousand dollars a day. Now is that more than you're making right now?

>> No.17724649

he's literally a fucking atheist, he used to see a psychiatrist for god's sake, he slobbers on nigger feet and shills for immigration to appease his worldly masters. i am utterly convinced that the prophesy of the popes is correct, and that the current pope will be the last of them all before the apocalypse and the final judgement come

>> No.17724772

He rapes kids undoubtedly.

>> No.17724803

Are Masonic Jesuits allowed to post on 4chan?

>> No.17724847
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Pope Francis like a good bunch of Post-II Vatican Council popes is a guénonian traditionalist who uses ecumenism and interfaith dialogue as a facade to recover the West's lost metaphysical principles trough a profound understanding of the Eastern traditions. One day his efforts will bear fruits and the West will return to its old roots by recognizing the supremacy of the spiritual power over temporary authorities, meanwhile we have to wait until the work is completed facing daily threats from the hylic hordes of conservatives who without their knowledge are active contributors of the summoning of Modernity.

>> No.17726615

>muh individualists

>> No.17726637

Yes but the opposite

>> No.17726639

who gave you access to the internet?

>> No.17726658

>if you don't hate black people you're an atheist

>> No.17726684

>but if you think shitting on conspicuous consumption isn't counterculture then you're an idiot.
"america = disneyland" is not an interesting nor brilliant nor revolutionary insight.
this is because marxism cannot survive on its own, and can only exist by forming a symbiotic relationship with neoliberalism. in fact, I would go one step further and suggest marxism can ONLY exist through neoliberalism because any other ideology would quickly snuff it out if given the chance. only through neoliberalism can marxism spout platitudes of revolution, change, and progress.

>> No.17726721

>bruh people have a comfortable level of taxation and economic freedom in this country that gives us decent disposable income that we can spend on fun things just for enjoyment because our needs are already sustained, that FUCKING SUCKS

First world baby living in social utopia, desperately grasping at straws for something to criticize in society.

>> No.17726749

>>bruh people have a comfortable level of taxation and economic freedom in this country that gives us decent disposable income that we can spend on fun things just for enjoyment because our needs are already sustained, that FUCKING SUCKS
Emphatically, 'Yes'. If you don't see how this is a bad thing then you are not well read or willfully ignorant.

>> No.17726759

>Capital bad because muh degeneracy
>Capital bad because money bad, that's it
>Capital Bad because I don't wanna have to do work

>> No.17726763

>marxism can ONLY exist through neoliberalism because any other ideology would quickly snuff it out if given the chance
makes sense desu

>> No.17726780


>> No.17726793

t. faggoty witchman or uncle ted dickrider

>> No.17726799

Is that the only reason anyone reads? For the counter culture?

>> No.17726842


>> No.17726854

Why would any Christian read Guénon, the guy who thought Christianity was devoid of spirituality and went on to larp as several eastern religions before becoming a Muslim?

>> No.17726867

You have to understand that Europe isn't Christian anymore. The future of the Catholic church is in Africa, they recognize that, and are acting accordingly. It's not a religious question, it's simple statistics. Of course the pope bends over to worship niggers, he's out of a job otherwise.

>> No.17726869

>he used to see a psychiatrist
Religiosity is indeed a mental disorder

>> No.17726874


>> No.17726877

>the point of Christianity is being universal
>noooo you can't preach to those races!!

>> No.17726895

>>Capital Bad because I don't wanna have to do work
This desu. can't wait for full automation. I feel like its gonna fix most flaws of capitalism or might as well just become a different system altogether. There's literally no excuse for labor anymore

>> No.17727004

>Acting like Heidegger is counter to Foucault, Baudrillard...